Ahmed Hamed – What Is The Proof Of Prophethood Of Last Messenger Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon, as it is the last and final messenger of Islam. They also mention that the proof of prophethood is the title of the Prophet's the symbol of his actions, and that the history of talks and talks about the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the idea of the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the
AI: Transcript ©
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Welcome to the program, Islam insight, a very special series essentially dedicated for a new Muslim brothers and sisters, how do we commit ourselves to gain knowledge regarding Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him like to know is he just compulsory for him somebody told me that a Muslim is not allowed to have relationship with a non Muslim knowledge revives the spirit of Islam.

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Brother, what is the proof of the prophethood of

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the messenger, the last messenger of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon. You see, there are so many proves for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him to be termed as a prophet, and a messenger. However, we would like to make this point very clear, the proof is valid, the proof is certain The proof is truth, for only those who would like to see the truth. For those people who do not want to see the truth. For those people who do not want to discover the reality for those people who wants to close their eyes and yet want the light. For them, there is no light. For those people who want to remain in darkness, but they complain about light doesn't come to them. For them, there will be

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no proof for them, they will be no proof for them to be convinced and believe in the Prophet. And for those people who are honest, for those people who would like to learn for those people who would like to understand, to explore for those people who have this quest to know the truth. For them, there are immense proves that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the last and finally messenger and he is the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala. The number one proof, which they can see, read, understand and reflect and finalize themselves, if they're honest, that Muhammad peace be upon is the Messenger of Allah subhanaw taala is the Quran itself. The Quran is the proof that Allah

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subhanaw taala has sent this book to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and it comes as a criterion as a distinction between right and wrong. It comes as a proof as a delille as an evidence as an ayah as a sign as a reflection for people, to reflect, for people to remind for people to understand, for people to know. This is the first proof of the prophethood of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Also, there are certain proofs like for example, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, he did so many miracles, he did so many miracles during his time, which proves that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as a true prophet, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in front of the size of the

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disbelievers of that time, who were rejecting and denying the truth of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam to be the Messenger of Allah, he did sign he did miracle in front of their eyes. But those, as I've said, do not want to see the truth. Those who wants to close their eyes, but once the light for them, there will be no proof. Even if you bring the entire thing. They will never be convinced.

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The proof of prophethood is also can be reflected in the love and obedience of his oma.

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This is something reality. This is something tangible, this is something practical. You see the worst Muslim, the most of Muslim. You see the worst. I mean to say, who's not practicing, who is not obedient to Allah subhanaw taala this Muslim, if he confronts a person who says something wrong to Muhammad peace be upon him he can't pay.

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He can't bear.

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What is that? His fate demands to defend us all of us.

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He can't listen anything bad about Muhammad. Did he see him? No. Did he learn more deeply about him? No. It is from Allah subhanho wa Taala that the Muslims are prepared to give their lives to the law. So the law on insulin even after more than 1400 years, this itself comes as a reflection as a proof for people who would like to sincerely analyze

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Muhammad peace be upon him was a true prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala the actions that people that Muslims would love to do, the obedience that people would like to do, the righteous people, the good Muslims who would like to emulate, to copy, to understand, to learn about the life of Muhammad peace be upon him reflects the proof that Prophet Muhammad and Islam was the last of all the prophets was the Messenger of Allah sallallahu sallam. In addition to that, we know that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his life, unlike any other person is recorded authentically is recorded and preserved and protected, and hamdulillah till date, and will be protected in order that

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we may learn, we may understand, we may live our life, under the light of guidance under the example of the life of Muhammad peace be upon this also my brother, this also proves that Muhammad peace be upon him is the last and final messenger of Allah and His Messenger hood was truthful.

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There is a historical proof as well,

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that even the non Muslims have acknowledged that that Muhammad peace be upon him was a true prophet. Indeed. Like for example, Bernard Shaw is one of the historians who says some beautiful glorious tributes Mohammed says limit fiction, which fits him a lot. He says in his book, genuine Islam.

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He says, If a man like him, referring to Muhammad peace be upon him. He says, If a man like him, were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would succeed in solving its problem in a way, in a way that would bring the much needed peace and happiness.

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A non Muslim who is not a believer in Muhammad, peace be upon him, a person who did not believe in Allah subhanaw taala. Once he studied the life of Muhammad, peace be upon him, once he studied the character of hammer peace be upon him, once he studied the biography of Muhammad peace be upon him, he spoke the truth. He spoke the trucks. And so as lamartine lamartine, he wrote the history of talks. He said he was an apostille. legislature, warrior. He was a man of complete trucks. He says, if there were any person, if there are any person who would compare to Muhammad's Islam, in terms of his honesty, in terms of his overall quality, there is no one who would be able to compare, he says

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about Muhammad, Ali Salim is the greatness of purpose, smallness of means, and astounding results are the three criteria to judge any human genius. He says, Who could dare to compare anyone with Muhammad Sallallahu. Again, a non Muslim who did not believe in Muhammad peace be upon when he studied the life of Muhammad peace be upon him, he concluded,

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these glowing tributes about Hamas Islam, these also are kind of a proof that proof that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was a true prophet and messenger of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Hope that answers your question.

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