Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Islamophobia And Prevention – How To Respond

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of addressing issues related to Islam, including serious ones such as double standards and non-room behavior. They emphasize the need to take responsibility and do their job to help the community. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding harming the community by not being a distraction and not causing distractions. They also discuss the history of complaints against the Iraqis and the importance of human rights and building community in order to achieve human outcomes.
AI: Transcript ©
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Point is, no one is totally 100% Good. No one is totally 100%. Bad. So what's the point and what's the message in moving forward 2016 in this community, and this country, this community, this country, moving the community forward, we have some big fish to fry, we have some serious issues that are on the table, some big fish to fry serious issues that are on the table, this issue of Islamophobia, the Muslim community has to address it. The issue of prevent many of our community

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members don't even know what prevent is Ain't got time to deal with prevent, and try didn't. Those are issues that are on the table as it relates to challenges that are contemporary to this ummah, and this community, the double standards of the media, how the media reports concerning the Muslims in a certain way, and how the media reports concerning non Muslims in another way, all of those are serious issues, serious issues.

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So in moving the community forward, which is the message here today, we have to have good o'clock, everybody has a responsibility. religiously and ethically, everybody here without any exception, you have a responsibility to help Islam, the community move forward. It's not your job to get the hook of Joomla. It's not your job to leave the salon. But everybody here in some shape form of fashion has to be responsible to take his piece of the puzzle to help Islam and this community specifically

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to move forward. Allah mentioned in the Quran show when there is no passive participation in Al Islam. Every Muslim has something to do. The elder person, the man, the woman, the read the one to carry can't read everyone. He said in the Quran with a colon which hatoon Who will only have a steady hierarchy. Everybody has been put on his path. So be a rate in the race to do your path. So his issue, how does he help the community, he does the other one. And his issue is when he's not

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here, he does the event. And his issue is he gives sadaqa every single week to take care of the mystery. And his issue as an elder is he's going to give advice and extra instruction. And this person over there his issue is and on and on and on. Everybody has to find out what's my lane and I gotta get in my lane. So the man came, and he wanted to know ya rasool Allah, what can I do to help his lamp because I don't have any money. I don't have any knowledge. I can't do a lot of stuff. What

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can I do, he said, help the community and do good by holding your hand back and holding your tongue back. If you feel you don't have anything to offer Shut up and get out of the way. Because we have a lot of work to do serious issues that are on the table, our children in this country, our children, there is no time any law for Muslims to be playing around and playing games. And in communities like this communities that are up in the north, not the big metropolitan cities like London, like

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Birmingham, like those big cities, a lot of time and cities like this, we become very easy and complacent because the lifestyle appears kind of easy. But that doesn't take away from the fact that there are some serious issues facing the community. And it's our responsibility to take the community forward. And everybody has something to do. So I want to mention something here today. In that regard. I want to advise you encourage you, everybody get in his lane, and everybody do what he

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has the ability to do, and do your job and try to do your job well. And if you're one of those people who feels I can't do anything, then help by not delaying the progress, help by not being a distraction, help by just sitting on the sideline because you're helping us just not causing us to carry deadweight. But there's one characteristic trait that Ellis lamb came to eradicate. And this thing, it stops the community from moving forward. It stops the marriage from moving forward. Anyone

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who suffers from this as a problem. And I mentioned it very briefly the last time that I was hearing Ramadan, but I may get a chance to expound upon it. And it is critical when it comes to moving the community forward. Community Development

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and that is one of the things that the Quran and the Sunnah came to tell everybody you have to deal with this within yourself because everybody has this issue is the issue of being an individual who complains unnecessarily. Complaining unnecessarily would destroy the marriage. Complaining unnecessarily would destroy the development of

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The child complaining unnecessarily as a community member, being a person that complains and all you do is complain that prevents the community from going forward. It happened during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam to complain unnecessarily is a major problem as you're going to see Inshallah, and everybody has it. Not only that, I'm gonna stop right here, and I'm going to challenge everybody here right now. Everybody pay attention after salatu. Juma Inshallah, pay

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attention to the first person who comes to you and listen to what he says. And you watch how many people complain to you about things you don't have any ability to change. That's just the way that people are. The nature of the people is we complain, and that's what Allah said, and that's what the Quran has said as well Allah and Prophet saw something authentic hadith, he said in the Quran Subhana wa Taala in Berlin, Salah Holika Hello, and either Mr. Wu Shan Zhu Zhu, Miss Sahil Manu.

