Adnan Rashid – Syed Nazir Husain Dehlawi Life and Struggles

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The history and characteristics of the Hadith period, including the rise of Islam, the influence of the royal mobile library, and the rise of nationalism, are discussed. authentic learning and following the Prophet's teachings are crucial for staying on guidance, as it is required to stay on guidance. The transcript provides background information on the struggles of Hadith's life, including his financial troubles and injuries, as well as his teachings and followers. It also touches on the importance of shaping people's perception of Islam, as it is required to stay on guidance.
AI: Transcript ©
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We know

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we know names like Shah, Abdulaziz Adela, we were the son of shower your lot. And today we are going to talk about another very special, very important, very prominent personality as far as the science of Hadith in particular is concerned. In the Indian subcontinent, the Indian subcontinent is fortunate to have scholars I have just mentioned or scholars who came from in India, and the shortest chain of Hadith in the world, as we speak today comes from the Indian subcontinent via sha Allah Mohan DISA Bellary, who was a very, very prominent figure, and Islamic figure in the 18th century. He was born in 1704. And he died in 1762. And his role as a scholar, as a political

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thinker, as

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an intellectual, as a philosopher, as a theologian, as a poet. His role in the history of Indian Islam is paramount. He stands as a giant of Islamic thought, in the 18th century in particular, and generally speaking in the entire history of Islam in India, and from his teachings

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came many more powerful important scholars in the coming decade or in subsequent decades. Most importantly, his son shark disease, who was a very, very important figure born in 1745. And he died in 1824, Shark disease who was the son of sha Allah, both of these scholars, they stand

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the stand very, very clearly out. They stand out in the history of Islam as the scholars of Islam. And I've talked about them previously, on different occasions and in fact, I delivered a lecture an entire lecture on Sharia law through much of the class in Cambridge. So I would like

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to thank muchas Allah class for inviting me to address this topic today. And another person from the same line, same spiritual descent, the descent shower, Leola almohadas of Delhi, established in India. So why was showing you lots of special Cholula was special because he introduced the history

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of Hadith and the study of Hadith in India, when it was forgotten. Before showing you a lot there was there was a scholar called chef, Mohammed,

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Chef abdulhak almohadas. Abdallahi, he was a very prominent scholar of Hadith during the Mughal period he was born when DeLallo Deen Muhammad Akbar was reigning over the Mughal empire and he died during the reign of Orangevale and Gil.

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So share of the Hackman this gallery had laid the foundations of or for the study of Hades in India, and showery law was

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one of one of the outcomes basically, and he took it to a completely different level. Right. So today we will be talking about one of the people who came from Shalu Luz Lyons spiritual line, when I say spiritual line, I mean, the study of Hadith in the subcontinent, the Indian subcontinent in particular. And sha Allah is very important for us to mention, because he's the one who pioneered the study, more so than his predecessors. Okay, Shah Lula, as a young man traveled to Hijazi studied Hadith, specifically Hadith. When he went for Hajj, and humble I came back with many certificates and a lot of credentials, having studied with some classical authorities in the land of Hijaz, and

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he started to teach Hadith, the science of Hadith, in the Indian subcontinent in the city of Delhi. And then he also taught his son, Shah, Abdul Aziz, who also became a huge scholar of the science of Hadith. He was also Mohammed, Mohammed, this actually means the master of Hadith, someone who has mastered almost all the sciences related to the Hadith literature. So that is a Hadith someone who has memorized 1000s of reports about the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and someone who has mastered all the sciences, that are linked to the study of the tradition of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and that is a Hadith someone who has mastered the science or the sciences of Hadith. He is a Hadith,

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right? So short

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As he died in 1824

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while shotgun Aziz was alive near the end of his life, a man was born in

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current day Bihar, the province of Bihar

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in a village or in a town called sewerage current, okay, Bihar is one of the most fertile provinces of India. And the man I'm going to talk about is called Surya Vir Hussain Maha dasa Deloraine. Okay, you you may get confused with names showerwall You love almohadas, Abdallahi, Shafter, Aziza, Medusa, delta V, and C and V. San Almohad, this Abdallahi, right, you may get confused with these names, but Inshallah, as we go along, you will get to see how different these people are in the legacies, how all three of them pursued the same science to the best of their abilities, but at the same time made their own mark made their own mark in every single respect when it comes to the study

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of bodies, and they face different circumstances, different conditions, and served the sites or hobbies and Islam in general, to the best of their abilities. So this man today we are going to talk about is a very special man when it comes to the study of Hadith. In the Indian subcontinent, his name stands out among many, many scholars who have pioneered many, many different fields in the Indian subcontinent. For example, some scholars have pioneered poetry others had pioneered jurisprudence, some had pioneered history, some had pioneered comparative religion, but the name of Sidon Veer, Hosanna dalla v stands out among all of them. When it comes to the science of Hadith in

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particular, he pioneered that science and he taught it well. And according to some estimates, he had 120,000 students, active students throughout India, when I say active students, people who might have met with them, or people who were

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distant students of his, through his students, right. So he had almost 120,000 students throughout the Indian subcontinent. And

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in lands beyond India, for example, he had students from Arabia, he had students from North

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Africa, he had students from

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Afghanistan, for example. So he had students from many, many different lands, people who traveled to the city of Delhi in the 19th century, to sit in his lectures to listen to Hadith while he's teaching. Right. So he had many, many, many students from different lands.

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So his legacy, his history is absolutely fascinating. And we're going to get straight into it right now. Okay, and how he's linked to the school of shower Lula and shotgun Aziz inshallah details on this will come in due course. So, say you know, the San almohadas or Delhi was born in Bihar, the current day, province of India, Bihar called Bihar. He was born in a town called Suraj. Garden, right. And that's why he was called Sayed Nazir Hussain a deadly Bihari and Suraj curry, he was basically called or referenced by the place of his birth many many times in different writings later on, right. So he was born in 1220 Hijiri 1220 Hijiri, which corresponds to approximately 1805 C

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1805. The common era basically, and he was born into a family a religious family, he came from the Sayid clan. So it means he was a direct descendant of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam from his father's line and is one of his ancestors had served as a general under the Delhi Sultanate. So his family had been in India for centuries before he was born almost 600 years history in India, and they were originally seeds, okay, from the very descendants of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and his Shudra or his lineage. Going back to the progress also was well documented that can be found in his biographies, such as the one written by one of his students, titled, high art by the mammoth, high

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art battle Mammoth is one of the best biographies written on the chef by one of his students. And in that book, you can find the Shedra the luster of the chef going back to the Prophet salallahu Salam, the lineage or the family tree of the of the shape going back

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To the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, right. So he was born into a family. And it appears that one of his ancestors, one of his immediate ancestors, was influenced by the Shia thought, Okay. It is evident by the names they had, but the shape seems to have completely switched his view on Islam, and he had become Sunni. Okay. Now, whether its father became Sunni, or whether the share himself became Sunni is not clear to me as yet. More research is needed, but there is no doubt that the chef himself pursued the path of the other so naughty. Well, Java, and in particular part of Hadith. Okay, he was from the school of Hadith in India, and he actually

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promoted this particular school of thought in the Indian subcontinent. In fact, he became one of the biggest torch bearers of this particular school of thought, the School of Hadith. He did not follow any of the four schools of thought, very, very prominent in the history of Islam, for example, but those four schools of thought are the humbly school the Shafi school, the Hanafi school in the Maliki school in India. For almost

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800 years, the Hanafi school has been the dominant school, the majority of Indian Muslims follow the Hanafi school of thought, while

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prior to that, Muslims of India had followed other schools of thought as well like the Shafi school of thought and once upon a time when the Arabs are ruling, the territory of Sindh.

