Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Lowliness Of The Ummah

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The segment discusses the history and importance of the Islam-ied system, including its political and cultural consequences and its impact on people's behavior. The segment also touches on the historical and political impacts of the d union and its potential conflict between Muslims and Christian leaders. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a program called "black lives matter" and a discussion of the importance of protecting people's privacy and privacy in the face of racism. The segment also touches on the punishment system of Islam and its impact on the community.
AI: Transcript ©
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sneaked out of metal Haman from de la Hamden cathedral Mota Yuba Mubarak and fee or sallallahu alayhi wa Salam o. Allah Rasool in Al Karim, Amin and Mustafa and Habib,

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Laila Ali, he was happy as many

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as it was mentioned,

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today's lecture is dealing with a contemporary issue, an issue that actually can have some conflict in the mind of a person

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and that is, why do we find that the ummah of other slam is suffering from loneliness right now,

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reason why I say that there can be some conflict and comprehending, accepting and embracing this issue was the fact that they are many, many I got to the Quran that clearly indicate that Al Islam is the deen of Allah. And the Muslims are the among the nation that Allah azza wa jal has divinely chosen and he gave them a riff and Raisa move everybody else. Meaning I tell us that we're living out of Salah Rasulo who Bill Houda we're Dean and happy we have here what a Dini Cooley will carry

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him cafiero. Allah is the One who sent His messenger with the religion of truth, so that he will proclaim the religion of Muhammad Sallallahu was setting them over all other religions. And yet, the dean of the Yahoo, then the dean of the Nosara, but especially the Yahoo, a lesson number,

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their soul and the Jolin, their Kuwa their power, spreading in what we see in the earth today in the dunya. Today, as it relates to what's happening. So how do we deal with that? Pure, apparent conflict meaning I, when I tell him when I does, and when two men are alone, and come to me, meaning, do not be sad, don't be faint hearted. Don't be weak in your mind, because in reality, you people are upper and superior, if you only believe. So how do we take all of these I act in the

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Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa, it was setting them and understand them.

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Those is in certain Manasa kin when the Prophet was traveling salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, the troublemaker from the NAFTA came along with his cronies. They mentioned as the Quran said, well in Regina in an Medina tea, New York Regional zoomin. Then when we go back to Medina after this trip when we get back, the honorable ones from amongst us, meaning the hypocrites, we're going to kick out and we're going to expel the lower ones from amongst us, and the low ones in their mind was

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Rasul Allah He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his as hob readwrite Ridwan Allah he and him so they said we're going to kick them out. After we returned from this trip, we're going to expel them from El Medina. And they said that we were the ones who have is the Manasa T. And the Prophet and his companions Allah wa Taala he was sent ama when he was called the Allah and they were the ones who Allah.

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Allah will Tala told the prophet when that statement was brought to his attention something Allahu Allah He was salam. To tell those people in visited Allah he will never assume it he will meaning when I can when I first came in late I don't tell these people made this statement is honor is for Allah and Iza Ana is for the Messenger of Allah no doubt about that. And is an honors for the believers. During the time of the companions read the one law he I made him no doubt about it and it

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was for the meaning. But right now, right now is the is the for the believers.

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The Muslims who are representing al Islam today here in the UK, and in other countries, especially those countries that are under the foot and around the neck as the yoke of oppression and tyranny from the non Muslims is that is

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when a giraffe is being transported from one place to another place in a big lorry. You

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And the giraffe hits his head on the bridge and it gets killed. The whole world jumps up and down about how the giraffe had rights, animal rights, he should have been tied down. He should have been transported in another way.

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An American dentist or doctor goes to Africa and he hunts the lion and he shoots the lion. When they hear about him shooting the lion, he had to fly back to America and go into hiding because the whole world started talking about the poor lion that was shot by the American doctor, and he was defenseless.

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When something happens in Europe or anywhere, something happens to a non Muslim. The whole dunya jumps up and down about what happened. Maybe the Muslim committed a crime and maybe you didn't commit the crime, but the whole dunya jumps up and down. A bomb falls in Syria.

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Whether the Russians dropped a bomb, or other than the Russians, bomb falls in Syria, and their children and women and people were buried the life and the bodies are strewn all over the place, and we barely hear what's going on Muslim Ummah doesn't even know for the last four weeks now, in Kashmir, occupied Kashmir was another tragedy on the level of Palestine, except that Palestine is the third holiest place in Islam. But for the last four weeks, the Hindu government in India had

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been perpetrating all kinds of atrocities on the defenseless Kashmiri and Muslim community. And the world doesn't know about that. We didn't hear about that. So does this iron apply to the reality of the Muslims today, that the IS is with the believers. So as I said, there are many I like this, that it can be a conflict. If a person is not sadly too stable in his religion, he can begin to have doubt about what Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran, because he says, Look, I'm seeing this

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with my own eyes. But the person who has a man and he hasn't been Hajj and he reads about his religion, he sees that there is no conflict, there is an explanation. There are things that if this ummah were to engage in those things, then they're going to compromise that pedestal and that platform and an oven Iza that Allah promised. And as I mentioned in many is of Quran, Allah hula Yoli for me add Allah doesn't break his promise. He promised the prophets of Salaam, he promises