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Verily mankind has been created in haste. He wants everything yesterday. This Masjid right now as it is right now, it just didn't pop up like this. When this message was first started, when that Masjid over there was first started, it just didn't pop up like that. So people came in the mystery was right here. It was a gradual movement until we got to this point right here today. And is it going to stay like this for five years? The next 10 years? Is it going to stay like this? Because we're

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just think of the message as a place you come in you pray, and that's it? No, we don't expect it to accommodate the community in five or 10 years, we expect we hope that this machine is going to grow, maybe this won't be the place we're going to be in in five or 10 years. The point is, mankind has been created in haste. If evil touches him, he starts to complain and he gets upset. And if greed comes to him, he holds back. So if he doesn't have any money, if he loses his job, if he come sick,

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if something happens, he starts to complain. And then when Allah gives him good health when Allah gives him a job gives him money he doesn't get he doesn't know that i It goes to show from the nature of Benny Adam, and know who your sticky he's going to complain. That's just how it is. Prophet Muhammad mentioned in authentic hadith showing SallAllahu wasallam everybody is going to complain.

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He said sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Adam and Asad Gu Hara. Carla has. We're in a sample birth Carla has. The son of Adam is a person who is hot. He's going to say house. If it is cold, he is going to say house. Meaning what? No matter what his situation is, he's going to complain. If he has children, he's going to complain. If he doesn't have children. He's going to complain. If it's too hot. It's a problem. If it's too cold, it's a problem. That's the nature of Benny Adam. Whereas I

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wouldn't be in our Rasul from his salah. What do you say to them is what Anna symptomatic said. He said if the food in the food was put before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if the food was put there, if he liked it, he ate it. If he didn't like it, he left it alone. And he didn't complain.

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He didn't say it's too hot. It's too cold. Too much salt, too much pepper. If he he liked, he liked it. He ate it. If you didn't like it and eat it. He said when he used to come to my house, he would ask Hey, Isha, do you have anything to eat for breakfast? is close to the time. Yeah, Aisha had in the cache milk? Do you have anything to eat brunch right before lunchtime than anything to eat? I she was saying no, we don't have anything in the house. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam was saying

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while I'm going to fasting for the rest of the day. He didn't say when his wife told him, We don't have any food. You're lazy, why we don't have any food. You didn't go shopping? What kind of way for you your problem, instead of making it a negative thing. He turned it around and he made it a positive thing. He's going to fasten them to Rama he's going to pass for the remainder of the day. He's not going to sit and create drama between him and his wife because she doesn't have anything in

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the house to cook or to present. That's from his o'clock at seven O Matic. And this is a bit difficult to comprehend. Because we know our own children and we know the reality of life. He said that I served the NABI SallAllahu wasallam. And I gave him the kids for 10 years, 10 years. Never once did he complain in 10 years, from the age of 10 to the age of 20. Not once did he ever say to me, did he ever complain and say to me about something that I did. Why did you do that thing like

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that? He never said that? And not once did he say to me in 10 years for something that I

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I didn't do maybe I should have done it. But I didn't. He never said, why didn't you do like that? He didn't do that.