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In current Pakistan, they were following the vahi school of thought. And the earliest Muslims that came to India they were following the very early version of Islam, which was based upon the teachings of the Prophet and his companions. Right? So the history of Islam in India is very dynamic. So you don't have the history of Islam.

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There, there's you don't have one strand of Islam in India, when we look at the history of Islam from the very beginning to this day, right. So,

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Chef Maria Prasanna della, we followed the school of Hadith. Due to his studies in the science of Hadith, he was very much fascinated by the science of Hadith. So it appears that his father's name was a very sheer name. Okay, his brothers were given similar names, but he himself when he grew up as a 17 years old he left home to study the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, what inspired him. What books did he read initially, of course, initially was taught by his father on some of the sciences, Islamic sciences, but it is not clear in the sources as to what sciences he studied with his father, but it is clear that as a 17 years old, he left his hometown and he made his way to

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partner, partner of Patna is another city

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or a region in northern India, and one of the cities is called Azima bod. So in the territory of Patna, there's a city called Azima avadh. So the sheriff made his way to dream about and he spent about five to six years in that city studying with a local scholar called Muhammad Hussain. Muhammad Hussain was one of the disciples of the famous Sayid amateur he'd say, he was the same person who led a movement of independence against the Sikhs in the Punjab, and he was making his way afterwards, I mean, his his plan was to having defeated the Sikhs and taking having taken the land back from the Sikhs, he would go and

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basically free India from the colonial rule of the British East India Company. So, see dementia he is a very important figure this is another topic another completely different personality and we can address him in a separate lecture a very important figure one of the students of SHA Abdulaziz gallery say he who was killed in 1831 in battle

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the Sikhs. And from the Sikh side, we had Maharaja Sher Singh, one of the sons of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, who led the army of 10,000 Sikh soldiers against almost 500. Mujahideen were basically out to free or to liberate the Muslim land from the Sikh occupation that had taken place in the 19th century. Right. So So you mentioned he had many disciples throughout India, check Mohammed Hussein in Azima Bhatt was one of his disciples so see the view Hassan studied with him for nearly five

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For six years, and then he heard

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he met both say that matcha Heath, and one of his disciples, Shah is Malaysia he and I have delivered a lecture on Cha is Malaysia he was the grandson of shower Lula gallery.

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He was also a very important figure in the history of Indian Islam. Very, very important personality. Also very controversial for the reasons I have discussed in that lecture on SHA is my cheat. So, if you want to know more about say it, Imma cheat and SHA essentially, please refer to my lecture on YouTube, again delivered at the same on the same platform magickally class Cambridge, I delivered another lecture on chessmen shader was a grand solo show earlier a lot. So, say it in the zero Santa gallery. He witnessed live

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sheis my Shahid and say that my chain speaking to crowds in the city of Azima Awad when he was there when he was living in the city, because say that matcha he was on his way to hajj, he was making his way to Calcutta, from Delhi. And when they left Delhi, in every single town, in every single major city, the entourage, or the caravan or the entire

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How can I put it, crowd of people who are following the car, they stayed in these cities a few days, close to a week, on average, they would stay five to seven days or maybe longer in these major cities on the way so when they stayed in Lima BOD, say in Madras and Delhi is known to have listened to them live and they inspired him very much. And that that same time or desire came to his heart that he wants to move to Delhi to study with the greatest scholar, possibly in India alive, right, the greatest quarter alive in India, of Islamic sciences and that was shot abilities, a deli, the son of shower, your law deli, who was very close to the end of his life. As I told you earlier, he

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died in 1824. And the time we're talking about right now, when chef was contemplating moving to Delhi to study with him was of course before the chef shoulder disease had died. So unfortunately for Shekinah, there was no gallery when he arrived in Delhi in 1828. Shah Abdul Aziz was already dead. Lila, he had already passed away for nearly four years. Okay, four years ago, he had passed away. And so you know, zero 10 Adela. We arrived in Delhi in 1828. Right. And what took him so long? Why did it take so long is a very interesting question. A lot of scholars and historians have tried to find reasons as to what might have taken them so long from Azima bar to Delhi. And some scholars

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have this opinion that he probably didn't have means to travel. He was poor. Of course, students are very poor at that time. He was a student. He was a young student at the time. He wasn't even in his 20s yet, right? He was very young. So when he arrived in Delhi in 1828, he was about 23 years old. He was 23 years old at the time very young. So young students at the time didn't have money to travel. So he probably stayed behind until he had the means to travel. And when he had the means to travel, it was far far too late for him to arrive in time charter as he had already passed away. So he continued this continued with study after the passing of chapter as he's one of the biggest

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circles of Hadith studies, which is the science so you know, zero sand was interested in one of the biggest circles was of Shah is hot Medusa Bellary. Okay, Shah is Huck was a grandson of sharp does he so he succeeded his grandfather on the same seat, on the same pulpit, on the same level, in the same institution. Okay, so SHA is Hark, almohadas Abdallahi, starting to teach Hadith and Islamic sciences, in place of his grandfather, but Satan, the Virasana devotee, being a young man, didn't deem himself ready to attend those lectures. So he continued, in a different masjid, which Masjid was basically run this much it was run by a scholar called Jeff Abdur colic here of the Holic became

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the teacher of SE and as he Rossana Delhi at this time in Delhi, and he started to learn from him he started to attend his lectures and started to learn the basics. Basic Books on the Arabic grammar is Arabic was

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Not very strong as yet. So he focused on the Arabic language, he covered all the basic books of grammar and Arabic language and eloquence and all that. And he studied other traditional

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curriculums that were available at the time. And he was very fond of books. See adna V for Santa Prasanna gallery was very, very fond of books. He was a he was a he was a man of box, okay. And anywhere he found a book anything interesting you would start reading and it general knowledge group. This is why his students later on referred to him as shameful, shameful, cool, will call basically the shape of everything in everything. Okay, he was like a polymath. He had so much knowledge on different sciences, different fields that his students were shocked at times on the level of knowledge he demonstrated later on, right and that's why students given the title

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shareholder call will call okay, and that was shortened later on to share cold call. So when you see the title shareholder call attached to the name of say in the Euro Santa della, we don't be shocked, although the title may be

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exact exaggerated, but it it is like

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hyperbole, right? Where you basically inflate the status of your teacher in order to give him honor, right. So he wasn't literally the shake of everything in everything. Of course, that's a very big title. But the reason why students gave him that title is because of his huge knowledge in most fields he has studied at the time. So one has to really look into his interest in books. So at this time,

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in the

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early years of study in Delhi, he was studying with Chef Abdur Holic and this mosque called the Punjabi mosque.

