Adnan Rajeh – Matn Abu Shuja #11

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the pillars of Salah's movement, including the fear of Iran, timing of prayer, and proper use of hands. They emphasize the importance of practicing these pillars for optimal prayer practices and stress the importance of reading the Lord's Prayer in a given context. The speakers also emphasize the importance of building opinions on the interviewer's behavior and keeping a concentration of intention in prayer. They recommend taking a picture of the person being spoken to during a prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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All right.

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Today Insha Allah we will repeat the pillars of Salah and Java from from the beginning I just thought that we can cover inshallah the whole all the pillars today so what's the first pillar of Salah Come on? Yes intention, it's always it's always going to be an idea when it comes to rituals. So number one is Enya.

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Like I said it's the first pillar for all that I have except the kind of fear who see it as a condition for prayer say they see it as a condition of prayer they don't see as a part of prayer that's how the NFE understanding the second pillar is

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no, that's the third one was the second

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so standing up if possible, so to start the prayer, you shouldn't be standing up right? If possible of course if you are ill or you're not capable of standing then you don't have to but that doesn't count if you're capable of standing later. So if you can walk out to the masjid you better be standing up for the

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race do you guys say well no, I'm no I'm no I have my knee hurt. So you sit down for the beginning of the period No, for the begin of the year you stand up and then you can sit later during the prayer that's fine. But the beginning you have to stand as long as you're capable of standing if you're if you're standing at all like as someone who was paralyzed as I'm Hala or very ill so he's he's not moving then they don't have to but if you're capable of standing up even for a split second then you need to stand up for the beginning of Salah during Salah is not a problem anymore, but at the beginning you have to write the second is that clear so far? Okay, the third pillar of Salah is

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on the woman

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to the Haram right. So the fear of Iran

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altered transliterated.

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So, technically, this is the initiating text here is the beginning of Salah the movement of the hands is not the look and like I told you know movements of hands are seen as pillars, right? However, the actual tech Kabira Allahu Akbar is as long as you can speak if you cannot speak then you do what what is what is the substitute of that? So if someone who's capable of speaking then they they say it in their minds, or whatever way that they can, right so it's, it's looking for the Hanafi it's also a sharp they see it to be a condition of Salah as well. All right. Now number four

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is very simply

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reciting to Fatiha

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be standing. Yes. So standing up as far as. So these two happen together.

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Comma, income is not a part.

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That's not a part of what is coming in a second, we're gonna study in a minute, but it's not a part of

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what I mean if you want to pray also, you don't have to make if you don't have to make any income or an event you just do. What you have to do for us is meet the conditions. Do you remember what the conditions are? If you forget the conditions, go back and look at the conditions, right, which is having little which does not make having any filth or an adjuster on you standing in a place doesn't have any filth on it. Turning towards scribbler, the timing has to be proper for Salah these are the conditions of prayer that you can do if you've met first. Now when you met when those conditions are met, you start praying what is needed for this prayer to be valid. These are the these are the

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pillars of prayer that need that you need to do in order your prayer to be valid is that are not are not any other kind. But they will come later on as a part of the ritual that are commonly commonly done. Yes.

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Any moment

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they must be scan scanning. Yes. So like I said last time, you can't, you can't enter into the position that the Imam is in, you understand and do technically haram

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and then go to wherever the Imam is, if the Imam is required to do Rocco, if he's standing up and you stay standing up. If he's if he's doing so good, then go do soon, wherever he's doing and go to the place he is. But when you start prayer, you started standing up with the

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right so if you're running the managerial coin, you say a log down. Right, then that doesn't come up because you did not do that. From standing up. You've missed token. Right? You miss to rockin at least and if not one of them, okay? Not three of them sorry.

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You don't need again, we're starting the pillars and he he has done a pillar you don't have to do right. So and be patient because we're gonna come across pillars, we're gonna come across obligatory actions, then we're gonna come about cross recommended actions. So once we've studied all these, you'll know exactly what is it that you can and cannot do. You can't leave you can't leave and how that all works. So these are the pillars. These are the things that if you leave

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intentionally, your prayer is invalid immediately. But this is this is what pillars mean. If you leave any of these intentionally, your fair is invalid immediately. And if you forget them, you have to go back and do it again. You have to repeat the luck all over again. Like I need to repeat it you can't make up for it with this or something like that.

