Ahmad Saleem – Muslim Legends #6 Aruj Reis Barbarosa

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the history of the European Empire during the European Union and the French Empire. The speakers discuss the use of Galleys and base, as well as the use of military base and base. They also mention the importance of succession planning and the holy Alliance, including its success in protecting against new enemies and the involvement of various countries. The history of the Turks and the Turkish army is also discussed, with the fifth largest navy being the Turkish army.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Nura, Nura.

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So in 98, an 18th century in 1474, on an island on the island of Lesbos, which is modern day Greece today,

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a Rouge was born at that time that particular island was controlled by the Turkish Empire. Now, a Rudra EES was his name. He wrote Euro EES was his name. He was born, his father actually belonged to the Suleyman the magnificent, Solomon al coinone. He belong to an elite force, ie you need another one.

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So his father belonged to an elite Task Force, ie he was like, you know, the double oh seven force for the queen, like he belong to this mi seven very, very, you know, Secret of fours, and they did these covert missions all across the Mediterranean, and his father married somebody by the name of Katarina, she was an Orthodox Christian. There's no accounts of whether she converted to Islam or not. We don't know if she was ever became a Muslim. Now, this was 1474 on Lesbos, or Rouge or East was born. And then four years after that 1478 There was another person want to follow Jesus brother, younger brother by the name of Israel

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was born. Now I will tell you why we're mentioning Both the brothers you will understand the story. Now from 1480 to 1500. What happened was

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because his father Jaco belonged to an elite Task Force and they want lots of victories. The Sultana that time gave them a specific on the island of Lesbos, a huge piece of land. So they said, What do we do? Because in between battles, we have to make our earning. So they became known as famous Potter's of that time. So his father and the four brothers, they got known in the Mediterranean Sea at that time, as a family that was exporting they were making pottery you know what pottery is? Who knows what pottery is?

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You know what pottery is? No. So Clay, you know, pots that are made out of clay. Right pots that are made out of clay, you can look up when you go home, look up YouTube, like pottery or clay pots, you will understand what that is right? So they were making those with their hands till this day pottery is made through hands. Nobody, you know, you don't have machine you. I think you might have some machinery now, but like most of it is still done by hand. So they were exporting that between 1480 to 1500. They were exporting that pottery across. And they became major players in that industry. Now, because he was traveling to Italy. He was traveling to France. He was traveling, he was living

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on the island that spoke predominantly Greek at that time, he was interacting with a lot of Muslims from the Arab land. And he was part of the Turkish Empire. I wrote Euro East was That was his name. I wrote Euro East was actually a polyglot. What does a polyglot mean?

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Somebody who speaks five or more languages, okay? A polyglot is a person who speaks five or more languages. So, three

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you speak five languages. Mashallah. Is sleep talking one of them? Because a lot of my kids do that too. Right? So, Italian, Spanish, you guys write this down? What were the languages he spoke? He spoke Italian. He spoke Spanish spoke French, Greek, Arabic, and Turkish.

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So total of six. Anybody who speaks five or more languages, that person is called a polyglot. So he was a polyglot. And what happens around 1500 He is sailing with his pottery and his brothers and they're sailing to an island and they come across the one of the most fierce Crusader army known as the Knights Hospitallers. Or they were also called the Knights of St. John. And they run into Baba Roach or erode at that time, I'll tell you why his name became Baba Raj, Raj Rakesh, they they run into him, they capture him, and they take him they captured him around Tripoli, and they take him all the way to the castle of boardroom which is found on the island of Rhodes. Okay, now, I wish

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there was Google Earth here and you could see where all of these things were, but just you know,

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really far from Tripoli. Now, what happens is he stays there in that island, and he he stays in that in that castle. You know, not castle, the fort. Of