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companions, you people are going to dominate this peninsula, and your religion is going to dominate the world as well. They had no doubt about that. But they stuck to the contract. And one of the things we're going to mention is directly connected to that. You break your contract with Allah azza wa jal, as a result of that a direct result, there's a price to pay, and one of the prices to pay is loneliness, if you break the contract. The other thing one thing that should be considered here is

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the history of Benny is surah. Al the history of Benny a surah. Al is crucial and is extremely important for the Muslim to know about the history of Benyus right from the prism of the Quran and the Sunnah. What the Quran has told us about what happened chronologically in the order of what happened with Benissa ILAs prophets and his messengers with his people. And what the Sunnah, says, as part of our responsibility to know and one of the main reasons for that is the famous Hadith. The

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Sunnah men can Kubla Khan ship Brumby shiver with the rotten deterra you people want to follow the people who went before you hand span by hand span, an arm span by an arm span. When I did said if they go into the lizards hole, you're gonna go into the lizards hold something lowly, who wants to go into a lizard? Oh,

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and that's from the German kingdom, and from the fossa of the Prophet SAW Selim from his eloquence, because when he told his companions, to the point, you will follow those people to the point if they go into the business hole, the Companions know about the lizards we don't know about no lizards. We don't know anything about no lizards, other than I don't want to deal with no lizards. They want to creepy creatures. I don't want to deal with the lizard. But the Companions know that the whole of

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the lizard is not just a regular hole that the lizard just goes in and it's just a straight hole and he goes in, He slides down the hole of the visit. It has pockets that the lizards build in the hole that once they get in that hole, they're gonna hold on to those pockets. And if you catch him before he gets all the way into the hole and you try to pull them out. You're going to rip his tail off before you pull him out. He's going grabbed with four arms, four hands, every pocket to show what

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the Hadith shows

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That tenacity and the degree of how much you're going to follow Benny Surah Al in everything that they did. Another narration of that particular Hadith said, you're going to follow them to the point if one of them were to have relationships with his own mother in public in front of the people, the people from your community he was going to do that.

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So this thing about Benissa eel, Allah will Tada favorite Benny Israa eel over everybody else with Kuru Layton LA to La he alaykum it Fidella kumara and me remember Benny Israa, ale, the faders have a lot upon you when he chose you over all of the other people. Benny and Sarah ale were the best people and we have to believe that another slang your group, your ethnicity, your background, benezra Ale of the past better than African, Venezuela ill in the past, they're better than

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Pakistanis and Asians better than Chinese people. The only people that were better than this my better than Israa Ebenezer eel as a release to lineage were the Arabs because Allah Allahu Taala chose is smile from the children of Ibrahim. So the Prophet sallallahu Sallam lineage, especially with Quraysh above everybody else. So the point here is they have more prophets, they have more messengers who was sent to them. So Allah azza wa jal,

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he protected them and he gave them dominance in the earth, subdue the enemies for them. But when they started to do some of the things that happened, they lost that place. So we follow them in many of those things. So we'll take these few minutes inshallah to share with you a few of them. And again, the goal and the objective of this information is not to do what they fell into, and not to do what will bring upon us loneliness.

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And if we're engaged, or we have something to do with these things in any shape form of fashion to discontinue and there are many first thing we want to mention is the famous statement of Mr. MNL kebab, Ridwan ye and he when

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he was the Khalifa of the Muslims, and the famous incident with Abu Zubaydah Ibn in JIRA, one of the 10 people promised Jana, when he came to America, he wanted to ride his horse in a particular way, and to enter upon the non Muslims in a way where they will get a visual that Omar is strong, and Irma is the leader. Because the way he was coming to them, was like a man was just a regular person, just miskeen persons to regular person. He's the leader of the Muslims, but he's just a normal

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person who doesn't have a helmet on his head doesn't have a long sword. He's not riding his horse in any particular way. But instead, he's walking. And he's barefoot. He's got regular clothes on. So Abu Zubaydah one and Tim No, no, no a mirror, meaning change your attire in your demeanor. So that when you come in, and these people see you, they're gonna know you're the amount that they heard about. You're the leader of the Muslims, and there is with Islam with you and with us, the

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believers, I must say to Abu Zubaydah, yeah, about obey that I wish someone else other than you would have just said that to me.

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You're telling me if I get a particular kind of car, and I drive that particular car, if I live in a particular neighborhood, if I wear a particular clothing, if I talk a particular way, as a result of that the non Muslims are going to be impressed with me and they're going to accept me.

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Oh, my said I wish somebody other than you have made this suggestion. He said, Do you remember when we were a group of people a community, we were down in a dust and we were low when we were downtrodden in the dust. And then Allah brought us a slab. And then Allah honored us with Al Islam and He raised us up the Arabs. He said, anytime we look for a visa in other than Al Islam, then Allah is going to bring us down as a result of that.

