Adnan Rajeh – Matn Abu Shuja #10

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The importance of learning the accents of Islam for practicality and practicality is emphasized in the context of finances and politics. Pr practicing the accents of Islam for practicality is crucial, as it is important for practicality and understanding timing of prayer. The importance of knowing the physical body, knowing the beginning of the paradigm, and facing physical limitations is also emphasized. The importance of knowing the five conditions for prayer is also emphasized, including knowing the physical body, knowing the physical body, knowing the physical body, and knowing the physical body. The importance of achieving certain levels of calmness during a movement is emphasized, and reading out loud and repeating the word "verbal" when praying is also emphasized. The concept of "the Shud centers on achieving certain levels of calmness and settling down."
AI: Transcript ©
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When hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala CD, you know, have you been I

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mean, we only have like six minutes before the show. So I'll just quickly remind you of what we did last time and then tell you what we're going to do in Charlotte. Today after that we will resume. So when we, when we started, we started

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by the Salah, which is the chapter of prayer, this is one of the most important if not the most important chapter and feel when you're studying an introductory text, because introductory texts don't go into details anyway. So when you're studying finance, Islamic, the financial aspect of Islam, the political aspect, you need the criminal aspect of me talking about the criminal law, all that is not covered in detail in introductory texts anyway, because they're just introductory they're simple. However, when it comes to rituals, like Zika and cm and Salah and Hajj, they're covered quite well, and of course, so, that being the most important of all five obligatory rituals,

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it will get the large bulk of,

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of the study. So it's important for me that we go through it properly. Now, you take time to understand at least how to do it with according to the Shafi method, at least to that and then inshallah once we start studying other texts and different muda him, you will learn how to do the same, the same and in a different manner. I mean, understand the opinions that exist, I will cover major different opinions I'll talk about like the major differences that are important that may influence your, your prayer or you know, cause you to find some difficulty. So we read the first couple of parts, we talked about the timing for prayer, that was the first part of that, the first

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chapter within this within this chapter. And then we talked about the Salawat form. What are the five obligatory prayers? What are the most lunette? What are the

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recommended prayers? What are the super rigorous repairs were the daily regular, regularly recommended pairs we talked about the troll rock guy and how it is. And then the last thing we talked about our three emphasize Sunnah prayers that are not attached to anything which is solid Delaine you're just praying during the nighttime pm leg with us before you sleep or after you sleep as long as it's between most of them and it's called pm Elaine is one of the greatest acts of additional worship that you will ever do in your life. And if you've never done it before, I highly recommend that you do because it will grant you this sense of closeness to Allah subhana wa Tada and

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this, you know, this, this is level of crucial and serenity that you will not find doing any other acts of worship, but it's very, very specific, it will bring your heart closer to him in ways that nothing else, no way that nothing else can do it. So I highly recommend that you try to emulate you know, at least maybe to rock out at night even just when everyone's sleeping stand up recite some of the Quran and just and just try to find the beauty of prayer and because you cannot find the beauty of Salah if you don't try the lira at least a few times in your life if you don't and that is not even saying that the importance of making it irregular every night do it that's my recommendation do

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it every night. But if not that at least try any once a week or twice a week Allah you will find the baraka in your life like nothing else will lie in the light in your heart. Yes. And

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anytime between

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doesn't matter, you see, we don't see doesn't make a difference.

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Yeah, well tell you and your family. Yeah. Malayalees is the big umbrella word that everything that you pray from failure will fall under. Right but tell you this specific talking about after you wait policy, and it talks about something, which is the tool of God that you pray from around 830 to around 11. And after that salah, which is of course not the MLA of Ramadan that happens during Ramadan and the importance of then we talked about the difference of opinions regarding the timings, the number of Morocco sorry, so eight or 20. And we know that the prominent opinion among all forms, is 20. Because of the low and who did because of the purpose of this prayer, the purpose of the

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prayer is to recite the Quran, doing it only Arabic, I may not allow you to reset the whole Quran because it becomes very long. So they made it 20 So that you could recite the whole Quran the whole point of why you listen to the book. And that's why all around the world they do 20 The Prophets Allah sent him himself didn't do more than 11. But at least he's 11 raka would cover you know, five or six hours of the nights. So if you want to do eight or 11 like him with the lesson, if you want to stick to the number that he stuck to then stick to the timing that he stuck to as well. Or else understand that this is an open issue. It's a recommended action. So it doesn't really matter

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numbers aren't very important. And timings are very important. As long as you're doing it for the sake of Allah you're trying to get a job is

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when you it's family in general. But that was at the beginning of his battles on the lights and then when family was obligatory upon him, right and he was told to pray the whole night, or half the night or a little less or a bit or a bit more. He was told to pray as much as you can at least half the night Some nights I lived on a bit less or a bit more. And then after that the last I've spoken was Emma changed the regulation or a ruling for him which is

