Adnan Rajeh – End of Surat Al-hadeed

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of achieving balance between spirituality and materialism in Islam, avoiding negative language, and maintaining a balance between spirituality and reality. They also emphasize the need for individuals to have a strong understanding of their own history and connections with Allah's teachings, avoiding negative language, and to pray once a week. The importance of avoiding overdoing things and staying on a schedule is emphasized, and the need for individuals to be mindful of their actions and not to feel the need to be too busy. The speakers also give two options to choose from, one of which was a money and the other one of a light, emphasizing the importance of finding the right balance and balancing options.
AI: Transcript ©
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aim to conclude with a theory of soil Hadid

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completing with that diverse cluster of Surah, starting from a path to a Hadid and then opening Sharla, after Eid, we will try and we'll begin with the with the majority law and that new cluster of zeros. Because next week, what I'll do is I'll do a little bit of a hydra review. And I'll go over the, the ritual itself, I'll show you some pictures show you kind of where things are and what they're called, and kind of how it works and explain to you some of the symbolism, and it's to share with you a kind of a condensed version of the experience of hedge for those who are interested, obviously, in attending.

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But today, we're gonna we have the last page of sorts of Hadith that we have not completed yet, and I think it's really worth the time to,

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to kind of go through the end of sorts, it is actually very information heavy. And there's a lot of a lot to learn from it. I recited for you the last, the first two verses of the page is number 25. And number 26. So I'll just do a quick commentary on them. And then we'll we'll kind of recite the verses afterwards and explain them. So at the end of the sutra that talks about achieving the balance the balance

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between spirituality and materialism, despite the balance of the law had on the bottom, which is the over everlastings, like ongoing struggle that the human experience has always carried to figure out how to kind of get that just right.

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because it's important, if you if you look at the wording here, I think is something worth kind of sharing with you. When he says to partner with Todd and he told us a story. It says if at the end of the day, he kind of tells retells the whole thing, he says look at the offset and also then I will be you know if you have indeed sent our messengers with clarifications with teachings or clarifications, when Zelina home will keytab when he Zanna yaku Manasa Wilkinson, we set with them the books or the book and that is referring to the teachings the laws, what it means then and Amazon is the scale, but obviously you know its profit, broader scale, the only writer, this the meaning of

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the symbolic the symbolic meaning of the word which is the balance. The appointment, unanswerable is so that people may be able to achieve full justice or prosperous justice.

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If you follow the word means done in the Quran, aside from the story of met of Schreib where he says gotten porcelain Makita Makita Allah will Misa don't ruin the scale, he's actually talking about the scale of buying and selling. You'll find the word in the Quran only three times. It's talked about once in Surah Assura which is which again so the shorter that's what it's what sort of the shorter does is it tells you that your your faith system your deen requires a reference and proper improper management and he led the NCL keytab will help people Meezan and he uses them Xander. Because in order for us to govern ourselves, you have to have that right balance that is talked about again, is

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sort of Rockman and I and we've done the tuxedo that sorta in this in this session, because it's one of the biggest blessings that Allah Subhan Allah has ever given this given this nation or given humanity is that he was somehow Well, lobotomies on top of a film is there any way of getting more visibility, whether to seal Oniisan, he talked about the balance that he sets upon which Allah within the laws that he taught. And then here, so it's not a word that's used a lot on the front, it's only used a couple of times, for a specific reason. And here it's used, because within the Surah, that is different from the solos that came before it, all of them gave you options, choices

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that you had to make. And then this one here doesn't really give you an option and tells you Okay, both of them are needed. You need, you need some degree of spirituality, you need a certain degree of material, materialism. And if you don't put them together, this, you're walking crooked, you're basically not going to achieve, you're not going to get to where you're hoping to go. It's not going to work for you. So he uses the word Meezan. He uses the word you need the balance. So instead of Mr. Holman, keytab will Meezan so that you may live, multi sport clusters where everything, everything gets this.

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You think of the word hub, which is righteousness. This is the manifestation of how does the value this is the manifestation of it, it's how it's going to be what it materializes into in the world. It's how you practice it's just a it's just a concept and abstract ideas and I that's all it is. This button I did this this is this is where you're actually practicing it.

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So the reason that ALLAH SubhanA gave this law and the reason that he made sure that it was perfectly balanced, is that we can live a life that will achieve fairness and justice and prosperity which is the word what the word means. And in that area. He's he uses that phrase when Szell Hadid when we descended Irin P he back soon should eat that has great might be extremely powerful. Well mafia leanness and there's a lot of benefit for people in it. Meaning it's going to be used in warfare. It's going to be used to fight people off it's going to it's going to spill blood, but at the same time, it's going to be used for a lot of benefits.

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Well He Allah Allah Humayun Soto, who will also who believe it'll become clearer based on how people use it, whether they are stand by Allah subhanaw taala in this province or they don't do and believe aid meaning even though they don't see him.

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So in this ayah, there's talking about the concept of the balance, he quotes, the existence of Ireland. He talks about the existence of that metal that most things that the modern

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industrial revolution or

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the change that the world has seen over the last

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couple of centuries, started with the industrialization of the of that of that mineral, he's pointing it out supine with that and the Quran. And it's actually a very, it's a very specific like the combination of the word Meezan, which is the balance and the existence of the word Hadid, which is iron and which is the sawdust named after him. He's telling us something subhanaw taala. This deen is a perfect balance of both. And just as you're going to need your intentions, your genuine, sincere,

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worked on intentions, intentions that you've spent a lot of time perfecting, and trying to get to the level where they're where they have that full sincerity. You also need Hadid this Deen doesn't work with this whole story is not unilateral. It's not, it's just it's not uni dimension you need, you need both. You need people who will understand why they're doing what they're doing, understand the value of it in their hearts, they've achieved a level of physical where they are actually in connection with the Creator. And they are worshipping Allah subhanaw. Because it's worthy of worship, they understand that and they're also willing to go and do the work, they're actually

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willing to go and make the change, and build what needs to be built and defend witness needs to be defended. And if the deen lacked one of those two approaches, then it wouldn't, those who just fight for the sake of wealth, those are history doesn't isn't very kind to them.

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He's you've never been kind to conquerors who just come for the wealth and the materialistic, and kill and * and steal and take everything that history doesn't remember them. And if it does, it remembers them in a very,

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very dim lights for sure.

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And faiths or ideologies that don't have people who are willing to defend them, who don't have a pragmatic aspect or angle to them. They don't, they don't survive, they eventually lose their existence. They don't, they're not there anymore. In order for Islam to become what it became, in order for Islam to continue to be what it is, you need, you need both a Muslims who understand what it means to be Muslim, meaning within their hearts and their minds, they have a connection with Allah subhanaw taala that is meaningful. And they know exactly where they stand in their relationship with the almighty Subhana wa Tada and their relationship with that book. And they know

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at the same time they are on the ground, and they are doing the work.

