Ahmed Deedat – There Is Asiddique In Your Life

Ahmed Deedat
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the loss of Islam in various countries and upcoming events such as a national seminary and a presentation of architectural features. They also talk about the success of Islam in South Africa and the challenges faced by graduates in the field. The importance of learning to be recognized and showing actual information to encourage people to practice Islam is emphasized. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a doctor's course on Islam and a discussion about Mr. De culture in the context of history.
AI: Transcript ©
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to discuss the most vicious

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah

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Santa Monica,

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Santa Monica,

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explanation for transition to the past

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is to the religion of Islam

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those places

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that have been misled

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people that have been guided

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in the manner that the person for the people that attended

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to see if you have patience

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and have patience

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an Allah

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and you see people in our communities

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Come on

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in order for this to

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should we

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Free Speech

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speech contest

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when you feel free

00:12:41 --> 00:12:43

to come back

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Muslim Newcomb

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How can we

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As a

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about $100

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to see

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good there

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he is dedicated themselves

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cultivating this seminary, this institution, this corner

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for the training of dimes for the training of students in the

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field and they have achieved today

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they have a school

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that uses

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every two years 15 to 20 young men and women who are

00:18:53 --> 00:18:54

in this laboratory.

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plus one

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which is a secondary school. Some of them are Muslims, some of them are

00:19:07 --> 00:19:08

young people

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in a campus with Islam as

00:19:13 --> 00:19:13

they are

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00:19:27 --> 00:19:27

the clinic

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Medical Association, acrylic serve the local community

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for medical attention of all kinds of illnesses and our caucus of the Medical Association serve their voluntarily giving

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today, that institution

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need our support your support everyone support

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institution, which must not

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suffer from any lack of enthusiasm and a lack of motivation

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of the local

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population center international donated 268,000, for the building of

00:20:36 --> 00:20:37

this center is

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and they are beautiful.

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And if you wish to

00:20:48 --> 00:20:49

do your own country,

00:20:54 --> 00:20:56

for this institution

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at this institution, that

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center, which to me

00:21:12 --> 00:21:13

is of vital importance

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in the sense that we have in the standard propagation center machinery

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existed before

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visitors a year,

00:21:37 --> 00:21:39

visitors from all over the world,

00:21:41 --> 00:21:46

from South Africa, from the Americas from Europe, from the

00:21:49 --> 00:21:49


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and then they don't go away just look

00:21:54 --> 00:21:55

at the architecture

00:21:57 --> 00:22:11

as ambassadors, hopefully, of the face of Islam, because the Islamic Propagation Center has changed, no fewer than six guys fully conversant with the finance

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where people for the first time is used to Islam, I introduced to the culture of Islam, to deal with Islam and to the

00:22:26 --> 00:22:27

surface of the loss.

00:22:29 --> 00:22:30

They are at all

00:22:31 --> 00:22:33

all sorts of information there

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00:22:38 --> 00:22:39

they didn't have before

00:22:41 --> 00:22:43

that given the teacher to take away

00:22:44 --> 00:22:44

or to start

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giving demonstrations of how Muslims pray

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that you must remember this, that in the South African context

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we are regarded Indians. So whether South Africa goes to the boss

00:23:03 --> 00:23:06

he is surprised to see a difference

00:23:08 --> 00:23:08


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00:23:13 --> 00:23:17

no fantasy of either

00:23:20 --> 00:23:24

associate with Indian worship. They are not aware that those

00:23:27 --> 00:23:29

who are significantly different

00:23:31 --> 00:23:32

and different

00:23:36 --> 00:23:38

from other Indian peoples

00:23:41 --> 00:23:42

and given

00:23:43 --> 00:23:44

the Juma

00:23:45 --> 00:23:51

played a very vital role in this industry cooperated fully with this movement.

00:23:55 --> 00:23:56

They even companies

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Muslim prayer

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they funded that free of charge. But now all the pressure is funded by this Southern propagation center.

00:24:08 --> 00:24:11

Every day

00:24:12 --> 00:24:28

you will see people there sometimes in droves, you will see schoolchildren about 100 or so you will see visitors from abroad gotten bypasses three times a week bus loads from the corporation.

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not only

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give you a demonstration of what

00:24:41 --> 00:24:42

I happen to be in

00:24:46 --> 00:24:47

our soccer

00:24:49 --> 00:24:52

Turkish mosques especially

00:24:56 --> 00:24:58

its architecture salon is celebrated

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00:25:05 --> 00:25:09

showcases of Islamic architecture. And I

00:25:14 --> 00:25:16

have visitors from all over Europe

00:25:20 --> 00:25:21

looking around

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from America,

00:25:27 --> 00:25:28

from the UK,

00:25:51 --> 00:25:51

going to consider

00:25:56 --> 00:25:58

the architectural features of this building

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the magnificence of the tiles, the height,

00:26:05 --> 00:26:06

the diameter of the dough,

00:26:10 --> 00:26:15

the opportunity of the Turkish authorities to present this

00:26:16 --> 00:26:20

to the people of Europe to the people of the West.