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the third of the night is the least he can do Sunday Sunday, but that's for him at least not to slam

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any part of the night but the third is the least he can do

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For him, but not for all of us. It's not a big luxury for us so so he was certain things were made obligatory upon him some advice and that was not made obligatory upon you

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of Allah subhanaw taala so you don't have to do a third of the of the night every single night he had to start with

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the motives Well, number one

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Okay, three things I'll tell you that will help you. If you're doing memorization of Quran. If you memorize anything of the Quran, if you're continuously memorizing PML is the perfect time, the perfect time for you to revise what you memorized. It was a perfect there's no time better in the world. That's number one. Number two. And this is practical. I know that you mean the practicality. It's a practical point, which is you will find that your heart will calm down in ways that it doesn't in any other act of worship within the day within your life. Meaning the when you when you make sense you drink Emmeline, you will find serenity and closest to Allah subhanaw taala like no

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other time. The third thing is that you get you learn how to make dua, you learn how to make drawers, the only time you actually learn how to make dua properly is when you do the MLA because you because you're tired at the end of the day everyone's sleeping so you don't have much to think about and you can actually make dua out properly so those are three points I can think of that you know would actually really be good incentives for you to disrupt gambling after the the Salah and sha Allah he will start by reciting the second chapter within this chapter is Shadow it'll celerity cobbler the holy fear comes to Russia and the conditions that need to be met before you start prayer

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are five things you start five things so conditions

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local Joomla Joomla gets exactly what local gets. So

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whatever we give her gives you a minute so if you're of the opinion that we're border gets for before into after, then that's what you get for Joomla if you're the opinion of to before to finish up for Joomla if you're the opinion of four before or after you get for Joomla so whatever you have you load is all you have huge amount for this. Okay?

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Yes, of course, when your job is exactly like little hoorah

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Yeah, so when you're, it'll come up like the there's a specific point where we'll talk about Joomla like it's coming up until now. So Joomla has its own little section that will study in shop. Okay, so what are we talking about now are the conditions that you need to meet in order for you to enter Salah meaning there's stuff that have to you have to have before you're able to actually start your prayer so shall not come to the holy fear concentration, there's five things that you have to have five conditions you have to meet in order for you to be able to start here number one, Bahama

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had the theme when nudges so let's put them down in Sharla so you can these are important that they're understood

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all right.

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So what are the conditions we need to meet before we start we started prayer number one bahala

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had nothing when they're just meaning

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the body has to be pure from both high depth which is religious impurity, and I guess which is physical impurity. Right so religious impurity which is that you did not lose your will don't mean you have all right and that you have done also if you need awesome that's what high def means not just

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its physical impurity like feces, urine, etc anything that would cause you you'd have to remove in order for you for your parents to be acceptable. So the first thing is purity

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and purity.

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So in the purity of the body from both religious and physical impurities, when I say releasing period, what do I mean? I mean that you have to do and you've done hosted if you need to listen. Right? So if you can't pray, if you're going if you if you just allowed any who let go of some gas that means you have had if you have religious impurity that you have to fix by doing physical impurity is if you have actual feces or urine or blood or pus or whatever on your on yourself, and you have to remove it. So that's the first condition. In order for you to start prayer. It's a condition is not a part of prayer. Okay, number two, was central our team believers simple here.

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Central Outre is covered is covering the part of the body that is mandatory to cover, right we believe is on par with clothing that is not impure with pure clothing, meaning clothing that doesn't have on it. Impurities like feces.

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urine, pus, blood, etc. That makes sense. So what is the what is the parts of the body that need to be covered for a meal?

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Yeah, so unable to knee and there's, there's discussions within the Sunnah. We'll talk about that and Shall we come to it, which is difference of opinion regarding the knees, and even parts of the thigh. But for the Shafia we go from navel to me. So as long as you as a male, you're standing in prayer, wearing shorts that cover from just where your navel is to where your knee is, then you can pray with that. And that's that's fine. All right, for the lady. It's everything

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is everything but her face, hands and a certain opinions feet in certain opinions, but the majority don't. So for her, it's everything about her hands, and her face. So number two

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covering Illawarra.

