Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – London And Manchester Attacks

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The importance of the date in Islam is discussed, with a focus on the historical context of the Darj accelerate in Pakistanis and the historical context of the event in Afghanistan. The use of "good" in the context of Nolan bunch is also emphasized, with the potential for "good tree" to be used in similar ways. The speakers emphasize the importance of staying true to one's own spirituality and not trying to avoid negative consequences, while also acknowledging the challenges of living in a community where everyone is trying to avoid them.
AI: Transcript ©
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And that's because the Quran has mentioned many things about the dates. And the authentic sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu why he was setting them as mentioned many things about the dates. I'm not here to get into all of that. But I will bring to your attention the fact as a revert to Al Islam before Islam, I didn't know anything about a date. Now, if you can imagine those people embrace Islam in the Scandinavian countries, and in those places, we as cold Iceland, Greenland, Alaska,

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Finland, Norway, the white person over there becomes a Muslim. He doesn't know anything about a date. There's no dates in that part of the world. But when a person becomes a Muslim, Ramadan is going to come to him. He's going to learn about Ramadan, and he's going to learn about other things outside of Ramadan. For an example. I think the vast majority of us will agree that our children when they were born,

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the very first thing that goes into their stomach is the date and you are from Greenland and Iceland. Before the baby drinks from the milk of the Mother, he's going to eat a date. And that's because when the Companions Ridwan will ye I lay him we're blessed with children, they will bring their children to the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he will take a date, he will eat the date, and he will take the part of the date that he chewed, put it in the mouth of the child, the child

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will eat it, because he knew way back then, that that date has some medicinal value for that kid. So when a kid comes out, his bowel movement, a comma Kamala to begin in his black looks like tar.

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He eats that date is going to help develop his digestive system just like the woman who has a baby. Allah azza wa jal told Maria to go to the date tree, and to shake it, and the root of date, the moist day that the prophet has to break his fast with SallAllahu sallam, it's going to come down to eat it. So that helps us to understand the woman has a baby, she wants to replenish her blood. She wants to get a strength back, someone had an operation, they lost a lot of blood and want to

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replenish the blood. Then eat that root date, not just the Ramadan. The date has something to do with the Muslims lives part of his life. So his kid, as I mentioned, eats the day before he drinks the milk of the mother and he's from Norway, white man from Greenland and Alaska. And that's because the Muslims love the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he laid we love the Sunnah. So we know when we have a baby. Part of the process of work welcoming the child is that technique,

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even that date given to the child.

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So the date is important in our lives, vast majority of people, they like dates.

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And it also goes to show the virtues of the Arabs as well.

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The Arabs have a place in our religion is because of where they come from the date means something to us, Pakistanis, Africans, different people have different dietary things that they eat, and they do, but we're not doing those things, because not from the religion to do those things. But there are things that were peculiar to the Arabs that we're doing them on the strength of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam was an Arab. The last revelation is in the language of the Arabs. The bedrock of

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Al Islam is in the land of the Arabs, I'm sorry to say, if you take your finger, and you put your finger on the Arab world, on the map of the Muslim world, you pick your finger up, is going to be dripping blood, blood all over the place. And that's because the Arabs, the Muslims, we've gotten away from following our religion correctly. The point here, as it relates to these other days, or what happened yesterday and the day before in Afghanistan, what happened in Manchester, all of this

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drama, and what's to come in terms of fitna?

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The newbie of Islam told us in an authentic hadith sallallahu alayhi wa, it was seldom in nama method men can method and nullity my the minha min shaitan Elana for Atka. He said that the example of the Muslim is like the example of the date tree, the date tree, whatever you take from that tree is going to benefit you.

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So the Muslim was sitting in front of me on the side of you behind you, above us, the one who was on the other side of town. His example is like the example of the date palm tree that we reverence and we honor in our religion and Allah

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Times, whatever you take from the date tree is going to benefit you.

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So if you can imagine, I'm sitting under a date tree, and I put my back against a tree to give me some stability and I get benefit.

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I take the data off of the vine and I eat it and I get benefits. I take the seed I planted, it comes into another date tree.

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I cut the tree down. I make furniture with the bark. I make firewood with the bark.

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I take the leaves and I utilize the leaves. So just as our prophets Allah Salam is the CEO of Benny Adam, as he said, and say you do Benny Adam when I

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am the best the master of Adam's children the best one and I'm not bragging. The date tree is the seed either as job it is the boss of all trees in Ellis lab.

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Because from the top to the bottom and all around is benefit. There's nothing about that tree that doesn't benefit. And the Muslim is the same way. He's supposed to be the same way.

