Adnan Rashid – Atheism And The Response Of Islam – Part 2

Adnan Rashid
AI: Summary © The " ridden social media trends" and "immoral legacy of Islam" have led to major problems in the future, including problems with sex, drugs, and social breakdown. The " ridden social media trends" and "immoral legacy of Islam" have also been discussed, with " ridden social media trends" leading to major problems in the future. The "immoral legacy of Islam" and " ridden social media trends" have also been discussed, with " ridden social media trends" leading to major problems in the future. The " ridden social media trends" and "immoral legacy of Islam" have also been discussed, with " ridden social media trends" leading to major problems in the future.
AI: Transcript ©
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now, let me conclude

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the history part,

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we covered it for that, you know the background

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of this recent

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phenomenon called

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atheism. Although it is ancient, as we have seen some people were either atheist or semi atheists sometimes.

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Even in the Muslim history, we had a movement called rationalism.

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You know, but more tequila, right?

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mattala were a people who were heavily influenced by Greek philosophy,

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or Greek skepticism.

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A lot of them were actually Aristotelian in the approach.

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So they were basically either platanus following Plato, or Aristotle

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qualities, Aristotle's method.

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So some of them actually started to use Greek philosophy to look at Islam, you know, you put shades on

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So, these are shapes.

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And now if I paint these shapes green, and I put them on, I will see green, right.

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So they have to be clear for me to declare a lot of these early Muslim rationalists they put on these rationalist shades on Greek philosophical shades on so they started to look at Islam through the shade. So, if anything that agree with the shade of the shade showed they accepted it, anything that the shade was not showing, they would not accept it.

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To put it in simple terms, so they became

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or they came to be known as mozzarella.

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That's why some of the issues arose. At the time of a mama had been humble. And his issue you know, his experience with these people were called the medtner when Mr. Mohammed was actually tortured by

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331 of our

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first was my moon,

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my moon, then it was more the same.

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And then it was Wasik,

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Mahmud Matson Bella Wasik villa. Three of these could have happened, my boss, they were heavily influenced by more concealer, rationalist thought. Mahmoud

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was the man who initiated this institution called baytril achema, the house of wisdom, and it was like a library or institution where he

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gathered Greek works, written by Greek philosophers on a number of different topics, such as medicine of Galen, known as jalapenos in Arabic,

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or Archimedes,

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known as a tremendous

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Aristotle is a rush to

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Socrates, Socrates

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Hippocrates is Bachrach. Okay, these are some of the names of Greek philosophers.

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So their words were being translated in Baghdad,

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at the time, a moon, and a lot of people became heavily influenced by these writings. They were translated into the Arabic language, and then they started to read them, and

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skepticism started to come in. And that's why the Imams initially they stood up to this threat called blind rationalism, okay, because now we have two groups, a rationalist who are using human rationale to judge everything, okay, even God. So you're using human rationale to judge even God, right. And on the other hand, we had the traditionalist

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tradition is

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Tradition a tradition.

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Tradition is we're mainly mohabbatein people of the tradition people, the sadhana people were studying or they were saying that we simply here in a way we don't question the wisdom of Kabbalah. So the question of the creation of Quran arose the creation of Quran. Okay?

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The Quran is created.

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Nice lecture in itself. We don't want to go into the detail. And Mr. Muhammad, the humble was the leader of those who were saying that the Quran is not created. In fact, Imam Abu hanifa, Talalay was initially of this view as well, he was influenced somehow, but then he had a long discussion with one of his students, or the abuse of

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color abuse of convinced his teacher that believing in the fact or in the notion that the poor are not the fact the notion that the Quran is somehow created leads to eventually copper, it takes a person out of Islam. It leads to that. Okay, no more any further convinced? Mr. McAfee was also of the opinion that the Quran is not created. It's the club of allies the knowledge of Allah, Allah knowledge is not created.

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Allah subhanaw taala Allah azza wa jal one day and then he grows in knowledge. You know, this is the reason why we in the gospels, you know, we read that he saw a Salaam when he was born, it states that he grew with knowledge, like, so the Christians claim is God.

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So we asked them, if he grew in knowledge, how is he God? If God is not God does not grow knowledge, God is not a human Allah knowledge is eternal with him. Right? So the Quran is not created. And that's because the Quran is the knowledge of Allah subhanaw taala. Okay, here's the column of Allah. So he was tortured for 14 years by this group, and then came

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moto Walker

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who came after LASIK, and he stopped all the manner, he stopped the Inquisition. This only happened at this time, when the FDA, they started to torture all the alama torture, killing all the allama who disagreed with this opinion. And

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the main proponent of this opinion was a man called Mr. Bennett without

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a visa.

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He was the main proponent of unity the main instigator of this and he was a scholar, and he was of the waters review. So he got the qualifier to torture all the Olimar

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just like a lot of people nowadays, when you are

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when you are staunch

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traditionalist people say oh, he's extremists, you know these people, they are narrow minded. They don't want to listen to us. So this is what was happening. And in fact, in reality, the people who are attacking you are the ones who are narrow minded. So when you you when you look at people like Dawkins, talking, Dawkins is accusing the people of religion of being narrow minded, backwards, but in reality, he himself is narrow minded and backwards. That's the reality. Because the people of religion are tolerating people like him, you know, but he has little tolerance for people of religion. I have seen him with my own eyes. I heard him with my own ears, you know, in Ireland here

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in 2011. The brothers No, we came to a convention of

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atheists from all over the planet. They came here and they did speeches and Dawkins in his speech, I was there Personally, I heard him.

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He said that a religion must be eradicated.

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Religion must be eradicated.

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And he was questioned even he had an interview with Maggie Hassan, Al Jazeera English. Here an interview with Matthew Hudson, and Maddie hasn't picked picked on this point. You should go and watch that interview. Very interesting interview. So this happened at that time. So this rationalist movement came into the house of Islam as well. But by the grace of Allah, traditionalists, were

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able to overcome this problem. And it was dealt with early on. Then from the Mozilla thought came other branches, which we don't have to I mean, this will turn into a lecture Islamic akiza that's not my purpose. The purpose is to highlight a movement that happened in Islam and it did not gain much ground. It did not gain much ground. Although there was a very small minority group called it want to suffer.