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With pure clothing, and when I say pure, I mean that doesn't have impurities on it. It doesn't have feces, urine, pus, blood, etc. Okay, yeah. Some people will see like, Oh, you have to cover your shoulders. Yeah. So there are certain recommendations for Imams, and for people were praying, covering certain parts, like their heads or their shoulders. Now, we'll talk about that in shoulder later. But there's a lot of difference of opinion regarding that. And there's a lot of like, there's lack of evidence for a lot of its meaning there's not that much. As long as you're covering from your navel to your knee, you can stand and you can pray and your prayer is fine. And there's nothing

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you haven't done anything wrong. And there's no reason for anyone to come and tell you that what you did was obviously if you're just wearing shorts, you shouldn't be standing imam in the masjid. It's ridiculous. Maybe Yeah, but generally speaking, the Salah is valid. So if you were to do that, then your Salah is acceptable. Yeah, it is more of a certain respect the I get the sanctity of certain of certain things. Okay, that's number two.

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All right. Number three, well, we'll go for either meconium Parker.

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On pure

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Brown, now I'm using the word pure. Because that is the that is the way it's, it's explained. In the text itself. However, pure means that it doesn't have physical impurities, meaning you're not as preying on a piece of, of land that has feces, urine, blood or pus etc on it. So as long as the Earth the profit is less than at the joy the theological Miss didn't ropa hoorah. Meaning all Earth is a place for me to pray. Allah subhana gave it all to me, as long as the place that you're actually praying does not have impurities on it. So you can say pure ground or a pure place or just a ground or place that lacks impurities or does not have impurities on it. Yes.

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You're wearing shorts and unique.

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So because it's a difference of opinion, you're okay, because of difference of opinion regarding the knee, whether the knee is actually our or not. However, if the seller, which is basically private parts in front or behind are exposed for a long duration during the repair or for the whole period, then your periods invalid and we'll come to that Inshallah, soon, like, there's going to be a part where we talk about that in a bit more detail inshallah. Okay, so that's number three. Number four, will be the whole worked,

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learn, move with the means. And the knowledge of the beginning of the paradigm mean, knowing that the paradigm has begun.

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So you have to know that the paradigm has begun, you can pray for her at 10 o'clock. Right? It's way too early, you kind of pray Muslim when the sun is still up in the sky, because there's time for the pair has not begun. So the basically, the beginning of prayer time is a condition for prayer. It's a condition for prayer. It's not a part of it, it's a condition for it. The last one was talking about likability

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is facing facing the Qibla. I'm gonna teach you right now.

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How Imam Shafi

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faces the Qibla because he's faces it, his understanding of it is different than the gym Hall there's a more of a different understanding of facing facing the Qibla. So right now, if you were to take a compass and it would give us exactly where Mecca is, which is basically the the perpendicular line standing perpendicular to the line that we have in the masjid. So for the Army Sheffy, I would have to stand exactly towards the Qibla.

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Exactly facing the Qibla. Right. If I were to deviate from the Qibla saying like this, I'm exactly where it was

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10 degrees in any direction for the members Shafi your period now is invalid. Right for the other Shafia you have to face the Tabular. Exactly that is his that is his ruling on the matter, right. Of course if you can, if you don't know that we'll talk about when you don't have

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After when you're allowed not to, for Abu Hanifa Muhammad Allah Allah He has an opinion that Imam Malik and also followed. Muhammad has two opinions in his model here. One of his opinions also stands by what the mama chauffeur said, but the Jammu and Honeyville he says, if a beam of light was to leave the cabaret No, right? As long as it's hitting a part of your chest, your prayer is acceptable. Right? So like this is hitting the full of my chest, like this is hitting three quarters of my chest like this is hitting maybe a third of my chest like this is hitting maybe a 10th of my chest like this is no longer hitting my chest at all. Now, now the prayer is invalid for Abu Hanifa

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right into Jim Hall, but everything else so basically, almost at 178 degrees and write your prayer is acceptable for the gym who were

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given that there has to be a reason for that deviation. A meeting it's done by mistake it's not done by purpose me it's not like you knew the company was this way. And then you decided to deviate? It was just either that's how the masjid was built, or that's how the soft was or you know, you weren't 100% Sure, or there's some given that there's some reason but for the Imam Shafi, you have to face the fibula exactly right. If you don't face the crab legs perfectly, then for him top to toe, Salah It's a condition for prayer for him, you have to actually face it properly. 10 degrees of deviation? Yeah, not even that. So some scholars say three to three degrees five degrees in each direction oh

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me, that's all he'll except for the for the gym owner knows wait as long as a lathe I was leaving the one hit a part of your chest, then you're good, right? If you're standing exactly perpendicular to the Cobas.

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direction that is only going to hit the part that you're saying that it's no longer acceptable. But if you're a bit towards it, then this is a is valid for the gym owner. And he was the one who, who kind of coined the concept. All right, so these are the four or five conditions for prayer. These are conditions conditions are different than obligatory actions.

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They're very different obligatory actions are can or are parts of prayer.

