Adnan Rajeh – Seerah #19

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the importance of love and loyalty, as it is essential for individuals to carry the message. The challenges faced by the Islamist movement, including loss of people, names and deeds, and the need for a better picture of the person they are talking to. The transcript does not contain any current news or action, and the speaker is prompted to enter a conference ID. The speaker then repeatedly says hello while the recorded message prompts them to enter a conference ID.
AI: Transcript ©
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Alameen wa Houma somebody was telling him about a culinary you know, have you been 100

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he will be he he made

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it. Last week, we started to talk about the perseverance of the Sahaba of the Allahu Anhu. And today this week, we will also continue with stories of that. Where are we in this era, we're in year number five.

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam went public with, with this level of start to speak publicly in year number three to three years old, his earliest thoughts of his birthday earlier. So it was, and we're in between three, year number three and six. Today we'll talk a little bit about what happens at the beginning of year six, because there's a few important events that occur. But between year three and six,

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the prophet audio sought to sound the Sahaba began to endure a whole lot of persecution and oppression. It went from physical to financial, social to mental and psychological.

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And we talked about the Prophet Alia, sought to search experience. And today we'll talk a little bit more about the Sahaba of the law and his experience. I did talk about a few of them. I brought up the story of evenness or about the story of America. Today we'll talk about a few more.

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Everyone in this room

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has a special space in his heart for saying that Ilan will be Allahu Anhu Bidadi Baba. Bella is a very special individual in the history of Islam, below the Allahu anhu, the story that needs to be told, time and time again. And it's a reminder to all those who who are Muslim, or looking at Islam of certain

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fundamental concepts that Islam carries that other religions and other faiths and in other experiences human experience in the past didn't carry be that of the Allahu Anhu being someone who was not Arab, who was not from the region who didn't speak the language who came from a different race.

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Be not Allah Han who being one of the one of the top Sahaba, let's say top one of the closest people to the prophet Isaiah salatu. Salam to later on become one of the one of the ambassadors and representatives of Islam. One of the names that you associate with Islam immediately on every level meant something to everybody in that time, it meant something to those who weren't a part of that region weren't part of that race. We're not didn't belong to that race or didn't belong to that to that culture. And it meant something that people who did to understand the Prophet Alia Sato, cinemas, values and how he viewed people, and that it wasn't based on race, it wasn't based on

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ethnicity, it wasn't based on family lines, it was based on merit. It was based on, on, on, on attributes on on

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the virtues that you that you show in your life, the characteristics, and be that Allahu Anhu that was something big in his or the Allah Han who would accept Islam early on, the person who provided him with Dawa was a bucket of the Allah who will not go to when I when I talked to you about how we made it about him at the beginning. If you remember I will go to the Allah who accepted Islam from the first day and the moment he accepted Islam he once he performed Allah and he was able to bring in eight people, seven of them were of the machete LaShawn machinima agenda, the 10 people with the Prophet sallallahu Sallam promised paradise and the eighth person was been Alibaba and Bernardo de

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la I know accepted Islam early was one of the early people but because he was enslaved by it will may have not have he didn't have the freedom or the ability to attend with the Prophet alayhi salatu salam regularly, he didn't have that ability. So he would come when he could. But most of the time he was held back by the by his duties or by its obligations or by his master. And once the Prophet Alia Sato someone public with Islam, that's when it would be out of the law who I knew as the prophet someone I said to them what public he went public as well. He didn't keep it secret anymore. You can hold back he, I'm with Mohammed Ahmad has, so now his master is no longer neutral towards

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him. And he begins to be part for a persecuted it'll be Allahu Anhu Allah.

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The story of Bilal to me is extremely important.

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Because it tells you something that we that we all we all sometimes forget, carrying, carrying the deen carrying this message and moving forward with it does not require you to be of high socioeconomic status. You don't have to be someone who's extremely rich, or extremely powerful, are very famous, or very accomplished. None of that is required. The more you have it, the better. The more people we have like that in our society, the more we will achieve, but you as an individual, you don't require any of those things to carry Islam in your heart and to represent Islam publicly and to continue to take Islam forward. Wherever you live, that none of that is required. I just

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thought to

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call to the dean people who had certain attributes and characteristics and we talked

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To vote them, I need grit and success and good ethics. And other we talked about the the criteria. And below the law. I know he met that even though we rattle the law who didn't wasn't, he was a slave at the time. He didn't he didn't even own his own life. He didn't have his own freedom. He couldn't, he couldn't do what he wanted. But it was enslaved at a very young age. He his brother and his mother,

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he and his brother Khalid, you don't know about how he has a younger brother that also accepted Islam was with him the whole the whole time. But without the other one. I mean, he met these the criteria based on his own merits, and their own characteristics that he carried. And when he was persecuted by by Romania, the story became iconic. This story is iconic to us today. But it was iconic back then. And he's telling the difference. It's not a story that is iconic today that we talk about the bravery, the sacrifice, the strength, that this human being carried in his life and had and demonstrated, but it was actually something iconic. Back then, the Sahaba spoke of this, it

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became something that up that offered them a certain level of strength, and bravery and courage, all the Sahaba felt that they had to meet the standard of this one person.

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It wasn't something that he did for himself, he did this, and that the Sahaba all felt that this is the standard they have to live by, they can never be less than benign. They can never do, you know, they can never complain again, because of how people behaved as an early Muslim, as someone who was persecuted on a daily basis, and oppressed and harmed physically, through his family, his mother and his his brother, and how he stood his ground.

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And how he never, they could never break him. See, this is this is what this is an important part. They couldn't break the law. They, they when they torture people. Now this is something you don't really need to know.