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It's actually a castle and he was actually in the dungeon of the castle. So he stays there for three years. And he understands he's very smart person, he figures out escape plan. And what he does is on the middle of one of the nights, he recognizes that on a particular night, the sailors and everybody, they get drunk, and the guard is the lowest at that time, everybody gets drunk. So on one of those nights, he finds an opportunity, he escapes from the prison, he jumps on a ship. Now, did we talk about galleys before? We talked about galleys, right? Where they had those men in the bottom floor, and they would alright so. So those galleys usually would have sometimes 100 250 ores, you

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would have the 100 and 100, or 50, and 50 ores necessary for the movement of the ship and you would have those excess, another 5025 25 If they needed extra boost, so people could come down and get the ship going, what usually three to four sales on that galley. Now Raj gets onto the boat and finds the entire ship crew is drunk. So he starts tossing them out one by one,

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because they're all drunk. So he fights and tosses them over. And then he throws all the oars out because it's going to slow him down when he's sailing. And his he entirely sails the entire ship all by himself

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and arrives at Antalya, which is in Turkey.

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Now, when he arrives in Antalya in 1503, he does the escape, he escapes in 1503, he sailed and usually a ship like that required around 200 men to control that ship. So you can imagine the effort that he had to go through in sailing that ship. But more importantly, because in the early time from 1480 to 1500, he spent 20 years sailing back and forth and back and forth in the sea. He understood and he became the master of how to sail understood the sea waves, the currents all of because he was doing that for his living. Right. So what do we learn here? Right? Sometimes you may do things, right, as kids as you grow older, but you know, sometimes you think it's just a repetitive task, but

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20 years later, you will learn that the skill that you learn from there is going to be beneficial for you right later down the road. Right. So So what happens here is he escapes and he comes to Antalya. And when he arrives at Antalya, there's the nephew, there's a photograph whether this was a nephew or a relative bottom line, he was a very close relative to Sultan at that time. His name was shahzada Korkut she has other code, he sees the quality in a rouge and he says a person like you should not be

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just you know, selling pottery you should be the leader of the naval army for the Ottomans. So he gives him 24 galleys. So, if average galley had 200 Men, times 24 What's that?

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How many men is he controlling?

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So, what is two times 24?

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What is two times 24?

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Yeah 48. So, how many men did he have 4800 men that he controlled. And now he he has the first naval Muslim army and 24 ships are galleys and around 40 4800 Men 4800 to 5000 men that he he is now under command. He is brother also joins him our roads and hydro Dean our road and hydro Dean hydro Dean. His other name was phizzer but later on he was called hydro Dean. So the two brothers are Rajan hydro Dean. They join one another and now they go to Tunisia and Indonesia there is this small place called Juba till this day unfortunately today Djerba is known for its vibrant nightlife lot of the holly G A lot of the the Gulf Arab state rich people go there for you know haram stuff. As a matter

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of fact that when I was researching, I found that a lot of the youth that Morocco, the Tunisian youth that live there, you know, they're dancing with breakdancing and doing all of these things right next to the statue of Baba outros, and they have absolutely no idea who this Barbarossa and like they're so disconnected from their history, like that city itself, that the youth of that city do not know the significance of that city. Right, then, you know, we can't blame, you know, youth over here, right? Like they're living and they're seeing signs and monuments, that they're not connected.

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So, he in 1503, he arrives and he makes his first naval base Djerba. 1504. He recognizes that if I want to control the Mediterranean, I cannot have just one base I need a secondary base. And I need to be able to move from this base to this base and

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And then this way I can control a bigger portion of the Mediterranean. So he goes to a person by that time, a small country, in Tunisia run by a nice person by the name of Abdullah Abdullah Mohammed Al Hamisi. And he says, Listen, I want to use the port that you have. And that port was called La Goleta. I want to use that port. And in return, I will give you 1/3 of whatever I make. So this deal and they make they strike a deal and they go on, and now he is fully established to take on the mission. Right? What is the mission? The mission is between 1504 and 1510. He was transporting

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Muslims and Christians and Jews that were not Catholic Christians that were not Catholic Jews and Muslims that were being persecuted in Spain, at the hands of the Spanish inquisitions. So he spent the next six years or seven years you know, going up and down up and down and saving all you know so many Muslims and and Jews and that is one of the reasons why Morocco is one of the Morocco and that you know area in Tunisia, you will find people who speak fluent Arabic and they're Jews.

