Ahmad Saleem – Shama’il al-Muhammadiyya 001

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the history and characteristics of the beast, including its shape, size, and color, as well as its secret and its use. The speakers emphasize the importance of knowing who the author is and examine the details of the beast's secret. They also discuss the loss of books and the lack of national pride, as well as the importance of shamanism in schools and setting. The conversation touches on the use of light and the importance of shamanism in building a foundation for a new learning experience. The speakers speculate on the origin of the culture and the potential for national pride.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim is Villa Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah yo bad rubbish rallies

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were suddenly empty. Well, hello looked at Emily Sani of the whole probably Robin has eaten alemannia Karim

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insha Allah From today onwards, every Thursday after a lot of Asia. We're going to start

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the study of the Sierra of Nabi SallAllahu sallam. For those of you that had attended that lecture in the past that we gave, I think, before Ramadan on a Sunday morning, the last Sunday before Ramadan, we'll just repeat it for those of you that didn't hear it. And we talked about that. Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran, he asks this question that um, let me it for those who to whom I'm the hormone Karen, do they not know their profit? Or are they in a state of a denial and in Carl in a state of incar of their profit, and from there the question happens that how do you get to know Prophet sallallahu sallam? How do you get the mighty for of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and Madiba of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is something that is predicated on multiple things. But in order for us to start truly loving Rasul Allah, we must have Madiba because the one who has made it for the Arabs, they usually say man Arafa, a hub that whosoever gets to know someone you get to love them, woman or hubba hubba and if you love them, you will eventually follow them. So that's the sequence. So the mother the father or the awareness or getting to know Prophet sallallahu wasallam. The scholars they have said that there are five sciences, five sciences through which we can get to know Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the first science

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it's live on YouTube.

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Go to him says YouTube, it's live.

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So if you can just go to Hamza YouTube, you'll get the link there on there, or somebody else can if so,

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what was I saying?

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The five sciences. Yes. So the five sciences to know Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. They are the science of Sierra, which is the science through which you get to know the chrono illogical life of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam, right. And the word sera comes from Zara zero, from that same word is sejarah your car?

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Okay, it's all the same words. What does the car do?

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Right, it takes you from one place to another. So when you go through the Syrah of rasool Allah Azza wa sallam, you go from one event to another event to another event to another. It's a chronological sequence of events that leads us to go through or traverse through or traveled through as if you were in a car driving, and you're seeing the life of Rasulullah unfold in front of you. Lots of books have been written on the science of Syrah. And usually, when the word SeRa is used, it's usually means the chronological study of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in English in my opinion, the best book that is there is the book of Martin lings. It's probably one of the best

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books that has written in English and if you've not read it, it's such a

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powerful read that no one's you start the chapter, you can close the chapter until you finish the chapter. That's how beautiful it and in English, there's lots of series that you can find online on Sierra just type in Sierra, you have Chef Yasaka these Euro you have early alarm gear sera from UK, you have the Sierra annoncer agenda, you have to see it off Hamza Yusuf Sheikh Hamza, Yusuf, all of these heroes are out there multiple and they have different flavors. Every Syrah is different flavor. The focus on that journey is different in every zero, the most detailed one obviously is GFS or the Syrah then you have the next science, which is a nice science of what those who remember.

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Let's see who remembers that lecture. Shama? Ill, right? It's the lecture for today. So there is a science of Shama IL. The word Shama. Il comes from the root word of Shimla. chamalla. Shmoo means that you know, something that covers

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You Shimla you know the Arabs decision amla, right. So this is the study of the characteristics.

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Well holo, so the creation, the existence of Rasulullah, the Mubarak just heard of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and the study of the beauty within him inside, so it's his, his external creation, and his internal beauty, all of that, that is the science of Shama. And then you have the science of Fada, and which is the superiority of Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam above all other Ambia

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this entire science, how do we know that he is best? He is the, you know, Emmanuel Ambia sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how do we know that? There's an entire science of that. Then you have the science of HERSA is these are exclusive rules that only belong to Prophet sallallahu sallam. These are exceptional rules that for or for profits that are Salam and is not for you. And as for me,

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we gave some examples of the rules. For example, once Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam consummated the marriage with a woman she he cannot divorce her.

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And when he tried divorcing what happened?

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Allah returned, have Saturday alone back, you can't do that.

