Adnan Rajeh – Ramadan – Our Turning Point

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the upcoming holy month and the importance of maximizing their benefit. They emphasize the need for a culture of peace and acceptance, protecting people's interests and values, and finding one's true self. They stress the importance of learning to interpret the book and finding the beauty in reciting the name of Islam, and emphasize the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and not wasting time in a changing world. The speakers also emphasize the importance of knowing one's progress and not missing a beat in regards to the upcoming months.
AI: Transcript ©
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scrambling to

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love work or work

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shadow one

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she had one

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How are you

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How are you?

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Al Hamdulillah Haitham Al Hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah Hina Madhu who want to stay you know who want to study he wants to still feel who want to stones little when we learn him in Cerulean fusina Women say Dr. Molina but yeah didn't love him for who Elmo My yoke lil fell into g de la Hoon Walia Murshida wa shadow Allah Illa Illa Allah Hua hula sharing gala era Hanwha hidden a hidden some other let me tell you the Sahiba turn Walla Walla Walla Mia Kula who for one had wash had one Nana Jana Avi mana Mohammed Abdullah he was Zulu, while Sophia you whom in Hawaii or Habiba. Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ijeoma in your guru Jalla Jalla Allahu Fimo commitment zeal, SHA Hello Ramadan

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and levy on Zilla V Hill Quran who the LIN C Robina team mineral Houda well for con for many Shaheed I mean como Shambhala failure some women can Emery been suffering for that to mean a year I mean, you read Allah who become more useful while you read to be common also, while he took me to lead the way to Kabiru Allah Allah Allah, Allah Allah comtesse karoun. This ayah is being recited on every member probably all across the Muslim world today. And probably next week and the week after, and the unity that comes with that is something that I find quite fascinating and beautiful, that we, as Muslims acknowledge seasons at the same time, we find, we find the value of the seasons together.

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And we remember certain timings all at once and we celebrate them and we engage and embrace them all at once as well. And today, the final hurrah before Ramadan, I'm going to offer you some ideas or some thoughts regarding what we should do throughout the holy month and how to maximize our benefit from it and make sure that this Ramadan is indeed a turning point for us all. This is the model that I carry and I hope that everyone

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When he does the same, make Ramadan this year a turning point for yourself, even if you've done this before, and even if you have decided at some point in your life that you are going to live differently, do it again, there is no end to how many times you can do this in a lifetime I do this every year, every year come to Ramadan walk into the this month that Allah subhanaw taala so generously presents you with on an annual basis, walk into it with the intention of making it a turning point for yourself, where you change on an internal level on a level that is not detectable by others, but will become apparent as time progresses, make the intention of making it a Madonna

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turning point for yourself in terms of the decisions that you will make afterwards and the choices that you will make within your life regarding your your personal progression as a human being and the status of the Ummah, of which you are a part of. And I can't, I can't imagine a time that would be more suitable for doing that, then this blessed month of Ramadan within the context of the time that we are living. And before I go through some of these points, I want to share with you why that's important because the first part of this Ramadan ik plan will indeed talk about the concept of making or fixing your intention never does what's impossible. With style, I will live and die and

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never will this ever work we will ever need technology for actually serve me ever.

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When we talk about perfecting your intention. And taking time, this is what I think the intention should be based upon all the Harlem. And this is what I'm going to give you I'm gonna articulate for you why or how I understand the events of the last 150 or 160 days. And this is my understanding of it, and you feel free to disagree with me. But this is how I see it. And this is how I believe you should see it, even if it's flood. When we watch, we see the fact that over the last 250 days, they have spilled the blood of 30,000 civilians, the majority of them being women and children. So over 50,000 women and children, civilians have been their blood has been spilled over the past 150 days,

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when you watch that you're in awe of the fact that it occurred in the 21st century as the world continues to watch. And you're forced to ask yourself, How is this possible? How is this continuously going on? At what point will this end, aside from the blood that's being spilled people are being starved to death. And the images that is that are that are emerging from the from Hudson from the holy land are extremely concerning and very disturbing on so many levels. This is my understanding of why this is occurring.