00:26:23 --> 00:26:24

And I hope that has the

00:26:26 --> 00:26:28

opportunity to visit this this loss

00:26:32 --> 00:26:38

of his some of his experience to the people who lost

00:26:41 --> 00:26:43

the milestone without

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00:26:56 --> 00:26:59

is now the world stage.

00:27:15 --> 00:27:16

Whether you

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00:27:28 --> 00:27:29

is another country

00:27:43 --> 00:27:43

under the

00:27:46 --> 00:27:46

to the

00:28:01 --> 00:28:01


00:28:04 --> 00:28:04

It is London

00:28:21 --> 00:28:23

about 200

00:28:31 --> 00:28:33

the same will happen the second time

00:28:45 --> 00:28:45

so that

00:28:49 --> 00:28:49

the young

00:28:50 --> 00:28:52

the youth of our country.

00:28:56 --> 00:28:56

Have you

00:29:03 --> 00:29:04

ever seen many books?

00:29:05 --> 00:29:09

More than a dozen books are on the list of publications.

00:29:10 --> 00:29:11

The last one

00:29:19 --> 00:29:21

these books are distributed throughout the world.

00:29:34 --> 00:29:35

Is there

00:29:36 --> 00:29:37


00:29:39 --> 00:29:40

for *

00:29:45 --> 00:29:45


00:29:54 --> 00:29:55


00:30:22 --> 00:30:23


00:30:27 --> 00:30:28

allowed, so is

00:30:34 --> 00:30:35


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that was

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00:31:02 --> 00:31:03


00:31:06 --> 00:31:07

the speaker

00:31:46 --> 00:31:47

Welcome to

00:31:48 --> 00:31:49

the new power

00:31:52 --> 00:32:01

already aware about the potential costs the comparative religion, which will be launched very soon

00:32:07 --> 00:32:08

young people

00:32:14 --> 00:32:15

in comparative religion

00:33:23 --> 00:33:24

brothers and sisters in

00:33:31 --> 00:33:32

the scope of messages.

00:33:57 --> 00:33:59

Salam Alaikum please convey

00:34:01 --> 00:34:01


00:34:05 --> 00:34:09

our outstanding contributions to Islam

00:34:25 --> 00:34:25


00:34:41 --> 00:34:42

karma propagation is

00:34:47 --> 00:34:50

the selection committee of the Internet

00:34:51 --> 00:34:53

has chosen you as

00:34:57 --> 00:34:57

a server

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59

this year

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received the award in an official seminary

00:35:05 --> 00:35:08

under the patronage of His Majesty, King

00:35:14 --> 00:35:15


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00:35:31 --> 00:35:33

for services to

00:35:36 --> 00:35:40

accept your services for this law was the law.

00:35:43 --> 00:35:44

Secretary General

00:35:49 --> 00:35:51

This is also

00:35:53 --> 00:35:54

a very similar message.

00:35:58 --> 00:35:59

Assistant Secretary General

00:36:20 --> 00:36:21

Salam aleikum wa

00:36:24 --> 00:36:26

ala, attaining

00:36:28 --> 00:36:34

for the service of Islam in equal status between you and Dr.

00:36:35 --> 00:36:35


00:36:37 --> 00:36:49

I am indeed very happy at the news and you're worthy of this excellence. I hope that this gesture will be meaningful for you in extending

00:36:51 --> 00:36:54

the services of Islam and the Muslims.

00:36:55 --> 00:36:59

I've received a lot less you have

00:37:01 --> 00:37:03

accepted the choices of

00:37:04 --> 00:37:08

the director of the Center of gala and guidance in buffering.

00:37:14 --> 00:37:15

This is a message

00:37:19 --> 00:37:21

it is sent by the Chancellor is

00:37:24 --> 00:37:26

Salam aleikum.

00:37:29 --> 00:37:35

We pray to Allah that this letter finds you in the desktop as we are enjoying the same.

00:37:37 --> 00:37:37


00:37:41 --> 00:37:49

we noted with great delight, that you have to be a recipient of the award for your contribution to Islam.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:54

We extend our heartiest congratulations on your achievement

00:37:58 --> 00:38:08

as to our joy, and replace Allah, that you continue to take the work of the economy. In conclusion we asked you to remember

00:38:13 --> 00:38:18

this is a message from the Department of Islamic Studies University of Melbourne.

00:38:19 --> 00:38:21

I see professor

00:38:35 --> 00:38:36

of Arabic studies circle.

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00:38:42 --> 00:38:45

There's a message from Muslim Charitable Foundation.