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These are not parts of fear, there's something outside of prayer that has to be met in order for you to be able to pray to begin with

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in this part

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of course, so here you go. Even though when you look at the the globe when they tried to make the globe to two dimensional instead of it to put it on a flat piece instead of a sphere which is or you know, with the globe is you think that London is higher than Mecca. So you think it would be South East eastern South southeast, but the closest way to go from London to Mecca is to take a route of South

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northeast right so and they have a degree almost exactly. And you follow whatever the the scholars of geography tell you to follow. That's why I Neva to him. Where are we in terms of Mecca? And we're just talking about east and west being an admission and we're gonna get there

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are we east or west of Mecca?

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Nor west of Mecca, so you pray to East as it goes, the rest of them it doesn't matter. That's why I'm telling you the gym who they don't doesn't matter. Are you west of Mecca? Yes. Paid east. Are you east of McKesson pay to the west. That's all the rest of it, they don't care like the details aren't important to them. You might miss Shafi like no no no exactly where he's going to be he's a bit more meticulous and he's a bit more accurate in the way he wants to convert to be

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studied or, or fun that makes sense to the gym or is is much more about doing.

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Okay, so we'll come to that in a second because I'm talking about generally speaking, for the alchemist. So these are the five conditions number one, your body has to be pure from both physical impurities like feces, urine, etc. And release impurities with which is harmful to a new Donahoe said if you need to listen.

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You have to cover the outer which is for the man from the navel to me, and for the woman everything but our face, hands and some pinions or feet as to be covered with with a pure piece of clothing using clothing that doesn't have on it. So if you're playing with a piece of clothing that has feces on it, your parent is invalid because you should have removed that with water you have to remove it before you pray. The number three praying and on pure ground and a pure place being placed it doesn't have also those impurities on them. Any place in the world is fine. So you can stand in the middle of you know

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downtown and pray as long as there's no actual visible impurities where you're where you're praying number four knowing that the paradigm has begun so you have to know that actually started you can't pray outside the time and number five you have to face the fibula and explain to you can someone give me a tissue Ecoline to you. How Imam Shafi views facing macabre in contrast to the gem horror, okay,

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where your Jews who

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were Jews with topical capability highlighting it

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Is it permissible for you to not face the complaint and two, in two situations, number one fee shouldn't that you have in extreme fear. And of course, this is regarding

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war times.

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I'm gonna share something a bit personal for a moment, just

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so during a brief period of time, in jail, in Syria, you weren't allowed to pray. It was it was completely, you weren't allowed to do it. Not on your own and not and in Jamaica, you weren't allowed to do it. So you had to pray in any direction, they say they had you sit, because you weren't allowed to even face the direction you want to face. I mean, you couldn't face the fibula, you're gonna pray sitting down anyway, and basically not even making the movements because if they see you, you're gonna get beaten. So you have, you would like to face the Qibla. And you weren't even allowed to do that, meaning they would face you and whatever direction they wanted you to pray

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that way. So sometimes five or six of us will be praying at the same time, each one facing a different direction, like the guy and facing the guy and the guys facing the back, right?

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So examples like that, you shouldn't have to hope when those extreme fear war or anything that is similar to it, where you can't really make a choice, then you don't have to brace look or blow your face, whatever you want. Why will the learning medical will vary in amount to a low percent module Allah because Allah Subhan, Allah owns both the East and the West. Wherever you direct your face, you're directing it to your Lord Subhana wa Tada. But it's a matter of identity. When we direct ourselves towards the Kaaba, it's a reminder, you, you have an origin, right? You're bound by a, by a center, there's a center for who you are both, both physically, religiously, and mentally, you

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never forget. That's where that's that's where it began. And that's where you belong. And that's what you belong to. And that concept is important. That's why every time we pray, we look where's my god, we're thinking, where's the Mecca? Where is the land of new and Ibrahim and Muhammad Ali, where it all began, then you you face your center again, you never lose track of where your center is, that makes sense. So it's a matter of identity, that's important that we've lost a bit I guess in the way that we view it, but that's what it is. So but if you if you can't, then you can face basically in any direction you want to face or you have to and of course the Quran talks with him,

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but he John and I will talk about and if you're scared, then either you can pray on your horses, you can pray as you're walking, praying, any any form that you need to pray in the second

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situation where you don't have to look within naskila With Stephanie. So if you're playing an athlete or if you're praying a Sunnah prayer, and he said in a prayer, anything that's not one of the five anymore, but and he's in the prayer

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as you are traveling, if you're on a

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hill that means a means of transportation back then it was a mutual of donkey, a camel or horse today it's a car or train of you know a plane. So an athlete you don't have to actually even try for the hula just you know wherever you're sitting just consider it and pray your nephila however for for foreign you have to try and face