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And it was also called the ASEAN body mosque. It was a huge mosque, a very important center of learning, check out the pilot was one of the managers of this place. So he was also a teacher. And he became so impressed by the manners and by the dedication of this very special student that he offered his daughter in marriage to say at the the Santa Gallery, and the marriage took place in due course, of course, and who attended the marriage, none other than chef Muhammad is hot. almohadas Abdallahi, the most important teacher in Delhi, the one chef zero San wants to study with in the future. So, after getting married, the chef got more involved in educating, educating and learning

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and teaching. And he was attending lectures, he was delivering lectures he was teaching, and he became a very, very strong student of Hadith. And then he started to attend the lecture, Asha, Muhammad Hassan had this Abdallahi check Muhammad is Huck and this gallery was, again a very learners color from the lineup, ciao EULA del v. Family. And then he decided eventually having taught for many years in daily, he decided that he wants to migrate to Makkah, he wants to spend the rest of his life there, and he wants to die in Mecca. And that was his decision due to many different reasons. And he migrated to Makkah, but before he migrated to Makkah, he gave any jhaza A

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certificate of authority to save the Virasana deli, who had already attended his lectures for almost 13 years. Okay, so we're talking about from 1828 to 1841. When chef Isaak have this gallery check Muhammad is hard to deal with decided to move to Makkah.

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Check Nadi Roxana della, he was attending his lectures is Hala kazari, or his circles in Delhi. And he was a very frequent student. Although later on some people, his opponents challenged that notion that the Shaykh was ever an active student of Sheikh Mohammed, his haka Gallery, and the reasons will be discussed very quickly in due course. And before we get to that, I want to get

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to the importance of his attendance of the lectures and circles of Sheikh Mohammed Asaka gallery. Right. So he was a very frequent student with Sheikh Mohammed, his heart and Valerie, who was the greatest scholar alive, arguably in India at the time, because it was a successor of Shabda Aziz, who was the successor of Chavez right, so this was one of the most important Islamic seminaries, Islamic institutions in India. Right.

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Almagro Sato. Rashi Mia it was called. In other words, the the school of Rahim. Okay, all the school of Rahim SHA Rahim was the father of sha Allah and the madrasa was named after him. So this was one of the most important institutions, anyone learning from this institution was fortunate. In the whole of India, it wasn't easy to travel from distant places, but those who made it there, they were very fortunate to study with this share this particular check, and not every single person walking on the street was allowed to attend his lectures because these lectures were very deep, very advanced. This is why I checked in with the Rossana Deli. He spent a long time studying with them

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the scholar, Chef, Dr. Holick, so that he's able to attend the lectures or check Muhammad Asaka gallery and which he did eventually, on was 13 years. So he started to attend these lectures, became an active student. And before she met his sock left, he gave him an agenda of authority. And after Sheikh Mohammed is hot, a gallery left for Mecca chef and a real authentic gallery automatically naturally became an authority of Hadith in the city of Delhi. So most people would start

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attending his lectures on Hadith. Whenever the question of learning the sciences, the sciences of Hadith came up, the name of Chef Nadia of Santa della, we came up, the name was mentioned and students from all over India and beyond, started to flock to his talks, his lectures to his school, his institution, which was again establishing the very first mosque, he started studying in it was called the Punjabi mosque or also called Azima Bodhi mosque. He was teaching in this very important center and a lot of students a lot to learn from him. And by the day, by every month or every year, his importance became more pronounced, more known. And he gained a reputation for his in depth study

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of the science of Hadith in particular, and then he started to propagate something that became very controversial, controversial in the Indian subcontinent. Now, please bear in mind, the Indian subcontinent by now is still very much Hanafi Okay, Hanafi slash Sufi, right? The scholars of India,

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in this period were very much influenced by the Mughal legacy. When I say the Mughal legacy, I don't mean it in a perfect political sense, but in a scholarly sense, scholars active during the Mughal period were predominantly Sufi, and they were strict honeybees. When I say honeybees, they follow the Hanafi school of thought strictly and anyone

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suggesting or doing anything otherwise would be deemed controversial and Chef Nazir Prasanna deli, he started to propagate freedom from or rigid following freedom from the rigid following of any of the school of thought he was of the opinion that we should follow the authentic tradition of Islam, which is the Quran and the Sunnah, rather than following schools of thought that are mostly based upon the opinions of great scholars of the past. He did not disrespect the scholars of the past, that people like Imam, Abu Hanifa, Lolly, or people like your mom, will humble people like Imam Malik or Imam Shafi. He did not disrespect them. But at the same time, he said, where a report from

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the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, which is authentic clashes with the opinions, we have to leave the opinions aside and we have to follow directly the Sunnah, or the tradition, or the words of the Prophet over the words of the Imams, or the teachers, albeit ancient teachers, classical teachers, very important teacher, right, but he gave more importance check Nazir synodality. He taught the importance of the words and the deeds of the Prophet over later traditions that came about later on. Right. So this is why he was given the title of Imam Mohammed the scene or Imam of the 100 Hadith in India. He was given this title, the Imam of the ashram Hadith. There is a reason for that. Now, let

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me very quickly quickly let me give you a background into this.

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Before he came up with this idea, by the way, it's not a new idea. This idea is quite ancient.

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What the school of

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These claims is that

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we follow the most authentic teachings of Islam. Okay, this is the claim of the School of Hadith. Okay? Why? Why do they claim this? They claim that they follow the Quran directly and the Sunnah of the Prophet. The Sunnah is basically authentic for these that can be found in the six authentic books predominantly, mostly right? Of course, that doesn't mean that these six books alone are the most authentic books or the only authentic books rather, there are other books that have authentic reports in them. But these six books are predominantly the most authentic pieces of literature out there on the tradition of the Prophet of the traditions of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Right? So,

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the School of other Hadith

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throughout the last 1400 years has been

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arguing for the paramountcy of Hadith over the opinions of Imams, scholars, classical teachers, right. So the school of Hadith has all always given precedent to the words and the deeds and affirmations of the Prophet of Islam SallAllahu wasallam over the opinions of later scholars, who were not fully aware of all the Hadith literature, let alone all the authentic Chinese literature. And this much is very, very clear from the histories, right? So the Imams lived in a very dynamic time, these four Imams I have already mentioned, they lived in a very dynamic time when the science of Hadith was still being collected and wasn't fully transmitted to all the corners of the Muslim

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civilization. So that's why sometimes they were simply not aware of some of the reports of the Prophet Salah Salem and they gave

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they gave rulings from their discretion. Okay. Yeah. And they were very learned people, they were very sincere people, they were very highly

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upright people. And they did the best according to the knowledge they had at the time. But later on, at least literature was authenticated, it was put together it was collected, and then it was disseminated. Once authentic hadith literature has become available, and it is clear that these are definitely the words of the Prophet. And these are definitely the deeds of the Prophet and his affirmations that we can find in this literature. Books like sahih al Bukhari, Sahih, Muslim about doubt Teramachi, Nomada and Nasai. The literature we can find in these six books predominantly and most importantly, in two books. For example, Bukhari and Muslim, then we have to give precedence to

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this literature over the teachings of the Imams who did their best to reach rulings,

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according to the best of their knowledge, right. But now that authentic knowledge has been collected,

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and it has reached the Ummah, then we must follow the authentic knowledge that comes from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. At the same time, we respect the principles and schools, pioneered by the four schools of thought, we don't disown them, we don't throw them in the sea. We don't throw away the baby with the bathwater, as they say, right? We respect the four schools. So this was the opinion of people like share the Santa Deli. Now this understanding of Islam, which I described, based upon authentic sources of Islam, and sticking and sticking to the authentic source sources only, was already very much popular in the first four centuries of Islam, when the school were not

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yet fully established. And then later on, it was pioneered by the teen scientists of Hadith people who continue to study these signs in all the ages in all the places. India in particular declined when it comes to the science of Hadith, almost 800 years. For almost 800 years, there was a sharp decline of the study of police in the Indian subcontinent. And the science of Hadith was revived, reintroduced or re studied in India, through Chava Lula Dallow he and his struggles and show you law was the man who started the process. He did not fully accomplish what he wanted to accomplish within his lifetime. He did lay the foundations, he put the seed, and then the seed was nurtured by SunShot

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disease. And then after shotgun Aziz came the grandson of shower Lula.