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As a matter of fact, true story. What happened with me was when I used to work at Eglinton and young, during my university years

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at a co op job, and there's a pizza shop there at Eglinton and young. That pizza shop is run by a Moroccan

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See, technology can't hear me she's like, What are you talking about juice I'm listening now.

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So you know.

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So, at that place at Eglinton and young, there is a pizza shop that is run by a Moroccan Jew. And for me, it was really shocking because I was started speaking Arabic to this person back then. And he's speaking Arabic to me. And I was like, so surprising. And, and I'm like, you know, the food's halal. And he's like, yeah, it's kosher. And I'm like, kosher, but you speaking Arabic to me? He's like, Yeah, I'm a Jew from Morocco. And at that time, I didn't know I was like, okay, that's, that's weird. Like, you're a Jew from Morocco. I didn't know that. Right? But till this day, there are Jews in that area. And they live there. Right. And that was one of the reasons because they they were

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being persecuted in Spain. And then they would bring them down. Now 1513

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He attacks the city of Valencia, Baba Raja attacks. I mean, I'm just giving you highlights. That whole thing is an entire battle. What happened and how he saved an entire thing. We don't have time for it. By the way. Barbarossa is really good. Because right now you have a TV series that is running. It's not even finished at season one. On Barbarossa. It is 30 episodes of two and half hour long movies.

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It's running on a website called historical fun tv.tv. Historical funny, you have to subscribe for a 10 bucks. And it has all of these Muslim history shows that have been Muslim has historical figures that have been turned into TV shows. You have all of them there. Right and English subtitles, right? So it is running on historical fun and, and you know, so the kids can actually watch listen to this, and then they can go and watch. But you can imagine if there's so much information about his life that they built five seasons, so that the production is five seasons long. We're in season one. And each episode is two and a half hours long and 30 episodes that I was like oh my god, like can you

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imagine how much information is there? Right thanks to the reason that he actually documented a lot of it. hims Barbarossa

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Oh, historical fun.

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You didn't find it?

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You find it? Yeah. Historic. It's a yellow right. Yeah, historical fun. Just go historical fun. On Google.

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Yeah, the if you want a free version, but a lower quality, you can also go to a smart online. What's mine online, it has a free version, but I don't like it's like it's for ad. It's not like if you're watching in TV, really. It's not that much fun.

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Not that bad. So you can watch it but like kids don't mind it.

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Then what happens is in 1516.

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This is funny.

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There's a group of people in Algeria. Right? They come to him and they say, Listen, we are under an onslaught. And what is happening is the Spaniards and this our ruler for a ruler of ours, Abu Hamid Musa, they have actually joined hands and they're trying to, you know, take you know, they're really treating the Muslims bad. Can you come and save us?

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So the people ask Barbarossa to fight against their own ruler who has allied with the Spain's in 14 1516. So he goes there, helps the Muslims and ends up taking the entire

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Algerian country. So he becomes the Sultan of Algeria. Right SubhanAllah. Now, here is a really good lesson for all of us. The minute he becomes Sultan of Algeria, he actually started his ascent to power because he was the Sultan's, he was the general for the Sultan, and she has the code for the Ottoman Empire. So he could have easily said, you know, what, I'm just gonna wash my hands away. Now I have become Sultan of the one of the biggest countries in the world, Algeria, plus, I've got these two ports to my name, what else do I have to lose, I'm just going to, you know, disconnect myself from the Ottoman Empire, they should pay taxes to me because they're going across, but rather, he

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recognizes that the greater good was that Muslims remain united.

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So he declines from the title of being called Sultan. And he sends a message to Sultan, Solomon Albinoni, at that time, and he tells him that I am gifting the country of Algeria to you.