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That's crucial, crucial acquiring that's, that's extremely important for every Muslim to hold on to that and to comprehend that. Don't get me wrong, don't get it twisted. In this society, we have to

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deal in the society in a way that is appropriate. And then the slab is not against that, for you to dress appropriately for different occasions. No problem with that. We wouldn't suggest that if someone is going to go down to talk to politicians on behalf of the

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Muslims, that he go in the way that he's not really representing we don't suggest that they say no, you have to represent Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he was approached by Jabril and Jabril had a fold clothes are exceedingly White and his hair was exceedingly black, and he looked nice.

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And when he got up and he left, he said, That's Jabril he can teach you a religion, and part of the religion is representing yourself and who you are, so that when people see you, they get a good picture of you.

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So don't get it twisted. Because I know when it comes to our dunya, you understand what I'm saying. But when it comes to the deen, somehow we get, we get selective amnesia and we forget intentionally to be strange. If the guy wants to get married, wants to get married, he's going to go and meet the family, and he's going to wear nice clothes, because that's the dunya. But when it comes to the religion, he goes somewhere he looks like a bum and he doesn't represent he says that the prophets

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Allah said themselves, but that is from an amen. It's from an imam not to comb your hair sometimes, and not to put oil in your head to groom yourself. It's not to groom yourself as from Imam don't go overboard and groom yourself. Why do you want to practice that hadith and that Sunette the wrong time in the wrong context. So anyway, this showerhead from the Kadem Cooley he is that caramel aroma that was collected by Imam

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Imam Abu Abdullah and need somebody in his book A new study recommends authentic number one. If we Muslims look for honor in other than Al Islam, Allah is going to put you down. So for those of us who are into this honor about our culture, our culture is okay, no problem. But Ana doesn't come to us because I'm from Afghanistan, because I'm from Somalia, because I'm from Gambia, because I'm from Mecca because Allah doesn't come like that. And it comes from practicing the religion al Islam is

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what makes people have is

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when the NABI use of Allahu alayhi wa sallam was praying in the beginning with Islam, as we mentioned about two weeks ago, concerning no matter who said, Oh Allah help Islam give Islam and Islam SNAM was already a disease. But he said give Islam and Islam by guiding me

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or Abu Jen, because the two personalities when they come to the religion, they're going to enhance the condition of the Muslims. They're going to help. They're going to help but the deal itself halal or haram and the deen itself. Deen is from Allah azza wa jal is the community is going to benefit from the resources of this individual from his personality, and so forth and so on. So that's the first one. Never think that being in the political system of parties of these non Muslims being

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their friends acting like them, living where they live, dressing like them, naming yourself like them living like them being like them. That is,

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that is, and those Muslims will talk to us and they talk down at us. Because we don't want to be like that. We're totally content. We're content with the beauty of Islam and the boundaries of Islam. We don't have to be white people, Europeans on the left, we don't have to be Kufa. There are things that they have, that we see with without any apologies, we take that from the lives and the society. As for replacing Islam with that I saw with my own eyes, without mentioning any event, any

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names, but she's an African lady from East Africa. She's a more casual a biller, and I'm very careful about being emotional, and saying that some of these people will fall, the Quilliam Foundation, their main speaker always comes as the representative and the expert in Ellis land, he's always talking down on us and Islam always recently took a picture of him spread all over the world in his tweeter with the lady Madeleine Albright. She was the Home Secretary or something like that,

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during Bush's time, when they toppled the Iraqi government, over 1 million kids died in Iraq during her leadership, and this guy was with her taking a picture saying it was the greatest day of his life. And these are the people who are the leaders of the world and this and that and this and that. But I don't mean to clear up that guy, although he says a lot of statements of Cofer because I think my job but this lady I make took fear of her. And I make took fear of this lady from East Africa

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because she herself has apostate own people free themselves from but anyway, and talking about the NABI SallAllahu wasallam. In order to put him down she said he was like Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Hi, Dr. Jack, Mr. Dr. Jekyll, Mr. Hyde, when he was in Mecca,

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He was okay. But when he left Mecca, he became a monster. This is what the lady was saying, Why does she talk like that? Why do we get people talk like that from our community that put Islam down to put the Muslims down, they have inferiority complexes to put other people, I say, be balanced, be balanced. There are things in Europe, things that are given to us by non Muslims that enhance the life, even help us to practice our religion. We're going to take those things with good cheer there

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from the name of Allah azza wa jal, Benny, Adam benefits each other people living in the desert benefit people live in the cities, people in a city benefit those who live in a desert, those people live in the ocean, on the sea and around water, they help the people who live on the land and vice versa. This is Wait, it's not gonna apologize to that. But as for replacing this was that and putting our religion down on our culture and our civilization now, Kayla will lie.

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Number two, from what has afflicted this man, this is one of the biggest problems we have is number one,

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the system of governance in the dunya today with the Muslims, and I'm not talking about any specific rule of the Muslims. But the way al Islam in the Muslim countries are all of the banks everything is the system of the non Muslim, the way of governance the way the non Muslims their system. So if you look for Asia and other than this religion, then the price to pay is you're going to be low. And that's one of the reasons we're in this condition. Number two, from what we have, is being in

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opposition to the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and committing schicke if your own mind your community, Benny Surah Al, if you oppose Musa and his brother Harrow, and you oppose, Ben, you oppose you, Shah, who came after those two, and the rest of the prophets and the messengers, as the stories are very clear in the Quran, they had a consistent pattern of giving the approximate message as a high time Prophet and the messengers had do this and they did something else. They gave him a

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hard time. Now we right now we don't give Prophet Mohammed a hard time as such some Allah but he was selling but we give his son now hard time we give his sunnah high time

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we give his sunnah hard time in many ways. And companions used to consider even if he wasn't there, if you act and behave the particular way, although he's not there, you're still disrespecting him and he's not alive.