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It's either a government over there, this regime would not have the atrocity to actually spill so much blood if they didn't feel that they were fully supported. If they didn't feel that they had unconditional support from governments that had a say in how the world actually works, they wouldn't do it. If they felt that at some point, they were going to be held accountable, they wouldn't have done this, but because they felt that they have unconditional support from all of the major powers in the world or country as one of them, even though we are not actually seen as a major power. But we're still a part of that imperialistic or that Western group of countries, because they felt that

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they had an unconditional support, they didn't really feel the need to consider any other options. So they spelt all spilt all of this blood and continue to do so now how they felt that they didn't have that degree of support, had there been some degree of pressure from these Western countries, they would be much more cautious with the amount of blood they would spill. And you'd be quicker to look for a way out, you would be quicker to accept some sort of deal that allow their hostages or whatever you to come back home and replace them with whatever prisoners there, they would look for a way to actually ceasefire and end this blood spill had they felt that there was pressure coming to

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them from the Western world. But they didn't. They didn't the amount of pressure that they were feeling was very minimal. And it wasn't something that was going to threaten their existence or threaten their alliances that they had with them. So they continue to do what they continue to do today. But how they felt that there were there was some sort or some form of pressure being applied upon them by the imperialistic powers of this world, the Western countries specifically, they wouldn't be there would be a little bit more cautious, they would hold back a little bit skill down, consider maybe ending it at a certain point and and figuring a way out of all of it, but they

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didn't. And the reason they didn't is that because the companies that were a part of they didn't see the need to pressure them. They didn't see the need to pressure them because they're their allies, and they don't see why they would so they allow them do whatever they want. And the reason that these countries did not pressure them is because these the leaders of this country, which we know now have no moral compass whatsoever, do not care about ethicality. They worship two or three God's money votes and maybe some apocalyptic, some skewed apocalyptic understanding of the end of time, but that's all that over governs them at all. It's all that ever has governed them. They don't

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really care about anything else. That's the gods that they worship had. They felt that they were being pressured in terms of their status in terms of their ability to be re elected in terms of their financial interests.

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To interest, they would make sure that the government that was doing this felt that pressure, but they didn't, they didn't feel enough pressure, they didn't feel that anything was actually going to change. So they continue to unconditionally support that regime that continue to continue to kill people in the 1000s, reaching 30,000. Number 30,000 civilians that have been buried under the rubble and murdered mercilessly in a very small piece of land in a very short period of time.

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Had they felt more pressure here, they would have felt more pressure there. And this would have stopped at some point a little bit earlier, it wouldn't be at the eve of Ramadan, still watching the news and, and praying to Allah subhanaw taala for an end of this saga.

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And the reason that they may feel any pressure here is because we are disorganized, we are disorganized, we don't have that we have not generated the ability to apply that pressure to the people who are supposedly supposed to be representing our interests and of the world around us. We don't have that ability, we don't have to do it. We don't have the financial ability. And we don't have the political availability. We don't. This is the hard fact we just don't. Even though we don't like numbers, we don't like expertise. We don't like wealth. We just lack organization, Muslims, because of maybe years and years and years of colonialism and political tyranny, and a stepdad that

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most of us come from the background of have, unfortunately fall into the trap of feeling comfortable with a lifestyle that is just spoken out. It's very self centered, and very focused on just day to day occurrences. Just taking care of myself, my family, making sure I have enough, nice little cushion of wealth, have my barbecues in the summer, have a nice car during the winter, go places during the Yaniv make sure I have my sweet, nice vacation just living in that in that way. And Muslims have never historically been like that the moment you accepted Islam into your life, you became immediately someone who was very sensitive to what was happening around them in the world,

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they were you're very aware, and you're very alert, and you continue to speak out for that which is just and correct and righteous, and you live your life trying to do that. And that's how you meet Allah subhanho wa taala. But because we stopped doing that, and we became very self centered, we lost vision of the bigger picture here. So we when it was needed, we didn't have the organization. We tried, we scrambled we tried to come up with something. But that doesn't happen overnight, the amount of organization required to actually apply pressure on people in office. So they changed their policies. Because they will, you'll be surprised no people who stand by there are no

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politicians who have any actual causes they believe and just accept that they don't, the only cause they believe in is the cause that keeps them in their position and keeps their pocket full of money. Nothing else exists out there. It's always been like that, by the way, it's not new didn't happen in the 20th century. It's not just for the Western countries, it's all across the globe. That's hope these people get into these positions, because that's how they are. They care about one or two things. And that's it. They're very, they're very tunnel visioned in Sharla one day, Allah subhanaw taala grant us true leadership as an omen leadership that will reflect in a positive way, not just

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on Muslims, but on people all across the globe in a way that will bring hope to everyone, which is actually what our mission and our vision and our hope as Muslims is in this world.