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Now, I can't imagine that how we don't address these issues with our kids between the age of 10 and 20. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wasn't an individual who would complain unnecessarily. And here's the point. The person who has a wife who complains, his kneecap is a Michigan, his life is a muscular the lady that has a husband all she does, all he does is complain, her life is a problem. And there are men who would like that. And there are definitely many women who are like

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that. The young man, the kid, the kid, he has a mother, a father, both of them complain, that's all they do is complain. Or one of them, they ride him and all they do is complain, his life is going to be a problem. We got to be balanced. The community where we have individuals that all they do is complain, it's going to be a problem. Hey, man, we got serious issues on the table contemporary big fish to fry for the community and moving it forward. You find your lane and bring your piece of

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puzzle to table to help if you don't want to do that help us lamb in the community by getting on the side and relaxing yourself. As we're complaining about everything. Why this and why got it like this. And like that, we have to address this issue and our attention resources are being dealt with you. And we need to be dealing with these big fish that we need to fry. So what complaining am I talking about? To make it clear? I'm talking about the complaint that's unnecessary. I walked down

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this main role here in Keithley, as I usually do, many of the white people, the non Muslims, they're looking at me and they're looking at my wife. Some of them are looking like we got Marsh's come off to the moon. So when I get here and you say how you doing Abu? What's the benefit of saying, hey, these white people are looking at me, I'm complaining. What are you going to do about it? Are you the one I'm complaining to go to go and change all of their minds? Why waste time mentioning about

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an issue? You don't have anything to change a candidate? Hey, the weather is really hot today. Oh, it's so hot today. It's really hot. Can I change that? The one your complaint? Can you change that? Something you can't change? Why wait? That's the complaining that I'm talking about? As for the complaining that a person has the right I'm talking about that? I'm not talking about that. Allah mentioned in the Quran about this complaining and mainly I cut Sonny Allah will Codility to JD to

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Kofi. So jihad with the stickied Allah Allahu Yes. My old Taha with Akuma Verily, Allah He is the complaint of the lady who was complaining to you, yeah, Muhammad, and Allah, here's your discussion, because Allah is all hearing, and Allah is all sin. So when the husband treated his wife bad, the treatment of the husband caused the wife to go to the NABI SallAllahu, Sen. Cause the wife to go to the courts cause the wife to go to her wedding, cause the wife to go to the man cause the wife to go

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to someone to give her her heart. This is not the complaint that I'm talking about. That's permissible. She wants to get his heart, the band borrow from this man money, and now he wants his money. And the guy is running all over the streets. Every time you see him he's running. So he goes to people say, help me to get my money. I'm not talking about that. I'm not talking about that. The Iraqis, the Syrians, the Palestinians, they have every right to complain. I'm not talking about

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that. They had every right to complain our children, they are right now in the holidays, because it's the summertime so school is out for five years, five years that people have dropped, the kids are forced holiday, they don't go to school, they have any right to complain, Muslims in Kashmir, they have every right to complain that the world right now for the last two weeks, not even aware that Muslims in Kashmir are being killed, and that the problem has escalated. And the world doesn't

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even know about it. Kashmir has had to have to complain about that. I'm not talking about that complaint, that the one has the right. African Americans in America, we have every right to complain to say to the American government, you people.

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Your people are in fact, going all around the world telling people about human rights and telling people about democracy. When African Americans right here in America, we don't have any rights. You don't take your license with you to drive and a cop stop you. He may blow your head off because you don't have your license, because you have a broken tailgate. So they have a right to complain. We're not talking about that. We're talking about the complaint for the sake of complaining. It has no

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benefit. No hate, no fun either. This is the one that we're talking about the one that after the hook but someone's going to come to you and he's going to say some

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Then when you look at him and say, Man, that is a complaint. That's what I'm talking about. The one that happened to Benny is throughout you. Now you all know Shala everything that happened to Benny Israel, we're going to do it as the Prophet says of Allahu alayhi wa sallam. But

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Solomon can a couple of comb shaped Brumby Shepherd was a random era, you people are going to follow what happened with the people before you hand spent by hand spend and spend my arm span. And when narration is said, if one of them were to have relations with his mother in public, someone from this community will do the same thing. If they go into a lizard hole, you're going to go into the lizard hole. So everything Benny Israel did, we're going to do so you got to do is read the story of

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billions, right in the Quran and the Sunnah, everything that happened is going to happen with us. They worship other than Allah. They went crazy. They went against their profit, they gave profit prior hard time back, everything. One of the things that happened with vinius right yield when they got out of bondage, and they went and left Egypt, and now they have challenges that are in front of them challenges on the table, and they have to build their community. After being in bondage stuck

