Abu Bakr Zoud – How to Balance between Hope, Fear, and Love of Allah

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the importance of love in Islam and how fearing Allah can lead to loss of hope. They also mention the danger of rushing ahead of one's people and how every day is a different story. The speaker also talks about a person named Yineesu La ilaha born in the present age and how he had a difficult time finding joy in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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And you know, then you do say love Allah fear Allah hope in Allah.

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But hooping in Allah and fearing in Allah has a limit. It has a limit. Yanni you fear Allah, but if you feed Allah too much and he exceeded the limit, you lose hope in Allah that's not required. That's dangerous and too much hoping Allah would make you believe like hulless there is nothing that is wrong and there is no hellfire. There's no punishment and I can, I can do what I want. Too much hope in Allah, he's dangerous. Too much fear in Allah is dangerous. A person will become hopeless, even hope and fever limited among the love of Allah. There is no limit to this doesn't end. Every single day you increase your love for Allah assertion. Every single day you look for an opportunity

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to increase your love for Allah azza wa jal, Musa alayhis salam after many, many, many years of being a prophet of Allah and he is loved by Allah and he's a prophet to Allah spoke to, he would rush to the mountain. Well, Allah azza wa jal would say him will say to Arjuna can kobika Musa Why have you rushed ahead of your people and come here early? Why? He said, Why shield to La cannot be thought about I have rushed to you, my Lord so that I can earn your pleasure. Musa alayhis salam at this age at this time, is still looking for Allah's pleasure. He's still running after Allah subhanho wa Taala is pleasure, meaning the believer, every single moment he seizes and every

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opportunity he runs after anything, you know, any worship you know, that would earn you closeness to Allah and love of Allah azza wa jal to it.

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And today, and every moment is a different moment. And Musa alayhis salam didn't look back in his history. One more look. Allah had seized me when I was born. Allah azza wa jal looked after the wala returned me to my mother, then he made me me no more serene from the prophets. Then he answered my DUA and made heroin was here close on there.

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That's it. I'm going to take it easy. Now. That wasn't the case. Why shouldn't he still rushing he still has this enthusiasm because every day is a different story. Every day is a different story. Now even Yanni, this is Allahu La ilaha illa who run after the pleasure of Allah subhanho wa Taala every day

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