The Deen Show – Are These End Times – Red Cows – Masjid Al Aqsa – The Dajjal
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Engineering prophecies.
Could a Texas cow start Armageddon in the
Middle East in April 2024?
It takes a particular type of mindset
to want the end of times to happen.
Red heifers, cow
Are these
red heifers to be precise?
Some Jews and Christians believe they're the key
to rebuilding the historic Jewish temple in Jerusalem
and to beckoning the mess Clearly, rarely
nothing good happens after
you hear Al Akbar. It's a disrespect to
Habib. Of course, it's a living Christ
today. Who prays like Jesus today? Why is
it so dear to Muslims, the Masjid Masjid
Al Aqsa? And anything that is an infidel
is subject to extinction.
There has never been
a wholesale massacre
of Christians or Jews at the hands of
Muslims when Muslims have entered into that land.
If you're like me, you've been watching the
Deen Show for now almost 20 years. I'll
preserve our man Eddie and continue his work.
He is Allah has opened for him a
new door. We went from the Dean Show
to the Dean Center, which is gonna be
in Florida, and I've been rooting for this
project. I support it. I'll urge you to
support it too. We know this, brother and
his work. He's got a track record that
speaks for itself. This center is gonna be
successful and show as successful as the show
is and all his other Dawa Works. Go
to the website, support it, and we look
forward to seeing more good news coming out
of there.
Peace. How you guys doing? We have a
to talk about here today. Are these the
end of times? Are Are we headed towards
World War 3? The Dajjal, the antichrist. Are
Muslims the antichrist,
or is another group that the Christians
are supporting, are they actually the Antichrist? The
red GMO cows, these virgin
cows without
one speck of white hair. What's this all
about? The engineering of prophecies, the takeover
of Masjid Al Aqsa. Why is this
so dear, this mosque to Muslims,
this area to Islam and Muslims? All this
and more here with my next guest, Sheikh
Good. I love you very much.
When I was ready
How are you doing?
Good man. Good to be with you. Good
to see you. First, we've been my first
episode with you was over a decade ago.
So I'm trying to find the, we gotta
find the exact date inshaAllah ta'ala, but sat
in the same chair.
Alhamdulillah, you haven't aged, mashaAllah.
Thank you, thank you very much. It was
like a lot, bro. Good too, masha'Allah. Tell
me this, before we start,
is this, you know, someone's gonna be thinking,
what you got around your your, head, there
might be passing some laws soon to try
to outlaw this. Is this something, anti Semitic?
Have anybody said anything Well, Palestinians are Semitic
people, so it can't be anti Semitic, so
Say that again. Palestinians are a Semitic
people. They're so the is it rightfully so
to say that the people who are actually
speaking derogatory things against Palestinians, they have more
right to this term, this slogan that you're
being anti Semitic against Palestinians if you're degrading
them and
You're talking, speaking against the indigenous people of
the land, you are speaking against the people
that, alhamdulillah, are descendants of
Abraham as well, descendants of Ibrahim alaihis salaam
this is our cloth, it's historical, it's
something that our parents and our grandparents and
our great grandparents have worn before
any type of, political,
turmoil was visited,
upon them. It's a generational cloth.
We are rooted in our land and our
clothes are rooted in the history of that
land as well. Alhamdulillah.
You've got also a lot of you've done
a lot of dialogues
with Christians, Jewish rabbis, you have good relationships
with many Jewish rabbis who are actually speaking
out against
happened. Is that right? Yeah. Alhamdulillah. I think
we're in a moment where
look. You don't have to be a Muslim
to recognize
in front of
you. You
merely have to be someone who has a
beating heart. You just have to have a
moral conscience.
And the bar is very low to speak
out against genocide. You know, the bar is
very low to speak out against apartheid and
But we are witnessing, I think, across the
world, especially here across the United States, people
of different faiths and backgrounds,
young Jews who are at the encampments as
well that are speaking out against
the oppression of Palestinians.