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But it when they torture people, they do it. What they're trying to do is trying to break them. They're trying to get you to give up on whatever ideology you believe in. They're trying to, they're trying to break you psychologically, they want to see you, if you if you claim to be brave, they want to see you're scared. You want to see act in a cowardice manner. If you're someone who has a firm belief, they want to make you doubt them. If you're someone who, who who's challenging them, they want you to start begging and groveling for mercy. That's what they want. Because there's no point of torture, typically, it takes a lot of time and money, it's easier just to execute the

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person again, I'm sorry to talk about these issues. But that's what they did to the these people below the law where they tried, they would try to break the sahaba. And some Sahaba would when they're human, they would get broken at a moment. And we'll talk about examples of that. But what beat as it is will never they could never break him. They failed. They tried everything they couldn't break be learned and his strength within the situation and status that he had became iconic at the time. For Sahaba all heard this story. And there's something that made them feel we have to live up to this standard, they would take they would they would take me out into the desert, and

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they would tie him down this issue you're talking 12 o'clock noon, under the scorching sun, sand becomes so heated, you can probably

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boil an egg on it.

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It gets that hot. Look, you can go on YouTube and see examples of people not only opening eggs on a car somewhere in the middle east and and basically you can have scrambled eggs just on your car, it gets that hot. So in the midst, in the middle of the desert in the middle of summer, 12 o'clock noon, they would take and they would lie him on on this burning sand. And they would bring a big boulder. Not too big. So when squish the person and kill him, but big enough to make it difficult for the person to actually breathe. Where all you're trying to do is just take a breath, because it's so heavy. And it was put it just put it down slowly. They're putting a lot of thought and

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effort into this. If they threw the boulder on him, they would have killed him, but they don't want to kill him. They just want to break him. So they take that boulder and they place it very carefully just in the right position so that he can no longer so he can So from now on and he's gonna breathe, he has to put in effort. It's difficult to breathe. And then they begin to they have with them the the lashing and they're lashing him. And they're hitting him.

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And they would speak to Bilal as they're doing it.

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And they will try to get anything out of him anything at all. Oh Dandini. Mohammed they were started leave the data behind but not a chance. Don't say that. They tried that for a while doesn't work. He's not responding to that at all. So they start to ask something else. I say something bad about him. Nope, not happening. All right, say something bad about the dean. No.

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They keep on bargaining. Bargaining going down from the basic leave the Dean not happy. Okay, how about this? All right, and how about this, they keep on bargaining. Give us something, give us something and we'll let you go. We don't enjoy doing this. But no, Bilal refused he could have and you will see examples of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam telling the Sahaba if they force you to say something, say it

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I'm gonna give you examples very soon, the prophet is also going to tell them you put the Sahaba together when they put you in a room and start beating you. And they say say this about Muhammad say they say well, this I'm saying you have a green card to say whatever you want to say, the green light, whatever you want, say Italy because you don't believe it.

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mancha Farah Billa him in by the EMA and he in Korea were called Whoo hoo mahkamah. In normal Eman. If you leave Islam, that is a problem. But if you say if you are forced to do or say something, but your heart is filled with the mind is fine. Even the Quran came to explain this point. And so it did not. And

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so Bill could have just said whatever they wanted, and you leave him alone, but he's not you're not breaking me. You are not breaking me. This is why this story is so iconic. And it's so important. And I want you to for the rest of your life to imagine being under that boulder, with people standing around him beating him, reminding yourself that he was the stronger one that his name lived on, that his legacy lives on. And that his bravery and courage

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inspired people at during his time until the day of judgment of how of how to behave. Or the Allahu Anhu Allah, and we don't know the names of the people standing by him. And no one cares for them. They need nothing, they met nothing, then they need nothing now. But that that vision that that image should stay in your mind. Because he wasn't he refused to be broken. He would they would not break him. So they bargained with him. They bargained with him, they bargained with him. And he would get nothing out of them.

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Until they came to the point where just say the word horrible.

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Just say it.

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Just say the word don't believe in it. Just say. Just say the word. Just say the name of the it's not an issue of believing in hobo. No, no, just say it you don't claim that you believe in it. Just say the word for your holy salah. You know who? I don't speak Arabic. Sorry. I don't know how to say the word. I know speak Arabic very well, I don't come from here. I don't know how to say that word. But there is a word I do know how about this word I had you know had and they will get even more upset and they would hit him more. And they would beat him more. He didn't have to do this.

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But Bilal had had enough of being oppressed or being persecuted, or being racially

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censored and categorized and treated and treated in a demeaning, condescending, he's had enough of it, and he would not be broken.

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And they would beat him and say Holy Hogan, Falcone? Listen Eli Arsenio Hall. I don't know how to say those words. I am Arabic is foreign language to me. But like, can you do that? But I can't say very well, this word. How about this word? This word work for you. Uh huh. I don't know HUD. And that became the word

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that became the chant of the Muslims in Mecca. This how iconic this story became walking around if you want to bother Mushrik I don't know how to just say the word.

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And it bothered them to the point where in which of the

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which is better. The first time they stand. The first time they stand and they fight back for the first time ever. We're talking about budget. They have a slogan, every single battle, there was a slogan, every battle, there was something the slogan of badger had an

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iconic moment because two can do that. Very few people had that level of strength, courage, bravery.

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It's very difficult that level of grit to stand your ground regardless to challenge the oppressor. No, you cannot and will not break me and they didn't. They did not break below. And every time they put them under that boulder, and every time they put him under that scorching sun and they beat him

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head on the head

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for so ill he was asked, limiter Cool. Cool. Lemme contessa do kadaga. Why are you saying this every time you say it, they hit you more Faqad we're just to her XL Colima to whom I found it the word that would bother them the most. I tried other words, they didn't get as bothered. But when I said I had I had killed them. So I stuck to it. Or the Allahu Anhu Allah and you're standing, you're understanding the story.