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in the mud. They have to build their community. One of the first things that they started to do was to complain to Musa one of those is to tell that story is the statement of Allah whose data is pulled to me or Musa Lemna Spira other term and why hidden further Lana, Rebecca you

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tune out of Domon balcony How about the fact you have a full me how to see our buffer me? Remember Benny Israa Ill Will you say to Musa Hey Musa we can't be patient eating the same food all the time. When they were taken out of Egypt. All they can eat was a bird called Sanwa. And another delicacy that was delicious call and Munna. So you heard the name of the girl Sal WA is a succulent bird Belding chicken, that in any bird you can think of, but those were the only two things that they can

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eat. They got upset and they say hey, Musa, we want you to make dua to your Lord. Ask your Lord and make dua. We are tired of eating the same food. We don't want to eat the same two foods. We want to eat onions, we want to eat lentils. We want to eat herbs, we want to eat, we want to eat cucumbers, we want this we want that. Some people read that ayat and they think that that is talking about the dietary law Benny's right here. It's not talking about the dietary law Bani Israel. That's talking

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about the complaint of Benyus rot in *. Hey, Vanessa, l just recently you were over here in bondage, and you were in the dirt. You didn't have clothes to protect you from the sun. The clothes were ripped up. Not only that, worse than that worse than that, for own use to kill your sons and he's to leave your girls Khalif Why did we leave the girls today? So that if wrong, or there was zero frown, or the only letter frown, if you wanted to come to take your wife, your sister, your

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mother, your auntie benezra, l, all he has to do was take your 16 year old daughter, 13 year old daughter, and none of you can do anything about it. Because you don't have any toes. You're weak and you're in the mud, you're in a dirt and you'll work what work you're working all day. That's your condition. That's your condition. Yes harnessed and looked behind and that's your condition. Musa came by Allah's permission, Musa took them out of bondage by Allah's permission. When they went

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through the Red Sea, each tribe had his own lane, stay in your lane, know your lane. Each tribe the Quran said each tribe had his own lane, bring your piece of the puzzle worry about journaling about what you can do. Don't worry about the guideway over here. You do your job. And they went to the other side. They turned around and here comes our own. And here comes his host his army. Allah killed them. So why are you telling us right now in Benissa, ale, you want cucumbers and onion

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onions, you want this and you want that? What you have to do is compare your life how it was over there in Egypt, if you think is too hot here. What about the heat of Somalia, Eritrea, Sudan, the Gulf states Kashmir and Pakistan. It gets hot here one two days, and people start jumping up and down saying it's too hot. It's too hot. And when it gets cold, Oh, it's too cold. It's too cold. What about the heat and the cold? The cold up in Alaska? You gotta be like that. That's how the

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Muslim is. He's going to compare his situation with Benny Hill. That's what that story is. That's the complaining that we're saying is not permissible. We're trying to move forward and we're taking things forward. And he is this individual. All he does is

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The microphone is too loud.

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We shouldn't have brought it from this company. Why did you put this window there as opposed to the other window? Why did you hire him as opposed to him? And that's all these kinds of people don't.

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I say, No one should be eliminated the I, when he called them which had to normally her for standard IRA. Everybody has his piece of the puzzle. So get it and be in a race to do the best that you could possibly do a lot can be said at 20. But I have to wind this up. And before you start complaining that I went past the time. Let me just make this point very quick, very quickly before you complain.

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There is a message in Ellis land a min hatch, how to do everything. The hog Bible Juma the Imam has to know what is the message of delivering the hook. But how do I come here and start talking to the people about something that's above the ability to comprehend, to accompany and start talking to the people about something that has nothing to do with the price of peanuts. I'm going to talk about a hook bar that happened in Baghdad 600 years ago. And right now our kids are leaving it's time.

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Everybody is a min hatch, how to perform the Friday prayer, taking a whistle wearing nice clothes putting perfume on walking to the masjid. I mean I try everything as it relates to complaining. There was a min hygiene Ellis that can't get all into it. So I'm just going to give you the general rule. Don't be a personal complains unnecessarily.