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But if the marriage has not been consummated in any kind of takes place, then Rasulullah still has a choice. Right? I mean, obviously, this is a discussion that's not relevant today. I mean, there's not going to have any Nikka of Rasulullah right now, but for us to know Okay, similarly hasa is a Prophet sallallahu Sallam means that certain Eva that were forbidden him

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such as what

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the 100 but it's not first on you and me. And other thing if Rasulullah initiated an a bada

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Okay, so there was, I mean, he decided that, you know, he's gonna pray one day at a certain time, and he added an extra period and he has to stick to that prayer for the rest of his life. That's hacia for Rasulullah sallallahu that is why in Muslim, you hear that Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam he started praying

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towards the end of his life he missed his the horse owners

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he missed his owners of the horse so he came and he prayed them after ourselves although this is the time that is many it is a time that is prohibited for you and I to pray

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but there is an exception for Rasulullah there is no time where he is not

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so his there's there's no time for him where it's prohibited for him to break it's prohibited for you and I to pray but not for him while people might find that odd but similarly in your in Makkah wait when you're in Haram there is no time in Haram where you are you know

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so there is no time in Haram that is a prohibited time so when you're in the Haram Maka entire time you're on that boundary that white floor you're good to go you can pray anytime there is no even like after fajr even after even after us or even after us or okay there is no money time so places and people Allah subhanaw taala can decide these exemptions or exceptions. So this is called Casa is a Prophet sallallahu sallam. Then you have the last one della il of Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? The evidentiary grounds on which you and I can come to this conclusion that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Nabhi.

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Right? That's called the law of Nagisa. And each one there are lots of books that have been written. Sadly, only in Sierra and Shama l books have been translated the rest of sciences you still have books only in Arabic. In order also you can get them but other than mmm that hubby's books have been translated in order to but other than that, you know, we don't have them in English. Today, our discussion is going to be on the discussion of Shama. And

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but before we get into the book, we need to know who is the author of Shamal so maybe this session in the next session, we're going to spend some time understanding who emigrated museus. So Imam televisie was born in a place today it was Pakistan and a small inner city called Thermus, which is still there. And he was born in termis. We don't know anything about how he grew up. There is no information on nationality, he how he was raised. We don't have any books that talk about it. We just know about him. When he from Uzbekistan, in the early 200 Hijiri. This is in the early two hundreds, right 208 There's definitely laugh whether it is joy to attend it's it's an early period

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of 200 Hijiri. That's what we don't have his details of initiation would happen. We know what happened when he died. But early is there's there's a lot of confusion about what happened because nobody there was not many people documenting stuff in those buckets.

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done at that time, in cinemas, especially Muslims had reached all with all the way to Terminus. He grew up Allah subhanaw taala had given him a zakura a memory that was like no other.

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Imam tenemos he himself has reported dimension that I never asked anybody to repeat any information. And we'll get

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amped up on hosting. I forgot. It'll be metadata. We forget, like right now somebody told you and we forget. Imam televisie never required to repeat anything. As a matter of fact about his DACA his memory. It has mentioned

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that multiple stories have been mentioned, one of the most profound stories that is mentioned about Imam Imam Tim is his memory is first obviously, he memorized the entire Quran in 30 days.

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That's just like Subhanallah right. And again, these things happen in our times. I know of a person in Toronto, who was 68 years of age 60 years of age, retired in one Ramadan, he came in Ramadan, and he said, you know, we are Muslim. They give me a quick sneak and I don't have anything to do let me memorize the Quran.

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So he started memorizing the Quran and 68 years of age. Before he was 69. He memorized the Quran.

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He's still alive today.

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He memorized at that age, he memorized the entire Quran in eight months. Right? So these are called abilities that Allah subhanaw taala gives people and I'm telling you, he had been given that ability. So he's traveling and he knows that he's going to Makkah, and he takes two volumes of book like imagine that book, 600 pages 600 pages, he takes two volumes of books. Now back in the day, books were not printed like you and I so they're all looked black. They had like one curl cover. And these books were handwritten books. So the books that Imam tiramisu chose, these were the books that there was a hadith collection that he had collected in those books handwritten. And he knew that

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there is a specific chef in Makkah that I'm going to go and I'm going to recite his Hadees collection to him so that I can get the ijazah I can get their permission, and I will confirm my knowledge that I have documented. So he arrives in Makkah, he opens a book and accidentally he has picked up two empty volumes, not the ones he had written in. So he thought these last two volumes in the corner, were the ones he picked up. He didn't check, he put it in the luggage traveled, came to hedge, he opens array. There's nothing written in it. Now he has already taken an appointment with the chef. So in the morning, Fudger he goes to the chef and he starts opening the book empty and

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he's reading the Hadith as if there's a hadith in there, but all of that is coming from his memory.