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Okay, these were again

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Known as free thinkers are rationalise to question a lot of basic things in Islam. They started to question Islam. So the rise of atheists or people who had atheistic tendencies were very few in the Muslim history, because of the way Islamic civilization work in the Muslim civilization.

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People were not persecuted as they were in the Christian civilization in the in the West, the sister is gone now. So I can use the word the West, okay.

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I'm free to use the word.

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She had some valid points to make 100 Allah May Allah bless her he very good. Here, she's very concerned, she has a lot of passion for Islam and Muslims and cities that Muslims are not doing enough. And I believe she's right. She's right. But this distinction, you know, the West and the non West, it is there, we can't get rid of it. It's real. Okay, whether we like it or not, is there? Right? So what happened in the Christian world at that time, was an outcome of oppression. So in the 18th century, there was an accumulation and there was an explosion of atheism that led to this in the Muslim world. We have very few example, examples where even like people like a mirage. Now,

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a century

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so in ninth century, ninth century, ninth century CE II, okay, it is the second century of Islam 119 119.

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so we're talking about 191 words. Harun Rashid was the father of

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maamoun. And he was empowered in 173. Okay, so 119 When did a mama humble die?

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We have remarkable hanifa who died in 150. Mr. Mr. mattiazzi, was born in 150. The URI Mama warneford Imam Shafi was born in that year. Okay, my Malik died in 179.

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And a mom

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if I'm not mistaken, he died in 220s.

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If I'm not mistaking a lot of what 241 for my mistake, I mean, I may be wrong their amount how much debt

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the data was just I may be wrong, but this is happening in the 190s 200 basically 200, early 200 1000s this is happening history okay. And in hv,

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it is the ninth century ah hundreds. Okay. So

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where would I before you ask that question?

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These people

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No, no, I was going to mention some No. Yes. even see now. Even rushed.

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Even rushed, even Sierra

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even the feasts.

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And the other

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philosophers not even from the thesis not sorry, there was another one. I forgot his name. Sorry, aka Robbie.

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Alpha, Robbie was a philosopher. Yes. So these people, they had some problems, no doubt, even Russia. Because even though he was such a big theologian,

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he was

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okay. And he was the kadhi of the Maliki fic in Kakuma.

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At his time and he was alive. He was a highly educated man in Islamic sciences. But even someone like him got influenced by some of the thinking of Aristotle

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even wrote his 12th century 1100s

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in Cordova,

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and Aristotle,

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or was of the view that the universe is eternal. It is.

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It is eternal. The Quran has this body of some of what you will earn, right. But even rich, got influenced by Aristotle, unfortunately. And he started to write some of follow some of his ideas and started to put them in his books. And that's why he was deposed. He was taken

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Office post and he was sent to Morocco. He was sent to Morocco in exile. He died in Morocco, even Russia, okay. So he has some problems, even seen, on the other hand has some similar issues, you know, because of his philosophy got heavily influenced by Greek philosophy. He came up with funny ideas, some alama of Islam even declared the fear upon him afterwards because he said he was even out of Islam. Okay.

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So, there are many examples like that in our history that came out regarding Mr. Bahari

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who wrote heavily extensively on philosophers he was himself a philosopher. He taught among the valley taught in

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India Samia in Baghdad. Islamia, Madras atomism. He was

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the Oxford University of the world, not only the Muslim world, it was the most prestigious institution in the world. Okay. And Imam ghazali was the chancellor. He was the head of the university in Baghdad, okay. He was originally Persian. He also wrote in Persian and Arabic He wrote in both languages Vasari. Okay. And Rosario. He died in 1111. If I'm not mistaken, he died in 1111. Okay, yeah.

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The Yeah, I'm very quickly coming to that. So Mr. Murali, because he was teaching at the university, and he was teaching philosophy. He was a very sophisticated man, obviously. And he became very,

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he became very arrogant. He started to think that, you know, he is someone

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big, and he, people are praising him, people were inviting him to dinner.

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So it got to his nuts. He realized that his nuts has been badly affected by his position in Zambia. And because he's the chancellor, he has started to not think that he's someone big. And you know, he started to feel that he needs a break. This is not good for his soul. Why is he doing it? Is he doing it for to show off to people? Or is he doing it for less than $1? If he's doing it to show off, it's going to end but if he's doing it for lighten, it will last. So I was already because of these thoughts. Because of some inner problems. He had some spiritual issues he had, he resigned from insomnia and he went to Jerusalem. And he in Jerusalem for years, he remained in seclusion, you

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know, what you call Barack Obama, or what you call it, he became an ascetic, you know, a mystic, he just completely went away from the, from the society so that he can focus on himself, he can focus on his soul. And this is not a bad thing. People think he's only Sufi to do this. Yeah. Now, online is a big problem. We have to work on this. We have to work on ourselves. Sometimes we need to break we need to sit down in a corner. Sometimes we need to think what are we doing and why are we doing it? What's the purpose of it? And this is not something only Sophie's do. No, this is what Islam what we call the double the fuck. It is in the Quran, Allah. Allah Quran Allah says, again and again

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a lot of the last year in the Quran upon Isaiah Barun Do you not do to the Quran, so we should look into the Quran and do to double because as he went away,

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for years, he stayed away. And then, having worked on his soul, he fixed himself spiritually Alhamdulillah he was satisfied, he came back. And then he started to write against philosophers. So he wrote this book called the half, half of the philosopher philosopher,

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the incoherence of philosophers. It is available in English translation. It is a very, very, it's an amazing work. So he criticized the philosophers, and he said these philosophers, most of them are bunch of idiots for it, to put it simply, he goes, they they think and think and think and it leads to nothing.

