Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – The Islamic Personality – Episode 12

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from Prophet's teachings and avoiding negative comments is emphasized in Islam. The speakers also emphasize the benefits of practicing religion and avoiding negative comments, as well as the struggles of Muslims in the face of extreme persecution. The transcript uses various celebrities and their accomplishments, including famous figures like Ronnie O'S and Daniel Sullivan, and emphasizes the importance of time and balance during death. The conversation is not a reflection of individual behavior or interests.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim

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Al hamdu Lillahi wa Kapha

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are Salah to Allah He was Salam o who Allah and vielen Mustafa

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ye shadow and light yoga in la ma Hua the hula Sharika

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Well, I shall do another Mohammed Abdullah who were Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and why am I bother?

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Come to the next Hadith You shall love from the book 40 Hadith of the Islamic personality.

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And the next Hadith again, there'll be some Allah who I didn't send him as mentioned an issue that again, it passes most people

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and the proof of that is what he said SallAllahu and he was sending them in the Hadith. And the hadith is collected by Imam Bukhari

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and it is a Hadith that is my roof mature and he people heard about it but taking advantage of doing the opposite of what the hadith is saying is the real challenge. Father Son Allahu alayhi wa salam near Mactan Morocco boom fie Hema cathedral Mina Ness. A set well Farah,

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there are two blessings to Nemos near men tend to blessings that Elijah General has given to the people. But many of the people are losers in these two mirrors. Many people will have Hassan and Nedum they will lose not profit from they will be sad and

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disappointed as it relates to these two favors. He said the first namah that Allah bestows upon people is the net of having good health. And the second one is the network of having free time.

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No time Michael Boone Wolfie Hema cathedral Mennonites, as it relates to the namah the favors of allies with Gil there are many as he mentioned in the Quran will tell coming Cooley mass ultimo we're in to do namah to lahi lateral Suha. Allah has given you people from everything that you asked him for. And if you were to try to count and enumerate a number, the favors of Allah, never would you be able to do so there are many. So we have to know as Muslims, that everybody here regardless

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of the problems that you have in your life, everything is not perfect. Nonetheless, you have a lot of favors that Allah is giving you. And in our religion, we have a min hedge, Eli, we have a min hedge that Allah has given us as it relates to the NEMA things to do things not to do things to be aware of things that you can't sleep on. And this is really important, especially now, during this time.

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Where as we mentioned so many times normative Islam is under attack, you have to be a Muslim who believes and realizes Ellis lamb get the Como fika. Physically, Sheikh

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Al Islam is going to determine and dictate everything about you as a Muslim.

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So everything set in the way you're set in and all of that. Islam has to govern all of that. We have some Muslims who don't understand that and I don't make took fear of them and say that they're not Muslims and excommunicate them but something's wrong with your Islam. And something is wrong with your Eman.

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A Muslim is the individual who understands that his life has depth as for alarm from Allah, his movements Hara carto his movements, as well as his being still is from Allah. He's quiet because the religion told him be quiet right now because you don't know what you're talking about. Be quiet right now because you're sitting in salatu. Juma everything about themselves. I said, there are those people who, with the challenges that are facing our community right now for an example *

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education that is going to be made compulsory upon our children. Whether they go to Muslim school, Islamic school, non Islamic schools, state run schools. I'm a teacher, I'm a head. I'm the principal. I have something to do with that school. I have to understand as a Muslim, I have to take a position for against

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things based upon Islam. I don't take positions against Islam, against the Muslims based upon what men are saying and what men are deciding. So we have a lot of liberal Muslims, secular Muslims, ignorant Muslims who cannot conceive, Al Islam has to govern your life al Islam, you're allied with Al Islam, Ya Allah, whether you're an ally, slam is upper most slam is uppermost and nothing goes over Islam, not your mind, not your culture, not your government, not your country, not your mother,

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not your father, a slam is uppermost. That doesn't mean that as Muslims we can exist in societies that don't judge by the book of Allah doesn't mean that. And it doesn't mean that I'm sitting here, encouraging you advising you to go crazy and fall into antisocial behavior, and to become a person who is made known. When you start behaving with people and as a society, Muslims and non Muslims alike in a way that is not sanctioned, what you're doing is not right, you want another extreme. And

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your extreme may be just as bad as the liberal Muslim, your extreme is just as bad as the secular Muslim even worse, because at least those people are not claiming anything in the name of the dean. Or as you think that what you're saying and doing and fill in is sanctioned by the dean. And the situation lays academics not like that. So this issue of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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every single person here has been given a lot of favors from Allah and therefore as a Muslim as you exists, we have to learn what did Islam say about how I have to view these namah so in this particular Hadith, two are mentioning there are many, many, many will might be coming near Matan feminine Allah, there is no namah that you people have except that came to you as a result of Allah.