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At the same time they are on the ground, and they are doing the work and they are planning appropriately. And they're utilizing their resources. And they're making things happen. Any approach that that does not fulfill these, this balanced approach appropriately, or bring in both elements is an approach that is not going to work. It's just not it's been trying. It's been trying a lot and it's failed many, many times. The only one this one to work is the one that he used on a histogram which is what which is what this what this is explaining to us. So he told us what Zelner Hadid and he sent and he descended Iran. And yes, Iran can have great maintenance strength, but there's

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benefit to people in it. And he used to use it, you need to use it just like I sent you the law, the book and the balance that you're going to you need you need to have this piece as well.

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And that's why Islam survived. And this is not this talk is not a call out for people to go start wielding swords and making this is explaining to you that Allah subhanaw taala in the Quran from the beginning recognized for us and explained to us

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that there's going to be a spiritual aspect of your experience, and there's going to be a materialistic one as well. And if you fail to fulfill the needs of either, then your story will not be complete, like you won't actually get to where you're going.

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And I think that's a real, that's a very valuable lesson for us to learn today. I think as Muslims in the West, we actually have a better approach to this, then then Muslims elsewhere to someone who being someone who grew up in the Middle East for the majority of my life, I think Muslims in the West have a better grasp on this concept. I don't feel the need. And I go by kind of what I observe and the conversations I have with people. I don't feel the urge or the need to spend a lot of time talking about this as much as I did when I was living in the Middle East. Because of the fact that you have to you have the polarization of this approach to there much more. You have groups that are

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not in any form or manner organized or have any tangible plans of for the foreseeable future of achieving anything. But there's a

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Heavy aspect of spirituality. It's very strong, but there's no there's nothing else. There's nothing else. And that doesn't work in the long run, there's something that's gonna be missing. And you have the opposite. We have those who have no spirit to anything that they do. It's all mechanical. And it's all doom and gloom. And they turn into something even more monstrous, and much more difficult. And I'm saying this to my own Muslim brothers and sisters, if we don't have the ability to self critical and self analytical, then there's no point of us learning anything. This is not some people don't like the pessimism, or the the the extended criticism that I offer

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to our OMA, but I do that, because I'm a part of this. I'm not criticizing from outside. This is not someone else's story. This is our story. When I criticize or criticize, I'm criticizing myself and my family and ourselves so that we can better so that we can improve. It's one thing to stand and criticize people from outside or just stand in a position where Jana you're putting down or demeaning the Muslim ummah in front of others, or trying to make it seem worse. That's not what we're doing. Here. We are as Muslims sitting reading the book of Allah subhanaw taala, that he this is his word. And he spoke to us through this is his word, this is him speaking to us subhanaw taala,

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for us to actually learn what it is that he said, and then take a look if we actually practice what he told us to do or not. And if the answer is no, or there are deficits that we then we take the time required to fix that. And to make the changes that are needed. What else what's the point? What's the point, self praise as easy as it takes nothing. It's very, and actually, it's very popular, people love it, you become very, very, very famous, and people will love it, you just stand there and just say good things, and it's all nice, and everything's going well. You just see positive stuff.

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there's nothing positive for me to say right now. If we stay the way we are, we are headed into a brick wall as an OMA, we're going to

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smash our faces, face to face first into it. And it's going to be very painful to everyone who's a part of this ummah, this is the reality. If you see it differently, may Allah bless your eyes, I don't see it any differently. And

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I think that if we really care about ourselves and about this OMA and about the future, and we truly believe in Allah subhanho wa taala, then being honest about the problem, being honest of where we are, is the least we can do is the least we can do the least saying that we are not in a good situation. We're not in so many fronts in so many ways. You're not things are not getting better for us things are not going in the right direction for us. When you do that, you at least give yourself a chance to fighting chance no matter how small it is, to maybe change your way and get where you want to go. But if you continue to draw a blind eye to all that happens around you and say, No, it's

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all good. Because for now it is because for now the sun is up and the storm has not come yet. Or maybe in your lifetime. It won't and you're just lucky to get through it, then then fine. That's fine. I don't I don't think that's right. I think that we're accountable in front of Allah subhanaw taala if we decide to think or function in that manner, and I and that's why we have to be self critical not to be heavily self critical. As he was already sought to ascend to himself, he held himself to the highest standard that exists that ever existed. And he held the ones he loved to that same standard. He held though, but not everybody. But he held those who are close into that

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standard. And because he did that it was time Islam. Yeah. And he was everywhere within a short period of time. Because these people understood what it was that they were supposed to do. If we hope to see change within our lifetime, actual change, then we have to start taking what Allah subhanaw taala is saying, seriously, and start reading it with the intention of projecting the application of these words upon ourselves. That has to be the goal that here's what he said, Am I practicing this? Am I Do I Do I have that balance? Do I have that? To have the healthy balance? He's talking about subhanaw taala? Is my heart filled with ashore and is my hands extended with wealth

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and to build am i doing both at the same time? Do I value both the essence and the appearance of every act of worship that I do to understand that that's what Islam is built upon? Or, again,

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if you're happy with the you know, up and down prayers,

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that's fine. That's satisfying for you. Go ahead.

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I'm gonna log on to gracias Stobo, Allah, if that's what we want to do, just a quick, you know, chicken Peck thing, you can do that.

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Or the opposite. Or you can sit around enjoying a deep and profound feeling of spirituality while the world burns around us.

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And hope that somehow we don't catch fire.

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Try not to pretty sure, pretty sure both approaches won't work. British

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But there is something different, it's going to take much more effort, it's gonna take a lot of sacrifice and take a lot of commitment, a lot of grit, it's going to take a lot of self

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improvement, to take a lot of us a lot of change, interchange, we got to we got to look at ourselves in the mirror individually and collectively as an almost as nation as a community and start saying, when this has to change, this has to change this cannot continue to act the way you continue in the way that it is I can't continue to behave this way think like this act in that manner. And when we started doing that, things will start to change. That's how you actually which is what the reason is here. You send that balance supine or whatnot. It's a balance that balance has to be maintained you ruined the balance everything everything falls to pieces. You have to keep the balance in the eye it

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tells you instead of that hadith I descended Iran upon you use it for your for the good that you need use it just like I told you, I let me need a Latina woman who is not the time not come for your hearts to find cool shoe I'm telling you and scented Hadid I sent you Iran as well. You cannot come to God and say why are you focused on one thing not the other? No. After being so glad you're with me. I think it's I think it's become extremely clear. Okay,

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that's my two cents on on that. So he continues to partner with Tata at the end the finale of Sudha till Hadid which is not done by the way the most interesting part of the suit is a number 27 by far and I'll explain it to you today in Sharla. He continues the story and he actually goes into more details as well after the

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new hunt wherever all Hema Wi Fi theory Yeti HeMan whoo what well keytab I mean, he did like a theory on minimum first you know, indeed We sent also no honey Brahim.

