Adnan Rajeh – Treating your parents and relatives with excellence

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the idea of a symbol of acceptance for the Prophet's message, but emphasizes the clarification of its meaning. They also discuss the use of'has" and'has not in Islam, with the focus on family dynamics and loyalty. The speaker emphasizes the importance of sharing one's own experiences for others, as it is difficult for a father to hold onto his daughter. The speaker also touches on exclusivity and the importance of maintaining good relationships with one's mother.
AI: Transcript ©
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Aloha masala was selling methodic island a beginner or hobby Bina karate Ioannina Muhammad Ali he also be a Gemini know that Yello ha ha antimatter forgot even Hadith oil totally Allahu Anhu analogy wouldn't attend the videos of Allah Allah He was a lemma.

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Daddy tonight is a collection of both Bukhari Muslim Rachel's rebel Herrera. And

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the theme, obviously, still of treating your parents and relatives. Excellent. So I'm going to talk about that for a little bit longer. I will come to a point where I'll say a few things. Both children and parents may not fully like but I'll leave that until a bit later within this within the series of these

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reflections. First of all, I'm going to establish very clearly, so that there's no misunderstanding of anything that I see that right after the acceptance of Allah subhanaw taala into your life, or parents. That is not debatable. And I'm not debating that. And no one with the sound mind no Muslim with sound mind would debate that and I'm not going to do that. Rather, I'm going to refine it a little bit what that definition is, how it's supposed to present itself, what the rights are and what is actually lawful and godly. And that's just a matter of perspective and era timespace and people's experiences and how I do have some effect on that that's important, isn't it? And again,

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this is an issue of jurisprudence. But the idea tonight is a Hadith that I think every one of us heard when they were maybe grade one or two, maybe younger Saudi if that's just a household one that you'll hear when you're a kid and then you know it and even if you don't memorize the word you just know. You know, you've heard it you understand kind of how it works, but I want to point out a few aspects of it that maybe aren't always thought about. So the world tells us that a man is the wording and knowledge and maybe your so Allah Allah Allah says, Allah man came to the Prophet and asked him for color yellow suit, Allah meant Hakuna sepia, Husni Sahaba T O sociability, who was the

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person was worthy, most of my good companionship, asked the question is so how about yourself, but you both have the same meaning. And he did not come and do this hadith so that we would memorize it in grade one as a bit of what he thinks Hadith even though it's what it is. He came and asked the question, genuinely, there was no context outside of him just saying, like, who should I spend the most time with? And who should I be the best? Who is it that deserves my, my my full attention and my care? And my good companionship we all have. There's

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no, there's always, every one of us has a side of them. That's very caring and loving and compassionate. And, and aside, that's not to say the least. And you kind of bring out who you are depending on how you're feeling in the day, how it is going and who you're dealing with. So this man who was just interested to kind of ask that question and what might be my best? Where do I Where did I put that? Like, I want to know who's worthy of my best.

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And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam without missing a beat the question like all the other questions that he was asked, and his thought was, and there's always a little bit of a, a slower company. Number one, number two here, it was really quick, all the homework. He said, Your mother

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said, okay, man, who's next. And he didn't do that, so that we will memorize omocha and we know because he was like, Oh, I know that. I want I mean, like, aside from that. You don't I mean, like sometimes you ask a question and like No, no, I don't mean that. I want the something else. So through my mind, okay, I get that said oh, look, your mother.

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filmen. All right, yes. Oh, Allah, I know. MK. Three times. And then he says no. filmen called a book of eBay account a generic a generic, meaning whoever's closer after that from your from your relatives. You didn't even say sincerely your dad.

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Yesterday, guess I'll be happy.

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You don't matter that much. Comparison.