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So don't take credit for the naira that you had you graduated hamdulillah first and foremost, all praises to Allah due to Allah, and then the role that your parents played in that and so forth and so on. But the human being should never look and focus on himself and say, me, me, me, I did it. No, we praise Allah, we think Allah for all of the favors that He's given us. As it relates to this particular Hadith there are two that he mentioned from the mini favours of Allah. And that is the

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minimum of having good health and the NEMA of being free. There's a hadith where the prophet says Allah Allah who it was salam, if tell him come some cover that from sin. Take advantage of five things before five things happen.

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Take advantage of five things and don't let them pass you by before five things happen.

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Shabaab aka Kabul, haram take advantage of your youth before you become old. See, now you start talking gibberish. You can't remember the names of the people who are the closest people tell you so take advantage while you're young right now. Number two, take advantage of your health before you become sick. Anything can happen to anybody I was watching on social media, where my mother lives close to where she lives on the highway, the motorway. There was a Brinks truck, they carry and

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transport money from one bank to another bank. from one place to another bank play somehow the door flew open and all the money fell out on a motorway.

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So you can imagine how two people behaved when they jumped out of their cars. And they went after that money. And there were accidents on the car and people got ran over. Some of them. There was some fatalities and some of them they were severely injured. When they woke up that morning. They didn't think that the end of the day was going to be like that. So today you're walking tomorrow morning your handicap May Allah azza wa jal and that's not politically correct. You now have special

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needs, you can't walk, something has happened to you. And it doesn't always have to be a person putting himself in harm's way anything can happen at any moment. Anything can happen at any moment. So take advantage of your good health. Before you get in a situation where you have bad health will take advantage of your renal back having money before you become impoverished or you don't have money you can get you don't necessarily have to be so poor that you are in the dirt and you can't

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even afford a slice of bread or doesn't mean that but right now, if you have 100 pounds, 200 pounds, 50 pounds, then give some of that in southern use some of that

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it in order to help you and those who around you like that IDT said, we dealt with early about those people who was permissible to have a ziptop or hesed concerning them, a person that Allah gave him wealth, any spinning in the right way, and his family and his us have and it's a step up, and his camera, his his, his, his relatives.

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So take advantage of having wealth before you don't have well, the fourth thing he said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is take advantage of your free time before you don't have any free time, like this hadith. So to the things were mentioned in this hadith, take advantage of your wealth, your health before you become sick. Take advantage of your free time before you become busy. And the last thing take advantage of your life before you die. Take advantage of your life before you die. The

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individual who

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looks at this hadith, you'll realize these are two of the greatest favours of Allah azza wa jal that he can bestow on people after al Eman and Al Islam greatest NEMA,

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one of the greatest nemesis after all of that is having good health. Because once you lose it, you don't realize the quality, you don't realize the importance of it. And that's why I want to mention now, those of you those of you who should be taking medicines, stop neglecting taking your medicine.

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They gave you that medicine. And I don't necessarily I believe that the fatos pharmaceutical companies, they be hustling, and they make a lot of money. But nonetheless, if you've been told to take medicine by your doctor, your doctor knows what they're talking about. You have high blood pressure, you better take that medicine. It's not acceptable, how irresponsible we are as an ummah, in terms of our diet. And in terms of our unhealthy lifestyles, lack of exercise, and also this

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issue with medicine. People were fasting when they shouldn't be fasting. People who perform in high touch when they shouldn't even be performing high touch. They are heavy on themselves and heavy on other people. But as it relates to Madison, Madison, allowed me to look for Angela Tulku be ad community. Look, don't destroy yourselves with your own hands. You have to go to the doctor. Scat hasn't been to the doctor in 60 years. 55 years old, never went to the doctor. Why? Because in our

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culture and our thinking, I'm a man, I don't know, man, you better go to the doctor and get checked.