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Right, and he's saying, I want this to be part of the Ottoman Empire, I have no intentions of being a sultan, I am still going to serve you. And then in return, he appoints him as a governor for that state, but more importantly, gift giving away his Sultanate and his sovereignty just because he recognizes that you know, this country fits unites with the great and Ottoman Empire at that time, then it is going to be a lot better for the Muslims, right. And you know, a lot of times we could learn a lot, especially as adults and you know, in our in our societies in general,

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in the city of Talisman,

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which is modern day Algeria, right now, portions of Tunisia, there are two talisman. So we don't know which talisman we're talking about at that time, because there's a talisman in Algeria. And there's a talisman in Tunisia, but they're the same region.

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i Rouge, and his other brother is hack. He is being held hostage by the hands of Emperor Charles the fifth with the Emperor Charles the fifth and Chef boom Hamad to a Muslim and at Christian unite, and they said we need to get rid of our Rouge. Raj has become a big problem for us. And we need to get rid of our Roach and his brothers, there's a menace for us, we need to get rid of them. So they bring 10,000 Spanish soldiers

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along with around 5000 of the Muslims in that army combined. And they march. And they go into the city of Talisman, or Rajan is hack. They are in a fortress wall with 1500 100 Turkish soldiers and around 5000, Moorish soldiers, these are soldiers, Jews and Muslims who he had saved from endless, so they're willing to support and stand and fight for him. And eventually, bottom line, there was a long battle that takes place, it takes 20 days for the battle. So imagine 20 days of constant onslaught at by the 15,000 soldiers at the end, and they were only around 6200 or another account 6500.

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And finally, they give in, and he dies out Rouge. Now, this fight takes place here, but you need to understand that the same time the context of what was taking place in Europe. So people were so scared of Baba Roach, and these are Roche brothers, that in Europe, mothers would say to their children, if you do not go to bed, Baba rouge is going to come from the sea and take you.

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And you know, they were like, he was like a ghost for them. And and many of the times people were afraid of his name children or afraid like, because for them, anytime they would step foot on the sea, they would just think of what if we crossed paths by the arrows, brothers, we're just gonna lose it. Right. And it was fair game at that time. Because, you know, borders had not been drawn. We didn't know whose territory was what everybody was trying to claim sovereignty over the Mediterranean. So there were pirates that were fighting, there were people who are gently like, you know, erode the Ottoman Empire. Everybody wanted control of the Mediterranean because all the goods

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would sail through that. So it was like literally a major trade route. And whoever controls it gets the lot it gets a lot of money. Now, when our roads dies,

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they take his head

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and his head travels all the way to Rome.

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In people's at that time. And then from there, a decree is given by the Vatican, that his head is going to go to all major Catholic churches around Europe.

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And wherever the head would arrive, they would have a massive feast and to boost the morale of the Crusaders and the people in

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The Steelers. And that carried on happening for two years with his head because they were so afraid of this person.

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Now, while they were still celebrating, because they didn't have social media, they didn't know what was taking place. Right. So while they were in their forms of celebration, what happens was something really interesting.

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His brother that same year his brother now Dean takes over and hiatal Dean now becomes the actual Barbarossa.

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Right, so there was the first Barbarossa Baba Rouge. Now where did the name come from? Barbarossa because a lot of people confused like, well, his name is Raja is why is he called Barbarossa. So when he was bringing those

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under Lucien Mauritian Moorish people to, from andalas, to Africa, to the Northern African, you know, countries

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in andalas, when somebody is respected, out of respect, they would call him Baba,

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out of respect, because they were influenced by the Catholic culture. Right? So Baba is the, you know, Pope like Baba, it's respectful.

