Ahmed Hamed – The Best Army General

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses Islam's military rule of peace only for passengers and the limits set by their military rule. It provides insight into the importance of peace and justice in achieving peace and justice for the people. The military's command on peace and security is to ensure that anyone who refuses to fight for peace is protected and punished. The segment also touches on the military's history of war and how they use their military model to ensure that anyone who refuses to fight for peace is protected.
AI: Transcript ©
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Every time when I'm away Emily's big thing that I see. I know

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Karim, Allah Allah. He was a hobby of mine. I was a bit lacking ministry Bonnie regime Bismillahi r Rahmani Raheem

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locker the Candela confy rasulillah. He or spoton, Hashanah, rubbish early surgery, we certainly agree on the term melissani. Yes. Who are you? To your viewers? I greet all of you with the greetings of Islam. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu meaning with the peace, mercy and blessings of Allah the Most High be upon all of you.

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Welcome to another episode of the role model.

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In the last episode, we have mentioned about how Mohammed's Islam is the best role model as a leader and how we would need to learn the lessons from his life to be an ideal leader. In this session, we will take the role model as an army general Muhammad peace be upon him, was the best Army General. And there are so many reasons, so many things that we find in the life of Mohammed, Islam as an army general. Number one,

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Muhammad peace be upon him, he was the one who used to fight only and only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. Muhammad peace be upon him, he used to find for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and Allah subhanaw taala is just he is never unjust, even in the least degree. So the one who fights for the sake of Allah, obviously, his fights are just our right are peaceful.

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When we look at the current situation, how the wars are happening, how the words are happening all around us, they haven't got a noble purpose.

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There are no justice in that there are no limits in that there is only for the materialistic pleasure in order to gain materialistic desires in order to fulfill the pleasures of this dunya the wars are happening. But Muhammad peace be upon him. He used to fight only for the sake of Allah, Allah, as he did for everything as Allah subhanho wa Taala he says, In Surah An arm surah number six at number 162 Allah subhanaw taala says Odin co Muhammad's Islam in knee in in Salatu, WA new Suki wa Yahya Amati lillahi Rabbil aalameen. So Mohammed Peace be born in my prayers, my sacrifice, my living, my dying, are for a law, the the Lord of the woods, everything that he did, including the

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fighting, including the words that he was engaged with, it is only to please the last pantalla It is only for the sake of Allah, it is only for the permission of Allah subhanaw taala.

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Number two, his words for peace and justice. He fought to establish justice and peace, Muhammad peace be upon him.

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He taught us that peace is a rule and war is exception. He taught us as an army general, that peace is a rule and war is exception. If you are meant to for Fight, fight, but peace is better. Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam his wars with war with complete justice. It was not like the current day. It was not like the people after them.

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It was with complete justice. It was to give

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And people realize the rights of Allah, it was for the people to realize the rights of the people. So all the wars that were fought for, by Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam. Were with complete justice and peace.

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Enter the thing that we find

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in the current situation, that there is no justice while doing a war, there is no peace, which is an objective, which should be an objective of the war. Why does the war happen in order to stabilize things, so that peace and justice can prevail, but it is having otherwise and impact is otherwise. But in the case of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is he fought, he fought purely to establish to make peace and justice prevailed.

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Muhammad peace be upon him, he never

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break the limits set by Allah subhanaw taala he always abide by the limits set by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And when we see the gurus are on and study it, we find that there are so many I art mentioned in the Quran, about the limits set by Allah subhanaw taala in the battlefield, for the army, for the Muslim army, there are certain limitations, and there are certain conditions, which were practice in a perfect sense, in a practical sense in the life of Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and that is the reason we say he is the best role model as an army general. Listen to this ayah mentioned in Surah RF surah number 60 surah number eight is number 61 and 62. Three unfall surah number eight at number 61 and 62. Allah subhanaw taala says, that

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give peace to them, those who are inclined towards you in the battlefield, in the war, a las panatela He says, Those who are inclined for peace, grant peace for them grandon peace and don't think that they will deceive you. It is Allah subhanaw taala who helped you, Allah subhanaw taala he will help you he will support you. Allah subhanaw taala he gives the command to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in particular to all that when the people when the enemies, they inclined towards peace. Don't kill them. Give them peace. Don't think that they will deceive you, they will cheat you. Give them peace. Allah is there to support you. Allah knows when to do what Allah will support you, he

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will help you and enter the command

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of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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as a part of limits set by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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Allah says in Surah Tauba surah number nine, at number six, Allah subhanaw taala says, Those who are inclined towards peace, grant them peace. Not only that, Allah subhanaw taala says, grant them peace and take them to a place of security. I would like to ask, which army general which military General, which commander of Chief, which person who is the head of the army, which Constitution, which law which decree would ask the soldiers in the battlefield, in the battlefield, during the war,

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command them that if anybody inclines towards peace, Grant and peace, not just that, take them to the place of security so that they may hear the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. These are the limits set by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah subhanaw taala has taught Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in particular an intern. He taught all of us that never, never, ever break the limits set by Allah, it will be a transgression, it will be a transgression. Why? Because we are fighting for Allah and we should stop for Allah. The crux of the entire thing is the obedience of Allah subhanaw taala. If Allah asked us to fight, we will fight. If allow us to stop, we will not move with our

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passion with our own attitude or behavior or tempo, we will control that. That is the limit set by a law. I would like to ask again, which constitution which army, which commander, which law

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Ask and give this beautiful command other than the Constitution of Allah. This is the command of Allah mentioned in the blues Koran. And unfortunately, people think that this book preaches violence. How could you ever imagine?

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After hearing this command of Allah subhanaw taala, which is for peace. Allah says, Give them peace and take them to a place of peace to the place of security, so that they may hear the word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Muhammad, peace be upon him. Muhammad peace be upon him as the best role model for the Army General. He used to inspire his army, he used to motivate them, he was the best inspiration for the Muslim army. Muhammad peace be upon him, used to motivate them,

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make them empower, and strengthen them,

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giving them this thought that they are fighting for Allah and Allah will protect them and if Allah makes them die, and they will have the rest in the paradise inshallah, this is the thought. This is the inspiration that driven the Muslim army, to fight for justice, to fight for peace for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala and abiding, abiding and following the limits, and the conditions set by a loss pantalla following the conditions set by a loss handler and not breaking, not doing a transgression in the limits set by Allah subhanaw taala that is how Muhammad peace be upon him was the best role model as an army general Muhammad peace be upon him as an army general, he would go in

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the battlefield, and he would be in the middle of the army in the middle of the enemies and the Sahaba. The Companions would take a shield behind him, that was a warrior, as lamartine says, an impossible legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas of a cult without images, restore or operational belief, and a king and an emperor of 20 terrestrial Empire. That is Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mohammed system used to be in the middle of the enemies. And sometimes the companions would, God would see themselves behind Mohammed Islam. That was a warrior, Mohammed system as an army general, we would end this episode with the same with the saying of George Bernard Shaw, a great

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philosopher, who said, If a man like him, he said, If a man like him, were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would bring, he would bring the much needed peace and happiness and non Muslim. He says, If a man like him, Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam if a man like him, were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world, he would bring the much needed peace and happiness. Well, our hero Donna, and Al hamdu, lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salam, alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu

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I'm Lena.

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Every time when I'm awake, oh thing that I see. I know it's hard to believe

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the almighty when they fall from the tree, every plan

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when the waves flow in the sea, it's bad.

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