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Because that cancer may Allah protect all of us from it, that cancer doesn't discriminate. It's not messing around these days. And with what we're eating in the way we're living, we have compounded problems in this society that we're living in with the pollution with the stuff that we're putting in our bodies, they did the W H O World Health Organization, they did. Or they set up a group of people to

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test to do medical tests on something like 400 people to see how many of the people had

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plastic in their bodies, stuff made out of plastic, or 400 people had stuff from plastic in their bodies. And that's because of what they put on the apples. And other than that things that we're eating. So health after l e man is probably the greatest namah because you may have a beautiful wife, who's your soul mate, and you guys have NC John, total complete harmony. I mean, she's your girl.

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And she gave you babies and that's a nettement. Big nema. But if your health is not well, you won't appreciate that life.

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You won't appreciate that life. So he mentioned those two things, some Allah who it was setting up, being free and having good health. There's a person who has good health, but he's not free. Because he's working. He has to work actually like a horse or like a donkey economic Kamala 24/7 He has to work. I know someone I met a person from my community who the husband has a takeaway, and she's helping her husband and she wants to practice the religion. But she asked to help her husband. So

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it's not easy. That's because they have to work every single day 18 to 20 hours a day. Yo mo P piano, I can't speak and I can't judge. But when we stand before Allah, I just saw a gentleman he starts to ask questions why you do this, why you do that? Why even wear hijab, why you didn't pray, things like that. And Allah is the One who knows the best and he's the best judge and he's merciful. He's just done all of that stuff. But still, you have to practice your religion. But a person can

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have a vocation he can have a career that is toxic. It's not good for him. You killing yourself to make money.

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So some people have good health, but they are not free. And some people are free, but they don't have good health. He's free. He's not working. He is strict, but he can't do anything because he is sick, something's wrong. The person who combined both of these things good health and free time, he's in a tremendous namah he has to take advantage of them yes to take advantage of it. So the Nibi of Islam Sallalahu it was selling them brought us a religion as I told you, as a main hedge from the

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main hedge of Al Islam as a relates to the namah is the way we think a lot for the namah is without tongues by giving sugar. And also we think Allah azza wa jal with the NEMA by exposing the people to these numbers as the Prophet said, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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If Allah azza wa jal bestows something on someone, he loves to see the namah that he gave that person, so we dressed nice on Friday, we dressed nice on the day of their aid, but they do get married, things like that Islam is not against that Islam is not against you having a nice car, having nice furniture, having a nice house, having nice shoes, and I'm not against that. Just you have to do it the right way. And when you acquire these things, you give the Shuker of the meaning

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you behave with them in in them in a correct way and a correct way, from the name of Allah to know that we there are a lot you can't count them. You can't enumerate them. You cannot and we have to remember that that's why we'll find it when in the Quran. Many if you're living in Amman with Kuru Nirmal Tula he Aleikum all you believe remember and bring to mind the favours of Allah upon you and there are many is that that's mentioned oath Quran Allah to login aleikum wa me thankful love levy

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was supposed to be here full term. So maybe an hour Turner. Remember the favors of Allah upon you when he took a contract from you? And you people accepted the contract and you said we here and we bet we hear and we obey. Many I like that many of Kuru namah Tala alaykum myth contemn Ida for a leper bein Upolu become, remember the favours of Allah upon you when you used to be enemies one to another, and Allah joined your hearts together and you became brothers one to another and you are on

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the brink of falling into the Hellfire from further caminha. And Allah has saved you guys from that namah so the point is, many many ayat of the Quran are one not two, not three, not five, not seven mini ayat of the Quran and saying auth Kaoru namah Tala he remember the name of Allah upon you. So that's part of the main Hajj of Al Islam, not to disregard or dismiss the name of Allah azza wa jal

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also from the main Hajj of Al Islam, how to deal with these many favors is that the Prophet told us Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam, look at those people who are below you. And don't look at those people who are above you, when you do that, that will cause you to appreciate the neshamah that Allah bestowed upon you.

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So look at those people below you below you mean and what they have more problems than you there have less to deal with resources than you. So how can we from the Ayat of Allah during this time, some things are very negative, but as he is said, it may be that you hate something that is good for you. So I think there is good and everything, even in the shaytaan the regime. He taught Apple Herrera AYATUL cruces understand the context, don't take my words out of the context that I mean,

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the broken clock is right two times every day. Benefit and everything. Donald Trump being the president is benefiting that. The far right becoming known there's benefit in that I send to crochet in Oahu or highroller comm it may be that you hate something is better for you some good in that stuff is some good in that the Hummer as well as gambling.