00:38:47 --> 00:38:51

Islam suggests to me that salaam aleikum,

00:38:52 --> 00:39:04

officials and members of the Muslim Charitable Foundation wish to convey the sincere congratulations to you on being awarded to Faisal International Prize for outstanding service.

00:39:05 --> 00:39:21

We share all the sentiments expressed by those concerned in acknowledging the good work done by becomes a pray that Allah subhanaw taala grants good health, strength and courage to carry out this work. This is

00:39:22 --> 00:39:23

the propagation of Islam.

00:39:27 --> 00:39:28

for Islam and

00:39:29 --> 00:39:30

its success.

00:39:31 --> 00:39:32


00:39:38 --> 00:39:42

This is a telegram from the Muslims of New Amsterdam.

00:39:50 --> 00:39:56

Have you ever been awarded international award Please accept our congratulations

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

And may our communities

00:40:02 --> 00:40:04

be blessed by many more.

00:40:09 --> 00:40:11

This is a message

00:40:13 --> 00:40:17

by the director of NY am Mr. Ferrara

00:40:31 --> 00:40:36

Salam Alaikum, congratulations on being chosen for the King Faisal award.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:50


00:40:51 --> 00:40:56

On receiving that award, Your Honor, South Africa.

00:41:00 --> 00:41:03

So message from the Muslim Students Association

00:41:05 --> 00:41:07

in Islam in

00:41:09 --> 00:41:13

the NSA congratulate you on winning the Pooh Faisal award,

00:41:15 --> 00:41:16

rescue and rewards

00:41:18 --> 00:41:21

both locally and internationally.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:26

Famous he also expresses his gratitude for the 300 free copies of the

00:41:28 --> 00:41:30

receipts from Islamic Propagation Center.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:41

This is a message from the woman's cultural group.

00:41:45 --> 00:41:47

But I think there is a new message

00:42:05 --> 00:42:10

associating ourselves with the other Muslim organizations in

00:42:11 --> 00:42:13

Sri Lanka, and

00:42:14 --> 00:42:23

for receiving the three phases of Allah, for meritorious services in the propagation of the theme of Islam.

00:42:26 --> 00:42:33

recognition of his long services in the era of the fathers of the court of law,

00:42:35 --> 00:42:39

training and hair so that he could continue

00:42:42 --> 00:42:44

as he's going to perform

00:42:46 --> 00:42:50

his German history in the army

00:42:51 --> 00:42:51


00:42:55 --> 00:42:56

safe and happy.

00:43:05 --> 00:43:10

Congratulations, congratulations, compliments. And on October

00:43:12 --> 00:43:17

1 South African to win the coveted Faisal international law.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:21

This fearless soldier is

00:43:23 --> 00:43:24

a central Islamic

00:43:25 --> 00:43:27

target in Islam and

00:43:29 --> 00:43:31

Soweto Muslim Association.

00:43:35 --> 00:43:39

This is a message sent by Islamic Missionary Society and adjust to the Arabic

00:43:41 --> 00:43:45

dear brother Islam salamati

00:43:46 --> 00:43:52

Vietnamese received orientation to attend the reception in on our staff.

00:43:54 --> 00:44:00

We very much regret the circumstances as to not our participation in the reception.

00:44:02 --> 00:44:07

So that although we may not be physically present, we are there

00:44:11 --> 00:44:12

reminds us

00:44:15 --> 00:44:17

last minute reminder

00:44:20 --> 00:44:25

and departing leave behind footprints on the sands of time

00:44:27 --> 00:44:30

starting with absolutely meager resources

00:44:32 --> 00:44:47

with total devotion, faith, courage and perseverance has overcome many obstacles and has reached such heights which has been the dream of many

00:44:48 --> 00:44:49

let us up

00:44:50 --> 00:44:53

by a mere reception, but to honor the lives

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

of dedicated men and women who will come forward to follow them.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:02

His footsteps for the glory of Islam

00:45:04 --> 00:45:24

from his work with ever increasing success, granting long line of human and health and rewards in abundance, both in this world and in the hereafter. Yours in the service of Islam mF Secretary Islamic Missionary Society

00:45:26 --> 00:45:28

northern Islam center.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:33

salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. addressed to

00:45:35 --> 00:45:38

the chief in the field of power gives us

00:45:42 --> 00:45:51

an opportunity to express our innermost feelings of joy and gratitude on this auspicious occasion

00:45:55 --> 00:45:58

as a winner of an international award,

00:46:06 --> 00:46:07


00:46:11 --> 00:46:13

will be soon afterwards.