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Sometimes that's what needs sometimes in our lives, we need to stand our ground. We need to believe in something so powerfully, so genuinely, that we refuse to be broken. And we refuse to be pushed away by younger brothers and younger sisters. As you go through life. As a Muslim, whether you live here or you live anywhere else, they will try and push you away. They will try and like lead you astray that's going to happen. I need you to believe in Islam to love Islam, the way biller did to you for you to refuse to be broken, I will not lose it. I will not be led astray. I will not stop it. You can't force me there's nothing you can do that will take me away from what I believe in. And

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if you can do that, if you can achieve in a small amount of that then

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that things will will be different

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That's the message that you should take from below the law one. He wasn't someone who had a higher education. He wasn't a professional that was making a lot of money. It was an enslaved foreigner in a land. That wasn't his own.

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Nobody Allahu Anhu Allah, but he stood his ground, not working. That's fine. No problem. That's that's blood. Another example is available now one or the Allahu Allahu Allah is debayer.

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At the time, he and palha was you're talking about inshallah very soon. We're around 1415 years old. You're a few years only a few years older than saved it only a few years, maybe a year or two. We're not sure. They're a bit older than say 90. It is today. It was the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his cousin.

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His mother is the prophet Isaiah saucy lambs aunt from his father's side. Sophia metab. Bill McCollum is the mother of is available in Iowa. And it's debate of the Allahu Anhu his father had died early, and his uncle because he accepted Islam would persecute him. And the way that he chose to do it was very was a horrible, horrible way, what he would do to me when he would put him inside a, a sack, it was like one of those big haystacks, and he would tie it and he would hang it from the from the ceiling, and they would turn on a fire under him. And they would smoke him. And he would command him to do this and command him to do that. And Zubayr similarly, similar to Bilal would

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refuse, he wouldn't he wouldn't, he wouldn't break, they couldn't break him. And Amesbury stood his ground to the point where he developed a lung disease that stayed with him and probably was one of the reasons that he passed. So this actually affected him for the rest of his life. He became he developed allergies, you couldn't wear certain clothing, you couldn't smell a certain sense, he would go into a spiral of coughing couldn't stop because of what they did to him during those those years of Allahu Allah, but they could you couldn't break them either. So they never broke. I believe that one of the reasons we're based in his suit his ground, the story of blood, became so famous

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became such a big deal. The OMA you haven't heard of the leader of Mecca, couldn't break, couldn't break his own slave going at the time that was a meant something.

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And it's available. They did he did this to them him on a daily basis until he developed lung disease from from from not refusing to be broken. You could have said anything to the prophet is also I'm told them as I said, if you're forced states or not, you go. Some of them said no, we're not

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to challenge we won't any got sick, and that disease stayed with him. And it probably was one of the reasons he passed the law. Why norba

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of bourbon, I told you the story maybe a couple of months ago, hubbub is an example of another, another slave.

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So Bill O'Reilly was an enslaved man.

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We're gonna talk about the ladies don't worry, not not today. But soon there's a time during the CLR whether you're going to switch gears, I'm gonna leave the men they're gonna go after the ladies. And we'll talk about them at the time. Billa enslavement Zubayr a teenager, above another enslaved guy. And then the asanas family also enslaved.

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I'm trying to just get across one message. There is no excuse for anybody not to commit to the word of Allah subhanaw taala and to the way of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, because nothing is required. You don't have to reach any crack, there's no criteria you have to fulfill, besides just true belief and grit, just just a level of sacrifice and strength. That's it, you believe in it, and you commit to it, that's all you need. Everything else is you don't have to be any, you don't have to be a doctor or, or an engineer or lawyer or a teacher, you don't have to have a lot of money, you don't have to be popular, you have to be anything, just to be a human being who believes in Allah

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subhanho wa Taala and you're good. You're fine.

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Cabella was a blacksmith he worked with with, with metals, he would have back in the day, if if you know, what they would do is they would you would have a place where you would heat coal until the coal became red. And then you would put this coal you can spread it out on something that looks like a table. And then you would put swords on that. And then you would bang the swords or whatever it is you were trying to, you know to change the swords you get really hot and then you use that to break you know, to change the middle and the way it looks. So he's a blacksmith, and that's those are the tools at the time. That's what he did for a living. That's how he made his living. And he will also

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Muslim and he was persecuted by his master and by the people around him. And he would come and they would kind of mess with him and and harm him and he would never you would never really listen. Ignore it continue. And then one day they took it one step too far. They came into his

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came into it small shop where he would

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do it doing what he's doing or the law one. There's a level of bullying they would they would practice this level of bullying they would walk into the place. They don't have good intentions much

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bunch of hooligans. You can see them walk in close the door. Now Bob is in there. He's outnumbered. What do they want to do? So they take the sword that he's trying to wield on on the bed of coal. They take everything off that bit of coal. It's still red. They take hubbub instead. And they lay him back down on the call.

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They lay him back down on it. A photo of Dr. Looney I like her. I like jumbo for the only Allah Jamal had my camera, Alicia hurry la muscle. The only way the only turn only that turned off the coal was the was

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the fat on my back like my brutal, brutal stories. Again, I'm only telling you a few a few of them. There's a lot of there's way more. And the point of is not not to send you home with nightmares. I'm just giving you an idea. These are the type of things these people had to endure. It's just an idea. That's what happened. You can act like they didn't happen this these things happen. These people stood their ground while these things happened.

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So we can answer your question at the end. There's a question at the end that we have to answer in order for this to make sense. So they when they let him go, he got up of course above said, I couldn't walk. Obviously you can't walk. So he crawls out of his place. Where did you go? He crawls over to the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, he goes to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he goes to him. So he goes to the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. He can't stand up. His back is a mess. First Degree second degree burns all over his back.