There is a recent film that came out,
and I don't know if you got a
chance to see it, Israelism.
No. I've seen that one. What's it called?
Israelism? Israelism, which talks about how young Jews,
you know, who
were taken on these birthright tours and given
the full sanitized version
of of the history
of Israel,
ventured out to see what was happening on
the other side of the wall and scrutinized
the history a bit more and came to
realize that they were lied to on these
birthright tours and that
there was an entire story of occupation on
the other side. You know, the initial lie,
the fundamental
initial lie is a land without a people
for a people without a land. A land
without a people for a people without a
The thing is is that there were people
in that land.
They were our parents. They were our grandparents.
My father was born,
1943. Parents, grandparents,
great grandparents, great great great grandparents.
And there was a Palestine.
There was a place called Palestine
there was Palestinian food there were Palestinian banks
there were Palestinian
clothes there was Palestinian currency
And by the way, it wasn't just Muslims.
Muslims, Christians, and even Palestinian
that lived in the land of Palestine
and that were forcibly removed to pay for
the crime of Europe, to pay for the
crime of Germany
which ironically is one of the countries at
the forefront of suppressing
Palestinian activism today. And if I was to
wear this in Germany,
then I might find myself in
trouble with the authorities
because supposedly this is anti semitic
you know, unfortunately we have a people that
are abdicating
and that are projecting their own antisemitism onto
and continuing to punish a people
who were not complicit
in the crime against others, but unfortunately have
been the greatest victims
of crimes against humanity
in our modern day. There's a lot a
lot of talk about the end of times,
World War 3.
What's your perspective on this? Are we headed
door towards that from any from an Islamic
perspective or just in general, have you seen
many of the Christians also are talking about
this? People are engineering prophecies, trying to help
facilitate this. That's the keyword. Engineering,
engineering, engineering prophecies. It takes a particular type
of mindset
to want the end of times to happen
and to try to escalate
the end of times. That's not in the
practicing Muslims. We are not a people who
try to bring about the end of times.
We try to make the most of the
present. We try to be pleasing to our
and steward properly what He has given
us while we're here. No one's trying to
make the end times happen that has a
normal relationship with Allah, that has a normal
relationship with God. It's a particular type of
mindset that tries to escalate
the end of times and there's always a
sinister political agenda
behind that. So that's not who we are
as Muslims. And I'll say this that
every generation of Muslims in history,
we have now over 1400 years as the
Ummah of Muhammad SallAllahu Alaihi Wasallam, of course
as I'm sure you have educated
people on multiple occasions that Muslim means someone
who submits to the will of the almighty
and so therefore all of the prophets were
And all of the
generations of believers were Muslim.
But as the ummah of Muhammad
as the nation of Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam
every generation of this ummah has thought that
the end of times might happen in their
lifetime. If you lived under
the oppression of the Mongols, if you lived
under the brutality of the Crusaders who
slaughtered Muslims, Jews, and Christians
of other denominations,
subjected them to the sword, filled the streets
of Jerusalem with blood, desecrated the holy sites
for a whole century,
you would think that the end of times
was going to happen when you were alive,
But here we are still
continuing the legacy. So we as people
of iman, people of faith have to, you
live that iman, live that Islam
in a way that we are called to
in the moment and not let what we
are anticipating
might happen tomorrow
keep us from doing the best that we
can today.
So when people start talking about World War
III, you actually
were talking in one of your lectures that
the people of Gaza It's already World War
III. For them it's already World War III.
Yeah. I mean that's the problem.
At the core of the problem is the
lack of empathy.
The lack of empathy. That that people
only interpret the world through their own localized
And therefore so long as I can go
to school, so long as I can go
to work, so long as I've got my
car, I've got my house, and there aren't
bombs over me it's not World War 3
you have
the catastrophe of Gaza, the genocide in Gaza.