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Like the two men who came to Medina, and they raised their voices, and they were arguing with each other and talking down in his masjid. And Mr. Heard him and he came he looked down he said, Well, you two from they said we come from ta if we're from the south, we're like visitors we're not from Medina. So we're not as knowledgeable as the rest of the companions. I'm I read the Allah and who said then you hear the statement of Allah your livina M and all that telephone was swapped to focus

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so to Nebby what I teach how to order who Bill Coley progetti by the Kumbaya. Oh, you will believe don't raise your voices over the voice of the nebi Salah Sullivan don't call out to Him the way you call out to one another. Did you hear? If they say we heard that? He said then why are you raising your voices at the grave in the masjid of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam obviously, they didn't look at it like that. They were like Rasul Allah is in his grave. So he's in his grave, and they got

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into it. I'm gonna say had it not been the fact that you people are not from an Medina, or out of chastise you I would have dealt with. So I'm not considered that type of behavior of people arguing in the presence of the nebi Salah who will send them a close to his grave in his Masjid. He thought that was disrespect, disrespecting the body of Rasulullah His person directly and he's not here.

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Now we oppose the Navy, somebody was telling me that someone would take that very Hadith, that incident that I just shared with you. And instead of using it the right way, and what is for the way we just use it, they'll use it and flip it the other way. And they say, you see, this is a proof that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa Salam is alive and he's with us. It's a proof that the Prophet sallallaahu Salam, the way am I responded to that situation? Or am I is having respect for the Nibi

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so he is alive. Now he's alive in the battle Zach in his grave praying in a way that Allah knows reality. And if you said today Allahumma Salli, ala Muhammad, that Salam was taken to him, and he got into the way we don't know what's reality, but alive, alive to make dua to him.

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No Kela so anyway, one opposing the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa salam in his sunnah something comes to us. And we say, I'm not doing that. It's not from my mother habits, not from my culture, the Sulan wherever

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sponsible as we mentioned today, everybody he is responsible for practicing his slap everybody here is a guard a hardest to be responsible to protect the stamp according to your ability you will hire this there has to have heroes everybody here the one who says hey my business I don't give down I'm not the team, my job leave it to the guy over there leave it to somebody else's business. No is everybody's business collectively, individual and different levels.

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So when the sooner dies and it fades away, and is done because me with my own children, I'm neglecting their tarbiyah I'm neglecting educating them. I'm a neglect and I pray just now in the in the Salah, before me before me in the line. I was in this line right here before me in that line right there was a brother, another brother was you know, I mean, it was three brothers on the end, there was big space between them.

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So someone tried to get in the space and gave them a hard time is my job is your job after that salon, talk to those people who is our responsibility not to allow the student to go for it, not to allow it to dissipate anyway many of you they oppose their profits in the messengers in many many eyes. And Allah made the pneus of this issue what duty but Are they human that

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they have been given loneliness a basement has been put down upon them Dhoni but la him as a villa to aim Mr. 44 in Lebanon min Allah he will have been a Mennonites were battle will be rather than men Allah that it could be unknown Catalonia for Roma, Biya Tila, where you have to learn and be yet to be a negative hack that it could be my so what can we actually do? Those people from Benny Israa ill they were put down and they were debased and they were caused to cling to what was low and had

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it not been for contract that had went and fought from Allah with them and from the people with them. After that contract, Allah Tala made them deserving of His wrath and humiliation. And this was the situation why? That's because they used to disbelieve in the Ayat of Allah and they used to kill the NBA.

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And that's because they used to make at death, they used to go over the bounds and the scope out of what was acceptable. So this is amongst many other other is like the issue of taking the cow, the calf for worship. You are an ummah, a Tauheed Oh my toe he and then you fall into a ship, the OMA of monotheism. But our religion which is against his shirt, we find people they start to have shook as the religion shook his toe he with them, there's a price to pay. Allahu Taala mentioned about Benny

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in surat al in Aladdin, a terrible agent,

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and Aladdin, agent, so you never know who's rubbing him with the Latin Phil highlighted dunya. Those people who took the cat as worship, they're going to be afflicted with loneliness from the Lord and debasement in the dunya in the dunya, right now before the Hereafter.

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And we look at our community right now. And all of us, without any exception will love Ireland. We know people who there is SLAMM part of it is ship Camilla, making dua to other than Allah. And all the things that people do in the countries where we came from someone said recently that Kitab Tauheed is a book that is obsolete. It's a book that we don't need right now. Being a person who doesn't want to be hasty and judging what do people mean that that's what you're talking about?