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To repeat the law in order for you to get what it is that you left. Does that make sense? Okay, and you have to go back to it. So

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if someone makes a dude, right, and he's supposed to come up for us, but he stands up instead, right, you say, subhanAllah, you have to go back to that again.

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That makes sense. You have to go back. You can't, you can't come continue. Now, if he continues, then he has to make up a record. At the end of prayer. He has to repeat it. Like at the end of the prayer, he can't do it yourself because he missed what we're going to come later on. We're going to find that these are two pillars, EMS, two pillars. You met Mr. Judas. And then he missed the sujood. Those are two pillars that he missed, right? So if you miss a pillar, you have to go back to it. You can't if it's not a pillar, you don't have to go back actually, if it's not a pillar, you're not allowed to go back. You just continue but a pillar you have to go back and if you don't, then you

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have to make up a rock at the end. And if you leave it intentionally you lose the prayer immediately. Does that make sense? That's why we're studying closer. They're very important that the most important part of Salah All right.

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In fact, we believe that Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim is a part of it. So if you don't read Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim, your Salah is invalid. So you have to read it, at least, at least secretively. Right? You at least have to read it

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under your breath, but you can start at hamdulillah dining with novice with him for the year. But that's only for the shade the rest of them don't, don't don't see it to be the same. Now I will cover here quickly, the cons you know the problem of readings with the Fatiha so if you're standing

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behind an email moves brings a lot Leisha alright, and he rose to it. In fact, you huh? So what do you do?

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Now, there are a number of opinions here. The Hanafi se no. Notice, notice, because I'll help because it's important and Hannah VSA that you don't ever have to resort to the moon. So if I'm training behind an Imam, whether I'm praying Aisha behind him, or also behind him, I never have to resort to the fact Yeah, his era is sufficient. Whether he does it out loud, or he does it secretively under his breath? Does that make sense? That's 100 years opinion, is Shafia. Yeah. They say I'm someone who's following any man has to read for it, whether it's Saudi Arabia or Syria, meaning whether it's Asia or also you have to read. So for the champion, you have to read it after

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the exam is done, you have to read it, you cannot not read it. That makes sense. That's why if you go to a country that is predominantly Jeffie, the Imam will give enough time between the Fatiha and the next sutra, so that the people can can read it because with HIV, you cannot not read a you have to read or you use your prayer that's with HIV or you know, the amalickiah, who have the

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opinion that is most beloved to people, and easy is that during the jehadi prayer, you don't have to, meaning when the Imam reads it out loud, you don't have to read it again. And if it's a serenity prayer, so if the prayer that Imam doesn't read it out loud, then you have to read it. That's the that's the Medicare's opinion, the Hanabi let's say that you have to read it when the man doesn't read it out loud. But when he does read it out loud, you should try and read as much as you can, during the pauses that he leaves at the end. So for the anatomy that if he leaves a pause, you should try and get in an area that I know I'm gonna say that if he pauses between an eye and an eye,

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you can bring the area. So the Imam says Alhamdulillah here have been learning in the pauses, then you should say,

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because he gave you a pause, right? So the anatomy, let's say that you should bring read it within the pauses that the email offers, right? So again,

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or whatever you can of course, like, use the pauses, between yet use the pauses at the end of the eye. Right. So the malakian Betta had the same opinion generally, which is you have to read it as I'm when we were praying behind an imam. And when he doesn't read it out loud, and you don't have to when he reads it out loud and say that if you can find the pauses to read it in between the pauses, that's good to hear you say you have to read it, whether he read it or he doesn't. Whether it's a secret of prayer, a low tone prayer, wait like also, or he's reading out loud, you have to read it, or also use your parents so they try favor them. So if you're looking regardless, which is makes it

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a bit difficult that had me so you don't have to read you don't have to read it at all. If you're being an MU if you're standing behind the Imam, you will never have to even during althorpe time. You don't have to you can just start with the Sunnah. That's how the Hanafi view is these days most hub, meaning it's recommended, but you don't have to if you don't do it, your parents still is still valid. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Does that make sense? You understand the different opinions? Those are the opinions. What should we follow?