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They think they go for 20 years and they come back to the same place. Okay. So his conclusion was that we have to control our thinking, Okay, we have to follow some authority. And he said, it is a law which should follow. So

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he wrote against the philosophers that Abel rushed, wrote, because they produced came after ghazali. Right. Even Rousseau wrote the incoherence of the incoherence of the philosophers. Yet he wrote that Imam ghazali himself was incoherent in his criticism of the philosophers, after even worse, another man came, I forgot his name and as a scholar, he wrote the incoherence of the incoherence of the

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of the philosophers journey he picked on even worse, that even worse himself was incoherent when he criticized ghazali in criticizing the philosophers, so this tradition could

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In the Muslim world, and then came a shock for Islam even taymiyah afterwards

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who wrote extensively on Greek logicians, he wrote a critique of Greek logic and it is also available in English translation, you can find it in English. And unfortunately we have had very few people in the Muslim history who have been able to since ghazali and Evan Tamia, there is another name I can think of. His name is sha Allah, does anyone know shower you love?

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shower? What do you love? shower? What do you love? I was born in India 1704 and he died in 1762 in India, Abdallahi shower you love Galloway, who was a great scholar in India, who wrote very, very powerful works on a number of different issues affecting Muslims at the time, his

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magnum opus, is that we call it right, magnum opus, is that correct? But his

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major work was called hajah to Lyle Baraka

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Baraka, which means, the decisive argument for from God, decisive, decisive argument from God in this book, he philosophically justified Sharia explained why Sharia is not against human rationality rather, it is very rational. Sharia is very nice. So the book this book, I strongly recommend everyone should read it, it is available in English translation, it has to be read. In fact, one of the scholars from India, Siddiq, Hassan Han Rama Talia nugee, a great scholar, who also wrote in Arabic and three languages that Allah Masha know him. So de casa con said about this book.

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Baraka that there has never been a book like it in Islamic history, put it this way. He finished it. He said, there have never been a book like this obviously, because of his his methodology, the methodology for volume.

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He also wrote on philosophers

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but since then it's been very quiet, unfortunately. So we need more Muslims to come forward who have solid knowledge of Sharia. And then finally, philosophy, current philosophy, recent philosophy so that we can actually defend Islam effectively. Philosophy is a tool. It is a tool and it is not recommended for anyone to go and study No, you should study Islam, you should have solid solid knowledge of Sharia Quran and Sunnah then go into philosophy inshallah, that you will be okay. And this is what Mr. mazzani said. Philosophy is not for every Tom, Dick and Joe okay. Not every person, it is for people who have solid knowledge of Sharia and very few people should do it. That's why

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very few people got involved in it.

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decisive argument this decisive argument from Allah from God, okay.

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It is available in translation, okay. If you Google Chava EULA

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and Pooja just put English translation just Google has made life very easy nowadays. Just put

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English translation and the image it will come out of the book. Okay, the one in particular I recommend is a translation by mafia.

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mafia. k. Hermanson.

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mafia k Hermanson a woman. She has translated Chava Lula's work.

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yes, yes, we're coming.

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I'm still finishing this paper. Okay. So now, this is what has happened in Islamic history. So it wasn't like what happened in the western history. You know, that's why there was a reaction. We haven't had a reaction in the Muslim civilization or in the history of Muslim civilization, because we haven't had the experience. Christian philosophers and thinkers were having it the West, okay. There were many free thinkers, many people who wrote books and expressed their ideas, and they were not burnt at stake. They were not hunted the government

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going after them to kill them. You understand there was no Inquisition in the Muslim world. The only example I gave you is the manner of maamoun and Matabeleland Wasik and that's it. It was the it's the only example we have. So we have nothing like what happened in the West in the Christian world. Okay. So there was a reaction, there was an explosion of reaction, you know, in the 18th century, and it became atheism. So in the 19th century, this is where we want to end, you know,

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Nietzsche, who was a German philosopher.

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I think this is how you spell his name.

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Yeah. Yeah. Ninja, who was a German philosopher, who died in 1896, I think, at 96. He said, God is dead. Although Bella, somehow Isabella, God is dead, and we have killed him. He was talking about the social reality of Western Europe that now people have divorced Allah God from the lives, Christianity is gone, not that he was in the favor of God, Christianity, he criticized Christianity. He said, Do not do Do not be two things.

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One, I don't remember the other is a Christian. He said, Don't be a Christian, don't be a Christian. And because he said, Christianity leads to slave morality, slave morality.

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So you will become slaves to a system that you don't understand, which is Christianity, okay. So your progress will stop. You cannot think any more freely, because you cannot be free, you will not make any progress. This is what he thought. And he also said, God is dead. And we have killed them. That meant that now we have become

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cosmic orphans,

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cosmic orphans, we are no orphans, Jani, we have killed God, socially. We are completely divorced from our lives. Now we have become orphans, we don't know what to do.

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And meetcha he said, that this

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social death of God, you know what he was, he was not referring to literally physically, even socially, God, we have killed them, we have removed them. Now this social death of God will lead to major problems in the future. Nietzsche said this, right? And this is exactly what happened. What we saw in the 20th century, you know, the Second World War, the First World War and the moral decline, you know, the revolution in 1960s? What is the cause of *, drugs and rock'n'roll, right? What happened? The hippies, you remember 1970s, and then television and, and now lo and behold, Internet, and all of that. Okay. So this is what we're talking about social breakdown, societies will break,

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they will fall apart, because God is dead, and we have killed him, we have removed him from our lives. So he's talking about Western societies in particular, it's not happened Alhamdulillah so far in the Muslim world, but now we come to the point it is now the influence is coming in, through internet through a number of different avenues. So atheism, which was a reaction in the west to a particular historical situation, which I talked about in the previous session. Now we will talk about it is its its rise

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or trends, atheistic trends,

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atheistic trends

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in the Muslim youth

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are you bad clear so far? Are you guys clear so far? any confusion, anything you don't understand? So now I'm leading up to this, what caused the rise of atheism, we discussed that. And we did a comparison with Islamic civilization that Islamic civilization did not have the problem of the West. That's why we did not have the same reaction in the Muslim

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side of the world. Okay. So now what's happening is because of increase,

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an increase of globalization, okay. A lot of ideas of Fili coming in to the Muslim lands and we have lost

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that Muslim civilization, we are no longer upholding that Muslim civilization. We are a confused people. And some of the causes of the rise of the 83 trends in the Muslim world are as follows. And me following a very good list on this. Okay, what are the causes of the rise of

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these are the causes of the rise of existing trends.