You have what is happening now in Sudan,
Congo, the Rohingya,
our Uyghur brothers and sisters, our Syrian brothers
and sisters
all over the world.
India. The list goes on and on. Pakistan,
The list goes on and on and on
and on and on where you have a
growing population of people that are suffering
due to hunger, due to war, due to
that are
being turned out from country to country, that
are taking to the seas to survive,
and that are being treated with harshness and
cruelty at the borders all over the world.
You You have a growing refugee population.
For a growing part of the human population,
and especially disproportionately the Muslim population,
It's already World War 3. And so when
you say, is World War 3 around the
is what you're really saying
I'm worried that I'm no longer going to
be able to live
in the comfort of my bubble.
That bubble should have popped a long time
ago, and especially over the last 200 days,
that bubble should have been popped already. Because
the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
said that no one of you believes until
he loves for his brother what he loves
for himself, that we are like one body.
If we are like one body,
then we don't just have a part of
the body right now that is being clipped.
Right? We have entire amputations
of the limbs of that body right now.
What type of a fever should you have
when you have amputations? I was sharing with,
you know, some of the mashaikh,
on the way here in fact. If you
think about over a 100,000
in Gaza right now. 100,000.
Yeah. I mean, people are walking around without
limbs. It's already World War 3. Mhmm. I
mean, you have every type of cruelty that
could possibly be subjected,
you know, that you could be subjected to
happening to you. Every type of violence.
Every type of violence. So this is why
when we say Palestine is the human rights
issue of the time,
how can you be a climate change activist
and talk about the weather and talk about,
you know global shifts in in climate without
talking about
What's happening to the Palestinians
shutting all forms of access to natural resources?
How can you talk about freedom of speech?
How can you talk about identity? How can
you talk about the right to citizenship
when you have millions of people that live
without a passport, that live without any real
identity, that live without any type of state?
How can you talk about food insecurity
and not talk about the starvation, the intentional
starvation of these people that could easily be
starved? How can you talk about being an
anti war activist
and be okay with the weapons manufacturers of
the world
getting fatter bank accounts while there's literally an
in Gaza right now I mean they're experimenting
with new AI weapons and technology
what type of activists can you be?
And what type of issue of social change
can you claim to care about without Palestine
smacking you right across the face
and calling you out on your hypocrisy. So
I think, now
the the filter.
It's it's the way
by which we can see now.
Who are just sincere
decent human beings
that can be challenged on the basis of
ideals, any human ideals, any fitri ideals. Right?
In Islam we have this notion of fitra.
The first part of fitra which is the
natural disposition is we believe in Allah, we
believe in 1 God. That every human being
has that natural inclination to the belief in
God. So Islam is a religion of fitra.
But there's also the fitra of of mercy.
has notions of justice.
If you took
an 8 year old child
in the United States right now, took him
away from all the propaganda,
and you showed them without interpreting their world
for them what's happening right now
you know, they would know
that this is wrong, that this
is absolutely catastrophic.
So Gaza
is exposing the hypocrisy of the west
it's exposing the hypocrisy of our politicians
it's exposing the hypocrisy
of anyone that claims to be for any
positive change in the world. I mean, even
like, let's let's be real here.
People that have, claimed to care about women's
rights have have ravaged the Muslim world on
the basis of women's rights for all these
years. Right? So we care about women. That's
why we're gonna bomb Afghani women to pieces.
We care about women. That's why we're gonna
murder Arafi women and leave leave them, you
know, in in this in this desperation. Where
are all the women's rights activists? Where? Yeah.
You know? Sexual violence. Documented sexual violence against
Palestinians. Forget about the lies that have come
out of the IDF.
Documented sexual violence. Right in front of your
face. Right in front of your face. By
Israeli Human Rights Organizations
document the sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners
and and and Palestinian women. You have Israeli
that go on TikTok
and put videos of them wearing the lingerie
of the women that they just murdered. I
was just thinking And you claim to care
about women's rights, so it has exposed They're
all over the place. They've got it. It
has exposed them all. Yeah. Tell me, if
we could touch upon this for a second,
when you when you look at, we mentioned
the engineering
of prophecies, it seems like there's so many
things that
certain people are just getting wrong, and that's
the mercy of Islam. That's why the crown
was sent to rectify and put everything in
its place.