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I think the Medicare have it probably the best, the best model. They put all that deleted together in a way that you know, brings it everything in you know, everything is used. I mean, all the Hadith that exist are used in the medic, he has version which is you read when the Imam is not reading and you don't read when the imam is reading out loud? Yes. So you're saying that the 100 is like it's exactly the same as the Maliki's except that if you have an awkward scenario, then you can repeat on the positives. Perfect. Alright.

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Well recall what tomato tomahto to him. So Roy Cooper

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is there

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Looking obviously now from now on every time we say something, you're gonna say the exact same word after it, which is appointment Nina

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fee. All right, there's like a 434 times, which is calmness and stillness within the movement. So you have to come to a point where every bone stops moving for a number of seconds. So you can't be on the move right this is not considered the record

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that is an exercise you do in the morning, real cool, you have to go down. Now you have to be still for a certain number of seconds, then you can come up again, right like we talked about last time, it should be long enough for you to say at least one has to be like when Subhanallah being ali-mohammadi or Subhan Allah be it should be enough for it to be so automatically you never this idea is broken. Meaning if you don't, if you don't, it was a pillar. If you don't do it, then you have to repeat your prayer. You have to go back and do it again. That's how important calmness and stillness within within within a movement is. All right. That's 123456 Number seven. I'll run

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through what attadale.

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Rising sea rising,

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rising from Brooklyn, so rising from Rockaways, also known he's also a rockin the Han Fei by the way, don't see it to be able to can which is interesting, but we'll talk we'll talk about that in detail once we study

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text in Hana few months, but for them it's not looking for everyone else of course sees it to be so Rafa is rockin standing up is looking. And then immediately is the same word. same wording before automatic Nina to V.

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Calmness within that within that movement itself is also looking for the chef aka how many other kinds are there for the chef? Yeah, the meaning of the text? Yeah, so he said at 18 Look, and so 12345678

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After that was Su

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and then making sujood or frustration? Obviously what? Nina to fee

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so that's not looking is it? Is it as long as it's not here? It's not a pillar. So right now it's, we have to be patient, because if we're gonna, we're gonna cover all of that,

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with that part be included? No, no, no, it's not. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no gestures with your hands are seen as a pillar. This these are the pillars

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come this way, right. Yeah, that's the kind of problem it's like you're standing up, no calm. This has nothing to do with the gestures of the hand, it has to do with the posture of the body. So when you come up again, just stand up fully, stand up straight and then stay there for a number of seconds has nothing to do with whether you can easily make the gesture and still not give enough time. They still make the gesturing go down like immediately. So it's a matter of timing, but money and as a matter of timing, it's not a matter of the heart. Because you could say well if someone could stay in the movement for 15 minutes and his heart not be in at all he's thinking about a

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million things. So this is Nina there's a physical element Nina, it is not a spiritual one spiritual Of course, the whole point of Salah is spiritual. Calmness is serenity is peace of mind and heart. But this is right now we're studying the mechanics we're not studying only the spiritual aspect of Salah All right. So now after that

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LG ruse so sitting between the two sides

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so the sittings also open, right? Also automatic Nina Tuffy

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some Shafia in later books they said okay, let's forget about this just say it, Nina to fill up again just communist in Afghanistan of repeating it but that's how the manner with which I did it, he just count them counted them one by one. I think I think there's a point which is for you to remember that each one has its right of timing do not do not be you know rushing any of the any of the pillars. Alright.

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Well, you lose a hero, what Tisha who defeat him. So,

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the final

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setting or the final Judas,

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the first lose is not broken. We will come to it in a minute, but the first one is not looking. This last one is so if you're and this is regarding the prayers that have more than two loci in them, so Multilib also over an Asia now these prayers, the final sitting before the meeting, when you're going to do your salaam that sitting is broken. The first one that comes in the second locker for for both for all them for mother, they've been for Arsalan daughter Nisha, that is looking that's legit obligatory actually we'll come to that in a minute, but it's not all looking. The last one is, does that make sense?