00:46:27 --> 00:46:28


00:46:32 --> 00:46:38

participation in Islamic seminars and conferences,

00:46:39 --> 00:46:40

the number of

00:46:42 --> 00:46:45

Islamic countries is effortless

00:46:46 --> 00:46:47

to defend Islam

00:46:50 --> 00:46:51

discussion in

00:46:52 --> 00:46:54

the stablishing of a

00:46:55 --> 00:46:57

survey for the training students

00:46:59 --> 00:46:59


00:47:02 --> 00:47:03

very, very precise

00:47:04 --> 00:47:06

subject matter

00:47:10 --> 00:47:13

as we all have noticed, and observed,

00:47:14 --> 00:47:14

to start

00:47:16 --> 00:47:17

to sincerely say

00:47:23 --> 00:47:30

that you have contributed in the field of power and maybe fulfill your desires of those

00:47:31 --> 00:47:32

who desire

00:47:36 --> 00:47:38

a long alien life

00:47:39 --> 00:47:40

the meaning of your

00:47:43 --> 00:47:43


00:47:52 --> 00:47:53


00:47:58 --> 00:47:58


00:48:02 --> 00:48:08

Southern African regional office is happy to join you on this auspicious occasion of honoring the

00:48:13 --> 00:48:16

international Awards for Outstanding Service.

00:48:18 --> 00:48:19

This honor,

00:48:21 --> 00:48:23

lifelong dedication

00:48:25 --> 00:48:28

and achievement in the field of Islamic Propagation

00:48:30 --> 00:48:31

as I

00:48:36 --> 00:48:38

come across with me dimension

00:48:46 --> 00:48:46


00:48:52 --> 00:48:53


00:48:56 --> 00:49:00

have our audiences and look forward to a selection of

00:49:03 --> 00:49:05

indigenous languages

00:49:07 --> 00:49:17

that Islam will be involved in levels of humanitarian humanitarian and dynamic as a political channel

00:49:19 --> 00:49:22

for the son of a soil of South Africa,

00:49:23 --> 00:49:25

the nature of Islam

00:49:27 --> 00:49:31

with this situation, as exemplified by our Prophet Muhammad

00:49:42 --> 00:49:43


00:49:50 --> 00:49:52

for active participation

00:49:54 --> 00:49:54


00:49:56 --> 00:49:58

an international symposium

00:50:00 --> 00:50:12

In December of this year, and inshallah, we will then have an opportunity to share his expertise and at the same time on his military service

00:50:16 --> 00:50:17


00:50:18 --> 00:50:18

the service he

00:50:20 --> 00:50:21


00:50:38 --> 00:50:40

our sincere congratulations to start

00:50:42 --> 00:50:44

recognition has been one of the foremost

00:50:55 --> 00:50:59

entire army This is from the

00:51:03 --> 00:51:04


00:51:06 --> 00:51:06

this is

00:51:09 --> 00:51:10


00:51:11 --> 00:51:12

from regulation

00:52:20 --> 00:52:20


00:52:22 --> 00:52:23

is going to be difficult

00:52:30 --> 00:52:31

in dentistry

00:52:54 --> 00:52:54

as we move

00:52:57 --> 00:52:57


00:53:00 --> 00:53:02

the day substitute for

00:53:04 --> 00:53:05

me it was

00:53:08 --> 00:53:11

very meager resources and

00:53:13 --> 00:53:14

you can do that

00:53:19 --> 00:53:23

know that the Islamic Medical Association

00:53:27 --> 00:53:29

was also given

00:53:48 --> 00:53:49

it was

00:53:55 --> 00:53:57

ready is

00:53:59 --> 00:53:59


00:54:11 --> 00:54:14

that is the difference between him and the rest of the community

00:54:17 --> 00:54:18

and why he was on a

00:54:27 --> 00:54:28

given day

00:54:56 --> 00:54:57


00:54:59 --> 00:54:59


00:55:00 --> 00:55:11

The committee and now versus the metal body, the international news to cover the most necessary discipline and medical associations in the world.

00:55:13 --> 00:55:16

And it is only the second largest in this country for the Medical Association.

00:55:20 --> 00:55:21

So, you see,

00:55:27 --> 00:55:34

today what I want to tell you is some of his qualities which I've always respected and recognized.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:40

One of the colonies

00:55:46 --> 00:55:50

must have learned this doesn't apply to

00:55:52 --> 00:55:54

always be the master

00:56:01 --> 00:56:02


00:56:10 --> 00:56:11

as we all know.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:21

So, this is

00:56:22 --> 00:56:23


00:56:24 --> 00:56:29

one on to become a master in every field in which he

00:56:40 --> 00:56:41

any challenge

00:57:00 --> 00:57:02

Madison Square gardens

00:57:08 --> 00:57:10

because we live in this country,

00:57:16 --> 00:57:16


00:57:22 --> 00:57:23

always have to wake

00:57:25 --> 00:57:26

up it is

00:57:30 --> 00:57:32

to take on the responsibility.

