Ahmed Hamed – Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 8

Ahmed Hamed
AI: Summary © The success of Islam is essential in helping individuals heal from mental and physical disorders, as it is the master of every creation. It is important to show accountability and a sharpie to heal, and individuals should show kindness and gratitude to the creator. It is crucial to show gratitude to the master and not mix worship with others.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah. While earlier he was home he drained my brothers and sisters Welcome again to a new session of the cities reflections on the 99 Names of Allah subhanho wa Taala Alhamdulillah all praises belong to Allah subhanho wa Taala who is supporting us to know Allah? Well, indeed those who know Allah, they worship Allah well, indeed those who worship Allah will be successful in dunya and our Hara in this world and the Hereafter, let us continue our cities with some of the you know Names of Allah subhanaw taala in the session, let's begin with the first name of Allah and that is an Joaquin

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Albuquerque is the one who is the best Disposer of affairs. The advocate, Allah mentions his name Albuquerque in Surah Alam alim Ron surah number three Ayah number 173 where Allah mentions, and workI that he is the best Disposer of affairs for us. Again, my brothers and sisters, let's memorize this name, Albuquerque, Albuquerque. Albuquerque will understand that Allah is the best Disposer of affairs. He is the ultimate advocate and reflect upon this name of Allah Allah will kill by pondering over the meaning of it and living by the name and the meaning of Allah subhanaw taala overkill, indeed, there is no one who is better than Allah, Who is the best Disposer of affairs. He

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is the one who is ultimately powerful, who whose knowledge is infinite, whose wisdom is unlimited, who has the justice in him and Subhan Allah, this is how we have to also call Allah Allah workI. He is the best Disposer of affairs. He is the ultimate advocate. Keep Allah in your side, my brothers and sisters in dunya and Allah will keep you close to him in dunya and asherah. always rely and trust Allah subhanho wa Taala is the best disposal of affairs, anything that happens in our lives, any, you know, rasharkin or the problems or the challenge that happens in our lives. ask Allah and Joaquin who is the best disposal of affairs, he will ease our matters he will release the issues and

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the problems and he will take us out from any difficulty when we ask Allah lucky that is a loss of Hannah hautala and mckeel.

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Allah subhanahu wa tada is also a Rocky, Rocky is the one who is the old watcher, the vigilant, Allah mentions this name in Surah Allah Moran surah. Number three is number 117 as well as in Surah Nisa surah. Number four is number one where Allah uses his name are rocky but surely Allah is Ever and all watch over you. Again my brothers and sisters, let us memorize this name are rocky or Rocky, Rocky, but understand that it is only Allah subhanho wa Taala who is a rocky that is the all watcher, the one who is the vigilant indeed there is no one among the creation who has this quality of being vigilant over us, every single time every single moment in our lives except Allah subhanho

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wa Taala reflect on this name and live by this name by ensuring to be aware to be careful that whatever we do, Allah has a watch on us. Allah is watching over us every single time we may escape from the people we may be, you know, hidden from from the from the people, but we can never ever escape from Allah subhanho wa Taala we can never ever be away from the knowledge and the watch of Allah subhanho wa Taala and we need to call out to our raqib as well and ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to help us all in a way.

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That is that requires our you know, guidance. And we ask a rocky, Allah, the own watcher, the vigilant, the one who has a watch over us to set our affairs right so that we may, you know, walk on the path of guidance

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The path of success the path which draws pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah subhanahu wa tada is also an Emerson. Emerson is the one who is perfect in goodness. And his name's attributes and his actions, beneficent, that is immerse in Allah subhana wa Tada. He is indeed an Emerson and Merson. aalverson. Let's memorize this name, which is mentioned in the Hadees in which

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you know, the Hadith which is narrated by

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an author of the Allahu anhu. Who said, When who said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when you judge, then be just and when you slaughter in a good way, Verily, Allah azza wa jal is the one who is perfect and goodness, and he loves goodness.

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Let's memorize this name al Merson. And let's understand that it is only Allah who is perfect in goodness, and his names, you know are perfect, his attributes are perfect, his actions are perfect, his decisions are perfect, his entire, you know,

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qualities are perfect. Reflect on this name, my brothers and sisters and understand that how many types of goodness that Allah has granted us Subhan Allah, we're in to do an AMA tala Hilah Joshua, if you were to count the favors of Allah, you will never be able to count them. And Subhanallah This is what we have to actually reflect so many good things Allah has blessed us with, within ourselves when we look at, we will be overwhelmed with the goodness that Allah has given to us, alas, and live by this name and call out to Al Merson, to to grant His goodness in our lives so that we may get closer to Allah and we may do things which are good with other people with the whole creation with

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the entire humanity so that we may become an example for those people who want to gain goodness from us insha Allah.

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Allah Subhana Allah is Allah Hasib. Allah Hasib is the one who is the careful

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account taker of all things. This a Pfizer.

