Ahmad Saleem – Muslim Legends #7 Shah Waliullah

Ahmad Saleem
AI: Summary © The three reformists in Pakistan, includingteenth-place Islam, Sunniism, and the Hayid-raton, have led to the return to the Islamic culture and pre-cr amounts. The history and characteristics of the three reformists are discussed, including their goals and objectives, and their influence on society. The importance of learning from one's life and sources to determine one's success is emphasized, along with the need to be mindful of one's words and use them in the moment to avoid confusion and mistakes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Nura

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So we talked about another reformist who remembers. We said that today. A lot of what we find in Islam in the subcontinent is thanks to this one person who was he?

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Yes. Barbarossa Barbarossa was last week. Yes.

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Sir Hindi, Muhammad said Hindi. So we talked about someone by the name of Muhammad said Hindi and we said that, you know, majority of what you see today as Islam practice practiced in the subcontinent. It was primarily due to the Reformation and awareness of the more than awareness but awareness and the right timing by Sheikh Mohammed said Hindi at that time, who was also called Majid Al Thani, which was the reviver of the second after Hijiri, Nero nine or 999 1000. So Al Thani al Hijiri. He is the Mujaddid of that he revived the essence of Islam. So in the subcontinent, there were three primary movements. Sorry, there were three primary reformers who religiously reformed the the the

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degeneration of Islamic faith, the mixing of the cultural values within Islam and thinking of it as Islamic practices and a lot of dogmatic beliefs that people had passed down, and they would not want to do certain things related to for example of Santa Clara, we'll talk about that. So one was definitely Shama said Hindi. He was from 1564 1564 When he was born, and he died in 1624. Okay, 1564 he was born, and 1624 He passed away, then around eight years later, and other person came.

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And that person was known as Shaohua EULA at the Hillary. He was born in 1703, so almost 75 years plus 375 80 years almost. So he comes in and 1703 and he remains there till 1762. Now, one shift, I haven't said Hindi was born at that time, the Mughal Empire was at its peak, item, Island gear, you know, we talked about fatawa, Allah media, he came later on, he ruled after the death of Sheikh Mohammed said Hindi he ruled for 50 years. His rule extended all the way to the end of Bengal, Bangladesh today, and all the way on this east side on the west side to Kabul. That was the range that he ruled and that was all called hints at that time. So he ruled for 50 year and you know, his

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fight, the last 25 years, he was up against a very strong uprising power at that time with an Indian subcontinent, which is called either the Murata or the martyrs. They're pronounced both ways. The Murata has today, a lot of what you find, if you understand this history, you will be able to relate to a lot of what is happening in India today.

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So the RSS movement and all of the the one who killed Gandhi, that guy from you know the person who killed Gandhi and that's Hindu sack. So, the Maharashtra area in India is predominantly known as that zealous Hindu population. That is very much you know, they believe that this, this, this whole continent, including Pakistan, when I was separated, but this entirety belongs to Hindus. And the Murata has were part or mud hut as they were a part of that area and that's how they came into rise.

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So, sha Allah, Allah deli and then the third person was chef Sayed, Sayed Ahmed Shaheed, who was 1786 to 1831. So these were the reformists. They laid the foundation for modern day Islamic movement within India and Pakistan or Pakistan was not there. So India, and later on that became the freedom movement. Later on, that became the movement through which the transformation of that movement led to the separation of Pakistan and the existence of Pakistan. Okay, so I'm giving you like, hundreds of years setting in one sentence, right? So fill in the blanks, right, and their primary objective of the three.

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So if you were to say what unified the three reformists, what unified them, or what was their one objective, that all said if you were to say, here are the three people what was the one common denominator that they are

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All called for

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which was returned back to the Islamic principles. And it was really ironic to see that many of them, they belong to various different factions of sects that we find in Pakistan and India today. So for example, Sheikh Hamad said Hindi comes from the neck shoving the Sufi tariqa and he's like, listen, we need to stop this and we need to go back to sunnah. Then comes Shaohua EULA del V, he comes from the Hanafi, strong doklady. And he's like, we need to stop this. And we need to go back to the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. So you find that despite the fact that all of them belonged to various sects, predominant sects found today in Pakistan, they recognized or India, they

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the need to go back to the grassroots or early sources because there was so much confusion and contortion in the messaging.