For example,
the slandering of God's messengers and prophets,
starting from Lut and Suleiman and
the list goes on of things that are
attributed to them that you read that we
take strong reception. This is no disrespect to
any people or
any different people of any religion, but we
have a leader. We have a jealousy,
a love for them and you see certain
things that are
attributed to them and then you also see
with the Engineering of Prophecies,
is there anything
in the Quran, in the sunnah, in Islam
that talks about
these red cows. We have a yellow cow,
right, so it seems like, okay, they got
things wrong with the prophets and messengers,
right, who are the best of mankind, saying
certain people can go investigate what I'm talking
about. But here, is there anything in
in Islam that now
that talks about red heifers, cows. Could a
Texas cow start Armageddon in the Middle East
in April 2024?
Are these
red heifers to be precise?
Some Jews and Christians believe they're the key
to rebuilding the historic Jewish temple in Jerusalem
and to beckoning the messiah.
No. No.
No. And so I think this is an
important point
That the fact that other people try to
engineer false prophecy should only demonstrate the urgency
for Muslims to make sure that they protect
the sites that would be victimized as a
result of those false prophecies. Not that we
have to find room for those prophecies in
our tradition. Yeah. Or legitimize them. Just to
say that these people
I mean, I'm not I'm not I'm not
beating around the bush. They're absolutely psychotic. They're
crazy. They have the full sanction of the
of Israel. The entity itself. The so
it's not like some fringe group. They have
the full sanction
of this colonial state
and they are aggressing regularly
these holy sites
and they are seeking
to create,
engineer, as you said, these prophecies,
and they're psychopaths. And they are clearly based
I mean, look.
is not exclusively
a Jewish,
ideology. In fact, Zionism
you've had, you know, orthodox rabbis that take
great exception to Zionism. Christian
Zionism is far larger
than Jewish Zionism in the United States. So
you have these, I have a we have
a lot of Christian Zionist pastors
and organizations based out of Texas
that are funding this nonsense, that are
that are preaching this
as the word of God. And who loses
at the end of the day? I mean,
so so this is really interesting because
we've had young evangelicals
that have embraced Islam recently. Yeah. We've had
young evangelicals that have come to that. And
they're like, you know, I thought my pastor
was a decent human being. Wow. But he's
trying to tell me
that the bible sanctions a genocide
and that we should escalate this and that
we should want this because this is what's
gonna make Christ come back
if the type of world that's gonna make
Christ come back that we need to create
is a world of genocide, then what was
the whole point of Christ in the first
place? Right? So, like, I've had young evangelicals
that have, like, come to the Masjid completely
with their pastors. Like, so so you told
us Jesus was love, peace and blessings be
upon him. You told us Jesus was love
love but you're saying that we need to
create absolute chaos and turn a blind eye
not just turn a blind eye sanction fund
a genocide
so that we can make Jesus come back
where's Jesus in all of this right so
it's a it's a sinister project
that is based in
secular thought Zionism as a secular political ideology
that then takes on sick religious
and at the end of the day as
we just have to recognize
that this aggression is escalating
and that it is upon us to stand
our people to stand up in the protection
of these sites
to galvanize
power in whatever ways that we possibly can
to stop this. We don't legitimize
their prophecies
but we do see
their psychoticness and we're going to do what
we can to stand up to it and
to speak to sane people around the world
and galvanize not just Muslims but just sane
human beings and people of conscience around the
world to say this is not acceptable. What's
connected to them at times is the statement
translated antichrist. So you have also Christians who
believe in antichrist, but they're pointing the
finger many times. I'm sure you heard this,
that Muslims, Islam is the antichrist.