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Shah is made sure he was a son of another son of Shabalala daily. Okay,

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He basically took the teachings of sha Allah identity to a completely different level. But because he was involved in jihad against the Sikh Empire of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, and later on they wanted to liberate India from the oppressive and tyrannical rule of the East India Company he got busy in that he could not teach the sciences taught by his uncle Chagas disease and his grandfather Chava EULA, this task was fulfilled

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by Satana Via Santa dalla, he was a huge fan of this family anyway. Okay. Even though he had no blood ties with this particular family, the family of shower you love see you that season the view of Santa daily we had no direct blood ties with the family of shower Lula, but he had spiritual ties to the pound he was spiritually inspired. He wanted to take the knowledge of Sharia law. He wanted to take the works of sharp villages and the struggles of Shah Ismail Shaheed, and, and, and basically heat the essence of these struggles and these teaching to the rest of India. And Allahu Akbar, Allah blessed him with acceptance that wasn't necessarily given to scholars beforehand. He

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had, as I mentioned earlier, over 120,000 students, okay, some more active than others, some more frequent than others. But we calculate or estimate the number of students or people who were asking him for fatwas. People writing from all over India, asking him whether he can answer the questions. The numbers were in hundreds of 1000s. In fact, it is estimated that if his data were collected, which were collected by some of the students, and they are titled, Alpha Tau and the area by his name because his name was Nadia Hussain. His power, His rulings his jurisprudential opinions have been collected in three volumes by students.

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And they are titled all pataw under the area, it is estimated that if all of his jurisprudential rulings

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were collected, then they will run into possibly, you know,

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20 or 30 volumes more than Alpha Tau oliguria which was compiled by more than 10 scholars in India, right. So, his fatawa are huge, absolutely huge in numbers, right. So, coming back to the science of Hadith, and his interest in this in this sign, so, the science was not his invention, the idea that hadith, authentic traditional the progress that must be given precedence over the opinions of Imams, and sacred teachers, or great personalities of the past was not his idea. This idea had existed in the very beginning of Islam. And this was the the original Islam, according to people like saving the Virasana dalvey and his spiritual predecessors. The other Hadith, okay, strictly speaking,

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according to them, this is the original Islam and understand in other words, this is the real Islam, Islam that must be followed right. All other things added into Islam in the name of Islam are not necessarily the teachings of the Prophet and his companions. So we must stick to the Quran and the Sunnah Quran and the Sunnah Quran and the Sunnah. This was the slogan of people like say it in the Virasana gallery, right. So he outrightly came out publicly and he started to say publicly that we do not we do not have to follow the Hanafi school apart. The only school

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prominent in India at the time, he didn't speak about the Maliki the humbly or the Shafi school because these schools were not prominent in India. There were some Muslims on the west coast of India, who follow the Shafi school apart, but majority the overwhelming majority of the Indian Muslims were hunting by affiliation, right. So he started to come out publicly in his lectures in his talks, he started to proclaim that we do not have to follow the Hanafi school of thought it is not obligatory upon Muslims to follow the Hanafi school of thought rather, it is obligatory upon us to follow the Prophet sallallahu Sallam directly, according to his teaching, explained by the

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scholars of Islam, right. So when an authentic report from Buhari

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or Sahih Muslim clashes with the Hanafi school we have to follow the Hadith not the Hanafi school, as noble as it may be as noble as the teachings of the Hanafi school are okay they are noble because they were reached

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through correct intentions with the right attitude towards Islam, according to the best of their knowledge, all the 100 scholars of the past they reached these opinions, but if they clash with the Sunnah, the Hadith, the authentic teachings of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam that then these these opinions of the scholars, the Hanafi scholars they have to be put aside and the Hadith of the prophets of Salaam has to be born. This was the view with say the view Astana gallery for the first time in the history of India pioneered and propagated and spread throughout India and it became very popular, it made a lot of sense to the Indian Muslims, a lot of Indian Muslims from all over India,

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they started to become students, they started to attend his lectures, and this is happening just before the Indian Mutiny of 1857. Before 1857 say in the view of Astana dalvey had become the most popular, the most prominent scholar of Islam in the Indian subcontinent. so popular that his opponents became extremely jealous, and his appointment consisted of people from different walks of life, different affiliations Islamically speaking, some of his opponents were of the Sufi persuasion, others

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are strict Hannity's Hanafi scholars, okay, later on, of course, these Hanafi scholars split into different groups. One of the groups was called the School of the urban the urban was a town in northern India, in the region of sovereign poor, or the city near the city of sovereign for the District of sovereign, rather. And in 1865, a school was established by Hanafi scholars, and this school this school and the scholars respected scholars from this school, they became opponents of Satan or the Santa gallery, because he was teaching his Indian students to not necessarily follow the Hanafi school of thought and follow the authentic teachings of the Prophet sallallahu sallam.

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These are the some of the opinions of the Imams or Imam Abu Hanifa or opinions attributed to a mob or any Parramatta Lila right. So, this antagonism grew in severity. Some of these scholars who were Sufi and also Hanafi, they became net opponents, and they started to spread false propaganda against him. Unfortunately, there are books to tarnish his name, they accused him of things he did not believe in, they deliberately twisted his teachings and put these opinions in pamphlets and leaflets and even newspapers and they tried to tarnish his name by putting him down because they were extremely concerned about his teachings, he was becoming very popular. So from 1841 up to 1857 Okay,

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within these 16 years, the Shea had become extremely popular in India. Okay. Why do I say 1857 because that's when the Indian Mutiny happened. That's when the great Indian rebellion took place. And everything was turned upside down the city of Delhi was completely decimated, destroyed by war, okay partly because of the mutineers, they destroyed the city and partly because of the British

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basically, re occupation of the city of Delhi, right, the history of the Indian Mutiny, vast topic, which can be discussed in a separate setting. So Shekinah de synodality. In this period after Sheikh Mohammed his heart, Alma disability left from Makkah, he was the man responsible for teaching her this is circled became very popular, so popular was he that he was being consulted by the king of daily Mahadasha for the last nominal mogul, king of India. Right? He was only a king in name, right? He didn't have any real power because the real power was in the hands of the British. The British were ruling the city of Delhi and he was like a puppet king in the city of Delhi, a nominal King,

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okay, an honorary King. So there was no real Mughal Empire left at the time, but even then bahagia Shaeffer had a lot of influence on Indian Muslims. People didn't respect him because of his lineage.