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Kitab ATO heat is obsolete. Because right now amongst our kids and people here when we grow up, we don't slaughter for other than Allah. Most of us don't swear by other than Allah. That's a fact we don't do that. But as it relates to making dua to other than Allah, we have people who are connected to us who do that, as a relates to people put on the towel even tonight, and that's something that's common. Some of us have kids who have stuck on them to protect them. So to say Kitab towhee. This

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obsolete is insanity. There are aspects of kitasato heat, that don't apply to us. But if you go to the Muslim world, you go to Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, go to Pakistan, go to India, you go to the Muslim world, Cotabato II from the beginning to the end addresses everything in the Muslim world, where the Arabs are right now, right now.

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And Arabia, Mecca and Medina. kitasato you

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From the beginning to the end amongst us, he's able to lead is obsolete. I say no, you went overboard, that's too much. But now there are some adware chapters at Capitol he that are not our issue. And in meeting anybody born and raised here, I didn't mean he's swearing by other than I didn't meet that. I see other things like that. So the point here is when our Ummah right now is an ummah, that is in dire need of a toe heat and learning to toe heat and make it took fear of our

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Ummah, but it's a reality is a reality. And then when we live in the societies that we are living in right now, it's easy for you RP to get mixed up with a lot of the superstition in the coffin of us people have, like the issue of Friday the 13th like those kinds of issues that people Halloween, they should get Harry Potter, those types of things. The kids are being exposed to magic, and it's just normal to watch it. Now, although the lady is a witch, this was a gin. This one is that and

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because this is let it go like that. And those things choose at a person's IP that's going to affect them if there is no incar so the second issue is opposing Allah's Messenger summarized seven is Sunnis religion, and oppose in the issue of a Tawheed the amount of feelings of Allah if a group of so called Muslims fall into that Allah would debase them by other people who their religion is shipped as a punishment to them.

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It's not that okay, the person comes to say, but they also making shit. So why are they over us, because this is the punishment, you're supposed to know better. These people, they don't know, you're supposed to know better.

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Number 320. And there are many is the issue of the life between ourselves, hey, in our owner, we can't be responsible for

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entertaining at the federal and the life. Some people this is their religion here in Birmingham, and other than Birmingham, the way that people want is for there to always be the laugh, for one reason or another. In your own families. You can allow the lab to exist to the best of your ability, you got to do something about we all have to do something about getting rid of the laugh and misunderstandings that exists between our family members. Because when there's the laugh, there's a

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price to pay. And a family level not a community level Nana, my level,

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Allah subhanaw taala many ayat of the Quran and the number of incidents that transpired with the NABI Shoulderstand sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And sometimes the empty life doesn't even have to originate from something negative. It can just originate from something that's natural, normal. Like in the Battle of the hood, when the arches came off of the mountain, they took a position other than the position of those who were with the prophets of Allah what He was sending them. And they

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disobeyed Him, not in trying to be disobedient, but they went against what he said. And it came off of the mountain. As a result of coming off the mountain, they were winning the war. Prior to that, they were having the upper hand, they were about to subdue the enemy. But when they had the life between themselves, there was a problem there on the mountain. They said, Okay, the war is done. The Muslims are winning. Let's go and get the war booty, the horses and things like that. Some of them

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say No Prophet Muhammad said, don't leave, we have to stay here. They say no, he was telling us that when the war was about to start, but now look, clearly we're winning. So we gotta go. They say no, we're not gonna go. So some state is some left the life when they went down, the tables turn. And as a result of that, a number of Muslims from the great Muslims in Al Islam companions with one ally, I named him they were murdered right there at hood when again, after the fatal the Battle of better

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and the Muslims miraculously won. It was an amazing feat to be the co founder of Quraysh the Battle of better now this is the second battle and they will beat him again.

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They will beat him seriously. But then when they disobey met the life, then this happened. So Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran. Yeah. Are you living in Amman? Oh, you mentioned why to Allah Wa Rahmatullah wa Tila or pseudo will

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obey Allah and obey His messenger. And do not argue between yourselves for too shallow with every hukum Don't disobey

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obey Allah obey His messenger. And don't fight amongst yourselves. Don't clash amongst yourselves because if you do that, your power is going to flee from you.

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Your ability is going to flee

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maybe 20 years ago, 25 years ago, the dour to Allah in this country, in almost every city, especially the big cities, the Dow was spreading all over the place. And people whether they liked it or they didn't like it, they were being exposed to the teachings of the Kitab, in the Sunnah. And they were being exposed to the gamma, who will also call into that, whether they liked it or not, whether they wanted it or not. And there was no internet. There was no internet.

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People were being exposed because the brothers the sisters who embrace that dollar, who got on that Darwin, Allah gave them life and made them brothers, they took that down to the best of their abilities every way.