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Combat wasn't able to walk for a couple of weeks after that. It took him a while to get on his feet. And he never recovered, by the way fully physically, he never recovered. So it comes to the profit like this Alia salatu salam.

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And he says something.

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He said something that has a flavor of

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unsatisfaction it's like it's almost sound when he says it almost sounds not really is, but almost sounds to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam that a kebab is unsatisfied.

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Why wouldn't he be right? Every day you get to lie on coal and burn your back. I mean, who wouldn't want that?

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He goes to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, and he says, Yeah, rasool Allah, Isla Mehta,

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or messenger of Allah until when? When will this end? Basically, will this end? Are we going to spend the rest of our lives like this? Because there were ground rules right? You don't fight back in Mecca, there's no they show violence. We don't know violence coming from us.

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The ground rules the profit and loss and harbor. I said, if you're if you're Muslim, you accept these rules. You have to accept them. If you're not gonna accept that I don't need you. You have to understand we're not fighting back. They will show violence we will not so they accepted. He didn't fight back that's what happens we come to the prophet is also saying what now what

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he didn't say like that. Much, much more mild, much more mellow. Didn't really object out early Allah hawan didn't come and saying where's Allah? Why didn't he take care of me? Where were you? Where were the sahaba? None of that. None of that garbage that we here said today? For for much lesser things. None of that he just said he no matter what is this is your timing for this to end yellow suit Allah.

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So the Prophet SAW Selim, probably the only time the only example I have within that period of him getting upset is this story. I don't have another one. I looked you don't find another one where he's upset with one of the Sahaba there's really not all of the stories within this era. Or don't don't continue that

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for call me you no matter what are you saying? Until when?

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Allah in Montana Coppola come to your table Mishary for you, though, I see and I look to who they can Dini he che. And then he told the story of the guy during a suit with the Buddha was Rama suitable to your story? What are the priests who were brutally brutally killed? He tells them what you're talking about people before you were were hurt much more than you and they never left their Deen. Well, Allah He they will commend Allah who had an armor. Hatha Yoga ina Minh Sana, hug remote la Tasha Illa Allah with me ha. When you're talking about a day will come where Allah Subhana Allah will grant us access to this to this matter to Islam.

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So what's gonna happen your Salah when that happens, listen to his listen to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam his dream. I've always taken this hadith. I know it's coming here in the sense of persecution, but I think it deserves its own little thing because I want you to listen to the prophet Isaiah saw the Siamese dream. This is his dream. This is this is his vision, this what he hopes for the future. His hope for the future is the following. that the time will come where a lady by herself on her camel will leave and go for a place in Yemen called Santa Ana to another place in Yemen called Hydra mount.

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Where she fears no one but Allah and maybe a wolf if you have some sheep.

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That's his dream. His dream is the day will come

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Where a lady can leave and go from one city to the other by herself fully safe. That is his vision. So Allah Alessandro says, Am I understanding what he what He visualized? This is how he saw the future is what he's hoping for. And then we go, and we don't know what we do. What we do with this letter after that, I don't I don't understand. I really don't. This is what he hoped for, or you saw to him. He's telling this guy who just got burnt his whole full back on coal, he can't He He's crawling over, he can't stand up. He's telling him that what's going to happen one day, the day will come when Allah subhanaw taala grant Islam success and safety will fill the land and a lady able to

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go from one city to the other by herself, not fearing anyone. When I can not come home and discharge you don't. But you're people who have no patience, but you have no perseverance. Or you lack perseverance. How about blacks perseverance? If about black specifiions. Though what do we have? What do you call it? We have, what we have is definitely something different. The word percipience might not exist must not exist in our dictionary at all. If above lacked it, if kebab when he this happened to him did not lose his faith and not become hateful towards society. Did he come and start yelling at the Prophet didn't object to Allah He was he was just wondering when this is going to

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end? Because it's tiring is difficult. But

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it is. It is a story that you don't want to say twice, right? You know, until the story twice.

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Which brings me to the last example I'll give I won't get that too close. I won't give you more. But just imagine these are the type of stories that exist from that era. And there are many of them. Yes, sir. And his family?

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Yes, sir. Simple man. In his 70s his wife, so many had mental health, or the Allahu Ana, simple lady. They were enslaved at some point from their from their homeland. We're not exactly sure where when they were brought to Arabia,

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but they held on to each other and they held on to their kids.

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And the prophets of Allah, Allah Selim, when he came up when he started to go public with this number, even before that, yes, it accepted. And his wife, Somalia, mental health, simple lady, 63 years old. Couple of kids, all her life, she just tried to take care of her kids didn't really have much. If you go and study your story, it's hard to find much, because she lived a very simple life. She didn't have the opportunities that we have today. Her life was it was dictated upon her from the moment she was born, to live in poverty, to live in difficulties, to be enslaved at a young age, to fight for every penny for every breath and for every meal, to try to hold on to her own integrity

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every single day.

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This is what she had to go through the law behind her and she did it and she was quiet about it. And she was accepting that she believed in Allah subhanaw taala by the Prophet alayhi salatu salam with her husband and her children. I might have been yesterday being the most famous of them all.

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And they were horribly persecuted. Why? Because they belonged to Abuja.

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And I will happen when Hashem wasn't gonna allow this to happen. So he persecuted them

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he persecuted them he would come by

00:28:10 --> 00:28:26

you would come back the profit and loss and would come by yes him and his wife and his son all tied down for various sites and didn't have the ability to you couldn't go and untie them this was called it was going to war. It didn't have the money most of the time to buy them out.