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now, these are the two

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permissibility these are the two situations where you Shafi or email Abuja for the Shafia, you said that you're alright not to face the Qibla there may be other situations today that are you know, the result of of life changing a bit. So if you're on a plane,

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and you don't know what period to play, pray, you've prayed Muslim, and now you're and you're going towards the west. So it's going to be dark the whole time. So wanna pray show

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time, sometimes we're going the opposite direction, have no idea what to pray, because it's one day, it's my own situation at a moment's notice immediately after that vote, and then you lose track of it. But let's say you went for Asia, and you're like, you can't get up. You actually can't stand up, there's no space. And criminalizing the exact opposite is not a good direction, meaning it's not in the direction you're sitting. It's not the direction that opposite of you're sitting, it's actually perpendicular to how you're sitting. So there's really no way for you to do it. And if you can't do it, and there's no place in the print plane, then you pray in any way you can pray. So that's

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another exception to the rule where you can't really change the circumstances that you are in specifically, if you're flying, if you're using a airlines that don't have rooms or prayer rooms or places for you to actually pray, or there's no, there's no possibility for you doing. So there are rules, or there are situations, circumstances exceptions, where you can face the problem. So that's fine, pray. Now, the only thing that why I brought this up is that first, there's different a difference of opinions among scholars regarding whether if you do that, and if fuddled, do you have to repeat it later or not? So that's where the difference of opinion lies. Or the Shafia Yeah, they

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say you have to repeat it. Now leader so if you're on a plane and you can't move me to pray, Lord, You prayed over an answer, but you have to make them make up for them later on. Once you're at once you're on the ground, other county. Other opinions exist that say you don't have to, I kind of side with that a bit. But regardless, there's two opinions. So if you want to be safe, you can just repeat them later if you and if you feel good about what you did then show Lionni there's an opinion that's acceptable. Yes.

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The question I had was like you're going to from East Westerners, the time does change, like you could be coming back from us, you're gonna get us right we're going there it becomes a user day, come back and day to day right so that what you do is for, for Salah is what you do for for fasting for CME whenever you get in the plane. Now turn your clock to your destinations.

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Timing and pray whatever they have. Right so you can do that you're allowed you're allowed to do that as well. As soon as you go. Yeah, just start praying and fasting based on what they're doing. I was in a place a new place I don't know.

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And I like yeah

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so you can always use the sun because if you know that your west of of Mecca. So you want to play pray to the East US look where the sun isn't just pray to the east. So and your prayer is acceptable if you do that insha Allah and you always have to do to hurry. And you always have to find the Qibla you have to spend some time trying to find out if you can find pray, right, and then whatever. Some scholars tell you, if you find out that you're totally wrong for forms, you have to repeat some of them. So you don't have to repeat I kind of side with that. Okay, we move on. Fossella in the second? Yes.

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School, if you just try your best, and if it's within the prayer time, if you find out if somebody tells you before the parent time has expired, then you can renew your prayer but have already passed you the next prayer time.

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And for the mighty Kia and the thing is because there's such Oh, like I said,

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you have 200 and 178 degrees of you being right, right. So if you don't have to repeat if I was like this, and I ended up praying like this, and I find out I'm good. I don't have to repeat anything I was within besides the chef to whom we're studying the text. We're good. We don't have to repeat that again. Okay. Well, Daniel Salatin from Ania Dasha, Oregon, and we're just gonna read and show that kind of stuff today. So the obligatory actions of prayer, actually,

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the pillars of prayer is the better way for us to to call it the pillars of prayer.

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Nia, Tasha Rokinon are 18 pillars or 18 pillars for prayer.

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What you're going to find, eventually, is that the Messiah had have different numbers for the pillars of prayer, not all of them have the exact same number. They have similar ideas like the similar concepts are there and there are certain things that they don't agree to. So the first pillar of prayer is

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always right. And it's always India

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only the Hanafi you see that the NIA is a condition so the Anthea have a specific understanding. So they have six conditions for prayer. The six conditions for them is Nia, they see Nia to be a condition for prayer not not a part of prayer meaning which is which also there's logic in that as well. You can see the light in that but for the for the gem hood and Nia is a pillar of prayer because if you don't know what you're doing then you're not doing it. Number two will pm Omar Al Qudra.

00:28:14 --> 00:28:15

Yes, good.

00:28:16 --> 00:28:18

Fewer back to Toronto, and you're in the car

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while you're driving Sure. Just don't curse at the guy who's passing you during prayer and you should be fine inshallah. Yeah, so that's not a problem at all. But you can do you have to stop and pray. Yeah, that's that's no problem at all. Okay.