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But so when How do you say I book your father and the other one says Nick NIDA, the second whoever is closer because sometimes you're living in a situation where you're not the closest person, someone else actually kind of financially took care of you are closer to you. So there's different family dynamics. But he was he was very clear on these thoughts. And because it's very weird, from an from an Arabic culture perspective is very

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weird for the Prophet of Islam to answer the same name three times in a row. It's understood what the first time he doesn't have to say it again. So I'm saying like from an Arabic culture perspective, to the way the language works, and the way they would talk about things for him to be asked who and to say your mother and then to be asked again, and to say the same name is an awkward kind of way of putting things he didn't that's not common. That's not how they would speak. And for him to do it three times in a row was for the purpose of for the sole purpose of explaining the this is this is beyond making the status of the most important this beyond that. It goes beyond just

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making an important thing that there's no it's almost offering the concept of exclusivity. It's almost to say that exclusively is your mom like that. You're the best of you should come up with her and for her and she's the

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most worthy person of that he's almost three times in a row is saying no one else comes even remotely close to her not even remotely close to her status, like is a huge is the number one and in a huge drop, and then you have number two and three and four and five and whatever. It's like there's no there's no comparison always going to be your mother. Because again, it's the simple value of human decency that will guide this is loyalty. This person

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took care of you.

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Before you were able to do anything for yourself.

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Aside from before you even were presented as a creature to this world to take care of you. There is an aspect of just decency, because it's really weird that we don't see that sometimes. Like it's very, I don't understand it. What I do but but it when you think about it, it gets to kind of how is it? How is it? If anyone does if right now I did a model for you? You would if you're a decent person, you would remember he did amount of so you just something nice, you always want to pay back? What about? What about

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carrying you around inside for making sure they're giving you their own blood? What about that? Feeding you from their own body? What's that? How is that? Not? Like? Obviously, his answer is obvious to them. The way he's answering is to say obviously your mother, but who next? No, no, no, your mother? No, no, I mean, who knows? No, no, no, no, you know, no. Who's next? You don't know you as your mother, and then your mother and then your mother? Of course, it's your mother. That question shouldn't even be asked the person who's worthy most of your of the of your best companionship is it her, look what she did for you, no one can do that for you. Get your father

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worked and spent some wealth on you. And our contribution to the existence of a child is very pitiful. After that we use our wealth, or whatever, you know, as much as we have of it. But the mother, she gives everything she gives her soul her body she's up is very, I didn't understand this until I had my first child and I saw the difference of the contribution

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to this child's well being. I knew this is not, of course, he's always going to be loyal to her, he better be if there's any higher than him he will be

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if there's any. And this for the for our sisters, we just might just something to think about. If your husband is always obsessed by his mother,

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be happy about I know it's hard to be happy about that. Don't get me wrong as hard. But because that's that's how he should be. And that kind of says that inshallah his son will do the same. Because that's, that's that's human decent. If he's not out, you may be happy short term, but I would be very scared. If I were you be very scared if he was not loyal to his mother. Because if he wasn't loved, if not loyal to someone like that, who did that for him? How much loyalty that you'll have for you. When you when you compare what the what you've actually offered him. So it's an important concept and I think is very beautiful. May Allah Subhana Allah have mercy upon our

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mothers, whether they are alive or dead and allow us to show a better to them within our lives. But that's what his answer Allah has taught to us. And there's not to demean any of the status of fathers by any means. That's not the point of this. Hopefully, that's understood, but it's just his answer. And he sought to ascend was the way he answered it. I just needed to kind of convey to you what that answer meant. He's like saying, No, this is this is a no brainer. Obviously, it's her. It's her every time you ask the question for as long as you want to ask it. But if you're insisting on who's knowing who's next, as your father, whoever comes next in terms of your relatives, but it's

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her and I think that's the it is something worthy of sharing Yahweh be my man who are you well Muslim community so he he have you heard about the Allahu Anhu but at an urgent and attend to be your Salah, Salalah honey here early, he was selling them at the Callejas what Allah meant to happen. CB houstonia Sahaba t also hypertufa Carlos Salah HollyWell you sell them at a political moment. Palomo Carlito moment Pilar OMAC political moment pod Abu

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Saleh Abdullah Hassan Allah on the ice I'm saying 2100 You know he meant to talk with with a master of Allah

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