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So, his name was out Roche, and he was called Baba or Roche. Now, soon, when he started traveling to Italy, and these places, it was hard for them to pronounce Bob Rouge. So they saw his red beard, they saw his massive red beard that he had. And he is he because he was a mixed breed. So he had a, you know, reddish type of, you know, more of a Burnett type of a beard. So when he had that beard, the Italians and the Europeans when they saw his beard, they said, roots, which means a red bearded person. So these changed his name from Baba arrows to Baba routes. Now, over the period of time in history, Baba routes, you know, turn into Baba routes, bar routes, and then eventually they said,

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you know, this, it's just easier to call them Barbarossa, just easier for their tongues. So they transform that name into Barbarossa. And that's how the, the name formed from out of Roche to Baba Roach and all of that, right. That's just a side note. Now, what's really interesting is as his brother takes over within Barbarossa, and recaptures to listen and talisman now becomes back, again at the state, it is controlled by the Muslims. Now,

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what's really interesting this is this is this is a point for adults.

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a Rudra EES when he established his navy, he developed a system of succession, succession planning. So those of you that have worked in companies, you know how much companies pay for succession planning today, as a matter of fact, an article that was written in Forbes on March 15 22,015, an article was written that the net cost for a fortune 500 company, if they do not have a succession plan for a CEO is close to 100 and $12 billion in lost market, net market value.

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So if they don't, if they're not prepared, if let's say whatever happens in the CEO dies, or CEO is exited or CEO resigns. And they did not have a plan, the net loss for a fortune 500 company in their market value if that CEO had stayed for that one year is equal to $112 billion.

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Right, this is on Forbes. So that tells you how important is succession. And oftentimes, those of you that have seen these things in companies, the minute the CEO resigns, or he is terminated, you have board members that are flying over, you're having specialist and consultants being paid by an hour, you know, it's just money making game that you cannot imagine.

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And I used to work in a company before when I was in the Middle East. And when the new CEO came, he spent over $3 million

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in just doing assessments on his direct reports to develop a succession plan, saying that if I happen to leave one day, I want to make sure that the company is in good hands. And the people that are directly reporting to me are the people that actually are qualified to actually lead those departments. Right. So succession planning is a really big thing.

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And we learned this why because after about the outrageous death in 1797, until 1797, he dies in 1546. Right? Not this one doesn't he dies in 1520 or 1515 815 17. So when he dies at this time in the talisman fall in 1517 till 1797, the Muslim naval forces dominated the Mediterranean.

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So whatever system he established lasted for 300 years. As a matter of fact, you

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We can find it's called the Treaty of Tripoli. This is a little bit of a tangent, but it's like it's interesting. There's a treaty called the Treaty of Tripoli. You can look it up on Google. It was signed by between the Ottoman Empire and the United States of America. And it's really interesting on the in that treaty, the article number 12. On that treaty, it says, We, the United States of America are not a Christian country. Hence, we are not at odds with you Muslims.

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It's so funny, like you read that treaty, and they're openly declaring that all the Christian, the French, and the Italians and the Greek they're all Christian countries, we are a secular country. So we would really hope that you would let us ride through the Mediterranean without charging this taxes.

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It's so when you read these documents, you get so amazed that you know how history plays itself, right? That

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any of that was just a sign. It's not even in my notes, but I just since we talked about it, it came.

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So the next part, and I'm going to this is the bigger one, right? So this is this is the the biggest battle that takes place. I mean, he had around 38 battles. Okay, I'm only I talked about one of the talisman right now, where he dies, a rouge. And then I'm going to talk about hydrogen Barbarossa, his biggest battle, which was called the Battle of purveys.

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Okay, PR e v. E, that you can actually look it up on Wikipedia. There's a very detailed article on the entire battle. And it's really interesting to watch. So I'm going to lay it out for all of you this particular battle. So what happens is before the battle in 1529, the Sultan he appoints cytidine or Barbarossa harradine Barbarossa, which is the brother of a Raj is Barbarossa, who passed away. He is now appointed as the leader of the Army, and he has been given a massive, massive, massive fleet, you know, more than more than what he had above, more than what Raja is had. And the first command that is given to him by solid Pon Solomon Alcon ONi is in 1529. He says you are going

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to drive up and down on the coast of Annapolis, right from Malacca all the way to Renata all the way up and down and Valencia and all of these ports, you're going to drive. And you're going to sail by the way you're going to sail your boats that I give you, and you're going to do

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and free Muslims from Muslims and Jews from the Spanish Inquisition. In that one year, that one year that he was focused on that mission, he freed over 70,000 Muslims and Jews at the hands of the Spanish inquisitions. Right? The Spanish Inquisition is a lecture on its own right. And those of you that want you can read history about it. It's something you know, it's one of the darkest sides of Western history that they don't want to talk about.