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Okay. And their thing was go back to the Islamic rule and the principles, that's the one common denominator they all called for. Okay. Now, sha Allah, Allah, His actual name was put with Deen, and he's also known as Imam Al Hindi, is also known as Imam Al Hindi. Now, sha Allah, Allah, if you were to describe him as a personality, like, throughout the history of Islam, there have been a lot of people that have come because we are not going to have Ambia after Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam ohata will not be in he's the last one. But Allah is going to revive the Ummah and hit that revenue, that revival is going to happen in every 100 years at the hands of someone, but then

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there's going to be these massive revivals. And if you were to say that from our history, who are the two others, the two most prominent revival errs off

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the sacred knowledge, then you can easily easily bring them down to two primary individuals, even Tamia and Imam Ghazali.

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Imam Ghazali because of his defense against the philosophy and whatever work he did, even Taymiyah talking and he was even timing I was also like a pinnacle of philosophy and logic, and then him bringing everybody back to the grassroots and the early sources. These were the two primary Shaohua Leola daily we he was

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a mixture of the two.

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So he did the logical, the philosophical reform as well as the grassroots and going back to the early sources reform. So if you were to say that you could say that, you know, his personality, how would you describe it, he was leaning half of it very spiritual lot of spirituality, Lord rather for a particular a lot of connecting to, to Allah and connecting our heart to Allah and a lot of basics of going back to the fundamentals of our religion. Okay, so he memorized the entire Quran at the age of 17. Then he started at the madrasa that his father used to share the Shabda Rahim who used to teach us and the madrasa called madrasa Ramya at the age of 17, he had already mastered Arabic

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language, Persian language, and as well as although primary language at that time, Persian was the predominant language that everybody spoke business was done in Hindu whose Hindus would also use Persian as the primary mode of the language as a matter of fact, you actually find many of the Persian Hindu poets who have poetry in Persian, but there are Hindus, because that was the primary language you know, there used to be this the saying they used to say that in order to they will say Kay

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something like this person is studying for Farsi, but you know, cosmetica Kale, you know, but a farsi or beachy Thalia khaki smart kickin that this person is studying Farsi, and look at the color that despite the fact that English should have elevated him Farsi should have elevated with this guy still sells oil on the street. This is how other of Allah works. Right? So that's how they would sometimes referred to that, that if somebody knew Farsi, that was a thing of that time. So he mastered Farsi, then not only that, he mastered the 817. He became an appointed teacher in the madrasah, aged 17. He was a teacher in the madrasa but more importantly, he actually also learned

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other sciences such as geography and geography and math and other sciences. Then, two years after his appointment 817 He, his father passed away, and then he carried on teaching in that madrasah for a good 12 years, after 12 years, he got an opportunity to go and visit mecca for Hajj. And when he arrived in Makkah, and he decided to stay there for eight years and over there he studied with numerous numerous numerous Chu at that time, and he had their mixed accounts whether he got to meet shake up the dough hub in Malmo hub from the nudge the era if you got to meet him

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We're not there's mixed accounts, some say that they met. Some say they didn't because Imam Abdullah was also born right two years after him or two years earlier than him and he lived 30 years longer than him. So there could have been a chance that they overlapped in those eight years in Makkah, Allahu Allah. And nevertheless, he was he got some inspiration from him. Now, little bit of the circumstances where he came in, like his lifetimes, like I remember we talked about so Hamid said Hindi and what was taking place. So we're going to take you back in time, so we can understand what was the circumstance that were happening during the time of admits at him. So during the time shot,

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what do you love to Hillary? So number one, the mobile government, the Mughal empire, it was towards the end. So they had become extremely weak. Now, after the passing of orang Zeeb, they had incompetent rulers that were coming into power, Baba and you know, one upon the other two years after that somebody else two years and constant fight. So incompetence was at a very high level. So they were people who are getting rule getting rulership, but they were getting rulership because they were born into that family, but they really were not prepared to rule such a big country at that time. So what ended up happening is this Mughal Empire started to break up. So the Punjab they