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among the youth in the Muslim world,

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and they go as follows.

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Now, first question I want to address very quickly, is there a problem of atheism in the Muslim world?

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Outside three cases very quickly, so that we are all in agreement before I start. Egypt?

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Yeah, I'm coming. Bangladesh.

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Okay. Pakistan,

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even Saudi Arabia.

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Turkey is a different case altogether. 30 attorneys coming back to Islam, having tasted secularism for 111 century 30 is not actually coming back to Islam and hamdulillah someone went to Oregon, I heard a story Ultima three, it is true, is it? They said to Oregon, why don't you implement Sharia? Yeah. You know, what, the brothers some brothers ago? Why don't you apply Sharia and Turkey? Like, you know, and he said, My people are not even Muslim. They're not even a Muslim. Let me bring them into Islam, and then I will give them a shot. If I can.

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Why is this? Right? So let them come into the fold of Islam. And then they will have Sharia?

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I don't know whether this discussion took place. But I heard this news. Someone was telling me this this discussion I had with someone. Okay. Sorry.

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Yes, yes, it is. It is. It is true. It's about what

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we know. Is it Islamic by outs of it approach is not is not a secularist. Okay. We know from the changes he has brought in Turkey. Turkey is a place where

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20 years ago, 15 years ago, you could not even see hardly anyone in Turkey, you know, in 2005, I went to Turkey was a different place in 2010 years, a lot of the landscape change, landscape change. So it's a it's a very good change is bringing, and we ask a lot of strength and so long as he remains sincere and dedicated to the cause of Islam. So, Egypt, you saw what happened during the the Arab Spring? Do you know what happened? Okay. The issue was not mercy.

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The issue was not Murphy. Murphy is irrelevant,

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mostly for and against him became a question of Islam and copper in Egypt.

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We don't think Mosley was a prophet, or mostly was perfect, or mostly did everything right. We're not saying that. The issue was the ones who are supporting mostly because they knew is the only option they have available. Right. So Islam, loving people, they started to vote for mercy, the others.

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They said, No, we don't want more. See, we want something else. Okay. They didn't like Mubarak. They didn't like Mubarak. Right. But some of them actually, even some of the secularists voted for mercy, because they wanted to get rid of the Mubarak establishment. Because after Mubarak was removed, his establishment was still there. And it is still there. Unfortunately, it has come back. Okay. So, you know what happened in Egypt? It was a big wake up call for the Muslim world, Allahu Akbar. So many people, they actually not only misunderstand and why were they like this because they misunderstand Islam. They have no knowledge of Islam. All they have seen is sound bites on social media coming

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from the west or maybe TV channels program, whatever influence they had, there was some there was a problem. There was a problem. A lot of these youngsters had a problem with Islam, right? Yes. Like why Bangladesh? Recently, we've had we've had the issue of bloggers, so many bloggers are writing anti Islam pieces. And some of them have been killed. Some of them have been killed by some unknown personalities. They're walking on the street, and someone came and killed them. And it happened in few cases. But the government obviously is

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not very much pro Islam, unfortunately. And that helps some of these people to come out and start writing blogs. There's a guy called Mufasa. Islam is very prominent on social media. He's always making anti Islam videos in apostates from Islam. You know, he's an atheist, and he's making videos against Islam and Muslims. So Pakistan is not as bad as the other two cases, but it is happening there. I visit Pakistan very often in institutions, secular institutions where children are being taught by atheists, some of the professors, teachers who are teaching them science, philosophy, sociology, history, they are not even Muslims. They are atheists. They're atheist, and they are

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hidden. He is undercover at

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They don't actually expose their actual true views. But they when they teach, they put confusions questions in the minds of children. And because they're not answering the questions, children go were confused and sometimes it accumulates.

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To become atheism, outright, Saudi Arabia is happening. I saw this.

00:35:25 --> 00:36:05

I saw a picture recently. I don't know how authentic This picture was. The picture was taken in muchas. haram Are you listening? Yeah. And there's a guy not with his face but with a with a with a placard, small placard. I am atheist and I'm proud. And in front of the Kaaba, the Kaaba is in the background. So he's standing on one of the galleries, and Harun and the picture was taken that I am an atheist, and I'm proud. Okay, so it's happening in Saudi Arabia as well. If whether the picture is true or not, we know there are some cases some people have written some stuff against Islam online. And this is not because these people have studied Islam thoroughly or understood Islam even

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properly. They are people who have a number of different problems. Okay. Again, it still remains a reactionary movement. What's happening, what's happening in Egypt is a reaction to a particular situation. It's not intellectual in nature. What's happening in Egypt is not a bunch of intellectually convinced philosophers who have come to realize that Islam is false. Hence, we will break away from Islam know, most of these people are not even properly educated. Okay, in Islam or other sciences. Likewise, in Bangladesh, it is a reaction to a situation in Pakistan, we will see it is the reaction to situation. So you all agree that this issue is problem is there? Yes. Okay. Let's

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move on. So what are the causes of these trends within the Muslim youth

00:36:56 --> 00:36:59

point number one, parental

00:37:02 --> 00:37:05

parental inability.

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It starts in the family.

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It starts in the family to transfer faith.

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The parents are not

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the parents are not actually working on the children. They have left their children to schools and colleges where they get all kind of brainwashing.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:45

Number two is educational institutions. These are the causes of the rise of atheist in his tech trends among the Muslim youth

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educational institutions.

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Number three, power of media and social networks,

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and social networks.

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I'll quickly discuss the details as well. I'm just putting them down for now.

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Number four is

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political unrest.

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Number five

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techno technology and science,

00:38:48 --> 00:38:50

technological advancement and science.

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Number six, peer pressure.

00:38:59 --> 00:39:00

Number seven,

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role of clergy

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or the failure of clergy.

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clergy means Allah ma scholars, right. Number eight sisters Can you see it?

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Number eight.

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terrorism or militancy.

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Number nine,

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exposure to travel. So travel,

00:39:41 --> 00:39:43

some of them travel and then something happens to them.