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The last one is looking the first one is not. And that makes sense, of course, causes an important topic you need to understand during Salah. So, the last one is looking at Tisha who Duffy

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saying Tisha hood in that final sitting

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is looking, just holding the first one if the first one is not working anything set in is not going to be good either because if anything said it in is going to be a pillar then it has to be a pillar but you know, by default or else how you get it done. So, the final setting is a pillar saying the shareholding is a pillar well Salah to Island maybe some Allah Allah He was

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fee him and then doing Salah Nabhi I said I'm doing the Salawat liberal anemia

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is also a pillar

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Alright, so 1011 12 1314

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All right, so the Shafilea whether this is the year two and Mubaraka to solo or to a Cohiba to de la that's how they begin it and then the rest of it is the same as Santa Monica you have to be what the * but I got the same stuff. But they managed to evade took the Hadith. I think it was narrated by David Massoud, well lo alum. The Hadith that no Hadith that we we use is even miss Odin narration you know, Michelle uses the best narration that baraka to saliva to Linda we say here to rely on saliva to water you about right so that's how so that's the only difference at the beginning. You can feel free to say either of them because both of them are narrated through a hadith where the

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prophets Eliza Lemond it's up to you just the actual saying is what you need to make sure that you do and then the Salawat liberal homies Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad muscle Italia Rahim Allah liberal until the until the end of it and you shouldn't say dream fair anything extra so I'm not sure if it's worth noting here but so whenever I whenever you do an interview some of them you say so it's almost like I said, you know, Muhammad, so you use the word Nabhi you know, or say eating or Habibi or whatever, like any word that shows, you know status and respect for the profit and loss and that's fine, just not during Salah during so let's stick to the text that the Prophet

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symbolizes that we had narrated to us so say exactly how he said it just because of Salah and outside also do what you want. You want to spend 15 minutes building up to his name that's fine by me.

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So we don't know we ever heard him. I don't know. He said during prayer, He does what He taught. So this is based on the teachings the prophets I send them Did you actually sat down and taught the Sahaba say during your they say he was Salawat salam alayka you and they say that now what he's done of course, he's not going to wouldn't work but but he knew he could say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad Kamal Selita Ali Ibrahim Salah to either

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this is asking Allah subhanaw taala to grant blessings to grant acceptance and guidance. So you could say that anything right Dali Salatu Salam is something that we speak specifically to the Prophet sometimes No, but the meaning is general like who will let you fully Alikum from Africa to so Allah subhanaw taala does salah upon you as well. You don't ask it for yourself but he does it do use Allah subhanaw taala which is basically saying that he grants you blessings and guidance and acceptance and connection, Salah means connections always. Salah means connection, anything that is taken from it. Any derivative is always going to mean connection. It's not going to mean anything.

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That root meaning is always going to be there meaning he's connecting to you Subhanallah with Allah which is which is the point Yes, I heard the minimum for the Ebro himedia in the shop, he might have just been one of the opinions Yeah, he just said was Liliana Mohammed and you stop there you broke your parrot early for whatever reason

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and there's a lot of different opinions on what how much you need to say I'm not gonna get into the into to all the different with them and what they say is the minimum first of all, only by me and the maximum just say this lightly and shuffling

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future texts a bit more inshallah we go into a bit more detail. But generally speaking doing this on a monthly Bohemia with this minimum need for HIV is just a regular alarm on Sunday Allah Muhammad that you should you should recite it till the end. After that at the Sleeman Luna, the first

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the first asleep. Again, the details in all of this is its account is countless, like meaning you could spend just studying the pillar is like four months just studying the pillars and going to all the details that the Parliament of Canada have talked about, but that will mean that you guys will get very, very bored and the five years from now we'll still be studying a Bucha Jai so no, it's not worth it. We read we understand this text, we take the basics from and then we move on to another text and then slowly slowly you build opinions new build understanding build depth, but I feel like you shouldn't go to going into a lot of depth immediately burnout. You get really tired there's too

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much information and you feel like you don't know anything at the end.