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separated the Hyderabad and then his arm of Hyderabad, they separated the Bengal they separated, and everybody started, you know, started having their own little kingdoms, then, that time, the Kings haha, and the Treasury, the Federal Reserve Bank of Canada, Bank of India, at that time, was empty, there was no money left in it. So they, they basically used all of that. So financially, very difficult time for Muslims. And on top of that, they started implementing taxes on the people to fulfill that. So the poor man was getting poorer, and the rich was getting richer, very familiar to what takes place in today's world. So this was a circumstances and on top of this,

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there were two powers that were rising. The Sikhs on the up side, they were getting a lot of power. And the mud huts from the Maharashtra area in the center, they were gaining a lot of power, and they were doing a lot of these attacks. And unfortunately, a lot of the Muslims were aligning with the martyrs and they would be, you know, the Peshwa. And these guys, they would, you know, Bajirao and all of these, you know, famous movies that are made in Bali, or by Giro and Barney, but the movie that is made that's all made on his life, and incidents that took place in Shaohua, Lula's life, obviously, he didn't participate because he was a scholar, you never participated in any of these

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wars. But they took place during his lifetime, the Battle of money, but of money, the third battle of money, but with amateur abdali, which there's an entire movie on it in Hollywood, Bollywood, likewise, the movie budget hour or something, there's a movie on that. So they were all built on the same realm, where the martyrs were rising, and the moguls were declined, were in the decline. So that takes place at that time. And what ends up happening is,

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this is so interesting to see a man who is sitting in Delhi, he is visualizing all of this, and he's saying, How can I bring about a grassroots change in the state of the OMA in India at that time, and that is ultimate concern. So he's not in any of the kings courts. He's not sitting with the Royal people, he is in his Hydra, he was a person that was known as a person that was very secluded, he would sit and do a battle of Allah subhanaw taala most of the time, but yet he was fully aware of what was taking place. So when he comes back from Makkah, after studying there for eight years, this becomes his concern. So he creates a plan.

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This plan is that I need to highlight the problem. So he, after a lot of discussions and all of that, he comes up and he highlights one primary problem. And this this comes, which is that the lack of the OMAS connection with Quran is the root cause of this problem right now.

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Now, let me give you a little bit of a backdrop of how Quran was treated at that time. So Quran was treated at that time, and unfortunately till today, in many of the modalities in India and Pakistan and Bangladesh, it is still treated like this to what I'm going to describe, which is

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the FSI doesn't matter of experts. That knowledge has been passed down by you know, it was the knowledge that was passed on from one chest to another. It is not accessible to the awam I was not supposed to pick up the translation of the Quran. We are not supposed to pick up the Tafseer of the Quran. Were supposed to look at the Quran, venerate it, feel reverence for it in the bookshelves, and you know, touch it, kiss it, but you know, it's something very sacred. We should not get close to this

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And you know, chewy moringa powder like, you know, just like, just like don't touch it. That's something you know, there's a saying it's like, you know, a plant that is very weak and delicate, don't touch Quran. So this was the state at that time. And he recognized that what was happening was the people who were the custodians of the Quran, you know, pardon to see my language, but like custodians, who are responsible for spreading the message of the Quran, he entered in one of the measures and guess what they were discussing. They were having discussions on, what was the nature of the fruit that Adam Alayhis Salam ate?

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Okay, so this is how far we had gone, that we had forgotten the whole purpose of the story of Adam and Salaam. And the story that inside when he we make a mistake, we do Toba? And the lesson that we learned from that story, rather than the details were in what exactly happened? What type of the fruit? Was it a date? Was it an apple? What is it this and that, and then what was the CIFA that was the discussion that was taking place, completely irrelevant to the animal of an average a person. So

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then he initiated

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a movement, that today, we all are benefiting from today, this center, and other centers like that, that focus on spreading the message of the Quran, are a byproduct of that movement, which is that we are to not rely too much on phrasal translations of the Quran. Because in that you can include your own interpretations. Rather, we are to go back and look at the text of the Quran, and each word of the text of the Quran. And then when we read the phrasal translation, being able to decipher whether somebody is misleading us, or whether they are giving us the true translation. So he initiated that word to word translation. At that time translations were considered very, very like oh, you're doing

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a translation of the Quran. Quran is not supposed to be translated,

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are only supposed to be understood in Arabic. I'll give you a true example. Like how bad this is today.