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In my opinion, that is why what happened continues to happen. And that's my opinion, I believe that it the reason is because we didn't do our job. You're too busy, you know, arguing on whether we saw Ramadan based on site Moon sighting or calculation. And we spent too much time arguing about stuff that have no merit whatsoever, we felt that we had the luxury to actually argue about these things, we thought that we actually had time to sit down and talk about these basic, these little petty problems, forgetting that when we don't take care of ourselves when we don't value each other's lives. And we don't value the lives of our own man the status of our own life and focus on the

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bigger picture. And we're willing to work with one another and put our wealth and put our time even though we don't necessarily agree with one another. Even though we don't even like each other, it doesn't matter because we understand that we belong to the same OMA and that our interests are the same. Now when we don't Pete others pay for it. When we don't a partial a portion of our OMA will pay for it with their blood. And now we've seen that. So the question that I have is, so now what? So now what's, what's going to change after this? After you understand that this was the reason now what's going to happen? Are we going to see change in the way that we behave as Muslims living in

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Western countries? I believe enormities, are we going to actually start doing something that is productive? That is that is helpful, that has been official, are we going to start working together and strengthen our own community and make sure that we have the identity, the education and the confidence that requires that our youth require to then grow up as good Muslims are going to put our wealth and our time to make sure that we push forward groups that can advocate on our behalf and speak and put our voice out there. Make sure our opinion is not only heard, but also respected and considered when policies are being made and when decisions are being made.

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Or do we just go back to the exact way things were before once a ceasefire happens? I just hope that somehow it doesn't.

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It's easier in life if you can just put your hands somewhere in your in your visual field.

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Sweet, nice if you can just do that. Just you have a visual field just put your hand somewhere we can just block out something that just

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whatever time you move, just make sure it just stays blocks, you don't have to see it.

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Every time you just try to try not to see it because you want to look at it, because looking at it requires doing something about it. So we prefer just maybe to ignore it, maybe just ignore that. We've been doing that for a long time.

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Most of us are walking around with like four or five hands.

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Because there's so many things that are right there that require your interest requires your dedication, your time, your care, your empathy, your effort, it requires you it's calling out for you, for you.

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When I was in Syria, a lot of the work that I did talking to people was trying to change the Armageddon, the Armageddon based understanding of the world that I felt was affecting how Muslims back there understood their faith. When I say Armageddon, apocalyptic and Armageddon, what I'm talking about is that understanding of the end of the world where you sit around and say, well, it says somewhere that they'll get out. So

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give me the popcorn, and I'll wait for them to get out. Or it says at some point that Muslims are gonna be strong again. So I'll just sit back and wait.

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Someone will look nothing is nothing's coming, right? There's no buses coming. No one's there's no hero on a bus that's come. No, it's that's it. This is it. This is all you got right here. The people that you see around you, that's it, nothing is coming. No one is on their way. There is no hero that is going to emerge from the emerge from the horizon or come out of the woodwork and nothing is happening. This understanding of the world is extremely ill. It's very unhealthy. And it was not prophetic in any in any form or manner. He didn't teach them that either his thoughts on him he left a generation of people who when they saw a problem, or they saw a challenge, they went and

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they dealt with it personally, they dedicated their lives towards dealing with it, they didn't wait for something to happen for some external occurrence to

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to actually happen for them to see change. They didn't wait for anyone or anything. And we're an Obama that has turned to be very passive. We just wait around wait thinking that someone else has fixed the problem? Why don't they say this? Why doesn't he say that? Yeah, he no one's gonna say anything, the only person who should say something, it's you. It's you. And you and I That's it. That's all we've got. Look at me, I look at you. This is all this is it, there's nothing else stop waiting. There's nothing coming. This is it. This is not pessimistic. By the way. Even though I am it's not actually this has helped you understand what our role is. Guarantee, it's you, Allah

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Subhan, Allah puts you here you have a role, just fulfill it. He believes if he didn't believe in you, subhanaw taala, he would not have put you here you would have never existed, you exist, because there is something that Allah Subhana Allah sees within you, that you may not even see within yourself, but you have to learn to.