00:39:49 --> 00:39:53

multiculturalism, mixing with a lot of other cultures.

00:39:57 --> 00:39:58

These are some of the causes

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environment in

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educational institutions number 10 and 11 okay environment in educational institutions

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and number 12.

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Number 12 is our negligence, this is something

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on negligence towards a number of different things. So I will now one by one, address them in charcoal.

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So, cause number one

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the reason why atheism

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or atheistic trends, a lot of satisfaction with Islam.

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Questioning Islam doubting Islam, doubting Allah is arising in some Muslim youth By the way, this problem is not as big

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as it may become in the future if we don't understand it now and do something about it. Hence, this very lecture shop. This is why we're having this session.

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Parental inability to transfer failed parents generally nowadays. What is the attitude towards children? What is the standard normal attitude towards children? And I'm not talking about special parents. I'm talking about the norm Pakistanis, Bengalis, Egyptians and

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the Arab the other Arabs you know, from Libya or you know, Algeria, Morocco, wherever you come from Syria. You know, what is the normal standard practice for children?

00:42:05 --> 00:42:12

No, no. How do we teach them Islam? What is our Sorry?

00:42:15 --> 00:42:17

There is themselves don't know.

00:42:18 --> 00:42:19


00:42:20 --> 00:42:29

Kulasekara, Quran, Allah, this is it. That's what we do with our children, send them to the masjid so that they can read the Quran. Okay, read the Quran for what?

00:42:31 --> 00:42:49

So, Ali, Baba, Ji Ha ha, alas you learn that and then you learn how to join the letters. And then you learn. You read a book, a book called The Quran. Okay. These children will lie in some cases, they don't know why they're reading the Quran. They don't even know why.

00:42:50 --> 00:42:53

And the Imam in some cases is beating the * out of them

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for cursing,

00:42:56 --> 00:43:18

read the Quran don't look up, read read for that one hour becomes, you know, so difficult for these children that they do not look forward to that one hour of the day. Do you agree? They run away from it, they are running from it. They don't want to know they want to go and play football they want to go and play the game.

00:43:19 --> 00:43:41

Computer, they're not interested in that one hour because the way it is better not to teach them that I believe it is better not to teach them that. If this is how you want to teach the children, the Quran, and this is what's happening in the entire Muslim world. We are teaching our children Quran, like you force feed an animal when he's sick.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:45

You know, in the in the back in the day I was in a village

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I lived some part of my life in a village. You were when buffalo would get sick, you know, to give medicine to the buffalo either you to put a big pipe in the mouth by force and then put the medicine in it because the medicine is bitter the buffalo won't take it. So you force feed the Quran to your children like that you put that big pipe in their mouth and they put the Quran through it aloud like a bitter medicine.

00:44:10 --> 00:44:34

Remember I mentioned sure will you la Sha Will you love the levee? Why did he become such a big scholar? Why what happened to him in this case in particular, he said his father shoved him. You know have you heard of a book called fatawa India and fatawa India, also known as fatawa Adam Geary, you know about it is the largest collection of fatawa

00:44:35 --> 00:44:40

freaky opinions on the Hanafi Fiqh, for the hanabi lava the humble is we have an

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unbelievable amount of deceit, right? We have come here for the Maliki's the shark of Mata Malik, right for the 100 is the largest collection like with other photographers, avocado, Karnataka katakana, we have the biggest is called for that alpha tau India or hindi hindi

00:45:00 --> 00:45:47

Dear Indian, Indian power in the Indian power or pathology, or the amount of gear or the king, by a number of different scholars, this is the point I'm going to make. It's not by one scholar, a committee of scholars Hanafi scholars in India, they came together and the king of India orang zivame gave he sanctioned, that they should compile this Encyclopedia of rulings on a number of different issues. One of them was chapter him, the father of Sharia law. And he taught his son with immense love and compassion. shabalala remember this for the rest of his life. He actually mentioned this in his book, book books that I was taught by my father with extreme love and compassion.

00:45:49 --> 00:45:52

He would sit me down with love and compassion and teach me the Quran.

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He would make a point out of it, he would give me respect and honor.

00:45:57 --> 00:46:16

And that enabled his son who was 17 while your law was 17 minutes father passed away shabd Rahim died when while you lost 17 his name was Amato Dean. But he's also is famously known as value of law. Because of his character, people came to call him worthy of love, because he was so

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special a character and at the age of 17, he took over from his father and he started to teach and madrasa Rahimi in Delhi. And he taught for the next 12 years. And then he traveled to HR for 14 months, where it took knowledge from the scholars in Hejaz to Cadiz authority from them, studied Bukhari Muslim daarmee and multimer Malik, and he came back to Hindi. And he wrote a commentary on Mata. This was the first commentary ever written on another book of Hadees. Apart from Bihari, in India, this was the first time and it was more time Amala he called it Mustafa

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Mustafa in Arabic and Mustafa in Persian, he wrote Christian, why did he produce all this work? And then he wrote a large Compendium on the issue of imala because there was a very sharp rise in the sheer influence in India at the time. So to handle it, he wrote a book called izalco, HIPAA law, it was a four volume volumes work, talking about the issue of America and he discussed the entire history of early Islam and he presented his case, basically in this and then he wrote the book, digital life baliga all of this because of his father's love, His Father's love. And then what happened to his son, Abdul Aziz Shah, will you Lawson, Shah, Abdul Aziz, who died in 1826, who was a

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teacher of many great personalities in India, one of the greatest scholars, actually, and the Indian history, he also said this, that I cannot thank my father for all the love He gave me. I cannot even thank him enough for causing me to memorize the Quran, Allahu Akbar.