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Meaning he gave the general story I've sent messengers, I gave them a law and the balance and I descended upon them, I arranged for them to use for their benefit and defend themselves. So I explained it and I said no, and Ibrahim and I put within their families prophesy Naboo water well Kitab and law I gave them all that they needed for me to whom was that some of them accepted the guidance and they followed the footsteps you follow the teachings what cathedral minimum festival a lot of them went to straight to the finish here is not a curse word of them not being good people here is just referring to the fact that they went to St. basilica to have but to me and Noah This is

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the word that Arabs used to say that a a seed or a blossom broke loose from a seed mean went to straight it's no longer contained were in where it needs to be. So what cathedral minimum fashion Allah them all them broke off, didn't continue on the straight line and they broke off and went in another direction and practice things very differently. So it's more of an explanation that some of them stayed the track. Mr. Green has stuck to the path and some of them broke off and did something different. And then he continues to pile on what's out of the story. So we're saving Charlotte together at number 27. And we'll go through the the very important meanings that it shares with us.

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We'll start with number 27, Sheldon Hadid I will be laying him in a shape on your Raji.

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Bismillah hir Walkman your Rahim

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Mapa faina

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li him be also Lena

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Walk of Fame OBE seven email re M

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Tina who in GE

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what John Duffy who will be Lavina Tebah rock fed well, man

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so, some of them are slow, if you have you may see a small Jeem on top you may see like a an indicator that you can stop here and other Muslims if you have older, tiny

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prints, you may not find that, that indicator, that Gene Right. And when you see differences from between massage in terms of those

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those indicators of whether you can stop or you can't this is not these don't follow the same authentic chains of narration that the Quran wordings have, they don't have that same status. These are the choices of the scholars of the law in terms of where they believe it's best for you to stop in the middle of an area or it's taken from the scholars of Tafseer in where it's appropriate to stop when you're trying to understand the meaning. And that's and mostly mostly when they put these these symbols these these indicators. They are following the idea of 50

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More recently, they're following where it's appropriate to stop and you're deaf see it and your understanding of diverse, not just in terms of the linguistic synth heart harmony that that is required. So here you'll find and it's a newer muscle I have, do you have one on yours? Is it there too? Does anyone have one that doesn't? Yours doesn't Yeah, so so so if you've got like, something in 90s, like Madonia print, you won't find it. Because this is and this is not like an old Quran is different. This is these are symbols that are taken from scholars in terms of where it's preferred to stop versus not as preferred to stop and they differ on that they don't all have exactly the same

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opinion on it when it comes back to their way of interpreting the verses and where they think is linguistically acceptable to actually give a pause versus not. So this is something where you can have a difference of opinion among scholars in terms of reciting, but the verses are the words are the same. Nothing is different. It's just the symbols because I got to ask this question when some people were very shocked when they saw like, No, this is this is fine. Okay. Well, Benny yet on ebay

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so this is a bit of a tricky one. So what I have Bernie Yeah, 10 that you see the new queen on the title Mr. Botha, but then because after the total amount of water, you have a Hamza, that 100 Watson so you have an NF and on top of it is a little

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like a little sod or something. It's called the 100 Watson.

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That means you're going to basically going to ignore this Elif, you're not gonna you're gonna ignore it completely as you recite continuously. But if you start with the word you make it a full Ahimsa so if you start with that word you say, even if you give it a full Hamza with the customer, but if you continue you're gonna ignore it. So because what I have ni yet nibble or abahani yet and EBITA so it's a little bit of a kind of a syllable after syllable approach when you when you recite this this word Mac I Taberna I lay him

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elaborative or read when he

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from our well I will have body I T.

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For Dean Lavina will mean whom I urge you all whom

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work I see you mean whom fair see.

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All right, for feta means to send someone behind someone else right up buffer meaning in terms of following the buffer is your your backside or your behind. So cofina mean someone walked in that direction, we sent someone to walk in the exact same direction right behind them right behind them. That's what afina means. So he says to pound tide I sent if you go back to the beginning of the page at this kind of the end of sort of Hadid what he's saying is indeed a sent all these prophets. They sent these messengers I sent with them the Book and the balance and they descended upon them, Iran so the thing we defend themselves and stand up for what is right. And Allah will always stand by

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those those who stand by him and dt is the most powerful and he has done fathomable and I indeed in sent Noah and Ibrahim and I put prophecy and log within their family and some of them accepted it and walk down that path and some of them went to straight and then I followed

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up with Ibrahim and no one a cent more profits no mocha fina Allah 13 widow Cena, but I sent them with the same thing this will caffeine me is me. I didn't send a new profits with a new teaching. No, I sent them with the exact same stuff.

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Live will differ. The Creed won't the balance won't. No Prophet came with pure spirituality with a no and no building No. In no focus on on rituals or appearances or understanding of defending or building a nation. No Prophet came with pure one thing or pure the other every even if we think based on the teachings that we see from other faiths, or that this faith is just spiritual. No, every one was sent with the same balance by Allah subhanaw taala they were followed. They fall in the footsteps of no honey Brahim, everyone who came before them.

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And then I know it's either actually points out the question that happens a lot for caffeine, OBE, 70, Malian, he talks about Jesus, son of Mary, and I sent following this exact same footsteps as all the prophets before him walked in the same footsteps of ignoring Ibrahim I sent he said, Jesus said of Mary.

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Well, I think you know who in GE and I gave them the gospel, I gave him the Bible in the New Testament.

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What do you feel who will be living in a tuber who are fat and water and

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He put in the hearts of those who followed him What kindness Rama, compassion. Were tender and compassionate people, those who followed him, I think he said I became tender and compassionate people. That's why you have that gene there because that's what was actually put in.

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Then they made it do something different.

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Bernie a tiny bit.

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And then they made up a Gnosticism.

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Or the, it's called the vow of chastity, they call it among creed. There's different words.

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You've heard of this, of course, right. Now what Benny Alaba is extreme fear. It's a spiritual state. Raha Barnea is an elevated spiritual state. That's really what it is. linguistically, in the Arabic language means many history Latin meaning the nomenclature is referring to a practice, that some of the Christian monks or priests, male and female, took upon themselves, which was a vow of chastity that they would not

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get married, or have sexual relations with, with anyone, it would, it would remove that from their lives, and they would dedicate themselves to nothing but

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your rituals and worship and spirituality, etc. He says here, subhanaw taala in the Quran, well, I had Bernie yet and EBITA Dawa, in Montana meaning is you made something up without being given a process that will allow you to achieve it or reach it, when you you may you didn't have the origin for it. You weren't given a continuum or a logical process that would allow you to reach it, you just made it up. You just came and kind of started it from nothing. With no one

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teaching you this with no one giving you cues to begin it. It doesn't have an origin that has authenticity to it. That's what I mean, because it is creativity. l Budhia. The creative is Allah subhanaw taala. It's one of His Names. The concept is not evil. The concept itself is not evil. But aspects of it are problematic for sure. When we talk about law, we talk about Allah subhanaw taala His Word and His law Subhana wa Tada. It's interesting that this is the only place in the Quran where the concept of Bedarf comes in.