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And then Allah made it so that fit in and started to happen between the people, the Sunnah, where they take from the same scholars, they take from the same books, they believe in basically the same thing, for the most part, they believe in the same thing, but they have personal issues. Now that the people are fighting now that the people are fighting amongst themselves, but people will not on the Kitab not on the Sunnah. They're filling the vacuum that's been created as a result of the

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infighting of the people of Catan, sunnah. And down, they are being people who are getting their people to come to trying to accept their way of understanding the religion, and even in some instances, trying to put the idea in the minds of people that they have to use the Quran and Sunnah as de Lille, but they changed the meanings. But the point here is, when people are having the laugh, and they're fighting between themselves, it stops the growth in the development of the community is

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one of the worst things that can happen between the people. Don't get me wrong, and don't misunderstand. If some group or some people from amongst us need to be spoken to need to be dealt with, then it has to be done in a way where you address the issue. But the heart is not compromised, but the way it is right now, Allah whose panel data prevented and prohibited this ummah from having the life on a larger scale. Why is it that the Muslim world can't come together and just say, we are

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going to boycott the yo hold in the United Nations or with this or with that, we're not going to do business with them in our country? Why why the Muslims can do that. And I'm not just talking about the Gulf Arabs, I'm talking about the whole Muslim world. Why Why? Why couldn't they come together? solve problem? Everybody says, and we asked that question is easy to answer. And we say, because they don't want the heart, they got some mutual benefit. So they don't they don't come together.

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What about you? What about me?

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Why can't we make peace on the level that we are engaging in the life with our relatives, with other Muslims or given Tao and so forth and so on. So this is the Latin this the federal, the end result is MASHIAC. And in problems, loneliness, another issue of equality, and this is from the worst issues is loving the dunya. And going too much into the dunya. When the dunya becomes the main focus and the main goal of an individual is in trouble. And that's what the Prophet says on Allah while he

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was setting up anyone who the dunya is his main goal and his main focus, Allah is going to put poverty right between his eyes, and nothing is going to come to him from the dunya except what was written on him. And anyone who the hereafter is his main goal objective and his main focus, Allah is going to enrich him and the dunya is going to come to him despite itself even if you didn't want to come. Allah is going to make the dunya come to him. Does the dunya mean he's going to be a

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billionaire doesn't necessarily mean that but he will live and you'll live with ASA. As for the guy who he compromises for the dunya this individual is going to not find happiness, he's not going to find happiness, no matter how much wealth he accumulates. But anyway, there are a few Hadith concerning this and IR as well, like the Hadith that the Prophet mentioned sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Yoshiko into da la Kamal

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Kumar Tada and Aquila, to in a society where the time is quickly approaching, he said to his companions, that all of the nations are going to come towards you when they're going to come after this ummah. Collectively, all of them are going to come after you the same way that the Dinah's come to eat from the same plate.

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But companion sejarah Salah is it because we be few in number on that day they're gonna get us they all gonna come after us because we only a few people is a no you're going to be a lot of people during that time a lot of people a billion people's you're going to be a lot of people but you're going to be like the foam of the ocean going to be insignificant. You're going to be lowly in debase. You know that white stuff on the ocean, water comes and goes with the tie. He said you're

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gonna be like that the wolf that

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he said and Allah azza wa jal is going to take out of the hearts of your enemy, the fear of you, and he's going to throw into your hearts and why they say what is why him, he said, loving the dunya and hating the death. And that's how the companions were, they used to go. And they would carry the letter of the Nebby somebody was selling them to the leader of Rome to the leader of Persia, and they came out of the desert.

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The man came from Medina, out of the desert.

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And when he goes to Rome, and he looks around the room is and he goes to Persia and he looks how Persia is, he wasn't blown away. I mean, I can imagine him being amazed at the level of their civilization, compared to what was in Mecca and Medina. But he wasn't blown away to the degree. We want to give up his religion be like them, He will give the letter to the leader, the leader will read the letter and disrespect that companion. And that companion has to act a certain way. He's a

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result of the Rasulullah sallallahu sunnah got its act a certain way. He can't be disrespectful, can't say anything. When that leader would disrespect him, that man you just keep his cool you say no problem as you like. But I'm gonna come back here with a group of people and they're going to meet you meet in the companions, and they love death more than you people love this dunya of yours, you're not going to be able to deal with them. And that is that those people used to see it used to

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cause them to have respect for the Prophet and his companions on Allah what He was selling without the Allah Jemaine the other Hadith then they'd be mentioned about Riba is that Dubai to Molina will have to enable buckle. What are the two Missoura to manage Jihad feasibility Salla Allahu alaykum Ville Elian zero who had the Trojan in a demon if you people start to engage in riba

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if you do usury, it becomes a part of who you are. Whether you in the Muslim world or non Muslim world really becomes a part of you are one of the seven major sins one of the seven major crimes, it is an issue just about money and just benefiting dunya if you people were to take the rebar and you were to take hold of the tails of the cattle the chattel, meaning you're telling your lands and if you were to become engaged in preoccupied with

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your Zara agriculture, and you were to abandon LG Han, in the course of Allah, Allah is going to make you low, and he's going to not take it off of you until you come back to your religion. So these issues they go to show when people will become preoccupied with the dunya by taking riba by becoming preoccupied in agriculture, either they're gonna get money, computers, whatever it is. And the other thing you abandon jihad, I'm gonna tell you guys something that's from the Sunnah of Allah

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is from the fitrah. If someone knows that, you're not going to offer any resistance is going to oppress you.

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Some people grew up and they went to school and some of our kids right now, teenagers, they're being bullied. They go to school and they're being bullied.