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15 different opinion

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is all at once you just take it step by step until the first is clean meaning when you first go to Santa Monica Rahmatullah once for the chef, yeah, this is broken. Right? If in order for you to leave here, the second one is not. So the first one is what you need to actually leave prayer. So once you they said, I want to go out of the prayer. It's done. It's over. The second one is so nice, but it's not looking to slim and older is broken. That makes sense. That's why sometimes people you'll see them make one Sneem in selected Janessa and different other types of pairs, but with HIV, the first one is looking based on that when you're praying more than gain an email and you're late

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meaning you have to record to make up for or you got to make up for the moment he says today on equal Rahmatullah

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pair is done. You're gonna stand up and continue you're not gonna wait for him to do the second one because once he's done the first one pairs over, so you can just stand up that makes sense. So after the first just leave me or you can stand up and continue

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to get to look at that, that you lost. All right.

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For the shahada, and

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and one phrase, from beginning to end.

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whatsoever to opera You bet. salam ala you have to be your rahmatullahi wa barakato As salam o Alina, Allah has slowly been a shoo in Allah. Mohammed Abdullah su Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad Ali Muhammad can also lead to Allah Ibrahim, what I learned early Ibrahim Burdick Allah Mohammed meanwhile, early Muhammad can direct Allah Ibrahim, Ibrahim, Phil Isla Nina in NECA honeydew Majeed, right. And that is what Digium

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sticks to as far as the wordings Yes.

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Yes, again, if it's not here, it's not a pillar. Right? So it's not yours not a pillar? Meaning if you don't do it doesn't matter. Or don't do it. It's not a problem. Of course, obligatory actions will be talked about. They do matter, of course, but they just want the one level Yes, but No, that movement of fingers sunnah at best. And there's a lot of difference of opinions I, I'm hesitant to go into them, but they will try and do a simple summary. And then I will not allow anyone to ask any questions after they just understand it. And that's it. Because there's too many issues regarding it. And I just want you to know a few things. And that's it, because it's just a long debate between

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scholars on how and when and what if it's, you know, this is too much to go through for a simple text number 17 before the end, and when you go to the origin, middle Salah,

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the intention of leaving prayer

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intention to leave prayer.

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That makes sense. So just like you need an intention to enter fer to begin prayer, you need the intention to leave prayer. What does that mean that it comes in the form of what just comes in the form of you understanding that prayer is over. That's all it is. Knee intention is just you knowing what you're doing. If you don't know that you're praying that you're not praying, and if you don't know that you're finished prayer that you didn't have an official prayer yet, so there has to be an intention for everything you do. That's all the that's the only thing that intention actually means. It just means that you understand what it is that you are getting into what is it that you are

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doing? Okay, so that's number 17. The final

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30 odd, the governor who So 30 means

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in sequence

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that you do it in sequence, you don't mess up the sequence, of course, we'll do we talked about and we'll do how the addition you're always also see sequence as a pillar. However, not everyone does. So if you do mess up the sequence for other mazahub you will do is fine for the show. It is not okay for you to mess up the sequence of although, and obviously for all them without any exception at all. messing up the sequence of pairs is not acceptable. If you mess up the sequence and your pair is invalid so if you decide I want to do the two sujood then I'll do the auto scheduled then I'll come back for Rafa and then I'll do Riku and then I'll do sujood later, you know you have to do

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exactly in the same sequence that the Prophet SAW lesson and did it and if you mess up the sequence then that is a rookie and as a pillar. You have to repeat that aka if you did it by mistake and your prayer is invalid if you did it on purpose. Yes, we discussed the one time because I was worried about this that it dissipates based on doubt tissue. If you don't think you you're not sure if you did the second such that you go out and then you set the cycle after leaving. Yep, you said that that's okay. Yeah, of course. Yeah. So whatever it is you

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are we good here I can take this off until these are the seven

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pillars intention, standing for as long as you can stand even if you can stand for a second you just stand and then to commit to the hieronder beginning technique initiating Takbeer meetings total Fatiha. We talked about the Bismillah R Rahman Rahim being an area for the Shafi so you have to they have to read so it's good for you to if you don't read a lot, at least read on your breath record and then calmness in it rising from record and then calmness in it. So Jude calmness in it, you lose sitting between the two sides does calmness in it, the final sitting of prayer that showed in that final ascending fitting and the Salawat liberal Aimia and the final say

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They are all all three of them are pillars. After that the first asleep is a pillar, the first one the second one is not the intention to leave her and then doing everything that we talked about in sequence. So don't miss up the sequence all right?