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And it is benefit and it does harm and the harm outweighs the benefit. The harm outweighs the benefit. The point I want to point to is what's going on in Syria, what's going on in Palestine, what's going on in El Yemen, what's going on in Kashmir, and other parts of the Muslim world where Muslims are being persecuted. That helps us to do what to say. But for the grace of Allah and the Rama of Allah go I could have been mean I could have been you. So look at those people below you.

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So that you will be more appreciative of what Allah gave you, as opposed to looking at the person that Allah has given them more than what he's giving you. And this society again, equity is corrupt. It's corrupt.

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because not only are we eating bad, we're breathing bad, we're drinking bad our lifestyle is bad, the way they're controlling us a big problem at least SNAM tells us to be free thinkers, not liberal thinkers, no rings to pull you when say and think and believe what you want. No. But you don't determine for me what's happiness and you don't determine for me what strength and you don't determine for me what's right and what's wrong. That comes to me from a source I miss God. That is a

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law here is divine. It's from Allah azza wa jal is from Allah azza wa jal. So as it relates to all of these issues, all of these issues, we have a lot of favors and whiny that Allah azza wa jal has bestowed upon us. So we have to take care of them. And from them are these two concerning these two favors in Ellis land?

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The network of health just having good health is mentioned in the Quran over and over and over again. As Allah Allah Tala mentioned in the Quran. ILN alumna Allahu I mean, what he's signing was chef attaining what they now need you Dane, I love puts forth the question reminding Benny Adam, that we not give him two eyes so that he can see, and that we not give him a tongue and two lips so that he can talk and let people know what's inside of him and how he's feeling.

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And we're not given him these things. And we also guided him to the next day and we taught him the right from the wrong because he has his intellect, he has this ability to see, I saw with my own eyes, the relics of frown. And now frown is wiped off the face of the earth. And he's going to be punished. So I saw with my own eyes, what not to do and who not to be like I heard with my own ears, the ayat of the Quran, people giving Dawa things guiding you to the right way. So because of all of

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that you were able to say I had to Allah Ilaha illa Allah, you were able to read the Quran and make Salah you were able to do all of these things. So Allah mentions meaning if the Quran and the Prophet as well SallAllahu it was sent them as a release his issue he said that every day Adam son wakes up

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he has to give sadaqa for all of the joints in his body 360 joints in his body, you know your finger has joints, your wrist has joints, your elbow shoulder 360 joints and this body, every joint has to give sadaqa has to give sadaqa for the sugar of the Nirma How do you give sadaqa by giving a darkness by come into the darkness

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by giving salams the people when you see things wrong, you stop it you advise you encourage people to do the right thing. You say nice things to your family members your wife you gave you give sadaqa and your joints like telling your family members I love you Allah when you get sadaqa saying that your mother saying that to your father. So he went on to say all of the things that are sadaqa he said and what will take care of all of that is to rakaats that a person prays for Salah to Buhari to

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930 10 o'clock 10 3011 o'clock, right before a vote versus pray to God he made sadaqa and he gave shocker for the name of his son. When's the last time one of us may to rock out Uppsala to Baja the last time?

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No, it's not part of the repertoire of how we exist as Muslims just as is not part of the repertoire how we exist as Muslims to read the Quran every day to have a portion of the Quran that we're reading every day. Part of a person being a real Muslim, a real Muslim certain things stem right to show you a real Muslim. Part of being a real Muslim is hey, you got to pray every day man can't pray sometimes. You got to pray every day.

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To be a real Muslim a real Muslim stamp of approval shown your real Muslim real Muslims have some connection with the book of Allah. Not just in the salon, not just in Salah. But reading the Quran just taking a timeout reading the Quran so to catch at least during the week our community has an affinity and this connection I don't know where it comes from. Probably the week Hadith fabricated Hadith have something to do with it? Where all of these things cause us to love Surah yes seen

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everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is yet seen as fabricated high beat the Quran doesn't have a heart.

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yet seen as whatever you want to read it for. So if you want a job, read a scene you want to pay

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exam RIA scene you want to yes from the potential family you're trying to marry into RIA scene. Fabricated hadith is not true. I don't know what our fascination and affinity is with the surah but many of us have memorized it, many of us know it. So my point is read as seen it the Quran the most half and read it, read a rock man and those are yet to know saw that you know, because as I mentioned, if a lot of time goes by, a lot of time goes by and a person is not reading the Quran.