00:28:27 --> 00:28:30

But we'll talk about that is for example, who bought out below

00:28:32 --> 00:28:52

the provisos and started a fund we need to buy our brothers and sisters out into their freedom it was depending how much money existed how many people had at the beginning there wasn't a lot of wealth they got on as many as we could our mod was bought out but not in time. Not quickly enough to save his parents now quickly there wasn't enough money to begin with. There wasn't quick enough

00:28:53 --> 00:28:54

so we'd bought walked by

00:28:56 --> 00:28:57

and yesterday in

00:28:58 --> 00:29:08

Somalia will turn to the Prophet saw this and ask him for not asking for help. And he would tell them maybe what can I do for you? That can Madeline earlier sir.

00:29:09 --> 00:29:14

Allah Helen earlier Yes. It'd be patient earlier sir. For in Namo Aida como Jana.

00:29:15 --> 00:29:30

The appointment we have together in sha Allah is in Jana. Marina called me in the appointment I have with you where I fight for your rights and for your justice when this when When did what what's happening right now is going to be fixed rectified

00:29:32 --> 00:29:39

his gender just wait Allah home mother fairly earlier said Oh ALLAH forgive your child and you already have

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the word the prophet is always saying Allah will mother fairly early as to what filed Oh Allah show forgiveness to the family of yesterday but you already had you already have you don't need me to make that doll out for them. It just for them to hear it.

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The first Shahida

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The first Shaheed in Islam is Somalia mental health, the first martyr the first person to give their lives to the sake of Allah subhanaw taala was Somalia.

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It's nothing to celebrate.

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Death is never something we celebrate. Let's hear that and remember it. You will never celebrate death.

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When it happens to someone. It's always a tragedy when someone passes away always as the Quran says it's first of all, but Kumasi but to note it's almost Lieber is always horrible.

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It's always something that why because the moment you die, you lose your ability to fix things and to make a difference and to from Toba. So it's always horrible. Even when we have a Shaheed even when someone Yanni die has a marcher it's never something we celebrate. We mourn it, and we learn from it. So may Allah who I know was the first Shaheed in Islam.

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She was the first the first person to give their lives for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala was a lady 63 year old, very skinny. I want you to imagine some of you you've probably seen a lot of omegas in your life.

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Old lady, those old scarfs really thin all her life all she's done his work. It's all she knows.

00:31:18 --> 00:31:28

Those thick skinned hands from cleaning and cooking all day, she's left behind a couple of children who are now strong and capable because of all the time that she spent making sure that they have what they need

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when they needed. And so my Yeah, was was brutally murdered by Abuja in a horrible way I won't go into details, you can go look it up. But he killed her. And he did it. And he did it horribly. And when he did that, the Prophet said of them would say Allah who took him earlier, so Allah avenge the family of yesterday.

00:31:51 --> 00:31:53

And then how many years later,

00:31:54 --> 00:32:01

maybe nine years later, or only 10 years later, 10 years later, after budgeter whenever we just had his brought.

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He died during that battle.

00:32:06 --> 00:32:15

The prophets I said I'm gonna call you I said like Dalai Lama, he called it being a Dalai Lama in Allah. But in Tacoma little MC see Allah subhanaw taala is Avenger mother.

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With the death of this person here, see, it worked out. So many of the first martyr within Islam really Allah who I know Abba, again, she could have been broken. But she refused. She stood her ground and she died as a Muslim. She didn't have to she could have said anything and it would have been fine. And we would still talk about her the great Sahabi and settle the LaWanda. But she's the lady who said no, I will not be broken. And I will not be forced to say something I don't believe in and you can't beat me. You've taken everything from me. But you're not taking this. This is mine. Now, you know, Lulu is when you can't take that away. They didn't take it away. He took her life,

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but he couldn't take that. And now who wins? It's late years later, but we don't celebrate death. It's not a victory. The death of someone is never a victory or the Allahu anha.

00:33:01 --> 00:33:02

All right, alright.

00:33:05 --> 00:33:06

So to change the

00:33:07 --> 00:33:10

the mood in the room, because everyone seems to be getting

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quite depressed with this. Maybe we'll change the mood a little bit. Things are going south.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:30

We're getting worse and worse towards the end of year. Number five, how much time do we have good we still have a bit of time. Towards year number five things are getting worse and worse. At the beginning of year number six, something changed. Allah subhanaw taala granted the Muslims a fresh breath of air.

00:33:31 --> 00:34:04

Something that brought the morale up again, after it was slowly just kind of going down, creeping down because one because people were dying, and people were persecuting less people were accepting dissent out of fear of what may happen to them if they do. And it was crippling the movement of Dawa and the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam, all the challenges he had, which we'll talk about the challenges were were increasing, by the way during this period of his life out of you sought to sit up during all this persecution, his son Abdullah, who would die just so you understand the timings. They'll cost him a dime a bit earlier before this. And Abdullah his son, at the age of maybe four or

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five died during these years just to make this even more difficult for him. It was slow to get to mourn his son during all this. So things were getting more and more difficult. And then two stories happened. All within maybe a month of each other. Maybe in the same month. Some scholars says in the same month that two things happened.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:52

Two people accepted Islam. Two names that leader also became iconic. If the story of Billetto was iconic at the time, people would refer to that story refer to the standard that he set for people to name and center Islam within within a month of each other that these names later on became adjectives. Names that the moment you say it you know what you're talking about. You know the attributes that you mean when you say that name that name explains itself it doesn't need an introduction. I'll start with the first person.

00:34:53 --> 00:34:59

The prophet Isaiah saw two sons uncle was someone that was very beloved to him. He loved his uncle a lot. His uncle has

00:35:00 --> 00:35:15

was out was a big deal to him on a saw to me it was posed to him in a just a couple of years older than him. And Hamza wasn't an ordinary individual. Hello Michelle was cool. Like, I mean as cool as they come. This guy was mashallah quite tall.

00:35:16 --> 00:35:20

He was very muscular. He was extremely handsome. He was a bachelor.