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I met somebody told me that there's this famous Sheikh who is from India. He is an master of Arabic language. He is an expert of this, this and so on, like so many qualities that were mentioned about his grasp on the Arabic language. So obviously, finally, I got a chance I got a number and I reached out to him. And this was during my stay in the Middle East. He was there for some work. And he was there for two years on a visa on a contract. And I said chef, I would like to study from you.

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So the chef, he said, What have you studied in Arabic. So I told him, you know, not really like that much, but like, you know, just basic Jumia Mota, mineralogic, Romania and quatro, nada.

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And then I'm studying with this ship, and I'm doing the fear of gelling with him. So imagine the impact of that. The Quran should only be learned a specific way and you must spend eight years mastering Arabic before you can even open the Quran. That mentality was still found today, where the chef told me that is very strange. I pray to Allah that you may not understand anything from your chef.

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Can you imagine? I'm sitting in front of the chef and another friend of mine who's also Canadian. He happens to be a professor of Quran today at a university. We were sitting there, and we both looked at each other and we're like, what do you just say? He said lol like a taco a lot of handshake. Insha Allah

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ajeeb ajeeb. This is how far they went from Quran. And the impact of that is still there today.

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I still remember moments, a time where, you know, few converts, they came back from Canada, convert from Canada went to study somewhere in a madrasa in Karachi, they came back. And then they found these translations of the Quran and they got so zealous, they wanted to get rid of the translations of the Quran in the local Masjid that I was there. They're like this is haram. We can't have translations of Quran Quran is only supposed to be read in Arabic. And you have to master Arabic in eight years and only then you can read translations. Okay. So this was all that, you know, that sentiment, he came, sha Allah Allah to come and break that. So he said, I'm going to do the word to

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word he was not able to do that his son completed it. He did the first translation in Farsi. Why Farsi because Farsi was the elite language. So he's like, if I can influence the elite, then the influence will trickle down. So he did the translation of the first translation of the Quran in Farsi. As a matter of fact, he also did.

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According to Shah Wali, Allah, the first the most valuable book of hadith is Mata Imam Malik. He believes that Mata Imam Malik is the first book of Hadith because it was

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technically the first book of Hadith that was written, so that is the so in his category sha Allah Allah, he puts Mata Imam Malik, the book of Imam Malik as number one Hadees book and then all other books follow after. So he did the translator, he did the shot half that one shot in Arabic, and another one in Farsi. That Farsi. One is what Dr. Idris is, I believe translating into

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then that's one element. So that was his first plan, that I'm going to make Quranic accessibility for everyone. Nobody will have an excuse not to be able to understand the Quran. The second thing he did is he began a movement, which was very ambitious, which was educating, organizing and awakening Muslims. So he started creating smaller packages of these doses, kind of like antibiotics. And he would go into a small madrasa or a small masjid. And those packages were given in those high doses to different massages so he can start bringing about the change. Kind of like what took place during the time of sayfudine el gatos the first story that we did wild beast, where, at that time is even

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Abdus Salam, he gathered over 300 Hotaka off the world, he sent letters to the primary 300 mustards brought them all together, made them memorize salt and fat and Surah Toba and said for the next six months, no hardware will be given except it will be either from Toba or unfun.

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And then the OMA after six months was ready to follow somebody like saifuddien Lakotas to defend codes to defend by Philistine by telemarketers. So similar to what he did. So he created these smaller packages to boost to awaken and to organize the OMA around him. Then he did another thing, which was that the mud hut tiles they were taking away lands of the Muslim. So he wanted to create this awakening that we as Muslims cannot give our lands away to non Muslims in terms of the fight. It was always a fight of who rules into stand, right, who rules that entire subcontinent. So this fight, he started calling the defense movement and defending it against the Manhattan's and the

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Sikhs on the top. And that's those are the three primary things that his plan included. Now, some of the services that he provided to us.

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Number one, I already mentioned the translation of the Quran in Persian.