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So the share he kind of like he's like,

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What are you doing? They'll have Ali, are you playing with me? What is this joke? He said, Well, this is what happened. I traveled from titmus I poked around volumes. But by Allah I had I know all of those two volumes by heart and I can recite them to the chef who did not believe him. He said you that Kurt like you're trying to you know try to play big, you actually revise them before coming. And now you're pretending to be like you know, super knowledgeable. So he said, Now you can give me 40 Hadith now.

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Just give me any of the new 40 Hadith that I do not know. Give me some 40 Hadith and I will repeat those Hadith. Now keep in mind when we're saying repeat Hadith, the way we repeat Hadith says anomala Lavinia

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the way they had inserted Allah, Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah.

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Remember all that chain and then the Hadith, that that one Hadees may have six different chains.

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So one chain the last two people are different the next chain the top person is different. So you're memorizing all those chains for one Hadith. So Imam did was he got those 40 Hadees and he repeated him as the Imam that have you mentioned that he repeated all of those Hadees verbatim with all the chains

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when he traveled from Vietnamese,

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he was a young man. He came to hijas and he came to areas of Bukhara so he was a student of Imam Bukhari. He studied with Imam Bukhari. Imam Bukhari mentions about Imam Ted mozzie and he says when Imam told me he was about to leave Rambo he says that I benefited more from Timothy than he benefited from me.

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And this is who this Imam Buhari thing this about Imam Timothy, okay. I'm telling you the sadly we only have two of his books with us today.

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He had written lots of books in our Tafseer collection and stuff we have mentioned of other books that he wrote in total for famous books that were written. We don't know what those four books are lost. We don't know where they are. Right? We

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Have mentions of them and like even Kathy and they'll mention that I got this from Imam Timothy's this book. Now we go look for that book. We don't know where that book is, is gone. And that leads us to the point of what happened to those books.

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Right? I gave you the example of Hachette LBD give you the example of the, you know, the Mazuma, the poetry that we started on Sunday mornings, right, that book was lost. Every child in the past had memorized that poetry. But for the last 300 years, it was lost. We didn't know where it went until one.

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Emanuel Garcia researcher, found it in a romaine somewhere and picked it up from a library. And then he printed the whole Deewan of about his heart, a little bat. And in 1965, we got that book back.

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But for almost 300 years, we didn't have access to that book. We had memory all the mark Madiba all the Moroccan scholars would talk about it. I've always have the little bat woman zuba what has happened, it'll be the best macro narrative we know we do not know where it is. It was last until 1960s Somebody else similarly, you know.

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L L. L L Matalan or I forgot the book. It's like a book that was written in 200 Hijiri.

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Guess who has it?

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Stanford library manuscripts has it somewhere. And then it got recently printed.

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It was something from 200 Hijiri. Our heritage it was sitting in some until one person went and he opened the catalog. What is this?

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an alum l matar look this book, and then they found that book they got permission to printed and no Harvard has it, or Stanford has it? Similarly, just in Timbuktu. Abdullah Hakim quick he mentioned that in Timbuktu, over 700,000 manuscripts were stolen by the British when they invaded Africa, and that area, and they took them and they put them in their libraries. We don't even know like, oh, we have over half a million manuscripts of our heritage that is sitting there somewhere. Alhamdulilah is at least safe. If it was with Muslims, water was tiny. Like we're like, I literally when I was in Makkah, we went to the museum, and that guy's like, Yeah, this is the pillar of even Abbas. I'm

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like, why can everybody touch it? You should be like protecting it. The idea movie mafia machina. It's normal. No problem. Literally image something was built at even our buses time. You can go and touch that word and Nope, there's no protection for that pillar, just standing there. Just like that. Everybody coming is touching that pillar. Right? So alhamdulillah those things are saved. Coming back in I'm tearing Mizzi. We only have two of his books. We have al Jamia the one, which is the site so he did Mizzi and here I have a tangent.

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We have C Housesitter. We have the six books of Hadith. These are called the six books of Hadith collection on which our Shetty is built. Today this entire Qurani movement that is happening, right there's there's centers of them in Dallas, they're actually opening a Center in Atlanta, just so you guys don't know. We're opening a center in Gainesville, right? That Qurani movement and they're bringing all of that zero. So they are like in denial of all of these six Hadees collections. They only say from this six Hadith collection we will only use 200 mutawatir. Hadith, the rest of the Hadith we don't need to worry about. So whatever then we can build on the 200 meter water, Hadith

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those are that Deen everything else is just, you know, we don't know if it's the role of Rasulullah sallallahu.