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The only place the only other time the word is used is going to be done. Minahasa where the prophet Allah says, I'm not something I don't as a prophet come with something new. That never happened before. I am walking in the same footsteps that everyone before me walked into. So I'm not some tiny freak of nature. No, I'm not I'm not I'm not breaking any rule. I'm not doing something that was not done before. I'm not Vidya. I didn't come and do something different. And actually use some of the things you're claiming are the things that have no evidence that has never been claimed before. But I'm doing exactly what Noah and Ibrahim and moose and all the prophets of God came and did and these

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audience to them. But of course, the issue pointing out same thing except pneumonia, because within his nation, something did change. Something did happen that we should learn from, we should learn from this surah that's main goal is to remind us the importance of of having the balance between spirituality and materialism, obviously leaning towards the importance of having that spiritual connection with Allah subhanaw taala because that's what it really pulls. That's the heavy focus of the sort of really, it really, it really focused on that on the on how to understand physical occurrences and how they should affect you psychologically and spiritually to respond to them in

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that way and how you should have that horseshoe and that closeness is focuses very heavily on that, at the end of it. It points out something very different. It says however, what Baniya said that, oh, they made that up.

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Yeah, that they need that piece of that that vow of chastity piece that was that was made up. We didn't make it up in our highly diverse, we did not decree that upon them. No one wrote that upon the know what no one commanded them to do that market abnormally elaborative REO Guanella. This is different out here, there's at least six different opinions on exactly how to understand it linguistically, at least six,

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no focus channel in the same direction. Basically, I'll give you the simplest or the most common elliptic, one, they allow you to have them

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except seeking

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the satisfaction of Allah. That's what this means it leapt out of one Illa except for the sake of seeking their satisfaction of God. So what this is saying is that we didn't write it upon them, because all that we ever wrote upon them was to seek the satisfaction of Allah. And we never we never decreed upon them to do something that was not going to satisfy Allah and this was not one of those things. That Baniya this this vow of chastity or the monasticism that they're talking about, was not something that Allah that pleases Allah so it was not decreed upon them. In love divided when Allah here means that that this is this was not except meaning we only wrote upon them that we

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wrote upon them nothing except that which would please Allah

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subhanaw taala or the second meeting for it, which is also acceptable and probable is that they only did it with the intention of pleasing Allah. It was not decreed upon them market Abner Holly him, but they did it in love divided by Allah they only did it because they thought that if they did it, they would please Allah subhanaw taala more.

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And then he says from Allah O Hatari, IoT, ha, but they couldn't they couldn't see it through. They didn't take care of it. They make it made a vow, they committed themselves to something that Allah subhanaw taala did not ask them to do. Did not please him Subhana wa Tala, they committed themselves to it and they couldn't see it through. They could not take care of their vow, the way they didn't give it his due to observance, did not observe it

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in the way that it deserved to be observed.

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Here's the problem with the let me explain because it's important on multiple levels.

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You're only required

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to worship Allah the way he asked you to.

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You're not required to do more than what he explained from you to do. Like you're not supposed to. You're not asked to do that you're not asked to go out of your way and do things to yourself in the in the pursuit of the satisfaction of Allah subhanaw taala all that satisfies him all that pleases Allah subhanaw taala he has explained to you there's no reason to make anything up. The examples that we have that when the Prophet Allah you saw there was it was told by there was a man and man by the name of Allah, and he had vowed to stand in the sun

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and fast.

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That's what he vowed to stand in the sun. In fact, he wasn't gonna sit here and move on the sun. You're gonna fast. Call him maybe it is also a Morrocco command him.

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Failure Judas. Holy accroche munitions, will you Tim, Salma, will you, Tim, Salma finale, la hija 10 feet, IDB has an officer.

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So he said that his last command him may he sit when he's tired, and may He not stand in the sun all day. And may He continue his fasting is that that's a good one, the fasting piece we have explained as a good deed, so continue your fasting, but get out of the sun and sit down whenever you want. Allah has no need for you to for this person to torture themselves. But he has no need for that. So don't don't do it. Another example, when the Prophet alayhi salatu salam was told that a number of younger people

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decided that they were going to make some changes to their lifestyle.

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And it's not it's not the the good stuff where they're waking up in the morning and sleeping at night. And not what they decide to do is that they weren't, they would not one of them said, I will never break my fast again.

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The other one said, I will never ever sleep at night again, I will pray all night. And the other said, I'm never gonna marry, I'm going to just not I don't want to. I don't want to get distracted.

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And their argument was, well, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam you know, and he's the Prophet. I just thought he doesn't need to do all this stuff.

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So he's fine doesn't require it. But we do because we're weak. And we, you know, we have a lot of problems. So we need to, you know,

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pick it up a notch like you have to push ourselves a bit harder to get it done. But the point of it is saw those calls. And in its political, its political Lula, he was shocking. No, no, no one fears Allah, or viewers, Allah, or has a better relationship with Allah than me. And this is not a bragging point. This was to learn because if he didn't say that, and he has also been a problem if he didn't make an even state that clearly there will always be a little bit of a an issue here in terms of the argument.

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We're in need. Also, Walter.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:52

Also Lee, what?

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What is our UniSA I

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fast and I break it? In Sunday's I find sometimes I don't. Some nights, I pray sometimes I sleep. And I get married, a Merle Hebron and Suniti Felisa money, those who don't want to follow in my path. They're not a part of me. You follow in the path that I explained to you, you don't make things up. You don't come and make something, you don't make something up in terms of worship that ruins your functionality. When someone says, I'm going to worship God by becoming a rah, rah, rah Benny, I'm going to make a vow of chastity. He doesn't want to be worshipped like that.

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He doesn't. If he did, you would have told you, he doesn't want to be worshipped like that. But I want to watch him like that. I don't No one cares what you want. He doesn't want to be worshipped. If you don't want to get married for some other reason. Don't. But don't act like this is something that you're doing for the sake of Allah because he never asked for it. He doesn't want it. You're not interested in subhanaw taala. And this is the point of this is the problem with the spirituality piece here is that when we decide that we're going to draw ourselves closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala you do that?

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within the boundaries of what he explained to us within the boundaries of how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam lived, which is why he talked about prophets, like three or four times in the verses before us why he said, look at us, hello, Sudan and the first one, then he said, Oh, Sal, in a new Hanoi, Ibrahim, and then he said, cofina, Allah 30, Hindus, Selena, he kept on talking about these messengers, time and time again. You're like, why? Okay, I get it. I get it the first time. Why two times later? Can you sing like those guys live like them? Behave like them? Do. You don't need to make something new, you want to make something up, don't do that. There's no point. Because when you

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try to worship God, aside from the way he asked you to ask you to worship Him, you end up harming yourself, you end up harming others as well. And is not appropriate and is not the way that Allah subhanaw taala is asked to be worshipped. And this is this is a very delicate point. It's very important. Because we don't know what's best for us. We don't have that ability. We don't know what is going to be beneficial for us. When you perform robinia you take away the peace of Hadid we take up way the peace of the materialism No, you are destined to yes be a spiritual being that relationship with with their spouse, a physical relationship, an intimate physical relation with

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their spouse, and they have children, and they have to sit at home. And, and yeah, and he played and go through all of the pains of having children. That's it. That's a part of this is a part of the deal. He is not saying no, no, we technically be better if you didn't know.