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I mean, the depictions of pictures that happens, you know, it's just horrendous types of torture that you could not imagine that somebody who claims to be divine and close to God would torture human beings like that.

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So in 1536, now, I'm coming back. And so the Battle of purveys, that takes place in 1538, but I'm going to take you back to yours and set you up on how the battle takes place. So in 1536, Barbarossa, was called back

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to Istanbul, which was the capital. And there was Intel, that the Pope Paul, the third is forming something which was known as the holy Alliance.

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And the Holy alliance is supposed to be formed by the fifth by 1537. Muslims had infiltrated in their ranks, so they had some intel, they come out, they actually say that they hear about this and they bring claudin Barbarossa to Istanbul and they give him around 200 chips in it 200 chips. And what really happens is now he and this 200 ships was a consequence of a battle that Muslims won by another hero by the name of total Butera ease, which we can cover later if we have some time to go through is wins a battle at the hands of the Naples at that time, and he wins around 200 galleys and ships in that battle. And that comes at the hands of the Muslims and now he is in charge of this

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massive plan to dismantle this holy Alliance. Now, this was the biggest holy alliance that took place at that time.

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Pop Pope Paul three forms this alliances filled of eight countries at that time, Republic of Genoa, this order of St. John's, which was a country at that time it don't longer exists. Portuguese Empire

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Spain which included two main areas Naples and

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at that time spin. Today Cecilia is part of Italy and Naples but at that time it was all controlled by Spain. Then you have the Maltese knights. Then you had the Republican of the Republic of Venus, you know Venice at that time, it was huge, and the papal state. All of these combined, they created a naval army. Naval ship strength of 600 plus ships, how many ships

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600 Plus ships.

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These included

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162 galleys. What are galleys?

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You remember them? Yes, boats, and they have sailed in rows, and around 140 sailing ships. And can you guess how many soldiers make a guess?

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Just say a number.

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You have three seconds 321 200? Yes. 20 20,000. Little bit more.

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60,000, excellent, masha Allah. So they had 60,000 soldiers, and their leader was by the name of Andrea Doria. Okay, that was the leader, the Muslims, they also decided that they're not going to, they're not there, you know, if they have formed an alliance, we have to form an alliance. So to go to the east, which was another hero of our times, and total Bucha ease and Barbra Barbarossa combined. On 28th of September, they joined hands, and they formed a fleet strength of 122 galleys, and only 12,000 soldiers. So how many, you have 60,000 soldiers at the enemy site, and you only have 12,000 soldiers that the Muslim with the Muslims, they have over 600 ships, all varying different

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types of ships, we have only 122 ships.

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when they go,

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and the battle is about to begin, something really interesting happens, the winds start blowing in the favor of the enemies.

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So their ships are sailing faster. And the Muslims have to figure out how to capture this winds, and they have to work harder, and it's harder for them to be in position. And now they have the advantage. So at that moment, you know, this is just a one glimpse of what turgutreis did at that time and Barbarossa. He said, gather all the soldiers that we have how many soldiers that we have?

00:32:50 --> 00:33:19

Yes, 12,000, we had 12,000 soldiers. So we had 12,000 soldiers, and he sent a word to every single ship, how many chips did we have 122 chips, 122 chips, all of them were told that each one of you are going to find a piece of paper or a piece of leather or something. And you're going to write on that piece of leather, one good deed that you did only for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala

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inspired by the story of the people, three people that were stuck in the cave, and they made that dua Oh Allah, if I did this, then the stone move and then the next person made the DUA and the stone move, then the next person made the DUA and the stone opened, okay, the door open for them.