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Allah mentions this name in Surah Nisa surah. Number four is number 86. in which he uses his name, Allah CIB Allah is Ever a careful account taker of all things. Again, memorize this name, Allah,

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Allah See, but understand that Allah is going to take our accounts carefully, every one of us will be answerable for every action that we do in this world, none of us will be able to escape and that is a reflection of all hassim we have to understand that accountability factor is certain is definite is there for sure. Because Allah is the one who is careful, account taker of everything, all things in our lives that we do, perform, we have to be accountable for that. And you know, as as the righteous priestesses they mentioned, that account yourself before you will be accounted question yourself before you will be questioned, judge yourself before you will be judged. So make

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sure that in our lives, we live by this name and call out to Allah Allah has seemed to ease our hisab to ease our accountability so that we may, you know, get through the difficult times in this world and the Hereafter, indeed, my brothers and sisters, if we were to take, you know, our own account, we would know how far are we from Allah Subhana huhtala how many sins that we commit every single day? What kind of or what level of disobedience that we have in our lives, we would be able to expose our own selves. My brothers and sisters the need is to understand this name and live by it and call out to an Hasib to ease our matters, you know, so that we may we may be granted paradise

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insha Allah with the mercy of Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah Subhana Medina is also a Shafi a Shafi is the healer, the healer and this name is mentioned

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In the Hadith, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know he mentioned this name the healer, the healer a Shafi again memorize this name a Shafi, Allah is a Shafi understand that it is only Allah Who is the ultimate healer. We may approach the doctors we may approach the, you know those people who, who who does, you know, you know, medications and, and the rest, but the ultimate healer is none other than Allah Subhana hudaydah A Shafi reflect upon this name and ask a sharpie. Ask a sharpie call out to a sharpie to heal us Subhan Allah, especially in a time bed diseases or diseases are widespread. The new new diseases are coming in support and love so strange. Ask a

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sharpie and that's how we live by it. Ask a sharpie to cure us to heal us and the rest of the people. Ask a sharpie Allah subhanho wa Taala to heal our problems, to heal our you know diseases, to heal our parents diseases to heal our families, you know to heal and give us cure a solution to the problems of of all of us. We ask Allah Subhana Medina Shafi to heal our pains that we are going through, some are going through depression, some are going through tensions, some are going through tough times. Some are going through physical illness, some are going through mental illness, some are going through emotional illness, we asked a sharpie to heal all of us and have mercy upon us.

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That is a sharpie. So my brothers and sisters, let's memorize this important name again, understand and reflect upon it live and call out to a sharpie for the healing of

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Allah Subhana Allah is a raw Rafi. Rafi is the old kind. Allah is a Rafi the old kind Allah mentions.

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You know his name through the Hadees by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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in which he uses this name, or Rafi. Allah is all kind. Again, memorize this beautiful name, or Rafi. Allah is a Rafi the old kind understand that there is no one who is better in kindness than Allah. Understand that there is no one who is bigger to show kindness than Allah. Understand that Allah kindness is infinite and unlimited. Understand and reflect upon this beautiful name of allah Rafi the old kind, it has no limitations. So we ask Allah, that's how we actually live and call out to Allah Subhana Allah Rafiq to have mercy on us to have the level of you to grant us the level of understanding towards him so that we can also you know, make our lives you know, better and better

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in line with the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. Indeed, my brothers and sisters, Allah is our Rafi, the old kind, and there is no one who can match up with the with the excellent with the mighty with the level of kindness that Allah subhanaw taala is indeed Allah is a Rafi. So memorize it, understand it, reflect upon it, live by it and call out to a rough eat the old kind.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also unaware of the Admiralty is the one who is the giver. The Giver, Allah is the the giver. Again this name is mentioned in the Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned and uses this beautiful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is a Murphy the giver. Again memorize this name my brothers and sisters in order that we may you know receive from the the giver every good thing in Sharla understand that he is the ultimate giver. If He grants none can stop and if he stops, none can grant so reflect upon it and live by this name Alma de the giver. The Giver. Allah subhanho wa Taala called out to a tee and asked

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Whatever you need, as he is a Marty, he named himself as the giver Subhan Allah, Allah is the the giver. So the whole creation, the entire humanity if they even come together for this purpose of asking a Marty the giver, we all will become tired. But but the the giver, Allah subhanho wa Taala will never get tired Subhana Allah that is our Creator, that is our cherisher that is our sustainer that is our Lord Allah subhanahu wa tada who is a more of the the giver.

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Allah Subhana Allah is also Almaty and Maki is the most able, the powerful, the Sustainer Subhan Allah, Allah mentioned this name in Surah Nisa surah number four is number 85. In which Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions his name al Maki,

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Allah is Ever all able to do and also you know, powerful to do anything and everything Japan Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala is located. So memorize this name, Alma, Alma.

