Adnan Rashid – The British Raj #04

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The history of India begins in the early 19th century with the rise of white supremacy and the use of black hole of Calcutta to depose the British army. Clive becomes a member of a coalition of three different states to fight the British army and becomes a powerful military force. The population is wiped out and the population is wiped out in the 18th century. The "by force" movement is discussed, with the rise of India becoming a powerful and successful nation. The British eventually invaded India and created a culture of "slack" with white men, but the "immigrant," culture became a culture of "immigrant," leading to political and political unrest.
AI: Transcript ©
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The early 19th century when the white man in India became a racist,

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very, very proud

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and had this sense of white supremacy, and even religious supremacy. So they started to look down when India was bled dry by the East India Company in his policies, when Indians actually became poor because of this

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foreign power that had occupied so much land. And so much intrigue was caused by this particular power that the Indians will once upon a time, the richest people in the world became the poorest people in the world.

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So, the web basically invaded the settlements, and ended up killing some people, he put them in a very dark room. He crammed all the British captives in a dark room. And then they all I mean, not all of them die, but many of them died. But this episode, this particular incident was so inflated, so over reported and exaggerated in Britain at the time, that it to this day, if you talk about the black hole of Calcutta, okay, Google, and you will think, Wow, this must be a great catastrophe. It was a catastrophe. But less than 50 people die in this he crammed these British captain's in the room. There died of suffocation because it was hot. Right. Many survived many died. This episode was

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so inflated and over reported in Britain at the time, okay to gain sympathy for what the East India Company officers are doing in Britain at the time, they started to basically support but these people were about to do in the future. So, the black hole hole of Calcutta was used to depose the den Nawab Siraj dollar so Clive of India very famous, infamous personality in the history of India. Clive, who came from humble origins in Britain, and ended up in India, Calcutta serving for the East India Company decided to take on the Nirvana and his army. So long story short, Nevada's army was very big, it was 50,000 against 5000 British soldiers 50,000 There was no chance the British had no

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chance. But because the Nawab was betrayed as badly as he was, he was betrayed by his own was you call me as Jaffa he betrayed him. And as a result, the Battle of Blasi in 1757 was lost. Okay and Navab had to run for his life he was caught and he was killed. And then his vizier mu Jaffa was put on the throne instead of the Nawab himself. So he became the Nawab of Bengal right? So that's why to this day in India and Pakistan the Muslims or the Indians in general use this insult if you want to insult someone is a mere Jaffa

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you call him if Jaffa only if sodic. I'll come to Milosevic later. Okay, maybe Jaffa to the extent that the point, he said

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Jaffa has bungle Sadek, as duckin Nanga de nongame millet, nan de Botton, basically he said that the Java Java bungle and the sodic of duckin of southern India basically they have no Diem, they have no loyalty, they have no land, basically. So, this is why these two names became because of the betrayal that became very infamous, right. So, Clive takes

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he wins the battle and clearly now they have the confidence the British never had the East India Company have this confidence having defeated one of the most formidable formidable militaries in India, right one of the richest provinces in India they have defeated this they cannot believe what happened. So, now they have become they have become more confident. So confident that now the East India Company wants to take on a coalition of mobile militaries. So sha Allah, the second the Mughal emperor in Delhi, and Nawab shoujo dollar from our the state of our amneal Qasim, the Nawab of Bengal in 1764. They form a coalition to fight the British East India Company in a very famous

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battle called the Battle of Buxa. In 1764, these two armies meet face to face. General Monroe is leading the army in the Battle of boxer and, shockingly, three militaries of the Mughals are defeated. A coalition of three militaries from three different states

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It's defeated.

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And this was the end of Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, the richest provinces of India. Now the Mughal Emperor by force in 1765. Under the Treaty of Allahabad, he had to

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relinquish the rights of taxation to the British in these provinces, the British, they could not believe their luck, they could not believe what they were seeing, they could not imagine this could ever happen in their lifetime. The East India Company is a trading company. Now, they have become a formidable military power in India, with immense money at their disposal. They became so rich that Clive when he defeated Nevada Rajala in 1757, that Clive that one person was given 250,000 pounds 250,000 British pounds sterling, I mean, equal of course, an Indian rupees, but he was given 250,000 pounds as a present or as a gift, as a gesture of kindness from the new Nawab, middle Jaffa.