00:57:48 --> 00:57:49

Because we can

00:57:51 --> 00:57:52

we can do

00:57:54 --> 00:57:59

that we once were, and we need to assert ourselves again. That will be

00:58:10 --> 00:58:12

what was the secret of success?

00:58:14 --> 00:58:15

For the answer.

00:58:35 --> 00:58:38

She has made it possible for me to be able to do

00:58:41 --> 00:58:45

this as a message processors every thought that

00:58:46 --> 00:58:48

you are holding somebody that

00:58:52 --> 00:58:53

somebody else

00:58:56 --> 00:58:56


00:59:00 --> 00:59:00

I've been

00:59:02 --> 00:59:02

an avid

00:59:13 --> 00:59:15

swimmer scammer Medical Association.

00:59:18 --> 00:59:24

He does this too. Is that really so we can also stand up one day? Hopefully.

00:59:41 --> 00:59:44

Can I tell you there's a privilege and an honor to be available.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:53

We had the problem This was

00:59:57 --> 00:59:57

I'm sure

01:00:00 --> 01:00:00

A lot of things

01:00:01 --> 01:00:05

that maybe we should extract from the lives that

01:00:08 --> 01:00:09

we do not have

01:00:13 --> 01:00:15

a master's degree in anything

01:00:17 --> 01:00:17


01:00:19 --> 01:00:20

than living evening Good evening.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:45

To be bigger has to be

01:00:53 --> 01:00:56

managed because the world

01:01:04 --> 01:01:04

the world

01:01:09 --> 01:01:09

the world

01:01:24 --> 01:01:27

speech in 100

01:01:32 --> 01:01:36

I'm saying I am those of us about Islam

01:01:39 --> 01:01:39


01:01:41 --> 01:01:42

a senior

01:01:55 --> 01:01:55


01:01:57 --> 01:01:59

know that it is our responsibility

01:02:07 --> 01:02:07


01:02:09 --> 01:02:11

good luck and he said, If you really want

01:02:12 --> 01:02:13

to show

01:02:23 --> 01:02:23


01:02:32 --> 01:02:32

all right.

01:02:43 --> 01:02:46

responsibility of each and every one of us

01:02:49 --> 01:02:50

the people around us

01:03:11 --> 01:03:12

could never

01:03:17 --> 01:03:19

have even seen a world of change

01:03:22 --> 01:03:22


01:03:28 --> 01:03:28


01:03:40 --> 01:03:44

and we must know that it is our responsibility also to learn

01:04:14 --> 01:04:16

what is more required,

01:04:34 --> 01:04:35

we also associate

01:04:36 --> 01:04:39

in circumcising the Muslims and

01:04:41 --> 01:04:45

they come up with offers for segmentation. Every week we have one of them.

01:04:47 --> 01:04:49

So I can keep

01:04:50 --> 01:04:50


01:04:55 --> 01:04:56

this is the this is

01:04:59 --> 01:04:59

the end

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


01:05:04 --> 01:05:04


01:05:06 --> 01:05:09

this was an occasion where we can learn from our teachers

01:05:11 --> 01:05:13

and follow some of these little things.

01:05:20 --> 01:05:24

To learn Islam, to propagate Islam, we pray to Allah

01:05:26 --> 01:05:27

in this way,

01:05:37 --> 01:05:38


01:06:23 --> 01:06:28

Nevertheless, hi, I feel honored as my reading

01:06:30 --> 01:06:32

on this occasion with this

01:06:36 --> 01:06:39

just returning from the United States, three days ago,

01:06:42 --> 01:06:47

South Africa continues overseas for various reasons.

01:06:48 --> 01:06:50

But one of the things I've discovered now

01:06:52 --> 01:06:53

is the data

01:06:54 --> 01:06:55

and the

01:06:56 --> 01:06:57


01:06:58 --> 01:07:02

then I can increase my response

01:07:03 --> 01:07:05

by the people

01:07:12 --> 01:07:14

chosen the path

01:07:17 --> 01:07:17

of Islam

01:07:19 --> 01:07:21

in which the criticism and

01:07:22 --> 01:07:25

the nonsense which is obvious,

01:07:26 --> 01:07:26


01:07:28 --> 01:07:29

a Muslim.

01:07:32 --> 01:07:35

Now, my wife is

01:07:36 --> 01:07:37


01:07:45 --> 01:07:46

we all

01:07:48 --> 01:07:49

have technician

01:07:51 --> 01:07:53

services, which

01:07:56 --> 01:07:57

he was

01:07:58 --> 01:07:59

when we had our hands.

01:08:01 --> 01:08:04

And if you have not even been in

01:08:10 --> 01:08:11


01:08:12 --> 01:08:14

field, to which he

01:08:15 --> 01:08:20

is a free user, and many of us don't know,

01:08:22 --> 01:08:25

in order to in order to create products,

01:08:26 --> 01:08:26

which we have

01:08:30 --> 01:08:31

to know

01:08:38 --> 01:08:39

people generally

01:08:42 --> 01:08:43

this is

01:08:46 --> 01:08:47

initiate some

01:08:50 --> 01:08:53

type of training this kind of people to

01:08:54 --> 01:08:55

this mission.