00:28:35 --> 00:28:39

The question was if you're driving to a city, can you pray

00:28:40 --> 00:28:50

so not while driving? So yes, you can place a note while driving. Just as long as the only you don't make too many movements and too many gestures. Are you not turning on the radio and turning it off and playing with the icy you see, like as long as you're not

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while driving, then do it. Okay. That's number two. lupia Malhotra means standing if capable of standing. So it is important for the fuddled because for Sunday's different

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he's referred for by the way, for sunnah. If you can't stay if you don't, if you can stand but you choose not to as fine. So the prophets Allah Selim trade sunnah, standing, praying, sunnah, sitting and prayed sooner laying down, even though he had the physical ability to start prayer standing up, but he didn't, because sooner so now there's certain conditions that apply to him. But for fuddled for the harasser, modernization and for your, if you're capable, if your legs can carry you, then you have to stand at the beginning of the prayer. mean you have to make the community that Hello, I'm standing up. And then after that you can later sit down during the prayer or you know, have a

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chair behind you. But if you're capable of standing, you have to It's not working. It's a pillar of prayer. What does a pillar mean?

00:29:46 --> 00:29:55

Mean What does the word pillar indicate in prayer? It indicates that if you leave it, whether on purpose or because of forgetfulness,

00:29:56 --> 00:29:59

you have to repeat it. You have to bring it back again if you leave it on

00:30:00 --> 00:30:09

Purpose, your prayer is immediately invalid. So if for some reason you say I don't want to write, then your prayer is invalid. If you forget it, you have to go back and do it again.

00:30:10 --> 00:30:42

Since you just said it was not enough, you have to do it again. So if you forget one of the, one of the one of the pillars, the ones that can be forgotten, of course, like for me, if you forget that, and your prayer just doesn't count. Because that means you did something you didn't know you were doing. If you didn't have any enemies, you What were you doing? We just what was that, it means that you know what you're doing, right? So the amount of understanding of capable, if you can do it, and you have to do it, if you don't do it, forgetfulness, then you have to get that first workout again, you have to repeat the first workout again, and then do so. Right. And if you didn't on purpose,

00:30:42 --> 00:31:03

like you started down even though you couldn't then your periods actually invalid. So any of the pillars that the meaning why we call them pillars, I'm gonna have YG back in a second, they're gonna have recommendations, I'm gonna, why they're called pillars is because if you leave it on purpose, then your prayer is immediately invalid. And if you forget them, then you have to repeat them. You can't just pray do so you have to actually repeat repeat what you what you left out? Yes.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:07

If you don't

00:31:10 --> 00:31:14

know, whenever you remember it, you can just do it again. And we'll explain that inshallah at the end, yes.

00:31:16 --> 00:31:17

You have to get out of this.

00:31:20 --> 00:31:29

No, Inshallah, let me just go through the pillars and then I'll explain I'll give you examples of how what was forgotten and how to make up make up for that inshallah. So number three, what to Kabira.

00:31:36 --> 00:31:37

the coming year

00:31:40 --> 00:31:59

or the beginning, that could be it or the first year or the initiating, that could be year. Right. So that could be year is first is rockin and the Shafia. Yeah. And in shelter under Hanafi is also a condition for the NFP. And if you don't see it to be a part of prayer, they see it to be a condition for prayer again, that's their understanding of it, but it's looking. So if you start prayer,

00:32:01 --> 00:32:10

I mean, that means that the prayer prayer is invalid, because you didn't get the first pillar, which is Allahu Akbar, right? The movement of the hand is not, however, a

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miracle, just the words themselves or anything that is equivalent to them, meaning the actual movement, no movements and no action. No gestures of hands are fuddled, or broken in any of the pairs that we're going to any for any of them or that have that we're going to study. Right, so.

00:32:24 --> 00:32:25


00:32:27 --> 00:32:48

For the Hanafi, they have a different opinion. You'll see you'll see there's a lot of different there's a lot of different opinions regarding prayer. I'm right now we're learning the simple the prominent position of the Shafia. Yeah, that's all we're laying the prominent position of the new Shafi method, there's actually a lot more but we'll start with that only things that are worth noting, I'll note will leave all the details and show that when we study that, you know, the text of the different will have been shown.

00:32:50 --> 00:33:22

Yeah, so no movement, no gestures of hands during prayer is looking is pillar. And the gestures are never broken, they are something less than looking, but the wording is of Allahu Akbar is broken. So if you don't do it at the beginning of your prayer, for some reason you started that's why if you're coming in quickly, you're running into prey, and the guy is doing Ricola Allah right. So what was that that technique was for what was that technique for Rico was adequately haram. Either way, you just basically destroy invalidated your own prayer. Meaning that's why when you come in there doing recon, you have to make the beautiful Iran standing up that's that's the rock and the rock and as

00:33:22 --> 00:33:40

you're standing up, and you'll make take me through the bomb, and then wherever the Imam is go, right so if you run in and log button, you're down. Your period doesn't count. So just pay attention to that for future for future incidents that you walk in. You make to be standing up and then you move to the where the Imam is right because

00:33:41 --> 00:33:54

yes, question since I think almost all of them have that have agree that if you join the behind me, man, and he's in the record right now, if you see it wrong before he says Send me a lovely man, how do you cop that you have to do

00:33:56 --> 00:33:57

is position or just the first thing?