Have you ever heard this? I'm sure you
have. How do you respond to it? And
the ironic thing is that
have a support
certain engineering of prophecies that will facilitate
the anti Christ
and then the
story gets weirder from there. I mean, what
do you,
So first and foremost, I will say that
I don't think there is a group of
people in the world,
just objectively speaking, if you were to take
the way that Jesus, peace be upon him,
is described,
the way he prayed, the way he carried
himself, who's living
Christ today? Who prays like Jesus today? Who
who lives like I mean, he falls on
his face in prayer. He demonstrates an an
connection and devotion to one God. Who's doing
that right now?
And I would hope that we are
the the best of of Esai Islam, the
best of Jesus peace be upon him, surely
living in accordance with his message. But beyond
that, like just talking about like just speaking
to reasonable
human beings. Have you ever spoken to Palestinian
Mhmm. I have friends. In fact, you know,
reverend Mander Ishaq,
reverend Mitri,
reverend Mitri Rahab
that are the heads of the churches there.
And they will tell
you about how they have been abandoned
by Christian Zionists. Actual Palestinian Christians that have
lived in freedom under Muslims. Do you know
that the holiest churches in Jerusalem?
It's a Muslim family that holds the key
to the sepulchre
I believe even the Church of Nativity but
it's a Muslim family that holds the key
to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
and that has kept Christian denominations
in harmony with one another
because the Muslim caretaker
is neutral, is a neutral party to them.
So Christian Palestinians will talk about how their
their sights have been upheld and that's intentional.
When Umar ibn Khabab
came to Jerusalem
he didn't kill people and he didn't desecrate
their sights.
In fact he was invited to pray
in the church
and he said if I pray here
then people are going to say that this
is a masjid. Generations are going to come
later and say this is a masjid. Let
me step out and pray
on the outside so that I do not
create a problem for you where Muslims will
come and try to take your holy sites.
Guess what? He prayed outside and now there
is Masjid Umar right there in Bethlehem. So
he was right about the way that we
would think and the way that generations after
him would interpret his actions. So
you know
Christian Zionists
not only abandon Christianity
they actually abandon Palestinian Christians
themselves, and they should probably speak to them
and understand their perspective as well. And they've
definitely abandoned Jesus.
Oh, that's long gone. That's
They lost Jesus a long time ago. A
long time ago. Yeah. Tell me this, why
the Masjid there so dear? Many non Muslims,
they really don't understand. Why why is it
so dear to Muslims, the Masjid, the Masjid
Al Aqsa? So first and foremost you have
to understand that as Muslims we honor all
of the prophets and so we honor the
legacy of all the prophets
that came before the prophet Muhammad, peace and
blessings be upon him. So
we fully acknowledge the history of prophets,
peace and blessings be upon them all, that
have lived there, that have,
upheld the sanctity of that site. So to
to us, that entire history is a history
of sanctity,
and we honor that. And we honor
the the legacy of all of the prophets
that's there. So we love the prophets, and
we honor what they have
manifested on this earth and that is a
that God has made holy.
It is the land of the prophets.
It is the place where the prophet Muhammad,
peace and blessings be upon him, led the
other prophets in prayer on the on the
night of,
the the journey,
to Jerusalem and to the heavens. So we
have this in our tradition.
And Muslims
not only honored
the history of Al Aqsa but they've honored
the connection
Christians and even Jews
have to the land. Right? So it's not
it's not that we are
the connection. It's that we're saying that we
honour the lives of the prophets there and
we honour the place of Mazal Aqsa.
And what has been Al Aqsa
the beauty
of the legacy of those prophets of old.
And it's important for us
to recognize
that these people have even violated their own
You know
Al Aqsa you'll hear the the the claim
that Al Aqsa is supposed to have a
status quo. Israel
technically is bound to certain agreements
to maintain the status quo of Mazal Aqsa.