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And that is very problematic. But coming back to see has it. It's really interesting to see that out of the six Hadees collection books. Only one of them was Arab. Muslim. Everybody else was Agim

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and they were Agim or II they didn't speak Arabic. There were people who were Muslims, they opened their lands I II they entered and they became victorious in these lands within 70 to 80 years. The influence of Muslim Hadassah civilization was so powerful that the within 60 to 70 years, if you look at the first 150, all the way to 300, that 150 You know, within 150 years, we produced a scholarship of non Muslim, the sorry non Arab scholars who dominated the scholarship of Islam. And that tells you how great their education system was.

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That the enter into Uzbekistan they enter into Bahara and those places today have reminisces of Islam.

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When we were in andalas, the person was telling us like if you've not been to under laws in Spain, like you should save up money in gold because that's where especially if you have children, they're like teenagers and in their early 20s see what our civilization was

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So this person was touring with us. So I asked him, I said, you know, so how did the Muslims, you know, he said, you know, the Muslim neighborhoods were known for one thing, which was that they were most fragrant.

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So it was very odd. So I'm like, how are they fragrant. So he said, whenever they would build libraries in Angelo's, whenever they would put libraries, they found out that there are certain herbs, certain underwater plants that create fragrance in water.

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So the architects that build those libraries, and those mosques, they had rivers flowing because of voodoo and stuff, they needed water. So if the stream was flowing, they would, they would actually, you know, grow and plant all of these trees so that the stream water would come through. But once it crosses the neighborhoods of Muslim and that stream, water goes into other neighborhoods, people can tell that this water went through the Muslim neighborhood.

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I G.

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Right. And it was fragrant. He said, the neighborhoods of Muslims were fragrant. They built their their buildings and architecture in certain ways. When we were going and seeing in Valencia and Valencia, when we were there, the architecture was so powerful that if you were to light a small coal and put behold, it was designed in a way that that scent would permeate every single corner of that building.

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And it was designed to their own we don't use steel, so we don't use a lot of so just little would be enough.

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From the sound engineering part. If you go there and these places like pyramids, if you go there, the mosque, which is built very close to Imam Timothy's. You know where he was born, supposedly born, Allahu Allah, and we don't over there. There's like it there reports that there were 50,000 people. Imagine if we are eat Salah, we didn't have a microphone, how are they going to hear?

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They wouldn't be able to hear. But how did they hear 50,000 people, the building was designed so that when the Imam is speaking at the member at a certain height and projection, it should it will project the sound. And those domes that were built were designed for all of that. And all of that happened in in the first 150 200 years

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Muslims went to was Pakistan, there was no Muslims. Now you have an entire civilization of Muslims that till this day you have effect of that. So these five that came out of the six, they were non Arabs. So this is like a motivation for all of us. Like if they could do it, we can do we have a lot more tools today. But what's missing is we don't have the drive.

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Right, that's the thing that's missing. And I'm Timothy was not known for anything other than Hadees as a matter of fact, he read so much Hadees and he wrote so much Hadees that it is mentioned that towards the end of his life, he became blind.

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He became blind because he didn't have proper light. So whatever light he was using, and he was putting strain on his eyes because of the strain that he put his on his eyes with writing and studying Hadees he became blind.

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A jeep right at SC it's not that Allah subhanaw taala saved his name throughout history like you know he gave that effort he put in that time. So all of us are capable of achieving those heights. But the question happens is which one of us is going willing to sacrifice that it comes with a sacrifice it comes at a cost if you pay that cost, we all can gain all of these things right. Then Imam Tatum easy. It is mentioned about him that after he wrote a German term easy by the by the way, this book Jami, I tell him as it has mentioned that if anybody

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has German autonomously in his house, you know, I will innocence. Haley, he says that if anybody has German autonomously in his house as if you have Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in your house, I mean, the descriptions that are mentioned in that, and if you read that book, you can visualize prophets.

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And some scholars, they actually put Imam Timothy's book over not in the level of authenticity, but in the level of benefit to the masses. They put him on theorem is his book higher than Bukhari and Muslim. And the reason they say that is because Bukhari and Muslim are complicated books are these collections. They require somebody to unpack the benefits, but Imam Tiramisu is Jami attorneys he was written. Salas, Lea Bara, it was very easy for us to explain, and any hard words he has explained it in it for you. So you don't need access to other things. You can just read that book and benefit from it. The second book that he wrote was the book of Shama and

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Shamel, a telemovie which is a collection of 400 Hadith books. And those are these books combined. That hadith is the collection is called Shamaya, l mohammedia. Or Shamel, a tyranny Z. There's different names for it. When we you

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was the word Shama and in general, when you say Shama ill it denotes