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He respected chef near Santa Valerie very much. In fact, there were times when he would consult him. In fact, his successor, or heir apparent

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miza taco Dean, also known as Mirza crew, was a great fan, a huge fan of saved a real sense of destiny. And he would often consult the show on all religious matters. In fact, he was one of the suppliers of books to the show, whenever the ship wanted a book from Egypt from the Arabian Peninsula, where the crew would ensure that the book arrived, he would spend his own money, and he would ensure that the book comes for the chef. So the chef had access to some of the best libraries in daily. Which libraries am I talking about the best? The biggest library, the most important library in Delhi was the royal mobile library. And the masters or any ordinary scholar did not have

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access to that library because the Royal Library, there were many many precious manuscripts and books in this library. So Schechner, the standard gallery was given open access to this library

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by the King barbershoppers and his heir apparent, Miss apoco been the successor to be who never became the successor because Bathsheba was deposed after 1857 after the mutiny, right, so, Chef, Madeira sin, Adela, we would spend hours upon hours in the library reading books, and he was allowed to take the books away as well. And he would read, you know, volumes upon volumes, he was an avid reader, what made him what he was, what is reading, he was different to other scholars in India, because he was reading more than

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he was reading more than them. That's why he was so popular. His method of teaching was very traditional, very classical. He followed the way of the 18 was very much inspired by the writing of him not Aimia, of Napoleon, and even higher hydrolysed, Kalani and classical scholars like that, and even some of the earliest scholars, so any book you could access, he would access it and read it, okay. And when he couldn't access it, he would run his students around, he would send them away to go and get books. In fact, one of his students walked for days to get one of the books for him at that time. There are so many amazing stories about him and his book.

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His love for books. The second best library in Delhi was the library of shark disease, the family of Shaolin Allah, their library was absolutely fascinating when it comes to theological scientists. So chef, Madeira Santa daily, we had open access to it. And the third best library was arguably the library of mostly solder Dean,

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who was the Mufti of Daly. His library was also very impressive. And then check on the Euro center daily, we had his own library, it was a book lover, he collected a lot of books. And he was an avid reader. So he had access to these books. And he was very, very knowledgeable on all Islamic sciences. In fact, there were debates that took place. Sometimes people come up, come up with erroneous ideas, and erroneous opinions and he would readily refute them. One of the squatters.

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He wrote a pamphlet.

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On on, on, on, on the notion that owl is halaal in Islam out.

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was invited by the king of Delhi to debate this person. This is absolutely erroneous, this is just too incredible to believe in. So the chef went to debate him. And that person didn't turn up first for them, and he did turn up. The chef easily refuted him. This This is an absolutely erroneous idea. We'll

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come Where did you get this from? So this shows that chef was always available for debates for dialogues for discussions on religious matters. In fact, the chef very often debated his own teacher Sheikh Mohammed is hot delivery with respect of course with respect, and at times, check with Iraq's and a delivery was even correct in matters later on Sheikh Mohammed Asaka data we would be corrected, and then he would acknowledge it duly. So 1857 the mutiny the Indian Mutiny, the War of Independence changed everything. The dynamics shifted political,

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economic, and educational dynamics changed completely. The share continued with his Holocaust for as long as he could but when the problems as

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escalated, he had to find

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refuge. At the same time something very interesting happened, which the chef was blamed for

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wrongly later on.

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And what was that that was

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basically, when the mutineers, these rebels who had rebelled against the East India Company, right, the rebellion maybe correct in spirit, then the notion of

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removing a tyrannical power and a foreign power of foreign occupying power may be correct at that time because the people of India had a they had suffered daily under the British rule,

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due to all the discrimination, the Hindus and the Muslims are facing, in particular in particular religious discrimination at the hands of the Christian missionaries, with the Indian

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sorry, with the with with with colonialism in India, British colonialism came the missionary onslaught, the Christian missionary onslaught, Christian missionaries were supported by the government of British government in India, and they had an an an open field basically, they couldn't go and do what they want. They had a blank check from the government. So, they started to preach in the streets of Indian capitals like Ogra. And we have heard about the debates that took place in 1854. In the city of Agra between shake Rahmatullah Khurana the doctor was econ and the German missionary called founder, okay, these debates are well known. And they were well documented, and

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founder was humiliated by the Muslim scholars in these debates in 1854. This was one example. But the Christian missionaries were spread throughout India and they were openly discriminating against Islam and Hinduism. That caused a lot of resentment between the two communities,

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within the two communities against the British, and they wanted to find their opportunity to rebel against the rule of the East India Company. And when this rebellion came with, it came a lot of devastation, a lot of oppression a lot of tyranny, a lot of mass murder, from both sides from the British side and from the Indian rebels, right. So the Indian rebels had taken the city of Delhi, and they started to massacre men, women and children. So these rebels were not only killing British officers, they were killing the women and children. This was absolutely utterly haram Islamically speaking. And when some of these rebels came to the shake, to endorse the actions, the shape, the

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Santa Fe, Makalali, flatly refused, he said, This is not jihad. This is not jihad. Jihad is not the killing of innocent people. In jihad, if you want to if you want to, if you want to call it jihad, and it has to be qualified as jihad, right. And Jihad has a set definition in Islam. It has a set method, you have to do it the way the Prophet sallallahu Sallam did it the way he taught us to, to do it. So what you're doing right now is not jihad, you're killing men. Women and children are non combatants. They have nothing to do with war. You're walking throughout the city, you are randomly picking British men, women and children and you are massacring them. So this is not jihad. And and

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in fact, he said you you don't even have the ability to reach out. He went to see the King Boggo Shaeffer, who was actually forced into this mutiny by the mutineers, he asked him, Do you really want to do this? Do you think this is jihad? This is not jihad. He said look at your son, you print it, you think they can fight the British? The East India Company, you think they can remove this colonial power? No. So on two levels, the shake disagreed with this

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movement, at least in the city of Delhi. Okay. At least within the city of Delhi. he disagreed with what the mutineers or the rebels were doing, okay, or what the freedom fighters, as they call themselves were doing right. They were committing massacres against women and children. And Shaykh had himself seen some women brought to the court of the Mongol king in the Red Fort of deli, while the chef was trying to convince the king to to this own this chaos and barbarity, women were brought to

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to the court, and they were lined and then they were killed. And the Shaykh said, I have nothing to do with this. I don't want any part of this. This is not Islam. I cannot stand and watch this. So the shape couldn't save these innocent women, even the king There are reports that bothers you

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After pleaded on their behalf against the rebels, but the rebels would not listen to even the king. Right. So the shape was very disturbed by these incidents. So one day, the sheriff found an injured British woman called Mrs. Leeson, Mrs. Leeson was found in a bush injured shot on in one of our sites. And these details by the way, which I'm about to give you were not actually documented by Islamic sources or the biographies of the shape because they were simply not aware of these details. These details are known to the British side. So when you read the British sources, British Memoirs of this rebellion, or this period, you will see what happened to Mrs. Leeson. According to the

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bishop British accounts, Mrs. Leeson had suffered severely in this war she was the wife of a British officer,

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Mr. John Leeson, right who was serving in Delhi at the time, and he was away from the city when this attack took place. This was happening on the 11th of May 1857. So this incident took place on the 11th of May 1857. Right when Mrs. Leeson was trying to escape with her children, she had three children, one boy and two girls. All three children were massacred in front of her eyes by these cruel rebels. Okay, these cruel rebels who are a mixture of Hindus and Muslims, right. And they came from the British army, they were trained by the British, by the way, these rebels and these mutineers were mostly mostly they were

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from the British army, they had no Islamic training, right, those who are Muslims, they had no Islamic training, they didn't understand Islam. And Hindus, of course, they they didn't really follow their own religion, either, right. But those who are religious in the Outlook, they were not necessarily part of these, these these massacres, and killing a women and children. So these mutineers who were trained by the British,