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Alma keep it under understand that he is the most able one. He is the most powerful one, he is the most, you know, ultimate sustainer Subhan Allah reflect upon this name by understanding that the ability of Allah subhanaw taala is unparalleled. The power of Allah is an equal it's peerless and equal, the ability of a law to sustain things can never be matched by anyone that makes him our Creator, Allah subhanho wa Taala Maki, Maki, looky it. So live by this name, Alma, Pete and call out to Almaty Who is the most able one, the most powerful one, the Sustainer of every creation, Allah, his alma teeth, my brothers and sisters, indeed, this is a very important quality of Allah subhanho

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wa Taala allamakee. The Creator must be able, the creator must be powerful, the creator must be sustainer as well. And that is Allah Allah.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is a sacred, a sacred, the master. Allah mentions this beautiful name through the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a saint is Allah subhana wa Taala the master, memorize this name, a sacred, the master, understand and memorize this name a Savior, the master. Indeed, Allah is our master, we are His slaves, we are His worshipers. Allah is our master, he is our Savior. Allah is indeed the old timet master of everything that exists. Everyone who exists everyone who existed and everyone who is going to exist, he is the only master of the entire creation, from the beginning till the end, reflect upon this name and call out and live by this name

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and a say in the master, there is no one who is better, bigger master than Allah subhanho wa Taala. Allah is indeed our master, my brothers and sisters. Indeed, Allah uses this name and mentioned this name through the Hadith of the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam, so that we may enslave ourselves to none other than the master, we show up our gratitude to the master, we must worship to none other than our master, a saying Allah Subhana Allah, we must, you know show our submissiveness to none other than a second, the master Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah subhanho wa Taala is also

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a Tai Chi is the pure again

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in Sahih Muslim from the hadith of Abu huraira radi Allahu anhu that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Oh people, Allah subhanho wa Taala is Abebe D pure and he accepts only that which is pure Athene is

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Another beautiful name of Allah subhanho wa Taala memorize it, memorize it, year, after year after year, he is the pure understand it, that he is the pure, there is no one who is more pure than Allah subhanaw taala is purity can never be matched up with anyone, Allah subhanho wa Taala is ultimate in purity, reflect upon this name. Yep, the pure. And he, as the process lower as Allah mentions that Allah is pure and he accepts only that which is pure. So the most important thing that we need to ensure in our lives, my brothers and sisters, that we should never, ever mix the worship the, you know, slavery to anyone other than Allah subhanaw taala we must always worship Allah alone without

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any partners, without any association with anyone Subhana Allah, Allah is indeed pure. So let's make our worship for him pure. Let's make our ibadah our worship for him pure, let's make our acts and deeds for him pure. Let's make our actions and intentions for him pure, let's call out to

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Him. Let's call out to you. And that is the pure next call out to Him and ask to pure our hearts to purify our actions to purify our intentions again and again. Oh Allah.

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We ask you the pure to help us to make our intentions and our actions pure.

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Allah Subhana houttuynia is alaikum alaikum is the judge the judge? Allah subhanho wa Taala. He is a heck of the judge. And this is again mentioned in the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he uses this word this name. Allah Subhana. Allah is Allah hakam the judge. Again, my brothers and sisters, memorize this name, memorize this name that he is a hacker. And hacker is the one who is the judge and understand that there is no one who is better in judgment than an haccombe Allah subhanho wa Taala there is no one who is better and best judgment better than a lot of Hannah horadada and heckum. Reflect on this name, my brothers and sisters, that he is a second D judge and

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live by this name.

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Anakin D judge. Indeed, it is he who is going to judge us. So ask and call out to Him to judge us and help us in in this world, to be able to set our affairs right to mend our ways to correct our intentions and actions. So that insha Allah, Allah hakam judge us, you know, with the mercy that he has with him, Allah subhanho wa Taala my brothers and sisters, called out to Al hakam D judge, live by this name, Al hakam. The judge reflect upon this name again and again, because we all are going to be judged by Al hakam. Allah subhanho wa Taala we all need to understand that he is our ultimate judge, he is

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the only judge Subhan Allah, my brothers and sisters, with these names and attributes, we get closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. We explore those names and attributes in order for us to understand Allah Well, there is no way that you can understand Allah, well better than exploring, understanding, learning and studying the names and attributes of Allah subhanaw taala every single time, our attempt our intention, our you know, efforts is there, in order that we may learn about Allah so that we may obey Allah, the more we obey Allah, the more we will love Allah, the movie love Allah, Allah, we are lovers and the way Allah lovers Allah will help us in this world and the

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Hereafter, with peace, with security, with prosperity, with happiness, with joy, with pleasure, with satisfaction with serenity with every goodness that we want.

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In this world and the Hereafter, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to open our minds and hearts, so that we may comprehend on these names, we may memorize these names, we may learn and understand these names, we may reflect upon these names, and we may, you know, live in the light of these names and attributes we may call out to Allah again and again in our lives until we die by using these names and you know, a lot of Allah subhanaw taala my brothers and sisters, I asked Allah subhanaw taala to have mercy upon all of us. I ask Allah to help all of us and have, you know, peace on us to grant us prosperity of both the worlds of this world and the hereafter. We're off udayana Anil hamdu Lillahi

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Rabbil alameen

Reflections on 99 Names of Allah Almighty – Part 8

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