01:09:00 --> 01:09:01

This is a lot of work.

01:09:05 --> 01:09:06

It will continue.

01:09:13 --> 01:09:14

Thank you very much.

01:09:35 --> 01:09:36

The chairman

01:09:42 --> 01:09:46

in Congress as an honor to be called upon

01:09:47 --> 01:09:50

to represent Islamic education

01:09:51 --> 01:09:53

and the Muslim community

01:09:55 --> 01:09:56

to say a few

01:09:58 --> 01:09:58


01:10:02 --> 01:10:09

I'm just going to mention briefly the effects of Mr status wherever

01:10:11 --> 01:10:15

in the society as a whole, how our communities

01:10:19 --> 01:10:20

we all

01:10:21 --> 01:10:32

recover compresses biology has caught us as far as the population registration is concerned. And as such, we have

01:10:33 --> 01:10:39

with the Harvard community, which is a genetically Christian

01:10:40 --> 01:10:42

and this organization

01:10:45 --> 01:10:56

because of the fear that exists in the minds of activists at the time, that there was a serious

01:10:59 --> 01:11:10

Islam monster in your areas. And as a result of which we have established a few machinations, etc.

01:11:11 --> 01:11:20

that is well known to our society. He has delivered a number of lectures or on a few occasions,

01:11:22 --> 01:11:26

face lectures, his video,

01:11:28 --> 01:11:31

his appearance on TV, Professor Chris grayling granted

01:11:33 --> 01:11:37

our position within the community.

01:11:38 --> 01:11:44

I might say that we were at silence, and I'm so sorry to say so that

01:11:45 --> 01:11:58

we practically did one did not want to indicate that there were some of us that just want to show that we are really Muslim. But because we have spoken

01:11:59 --> 01:12:13

and have the knowledge of the Bible, the ability to work and translate from the Bible tells us within the color community to be shown more

01:12:14 --> 01:12:31

and also to be accepted within the mix. And even today, that the pupils at schools isn't allowed to go to Juma on Friday afternoons.

01:12:32 --> 01:12:36

I would like to just relate to an incident which displaces

01:12:37 --> 01:12:42

women druggie that was invited to our teacher training college.

01:12:44 --> 01:12:49

And yesterday was a panel of speakers,

01:12:50 --> 01:13:16

the majority of whom were priests of the various Christian denominations, a Jewish rabbi and priests to show the forcefulness with which Mr. De cartes deliberate reason for that during the time of questioning, all the questions were fired at random.

01:13:17 --> 01:13:20

And I say that some of the

01:13:21 --> 01:13:22

questions when

01:13:28 --> 01:13:31

we have a soldier as the

01:13:33 --> 01:13:34

assistant has

01:13:35 --> 01:13:42

to make a choice, as the literature says being so greedy by Winnebago and

01:13:44 --> 01:13:50

Mr. de la to call upon for assistance in some applications.

01:13:51 --> 01:13:53

We have indeed

01:14:07 --> 01:14:08

Good afternoon.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:00


01:15:11 --> 01:15:11


01:15:18 --> 01:15:19

and the

01:15:23 --> 01:15:23


01:15:31 --> 01:15:32

and the vital role

01:15:40 --> 01:15:41

in the heart of

01:15:45 --> 01:15:47

the pandemonium Islam

01:15:49 --> 01:15:50

including the whole of Africa,

01:15:53 --> 01:15:55

South Africa at this point

01:15:59 --> 01:15:59


01:16:07 --> 01:16:08


01:16:10 --> 01:16:14

resulting in a very good response from quarters

01:16:18 --> 01:16:20

in the process of liberating

01:16:33 --> 01:16:34

in the guidance of

01:16:37 --> 01:16:38

the Muslims,

01:16:39 --> 01:16:40

the truth is

01:16:43 --> 01:16:44

the truth

01:16:45 --> 01:16:48

regardless of the consequences, we cannot say

01:16:54 --> 01:16:56

that every time we do this

01:17:10 --> 01:17:11

to support the

01:17:15 --> 01:17:16


01:17:29 --> 01:17:29

in this country

01:17:49 --> 01:17:51

understood and accepted

01:18:06 --> 01:18:07

in this country

01:18:29 --> 01:18:31

as a token of appreciation

01:18:38 --> 01:18:41

as I like to, which means

01:18:49 --> 01:18:52

that we don't represent him with a very humble

01:18:55 --> 01:18:56


01:19:00 --> 01:19:00


01:19:02 --> 01:19:04

what's on the table, but we

01:19:05 --> 01:19:08

can do this as a token of appreciation.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:01