00:48:08 --> 00:48:53

So parents, when you want to give, you put more attention towards so called secular education, you want to make sure you give gifts and presents to your children when they bring a star or a plus or B or something like that, you know, when they take when they hit a good mark and mathematics and which is good. But when it comes to Islamic education, it is just a side business. They will read the Quran and somehow they will automatically become angels. Allah will bless them, they wouldn't be so much Baraka from the Quran, which is good, no doubt. Right. But Baraka comes with what Haruka yeah as I say, when there is no araca there is no Baraka, right? You can't just sit there do Allah Baraka

00:48:54 --> 00:49:11

Baraka is not gonna happen, you have to do something you have to get up and I love it Bless you, likewise with the Quran, teach them in action, sit with them have a stronger relationship with them. And Allah subhanaw taala will open the doors actually you know, the next part was a solution, but

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we are discussing the problem as well as the solution at the same time in sha Allah, okay. So, this will be doing in this session, inshallah towel and then we will end with the solutions. You had a point.

00:49:31 --> 00:49:32

recommend it as well.

00:49:34 --> 00:49:36

My wife was there but she's gone.

00:49:44 --> 00:49:46

There's also a lot of philosophy as well.

00:49:47 --> 00:49:50

Yes, I'm not talking about that. There are exceptions.

00:49:51 --> 00:49:59

I know I forget about this. The Quran schools are talking about they are exceptions. There are very few I have seen them.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

I have seen them. Right. But have you been to a madrasa? Have you been taught or sir?

00:50:06 --> 00:50:19

Not here, not here. I'm not talking about the Western world because you are influenced by Western standards. The standard of education is good here, although it's very materialistic in its outlook, because the children are always taught to

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talk to get good grades. Okay? Not good character, not good manners. So the focus is getting good marks somehow get good grades, get good grades, good grades, this is all it's about, right? You want to get top marks so that you can go to the top university, then go to the top, top top, what?

00:50:40 --> 00:50:53

When you're not teaching them to be good humans, okay, so it's the core of Islamic education is morality, ethics, the morals of Islam, you should be able to make these children good people. And this is not going to happen just by

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you know, reading the Quran to them without explaining what it means. What are the morals of the Quran or the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam? So if you go to a madrasa, I'll give you my own example. The problem I'm talking about why there are atheistic trends among Muslim youth, why are they increasingly going away from not? Because it's, it's not because Islam is for Islamic or Christianity?

00:51:20 --> 00:51:30

It's because of ignorance is because the way it's taught is the way it is presented to the children. Yeah, the first exposure they have with Islam is negative.

00:51:32 --> 00:51:41

Make it positive, make it loving, make it fun, and now people are realizing it. Okay, how let me give you an example. I went to a madrasa in Pakistan.

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And this is it's a bad case. I'm not saying it's a good case. Because then I'm sure there are better cases. But I'm talking about these cases, which are the majority, which are the majority I went to Microsoft one law he it looked like a prison.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:03

What law he it looked like a prison. I would not send my child to a place like that. If I love love my child.

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And there are children walking around because they are and there's another issue.

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Only poor people send their children to these modalities because they can't feed them. Yeah, they don't have any other so but how are they taught? They are taught like animals. When you look at the beds, they're dirty when the toilet you so so they are being taught Islam Islam in the madrasa. What is Islam? basics of Islam? basics of Islam, no Baba tidiness. You will not see it. The toilets are filthy, the kitchen is filthy, the beds are filthy, the children the clothes are not even properly washed. They're not taken care of Allahu Akbar, what Islam Are you going to give them? And these are the very children who will come out and they will become the part of the system. So when someone

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comes to them with questions, intellectual questions, they're not able to answer them because they haven't been even taught properly, to be able to answer they will you will not get showered, you love a madrasa

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you will not get shower you love a madrasa like this what I have seen, I was there in we're not in this is another case now. In other case, I went to a madrasa there. And I did a short speech for 15 minutes. And in this speech, this was in Lahore in Pakistan again, and I spoke to these kids from 10 to 17. You know, these kids were aged between 10 to 17. So I said you guys, you are the most special people in the society.

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I got the attention straightaway. I said you are the best people in the society because Allah subhanaw taala has made you the Imams you will become the amount of the society in the future, you will come out. Don't think your your job is only to go and take a Masjid and take 3000 or 4000 5000 rupees wage and live your life for the rest of the rest of your life. Stay in that place and not do anything else. You are the leaders You are the You're the best people in the society. So don't degrade yourself. Don't think that you are being fed with charity money and you have no value in the society like people treat you bad. So I said things like this emotional things to them. And they

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became very emotional. 15 minutes, only 15 minutes. When I finished my talk, Wallah. He they stampeded me, you know, they attacked me all of them. They came to me and I thought maybe I said something wrong. Yeah. And then one is kissing my hand. The other one is taking my head and kissing my head. And when I picked up my shoes, the child took my shoes off me and I was gonna I was going to cry. Why did she these children behaving like this? He took my shoes and he put my shoes next to his chest and then he put my shoes in front of me when I went out. He opened the door for me. So I saw Subhanallah what's going on with these children? And I asked the teachers, the teachers are you

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know what you said to them today? No one has given them spirit like that. encouragement. No one has lifted you know the drive is dead. They don't want to do anything in life because the way they are taught by the teachers

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The teachers remind them every single day you are being fed with charity money, your charity cases, you're no good. You're just only for you know, the the low jobs. You're not for the high fly people love work. So how are you going to get showered with love from places like this. So the way Islam is taught by parents, and in the society at large, is a big problem is it begins at home. And when children come from broken families will lie. I was recently again in Karachi. And, and a child was brought to me,

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a young man in his 20s, his father brought him to me.

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And he said, He's becoming an atheist. So talk to him. So I had a long discussion with him. And then I realized in with in the discussion that it is not

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Islam or his thinking, it is what's happening in the family.

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His father and mother are divorced. Okay, the mother is in New Zealand, and the child is lives with the mother and the father in Karachi. So he's come to visit the Father. And now the father spoke to him. And when he expressed these things, the father became worried the father is a practicing Muslim man. But there's a broken family and the child, when I asked him simple questions about Islam, he didn't have the answers. So I asked him, How can you reject something? without knowing it?