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And that's why you're here with the opportunity to make a difference and do something and change things. And it's possible, it's happened before and it can happen again. And I can't think of a better time than at the eve of Ramadan. For us to make that intention, this will be our turning point, as most of you are going to be better, I'm going to be better, I will not go back after Ramadan to the same lifestyle I had beforehand, I'm going to improve as a person and go back and revise my lifestyle, my life choices, my decisions, my priorities, I'm gonna change them. So I can be someone different. I'm going to find you're going to find when you do that, you'll find people

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are doing the same. So you won't walk alone, I guarantee you Allah has something in historically there have been times where Muslims have had walked alone, where they have been in places where they there was no one else, where there's truly horrible truly, truly strangers where they can't find others. You're not like that, when you do this, when you make a decision to change your life, you will find those who are doing the same. And you'll have companionship, you'll find company people who actually walked with you. And that is that is beautiful and meaningful. Were a part of a community that still cares. It's just unfortunately, we have not hit the threshold of caring enough.

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Just the threshold have not has not been reached yet where enough of us do. So that we can organize internally and actually make an impact. That's all that's missing just a little bit more, just a little bit more.

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And you'll see change. The world has been changed by fewer people,

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with lesser reasons,

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by fewer people with lesser reasons. And I don't know what else to tell you, at the eve of this blessed month as we continue to watch children filling mud, dying of preventable, preventable causes. Things that were a couple of miles away. There's preventable causes a few miles away, but deprived of that deprived of it for no reason whatsoever. Aside from

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I don't know, I don't know, this is my understanding of it. I could be wrong. You're welcome to to have a different theory. But let me tell you this, that if you have a theory that does not involve somehow your shortcoming, sorry to tell you that's not Islamic at all, and that's not what He taught. He has salatu salam he refused ever in the Quran refuses for you to look at a situation that is negative and not see your shortcoming as a cause of it somehow no matter how small that may be.

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You're telling me you look in the mirror every day and say impeccable. Impeccable mashallah like you are

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Majestic, amazing magnificent, not one mistake, you are perfect, mashallah, like if everyone was like you, that's what you do. If that's what you do, then this, you have bigger problems on this whole. Otherwise you look in the mirror and say, What What have you been doing?

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What should you have been doing? Don't you look back sometimes and when you were 15 or 20. And you remember the voice of that younger person who was much more idealistic and much more hopeful of the future and felt that they belong to him a little bit more and wonder what happened to that person, bring them back, bring her back. There's they still live there inside somewhere. Just bring them back, bring them back, bring that person back to Allah, He that's the only person that was ever worth living to begin with bringing them back. I know that tsunami of this of life, the hurricanes and the storms and the ties and the waves of life will slap you around so hard and throw you around

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so far that at some point, you're so disoriented, you're standing in the middle of nowhere have no idea where you're, where you're, where you're faced, or where you're going anymore. That's understandable. That's a part of life. But that that person who had the compass still lives inside you somewhere, just find them. Just find her and bring her out again, not that person, listen to that person, again, listen to that, to the way that person wants to live their lives, the way they saw the future and the way, the way they saw their role in the future. And that's what life's about. What he really did for them, Allah He,

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he, he sparked something inside of the Sahaba made them feel youthful again. He made the people in their 40s and 50s and 60s feel like yes, yes, there's something to live for now. There's a reason for me to actually be better than I was before that he sparked in the malleus thought to Assam this, he ignited something, he ignited somebody that they always knew was there. They always knew what was inside of him. But it's just so much clutter and and time and it just you forget about it. And he brought it back out of here Southwest and because he lived like that, he came with that person whom he was he knew what he was doing. So he came like as he was Ali he Salatu was Salam. And people

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loved him for it. And then they said, well, let's see that version of me. And then they brought out version four. And it's a beautiful version to live. Because the version that is much more dedicated, much more committed has way more grit is less selfish and self centered, doesn't worry too much about petty things and it's focused on a beggar on an understanding of life that is much more beautiful, much more profound. And that's what we need to that's the intention that you should have, right before Ramadan.