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is an ayat in the Quran in surah Ibrahim Ayat number 25 Allahu Taala mentioned the Torah key for Dadaab Allahu Metha Katie metanotal Ye button because sheduled into diba a slew her therapy to more thorough Hafiz

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to T Ocala Kula Hainan be in the row behind the unit see Muslim did you not contemplate Do you not see how Allah has given you an example of the good word? The Kadima tight diva, the carry motiva is anything and everything you say that's positive in sha Allah, Ma sha Allah Subhana Allah Jazak Allah will Kira and Rebekah Fila will Allah all of that, all of that the best Kadima for you, but is that Ilaha illa Allah and the month of Ramadan, we're doing new things. The one who says La hawla wala

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Quwata illa biLlah every time he says that there is a date palm tree planted for him in Jannah every time he says that, in Ramadan outside of Ramadan. The point is that Kadima tidy but anything you say that is good. Is the Kadima paper stuck for Allah anything. But the best. Kenny Mapai diva is La Ilaha illa Allah. So they I said, Do you not see how Allah has given you the example of the good word. The good word is similar to the good tree, the shadow of a tiger. It is firmly rooted in the

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ground and his branches go up to the sky, and it gives his fruit in every season, beneficial. The day palm tree.

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The fruit is going to come into summer, winter, spring fall.

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And the Muslim is the same way. He just doesn't benefit in the month of Ramadan. But in the month of Ramadan, he takes it up a notch. He's going to give more sadaqa to the masjid, he's going to give more in fact, when the people come around, ask him for money every night. He's not going to huffing and puffing move around like that. He's gonna say, I'm like the date palm tree. Let me help the community. Let me help other people. I'm going to bring the water I purchased the water. I'm going

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to give the dates today, this Caspian piece of place these people gave boxes of boxes of Pisa. That's the date palm tree that's the Muslim.

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He gives his fruit. Now as it relates to Manchester as it relates to last night as it relates to Afghanistan, is that benefiting the community.

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If Muslims do actions like that, we are being a burden on the community. We're not being like the deep palm tree. We're being like the cactus tree. The Cactus tree that stinks people put needles in people hurts and harms people, like the humbler. It is so sour, that if you step on it with your bare foot, you can taste the Saudis in your tongue. And that's why the Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that the example of the believer who reads the Quran

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is like the Rihanna. It has a nice smell, has a nice smell and has a nice taste. The Mona Lisa, who are the characters doesn't read the Quran. He is like the humbler. It has no smell, and it has that sour, bitter taste. That's how we become.

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Right now. It's 20 I don't bite my tongue. I tell you all the time. We are not second class citizens.

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We are here and we're here to stay. But we came from outside most of us. We came from outside

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We're first class citizens but we have to consider we came from outside, come in from outside and we came into this country like everybody else. We can't be a burden on the welfare system. We can't be problematic. You youngsters, our kids can't be the ones who was selling drugs getting high. Our kids can't be the one who killing people.

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Right now, since the beginning of Ramadan, I know of 10 situations where Muslims have killed other Muslims, youngsters, gangs, crimes in the city where I am 10 Muslims killed each other. And from amongst those who are killed a Muslim girl, a young Muslim girl, we are a burden on the society. And we're supposed to be people helping the society. Our youngsters being in school, they're the knuckleheads in school. They are the troublemakers the underachievers

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where the prophet told us sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we're supposed to be like the date palm tree, giving our produce in our free our fruit all the time, being people who the other community looks at us and they say mashallah, we have differences with those people, but look at them, look at them.

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So all of this drama that's going on, we're saying to our youngsters, hey, you guys need to pump your brakes and you need to relax. Our religion does not condone or endorse this nonsense that's going on. And we cannot sympathize with it. Now I'm granted. I don't believe everything that the media says about this and this and this and that, but I still think is incendiary. I think it's insensitive. I think it's inflammatory. For people to say this didn't happen and that didn't happen.

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People have lost their lives. How would you feel as a Muslim if someone came to you and said, Kashmir is a figment of the media's imagination? What's going on in Palestine? That didn't really happen? That's insane, the inflammatory

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you wouldn't appreciate it.

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Which brings me to the next point.

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The example in the similar tool between the Muslim and the Daech upon trigger many got all the time in the world to deal with this but I want to mention the second issue is what Allah said in the Quran about the dates and sort of arrived the thunder and the beginning of the surah he said Tabata, Kota, Allah will fill out the Keita on with the jab we refer to with Jana to mean an ad was certain when they feel sin one ladle synth one you Scobie. mattone Why hit one no fog Dhirubhai Baja? Bogdan

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Aachen NFE, Daddy, can I attend the economy Archelon he said in the earth, next to one another, you will see the Earth changing different tracks. You travel from here to Liverpool from here to London, when you look to the right and the left, all of the landscape is not the same. It changes different colors, different plants, different different textures.