00:33:58 --> 00:34:17

Again, it's a why so widespread thing for the Shafia you have to be able to say subhanallah via email at least once before he says Allahu Akbar versus semi Allah and Hamidah you have to be able to say Subhan Allah be at all they might be handy once before he says Send me alone. I mean, that's the prominent position of the show for a year, but that's not for everyone. Again,

00:34:19 --> 00:34:24

yeah, after you make your ticket here, after you mute me critically, so it's a bit more complicated and there's a lot of different opinions here.

00:34:26 --> 00:34:28

I'll tell you, I'll tell you the simplest of all or the easiest of all,

00:34:29 --> 00:34:33

as long as you have a couple of things to panel and be running at once.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:59

Before the Imam starts says Allah Akbar for sujood then you're good. Before he says Allah Akbar for sujood then you're good. Given that when you started technically haram, the Imam was in require he was not in npm. So if you're saying Allahu Akbar and the Imam is NPM you can't make rakura and then come back again. That doesn't count you have to you have to be on record. But if after you say Allah Akbar he he's coming out from record you can make a record and say subhanallah be allowed him will be handy.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:34

And if you stand up before he makes the shoe, then you're fine. You're this little guy, you counted this rock icon. So that's the easiest, and the simplest and the most any open of all the opinions that exists. Now all other things are much more strict than that. So generally speaking, just if you call Mr. Cooper and they don't have time dismiss it. Yeah, no big deal. Just make up for it later on. Like, don't, don't, obviously, we're not supposed to run and make noise and you know, make, but again, just whatever, whatever you can do it the best to be safest is that you make Roku Allah, if you do that. You make roku. While the man is making a recording, you will say subhanallah I bet I'll

00:35:34 --> 00:35:55

clean before he says to me along with me that that is the safest, and that is the opinion that if you want to be the safest, and that's what I would, I would I would follow that if I were you, because it's GEMA you want to get the idea of Gemma. So if you don't get that like I then just make up for it at the end without going into too much detail of the difference in their opinion because a lot of opinions here alright, and number four

00:35:57 --> 00:35:58

al Fatiha

00:36:04 --> 00:36:29

is a pillar of prayer. Right? Now you say well what happens during gym if he's reading out loud? That's a different thing. Well, we'll come to that inshallah we'll talk about that there's a lot of I have to talk about a lot of opinions on that. But generally speaking, someone has to read Fatiha in America, someone has to do it, they're you, the Imam, someone else to do it can they can like I cannot survive if no one read Fatiha at all. So if you're praying alone, you definitely have to bring it down if you forget to hire them that's broken. And you have to repeat that AKA,

00:36:30 --> 00:36:41

you have to repeat the like ah, so if you lower the bar, and then you started the sutra, you didn't think you finished and then remember, you didn't eat fatty how you have to get go and repeat that whole record because of the fact that fatty highs are looking for HIV. And furthermore, as well.

00:36:42 --> 00:37:17

Bismillah Mohini minha for the Shafia. Yeah, their views their view, because this was again, this was written kind of early on in the Islamic Islamic history before they were all well established, understood by everyone. So for the Shafi their opinion on the matter is Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim is from Surah Fatiha, it's not and that's what we find in the Messiah that we have this acfe I recommend. For them, it's important that it's read out loud. And then the other the other opinions like Hanabi and Dometic here that they're okay with it being read in secret.

00:37:19 --> 00:37:42

For the year if you don't read it out loud, you have to at least read it. So the point of this of this is that for the HIV, if you don't say Bismillah R Rahman Rahim at all that you're fighting, I didn't count. And you know, I'm a chef. It was very strict on the concept of there's a narration that comes from him that is a bit weak, but it's there that there are I think 14 or 17 Shuddha is total Fatiha. If you miss one of them, your prayer is invalid.