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initially, they went around, and they were killing women and children. So Mrs. Leeson, she lost three of her children in the same day, okay. And she saw the throat of her six year old son being slipped in front of her, one of our girls, an infant she was carrying, the infant was shot. And that bullet went through the infant and hit Mrs. Leeson, she was injured. And she was found in the bush, the chef was walking with, with the students, and he heard moaning from a desk from distance. And then when they came close to this spot, the soul an injured woman, who immediately started to say, Please do not kill me, please do not kill me. The chef knew some English. He was one of those

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scholars, he knew some English. So he realized what is happening. So he told her immediately to be quiet, because you will be killed. So he said, Wait where you are, let it get dark, and we will carry you and take you away and rescue you. So the sheriff waited with the students until it was dark. And they carried the woman home. The sheriff took this lady Mrs. Leeson to his own house. And then he told the the women of the house to take care of this lady

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cater for the wounds, and do something about it. And then this lady was kept in the house of shape

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for three months, over three months, so she was returned to the British camp in the month of August, and the British officers received her she was in a very bad state, due to the problems, lack of food because the entire city was starving. And the chef did his best to take care of her. And she later on, basically told her side that this is how she was rescued, and the family of the shake and the share consult, took good care of her and treated her humanely. And she had lost everything. This poor lady had lost everything. She didn't have to go through this right. So the Shaykh was utterly against this destruction and this massacre of women and children and all of that. That's why he was

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he was not willing to call it jihad. He was not he because he could see that the conditions of jihad are being broken. They are not being followed. So this isn't this is not jihad. Okay. You can call it jihad, but it is not jihad. Right. So the chef was against the later on shakes opponents, the Hanafi scholars, and the Sufi scholars. They use this against the chef and calling him a traitor for saving the woman's life and taking benefits from the British, right because later on the British tanked the shake.

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The government came back to power as we know. And the chef was invited and he was

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For the destruction of his house, he was given 1300 rupees 1300 rupees at that time in the 19th century was a lot of money and 700 of it was given towards his house which was blown apart because of the conflict. So the chef was given money as a compensation for the destruction of his house, and then 200 rupees each was given to him and his students. And that was of course, given to cover the expenses he had the money he had spent on the woman for keeping her in his house for over three months. Okay, so this was a token of appreciation from the British officers under shake, by the way did not agree with the the British occupation or colonialism. He was not in favor of the British

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colonial establishment. He was not he simply did his Islamic duty, he saw a wounded woman who was tortured, basically brutalized her children were killed, he took her into his custody and took care of her. My question is to his opponents, those who attacked him later on, and those who are attacking still to this day for doing something noble, something like this. Would you not do the same thing? If you saw the woman injured? Would you not do the same thing? If your scholars saw the woman in the bush injured with a bullet in her side? Would they not save her life? Of course they would. Of course they would. Would you then blame them for siding with the British or being a

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traitor or being an informal or something like that? How the biller or the biller so justice requires that we praise the Shea for a noble deed? He did. And this kindness will be remembered until the Day of Judgment. It is just like so tonsil. How do you be when a crusading woman came to him crying about her kidnapped daughter, the Sultan Hector immediately he sent his men, they found her daughter and they reunited the mother with the daughter and she was praying for the Sultan and this was a crusading woman. She was one of the Crusaders, right. And that act of kindness survives to this day fineness never dies. Likewise, Chef Nadia Santa deli, he put his life in danger. And by

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the way, if the mutineers, if the rebels had found out that the chef is

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basically giving refuge to one of the British women in Delhi, he would have been killed immediately by these reckless brutal barbarian

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mutineers. Right. So what they were doing was wrong. But having said that, at the same time, there were students of the show who were fighting the colonial establishment properly. They were not breaking the rules of Islam, they were not killing innocent people. They were trying to remove the British rule from India.

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As freedom fighters in different places, they were they were direct students of the ship. One of them was my own ancestor, my own ancestor, Schekman Hydra Dean, when Sirajuddin was a student, a distant student of the chef, right? He was given a Jostens by the shake in the science of Hades. And he was in contact with the chef. And I know for a fact that he was active in the War of Independence. And he fought as it should be done. Islamically speaking, he was struggling against the British rule in his region, which was current de KPK province of Pakistan, in the mountains of Abbottabad. Okay, he was fighting the British rule, and he was put in, he was put on trial. Okay, he

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was put on trial in 1859. My ancestor, I mean, how to deal with Sirajuddin was put on trial, okay. And he was under put under house arrest for seven years, he was a direct student of the chef. When I say direct, he was encouraged correspondence with the chef, I have seen letters with my own eyes, we have letters and documents in our ancestral library, where the chef was in correspondence with my direct ancestor. Okay, so my name is Adnan Rashid bin Rashid bin Hamad bin Hamad Idris bin Mohammed Ismail bin Menaggio Dean, so I'm a direct descendant of Chef Menaggio Dean who was directly involved in the war of independence against the British colonial rule run by the British East India Company,

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right. And these students of the chef were doing things according to Islam, they were doing, they were they were conducting their struggle Islamically they were not killing innocent people. They will not massacring people. They were simply interested in removing the East India Company that tyrannical the oppressive the racist, the discriminatory used to be a company from power, right? This is what they were trying to do. Right. And so the shape cannot be

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called a sellout for saving a British woman who was an innocent bystander. She was not part of the conflict, she was there

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because her husband was serving in India and she didn't deserve to die and her children didn't deserve to die. So, Mrs. liscense story can be found in the British sources in the British Memoirs of the of the rebellion. And on the other hand, we have this mentioned in the biography of the ship. So this was used as a slogan against the ship right as as as an insult against the ship to get back to get back at him. His opponents could not defeat him in a debate. His opponents could not defeat him in in an intelligent discussion. So they started to tarnish his character by writing pamphlets against him tarnishing his name. Okay, sometimes accusing him of being a Wahhabi, being a rebel

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being a supporter of the rebels, right, sometimes accusing him of being a sellout, being loyal to the oppressive East India Company establishment. And the chef wouldn't have it, you know, his way basically right. Either way, he was condemned, and then the chef decided to go on Hajj, you continue to continue with his teachings. He did not stop these things did not dissuade him from doing his duties. And he continued with his teachings throughout the period after the 19th century. Okay. There is no doubt that the British officers gave him a certificate of appreciation in writing and they appreciated what he had done for Mrs. Leeson. And they gave him a certificate of oppression.