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If you decide I think technically would be better if I didn't, you're making that up. That's the problem with Buddha. That's actually the problem with the actual the Quranic definition of Buddha, was when you go ahead, and you start making up ways to worship God that he did not ask for that are going to ruin your functionality, they're going to take away from the balance.

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This is the Quranic definition. Now the scholars have defined this word and

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at least 26 ways 26 definitions across the board of what the word paradigm means. And there are at least four different approaches to how to deal with the concept and what I am not interested in getting into this theological, convoluted drag on dragging discussion, and I rarely use the word and I don't even see, for the most part that this is our biggest problem as an Omar at least today. Obviously, there are people who have made this an issue with with the way that they've carried Islam, and that's understandable. But for us, I think what we need to understand from it is what Allah subhanaw taala actually talked about. He used the word Putana or VEDA, when he was pointing

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out the oral Hibernia. He pointed out a behavior that a group of people made up that crippled their ability to function think about I mean, I don't like getting going after we sit here we don't preach we teach our deen we don't occupy ourselves with any

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demeaning or bringing down other faiths and talking about them negatively is not it's not my style. I don't believe that to be the way to do it. But in this example, specifically, it's this is a an experience that happened that is worthy of our of our, for us to learn. The Rabbani that they brought forward, they did this to please Allah, it was a good intention upfront good intentions don't make up for bad decisions.

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Is that a, that's an important just gonna remember that. Pin that somewhere in your mental dashboard. Good intentions don't make up for bad decisions, period. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what you want it to do. And what you hope to do doesn't matter. What was the outcome. Okay, that's what you have to deal with right now. Now you have to fix the outcome. No one cares. If you felt that doesn't matter. God will maybe care about that. You're welcome if you're lucky, but

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otherwise, people don't really doesn't matter to them what your intention was, so be careful. So their intention was is that they wanted to please God, but they made a decision that they had no right to make that crippled their functionality. It what did it do? What did it do to the Nissan? It ruined the balance. It ruined the balance, you came to the balance, the balance of both the materialistic and the spiritual approach that you're supposed to have to your dean, and you crippled it, and you ruined it. You said I'm not going to marry, I will have no sexual relationships with anyone alive all my life.

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Who said this was a good idea? No, I want to please God that way. Did he tell you that he wants to be pleased that way? No, why would you do this? It makes no I don't think this is a good idea. No, no, it's a really good idea. This shows full commitment. Is that what it showed?

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Is that what it did to the Catholic Church?

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Is that what it did? It didn't it didn't they know that too. It just didn't work at all. This causes so much so many problems for them. The Quran is saying this is not what we never asked you to do this. Why did you do it? Why why? Oh, oh, this is Jani the amount of of headache that this broth then that it just Pinilla this one action almost completely discredited.

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So pallid, this one mistake almost completely discredited them in

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funds have their own followers.

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Meaning it, it crumbled their faith not from outside from the inside, because their own people to say, we don't want this anymore. Now you will have someone with a religion, even if it's corrupt is better with nothing. We know that and keytab are better, it's better to have some Kitab we don't this is not something that we celebrate as Muslims, people leaving their faith. No, no, no, no, I don't celebrate that. That's not something I'm looking into it they come to Western medicine, but that's not what's happening. They're losing faith and faith. They're losing faith in religion altogether. It's not that's not No, no, that's not not helpful. Not at all. But it did. Because

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sometimes those bad decisions can cause that when you break the balance, you broke the balance this is not no

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no one told you other examples of that. And he there are examples of people during the profit center whenever he whenever this came up some Allah who seldom was also was always somebody who decided to worship God in some new way. There's another Hadith about Muhammad said he's the worship one person said, worship God by not speaking polymeric affiliate the kalam tell them to speak to him to speak, right we don't need him to maybe not all the time, maybe hold your tongue when needed, but but there's no need. But this person in his mind was like no, this is a good way why anyone can tell me why this may sound like a good idea.

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Yeah, but no, there's actually like this person had evidence

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and sort of Meriam What is What does Gibreel tell them to do?

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Coli in Nene adult Tula Romagna Salma Belen, Colima, Yama and CSA that I am going to, because in her Shediac it was an act of worship that was acceptable you could you could you could make a vow of silence, not an hours,

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nine hours, the Prophet of Islam did not teach that. There is no vow of silence. No.

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There is the teaching of speak higher or hold your tongue is the speaking of do not gossip is the speaking of don't speak about things that you don't understand. There is a teaching of make sure you Speak tenderly and kindly and only righteously. But there's no vow of silence in our deen you make that up? You make that up, you make you open a problem. Not you open up a new problem. There examples of this, the examples that we have of the concept of bids in our deen is someone making up a way of worship, that cripples functionality that cripples function out that ruins the balance. That's the exact those are the examples that we have. And I think sometimes and I'll make this

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comment, because I think it's worth making money, you can disagree with me. And that's fine. I understand i i grew up in this world. And I know

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that there are a lot of people who have a lot of different opinions on this topic and get very upset about it. And I think it's another it's another segue for our division human I'm, I'm very tired, I'm very careful not to be reason for division. But here's an important thing. There's a difference between an act of worship that is made up that has no origin, and has no functionality and is actually crippling and ruining the balance and practices or exercises that are needed for personal or spiritual development. And I think in many situations, both by those who support them, and those who hate them, there's a lack of understanding of some of the exercises that were explained by

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scholars of early times in terms of what they do. And I learned this because I spent a lot of time in Yanni being educated by scholars of dusky especially in Damascus, where they were prominent and an abundance. And theirs was always by especially the followers and young folks, there are those Pro and and those who are

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against the some of these practices, some of these learnings, where they don't understand the difference between an act of worship, something that we are doing, where we are claiming this is a bad this is an act of worship that we're using to to worship Allah subhanaw taala and an exercise an exercise that is developed designed for you to learn about yourself and to grow. And those are needed. Exercises are needed. There. You have to actually go put yourself in situations where you can learn about yourself something so that you can actually perfect your prayer, perfect your DUA so you can spiritually grow. They are not necessarily acts of worship that we're going to do two or

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three times a day and teach, but they are needed in four hours of our development. And then I find people don't see the difference. I'm gonna give you an example of something that I was told that they use the word bidder to actually describe like that this was the word that was used. We on Fridays, right before Jamal, we have two brothers with * with decaf. So I was called by multiple people saying this is a bad guy, you should stop doing it. So then what exactly is the big piece about it? Like what is what is it? So the answer that you get, and this is the answer that is very simplistic and it's not authentic? It's not appropriate. Like this is not a good answer, where

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you're saying, well, the Prophet didn't do it. Well, yeah.