00:35:22 --> 00:35:57

He owned his own place. He hunted. Everyone came to his house later on at night, and that's where the people would kind of hang out. Hamza was extremely skilled with the sword, even more skilled with a bow and arrow. He was a great horse rider at the time, these things all, Hamza was a name that all young men at the time wanted to be. He was that cool. That's how he was quite famous Hamza bin Abdullah McCollum, he was the son of the millennium. And he was, but Hamza wasn't interested in politics, was interested in fame was interested in strength. He was one of those guys who just did his own thing. And everybody wanted to be close to him.

00:35:59 --> 00:36:02

All the ladies were looking at him, all the guys wanting to be him.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:10

The prophet is awesome, loved him. He was very close to him before. Once the bravado started Sam came with Islam Hamza took a step back.

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They were close and then the Prophet started to teach preach the deen and talk about commitments and Allah and Muhammad, all this stuff. And Hamza said, I'm good, I'm good. And he kind of left left, the prophet Alia saw two sons close circle, doing his own thing. He wasn't involved in any of it.

00:36:27 --> 00:37:01

Just kind of, you know, the type of person I'm talking about. Not harmful, not someone who is you know, rude or difficult people in your life. They're doing their own thing. They're nice, they're good. But they're not interested in anything and the dean problem, we have a lot of them in our community. A lot of people a lot of people don't be like that. I meet them every day. And it's such a such a loss that we have so many of them. Hamza was one of them. The prophet is taught to never stop trying to get his uncle speaking to his uncle pushing his uncle. But Hamza wasn't until one day something happened. Let me show you an example of these two, two people, one that will accept Islam

00:37:01 --> 00:37:33

really quickly. It'll just be a momentary decision. Another one who will accept Islam slowly, we'll take it to the wild after, you know, work things through for a couple of years. Hamza wasn't interested, wasn't thinking wasn't talking. And then one day, as he's going out to hunt, you'd go he was hunting the morning, bring back a deer. And then you know, have a show in the evening. Just put the deer and just have food and people would come on eat and that's the type of guy he was just you know, very laid back. Easygoing. Cool. So he's going out to hunt in the morning. And as he's going out this young Muslim,

00:37:34 --> 00:37:59

she was an enslaved girl. You see all the you can see these these patterns, all the people who are weak. A lot of the people were weak at the time accepted. The Prophet Elisa was message and she's maybe 1012 years old living I don't know something like that. And this young girl is coming back. She's She's carrying with her some water. She's filling water to whatever house she lives in. And it's he she sees Hamza on his Jani on his horse, and he's going towards the valley

00:38:00 --> 00:38:09

to hunt. So she says yeah, about Amara. And that aside, we're going to Akiko you stem will you serve Bofill Mela?

00:38:11 --> 00:38:25

Are you Raju that in handy? Oh Amara he was called. You're going to hunt and your nephew is being persecuted and, and cursed and mistreated publicly? What type of man are you?

00:38:26 --> 00:39:03

The 10 year old girl What? What kind of man are you? Everyone seems to like you and everyone looks up to you and is impressed by you? What type of man are you? Your nephew is being missed? He thought he was your friend. And he's gonna go in and Faqad I met Mr. Bowman shot him who was the person who mistreated him or said this about him who you're talking about? Football games have was asking me go go find that out your problem. I love this girl. Only Allah who I don't know who she is. I tried hard to figure out who she is. I could not. There is no reference to do this young lady is just love the way she speaks. It's very direct. Ask me go figure it out yourself as your nephew. And she wants

00:39:03 --> 00:39:28

to keep on going. He's not intimidated by Hanzo or the vision of Hamza at all. Unlike other people, as you'll see in a moment. So Hamza goes back to Makkah asking men served by Mohammedan. Who's who cursed out I heard. So they told him well, how can women who Shambhu Jahan this day did 123 And you know he had done something to the Prophet. It is thought to some that day he had cursed him out said swear it said something very rude to him in front of people.

00:39:29 --> 00:39:34

So Hamza because of color in Abu Hakim, for color who have he died in a duel, he's in the parliament through

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their meeting right now. So Hamza goes, he ties his horse, he gets off. He pushed he kicks in the door of the parliament. He kicks the door and doesn't knock he kicks the door and he walks in. He takes out his his boy, they're not the sword. They can have a sword as means war. He doesn't want to start a war. So he takes out the bow, not the or the bow. Ever seen him an actual bow. I've I've been lucky I'm able to actually

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Pick up swords and bows that they use back in the time. And I was I think 13 or 14 Not sure. And I could not pull it back.

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So the actual I could not pull the bow back, I couldn't do it. I couldn't pull it back enough to actually allow the arrow to go somewhere, it will just kind of, you know, just drooped down because it's so difficult to do. These things are huge. The, the bow at the time was my height. Like, that's how there's a very big and they're very well made. And they're very difficult if you actually pull them back far enough, the arrow goes at insane speeds, it can actually go through a wall. It's crazy how how much power these things actually had. So I'm just taking it off the bow. It's a big piece. It's huge. And it's a big piece of a flexible wood.

00:40:46 --> 00:41:05

So it comes up to a Bucha head as he's sitting speaking people are looking what's happening, he kicks the door, he comes in, no one gets up. So it comes right to Bucha Hill, he takes out the ball and he hits him right off the head. He knocks his mama down and he gives them a nice cut in the head. For cod. I touched him when he when

00:41:06 --> 00:41:10

you're going to curse my nephew, and I follow his religion.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:32

And he takes off as he takes off his own armor. He says hit me back if you dare go ahead hit me. Hit me. And I will have them call an area but I'm not I know we've I wouldn't do that to you. No one says anything. They go ahead hit me back, I dare you. Nothing, said nothing. And he sits there bleeding from the head, not a word. He puts back his money he walks out of the room.