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That does not mean that he was not put on trial or he was not troubled. In fact, he was in prison for six months in Rawalpindi in one of the jails in the Punjab province for his support for the Rebels. Okay, now which rebels, these rebels are not the rebels of Delhi, the British colonial establishment was very clear. The chef did not agree with the massacres. And he was the biggest scholar. He was the biggest scholar alive. He was not in favor of the massacre of women and children as the mutineers or the rebels were doing right. But there were other rebellious movements taking place in other parts of the country. They accused the shape of supporting those movements because

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they found some correspondence between the chef and his students. And the shakes view was that I am not directly involved in anything. If my students are doing something is their business. They write me letters, I respond to them, right? I have I'm one of the biggest scholars in India, people write me letters in 1000s. And what do you want me to do not respond to them. So the shake was finally acquitted. There was no evidence against no direct evidence against him. So having kept him in having kept him in prison for six months. He was then eventually released. His opponents never gave up. Those Sufi and Hanafi scholars never give up and continue to write books to tarnish his name,

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accused him of things that were not true. For example, one of the Hanafi scholars named was he maturity

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was he maturity, wrote a book titled Jamia Shiva hit, V crotchal. Wha wha hobbying Anil masajid. In other words,

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conclusive evidences in favor of driving the Wahabis out of mosques. So basically, he wrote this book or this pamphlet to argue that the Wahabis were hobbies which was a derogatory term in the 19th century at the time. Basically, anyone who followed the science of Hadith or who became a strict member of the other Hadith school was labeled as our hobby. And they were basically

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accused of having links to the Wahhabi movement of nudged of the Arabian Peninsula, okay. They were accused of being sympathizers of Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdul Wahab, his movement was very popular in Arabia once upon a time not very long ago. So they are accusing every Indian Muslim, who became a hadith of being Wahhabi and being Wahhabi, in the Indian subcontinent context meant a criminal, a dangerous criminal, who basically

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is bound to rebel against the British government. It may be true, I mean, on that level, it may be true that a lot of the other Hadith students of the shed did fight against the in the British East India Company colonial rule because of its purity is racism is discrimination and all that right. And is outright occupation of a foreign land. Right. It is true, but other accusations that came in these pamphlets, and these books were absolutely false. What kind of action

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accusations of these,

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this book book,

01:10:07 --> 01:10:19

the lobbies of these people that are Hadith or the followers of Shekinah de Sena deli and he himself believe in that it is possible for God to lie. Okay.

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And it is possible for prophets to forget religious rulings. Okay. The Prophet of Islam is not the last messenger of Allah. Okay? These are these Ahad cannot support miracles basically

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01:10:39 --> 01:10:43

Jamaah without sun is not fungible. Okay,

01:10:44 --> 01:10:52

champagne Oh Booker and Omar Ilhan Omar were enemies of Fatima and Ali. Okay, these are by the way accusations against the chef

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and his students in this book title badshahi.

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Okay, Jeremy Jamia Shiva hit the crotchal Wahhabi will have Wahhabi Anil masajid basically Okay. In this book, these people are accusing the shift deliberately, okay, twisting some of the rulings and teachings deliberately tarnishing the name. Right. And some of the opinions they accused the shape of were of jurisprudential nature. For example, They accused the shape of believing in

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that you can you know, use impure water, for example, okay, they accuse the shaker of believing in

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that the urine of a child, male child is is pure. Okay, it's not impure, right.

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And many other things like that many, I mean, the list is very, very long. They accused the shaking students out of their prejudice and the bias and the enmity towards the ship because the shake was simply teaching people to follow the Quran and the Sunnah and not follow the innovations of people in the Indian subcontinent innovations like you know, seeking reward, or seeking help from a dead person in the grave. Okay, all be it, a value of Allah, albeit a value of Allah, even at the person in the grave is one of the Olia of Allah, one of the friends of Allah right. He's a great scholar is a great luminaries, a great mystic. Someone was buried in the grave, you cannot go to the grave and

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start seeking blessings from the grave. Right? It is not allowed. The shake was against these ideas, and all other innovations introduced in the name of Islam, the Indian Islam, unfortunately, by the time shower Lula was born, was absolutely corrupt. Okay, I repeat with confidence, right? Okay. I'm saying this with responsibility. The Indian Islam. By the time shower Lula was born was absolutely corrupt. How do I know that? How do I know that? Read the writings of Shaolin Allah Himself, sha Allah Allah. He writes against these evil practices introduced in the name of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, and some of them I have mentioned, right showery Allah, in his writings in his

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speeches, it is discussions in his dialogues, he condemned these in a way innovations introduced in the name of Islam. And when the chef check Medea, Prasanna deli would teach the same things when he would promote the teachings of shower Lula and the teachings based upon the Quran and the Sunnah, authentic teachings of Islam on authentic sources of Islam, when he would insist on sticking to the Quran, and the authentic sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, all of these people have innovation, they became his enemies, some bigger innovators than others, no doubt, because the innovations varied from person to person from place to place from school to school, the innovations

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varied, some were extremely

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severe in the innovations, others had lighter innovations, right, all of them became enemies. So at the same time, some of these people who had struggled against the British, they had moved to Makkah, they had migrated to Mecca. After the Indian Mutiny, they had to leave India because they could not stay in India anymore. It wasn't politically feasible for them to do so. So they had to move to Makkah. When they went to Makkah, they took the prejudice and bias with them. So every time an Indian Muslim who went to Hajj or Umrah, who had 100 Hadith tendencies, or who was following the teachings of Shakima de Sena dalvey, he was basically punished. These people who were in Makkah

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Indian Muslims, either Hanafi or or Sufi, they were deliberately

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Reaching out to the authorities and maca and they were causing trouble for 100 Hadith Muslims from India, and this is well documented historically speaking, if you read the writings of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was

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a very prominent politician, a freedom fighter and he struggled for the independence of India. Although he did not agree with the creation of Pakistan. He was part of the Congress Party was a very close associate of Gandhi and Nehru, politically speaking not religiously, of course, he agreed with the political views on India. So later on when India was liberated, and India split into two countries Pakistan in India, and Milan I will call on Assad became the Minister of Education, right. So he's a very kind of prominent figure on the history of India. He wrote in his writings that his father Molana, Pharaoh Dean, was one of the people who was actively involved in persecuting 100

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Hadith Muslims from India in Makkah, because he was in Makkah, Maulana Pharaoh Dean the father of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad was living in Makkah, okay, every time.

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Every time Muslims from India went for Hajj or Umrah he was actively involved now.

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Chef decided, Jacqueline 0% of Delhi decided to go for Hajj in 1882. This is what I want to tell you very quickly. I want to tell you about this and I'm going to be finishing very soon Gela my time is nearly up. So I have to finish very soon this is a very vast topic, I cannot possibly do justice to this vast topic in a short discussion like this, but inshallah I'll try to cover as much as I can. So the shape decided to go for Hajj in 1882 in a new his opponents who were very very prominent in India will cause him problems in Mecca. And Mecca was at the time governed by the Ottoman authorities and they owe the British console British Council sorry British Council in Jeddah in the

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city of Jeddah, there was a British ambassador, if you like Council at the time was like a council general was like an ambassador. Right. So, the shape had contacted contacted the deputy commissioner of the city of Delhi, and he told him that if I go to Mecca, I will be troubled by my opponents. So I need some sort of, you know, certificate of

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protection basically. So the Deputy Commissioner wrote him a certificate. And he also contacted the council in Jeddah, the British Council in Jeddah. And he told the ship come without any worries, and you will be fine. When the shake went for Hajj. Long story short, with his close students. One of them was a chef, a lot of percent was also very close student of the chef. These opponents of the chef, these opponents of the chef, they started to cause trouble for the chef for people were very, very prominent in this four people. Right? Who are these four people? These four people basically were unfortunately, unfortunately Morana rash, mattala Cyrano de, he was very prominent in this. He

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was very biased against the chef, the same person who debated founder in Agra in 1854, and defeated him in the debate. The author of the famous book is horror. Huck, Maulana Rahmatullah Chiranjeevi was one of those people. Then * Indaba, la Mahajan, McKee, a great scholar of the School of the urban he was very active in this persecution of the shake and maca. Then Molana Pharaoh Dean, the father of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad already mentioned then another shake called chef Abdulkadir. These four individuals are very, very prominent in causing persecution of the chef in the city of Makkah, and they went to the Sharif of Mecca, and they accused the Sheriff of all sorts of heinous crimes in