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Inspired by that, he actually tells them to write this and give those papers to your commanders. And then those commanders take that. And

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at that time Baba arose, Barbarossa and turgutreis they combine they say that we're going to sail this, we're going to put all of these paper in the water. And we're going to ask Allah subhanaw taala to change the direction of the winds

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because of all these good deeds that each one of them had committed to,

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and for some reason, his thought worked. And within a couple of hours, the winds completely turned around. And the Muslims they got the advantage. Now, the battle started and within it as mentioned, he mentioned himself that within you know, sat and within few hours he didn't mention could didn't have watched his like the perfect time. We didn't few hours, the wind started blowing in the favorite of the Muslims, and the total battle lasted less than five hours he mentions.

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He mentioned that the entire battle took five hours. The Turks the Turks had sunk over 86 chips for the the enemies they had captured, burned around 48 others because the chips used to be made

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Would 48 others and they captured 36 of the total chips, they had taken over 8000 prisoners and the Turks did not lose a single ship. In that battle, a few of them suffered detrimental damages, but they will lose a ship, a total of only 400 people died from the Muslims and around 800 were wounded.

00:35:25 --> 00:36:01

So, they might have a cow nuni because of what they did to the head of target of to the head of Barbarossa he declared to the entire world at that time the Ottoman Empire he declared for them that that is we are going to do something which is called, that could be rot Alba Rosa, or part of Asia, which was a place called, which means that the entire world is going to participate in this ritual. And in every mosque for the next one month, there are going to be special that we write which is Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar.

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Illa Allah, these that we write are documented in history by the name of Eros, Alba Rosa, it has mentioned that even in the books, history books that are found in Bombay, around that time, they mentioned that they participated, Bombay was not part of the, the Turkish Empire at that time, they had a different empire. But they even participated in the spirit of Barbra Barossa at that time, the entire Muslim world. And that is how trending things used to happen back then. Now it takes 30 seconds, and it's a trending hashtag. And you know, every everyone knows about it. But this is how the trend used to be set at that time, then

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Alhamdulillah things switched to the favor of the Muslims, Muslims end up winning the battle, this battle till this D is the biggest naval battle that Muslims have ever participated in, in terms of the number of ships

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against another enemy. And this became a day where Andrea Doria and the rest of the world actually recognized that there's something weird about Muslims, where numbers do not add up when Muslims are at, you know, when we're fighting Muslims, because there always ends up happening that you know, we make an estimation and calculation, and Allah subhanaw taala is and will always be on the sides of the Muslims, then, you know, at that time, it'll DNL Barbarossa. The second one, he finally retreats, he goes back till this day, no new ship

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is launched in Turkey, for example, in 2020, or 2021. Recently, Turkey just launched their

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submarines, their own submarines built in Turkey. And those submarines are named after

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a famous

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person by the name of PD ra es, PD or Ece, who is going to be I was actually I'm debating if I should do him because he was the first person who actually drew the entire map of the world. And if you look at that map of the world that he drew in the current map, without any satellite imaging, he was so accurate about it. So pedido is they named a new submarine after and every single ship new ship that is launched in Turkey, they do an Honor Guard, as part of the Navy culture at the grave off so they bring, you know, whatever their ritual, and it takes place and it says we were going to launch our entire honor guard from that grave of his so there's a tomb over there. And they start

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that you know, Honor Guard as as part of the naval procession and then they go to the sea and then they launch the boats to the stay out of respect for this person what he did, and he laid the foundation of the Turkish Navy. I think the Turkish Navy is today is considered one of the top five Navy top 10 navies in the world. You'd be surprised I was actually surprised to there. They have a very, very strong Navy and all of that the roots of it was laid by the two brothers Rudra is Barbarossa and stayed within Barbarossa

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and he died in 1546. peacefully while writing his own journals

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