00:41:36 --> 00:42:09

Enjoy the story, right? The strength of an individual that everyone can be like that. Not everyone, you don't have to be like not like that. It's not me. It's not me at all. I'm the fat bald guy sitting behind him not not me. But some people are like that. Some people have that impact, have that strength had that ability. And they should use it when they can not by going hitting people. No, I hope you understand how to extrapolate these stories from the context of their time. None if nothing I'm telling you at any point in any of these fields, just to any of these episodes have anything to do with me with you being violent towards anybody. If you understand from me at any

00:42:09 --> 00:42:43

point violence, then you please come or stop coming because I have nothing I say is here to enhance violence in any way. I'm talking about strength of character. I'm talking about bravery and courage. And they show themselves in different manners in different ways at different times. At that time. A lot of these of their problems were physical. Sometimes they had to be physical. So Hamza walks out. Everyone in the parliament has nothing to say. I will have them apologize. I'm sorry. I just didn't I shouldn't have said that. And I'll be able to shut them through Hola. Hola. Hola. We'll do it again. Everyone's apologizing to him. He walks out of the bank closes the door. And they really

00:42:43 --> 00:43:04

realized what he just said. Well, I'm Allah Dini, and I follow his religion. I don't follow his religion. I don't care for anything. I just not my thing. So he's like, What am I done? I don't want to do this. I wanted to stand up for mine from Muhammad. You know, he's my nephew is my friend. I use my face bloodies family, but I don't want to I didn't want to start this is not what I wanted. So he starts to think what do I do so he goes to the Prophet.

00:43:06 --> 00:43:36

But we're caught up in what do you do? Hello, German who? Oh, my nephew. I've made a mistake and I need to get out. I don't know how to get out of this. Because I wanted my mom what was the problem? Well, come on. Fuck if I had to cut that local together. I said this in the interview somebody said so in the private room laughed for quite a while. So yeah, 20 Oh, Uncle pleasing. Would you listen to me for a moment? Just listen to me. I know you're not interested in you. Just listen to me. Let me explain something to you. First call upon Mohammed Say what you will. So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam explained to him. Now, you know, in the law well enough.

00:43:37 --> 00:44:14

Sometimes you need that opening. People are on their journeys in life. People are on journeys. It's like you're on a train. And the train is loud. If you're talking to someone while they're on that train in Slough, they're not gonna hear you. You have to wait until they come to a rest stop or a place where they can listen to you understand that and a lot of your problems in life will go away. Stop judging people for not doing what you're doing now. Because I can almost guarantee that you existed in their status at some point in the past. I can almost guarantee that where they are right now is where you were at some point in your life. And just like you needed people to give you your

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space and your time you need to get people the same. Hamza took six years. took him six years or the love under to accept this. It's a long time. out of 23 That's a long time it's almost a that's more than a quarter of his more than 25% of the profits I said of them is better. It's a lot. He needed time. And then his train came to

00:44:37 --> 00:44:48

came to a stop. And the prophets I send them spoke and he heard he listened for call Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah Hema and beam authority pika about that I will never leave you again. I will be with you till the end.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:59

And the day that Hamza accepted Islam was a day of happiness that the Sahaba spoke of for years to come. For you

00:45:00 --> 00:45:06

years later, they would speak of the day, that Hamza bin Abdullah Motala radula, who I knew accepted Islam, it meant something. This was a big deal.

00:45:08 --> 00:45:35

The day that Hamza finally said La ilaha illa, Allah was a celebrated Kabbalah Sahaba Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. I'm just on our side. We have someone strong and cool and no one. No one dares misses with Hamza. You can stay by hands and you're safe. And that's how, that's how things start to change. Do you have enough time to say the next door? No, we don't. Okay. All right. So next time next week, the first story I'll tell you. What time did we start today?

00:45:36 --> 00:46:10

Are we going for another 10 minutes? Or okay for 10 minutes? All right. Okay. So the next the next person is a bit different. Hamza, by the way, is no longer name, right? It's an adjective. You want to describe someone with bravery, sacrifice and strength. You say he's a Hunza. That's how the name works now, because this person was stained by the prophet on a subject until the day he died. It will be a sad day he dies. The day the day that 100 other day I tell you how it happened. And how Hamza passes away, is it It is a sad day. It was a sad day to the Prophet Alia Sato saying he never he never got over that day.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:33

I'm never the prophet Isaiah says I've never got over the fact that Hamza passed away all his life. He would continue to remember it. Every single time there was an opportunity who did remind himself and he would say to Allah Europe you took from me Hamza, don't take from me i Lee. He would go every Saturday morning to the cemetery of God. And he will stand in front of us at Alamo aka Hamza. I said, Am I an equal

00:46:34 --> 00:46:48

salam to Hamza and said unto all the martyrs of the day ahead. And he was specify Hamza he never got over the fact that Hamza passed away never from Allah Hadees Seibu syndrome, so Sahaba never did. So he never stopped mourning the fact that he left. That's the impact he had.

00:46:49 --> 00:46:52

Having impact, you can have it in different ways.

00:46:53 --> 00:46:54

You don't have to be the first right.

00:46:55 --> 00:47:24

All right talks about the importance of getting things done first, but sometimes if you're late, sometimes if you're late, true commitment. True commitment, strength and sacrifice will make up for late beginning. You arrived late. All right. That's okay. You came in late you should have you should have you should have accepted this and committed to this a few years before. That's all right. You can make up for it. Just truly commit to this and leave an impact is what Hamza did. Hamza, the day he became Muslim was remembered by everybody the day he died was never forgotten by anybody.