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If you are hesitant if you're standing taller and you say to yourself What did I do? Did I do to rock or three then what do you go with?

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No, you don't you're not certain of either you're like I got two or three. What do you do?

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You always go with a lower number. You always go with a lower number if you're not sure two or three and then you did two right and then you and you continue based on that and you do two so you sell at the end if you're not sure three or four you consider yourself into three you do the fourth if it's if it's Russia and they are also or not and then you do so you sell at the end so you always when you're doubting what how many they do you go with the less if you don't eat I do to sushi sushi with or one you go with the lesson then you go back to this as you would if you're too far away then you continue and you bring it like if the end day do you sell at the end of the time I talked about I

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have backward?

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More Masha Allah,

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Allah have mercy do about a cat, you're doing more.

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So go with always go with the lower number and just do sudo. So in that case, you just do sudo. So.

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So the first issue hood

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This is called a larger,

00:26:31 --> 00:26:56

obligatory action is not looking. It's not looking at why Minister explained this now, because I just don't want you guys to get confused later. But what why is this important? Because if you miss it, if you are making sujood for the second time, I can't have any of the four pairs or even the third, three prayers like Muhammad, they're making some good night, and then you come up from sujood you're supposed to sit.

00:26:57 --> 00:26:59

But instead of sitting, you stand up.

00:27:00 --> 00:27:33

And then you remember that you were supposed to sit. Now if you go back, you lose your prayer. If you go back, why? Because you went from a broken, which is standing right to something that is less than looking. So if you go from broken to something less than looking, rewinding, you lose your pair, if you're rewinding going back, if you're gonna leave broken, you have to leave it to another rookie. to Oregon that is like it. That makes sense. So meaning An example would be if I made sushi would the first thing you would like before, not the second one. And then I stood up.

00:27:34 --> 00:27:54

Now I miss two broken, it is broken. This is a pillar right now. But I missed two pillars. So what do I do? I go back, I rewind back to the pillar, I have to go back to it. But if I didn't get to sujood and I missed the first chakra and I stood up there is a pillar, Tisha hood. First is not I cannot go back. I cannot go back to it. Now.

00:27:56 --> 00:28:28

Of course, there's a lot of difference of opinions on on how that works. But if I remember for the for the for the better part, if I remember before I actually stand up fully, I can go back. But once I've stood up, and I'm starting my I remember it, you can't go back anymore. So what do you do? Do you lose your parents know, when you forget our job? When you forget to watch him? You continue? And you do so too. So you sell at the end? When you forget a wardrobe? You continue? And you do too. So you would sell at the end of prayer. Does that? Does that make sense? So what happens if I leave it on purpose?

00:28:30 --> 00:28:40

I lose my prayer immediately. Because the worship is something between a pillar and a sunnah. If I mean, if I leave a pillar on purpose, what happens if I leave a pillar on purpose?

00:28:41 --> 00:28:45

Immediately invalidate my prayer, right? If I leave as soon on purpose, what happens?

00:28:46 --> 00:29:23

Nothing happens, your periods fine. But if I if I leave wajib on purpose, I invalidate my prayer. So those are three things. Now, if I leave a broken by mistake, what happens? I have to go back and get it again. If I forget a pillar by mistake, I go back and I do it again. If I forget, assume that by mistake, what happens? Nothing. So nothing. But I forget this by mistake. I do searches. So instead. Now if I forget a pillar by mistake, I have to go back and get it and do searches. So So there's two things I have to do at the end. I'll make a little table for you and shall we miss the look and we have to go back and eat it.