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At the Prophet didn't do a lot of things on his slot was set up. That's not a good answer, you need to have a different approach to what we're talking about here. You have to give me you actually have to have a better definition to what we do is what we're doing something that Prophet Allah you saw to some commanded not for us not to do, number one. Number two, is it based on a concept or a belief that does not have an origin within our deen meaning meaning I'm bringing something I'm pulling something out of my pocket that does not does not have any, any authenticity, number two, number three, are we claiming that this is an authentic act of worship? That is a sunnah that we should be

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doing it. Not everything we do, we can use the word, it's a tsunami, the Prophet alayhi salam did it, it doesn't mean that it's not an act of worship. It doesn't mean that mean, again, there's a differentiation here. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam did a lot of things, a lot of acts of clear that he didn't do, because they were not available at his time, or needed. There was no necessity for them, and there was no opportunity for them. So now today, we do them because we draw parallels, we said that he did it, he did something like this before. So so we're doing something similar to it now. So when we talk about something like citing this isn't acceptable. So you have to ask the big

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question, is it acceptable for someone for you to have a specific time of the day where someone respects the Quran openly for people to listen to? Yes. Is it something that the recites would have on Friday? Yes. Is it healthy? Is it Sunday to help people to teach people don't read them to do it? Yes. So then you have enough, you have enough background, you have enough Islamic religious background or basis to say that this is not a bitter. This is

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an act that the Prophet Allah use, awesome, didn't do. Because there was no necessity for it, that today we are doing because there's a benefit for doing it. And that requires an understanding not only of well suited fit, but also well suited in understanding the origins of religion itself. What is it that what are the what are the goals of faith? What are the purposes of it, and whether what you're doing is going to achieve a purpose or not? Another example, is when I say a couple of people, they want to pray once a week, they want to do pmla. So they don't kill it off in their lives. So they choose a night and they pray, okay, I believe it's a bit on. No, again, not a not not

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a good word to use. This is a big word. This is a big word. I take this word very seriously, like the word bid is huge. Why? Because it's gonna let you know kulula Tenemos, la Hibu, high enough, because every bit that takes you to misguidance, and every misguidance will take you to jahannam. And we just saw a colossal example here. What a Bernie attorney but said that they made a proper money, it tripled everything, it ruined everything is a huge problem when you make up when you make a bid. And I'm not saying not to say that in Islamic history we haven't had people have have been done. No, of course, of course, people have made things up and caused problems, and have caused

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problems and have have divided the OMA horrifically when you make a claim, like somehow there are people amongst us after the Prophet alayhi salatu salam died, who are still

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we're still received some sort form of Revelation, or my soul, they don't make mistakes. And they can be they can be a reference mean, we're bringing the papacy into Islam, bringing the concept of a puppet bringing that in here is a masiva because that that's that's not he he said it once I said Gibreel stops coming. So yes, there are people who have wisdom of knowledge that they don't have revelation.

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Let me tell you this really interesting story. That was told by my one of my teachers yesterday told me the story.

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told me the story was of people, a small village and they were looking to see the moon

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or to see the moon because it was the end of Ramadan as as usual. So that night, they're looking to see the moon

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and they don't see it but a man comes and says last night or this morning when I was sleeping, the Prophet said Allah Allah Osiris, Selim came to me and my dream and told me that tomorrow is aid.

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And he was a respectable member of the community and he said it publicly so people started on.

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So this is what the judge said he was the Mufti. Did you see him when you were awake? Or when you were asleep?

00:49:16 --> 00:49:21

Did I saw him mostly? He said well, he told me when I was awake that tomorrow's Ramadan

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you saw it in your sleep? I didn't I saw him when I was awake so I my my experience Trump's yours

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and the people of course the on he was to bank and things like that because what you're telling me is a dream. But the law the fact the law of Islam the law he left me some Allah Hollywood Salam is him teaching me during my awake time exactly what to do. He told me you will look it up if you see it, then you have if you don't see it, you know what oh my god, that is him talking to me during my awake time. So your dream does not Trump this. So Allah Allah Islam, US LM does that does that make sense? And that's that's where that's where this becomes important. That's where the

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The understanding of this becomes very, very, very important of knowing exactly how we're supposed to deal with these problems.

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I can go on about this for a long time but I'm not going to

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but I think the example here is just Majestic at the end of certain Hadith that focused on spirituality more than any other sort of talk the balance came and said by the way, be very careful Don't make things up Don't make things up don't do don't do something new you have all you need. Everything that you need was taught to you every aspect of worship Allah speaker has given to you to follow it don't make anything up make sure you keep the balance going. If you ruin the balance everything will come crumbling down. Just like it happened to those who claim to follow a 7 million when they brought forward or Bernie Yeah, they did it for the it was good intention well intended

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doesn't mean anything. The guy who saw the dream well intended, well intended wasn't a bad person wasn't lying even probably probably meant it doesn't mean doesn't matter, though, doesn't matter. bad intentions don't make up for bad decisions, bad decisions. Decisions have to be made with the proper logic. elaborative or real one enliven our our curry idea by attaining a Latina man or woman or Yarraman we granted those who believed and did their best their reward. But what cathedral minimum fast you can, but a lot of them went astray. Why? Because they made it too difficult for themselves when you can't do it anymore. Let me tell you a funny, Eben Omar.

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He, he was very enthusiastic about worship. He was very mashallah one of the others do and they're great, great Sahaba.

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So we can do the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he said, how much I want to I want to have like my husband the Quran, because he had a simple because we want to make it bigger.

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So the Prophet alayhi salatu salam tried giving him any options, don't read it once every

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month. No, I can do better. Once every two weeks now I can do better time every week. I can do better type every

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couple of days, four days, five days, I can do better. And he said every three days. Now I can do better. He said no, you can't read it in less than three days.

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And they talked about see I'm gonna want to fast everyday No, no, don't fight everyday fast. Maybe just the two,

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three Nakamise or the three days of 1314 15 to the lunar months. No, I can do more. Okay, then I didn't know homies I can do more. Okay, then kept on going, then do day in day out like that would but don't do more than that. You could have normal photography in the valley. So it was a while later, he has two beautiful, salty heat, when he grew up is that I wish I just I wish I didn't do this. I wish I just took what the offers he made up front like the once a month and maybe three, three days a month. Now it's too heavy for me, I can't do it anymore. I'm getting older, it's tiring. And now if I break this habit that I have, I'll feel like I I went I ran with the habits for

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the majority of my life in the last 100 meters. It's like you're running the race and last 100 meters you fall, you lose if you're it's like you're praying and then you left elite, you know, your league, gosh, if they lost the shuffle, you have to go repeat the whole thing. It doesn't work, you have to get to the finish line with what you're doing. You have to get to the finish line. So I went home I was like I wish I didn't. I don't know why I did this. I was what were they thinking. It's like the Prophet tried to persuade me no ticket ticket. He's don't have to do all this. But I didn't listen, I was too I was too reckless. And I put myself in a position now I had to do things that are

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so hard for me to do.