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And how do you do that? Prophet Muhammad Tola Salatu was Salam in kind of human Billahi when the Omen acid for the LDS not anybody who believes in Allah on the last day, let him say good on that and be quiet. Let him speak what is good and no Be quiet? Actually, I see you're frowning today. Are you okay? Are you okay? Let him speak good. Or let him speak quiet. What is speaking good. Another Hadith from his sunnah. He said, if anybody is suffering from something, something that's bothering

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you, and someone asked you, how are you doing? What's going on? You should say Alhamdulillah and a coolie?

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Alhamdulillah. The Cooley had a he has he your friend and what's the man is everything okay? You look sad. You have your head down you you look what's the matter? He says with sincerity and hamdulillah Alhamdulillah and Aquila.

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And the one who hears that he may know this problem or you may not know but for the one who is a complainer he can say this. But he's still complaining. Hey, you look like you have a problem. You okay? Is everything okay? He says like a humbler

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have the ladder. So that's the complaint in and of itself. That ain't how we say it. You say really believe in it, and handle the ladder coolly hard, because it could be worse. Because putting it in perspective is cleaning me up. If I'm patient, I know that with difficulty is going to be easy. This thing won't be on me forever. And

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so he says good. He says good. And he makes that dua thoroughly and lastly thoroughly and lastly from the seven points that we can mention thoroughly and lastly, is the main hedge of the NBA. When they used to have problems like what happened with Dr. Koop Salawat Allah He was so enamored why they worship the Muslim do when he has something to complain about the brothers of use of KT aku they said hey, your your son Binyamin isn't being any he stole the cup the vessel of the king they

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found that in his saddle, he was a thief so they kept them back there. Yeah, I pulled knows his son. He knows that's not true. No way in the world my son is going to steal he knows his son. So he didn't accept that story. He said to them well, so what the console what a 10 foot camera for several Jamil. He said this is something that you came up with, but I'm gonna have subgroup Giniel pay attention. subgroup Giniel has been mentioned in the Quran twice. First spirit submarine Jamila

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be patient the beautiful patient Yeah, Muslim. What is the mean of sub regional sub or Jamil is not the suburb that we did Ramadan, that's not southern has different levels, different kind of sub

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fasting 18 and a half hours being patient, that suburb not talking a lot being careful how we were in that suburb, but it's not suitable to Jimmy. suburb, Jimmy is when a person has something that he could complain about. But he doesn't. He holds it in and he only complains to Allah. He doesn't complain to anybody else. That's what Yaqoob said when he explained it. He said in a school Bethuel whose name Illa well animal min Allahu Allah, Tottenham. I only complain about my sorrow, my

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sadness, my problems. I only complained to Allah and I know from Allah but you don't know

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Oh, that's several Jimmy you got something to complain about? Then you only complain to Allah. As for that lady, who every time she sits with the other ladies, she starts lifting up her IRA. Why? Because she starts saying, my husband did this, my husband did that my husband did this, my husband, and she's just telling people about that cut out.

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Not people are going to help her. People are going to go to other people and tell them about it. As if she just released her show with people out of the out of her husband in the house, a big problem in our community, big problem in our community. So those things you have that you can complain about, then complain to Allah azza wa jal complained to Allah azza wa jal or complain to someone who is a trustworthy person, a person who is I mean, we do need people who are trustworthy, because if

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you keep stuff in forever, and there's a problem with our coaches, where we come from Africa, Pakistan, Kashmir, you got to be a man gotta be a man. So he tries to keep everything go. And then he goes up like a volcano.

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He gets a heart attack and a stroke. Because he can't tell nobody. No, you have to tell some people and this is why you have to get a friend who is mean that when you tell him and you complain to him, you let the steam out. But this man he has your back. He has your he has your secret is going to hold that secret for you. But for the most part, just remember, if you tell two people something if you tell two people you told 11 people this the time we're living in you told 11 people not to you

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told 11 you told 11 So be careful about complaining who you complain to a pool of Cody ha ha That was tough for Allah

In this talk Sh. Abu Usamah advises on how we need to respond to matters relating to Islamophobia and the prevention thereof.

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