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Walk into Ramadan without one and see how that serves you throughout the month. You'll enjoy the month more. You'll have more for sure you'll have more huddle. You'll find your heart and your self and Ramadan again and you'll and you'll sob over the time that you wasted and you'll feel bad about the mistakes that you've made and the youth it's it's good, it's healthy, it's healthy, you're crying to the one who cares, the one who can actually forgive you the one who can heal you, because everyone else has nothing to offer you really aside from maybe an ear but the one who actually can heal you offer you something who listens, who cares who's gonna help he's listening to ponder what

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to offer it, come to him with that. And then you'll see that you'll walk away at the end of it with something much more valuable than you could have ever imagined. That was totally Rola and you were looking for stuff you know, we offer local methods and stuff.

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hamdu Lillahi wa sallahu wa salam ala Allah may Allah be about a while early, he was talking to humans who who have had a one year we'll call it half an acapella Alikum Sharon, albumen Mubarak. SHA one followed Allahu Suyama who Masha Allah Yama, Leila hito, WA, shahada and V he laid out on hieromonk alopecia her childhood was Sabri, was Sabado Google Jana, shareholder Musa shareholder Noosa Doofy his Colombo movement Sharon your article fee he loved who they are buddy buddy him in an hour. Sharon ug Bula houfy He whereafter Hovi abueva JANA yoga lipo V abueva Now well you know the monad in a body here and yada yada yada Leah Sheree Alcocer whereafter after hola who SubhanaHu wata

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Ana de La La Colombe him for your career boom la he when Id him era he forgot to know who we are to enable you to who were dakara buena la he SubhanaHu wa Tada

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harati Nia Tocopilla Ramadan Nia Tocopilla Ramadan Lee Where do you heal Corinne is SubhanaHu wa Tada Hi that's Johanna for HUD Subhana wa Tada Yanni

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t omega t where it took a while thought he would money him come on if I do if he Oh god you know climbing alarm Raja and uswe Hi Minocqua Lena when you said the diamond Katana when he was a kid in New fusina When he said Elena Illa and Tia who SubhanaHu wa

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Allah who will sudo Aruna because the rocky Mata who will know for me that I know who I allow her to heal her metabolic laziness. I knew who I knew slim Hannah, who unusually heavy now and you had Deanna one. Yeah, the Bina when you're dialing I mean a solid Hayden mousseline for her shoulder supine on what's your dinner? Have you been naughty? Yeah. Who's Didi SubhanaHu wa

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Elijah, who Meena Lapa Raja I'ma enter whom in Algeria name or has she written? Lima into whom and

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what else button here, Matthew Habibi He Allah salatu salam Wa Rahmatullahi in cause you don't fall ill Giovanna with the corona will your Tama Latina Laich? Allahu Allahu Allah subhana wa Tala

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Ramadan Behati Nia, where the ultimate nominee Yachty and to slay him enough sick want to eat ramen Harlequin toda Illa Salafi house Lika Haleakala two more episodes, no McAllen San Carlos whoo hoo wah wah la Sua. What kind of aid and I knew I knew he told me I heard he had he had duniya sfsc Whoa, I didn't like the word rapidly Will Jerry whare

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and your order in Santa Monica hidden Nucky let he kinda you hate Bula where you hate Bo rasool Allah when you hit Baja the Dean when he was young sorta had the Illuminati radical in sun Ridge who minha

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let me let Maya Muhtar the lady who had us on mink Massa Daffy Duck Anika, who

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won for dine Hulagu bar was smila who won you Colima Camerata and okra unterstand me i La he went Oh, that Elijah Lika Lika shots. Elodie Kuntala here Kadima, how can I can rasool Allah He said, Allah Allah Azza wa Jalla your salatu salam hayati, Wa la masa habita Allah Tala Europa damietta Euro wa sure I'm out

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what kodra OB o me? Only him for whom for much. If I must show ie her. Now you're so doing what I ought to do him I have done what I owe her phone if Allah He no matter the age and yet if you had a charade Caribbean and to a year I mean if sick when test Mahalia Ramadan and you have if he can find Allah Who fee Ambia Allah subhanho wa Taala was sort of silent him in a birdie he was Sahaba do a lottery Romania Jemaine brothers and sisters I, I don't have time to share with you the thermodynamic plan so I'm going to quickly it won't listen to me anyways, which is, which is what I've come to accept. I'm going to share with you a few points in terms of Okay. I'm going to share

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with you a few points to think about Inshallah, tada, here we go.