00:29:25 --> 00:29:44

It depends on how far you were away from it. If you've already if you're too far away, then you just continue and you get through. You repeat at the end. And if it's just like an example you stood up, and you remember you sit down again. Because you're going back just one step. You shouldn't go back more than one step. Yeah. And so like if you're like 75% standing, you're still haven't got to the

00:29:47 --> 00:30:00

finish with a lot of disturbed differences of opinions regarding that. All right, but for the better part for any. Yes, as long as you didn't stand up fully then you can go back but if you stood up fully, you're now in the can within a pillar you can

00:30:00 --> 00:30:08

And I'll go back to something that is less with it, which is the first Ushahidi which is a legend. It is not okay. I mean, if you miss a pillar, in the end, we have to repeat

00:30:10 --> 00:30:32

the Orca. So if you are, if it's just one movement away, then you can go back to it immediately. But if it's too far down the road, meaning you're in the fourth Raka, and you remember that in the first guy, you didn't bring the second seafood. Right, then you just repeat it like it and then you do so use the whole at the end of it. Does that make sense? I guess understanding the the logic of this is that you understand it? Because once you do, you'll grasp and you'll know how to maneuver through.

00:30:35 --> 00:30:35


00:30:37 --> 00:31:10

It doesn't go to the first show. Yeah, this extends up to you. So yes, you say subhanallah, in case he's not fully standing up. If he's fully standing up, he cannot go back. And if he goes back, he invalidates his prayer and yours. So you just stand with him. And then he makes his use to *, because he carries it the mistake he made, he carries it for all of you. So you know, it's not upon you. Some scholars say that you can actually do moussaka, you can leave prayer and do it and then continue on your own. But I don't think that's proper for something that is less than a look and only for a pillar, would you do that, meaning if an imam last pillar, and you gave him Subhanallah I

00:31:10 --> 00:31:39

didn't listen to you, then you can stick to it. If you want others, sometimes we'll talk about that more in detail at the end of Salah Inshallah, but there's different ways of dealing with it, especially when the man makes a mistake. But if he makes a mistake, and that specifically, so he's doing first, he's supposed to sit for the first show, but he stands up, you say subhanallah, but he's already standing up. Now because you just stand up with him. Right? It's a problem. Because if he doesn't know if the person doing it is praying, and he has an email, and he comes up fully, and he's starting to read the source of it, hmm. And they say subhanallah. And he Oh, yeah, I forgot.

00:31:39 --> 00:31:40

And he goes down.

00:31:41 --> 00:32:09

The whole prayer is gone. Now. Because you didn't you went from something because you're rewinding in the wrong manner. It doesn't work. Like you can't go from broken to algebra, and that is the prominence of opinion amongst amongst some of them. So it's important that we know that particular, that's a very specific situation, it's important for everyone to know that that's how it works in case you're paying him on Monday. Or if you're paying on your own. If you forget it, and you're standing up close continue. If you're not standing up yet, you're still halfway you can you can sit Yes, assuming even he did forget. You could just tell him at the end, you forgot to do this, and

00:32:10 --> 00:32:42

so on. And so so. So if you, if you forget to who it's no big deal, let's say that yeah. But of course, you should revise your whole prayer plan. Like if you forgot a thing, and then you forgot this Oh, at the end, that means you couldn't do it. Where were you in the prayer? Like you had no idea what was going on the IP, you're forgetting a lot of kind and forgetting what do you by default getting? So what then maybe maybe go to a again, any focusing company again, but just to speak to from a technical point of view, if you forget, so who is fine, you don't have to do anything. Now some scholars, some scholars say, of course it is again, it's a difference of opinion, you can do to

00:32:42 --> 00:32:48

view and then do so used to hope. And it was just lean. But most of them say you don't have to do anything. So that's something that's worth noting and Sharma

00:32:53 --> 00:32:54

so you've

00:32:58 --> 00:33:00

got to remember at the end that you didn't do the first one. You didn't

00:33:04 --> 00:33:08

say it again. I completely understand. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

00:33:10 --> 00:33:11

Yeah. Yeah.

00:33:13 --> 00:33:16

And then at the end, you do that one that you miss? What do you mean you miss one? That's out loud?

00:33:18 --> 00:33:19

Yeah, it's really broken.

00:33:24 --> 00:33:25

is reading out loud? A pillar?

00:33:27 --> 00:33:30

Are you saying that you missed that whole recall? You missed reading out loud?

00:33:32 --> 00:33:34

Also, we just read out loud ones.