To be

01:20:03 --> 01:20:07

to be showing this particular

01:20:08 --> 01:20:09


01:20:13 --> 01:20:14

that I have

01:20:15 --> 01:20:16

known him

01:20:23 --> 01:20:25

as somebody who has indicated

01:20:29 --> 01:20:32

because he is so involved in promoting

01:20:37 --> 01:20:39

it is no intersection

01:20:40 --> 01:20:43

the cemetery which started in 1981

01:20:47 --> 01:20:50

because over 200 students was even

01:20:53 --> 01:20:54

has been invaded,

01:20:55 --> 01:20:56


01:21:00 --> 01:21:05

in promoting Islam in his, shall I say

01:21:08 --> 01:21:09

the potential

01:21:11 --> 01:21:12

is tremendous

01:21:14 --> 01:21:15

in the service

01:21:16 --> 01:21:18

we started as in China

01:21:27 --> 01:21:34

and asking for Islam they are asking to become better and I will start

01:21:36 --> 01:21:38

being present as the

01:21:42 --> 01:21:48

audience and as a result of these addressing the audience will immediately

01:21:50 --> 01:21:51

as a result of

01:21:57 --> 01:21:58


01:22:08 --> 01:22:08


01:22:11 --> 01:22:13

introduction Oh somebody wants to become a

01:22:21 --> 01:22:27

witness, he was given as a recognition for services someone who

01:22:32 --> 01:22:33

has achieved

01:22:36 --> 01:22:37

that this

01:22:41 --> 01:22:44

will be a source of inspiration.

01:22:48 --> 01:22:49

This is a

01:22:51 --> 01:22:53

this is an obligation

01:22:58 --> 01:22:59

and of course, we know what it is

01:23:06 --> 01:23:07


01:23:09 --> 01:23:12

it is a responsibility of all of us.

01:23:16 --> 01:23:19

He gives us inspiration.

01:23:34 --> 01:23:37

Today source of inspiration to all of us.

01:23:39 --> 01:23:42

We will be able to summarize achievements

01:24:44 --> 01:24:46

to be here.