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Here are 10 things to think about in Ramadan. Here's the 10 things. Tip number one your intention. I spent this whole whole by just talking to you about intention because I don't think there's anything that even comes remotely close to how important it is how the right intentions and things will change throughout the month and after. If you don't have a good intention, then things will happen but you won't really have a plan for it. Make sure that you fast with excellence do your best to fast well don't just fast from food and drink fast from haram fries from Gossip fast from looking at things you shouldn't look at and listening to things you shouldn't listen to and saying things you

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shouldn't say fast appropriately stay farther away from haram Ramadan gives you a buffer it draws the line for you and says there's * here's here's halal and haram you're sending and it pushes the line this way. Now hideout is no longer had on eating and drinking for me to sip water right now is a few days from now will be haram for me to do it. So I'm pushed over there you're farther away from Holland the buffer is bigger, it's better for you is healthier, your heart is closer to Allah because you're farther away from home don't stop doing things and find yourself falling into haram things it makes absolutely no sense at all. Invest in your Salah, invest in your solid brothers and

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sisters invest in your Salah whether it's doing it in congregation as much as possible fraudulent extra as a minimum as a bare minimum. But then if your home also and boyhood and wherever you can pay pray in congregation pray in congregation The following is the most important it has the most casual in it and then invest in your taraweeh specifically one that has a customer in it and stand with the Imam until the man has done yeah we stand in lines for an hour an hour and a half every day without even thinking about it. We'll stand for food for an hour and a half we'll stand for our diverse lines for an hour and a half and then suddenly when it's worked out all we need a few chairs

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in New York every every every single joint in your body is hurting and you need to leave because please invest it's for your own this is for you. This is for your relationship with Allah Subhanallah standard open the Quran, listen to it as being recited by the Imams we run the same thing every year. It's 30 of like I hear it's a page and a half Morocco we read the whole Quran within the first within 29 nights. We have over 20 emails this year we Hamdulillah we are able to send them all across the city. The number of followers increasing it's a beautiful thing is something very I barely do anything aside from playing a show anymore. But stand there and open the

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car you get tired sit you get tired, go take a break go to the bathroom drinking water come back again. But stick around train yourself to pre train yourself to prayer requires practice in order for you to make it better to improve it you don't pray well practice pray more and you'll see the difference that you'll find in your life and choose a method that's the closest to you. Your I'm not even doesn't matter to me where you pray, look, where's the closest Masjid that and go there and suddenly and stay with the Imam and attend the Witcher and make the DUA and the baraka that you will find when you do this is something that you will continue to remember for the rest of your life.

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Connect with the Quran make sure that your relationship with the Quran is is revived if it's not doing well bring it back recite to memorize. Comprehend spend time learn

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Earning the Quran you don't need a middle person between you and Allah subhana wa Tada you just he spoke to you the book is right there speak to him yourself. You don't need a middle person you don't need an interpreter just open up and read and connect with a listen to what he has to tell you. And then make dua and speak to him somehow revive that relationship with the Find your heart and the Quran. Make sure there's a daily heads of everyday lives. Read a little bit if you can't do a full hutzpah, do whatever you can, but read every day and reconnect with this book. This book is what saved us and it will save us again. And until we understand that and turn back to it again then

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we're gonna continue to be lost. You call back to that book? Yeah, there's nothing else there's nowhere else to turn that is it. It's always been there. And we just have to find our way back to it again. Make sure that you focus on your invocation your word every day. invocate Allah what you're hungry. What else are you going to do after also when you're starving and you have a headache? What are you going to do? What stroll Colosse yummy throw sit there and of course Allah subhanaw taala here Halal HOW TO HUSTLE solely on NLP Alia salatu, salam, anything stay say words that connect you with Allah to learn to invert, learn to find the beauty in saying his name. And in saying the name