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Allah said in the Earth, our gardens have dates and different vegetation. And in the Earth, our date palm trees, some date palm trees, they come in clusters when you take them down their clusters. Others are other main clusters. Like the days in Libya, the dates in Tunis, you know the one on the vine, pick them off, they're different. Allah says

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they all come from one water that hits them. They're different, just like we're different. This one is Arab as non Arab, that one black that one white that says girl that's a boy that went educated, not educated. We're different. Not only Muslims, some are Muslim summer kuffaar were different. Everybody is not the same. Allah said in in those different dates. They come from one water. We all come from one card, one Rob.

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So we have to learn how to embrace and celebrate our differences. And I despise and hate each other with racism. Even with the non Muslims, even with the non Muslim, there's a way to deal with that. I'm assuming al Islam, and we don't find a Mustafa SallAllahu wasallam killing people. We don't find that line and wait. Disrupting life.

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Sacrificing the stability for a few people have crazy idea. We don't see that. He said that if we make some of those dates tastes better than others. There is a Hadith that the Prophet says SallAllahu wasallam anyone who wakes up in the morning and he eats seven IG what dates of Medina seven from Medina in the morning. He won't be affected by poison or magic

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every day

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It is not like that. You have the rooftop date that I told you the moisture when you have the dry when you have the security thing. You have the agile and just says you have all those you have differences amongst ourselves. The Imams today, my first time praying here is the recession, the recitation the same all of them is it the same. First was recitation is different from the second one is different from the third. They're all different. Some of us are in the audience. I like the

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first recital. I liked the second one I liked the third one, this one cries, this one cries as a result of the DUA, that when Christ as a result of the kingdom of Allah, we're different, and that one over He doesn't cry.

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So with those differences, the Muslim has to understand Listen, we're in a community right now. And wish that the recitation of the Quran was longer than the DUA one a short dua long Quran. This one he wants us to read a whole Jews every night, just as soon as the Sunnah. This one over here, he wants it even shorter. Now, if I expected I will summer that this Masjid has to march to the beat of Abu Sam and everything I want. I'm going to create problems, I'm going to be a problem.

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I'm going to be a problem. Listen to what the Prophet said. SallAllahu said about Adam. He said that when Allah created Adam, he took a cup, or a handful of dirt from all over the world, every kind of dirt you could possibly think of from the white dirt, the yellow dirt, the red dirt, the black dirt and everything in between that.

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He said and this is why Adams children come out white, black, red and all in between. And some of them are tidier and some of them are beef and some of them Acell and some of them hasn't. Some of Adam's children are good, pure, some of them are no good. They no good. Some of them are easy to get along with others are complicated than individual very complicated. The point is we are different, different. So with being different comes the next characteristic that I gotta bring to your

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attention. And that is the day palm tree is the most patient tree on the face of the earth. It has suburbs and its suburbs. A finds itself in the middle of the desert where it doesn't rain, and it stays there. So the Muslim may find themselves in an environment that is not exactly conducive to what he wants to be about. There are some trials and tribulations.

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How does he deal with it? He deals with it with suburbs.

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He deals with it with Southern takes it easy. Now because of the actions of a few people from amongst us. These people are going to come down on our communities make things tough for us. And a probably will get worse before it gets better. So how do we deal with it? Like the day palm tree, we had that Suburban?

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Do I say southern we just sit like this twiddling my fingers know what like, this is the month of southern this dua that we just made. There's an ayat of the Quran I want to bring to your attention on the telly slam. Allah said in the Quran will lead in a Jaha do fina, the NA the unknown Suba Lana, those people make efforts for my cause anyone who makes effort in my calls, I'm going to guide them to the right way. So you mean to tell me that while we are fasting all of these hours, making

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sacrifices doing all of these things with sincerity, making efforts come here making dua during the winter praying Knut, you mean to tell me we're being patient every night doing this with sincerity, that Allah is just going to let the system overwhelm us? Blow the light out of Ellis land?