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Islam is not about torturing yourself. Spiritual growth is not about hating yourself, or making yourself uncomfortable all the time, or making you're putting yourself in position where you can't enjoy your life. No, you can be a spiritual being, and have a healthy physical relationship with your spouse 100% When it doesn't have to be No, I'm spiritual, I have to be overly spiritual and leave all of No, no, no, no, no, it doesn't work like that you try and do that doesn't work, it doesn't work, it doesn't work at all. Because you are made of two things, because you're a spirit in your body and both of them have to be fulfilled, you have to fulfill both sides of it. So you can be

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healthy, if you want to be balanced is going to be achieved and you then you have to make sure both sides are balanced or healthy. This is saying the they overestimated the importance of the Spirit like the over rank the spiritual and the and they put aside the physical appearance piece, the apparent piece, and it didn't work for them. It didn't work because it doesn't it doesn't never do. It never will. never will. But it's okay to have an exercise. It's okay to go on a next escapade for a couple of days or a week or so and only eat a few things to understand. It's okay. It's not an act of worship. I did this when I was younger. We went on a full week where we went and lived in a small

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cabin. And all we ate was basically a dune and zato that's it. Right? I have never been hungry or in the entirety of my life. I was in pain. I understand pain. It wasn't hunger. It was physical pain. I was in pain. And for the first time I understood when they would take the rock and they would understood what that meant. I was 18 it was extremely painful because my body was not used to this. I was not used to no caffeine and no sugar and no rice and no chicken and no meat and no

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Nothing, I was not used to this eating. But honestly the exact data and say to has enough in them, you can survive. But it's not comfortable. It is not fun. But for a week, it told me more about myself than probably any other experience I've ever had just told me more about myself, it wasn't about the weight loss, it was more about the limits of the human experience. It's more of about building habits, it's more about self control. It's about a lot of other stuff you pick up even not even requiring a teacher or a scholar to sit down and teach it to you. You just go through the experience to tough it out. And then you'd learn something that you will never forget. It'll be in

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it'll open your eyes, these exercises, these exercises are not acts of worship. And calling them a bit that it's not it's not an act of worship is not as soon as not a funnel is an exercise for you to learn about yourself. The Sahaba were hungry, they don't need to do this. They were hungry by nature, he would just happen they would go on, go on a journey. And then on the way there, their their food runs out or spills. And now they're going to they're going to be eating they did they would they would eat the leaves of trees. NASA tells us until they went until there I need to what they would send out the other side looked like what Campbell would send out like that goes on Oh,

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they ate, they would take a piece of the pit of a date and suck on it for for a couple of days. Because they there's nothing else to put in their mouths because there were so hungry. So they don't need this.

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So when we try and perform exercises, so that we can learn something about ourselves so we can test our durability, and test our reflexes and our thoughts. And that's very, very valuable. Because we're very pampered.

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We really, totally are. We're very comfortable, like overly comfortable. To the point where we don't even understand sometimes things that are talked about elsewhere. We just it's not comprehended because we we haven't been tested. So that's what I wanted to share with you regarding Betania 10 EBITA Dawa. It's very important to words in the Quran that summarize or put together the majority of what's already signed, talk about, don't overdo it. Don't make things up, stick to the balance, you'll be fine. Stick to the balance though. Just like you take care of a car you drive, what house you live in, and the way the person that you're gonna make it looks like care about what's in your

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heart, care about the thoughts that you carry care about the spirit of yourself and the person you're going to be with care about those equally, equally, spend equal amounts of time setting both up and if you do that, then then the balance will be achieved. Let's just take the last two verses of the surah we have another 10 minutes and we'll wrap it up inshallah Yeah, you're loving

00:57:42 --> 00:57:44

telco law more

00:57:50 --> 00:57:54

in depth Allah, Amin will be a lawsuit only

00:57:59 --> 00:58:02

you decom give Lamia why Murthy?

00:58:06 --> 00:58:13

Well yeah, Kung Fu Ron Shuna be he Well y'all feel like home

00:58:20 --> 00:58:23

well long who was rocky

00:58:26 --> 00:58:32

Lee Hola. Hola. Lulu kita be your body

00:58:39 --> 00:58:47

hola una isla che in me fell Lila

00:58:53 --> 00:59:00

one fell bloodier delay he d he may Yasha.

00:59:07 --> 00:59:11

Well long who fell Lee now we.

00:59:15 --> 00:59:48

So he says to parents, at the end of the winter holiday and not only the end of school to Hadid, but the end of this cluster. So this is the end of this whole group of students from cough to Al Hadid. And I said I would try to summarize, I'm not gonna be able to do it. Today I'll do a show the next time before we start the new cluster. I'll kind of summarize what this was what this whole group of students talked about and shoulder for you. By the end of it, this whole group of students that were just one option after the other, are you a person of righteousness and Jana, or a purchase person of falsehood, which leads to No, you make up the decision earliest with coffee if you decide that

00:59:48 --> 00:59:59

you're a person that cares about righteousness that you stand for, you'll continue reciting? If not, then there's no point to do that. Okay, find that you don't need this. And if you decide that then are you person, you choose the purposefulness or

01:00:00 --> 01:00:32

In aimlessly ensuited very hard to choose to live by guidance or misguidance with a thought you make a decision with a knowledge and certainty or do you make it on assumptions and windows with najem? And then how do you deal with with bounties and combat on ramen? Are you someone who understands that if you don't show gratitude, they're taken away and you're punished. If you do understand that if you if you show gratitude that there are times many folds and that Allah Sangha and Bella, get in it for you, what type of person do you want to be your milk pm, I will call them a bean or a sommelier, Nino's have a Shem and make a choice. So he's not making a choice. But he was telling

01:00:32 --> 01:00:36

you, you need to balance them together. Together, you need both.

01:00:37 --> 01:01:15

So at the end of it, he says, Oh, those who believe it up Allah. So mindfulness of Allah subhanaw taala. Well, I mean, we'll get through to him and believe in His prophet, and you follow what the prophet Isaiah was teaching you, you can explain, it will give you two shares of his compassion, two shares, for each option that you left. And for the balance you were able to achieve with the two options that you put together and sootel. How did you get to? Is it an interesting day? Is it give Elaine, what other meaning for this is there? What are their meanings? Like if Laney are two aspects of mercy is there and this is aside from what I'm explaining to you? There's nothing because there's

01:01:15 --> 01:01:36

really no context aside from what I used, we talked about, I'll give you two shares of my compassion. Why two? Why not three, or four? Why not make it with it, make them three was why? Because Subhanallah was all throughout this whole cluster was giving you two options, and you have to choose the right one. And then you'll get an extra bounty for the one that you didn't choose choose.

01:01:37 --> 01:02:13

And so it'll Hadid because you're going to actually balance two aspects of your life that are quite difficult or they seem like they're opposites, even though they're not. They seem like they're opposite everything. But if you're able to balance them, then you'll get be given the two shares of His mercy Subhana wa Tada. Give laning of Amity not only that way, I like him neuron, Tim Schoonover here. And then if you do it right, and you achieve that balance, and you make the right choices, you will also be granted a light that you that you will walk with within this life. This takes you back doesn't just take you back to number number 12 and 13.