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None of you, kids, you brothers, your sisters should tolerate being bullied, you have to tell someone about that issue so that something can be done about it. And don't feel that the problem is going to exasperate and become even more if you tell someone and they get involved. You have a religious obligation to have to have the Eman in the strength to say I'm gonna stop this thing from happening to me or to someone else. But the point is, if you don't offer any resistance towards the

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bully, he's going to keep bullying you. But the day you slap him in the face or you punch him in his nose and you're not because I in his foot in his left shoe. When you do something like that, then he's going to back up and that's when he's going to respect that if you come in you step over this line, you deal with me like that.

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There is a price to pay so quite naturally is going to have precautions as to the buoy who's not afraid of anything happening to him, you know, these governments he's not afraid of anything happening.

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The way Benny Adam as as a matter of fact, some people like that stuff like the police in America, you people are now just being exposed to this drama. But if it wasn't for Allah, and now on smartphones, we wouldn't have known about this stuff has been going on for a long time the police in America, unlike the police here, for the most part, they have a problem. And the problem is, when you work in that profession, in that capacity, you become like a tyrant, a tyrant. So when you meet

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people who are doing things, instead of managing the problem, those people come in, they hit you. And they ask questions later, they shoot you. And they ask questions later. And although it may be on the video, and they caught them shooting you, the system, the penal system, the system itself is going to support that.

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So for you young brothers and sisters, yesterday, they had a March they call it black lives matter those people in America. Yeah, black lives do matter. All lives matter. When we get behind these types of initiatives. And these types of programs. You have to get behind these programs, with your dean leading the way, not emotionally. No matter how emotional the issue may be. I know some Muslims back in America, they call themselves Afro centric, because black people Africans, we have been put

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down I saw a program the other day, and I'm zero about the black people in tune. It's the guy has some glasses made. He was black. He had some glasses made with a camera and he was just walking the Arab Tunisians were putting him down saying terrible things, and they're Muslims. And there's that racism wherever you go. Africans have racism between themselves. Racism is just a problem everybody has. But the point is, Africans, black people in the world were down more than anybody else racism.

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So now I don't like that. I hate it with a passion. So I'm gonna teach my children and teach the people I deal with. I'm proud of where I come from, you know, when I became a Muslim 86 I met some African Americans when they used to talk. They used to talk with broken English.

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Like foreigners, Pakistanis and Arabs, yeah, Brother, brother, we're going to brother and one of them had the bobble head even because there was from Giamatti to bleed. So they were affected by the Pakistani way. So used to talk with the bobble head, you know that thing like that. And I say, Man, I gotta be, you know, a rap, I gotta be a Paxton, I don't have to give up my coaching. When I become a Muslim.

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I can still speak English, regular English without an accent. So the point is,

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as a Muslim, I want to support black lives matter, or any of these issues. I can't be Afro centric to the degree and I start praising for our own and the pyramids in Egypt.

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The Egyptians, they had all of the knowledge they this day that we're talking about from Alan was a Muslim, for I was a criminal. So you have to have your religion, always in front of you helping you to decide, how do I look at this? How do I look at that black lives matter? All lives matter in Al Islam from the Dory? Atul Hamsa. Is HIV, HIV, HIV, the demand saving the blood of everybody, Muslims and non Muslims. So the showerhead of the kalam quani is that those two Hadith they go to show if

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you go too far into the dunya as a price to pay. And just so I can make it clear, because I don't want anybody misunderstanding what I'm saying. I'm not telling anybody who's getting bullied to punch someone in the face of a slap in the face. I'm just saying to defend yourself because generally speaking, bullies, bullies, whether they're presidents, prime ministers, politicians, police, they won't respect you if they know they can do things to you and nothing's going to happen.

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Police are bullies in America, they PT ironical, because they know if you start to give a fight, they're gonna shoot you and they have the law on their side, they have the law on their side. Last thing that we want to mention there are other things while there are other things actually two last things One is

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the issue of not giving Dawa. If the Muslim community doesn't give Dawa, they're going to suffer from loneliness. Many ayat of the Quran and Hadith shown indicate that Allah is Surah to Castle's said to Musa and to her room.

00:49:38 --> 00:49:40

Be I Tina, and tomorrow

00:49:42 --> 00:50:00

I will call the Boone by Our Ayat yeah Musa by our iron by the ayat that Allah revealed Torah in Gilboa Quran by our ayat, you and your brother Musa heroin and those who follow you, you

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We're going to be upper because of these are yet

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because of these iron. And we gave this data speak for actually the importance of a doubt Allah and the danger of abandon the doubt. If the community abandons Darwin Allah is going to be problems inside of the community and externally as well. In the authentic hadith, in the Muslim imam met the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that Allah commanded Zekeriya yah, yah Abel who Zakariya Allah commanded him to tell Benissa eel about five things to work by those five things and to take care of them. The

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hadith said that yeah Ibn was a Korea he was slow in executing that command he took his time so a several Mariam said yeah he had been was a Korea when he saw that he was slow to go tell Benny a Swahili said look if you don't tell them I'll go and tell them yeah he had been was a Korea said they're in Cebu Mariam Salawat to La he was sent ama who and a Hema? No, no. Because if I don't do it, if I don't commend them, if I don't do what Allah told me to do, then I'm afraid that Allah will

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cause the earth to open up and swallow me up. Or Allah will punish me with a punishment that's severe. So he went and told them so the malevolence landlord took from this hadith along with those mini Ayad and sold to Jen Allah, Allah, Allah Al Kahf and other that they took from this hadith show him yeah here because Zachary has said if I don't do what Allah told me to do an educated opinion Surah Al we open up the earth and swallow me up. Allah is gonna punish me if I don't give a Dawa in

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Allah. Because not to give Tao is a sign of loneliness is in itself. Why when you get down, you're afraid of people.