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No Wallahi Allah doesn't break his promise. But what we have to do is we have to go back to the source like Allah described that tree and sort of Ibrahim A slew had a bit. It has roots, it has a soul has a religion, we got a religion, where we do things a particular way. As a Christian, they used to tell us on Sunday, we would go to church on Sunday, they will break out the wine, real wine, not Kool Aid, not Lucas eat real wine, and it was up to you to give it to your child or not. And it

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was supposed to be symbolic of the blood of Jesus, and you hit it and you say can I get another one? Can I get another one and someone drink 10 some drink 15 Some is enough with one to religious ones drink one. By the time the ceremony is over. People are drinking Hi

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Now in that in their religion, they illiberal. They can do that. But in our religion, we have also a way of doing things in everything rabada when I go and do anything except that which has the Leland the companions did it. Our Kedah, we're not going to believe anything except that which is establish everything everything. I got a phone, a mobile phone. What What's up, I get a WhatsApp. They showed me on WhatsApp, that there are two women looks like their hair is covered to white people are

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throwing white powder on them. The Muslim sends it to me and says, look at how they're attacking to Somali girls after Manchester. But then when you go to the source of these fake WhatsApp thing, they were to Romanian people tried to steal something from the guy.

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So why am I going to send that out just like that. I have a soul in my religion. I'm not going to send out everything. I'm not gonna believe everything.

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Everything somebody tells me about someone else, I'm just gonna believe it.

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The more they mix together when it comes to a Shawanda Muhammad Rasul Allah, I see some people kissing their thumbs. What are you doing that? If you do that, you won't go blind? Do you mean to tell me? Where did you get that from where he doesn't know where it came from? The point is, the point is not to put down that person or those people do that. The point is, don't do that. If you don't know where it comes from. You mean that tells me Prophet Muhammad, so someone forgot to tell

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us that thing which will prevent us becoming blind, and you came to that conclusion?

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Our whole religion has to be like that our life has to be like that. We have to have knowledge of our deen to be able to navigate through all of this. So would that be in the case of 20 We're asking you, we have to reclaim our kids from the streets. Because the streets are not a joke. The challenges that are in front of us right now are not a joke. And we don't have time as communities to be babysitting everybody who has something to say or as feelings get hurt. We have to be bigger

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than that. more mature than that. This Masjid right here, this Masjid has a big job to do. And we don't have time. We don't have time in any Masjid. To have to pay attention to everyone who's disruptive because you expect everything to go your way. Sometimes the hackers with you, but you can't force it down people's throat because everybody is on different levels. My bro we Auntie is different from me. But I know she's different from the one who's an Imam, and he knows what he's

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doing. So I'm gonna deal with her accordingly.

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I'm from Allah Hadith. He's from Ireland. And

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well, this hadith is religious. And that one is not religious, and that one is knowledgeable and that one is not knowledgeable. And this one prays and that one doesn't pray. We are different. Every body is different. So we got to learn how to tolerate each other. And we have to learn how to get on board and get on the same page. Because right now

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people are playing hardball and they playing for keeps. Now I don't want you people in concluding to be of the people who as I said earlier, I am encouraging you guys. Tomorrow after tomorrow. Break your fast only on dates. That's it. And then after maghrib go ahead and do what you have to do get your grub on no problem. But at least you said I broke my fast the way the sooner was just saying I'm going to and I would advise Greenland when they give you food to break your fast my Shala came

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today we have pizza we are one of them. And we are this is no problem is good. But maybe they should put off to the side or corner place just dates. Because if you're sitting in China just eat days and it's samosas D as well, and there's batik there and it's gonna be hard. After fasting all these hours, you're gonna Sabu Simon was bugging, he was bugging Allah as gentle Allah's man Allah Azza Rahim. He said in the Quran, Allah wants to make things easy for you. I will stop making it hard.

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Just now when I don't want you to do and this is the point. Don't be that person who's inspired by doing that action of the Sunnah yester soon and assume that and it's important, but you're not inspired by the idea. There are more important soon as than just eating dates before you break your fast like the Sunnah of taking our community forward. Like the Sunnah of you putting your hands in the hands of the people in this masjid, to take this whole community forward, because it ain't easy.

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And if everybody is on a boat unto himself, we're gonna have problems. This is what I want to present to you guys and I'm asking Allah azza wa jal to help us to help us with what

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We have to do and we're gonna make mistakes. We're gonna have bumps on the road. But again, so many so many characteristics that are in the date palm tree that are inside of us. All we have to do again is know our religion and we'll be okay in sha Allah. Hi, that was Allah Allah wa salam abiotic gonna be beginning it was highly germane Santa Monica. To learn more about her cat

Sh Abu Usamah advises on how we should deal with London & Manchester attacks. This talk was delivered at the Green Lane Masjid.

2017-06-04 – Ramadan 2017

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