It violates those agreements
constantly, its own agreements. It violates
own laws
constantly when it comes to the treatment of
Al Aqsa and the treatment of the Muslims
that are over there. I want people to
really, let that sink in. What you said
earlier that Muslims
held the keys for how many
100 of years,
and this kept the peace between the Christians
themselves. Right? Right. And the the Muslims, they
and there was peace. And then you also
have Jerusalem there, Jews, Muslims, and Christian Muslims
were ruling now. There was a peace. Is
this correct? Correct. And you had people's rights
were protected.
They weren't oppressed.
Were there any land, land grabs for Muslims
stealing people's homes like what's happening now? Let
me tell you this. Yeah.
Throughout history,
because they always say, they say, if we
let the Palestinians,
if we let the Muslims
have at it Yes. Then there's going to
be this broad massacre.
There has never been
a wholesale massacre of Christians or Jews at
the hands of Muslims when Muslims have entered
into that land. At that same Muslims have
entered with grace. With grace. They entered under
Salahuddin with grace. Before him, Omar Khattab
with grace. And even the opponents of Islam
would have to would have to honor
that grace
that Muslims have entered with.
Those are our teachers.
Those are the people that we look to
for inspiration.
And Insha'Allah,
when Palestine is freed once again, we are
a people who have a legacy
of grace. We are not barbarians. We are
not savages.
We are not people who look for the
shutting of blood of others. We are people
who are defending our own blood, our own
And there has been now over 7 decades
of constant expanding aggression against the Palestinian people,
Muslims and Christians and pe and and again
even Palestinians that aren't Muslims are Christians.
It has never stopped. The aggression against Palestinians
has never stopped. So when people talk about
October 7th,
where were you
for the entire year
where over 12,000 new settlement units
were approved? What let me stop you. Why
do people call it settlement? That's like, you
know, a soft term. This is, this would
be classified as a felony. This is this
is, land
It is land theft. It's home theft. It's
life theft. It's every type of theft. It's
just Who gave you this term settlement?
That's a good question. I don't know. Go
ahead. This is contingent. But but they, you
know, obviously, look Like they're just settling there,
you know? They literally walk into our homes
and throw us out under the full protection
of the state.
Our graveyards
are not even left in peace. Wow. Palestinian
are removed.
You know, Palestinian homes, Palestinian bodies, it has
never stopped
under and, you know, there there's a there's
a problem here that some people think this
is just Netanyahu's crazy government. Every single administration
of the Israeli regime
has seen settlement expansion, has seen more land
theft. And so when they sit there and
say, we want peace and it's it's because
we don't have a partner in peace in
the Palestinians
you have never stopped taking our homes you
have never stopped denying us our existence
There has never been a year
in our history in which there hasn't been
a further
of that land theft
and a deeper dive into our territory, what's
left of it. So, you know, you tell
people this, like, you know,
we get in trouble for for,
saying from the river to the sea. Right?
Palestine will be free. And it's like, that's
your actual policy is to remove Palestinians from
the river to the sea.
If you were to say today,
2 state solution,
1967 borders, how is that even possible
when you've stolen so much beyond the 1967
borders and you've turned like these little Palestinian
pieces of land
smaller strips further isolated from one another.
Like, what are you talking about? Like, does
any reasonable person really think that,
Israel is going to remove everything that they've
constructed beyond the 1967
border? So it's it's a it's a joke.
It is an absolute
lie that is held over our heads.
unfortunately, it gets sold as propaganda to the
American public to continue
to build on this notion that Muslims
are a people with whom peace cannot be
made and if we don't treat these people
this way
then, you know, we're we're going to have,
disaster on our hands. So we have to
preemptively remember you showed me this yesterday, we
have to preemptively kill their kids. We have
to preemptively kill Palestinian kids. That was yeah.
It was it was a rabbi that was
saying A Zionist rabbi. Yeah. Yeah. We have
to preemptively kill their kids because Palestinian children,
if we don't kill them now they'll grow
up to be terrorists. Now by the way,
not many people will will openly say it
that way, but that's Israeli state policy.
