Ahmad Saleem – The Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya 013 P1

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history of the culture of the Corolla, including its rise to the throne, rise to the throne, and rise to the throne. The importance of the first year of the culture is discussed, including the rise of the Corolla to the throne, the rise of the Corolla to the throne, and the use of words like"bringing" and "heat." The chef also discusses various topics, including the rise of the Corolla to the throne, the rise of the Corolla to the throne, and the belief in the concept of a woman named Selma.
AI: Transcript ©
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Allahu Akbar.

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Allahumma salli wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad Ali he also He also lives as him in cathedra already he Lahoma Allah Muhammad Ali Muhammad Kamara Tada Ibrahim Awada Libra human Academy de Majeed.

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Rubbish Raisa threeways Sylvia mid or low lokta melissani of Bali urbanas eterna alemannia, Kareem.

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Sharla we're gonna begin with Hadith number 21 At least number 21.

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This Hadees

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last time we just covered portions of the Hadith but then we didn't read the Hadith in total. And some of the brothers wanted that we actually covered that how these two so we'll cover that the Hadees has been mentioned to us by Abdullah bin Barreda Radi Allahu Allah and he says semirara to Abby, I heard my father I Eaglerider I heard my father Breda Jaco. Say Jah Salma no no Selma and Odin fiery see you era rasool Allah He sal Allahu Allah. He was

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Salam, Salman al Pharisee, he came to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now, what's really interesting about Salman al Pharisee is that we don't know his father's name.

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We don't have any mention of his father's name. And that is why in another narration Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and he asked him, right, people said oh, you know, the Arabs used to really pride themselves of like, father his name, like I have a tabula and I have a NASA when I can go back and this is my father and grandfather and so on so forth. So the Sahaba as they kind of felt like Okay, wait a minute, like who is where do you belong? Like you don't even we don't even know your Nessa. We don't know your lineage. To respond to that. There are sort of laws that allow it he said to me, he said, Selma and all Mina,

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he is from the family of Prophet sallallahu sallam. He attributed him to the family of Prophet sallallahu sallam, so Salman and Pharisee which is an indication of the fact that he was from far as what as far as

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Iran and Persia

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fina Kadima, el Medina, Salman and Pharisee, Radi Allahu Allah and he came to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam when Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to Medina. This incident takes place in the first hijra, first year of Hijra. This incident takes place one year after he had come to Emanuel Pharisee at this point has had been sold to 12 masters that were Jews. And right now he was with the master somebody from Brno Karela. At that particular time, you had whenever you say the word Jews, or Yehuda at the time of Rasul, Allah, Allahu ERVA. As the sera books they'll tell you earlier who do herba

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Jews there were four categories.

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But no, oriola is one that was an area of Corolla, and they were that tribe was the second one.

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By no tie in a car. Okay, but no Corolla

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by NO by NO car

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and you had

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been on a deal.

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And the fourth one were the Jews of Hiber.

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So these were the four kava ale or tribes of Jews that existed at the time of Rasul Allah, this particular time and also to Allah sir at this particular time, Salem Island Pharisee. He belonged to he was asserted slave to a person who was from the Kavita of Ghana, Cora EULA. So he comes our eastern man and Pharisee to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he says Bhima Edith and Allah He wrote up he brings dates to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in specific he brings the dates that are called wrote up the

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the Arabs they have various different names for different stages off dates. So when the date is in its very early stage or primary early stage those dates are called Bala. They're like yellow or red in color and they're crunchy and juicy. And they feel like you know they feel like something has cut your mouth when you eat them like you know they they have a dry aftertaste. So those are called Bella. Now after Bella The next stage is the stage of rhubarb which is when that Bella it starts becoming soft

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I will tell her Bella her woman at summer, NAMM

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and when that Bella when that date that is hard and crunchy starts becoming soft.

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It's literally like really soft it can be like you must with your hand that that stage is called proto

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after that, a stage which it becomes hard and the moisture content evaporates that stage is called thermal state and there is a fourth stage which is only found in Desi culture which is tewara

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which breaks your teeth there is no moisture content in it and I don't know why they serve it when the groom is getting married

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no they give it out like sometimes they add water in like a basket I'm like what is that have you be either give me a Bala give me a root up give me a term or give me like a Bone Crusher. They like you know you put it in your mouth you know you have to go to a dentist after right so that's a tewara that doesn't exist

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I actually told you I once was with my chef. I don't know if I told you guys this. I wasn't my chef and you know the first time my chef says to me, says oh look, I'm going to come to your house. I was like mashallah my chef is going to come to our house. So I went I bought some dates from a Bacala from like a grocery store. And I you know, I prepared the Arabic coffee and dates and the chef is like my other such if tomorrow. He said had I had been EOG these dates you feed

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camels not humans,

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right? Literally those are the same dates that we feed on a shoddy those hard dates. Then the chef takes me out and then he gives me like a one hour that's on tomorrow. Right He says this is called Sal This is called Saphan knuckle. This is called this the NN Subhan Allah that was very interesting he took me took me in a ride into the Dade palm trees and explained to me every single thing and stuff like that and, and that's how I learned this. So anyhow, so he comes with the route up to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Farrakhan Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said yes, * man. Very interesting over here, he Rasul Allah has not met Salman and Pharisee before

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he does not know salmonella Pharisee This is the first meeting of Salman al Farsi with Rasulullah sallallahu.

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Yet he knows

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the name of salmonella Pharisee. And he says, Yeah, Selma.

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And over here, the orlimar they they talk about two things, right? Again, this hadith is can be found in in many authentic narrations. And one of the things they say is a woman Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam either this was a warning from Allah subhanaw taala. Allah sent away to him that his name is Selma.

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The second, which I think is a lot more credible, is the Hadith from in Bukhari and Muslim which talks about that not a single one of us we say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad wa ala Ali Mohammed Canossa later Allah Ibrahim Allah Ali Ibrahim in Nikka hamidou Majeed when we say this, when we say Sal, Allahu Allah, Muhammad Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad,

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Allah has appointed an angel

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at the grave of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And that angel, he says, to Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ya rasool Allah, Fulani, bufala. And this person, the son of this person, the son of this person, Salah Malik, he has sent salaam to you.

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So in that hadith says and he responds to that he says while he he said on

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the LMR like for example, if you look at even hydrolysed Kalani, he talks about it that Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam by the fact that he is the Navi Allah has made him acquainted with even the names of every single one of his followers who sent salatu salam to him.

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And he will always be aware of that because of this hadith every single time somebody says Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad he will know that that So, when you meet him on the day

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when you say I am Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn Salim he will know who you are.

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He will not know you facially but he will not you have sent me this many salaams

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right. The second thing even has your says that there is no every single one of us. We seek accolades, we seek recognition for our children. So if our children is recognized by the mayor of the city, or somewhere and the dimension is, oh, this daughter or this son of yours, who is the son of so and so and the daughter of so and so, then you feel an honor that your name has been mentioned in the presence off

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