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Number two, he had written lots of books. So for example, he wrote a book, which was in translation of it, it's called the source of healthy love. Why do we have differences? So in that he explained to the alarm today, you hear this all the time, is like all Muslims are so disunited, you know, they can pray, you know, once the guy prays differently, another guy paid this differently. Why is there so much differences? Those are the same questions people were asking at that time. So he wrote a book to dispel this. And to explain to them that the source code is the same. It's how you understand that source code differs. And I'll give you an example of that. This is for maybe the

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older people when maybe the kids won't get this example. But you know, for us, so they, you know,

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how many times do you have to do muscle over your socks? One time or three times?

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How many times do you do muscle over your socks?

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To wipe over your socks? One time, right? One time? So there's a madhhab

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they will say no, you do three times there isn't a second, there's another opinion says you must do three times. Now both of them

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do not have any clear cut evidence as of one or two, one or one or three. So one of them. They said look,

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this is a messiah, like we're doing this over socks, and the act of Messiah. The only other Hadees we have is we do miss our our heads and we do it one time. So since we do it one time, we will also do it one time here. Okay. So they do Messiah one time on the socks, the others they came and they said no, no, no.

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No, no, that's not that's not true. So the closest thing to our hair to closes thing from the YG bat, the closest thing is our face. And we wash our face three times.

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So we must that that's the closest wajib to the foot. So we must do the Messiah three times because that's the closest thing they're using the 60s. It's all theists but how they look at that angle differs. So those differences are sometimes Ramah because we're looking at similarity. The example

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salam ala GEMA being wajib obligatory, the habila. They hold the opinion and the, you know, the Al Hadith, they hold the opinion, it's wajib, it's mandatory. There's enough Hadith about that, and the primary Hadees they use and that is what the Hadith of the prophets are telling where he says, if I was, if I will, I would have appointed someone, I would have appointed somebody to pray and then do what? Go and burn the house of the individual who is not praying. Right. So it was not praying into Mr. That Hadees

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a group of people used and said, No, no, this is how these that proves to us. It's wajib

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the other groups they came in, they said, no, no, wait a minute, that's how these proves that it's not wajib. How?

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Because what?

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No, because he said I would live

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and Rasul Allah will never leave a wardrobe. If it was a wardrobe, why would he appoint somebody else? So they use that same Hadith? And they said, no, no, wait a minute, that is a Hadith that tells you it's a highly important act, but it's not watch it because it was always saying I would leave it Salah is being established, and he's saying I'll walk away from it. It's a double negative, exactly. Right. So there are sources. So he gave all of such examples, to make people aware that there is no SD laugh between Muslims, we are more united than we believe those superficial differences are rather the same Hadees that we understand. The second thing he did, is he wanted to

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replace all the incompetent rulers. So one of the and I'm not going to go into this amateur abdali and the entire battle that that take place. It is called the Battle of money. But the third battle of money, but there is a very nice documentary in English.

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It's on let me just the YouTube channel is called

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kings and generals, kings and generals is a YouTube channel called kings and generals on that there is a battle of money, but 1761 It's a 24 minute documentary with visuals and stuff for the kids, you know, a lot of the adults would enjoy you would need to explain a few things that are happening, but it's in English. So you can actually watch the entire battle and he beautiful this explanation of the visuals of where the camp of the Muslims are, how are they position? What was the position of their camps, beautifully visualized with graphics and then the battalion one move forward and you actually are visualizing as he is experienced explaining the battle. Beautifully done. So I don't

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think I can even top that. And good thing is it's an English so all of you guys can watch if it was in Arabic than I would have to translate or some of us could understand Arabic. So he said, I'm going to replace those rulers. So what he did is on the southern side, he brought somebody by the name of Have you heard of no ops Rajala. Right, he brought somebody and there was a battle of parsley in 1757. This is towards the end of the sheiks life. And they used the inspiration and the source code written by Ahmed Shah Wali, Allah, Hillary, they use that source code for the battle, although the Muslims lost that battle. But it was a good thing. While this battle was taking place,

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there's a secondary thing that happened, which is the 1761 battle of money, but where I met Shah abdali, the last 20 years he has been conquering Persia. And now he has Persia and he has entered Sindh and Punjab and he is entering from the top he's all with all the way to Delhi. So the Mughal emperors, the remaining emperor, as they say in Listen, we are desperately in need of an ally. Why don't you come in? He had already invaded India three times before. The margaritas were extremely like when they hear his name. They're like whoa, sharp Dolly's coming. They were really scared of him. Right. So he agrees to, to defend the Muslims. And then the entire battle was a very