And that's what's being that's what makes the
genocide so excusable to the Israeli public as
well is we gotta kill them because
they might grow up to be terrorists too.
That's not Islamic
No. Absolutely not. You don't That's not policy
from the Quran or from Prophet Muhammad. Killing
should never be acceptable to any extent. We
have to have * proof of it. Absolutely.
Killing children, killing women, killing noncombatants,
we condemn it. People can see right now
on the screen, they're seeing the commands now
and the just war
of engagement. And we hold ourselves to that
standard, and we will certainly hold others to
that standard against us too. Yeah. It is
your highest ministers
in government
say that we have to kill them
because if we don't kill them then they
will grow up to kill us. Human animals,
The prime minister
comparing us to the Amalek, the Amalekites,
right? The Amalekites.
And so
you have to
peel back
not just based upon the words that they're
saying but based upon the policies that they've
been implementing.
This is a project of extermination
of extermination of everything Palestinian the Palestinian people,
Palestinian land, Palestinian claims, the Palestinian cause this
is a project of extermination
and even abroad trying to stop us from
you know wearing our clothes
from speaking to to our cause. This is
a war against Palestinians in Palestine
and a war against the Palestinian cause outside
of Palestine.
They want to erase everything Palestinian,
and we're simply not going to stand for
Quick couple reactions. I wanna show you a
video on I get sent these, quite often
because people look to us as a voice,
for the Muslim community. And then when they
see things like this, it really angers them
and they see,
and that fear leads to
violence at many times. And we were at
a actually together at a funeral for a
young boy
because the landlord was listening to conservative talk
radio. And he got so pumped up, you
remember, and he stabbed a young boy how
many times?
And it's directly related to things like this.
I wanna get your reaction
after you hear this. Thanks for messaging me
that one sec. I'm just gonna come out
and say, typically, rarely, nothing good happens after
you hear Al Akbar. It's never like flowers
and roses and bunny rabbits. It's stabbings and
shootings and bombs. But no disrespect. I'm just
I mean, that's kinda what it's associated with.
I mean, there are 2,000,000,000 Muslims around the
world saying Allahu Akbar. We just left the
Masjid this morning saying Allahu Akbar.
It is disgusting
And it's the type of
that radicalizes
that man
that then went and stabbed young Wadiya Alfayumi
to death multiple times with a military grade
knife and also tried to kill his mother.
That man was radicalized by these types of
He's radicalized by the president
who lied about seeing beheaded Israeli babies and
said let me go behead a Palestinian baby
This is the type of stuff
that, you know, and it's it's it's kinda
cute that he says no disrespect. Right? It's
Yeah. Yeah. Like no disrespect. Like really? Like
no disrespect?
He just he just he's had Khabib on
the show.
I would say that's a disrespect to Khabib.
Of course. Like Tyson. Habib said Allahu Akbar
when Habib would say Allahu Akbar every time
we wanna fight. So so this is this
is what's important is that look, you you
who who who,
on the one hand, try to celebrate
the resilience of Islam in a secular world,
On the one hand, you try to celebrate
that. You you acknowledge and respect that
Islam is a religion
that is so strong
that it cannot succumb to secular forces around
the world,
but then also turn around
and accuse us
of being nurtured
some sort
of barbaric regressive ideology.
You're self contradicting.
You're telling on yourselves
because you inspire the very hatred that you're
supposedly condemning. Wow. It's coming from you. It's
happening because of you, the attack. Look, I
not just with the air.
New Zealand, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Guy walks into a a masjid,
murders 50 people in cold blood
on camera. You don't think he was listening
to voices like this?
That that deem muslims to be suspicious
and deem muslims to all be dangerous?
That is precisely why so many people can
people murdered in cold blood
and go, yeah, but, you know, if they
let them be
then things might be worse.