00:52:04 --> 00:52:23

You're afraid of people are shining embarrass, to talk about other people about a toe heed to talk about the deen of Allah. He doesn't tell the people he works with he doesn't tell his family members. He's on the Sunnah they're not he doesn't take the time out to engage them with a doubt Allah, why not?

00:52:24 --> 00:52:49

Many times the reason for that is people are afraid they're afraid. I'm going to stop here why not do the last one inshallah eyes which we got to have the opposite of this, Donald's Inshallah, I believe, I don't know. They always call me during the middle of the week towards the end of the week saying Do you want to do the thing? Are you available? So I say Sure, I'll do it. But I think they're going to have the opposite of this shower next week. I'm not sure but we're going to start

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right here. If you brothers have any questions you can put your questions forward any comments as well? You could put your comments forward five minutes 10 minutes your shower. What time is the event 10 o'clock and in the country

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the fact that we are he nurudeen

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do cardio you Okay? Where you been?

00:53:14 --> 00:53:15

You gotta marry

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Oh ALLAH marry Abdulkadir

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marry Abdulkadir to a good Muslim sustain a good families from The Good Brothers from our community. Kulu I mean, our Allah opened up the door for Abdulkadir and open up the door of our brother Abdul Hey, as well help the Chabad to get married Allahumma we asked you this by it. It's an album open up the way for these brothers. Totally actually loaded Dean

00:53:57 --> 00:54:20

Yeah, when he this, I think we spoke about this recently this statement, this feeling this understanding that some people have when Muslims are suffering around the globe. And a person who's on the Sunnah Salafi, he has this understanding, well, they left towhee so they get what they deserved. The Muslim with a man doesn't say stuff like that.

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Knowledge doesn't support that. And the religion in terms of the Rama none of you truly believes you love for your brother, what you love for yourself. You don't want to see any harm happened to your brother. You don't know why allies will punish people with this or punish people with that.

00:54:37 --> 00:55:00

We're all guilty of what's going on in Palestine. The Palestinians who are from the ODR of Allah know the religion better than us. They know the religion better than so why is Allah not punishing us? Because we don't know. When Allah chooses to punish this one or that one out? Can somebody possibly say that? I heard that years ago with the FIA s we know

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To support the Manhattan understanding of the FIS of Algeria many issues and the role that they played in the spread of the blood, they're weighing down with those generals neither, but that is who was supporting their men hatch the understanding of Islam. But for someone to say that people of Algeria getting what they deserve, when people were really being killed, how can you say that? His brother I hear from Algeria, he is from Kashmir, he is from Palestine. This one is from Somalia, and

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Somalia has been the the problems of Somalia that are going on. People come from there, when they hear someone else who's not there's my mother, my father, my relatives will suffer it really suffered. I hear someone said, Well, he shifted, they're not really doing the sooner so they deserve what they get.

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Who says that? Somebody says There's something's wrong with his head. He doesn't understand the religion. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa arte was sending them used to be affected and used to be sad, when his own people were afflicted with things he didn't want. Nasty and bad things to happen to people prophesying the message they care about people. So again, again, the punishment of Allah is from his wisdom. And that statement that motive, it reminds me of that man or the Prophet said

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about him, some Allah who was sending men and many men, the lady at the Allah, Allah Allah, who is it that has the nerve and the audacity to rise up into like, put himself in the position to say, Allah did this and Allah did that because of this or that. When the man said, well, Allah He Allah never forgive you will never put you into Jannah. That's the man said. The Prophet said, Who has the nerve to say, Allah won't put someone in the agenda? Allah will forgive someone who has the nerve to

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say they're receiving this because they deserve it. Allah dis Allah, what are you talking about? Maybe we are the ones why we exempt right here. Why are we exempt with the things that we're doing? Why don't we get punished like that? You mean to tell me we don't do we don't deserve that. We didn't do things to deserve Allah's punishment. And those people did. No one speaks like that except emotions as emotions and it's not acceptable. Come down and relax with that type of thing. We're

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going to stop here Inshallah, may Allah will Tada. Bless you brothers, and may II subhanho. wa Taala give us all their back and Kitab Asuna according to him and Stella, the seller of this ma ha That was Allahu wa sallam Mubarak, Adam the beginner. Early he was having a Gemini Suparna CalOptima were behind DECA was a shadow Allah ilaha illa. Stock Furukawa tube was set up to like what about a cat

In this talk delivered at the Green Lane Masjid Shaykh Abu Usamah discusses the reasons for the lowliness of the Ummah.

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