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interesting battle, beautifully explained, even even when I watched the whole video, other than a few points where he sides with the Hindus in that because I don't know what maybe he has some historical sources he's using, most of it was very objective. Most of it is very objective. And it talks about the true fall of how my heart has felt. It's something really good to watch. So I'm not going to delve into that you guys can have, you know, a separate session with the family. And you know, it'll be good thing. Now some of the services in economic services. So he was not just a social, sorry, religious reformer. He also realized that real reform cannot take place if I don't

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put it in some sort of source code for people to follow in terms of economic. So he actually wrote a book and he categorized professions. So he said these are the eighth grade professions that are necessary for Muslim Omar to have there should be at least 5% of the 10% of the population must fall under these professions. The rest of them and then he enlisted

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those professions and the impact of those professions on the society. So, he was working as a sociologist, and you know, and they mentioned that, you know, some of the sociologists of Pakistan and stuff, people that have like a lot of PhDs, they mentioned that, you know, he was, he was a very big social thinker.

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So his thoughts so for example, he says, he had the thought way before economic equilibrium became a full theory in today's world. Like, if you go into social studies, and you learn to learn about economic equilibrium, he presented that theory based on Quran and Sunnah back in, you know, 16 1700s. So think about that there's this theory of economic equilibrium bottom line, the way this means is, wealth is equally distributed. So, the rich never become richer, and the poor never become poor, rather, there is a standard of equilibria librium that the government maintains, and if that is maintained, and if there is certain people that rise no problem, but as long as there is massive

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offset where for what 10% of the population is super rich and the rest are poor, then we have to adopt an economic equal equilibrium theory of distributing the wealth equally, right. And that's the theory that he did. Another thing he really worked on was removal of inequalities,

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inequalities of caste, this caste is higher than this cost, which we learned from the Hindus and removal of all other forms of inequality. So for example, languages, so one of the falls of the Moodle if you think about it, what happened was, they went when oral exam pass item gear passed away. People within those camps, they started this Oh, you're a Cindy, you're a Punjabi. You speak Cindy, you speak Flanner, you speak and they started looking and you're looking at others? Based on what? Based on nice, we're more alike. You eat the same food and stuff? No, no, but you're different than me, I am different than you, you are more darker, I am more lighter, you are more fair, I have

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this. So these inequalities that became part of that society they removed, then the next thing he did is he brought a financial system, which was not based on interest, for the first time a documented financial system that a country can be built on, which was not based on interest. And the third thing he said, is a God, he created an institutionalized framework for the gods to be implemented. And if many of the Muslim countries today just take that framework, a lot of the power to those countries is going to be completely gone. Like certain certain Muslim countries, I'm not going to name them certain Muslim countries, if you have wealth staying in your bank, for a certain

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amount of time, the government is going to come and take two and a half percent without your permission. Right? So what people do right before the house right before the thing is they take out all the money. And the government has no way of record rec, you know that government has no way of knowing that that money was so they either take out the money or they move it into a different bank account.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:32

Right? So he created a system again, I'm not going into the systems because that's not the point of this these extra so you can further read about him. Now, in the end, the social services that he provided, this is something really interesting, right? These are the economic services social. So he emphasized on way before the social justice movement that took this taking us by storm today that everybody should have equal rights. He emphasized that all basic rights,

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basic rights to live

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right, such as fair justice to every person, such as brotherhood, hola, hola. Within the Muslims must be the predominant characteristics of the Muslim society.

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And anybody that tries to break that social fabric should be taken into account right away.