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If you don't even know what Islam is, how can you reject it? Then I realized, it is the experience he had in his life. So parents sometimes because how we are doing things at home, we are not treating our children properly. We are having fights with each other. We are broken families. Because of that the children start to have problems. They start to question Islam, they start to reject Allah, because the life has not been fair with them. The parents have not given them enough love, enough compassion. They don't have a very close relationship. So when you sit with your children, you know, it's a reminder for me as well, I have four children. Okay.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:34

The reason why my case has been because I haven't had one lie, I'm telling you honestly, I haven't had time to sit and teach my children Islam properly. Why? Because I've been so busy. I've been so busy in my life. For the last 10 years, I've been going around and doing lectures and this and that. But my children have been coming with me. They have been listening to my lectures, my talks, they've been going to the masjid with me. So because of my activities, they have been involved with my life, right? But someone who is not as busy as me, sitting at home and not talking to the children on the dinner table. You're not talking to me about Islam, the beauty of Islam, the Islamic civilization,

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the achievement of Muslims in the past, how can we revive it again, conceptual topics, don't talk. So this is why children start to become increasingly distanced with Islam. Okay. And then every time is the problem. They blame the culture. They blame Islam. And then they see this American TV program on on the screen, which is the ideal American situation where the child and the parents have a very close relationship. They look look at these people, they're better than us. They're better than us. Look at my father, I can't even talk to him. Look at this child, child you can speak to as well.

00:58:12 --> 00:58:25

So parents should go to the children. Tell them is my child, I am here for you. Do you want to speak to me? Is that a problem? I love you. I want to sit with you read this book with you. You know, online, the children will love it.

00:58:28 --> 00:58:29

Yes, yes.

00:58:30 --> 00:58:30


00:58:34 --> 00:58:34

That's right.

00:58:37 --> 00:59:09

Yes, yes. So I can give you statistics on top of statistics to prove my point. But you know, where the problem is, you know exactly what I'm talking about. And this is one of the most common problems we are facing. And this is one of the biggest reasons as to why children are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with what they have lived so far. And they blame align Islam for that. And then the culture. Next point is educational institutions. So when you send your child to an educational institution,

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do some study on it. Why are you sending your children to an education educational institution, where they are taught nothing but

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repulsion tools towards Islam? They are nothing

00:59:27 --> 00:59:32

but being fed with poison. Okay, I'll give me an example. I went to Lebanon.

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Some years back. We were invited by the Muslim students there. You know why? Because they felt increasingly threatened or cornered by an onslaught of

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atheism. Okay, a lot of these kids who go to the American University of Beirut

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if you have been to Beirut.

00:59:54 --> 00:59:59

In fact, this university was created with the purpose of promoting secularism

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

And it is one of the hubs of

01:00:05 --> 01:00:07

atheism in the Middle East.

01:00:08 --> 01:00:32

It is very likely if your child went to this university that it is very possible that the child will come out an atheist because of the environment and we will talk about the environment in educational institutions. There is always a party. There is clubbing there are gigs going on. There are singers coming, okay. And people with Islam, Muslims are looked at it's a Muslim country.

01:00:33 --> 01:01:14

Beirut, Lebanon is a Muslim country, predominantly. Okay. So why is that happening there? So, we went to this institution, and we did some lectures. And why? Why did this happen? Because we came online. We started doing some videos, some activity on atheism and started talking about atheism. And these guys, they just don't, okay, okay, hold on these guys. They were desperate. These Muslim kids in this university, they were desperate that they need someone to come and defend Islam. They were not able to do it. They didn't have the knowledge and the tools Allahu Akbar. So this came across our videos and some articles that we pay for these guys to come over to Lebanon, and they

01:01:14 --> 01:01:28

will. So we went myself and brother Hamza, who has written a book recently on atheism, okay, you should get his book inshallah Allah is called the divine reality, and the mirage of Islam and the mirage of atheism. Okay.

01:01:30 --> 01:01:33

Can I get rid of this? You have all taken this down here.

01:01:37 --> 01:01:40

Sorry. Five minutes break. Okay.

01:01:47 --> 01:01:51

So he has written his book, The Divine reality.

01:01:59 --> 01:02:01

Islam in the Mirage?

01:02:04 --> 01:02:06

You know what I mean? Rogers? Yeah.

01:02:08 --> 01:02:09

When you see that, does it

01:02:10 --> 01:02:11

and it's not there.

01:02:13 --> 01:02:13

It's not there

01:02:15 --> 01:02:31

yet, sir. Oh, yes. Yeah. So basically, this year, so then we went to Lebanon, and just the fact that Hamza stood there to debate, the head of philosophy department.

01:02:32 --> 01:03:13

His name was Bashar Haider. Okay. The head of philosophy department is there with Bashar Haider. And he was an atheist. So he had a debate with Hamza Hamdulillah, Hamza did very well. And they were shocked. Some of the students there who thought that said, atheism is the way Islam has no legs to stand, but they were shocked to hear the case of Islam. And the Muslim students became so confident they became so brave. And then they started to study and now Mashallah some of them are themselves doing a lot of good work, you know, because they got that push that drive. So this was happening because of the institution they went to, was confusing them. And the people who are teaching there

01:03:13 --> 01:03:29

have been chosen carefully. So when you send your children to educational institutions, do some study. Be careful, okay? Unless you have a very strong relationship with the children, and you teach them Islam personally, and the Islamic side is being filled properly.

01:03:31 --> 01:03:46

Don't send your children to institutions, where they are very likely to lose the faith. Okay. And this is what was happening in places like Pakistan where in some schools, you cannot teach Islam. You cannot in Pakistan.

01:03:47 --> 01:04:03

Right. It's a Muslim country. And Pakistan is a very conservative country is not like, you know, the why. Pakistan is not like Dubai. But most people are very conservative. You cannot see a woman walking with miniskirt in the street you carry is not gonna happen. She's gonna

01:04:06 --> 01:04:07

she's gonna get picked up.

01:04:08 --> 01:04:21

No, if not by the police, by the people. The people will go and cover what are you doing? Why are you walking like this in the street? It's the it's gonna be a Jeep springs thing. By the way. Snow is not like that anymore. Right? It's become normal.