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of his Habibullah his sloth was and find joy in doing that, especially when there's not much else that you can do that is safe at the time. When you're too tired actually to do anything else. It's a beautiful thing to do. Increase your knowledge. Invest in your knowledge, not just academically, obviously hamdulillah we're a very well educated community but invest in your Islamic understanding of things attend a daily dose or a weekly dose and make sure that you continue to do that after Ramadan we run a bunch of stuff I'll be running a smartwatch doesn't have to go along with the ride. In this machine it will be running prior to taraweeh there will be adults that Delos will be

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explaining the user that will be recited in Salah. So if you're like I don't pray, because I don't understand what's being read come 40 minutes before tomorrow we have a nice light if for something like a couple of dates, some water some soup come in when you're nice and strong. Listen, I'll explain to you what's going to be recited I'll point out the verses that are maybe interesting and you have something to prepare yourself and you actually enjoy it. So you can walk away with the benefit and shelter at the end of it. You can go eat later, there's there's food Don't worry. Well, I feel even ashamed these days eating. Well. I every time I have something to eat or drink. I feel

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ashamed. I feel embarrassed. I feel guilty. It's hard. I know it's not right. But it's I feel it. When I sit down and watch my kids eat I feel bad. I feel like what am I doing? How is this? Okay, how do I eat and I know people over there are not eating and they're hungry. And they're running around hoping for a little bit of wheat, standing in line fighting over a little bit of food. Well, I hear I'm sure. Well, I well I so it's so embarrassing that this is where we are. Now I can change it starts with the change that you make inside yourself and Ramadan. I truly believe this. Well, if I didn't, I would. I'm not wasting it. This is where it starts. It starts with that spark that

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changes inside of your Ramadan and then translates to something later afterwards. When you actually come in you advocate and you perform outreach and you educate and you speak and you help and you give your wealth and you give your time you dedicate your life.

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Invest in your relationships, with your spouse, with your parents with your home, pick up the phone call people you haven't called a long time ago, fix men relationships that are broken for whatever reason they're broken. Those relationships mean something or OMA cannot survive if we're if we're broken. If we're divided, if we don't speak and we don't fix these problems, those relationships, this is the time to work on it.

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An act of service make sure you have do some volunteering to serve others do something for other people. Finding the joy in giving find the joy in doing something for Muslims, whether they are appreciative for you or not just learn to serve, whether it's giving sadaqa or standing there in a parking lot or it's helping a masjid run or whatever it may be, or maybe taking care of kids so others can go pray, do something for someone else. If you do that, by the way, and in your mind, if I wasn't doing this I would be praying or or reciting Quran you get both. You get both if you're if you're serving someone, but if you weren't, you would be praying, you got the pleasure of the

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praying and the service. It is the best deal that exists within the absolute best deal. If you're doing an active service and if you weren't you would be standing in prayer or reciting the Quran or doing something good you got the agenda of both.

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Invest in your dog, learn the art of duat learn how to speak to God. How many other relationships do you have with supreme beings that you do not see touch here are centac who you have other relationships you have a lot of practice at this you don't all the relationships you have are people who who will speak to you in sounds you can understand Allah subhanaw taala speaks to you through a book he doesn't speak to you directly. Or if he does you have we haven't learned how to be sensitive enough to understand so you have to actually invest in this art of speaking to all of conversing with Allah and understanding what he's telling to saying to you this relationship with work is worth

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investing in. So learn to make dua and don't make that formal job interview to make the DUA that actually explains the difference of status between you as a creation and loss upon God as a creator. And do it without the masks and the filters and the the letters before your name after it and the big signature at the end of it. Just speak to Allah subhanaw taala as you are and it will be very meaningful to you the final piece I want to share with you plan. Take half an hour

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A day within Ramadan and plan, plan. God forbid we don't scroll when we're not having to get rid of your phone for half an hour. Just sit there and just think, what is it that's going to what is your life story going to mean at the end? Like once we're out of here in 100 years, what was it that I lived for? What legacy Did I leave? What was the outcome was the bottom line of the life that I lived? What did I do? Think about that. People who don't do that, by the way, can't figure out who they are later on in life and they get lost figure, sit down and plan if you do that for 30 days, you will thank me, Allah, He at the end of it. If use every day for 30 days, take half an hour. And