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his ideas, views he did not hold and they were using the same book to accuse the Shaykh Jami was Shiva hit the throttle would have been Anil masajid. The same book written by was the majority was being used in Makkah to accuse the chef and to put him in trouble because they were very, very disturbed these four individuals in particular and others like them in Makkah, were very disturbed by the following of the chef in India as I mentioned earlier, the chef had hundreds of 1000s of foreigners the school of Aruna, these had three main centers in India, okay, Bhopal, because of the Nawab Siddiq Hassan Khan, who was the king who became the king of the state.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:46

The state of Bhopal he was a hadith. And he supported the school of Allah these through a printing press and his amazing works he had authored himself. And then another center of the other Hadith activity in India was Azima barge in Patna where the second self studied in the early years of his student life. And then the third active center of the Hadith activity in India was Delhi itself, right. And these people knew that this is the head of the other Hadith. This man is the head of the other Hadith in India, so we must trouble him, we must even get him killed. Possibly, right. It is very unfortunate that these great scholars fell into the trap of Shaitan to harm one of the Muslim

01:20:46 --> 01:21:30

Brothers in this way, just because they did not agree with his theological views. It is very unfortunate. Right? And clearly, clearly, they were not doing something right. Okay, in this right. They could argue with him, they could debate with him, but they chose this particular strategy to destroy the chef and his following, right. So the Sharif Omaka arrested the shake with his students, and they were put inside a small room, and they missed. Sorry, they missed some of the monastic of Hajj as well. Unfortunately, while the shake was in this confinement, and then the chef was brought out with the student, gelato for saying, who refused who refused to leave the chef, when he was

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asked to go, I mean, only the chef is to be confined. He said, I'm not going to leave my chef because my chef and I are one you know, we we are one in beliefs, we believe in the same thing. So later on.

01:21:44 --> 01:22:26

An Inquisition was held in Makkah. The chef was questioned on his beliefs. And the questioner was the father of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Maulana Pharaoh Deen. He was questioning the shake repeatedly on his Aqeedah on his beliefs on Imam Abu Hanifa, in particular, and the chef answered, accurately represented his views as they were, he said, I am I'm not against your mama Hanifa I don't disrespect him. I simply believe that it is not obligatory to follow him rigidly against the Sunnah authentic son of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. That's all I believe. This is not disrespectful. Okay, I love Imam Abu Hanifa. I cherish him as an imam. I have a lot of respect for him. I pray for

01:22:26 --> 01:23:09

him. But I do not believe in the rigid following of Imam Abu Hanifa over the Sunnah, the authentic son of the Prophet Salla salon and other beliefs mentioned in that book were thrown at the chef and the chef responded and his students lottosend responded. And long story short, the chef was actually honored by the Sharif having heard his view his side of the story. And those people simply were disgraced those who were accusing him of all these false things. They were simply disgraced. And this disgrace came because of the prejudice and the bias. And the chef, Allah raised his ranks, Allah subhanaw taala given is an honor, and these people did not rest. Even after this defeat, they

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did not rest. They're starting to tarnish his name again. They started to say that Chef had signed documents in Makkah, and he had made Toba from his views. He is no longer under Hadith. He made Toba, he retracted his Aqeedah, his views and all of that, but all of these were false accusations and propaganda, the check came back. And even when he came back, he continued to face opposition. The chef Ramadan la la, having served Islam to the best of his ability, died in 1902. He was born in 1805. He died in 1902. And he left behind a huge legacy, a legacy that is unprecedented when it comes to the science of Hadith in the Indian subcontinent. He was a pioneer of the science of

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Hadith. He left behind such a huge legacy that it lives on to this day, the School of honor Hadith, in the Indian subcontinent, the people who are other Hadith, who are in millions now who are in millions in India and Pakistan and Bangladesh, they are in millions, they owe

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they Islam and the understanding of Islam, to the sharecropper, not Allah He Ali and his students, okay, who came from his students. Some of the greatest scholars came from students. For example, check Shamsul Haque or the my buddy who wrote a commentary on Sunday enough abou doubt tightened our Mahmoud was a direct student of Chef, the center Deli. Okay. Then Chef, Abdul Rahman Mubarak Furie, the author of tough baton, was he one of the best commentaries in the Arabic language written on Sunday naturopathy, or direct student of Chef Nazir for Senate data the Natalie then Muhammad Hussain Batali over the journalist Gordon intellectual was a student of Chef

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not to lie, then say that Matan. Although he drifted away from the teaching of the check later on, was also a student. So the she had a wide circle of people from different walks of life. Many held on to his view and stuck to his ways and his teachings which were based upon the teachings of the earlier generations of Islam. Right. And others did not fully follow him. Okay. Some betrayed him out priding, some betrayed the shake outrightly. But the shakes legacy lives on to this day, in the School of other Hadith, very, very vibrant school in the Indian subcontinent, with other schools of Islam, of course, respectfully, and the School of Allah. This is one of the most prominent schools

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of Islam in the Indian subcontinent. And this is of course, this is the cause the teachings of the chef, the chef gave ijazah certificates to 1000s of people, okay? He corresponded with hundreds of 1000s of people, he would receive 1000s of letters on daily basis. Allah give him a long life so that he can serve this Deen for longer. Okay. And if his correspondences his, if his correspondences were put together in a book form, they would run into volumes upon volumes, luck, okay, I have in my personal ancestral library, documents written in the hands of in the hand of the chef, who was corresponding with my ancestors, even the jars as written by the Shaykh and given to his students

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are based upon the same ijazah which he received from his teacher Muhammad is hot Adela we are going to lay and a lot of his opponents disputed his his studentship when the shake

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so they accused the shake of basically being this honest about his relationship with Sheikh Mohammed a soccer delivery. But they were wrong, because they were shown evidence, physical evidence in the form of paperwork, as well as witnesses who had seen the chef being an active student of Chef Mohammed Asaka delegate. So this chef will lie. I wish I could speak more and more and give more details on his life and he struggled, he struggled immensely, severely. He struggled financially. He struggled health wise, he struggled physically, he struggled mentally, because his opponents his enemies, they tried to degrade him to destroys the power to destroy his teachings, but they could

01:27:19 --> 01:28:00

not stop him and his teachings grow to this day. May Allah have mercy on him, may Allah and lighten his grave. Now let's move on of the law. join him in paradise with Rasul Allah salAllahu Salam in his companions, and may Allah accept his good deeds and may Allah forgive his mistakes. Thank you so much for listening was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato hamdulillah Ramadan, I mean, just regular column in the talk was excellent. Mashallah, obviously, I mean, the chef, he didn't have time to mention all the students chatons etc. Duffy has written like two volumes books on his students. And I mean, in the Arab world, or the Saudi scholars, the leading scholars in Morocco to

01:28:00 --> 01:28:28

Sham they all took a Jesus from him and trace there is not through him. So obviously, if you went through all his hundreds of students, it will their Arabic books written about it by many scholars. So we thank the chef who has given us a good glimpse of manageress and del v and is pi Tn is the hood. And without any further ado, now we thank you for another sheet and we hope to benefit further from his lessons and without any further

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