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Shamal of Prophet sallallahu Sallam the characteristics of prophets of Salaam, unless and until we use the word in Arabic and we say Shama Al and us, or Shama al Habib or Shama Elmo, you know so when we use the word smile alone, it means only Shambhala Prophet sallallahu Sallam the characteristics or promises, unless and until we add a name to it, then it changes. Inshallah, in our study, you will start the book Shamala telemovie, one of the format's, that we're going to take on is that when the hadith is being mentioned, the last rally the narrator will try our best to give you a history of what that rally is and what has you know, just so we get to know a little bit of the Sahaba and

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then we'll get into the Hadith collections, and also why we need to study Shama and we'll we'll touch on that inshallah. Next week, in more detail we rely to Allah is documented Allah Hi, now, you have a task all of you.

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Which is that this is rarely do people teach Semyon rarely, in Masjid settings, it is always taught in Institute's but in Masjid settings, you don't usually find lectures on GMI.

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And this is a science that is definitely lacking. Because a lot of us we don't have, you know, when I say how did Rasul Allah look like, we need to have a visualization of how he looked like. So I want that when you go back, find a friend of yours that is not here today.

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And you make sure you put a reminder in your phones that you bring because a dial, I'll highly cover it. If you invite that brother or sister, you invite them over here. It's as if everything that he does, you get the benefit from it.

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Right Imagine if somebody told you look, if you invite this brother, the salary he makes will give you the salary to

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this machine, it will be full.

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Each person will bring 100 people regardless of the salary military. Over here, Allah subhanaw taala is saying that you will get the Azure of what he does.

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And whatever he learns, and whatever he learns, and after he learns all of his children and generations to come, you all walk away with that Azure.

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So if you bring one person, and from that one person, so many people are guided Subhanallah I know the person and he's a friend of my dad who gives the shahada to Dr. Bill Phillips.

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Once you the uncle,

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right, he was there in Canada, in the masjid. They were having a conversation, Bill Phillips was a black Canadian, didn't know anything, had few conversations, broken English, Amon, Islam, Allahu Akbar this and he's like, oh, I want to be a Muslim.

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And Khursheed uncle, nobody knows. Dr. Bilal Philips, everybody knows. And the higher you know, he's built a university, the Jamia all of that, right. So you don't know that person that you bring could actually become the villain Phillips. So when you go out today, find that person, talk to them, and bring them in Sharla, next Thursday, when we start the book, collectively, and we'll start it off slow. But once we set the principles, we'll push. Now one other thing that is very important.

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There are two types of learning.

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One is you know what to do.

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Okay, so can I do this, do this do this, there will be practical aspects of Shamaya that will touch on that. But for the first month, two months, my focus is going to be why are we learning?

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And my focus is going to be seen a victory to think

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why this? Is there? How like before, what can I do with it, the focus is going to be to start changing how we should think about Sharia.

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Okay, and this is called an Arabic they'll see a little fakery that that, that Sharia is supposed to alter our thinking. And it is supposed to lay the foundation on how we should think.

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So in the context of Hadith, and everything that we're going to be doing, talking, you're gonna find less practical lessons from me. But more questioning that would insha Allah enable us to have a foundational thinking of how we should think about Sharia before we can get to the answer of what I need to do, because oftentimes we know what to do. Right? We know what to do about it, but we really don't have the foundation that is there for us to be able to, to build on it. And the simple question is, somebody will ask me something, was this halal and haram?

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Because they're concerned about what to do.

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But because they don't think the way shedding I wants them to think there are so many other things that they may be involved in Haram, but it's not even like it's not there for them. Right? That if a person is concerned about the food that is served to him

00:30:00 --> 00:30:40

on an aeroplane when it's hot and haram, but if that person he is traveling in his destination is that he's gonna go to Las Vegas and have lots of fun. It really doesn't matter if you had halal or haram food on that your suffer is haram. You get it. So, the assailant FAKHRY changes that rather than being objecting about the immediate object we need to think at a greater concept of understanding what God wants from us, rather than getting stuck in minut little details. Okay, so inshallah we'll start next week. Sorry, I extended this when Sharla from next week, we'll try to keep it within 2025 minutes. We have Malaita Allah Baraka Luffy comes to panic alarm where we have

00:30:40 --> 00:30:44

the crescendo La ilaha illa Anta Saphira kotoba like Santa Monica de la

00:31:05 --> 00:31:08

somebody posted something. I don't know what it was posted.

00:31:09 --> 00:31:11

This is a new announcement.

00:31:12 --> 00:31:13


00:31:16 --> 00:31:23

Now that's a different announcement. That announcement is still not. It's pakery Yeah, Bobby. That announcement is brewing.

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