00:33:36 --> 00:33:42

Yeah, and then you'd have to repeat what you want, which one you're going to do? So the VSA you would do you would do it out loud and the rest of the No.

00:33:43 --> 00:33:44

Right? So

00:33:46 --> 00:33:46

at the end of the

00:33:48 --> 00:34:04

depends on when you when you remember. So it depends on when you remember, during the period. So if you remember, during the third, then that's the third and you continue to do the fourth, you remember, you remember, as you're doing the final Tisha hood, then you stand up and you do the rocket again. Now, when you read out loud or not the Hanafi essay you read out loud because you have to bring down like that you lost the

00:34:06 --> 00:34:25

mannequins I noticed you know, you just you that's your fourth like, you remember before this thing you will definitely do it before because it's compulsory within the prayer. If you remember afterwards, and we definitely do that. Yes. He's saying when you remember is does he does he read out loud or not? So if you say yes, the rest of the day no

00:34:30 --> 00:34:31

other somebody

00:34:36 --> 00:34:56

so depends on on what he why he made this leap with you. So if he forgot, if he forgot that he stands up and he gets whatever like it is missing, and if he didn't forget, he just did it because that's what he thought was right, then yeah, it is your player. Hope prayer is invalid, because it's all based on intention. When you stood behind this person to pray, what what was your intention? How many because you do want to pray.

00:34:57 --> 00:34:59

That's the intention means I am standing here to pray for record.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:28

Oh well you only pray three Why do you pray three by forgot okay fine then get the fourth and do so at the end. But I didn't think of anything and I just I just did whatever he did okay then repeat the whole prayer because you did your Nia was wrong to begin with you didn't you didn't know what you were doing. So it's always about what you're doing so if you if you're praying to Raka and inshallah the guy in front of you pray is 50,000 You're gonna finish after two. If you're here to pray for you it doesn't matter how much the guy in front of you is gonna pray if he prays one like you're fine you continue because you're here to pray three, you're gonna pray three because that's

00:35:28 --> 00:35:58

your intention at the beginning. Whether the guy in front of you please walk out to three or four or five doesn't make a difference you're going to do three because that's what you're going to do. Now if you don't know what you're going to do it just following the Imam there's difference of opinions amongst the vocal hurt when it comes to that is his prayer acceptable if the man makes the mistake, I tend to side with the opinion that no was fair is not acceptable. I think the least we can ask from ourselves is to know what you're doing. Just just know what you're doing know how many like are you going to pray? It's worth it because if you don't get into the habit of doing that, then you

00:35:58 --> 00:36:02

that's why these mistakes happen because you don't you're not taking enough time to think okay

00:36:04 --> 00:36:21

yeah, no, it doesn't you're like No, no, that doesn't happen. Yeah, it doesn't happen to Jamal because you're with the gym but when you're home and you're a hurry, you could do the commute I have no idea I just overall so what is this yellow? I'll make up the intention as I go along you know you have to before you start the prayer think okay, what is this right now? And he's as soon as exposure

00:36:23 --> 00:36:50

I had students who will say we start and then we make a point to make this a no no, you have to before you start is this so no origins and then make the animal will go with the intention that you make, because that is what comes. Okay. We'll stop there. We'll just read next time soon. And we'll start with the recommendations or the recommended recommended actions of Uppsala next week. Next week, it will be eight o'clock and it shall be eight o'clock. So we'll start immediately with gold. So 910 to around 55 minutes in shallow Jonnie

00:36:52 --> 00:36:53

work. Yes.

00:36:54 --> 00:36:55

You want to do

00:36:56 --> 00:36:57

what was it?

00:37:00 --> 00:37:08

I'll try to get I'll try to get a couple of them as you see Shafi I have a very specific breakdown, they have something called colors and their recommendation and then they have something called

00:37:10 --> 00:37:28

the only the identical the here here is something that is similar to him. So I will I will explain it to you and show that once we get to it, but yeah, this this text doesn't explain why God clearly so I needed to explain to you the first shot hood as I watch him and then I'll elaborate a bit more on that inshallah next time because I can look here. So thank you

2017 10 19LMM at 8pm Chapter of Prayer-4-Pillars

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