00:37:43 --> 00:38:15

He's very strict on the concept of to Tatian for him Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is an area so if you don't read this Malama Rahim at all then your period doesn't count. So if you're saying you begin immediately the hamdulillah without at least saying Bismillah Rahman Rahim secretively then for me Shafi doesn't come but for the other for the Jammu that's not the case. All right. And most of what we pray here we don't read Bismillah R Rahman Rahim Allah that's a filthy just a difference of opinion. It's no big deal like whether you read it out loud or we read it any with a with a low voice doesn't make a difference. The only point that you need to learn from this is that show me

00:38:15 --> 00:38:21

show me the show via your view. Bismillah R Rahman Rahim as an area so it has to be read whether secretively or out loud, alright

00:38:23 --> 00:38:24

1234, the fifth point

00:38:33 --> 00:38:38

and the sixth point ultimate nanopi. All right, in Arabic because I like the word.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:54

So performing real cool. And, of course, the luck is called based on the fact that has Roku and so Roku is a pillar movie is also a pillar for the Scheifele Yeah, and we're gonna find this word repeated, or tomainia Here is

00:38:55 --> 00:39:06

recording what Nina to fee. So to Mannino my nan means calmness, you have to achieve a certain level of calmness. So with HIV iya if you're making ROCOR, right, and you go down,

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if you come up immediately, so you go down like this, Allah Similan Hamidah that invalidates your prayer, your prayers are invalid because the concept of ultimate none of communist within your euro coin was not met. So you actually lose. You lose, you lose your prayer. Now what is the measurement of Nina go ahead and be able to stay long on Allah and basically like your limbs, they settled there you go. So that is the prominent position for them, which is the settlement or the settling of the limbs, meaning you have to everything has to just stay in place for a moment. So you can't be in motion. It can't be a movement, it has to be okay you move in you settle. You stay there. Now, for

00:39:50 --> 00:40:00

this area is to say subhanallah ali-mohammadi is to say that whole thing at least once that's the timing that is needed. It is something that you that is subjective. That's all

00:40:00 --> 00:40:08

almost impossible to accurately measure, it's almost impossible to measure. So it's something that you have to do on your own, just know that for the Shafia en for many of the other motherhood,

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within within their prominent positions, at least,

00:40:13 --> 00:40:47

Nina, which is achieving communist and settlement within within a movement is a pillar, just like the movement itself. So core is a pillar and also settling down in that and giving that enough time and calming down is also a pillar, I tell this to me, if you're praying at home, and you're praying the marathon prayer, where you're trying to break a world record within 29 seconds or 30 seconds to bring it to bear, it doesn't count, because at least for whom we're studying right now and for the prominent position among scholars, why because you are not achieving Brahma Nina in your movements, if you don't achieve in your movements, they are pillars. So you have to repeat the prayer or your

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periods invalid. Does that make sense? And this is for, you know, we're talking about we're setting foothold right now. This is all for the affordable we'll talk about soon at the end of this and sha Allah is a side by side that didn't do that. And they were following the shot the opinion they would repeat their prayer or they would, yeah, so that's a again, that's a big one. Because there's a lot of different opinions regarding what do you do when your iman makes mistakes that will compromise all the kind. So what you're supposed to do is the moment he doesn't do it as you do this to be just as if he forgot rockin so let's say that your Imam

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he read through the idea. And then he immediately you went down to a corner. And then he went first issued right now he forgot to refer you to someone they Subhanallah and stand up and wait for him to realize that he made that mistake. Now if he realizes that, that he made that mistake, then he will stand up and you'll make some use out you'll do it with him at the end. If not, you got one of those one of two opinions here. Either you do need to move out of class or you have the intention of leaving the moment of continuing to prepare properly because you're not going to leave what you know is right to do what he knows what is wrong. Or you follow the man with the hope that he brings back

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that like at the end that he fixes it later on. But that is that's a weaker opinion, because he may not do that. And then you have to repeat that like on your own right. Now, let's say that the Imam actually does refer but he doesn't do with men because that's another pillar. So he stands up immediately goes down, you're supposed to do disappear Subhanallah why? Because he didn't spend enough time. Now. If he refuses it keeps on going then the same thing applies. That makes sense. So you do need to move on. Okay, and can you continue your prayer on your own, but that is of course very subjective and that can cause a lot of problems if the person has just been playing around

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because he's like, oh though, I'm used to spending 15 minutes in Morocco you only did like for like you know that there has to be as long as it's met the minimum criteria, which is just thinks of Hang on, I'll be at all the more behind the ones then you should you should be good. I'll stop here in Charlotte. So these are the 1234566 first pillars affair. We'll continue inshallah next Thursday, next Thursday inshallah I shall be eight to my understanding will be eight o'clock so we'll pray Asha and that will go in an hour after Aisha and shoma. So it won't be even till now it will be from from a shop here from after a shop here. Now after that inshallah. Yes.

00:42:58 --> 00:43:05

Tomorrow is Halloween. So what's happening tomorrow is that there's an imam coming to give the Hotbox and he's going to give a lesson after maghrib

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now there's only two things

2017 10 12LMM at 8pm Chapter of Prayer-3

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