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Because that is how we're built as a society. Mashallah. Then he says last one, he is the first of the scholars in Hindu who openly wrote books against the practice of Hinduism, which was Jay's diaries. He wrote against that, that this is not a practice of Muslims to unfortunately till today, many of the even the Muslims are participating in this, right? Many, many, many, like, and even in Canada,

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even in Canada, like I do, because and when I do any cause, and they're like, yes, and then they have to find certain things when I sit down with the families and I was like, you know, so did you guys agree on my hair? And literally, I've had people the Father is the father of the guys like no, there. Aren't they supposed to pay them up? I'm like, no, no, no. The You're the son. Your son is getting married. He has to pay him or her to her. Oh, that's so strange. I thought they were supposed to pay his mod. If this has happened, and I'm about to do that he guy they haven't even talked about this. The assumption is, the girls side is gonna pay him Uh huh. And this

00:35:00 --> 00:35:42

Isn't Canada, right? So he wrote heavily against this particular ideology that this needs to end. And this model is and then again, as a practice, I always tell people, you're Mahara. Especially the younger people getting married here, I always tell them, you should have three bank accounts. One is your personal bank account, husband and wife, each one of them won't have your joint bank account. And the MaHA should always go to the personal account of the girl, not the joint account. That just to, you know, this is, I mean, this is how we as Muslims can avoid a lot of these divorces that are taking place. If and then by the way, the gifts that you get in your wedding, that should be all put

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in a joint account, guys, girls, whatever, both sides, and then a discussion on how you want to use that. Because 90% of the time when they come for a divorce, it's something to do with these two things. He took that we put in the John joint account, he gave me $5,000, Mahara. He used up to buy a car. Well, why did you put it in the joint account in the first place? It was yours? So the first goes, Yeah, he did something wrong. But why did you as somebody growing up in Canada put it in, like, you know, so. So that's I don't know why I started tracking on that menu, whatever. Because I see those problems. So anyhow, in conclusion, what shahadi Allah the * we he did was basically,

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he laid the foundation that today, you and I see, as I was telling one of the brothers that was here, that what we find today, related to the movement of Quran, the amount of hours that are coming out of Pakistan, and India and Bangladesh, and the connection and the word to word, all of these movements, the varying forms of movements that are taking place, all of them, if you were to say where is never where is the source of that river, then you can all trace it back to the first translation of

00:37:02 --> 00:37:29

the Quran in Farsi and then later on in Urdu. And then his sons, they could you know, they completed the translation of Urdu. As a matter of fact, many of the modern day the writers like emammal, Hindi, the one from the 1900s, not this one, the next one, in 1906, when he writes the 30 drama of when he wrote the Taj Mahal, the Quran, he said, I did not do anything or any changes, except I changed the idiomatic expressions.

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So there was a lot of influence on Farsi and Urdu, from Hindi in the 1800s, when that translation was written, so that was cleansed. So people might, you know, you know, confused or there were a lot of words that were used in ODU that were influenced and brought in by Hindi, which are not no longer used. And that also tells us that translations should not be left to like, you know, Muhammad Peck tall is a great translation. None of the kids are ever going to understand that translation. Right? Like pick it up and try to read it and you're not going to get it he did a great job for his time. And that is why today one of the best translations you can find in English is written by a very good

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friend of ours who happens to have a masjid very close to us over here, Dr. Mustafa hubub, all the clear Quran, one of the easiest translations for a modern any like 1012 year old kid can pick it up and understand it beautifully written, beautifully written well done. Nice footnotes, the clear here Quran in my opinion, I've seen others it is it is very relevant to the Canadian context in the western context and how he has written it in terms of the idiomatic expressions that he is used in English in Sharla. They have a kids version two Yes. In Sharla with that, and then what happens is you know, his obviously towards the end of his life, he passes away Rahima Hola. His death as we

00:38:55 --> 00:39:06

mentioned, he passes away in 1617 62 and then inshallah if we get a chance and life then we'll do some other stories If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask

00:39:10 --> 00:39:13

I have a question. So what do we learn from his life

00:39:19 --> 00:39:33

I have three lessons in front of me but I want to know what what did you guys learn? What's this one? Okay, great story. Amazing, Mashallah. Great job. Good job, Chef. What did you like you know, good job. Shefali Shah, Hollywood la great. You revived the Omaha what do we learn from it

00:39:38 --> 00:39:59

beautiful, don't don't think that you're alone. Don't ever think that you can bring the change? Don't ever think you know you got to put in that effort. The result is in the hands of Allah subhanaw taala you be sincere to your task. You do the best you can you give it the effort you can you leave the rest as Muslims.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:16

When you know what it means, and this is something that kids can understand, and you will be able to take away from this, when you go to your school, when you're about to write your exam, you say Bismillah. What does that mean? Like we all say in the name of what is that? Why? Why in the name of Allah? What does that indicate? Yeah.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:36

Okay, what you're saying is, in the name of Allah, ie I am starting this exam, Oh Allah, I have done my effort. Now I am fully relying on you for the results of this.