01:02:14 --> 01:02:35

Number 13, where he says to find out what to I don't know my total meaning, right when I mean it, yes, I know rowhome Being an ad him will be a money him. Remember that example that we talked about the Day of Judgment, that the believers will come with their light, and the hypocrites will try and use that light and then they'll be denied. And then there'll be told

01:02:36 --> 01:03:14

you don't you can go back to the life you're in first time you soon Uhura and look there for your light. That was the light that you need the light today, but you have to look for it back in your in light your life, this light that you were seeing is brought with them from dunya. If you fail to pick it up now and dunya, you end up without it, you'll Malkia and there's nothing that can, nothing will replace it. This light has to be brought with you from dunya. So he's telling you Subhana wa Tada balance this well balanced, this will follow him some advice. And well, I'll give you two shares of my compassion. Because it's fair, because you were given two options each time and because

01:03:14 --> 01:03:51

you have to balance two things. So she is fair to give you two shares of My Mercy. And I'll grant you the light, you'll come you'll milk do when you have the light, which I look no runtime showing the beauty of suit light, it's all connected, there's no and that's how the Quran actually works. By the way, all the sutras are at the beginning of the end row, everything is interconnected, you'd have to just have to be able to connect those dots as you go along by John Nakamura and Tim's gonna be you'll walk with light in this dunya. And then you'll walk with lights there too. And this dunya the light is going to be spiritual, you're not going to have a flashlight for it. Indonesia, you

01:03:51 --> 01:04:20

will walk with a light that is spiritual nature is an inner light. It's something that you feel that you comprehend, that allows you to function that gives you meaning and purpose, but it will turn into a physical light on the Day of Judgment, there's no need for it anymore, it will turn into a physical layer of light your path as you try to maneuver the difficulties and the obstacles of the day of judgment as you make your way towards Allah subhanaw taala and to gates of heaven, where John Nakamura and Tim Shuna do your work with that light

01:04:21 --> 01:04:22

and one more thing

01:04:24 --> 01:04:30

over here and you'll be forgiven He'll forgive you too because this whole journey is filled with difficulties

01:04:32 --> 01:04:37

these options that you were given in each of these tools that we recited you're not going to make the right choice every time

01:04:38 --> 01:05:00

you're going to make some mistakes we all are we all are going to be in moments where we don't make the right choice that's what will come I told us when it tells you will occur the external port analysts decree but help me more decade was someone or someone actually used that reminder appropriately. The client is made easy. Sometimes we won't make that right decision. We sometimes will not even know it insanely good.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:16

And then he explains to us that we have purpose. Sometimes we will spend a year in our lives where we're completely aimless. We're living with no purpose whatsoever. We don't understand exactly why we're here where we're going, we're just floating around hoping for things to work out for us, we'll make mistakes, for sure, for sure, we will make mistakes.

01:05:17 --> 01:05:26

And sometimes we won't balance it out. Well. Sometimes this balance of spirituality and materialism won't be done well, sometimes you'll you'll walk crooked for a while.

01:05:27 --> 01:05:32

Your parents will be merely mechanical, or just movements with no essence to them.

01:05:33 --> 01:05:56

Sometimes you will fail to fulfill your role. You may be performing or Akata. But you're not really doing anything. You're not offering anything, you're not moving, not pushing this wheel forward. And there's no there's no benefit to the community from anything that you're doing sometimes. Sometimes you won't do it well, spine, part of being a human being. So he tells you subpoena Wattana just look.

01:05:58 --> 01:06:24

Learn what, what I've been teaching, show some mindfulness, follow his footsteps out of here salatu salam. And I'll give you the two shares of compassion that you require. I will provide you with the light that you need to make it through this dunya and then on the day of judgment, and I will forgive you for all the shortcomings that will come from you. Allah who were full of Rahim, Allah subhanaw taala is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful. Allah lemma, Haneul keytab.

01:06:25 --> 01:06:27

Allah Quran Allah che in fugly Allah,

01:06:30 --> 01:06:34

Allah here is actually to emphasize not

01:06:36 --> 01:06:40

the opposite. So it's like Locomobile Malkia, or Allah auxin will be huddled ballad

01:06:42 --> 01:06:45

or color either to catch it or do these these

01:06:46 --> 01:07:03

denials that existed the beginning of versus our emphasis of it being the truth. And this linguistically, again, this all comes from you have to understand the Arabic language and how it works. Sometimes Arabs will emphasize something, they'll use the the right out outright opposites.

01:07:04 --> 01:07:36

They'll just use the outright opposite just to emphasize the point to make it just to kind of shake you for a second to say, Oh, that makes no sense. And you're like, oh, no, I understand. Now. You mean like 100%? That's what it is. Because sometimes if you just go normally, it's kind of you it becomes it becomes monotone and rhythmic and you forget what he's talking about. He says he Allah, Allah, who Peter so the people of the book will not know will not no, oh, you mean will 100% No, will become very clear to them, the People of the Book, the People of the Book, who came before us now, even just talking about them a second ago, those who decided to make things up those who

01:07:36 --> 01:08:13

decided on both sides, not just the only the followers of a 7 million, the followers of any other prophet who took a faith. And that was perfectly fine. That was his full command had perfection to it, and just added things, hey, let's try this too. Maybe we add this this to it and add it to the mix and see what happens. You don't add anything because it's not your place. We don't dictate how he wants to be worshipped. He just tells us and we just follow but for them to know with certainty, Allah Quran Allah che in fugly Allah, that they do not have control over the bounty of God. Meaning you don't get to see what Allah subhanaw taala wants or what he doesn't want, or what he will reward

01:08:13 --> 01:08:34

for or what he won't reward for. You don't get to say that that's not my position or yours or anyone's. Allah subhanaw taala will be worshipped the way he wants to be worshipped. And we will worship Him the way He asks, or else he will not accept. It doesn't matter how well intended it was, doesn't matter how difficult it was and how much agony you put yourself through. It doesn't matter

01:08:35 --> 01:09:10

because he didn't ask for it so you're not going to be rewarded for it. I like a clear winner Allah che in public, when AlFalah via the law and all bounty is in the hands of Allah. So if you want it, then you listen to what's being explained. And he has keep the balance and you follow the path below. It will fell in love indeed Allah subhanaw taala is the one who owns all bounty. All the great bounty is in his hands just follow you want it then just listen and follow it follow what he explained and make those choices as appropriately as He

01:09:11 --> 01:09:44

commanded subhanaw taala that is the the end of this very beautiful. Any cluster of suitors from coffee will Hadid I hope that was you found benefit in it. I will do a quick summary for it and sha Allah after Eid will be resumed is halacha because at that point will start to certain Bucha Adela, you're in for a treat. Supermicro there is a lot of this whole cluster from Magetta taurine is just action packed. It's all stories of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, his life and it's just very heavy. It's just beautiful and will enjoy it, enjoy it together. And I'll do a revision for you at that point. But then like next week, I'm going to do a revision of hydrogen this Holika will run but

01:09:44 --> 01:10:00

I will talk about hydrogen you're welcome to come and you know, it's a similar presentation to what I did last year, but I'll just kind of explain to you a little bit the monastic enslaved to the symbolism behind it allow you to kind of maybe understand maybe share with you the hope of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam as well on with that so back when the Hungarian Allah Allah Allah and just talk from

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

To break or something like that

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