01:24:57 --> 01:24:58

A tee shot

01:25:01 --> 01:25:04

Today, we are here to

01:25:15 --> 01:25:18

ask you a question

01:25:35 --> 01:25:35


01:25:41 --> 01:25:41


01:25:49 --> 01:25:49


01:25:51 --> 01:25:52

is Timothy

01:26:02 --> 01:26:03


01:26:08 --> 01:26:12

he used to see the difference between the two original

01:26:23 --> 01:26:25

Please come here to teach the

01:26:29 --> 01:26:30


01:26:34 --> 01:26:35


01:26:39 --> 01:26:40

us to help

01:26:49 --> 01:26:49


01:27:13 --> 01:27:14

So, now this message

01:27:15 --> 01:27:16

this is a message

01:27:18 --> 01:27:18

to this

01:27:21 --> 01:27:21

to this level

01:27:50 --> 01:27:51

it was just

01:27:57 --> 01:27:59

he just killed him

01:28:14 --> 01:28:19

because of this asalaam institution which was closed many institutions

01:28:22 --> 01:28:23

these small, small small

01:28:46 --> 01:28:47

to competitions

01:29:02 --> 01:29:03

there was no

01:29:04 --> 01:29:07

reason for us to go to

01:29:13 --> 01:29:13


01:29:41 --> 01:29:42


01:29:49 --> 01:29:49

and some

01:30:09 --> 01:30:09


01:30:12 --> 01:30:14

is the outcome

01:30:29 --> 01:30:30

give you a heads

01:30:32 --> 01:30:33

up of review

01:31:39 --> 01:31:39


01:31:46 --> 01:31:47


01:32:05 --> 01:32:06


01:32:22 --> 01:32:23

my name is

01:33:21 --> 01:33:22

you ever gone

01:33:51 --> 01:33:52

last but not least,

01:33:55 --> 01:33:57

consumers Association

01:34:20 --> 01:34:20

show you

01:34:23 --> 01:34:24

a tsunami

01:34:32 --> 01:34:33

needs to suit Association

01:35:13 --> 01:35:15

South Africa with tremendous success

01:35:30 --> 01:35:31


01:35:37 --> 01:35:38


01:35:41 --> 01:35:42

to Java

01:36:23 --> 01:36:24

Mr. Chairman,

01:36:31 --> 01:36:34

embarrassing experience sitting

01:36:41 --> 01:36:42

above me

01:36:44 --> 01:36:45

as always

01:36:50 --> 01:36:51

is a

01:36:52 --> 01:36:52


01:36:59 --> 01:37:01

where can I do better than the last

01:37:04 --> 01:37:05


01:37:08 --> 01:37:08

is just

01:37:11 --> 01:37:11


01:37:16 --> 01:37:17


01:37:25 --> 01:37:26


01:37:29 --> 01:37:29


01:37:43 --> 01:37:43


01:37:46 --> 01:37:46

this is

01:37:48 --> 01:37:49


01:37:56 --> 01:37:57


01:37:59 --> 01:38:00


01:38:01 --> 01:38:05

is this the people

01:38:13 --> 01:38:14

you are

01:38:19 --> 01:38:20


01:38:24 --> 01:38:27

occupation, the occupation

01:38:28 --> 01:38:29

whatever you call it

01:38:51 --> 01:38:52

question arises

01:38:55 --> 01:38:55

and this is

01:39:02 --> 01:39:04

a CD in your

01:39:12 --> 01:39:13


01:39:22 --> 01:39:24

the relationship between

01:39:31 --> 01:39:31


01:39:34 --> 01:39:36

even before

01:39:42 --> 01:39:42

this message

01:40:14 --> 01:40:15

As soon as

01:40:28 --> 01:40:29

as you need an investigation

01:40:42 --> 01:40:43

when you

01:40:45 --> 01:40:46


01:40:48 --> 01:40:48


01:40:50 --> 01:40:50


01:40:55 --> 01:40:56

as soon as he

01:40:57 --> 01:40:59

returns to his house

01:41:12 --> 01:41:14

so, he makes a beeline

01:41:20 --> 01:41:21

in the opposite direction

01:41:23 --> 01:41:24

in the opposite direction.

01:41:55 --> 01:41:56


01:42:10 --> 01:42:11

see you

01:42:40 --> 01:42:41

this is the

01:42:48 --> 01:42:49

this is

01:43:01 --> 01:43:03

so I say that there must be

01:43:11 --> 01:43:14

so much confidence in you that

01:43:18 --> 01:43:19

is there such a person in your life.

01:43:21 --> 01:43:26

I came across such a person in my life, and I'm giving an example to give you an idea

01:43:31 --> 01:43:33

for the longest part of my life is ISIS

01:43:45 --> 01:43:46

with the simplest

01:43:48 --> 01:43:49

the simplest

01:43:56 --> 01:43:58

after about a year of wandering around lecturing

01:44:14 --> 01:44:18

don't have no excuses. So to be

01:44:28 --> 01:44:30

very happy to listen to me telling them about

01:44:38 --> 01:44:47

as soon as I finished the conversation, and I'm looking back at an African gentleman, he was also

01:44:49 --> 01:44:50

this episode

01:44:53 --> 01:44:53


01:44:59 --> 01:44:59


01:45:00 --> 01:45:00


01:45:13 --> 01:45:14

to be on the bed

01:45:44 --> 01:45:44


01:45:45 --> 01:45:46


01:46:03 --> 01:46:04

So he gets

01:46:10 --> 01:46:11

the job job.

01:46:17 --> 01:46:18

So when I look

01:46:28 --> 01:46:28

at history

01:46:32 --> 01:46:33

it's a

01:46:47 --> 01:46:49

Saturday afternoon one o'clock

01:47:04 --> 01:47:06

spend the weekend with us.

01:47:08 --> 01:47:09


01:48:07 --> 01:48:14

every Sunday I was conducting classes, the Bible actually teaches you how to use the Bible.

01:48:19 --> 01:48:20


01:48:24 --> 01:48:25

come to be

01:48:33 --> 01:48:34


01:48:40 --> 01:48:41

they want to be

01:48:53 --> 01:48:54

received and useful.

01:48:57 --> 01:48:58

Is this

01:49:03 --> 01:49:06

the person who has such confidence in you?

01:49:13 --> 01:49:14

Good afternoon.

01:49:17 --> 01:49:17

This is

01:49:22 --> 01:49:26

not so bad people must have some.

01:49:55 --> 01:49:56

So the method

01:52:03 --> 01:52:05

He has already done it

01:52:23 --> 01:52:23

and then

01:52:25 --> 01:52:25

they say

01:52:37 --> 01:52:38

Have a good afternoon

01:53:02 --> 01:53:03

I would like to talk

01:53:19 --> 01:53:20

to Brother ADO

01:53:53 --> 01:53:54


01:54:23 --> 01:54:23

the demand

01:54:32 --> 01:54:34

of the beautiful Hall

01:54:43 --> 01:54:44

recording this afternoon

01:54:57 --> 01:54:59

many many years of service to the positive

01:55:00 --> 01:55:00


01:55:01 --> 01:55:01


01:55:05 --> 01:55:06

each and every one of you

01:55:08 --> 01:55:10

accepting our invitation.

01:55:21 --> 01:55:21

Are you

01:55:32 --> 01:55:32


01:55:39 --> 01:55:40

center the center

01:56:29 --> 01:56:29


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