00:40:37 --> 00:40:39

So I begin with your name.

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And I know that you are there with me, I have done my effort. Don't say Bismillah and you have not prepared for the exam. That's a different story. Right? That's the that doesn't, then Allah is not going to come for your help, right? Like you prepared, you worked hard. And then you come and you write the examining, say Bismillah that I start this journey with Allah hoping that Allah is going to have a great result out of this inshallah. Okay, what else? That was a good lesson. Yes.

00:41:10 --> 00:41:56

Beautiful sources, right? Going back to the sources, and understanding the sources. Now, one thing very important for us to also understand is that, like, sources, when we go back to those original sources, they're great for our inspiration, not for you and me to start driving rulings out of it. So when you read that story, or a unit Hadees like, you know, I teach like Friday morning Shema, right. So when I'm teaching Shama, it's great to know, the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam had a heart and it's great to know that his his ring was made out of Abyssinian silver mixed with another type of silver and those tafazzin That's great to know, right? Now, what did he do with this ring

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and all of that, but if there is something related to for example, the Helcom of wearing the ring and having Allah's Name and going to the bathroom? Right? We cannot say oh, by the way, I read one Hadith about it. So it must be haram. Right? Like we because we don't have all other Hadees related to that. So that is left to the scholars. Like even till today when somebody asked me a fair question, I tell them I'm not a fucking going as somebody else. Right, but I have not specialized in. And this is a responsibility in front of Allah subhanaw taala if you say something is haram, you must really know 110%. And you have access to all the sources to come to this conclusion that this

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is halal or haram. So I remember somebody saying this, oh, you're not allowed to read Muhammad. If it's Muhammad written on your shirt, you can do that.

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It's haram, right obvious from but then when you read about it, it's actually no no one likes. For example, if you're wearing a basketball shirt and says your name on it, what are you going to do you take off your shirt and go to the bathroom now that Muhammad is pointing to who?

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It's pointing to you, the one who's wearing the shirt, right? So they're Allah, they said in that circumstance, you're okay to use that shirt. But if you are wearing that sign Mohammed denoting Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam then that in that case, it becomes prohibited for you to wear something like that. Right? So going back to the sources for inspiration, definitely connecting ourselves back to the Quran. Right, connecting ourselves back to the message of the Quran. Very essential. All the reforms that take place can only take place if we hold on to the Quran. If we hold on to the Quran, remember the Hadith and I'll end with this because I don't want the food to get cold. Right? Yes, so

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So I'll end with this hadith where Prophet sallallahu sallam, there's a person that came to Prophet sallallahu Sallam and he saw a dream and he said I saw a dream and I saw that there's a cloud and from this cloud, there is ghee and honey summon and so that is raining down.

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And there are people who are taking their cloths and they're like trying to get from in home almost like fear some some people have taken a lot of honey and and Semin and ghee and some are clean.

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Yet as well rasool Allah tells me the meaning of this

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what do you think is the meaning of this?

00:44:19 --> 00:44:20

Let's see if you guys can guess

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

what does that mean a cloud that is raining down ghee and honey

00:44:27 --> 00:44:27

but our tea

00:44:28 --> 00:44:32

if you're a desi, you're going to be like Fatah, you know, 50 euro

00:44:33 --> 00:44:55

per day. That's the only only possible like the only thing remaining arugula is a Bharati like you know, I need to add it or like you know, right. Abubakar Alana was sitting and he said cada Sudha lot, I am going to interpret this you have to allow me. So Rasulullah is like go ahead and do give it he says, As for the canopy

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for that as for the cloud, that is the Quran.

00:45:01 --> 00:45:08

And as for the ghee and the honey, it's the sweetness of the Quran and the slang in the softness of the Quran.

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And as for those who are gathering, then those are people from that sweetness and softness. There are those that drink a lot, take a lot and there are those that drink less

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