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And you know what that money was? Do you can you imagine how much that money was in the 18th century? 250,000 pounds?

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Can you imagine?

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How much were the house in Britain in the 1960s? How much was a house about 5000 pounds

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is granted. Go back to the 18th century, Klein became a billionaire overnight, big having won this battle. He became a billionaire. He collected all this money, it comes back to Britain buys land buys states. Okay. And by the seat in the parliament, you know, at that time in the 18th century, you could actually if you had the money, you can buy a seat, you could actually buy a seat in the parliament. Okay, you don't have to be elected. Okay. So, the process of election was different at that time he did. So he bought a seat, but then he was impeached, he was put on trial for corruption for acquiring all this money. So the so this Clive Clive of India, he said to his questioners that I

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saw treasures in India beyond your imaginations.

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vaults are open to me, filled with gold and precious jewels.

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And these Indian bankers, Hindu bankers, and Muslim rulers, they would basically pay anything for a smile from me.

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And yet here I stand being put on trial for being moderate. Basically saying I'm quite moderate, what I brought back with me is trivial is nothing in comparison to what I have left behind. So, they sent Clive back in 1765 CLIVE was sent back to India to solve some problems already comes back and a result of his coming back was the Treaty of a lava in 1765. And now the British had their hands on power, they could not imagine money, immense money coming from Bengal because all the factories all the economic a lot of economics are taking the you know, economic activity was taking place in Bengal cloth was being produced, there was rich agriculture. The goal is to this day is

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agriculturally the richest province of India. Okay, so, the British had all this money, and then slowly and steadily they started to expand their territory. throughout India, they started to use rulers against rulers, they started to conspire, they got more and more arrogant. Firstly, in the 18th century, the British were heavily inspired by the models because the models were very powerful. They had a very rich culture, they are rich art, they have rich language, rich poetry, rich philosophy, you name it, you look at you look at Islamic manuscripts from the medieval period your your head will spin. When you look at those Persian manuscripts, written in the Persian language,

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Persian poetry of Hafeez Shirazi and some Indian points in the Persian language during the Mughal period is going to spin your minds the philosophy those guys who are writing the works on theology Hadees and Quran manuscripts, gold illuminated you know, artwork miniatures, you look at or and the architecture. You if you look at the architecture, the Taj Mahal, everyone talks about the Taj Mahal but if you look at other things that created the Red Fort, okay of Delhi, and the badshahi Mosque of Lahore, and the shy fourth of the Lahore and the list goes on and on and on Mughal architecture, Fatehpur Sikri alone, and for the poor in India is going to really, really, really inspire you. So

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the Mughals created all of this, they had a very powerful ritual. So these British merchants and the officers when they came to India, they were completely mesmerized. They were blown away by by this pomp and glitter and culture and

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indigenous, they got immersed into this culture.

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And they started to adopt the Mughal culture. They started to dress like moguls, you will see white men in India in the 18th century walking around in mobile clothes.

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Right nowadays you go to Pakistan, India, what do they want to look like? They want to look like the white man. Right? Because the white man is politically yet economically dominant when I say the white man, I mean, the Western civilization. I don't mean in a racist sense, right? I'm not talking in the resistance. I'm saying you know, it is like in a civilizational term, you know,

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so they want to dress like the white man. Okay, but the white man at that time in the in the 18th century wanted to dress like the Mogul, because the Mughal culture was dominant, right. So a book has been written on this very topic by an English author, actually Scottish is not English, is William Dalrymple. William Dalrymple has written a book titled The White morals, the white morals. So if you read this book, he shows you how a lot of these English white men working for East India Company and for their interest in different courts of India are adopting the Indian culture. There was no reason to be proud and haughty against the Indians, there was no reason to look down upon

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them, because the Indians are so powerful and so rich and so culturally vibrant.

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It is only in the early 19th century when the white man in India became racist,

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very, very proud and had this sense of white supremacy, and even religious supremacy. So they started to look down when India was bled dry by the East India Company in his policies, when Indians actually became poor because of this

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foreign power that had occupied so much land. And so much intrigue was caused by this particular power that the Indians will once upon a time, the richest people in the world became the poorest people in the world.

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