Our life is not less valuable than yours.
Our blood is not cheaper than yours.
And we will not wait for you to
humanize us
to insist on our own humanity.
Let's finish with this last one.
Broken men living in a broken world, and
you've got people that are radicalized
by a certain faith, and that faith has
at its core the extinction of others.
And anything that is an infidel is subject
to extinction.
That's the simple the way it is, and
it's sounds like he's talking about the Crusaders.
That's what I was thinking. Yeah. Sounds like
he's talking about the Crusaders. Exactly. Yeah. I
mean, that's
ravaged the entire Muslim world,
with a cross in your hand.
And that's the history and the legacy
of the Crusades and today. To Fidel,
Crusader term. This is this is a Christian
term. This is not this was coined by
them. The way that we were spoken about
when they wiped us out
was certainly
with that same terminology.
And you know what?
If you go back to
the George Bush administration,
the George w Bush administration, the wars in
the wars in Afghanistan,
they used language like this in their in
their memos.
Yes. Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, that entire
that entire administration
used this type of rhetoric.
And just because
they didn't carry
when they ravaged the Muslim world,
doesn't mean that it was any less detrimental.
When they murdered 100 of 1000, millions of
people between Iraq and Afghanistan,
ruined their lives,
supposedly in the name of freedom.
And you know what?
It's time for
America to be
held to task, not just for the genocide
that's happening in Gaza,
but have you ever heard the story
of a young Iraqi boy who was wiped
out by our bombs? Can can an can
an American can the average American name a
single victim of the Iraq war? A single
victim of Afghanistan? No. Because
that's how dehumanized
these people were.
Right? I mean, obviously, America
was quote unquote on the right side of
that, but America always acts only in terms
of its interest.
when you go to Srebrenica
you see where thousands of people were lined
up and literally slaughtered like malhamah. Prophet SallAllahu
Alaihi Wasallam calls it malhamah. Right? Like a
Slaughtered like animals,
1 by 1 in a factory line.
Human beings, unfortunately, have the capacity to be
very evil.
The Serbs did so,
not saying Allahu Akbar
when they murdered the Bosnians that way. Right?
They did so in the name of Christianity,
So human beings have the propensity to great
And in their evil
they will use
even the most righteous
even the most righteous and noble calls to
to carry out their projects of mass death.
That's what's happening right now in Palestine
supposedly in the name of protecting the Jewish
around the world, even though it's not protecting
the Jewish people around the world,
supposedly in the name of protecting the Jewish
you have murdered
and brutalized
and exiled
and stolen from and starved
millions of Palestinian people, and it's absolutely unacceptable.
It's unacceptable when Christians do it. It's unacceptable
when Jews do it. It's unacceptable when Muslims
do it. It's unacceptable when anyone does it.
At the end of the day,
it's evil and I think most decent human
beings can recognize evil when they see it.
What is happening in Gaza right now is
pure evil And,
conservative talk show hosts,
talk show hosts period,
liberal talking heads, whoever they are, I think,
they've lost their own moral conscience already.
They're also going to lose just decent people
that otherwise would listen to them
because people can see what's happening, and, no
propaganda is going to be able to color
this genocide
any differently.
Thank you so much. You got a lot
to think about. We covered a lot checking
the heart now and
we've cleared up. This has nothing to do
with the teachings of Jesus. These prophecies have
nothing to do with the teachings of Moses.
Check your relationship with your creator, your humanity.
Is it alive? Is it dead? It's being
tested right now. You've got a lot to
think about and thank you so much.
Thank you for having me. Thank you for
being with
us. I cannot leave without giving you a
gift. If you're not yet Muslim and you
tune in and see what these Muslims are
talking about and you like a free copy
of the Quran,
go ahead and visit the deen show dot
com. We'll take care of the postage and
everything and get it delivered to you. And
if you still have some questions
about Islam, call us at 1806
We'll see you next time. Until then, peace
be with you.