01:04:23 --> 01:04:58

Hmm. So. So there are countries like that in the Muslim world where people are conservative. Okay. There are countries like Egypt that countries like Egypt even I don't know about Egypt, Sudan. Sudan, very conservative. Okay. There are places like Libya, Libya, I was in Libya, Allahu Akbar. You know, one thing I see a saw in Libya. The people are very conservative. People are very religious occasion. I didn't see that in Morocco. I didn't see that in Tunisia. But in Libya, it was a contrast. People were very religious. Okay. So

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

and it's because

01:05:00 --> 01:05:38

Because of the way governments have taught the people and conducted their business, so educational institutions, so I went to a school in Pakistan. Now, this is again, a personal story, so that you know, what's happening to children in these institutions, educational institutions, it's very important for you to know what you're doing with your children. Okay? And if you know you're sending a child to a dangerous institution, like that way, their Islam is being questioned, then work on your children even more, make sure your children are not confused about something. Okay? So I went to the school, and I was asked to talk about the legacy of Islam. What was my topic, the legacy of

01:05:38 --> 01:06:14

Islam. So I started to speak about the legacy of Islam with the children, many youngsters, they're listening to me a levels, all levels, you know, students, and they were there. So the principal was there who had a very secular kind of Outlook. You can see this lecture on YouTube, you see the internet, you know, the encounter I had, it was filmed and it was put on YouTube as well. Okay. So she said, Why are you talking about Islam? Islam? Islam is like Islam is done. Why don't you talk about, you know, like, they have some Indian civilization in ancient civilization. Why don't you talk about the Buddhist civilization, and the Hindu Gandhara civilization? Okay, my topic is Islam.

01:06:15 --> 01:06:44

If you give me the human legacy, I will talk about the Romans, and the Greeks, and the all of them, but my topic is Islam. So what's your problem with Islam? She said, Islam is not the only way that promoted peace and harmony and justice. There are other things as well as, of course, there may be, but my topic is Islam. So I started giving references from some Western scholars who have praised Islam and Islamic civilization, and will lie the kids, they started to support me against the principle.

01:06:45 --> 01:06:52

And they would like non stop applauding every so every time I made a point they were. So I realized they have Islam inside them.

01:06:53 --> 01:07:32

They have Islam inside them, they are inclined to Islam. They don't dislike Islam. They are being brainwashed by teachers like this, to your taste Lama has been taken away from them systematically, because the educational institutions are not deliberately not teaching them Islam or taking them away from Islam solution. Now, what are we to do? Again, solution I saw again, in Pakistan, I'm mentioning Pakistan, because this is something I came across. Okay. I'm sure that this is happening in other places as well, and other Muslim countries as well, Sudan, Egypt, wherever Muslims are waking up, and now they're coming up with their own educational institutions. So I went to this

01:07:32 --> 01:07:42

school in Karachi. It's called reflections. Okay, it's called reflections and what did what do they do? They teach Muslim children with top of the range

01:07:44 --> 01:08:26

standard of education. So what they have basketball, basketball courts there, they have swimming pools, there they are racecourses, you know, so they have table tennis stadiums there. They have a very, very beautiful library. So they have made Islam attractive for them, is just an example of Islamic civilization come back to life. So they're being taught mathematics, chemistry, biology, physics, all of that, at the same time. In year eight, listen, in year eight, they are being taught the commentaries of escallonia Bukhari, right? They've been taught the commentary of Imam nawawi on a Muslim. So they're being taught complicate works when Islamic theology as well at the same time,

01:08:26 --> 01:08:59

so and then again, they're being taught about the Muslim civilization, what Muslims achieved in the past, a very good project and you know, the line, the line is huge. People have to queue up to join the school. You know, so many people have applied and people who are who have little collections Islam, but when the child will come to the school, the child will go away with a very good memory of Islam, because the child has been nurtured about Islam. How beautiful Islam and Islamic civilization is Islamic morals and ethics. Okay, it's happening. One of the schools that actually that took the children.

01:09:00 --> 01:09:25

The school took the children for paragliding and skiing. Okay, when you go to a madrasa, an Islamic institution in Pakistan and ask them Do you take the children skiing, football, cricket, something like that? Or take them to a library or to a museum to stimulate their minds? make them think? No, no, never. Sorry. Resources are not only resources, it's not the issue of resources is the will is the mindset.

01:09:27 --> 01:09:31

What is the mother of a child going to do in the museum Allahu Akbar? That's the mindset.

01:09:33 --> 01:09:34

What is his business in the museum?

01:09:36 --> 01:09:43

What is he going to do with books, collecting books, let him read the books in the madrasa curriculum. That's it. Don't go outside.

01:09:44 --> 01:09:55

So these kids, they're working on them, they're nurturing them, they're making them love Islam, and will lie the way these brothers are teaching them is absolutely amazing. They show them with action, you know, with example.

01:09:56 --> 01:10:00

And there are many more details I can share in this regard to the point

01:10:01 --> 01:10:19

If institutions are not there, establish your own, work hard, build curriculum, build curriculum, work hard, make your own institutions. And the solution will be found in sha Allah tala. So have a school. And if you don't have the curriculum, make an Islamic curriculum. This is the start

01:10:20 --> 01:10:23

the curriculum ally we are teaching you know,

01:10:24 --> 01:10:27

what is why is it called the course in modalities?

01:10:28 --> 01:10:30

Why is it called Darcy

01:10:31 --> 01:10:39

Nizami is called Dustin is Amir. And Islamia. How old is it? How does it

01:10:40 --> 01:10:41


01:10:42 --> 01:10:48

No, no, it takes eight years Yes, to do it. But how old is the curriculum?

01:10:50 --> 01:10:52

Sorry, 1000 years old.

01:10:54 --> 01:11:04

It is by niyama molk. Nizam will mark the one who made the Nizami and Baghdad rosani was the chancellor. Yeah, right. We are still teaching the same course.

01:11:06 --> 01:11:19

I'm not saying it's bad, it's good. Or maybe it needs to be reformed. Maybe we need to upgrade. We need to change it somewhere. We'll make some positive changes to it. Right. So these are some of the things I'm talking about. Next point was in the list.

01:11:20 --> 01:11:30

media and social networks very quickly. Shall we take five minutes break very quickly. Okay, well, we'll have a five minutes break and we will talk about media very quickly so that I can have my commercials

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