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just sit down and plan and write journal write things out of who you hope to be and what you hope to do, and what impact you hope to leave. And what defines you as a person. And what is it that you care about and what you want to work towards in your life. You and you explain it. By the way, it'll never work, your plan will always fail just to let you know, it'll always fail almost impossible for a plan to work out. But what's your end, what you end up with is a skeleton of it. That means something to you, that allows you to understand what you're about. So that as life throws you those curveballs and you fall splat, you stand up in a different place. If you told me 15 years ago, I

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wouldn't be in a city called London. I wouldn't I would say that's in the UK. Now. I wouldn't even I don't even even know the city existed. I wouldn't believe you'd laugh at you and kick you out. 15 years ago, look where you don't know where life is going to take you. You don't know where life is going to put you in this world. Just make sure you know what you're about. So that wherever you land, you know you still you're still who you are. And you still believe in the same ideas and you still have the same goal. So you work towards them.

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30 minutes a day of planning especially if you're younger. Especially if you're in high school University, especially that sit down, write it down if you will, it will mean the world to you if you do. I hope that was a benefit to you. Charlotte Tala. We will start our demo hopefully in Charlotte on a Sunday night.

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00:36:48 --> 00:37:26

I shot will still be 745 So it'll be an early telawi. The day after because they change the timing I shot is going to be 845 So just remember there'll be an hour later within the day for selected a shot. We hamdulillah have a an extra you have an extra Yanni tent, a space outside this year to accommodate people in California we have for Joomla it's important that people tried to carpool when they come here especially for a solo we try to not come in a car alone. Make sure that we respect the people who are helping with the parking try not to park in places that don't park in places that you're not supposed to park in and don't harm our neighbors are the people who have homes around us

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and just follow Follow Follow along with the with the rulings in terms of where to park otherwise Insha Allah, Allah subhanaw taala to grant us a blessed month of Ramadan that we enjoy together in sha Allah Allah Allah Subhan Allah grants us not only his acceptance at the end of it, but also the opportunity to change as human beings may Allah whom Allah whom I mean, while I'm one Allah, how am I gonna be I'm gonna Haldimand for call in Hola Hola, Mila Iike who use Aluna Island maybe? Yeah, you Hola, Mundo Salalah he recently moved to Lima Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Anwar Ali Mohammed the camera so later Allah Ibrahim Allah Ali Ibrahim barbaric anna Muhammad Anwar earning Muhammad

00:37:56 --> 00:38:02

Kamal Dalek data Ibrahim on early Ibrahim Fidel Amina in Nico Homido Majeed what are the law humanoid robots and whoever said that

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well, Amara was man our ally what are the law man as well as your humanity? I mean, one early hit by you being upon hitting on Sahaba to hold him or her Jolene Juanita you know mentally at home via certain you know your Medina and I'm gonna go I'm gonna tickle your hammer Brahimi Allahu mcphedran Muslim you know when Muslim but well, meaning I wouldn't want me not even Humala. mewatch Allahumma Federica Humann Muhammad Amin when I finished school, but in microbeam What if I have one more mean what volume and flow mean when Dima and our Dima and Muslim mean Allahu makindye And if one of them was still there, I feel if he Philistine will be still Daniel, if you're at home you will be held up

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but I mean, what other messages are you dealing with screaming at you so hanging out? I mean, who are they looking at? You know, Robert, I mean Alohomora energy man, you know you leak a lot then Jamila Ballina and Jimmy are going to be in October I don't know so Allahumma we're living in a Sherpa Ramadan Allah homos looking at a fee you'll see I'm I will pm we'll have volleyball sorry we're heavily Sun Oct. Niger Marina V human Otakar eco Amina no weather How

00:39:01 --> 00:39:30

about Allah in Allah Hi yah model good. Ideally when you're certain you eat either quarterback when hiring fascia, even among kariobangi La La Quinta the masala Allahu Akbar on long like a Shinto Allah Isla in LA Marche Hadwen no Mohammad rasool No. And Jana Sana. Hi Yeon feda although calm at the sauna to powder calm that is sauna, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

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In ina hugging Leung.

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