Ahmed Hamed – What Is The Meaning Of The Attributes Alqahhar Alkareem

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses Islam's greatest accomplishments, including his success in stopping addiction and helping to stop violence, his pride in Jesus Christ's peace and guidance for others to follow, and his sub enhanced availability. He emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and strong faith in achieving security, as well as the power of Allah's taala, his most kind and unique availability, and his unique actions in relation to pleasure and satisfaction. He also highlights the importance of remembering everyone needs to believe in a moment and having faith in Islam's teachings to achieve security.
AI: Transcript ©
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al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim, Allah Allah He was happy he and mine are all do Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim Bismillah R Rahman Rahim, Allah Hill, asthma Hasina, for the Ruby, her rubbish, roughly surgery. We are certainly Amri, one of the Tamil ehsani you have to who only do your viewers Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh meaning with the peace, mercy and the blessings of Allah subhanaw taala we upon all of you.

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In the last episode,

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we will continuing our learning our studies with regards to the names and attributes of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we will continue that for the next

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one episode.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he is alcohol, who is an

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alcoholic is the one who is the subjugated

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along Allah subhanho wa Taala is the sub aggregator meaning that He will punish all the tyrant, all the enemies of Allah subhanaw taala by causing them to debt or by humiliating them. It is only and only Allah subhana wa Taala who is the subject matter? There is no one who can share in the unity of Allah subhanaw taala in terms of subjugation,

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we the slaves of Allah subhanho wa Taala we have no right to associate anyone because no one deserves the partnership. No one has that power except Allah subhanaw taala and that is the reason he says lillahi wa kahar it is only and only one that is a law, who is alcohol, the subjugate

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another name of Allah subhanho wa Taala is AlkaViva Alka B

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is the one who is the magnificent, he is the great, he is mighty, he is magnificent. Allah subhanho wa Taala

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is the one who is the only magnificent in terms of his names in terms of His Lordship in terms of his attributes in terms of his actions, in terms of his sense and existence. There is no one who is more magnificent than Allah subhanho wa Taala It is Allah subhanho wa Taala who makes through his power, anything and everything possible? That is the reason we go back to Allah subhanaw taala and we proclaimed the greatness the magnificence of Allah subhanho wa Taala alone. He is alika be another name of Allah subhanaw taala is Kareem and Karim is the one who is the most generous, he is the most noble, the most honorable one. It is Allah subhanho wa Taala who deserves all kinds of

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respect, all kinds of respect and veneration. Allah subhanho wa Taala is Allah Karim. Al Karim is the one who has got the power, but out of his generosity out of his kindness, out of his help and mercy. He forgives people, although he has full right icab al Karim, he has the right

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to worship to Allah Kareem has the right

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to punish anyone

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to punish anyone, anytime.

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But Allah subhanaw taala being al Karim, he always forgive people who has the power and who forgives. It is easy for people if they don't have power to forgive, because they can't do anything except to forgive.

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And that is the reason we see in the religion of Christianity. They say that Jesus Christ peace be upon him. He has forgiven

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The people, when we analyze the situation, the scenario,

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the case of Jesus Christ peace be upon him he was allegedly crucified. And on that cross, he could do anything. He couldn't do anything, except to say, I forgive you. But the real power, the only magnificence, all kinds of glory, respect, veneration and power belongs to Allah subhanaw taala, who has the power, but he forgives out of his kindness out of his mercy, out of his gentleness, Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is also a Latif Latif is the one who is kind to his slaves. It is out of his kindness, that He guides his slaves, it is out of his kindness, he takes them to the right path out of his kindness, he will take them to Jenna and Latif is mentioned in Surah Surah number six is

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number 103. Allah subhanho wa Taala he is the most kind, there is no one, no person, no di t no profit, no angel, no ID, no one can compare with the kindness of Allah subhanaw taala, which is the greatest and the unique, that is a Latif the most kind.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is an Minh and Mothman is the one who is the giver of security.

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He is the one who provides the security to his slaves who believe in Him by guiding them to the right path. And ultimately, he is the one who gives his slaves, the security, the peace, the satisfaction, in the hereafter. And moment is the source of peace as well. He is the one whom we need to please

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ask and cry for giving us the security, peace, tranquility and satisfaction

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in the current world that we are living, my dear brothers and sisters, where the situation is absolutely disaster. Every single day, we hear the news

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that the people have been killed here and there.

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We need to reflect everyone needs to understand

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and believe in a moment, who is the giver of security and ask a moment to protect ourselves, our family, our society, and are all brothers and sisters. So that this place this world can be a better place to live in and who can do that. It is only in only a moment. He is the giver of security and most of Hanna huhtala he secures whom he secures whom he doesn't secure the criminals, he does not secure those who disbelieve he does not secure to the one who disobedient to Allah. He does not secure to those who associate partners with Allah. He does not secure to those who are hypocrites, he does not suppose he does not support to those who go against the commands of Allah subhanaw

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taala. He provides the security, the support, the peace, the tranquility, the satisfaction only to his obedient slaves. So in order to deserve the security from the one who is the best protector of all time. We need to go back to him. Ask his assistance, seek his security and there is no power on the face of the earth that can make you in danger. If

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the giver of security, he preserves you and the greatest security that any person on the face of the earth can get is the faith in Allah subhanho wa Taala is to have strong faith in Allah subhanaw taala

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is to believe and have faith in the angels that Allah subhanho wa Taala said it is to have faith in the messengers that were sent by your last panel Tada. It is to have the faith

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that Allah subhanho wa Taala

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He will have his occurrence on the Day of Judgment, he will bring every person

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to account to have faith in all the books of Allah subhanaw taala we will come back to continue and explaining the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala after a short break

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