00:47:25 --> 00:47:49

In other examples, armor club, a name that will continue to exist with the way just till the Day of Judgment, or in the example of Ameren, you know, you can do a full series like this one, just talking about armor, and what he did after the Prophet alayhi salam died, and how and how the room only exists the way it exists today because of what Omar did and how you put things in motion of the Allahu Anhu and the justice of armor.

00:47:50 --> 00:48:00

And the and the Hydra meaning. The level of responsibility he carried in his heart are the Allahu Anhu that very few people ever carry towards the OMA.

00:48:02 --> 00:48:23

Meaning he felt literally he felt that he was responsible for every living thing. Not he truly was a Khalifa. And that's why I became he became Khalifa because he was truly a Khalifa in his heart, where he didn't feel responsible for himself only but for every Muslim and everyone who was not Muslim in every living thing, including animals. He never stopped feeling like that. So we learned from the Prophet LASR to send us how we lived his life.

00:48:24 --> 00:49:05

So Omar, started out in a very negative way. Omar was one of the ambassadors of Kurdish to the different countries around Arabia. He was a known figure, he came from Blue ID. He came from a tribe that didn't have alliances with Manuel Hashem. So he wasn't close to the Prophet Allah has talked to us and I'm family in order to him. He wasn't someone from a strong tribe. His tribe was in a huge one. He gained his strength through his self just through his own merit through his own level of intelligence through his hard work. He learned to read and learn to write and he learned to ride a learn to negotiate he was a diplomat or the law one, he was also extremely large.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:18

All motor was just a very large man use as big as a door as they describe him, meaning it was as tall as a door and he was actually as wide as a door. And he was bold and he had a long read.

00:49:19 --> 00:49:52

The Allahu Anhu he was so intimidating in his life that some stories later years later, as a Khalifa, he's walking down a road and a couple of young men are just walking behind him. Just walking. There's no they just do this where the Khalifa is walking, so we're walking, so I'm out of here is people walking behind him. So he turns behind really quickly. So everyone jumps back and forth back for quite a magical restaurant. Allow him to come there. I take something from you. What are you guys following? What do you need? Why are you scared? Kaduna? I mean, we need no there's nothing for kata Maha Coronavirus, Kuwait. Why are you why are you scared for calling a woman Hey,

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

Betty Kay, I mean, it's just you're you're intimidating. Bacala Allahumma Sidney Haber. Oh Allah increase my intimidation and he keeps walking

00:50:00 --> 00:50:00

On Coronavirus.

00:50:02 --> 00:50:32

You'll see him change I'll talk about him a little bit today and tomorrow next time in Sharla is to get a better picture of this person they'll talk a little bit a little bit as well and Shona so you got a picture of an idea of who these people were very close to the prophet who they truly were. So I'm gonna pop at the beginning he was with Qureshi was very much against the prophet Ali, so to speak to the point he would I told you when we would walk behind the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, anyone the Prophet sallallahu Sallam approached about Islam, he would tell him keep on walking, the guy will keep on walking. No one will it's all over me. And of course I'm gonna keep on walking.

00:50:32 --> 00:50:43

Anyway, just continue to walk around the prophet and the prophet would turn him kata Yama, halachic Tinian, alien Ohara you have nothing to do day or night. You have nothing Do you have no family life, go do something, leave me alone. That's what he did.

00:50:45 --> 00:51:11

He was not someone who was interested at all. He tells his own story. He tells us how he began to come around. It took time Hamza was one moment he got upset. He became very emotional. He took a decision that he wasn't sure about it. And then he finally accepted. I want to help Bob. He's someone he's a very logical human being he's rational. For whatever reason, the way Islam was presented him initially didn't work for him. He needed time to process information. He needed time to think about things.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:22

The first story of course, oh my god, Islamophobia, Jerry tune candidates and the estimate. I would love to believe that this young lady that

00:51:24 --> 00:51:45

owned is the same one who spoke to Hamza I love to believe it but I don't know if it's true. He said the first time Islam entered my heart was a young slave I had in the house. She you know, she she whatever chores she did inside the house. First limit they said to this lamb for now to her I told her no, you don't do this. For Carla. Let's double up but you're not going to tell me what I believe I don't believe in

00:51:46 --> 00:52:22

for a lot of two hours at a time. So I started to persecute her and press her physically couldn't hold her up to her hotter times. And one day I hit her so hard I got tired. But I'm gonna delay for the hike. And then she looks at me and she lives for Uber K for at Outback Allahu wa colway Look how Allah has made you tired. And I'm still very much capable for your food for Obama to stand with you Toby Omaha. The first time Islam meant something to me, is the strength of this little girl said I could understand what what makes you do this? Why would you do this? Why would you care? Why would you commit to anything like that? Why would you put something ahead of your own of your own safety

00:52:23 --> 00:52:34

of your own well being Why would something be so heavy within your life that you're willing to die for? Nevermind live for you're willing to die for. He couldn't understand it because he didn't have anything like that.

00:52:35 --> 00:53:08

It really is a loss to have nothing in your life you're willing to live and die for it's a loss. People spend their whole life searching for something like that. And subhanAllah the prophets I send them offers and you hear here's the real reason you're alive anyways, live and die for it. There's a better way of going by things in our world that didn't have something like that. You didn't have something was willing to live and die for. And it killed him that this 11 year old or 12 year old had it. And she was so clear on it. And she had no doubts in it whatsoever. And he couldn't push her even physically. And he's huge. And she's well how big is she?

00:53:09 --> 00:53:12

Oh, well milk is down to calibrate the first time Islam meant something to me.

00:53:14 --> 00:53:30

And then he tells him I think I'll end with that. I'll end with that. And we'll continue because it's a few more stories that will continue in sha Allah next week, some haggling hunting Shinola ILAHA, Illa and TestoFuel go to boudic wa salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad and he also have ah man next week. I'll tell you how I'm gonna hottub accepts Islam and she's like Malachy about a coffee

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