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It's a sign of indications of problem. And that's why a lot spoke the truth as he always does who panel Madonna and Surah Al Furqan one of the signs that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the Nubian the Rasul who was synced with the truth is that Allah has said that he will say yo Mookie Yama sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Wakanda rasuluh Yara, be in a coalmine, that although a turtle who has a Khurana majora and the messenger will complain and say, oh my lord, my ummah has abandoned

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this Quran

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abandoned in the Quran is they don't learn it. They didn't sit down to learn it from someone. That's the truth with the majority of the people. They don't read it.

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They don't listen to it, which was a sunnah. He said, Abdullah, we must all read the Quran. He said, Should I read it? I knew Yes, Allah was revealed on you. He said I love to hear it from other than me. So he started reading Surah Nisa. So listen into the Quran. The Jinn became Muslims, when they heard the Quran COFA became Muslims when they heard the Quran. And in this life that we live in right now. 20 is a lot of there's a lot of

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mental illnesses going on. Some severe, some mild and moderate. Some people have some serious issues, but most people have mental illnesses. That's the Prophet says SallAllahu wasallam. When he described the time he said it's going to be a time when the Muslims are going to fight each other. The companions said, and will we have our intellect on that day? I'd also love when we have our call. He said tune zero or call Oxfam emphatic as a man. Most of the people doing that time their

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brains their minds will be taken away. And they will only remain in that time most of the people will be riffraff miscreants, it's what he says Allah who it was set it up. Why do I mention them? What's the connection? Listening to the Quran? reading the Quran brings down Sakina to many RDF. The class is not about that. I'm just trying to say to you, this is a deal that the newbie was from Allah azza wa jal, because how could that be mentioned in the Quran over 1400 years ago, and it's

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telling them the reality of us sitting here right now that the Prophet will complain My people have abandoned the Quran. Any group of Muslims in any given space at any given time collectively, you go around? Did you read the Quran today? Just the most half list of the Quran today? Most people gonna say no. How did the Prophet know that way back then, because he sent by Allah azza wa jal Cymbala. So my point here is 23 laws with the issue about a safe Quran and the Sunnah is something that was

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mentioned too many times by Allah azza wa jal in His Prophet. He mentioned in the Quran with John Lokum. As some I will have either and some I will absorb or what have either a locum touch Quran, Allah is the One who has made you people in fashion chill, and he blessed you and He gave you the ability to see and the ability to hear and he gave you hearts to reflect them have intellect, drive a car, get a degree, have a career, take care of your affairs and navigate, you gave you all of that

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lie, look, come Tesco roll

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in the hopes that you will give sugar. So as it relates to your health, as I mentioned in this mystery a number of times, the believer who was strong as better more beloved to Allah than the believer was weak. We have to work out we have to do better with our health. We have to stay away from those steroids. We don't condone working out with steroids and those steroids that are unsupervised because sometimes medically, people are administered steroids under the supervision of

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a doctor, but I'm not talking about the local gym in Birmingham,

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where we're going working out and shooting steroids all over the place in the back room on that talking about that. That goes against this hadith. This hadith is talking against that, that you're destroying yourself.

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Two Netmums many people are losers in it. One of them is your health. That person was working out taking steroids, unsupervised just craziness, gave me some creatine from the black market, give me some steroids from Romania gave me some of this is some of that gave me some Red Bull and I'm going to be the biggest guy and Alan rock rolled. And I think that's something to be proud about. No, this hadith is talking against that.

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So equitably Let, let us pay attention to the issue as the Prophet says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. From those many statements when a spa humming come an emphasis will be more often fee Jessa de were endo quote yummy. He fucka anima he's at the who had dunya behind the theory.

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Anybody from amongst you who woke up in the morning like this morning, like tomorrow morning inshallah. Anyone who wakes up in the morning,

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he comes back to life, Allah gave him life and he woke up.

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And he has

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security where he lives.

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And he woke up and he has good health.

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And he woke up and he had enough to eat just enough to eat that day, is as if he has been given the reins of the dunya and everything that's in the dunya. You know, like the horse or the camel, when you write him. That's the rings. He's in control of the dunya. And that's because that's because he has those essentials as a part of his life. He have safety and security. If you don't have safety and security, you're in trouble. Like in Palestine, where they could just come and bulldoze your

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house over just like that.

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And one minute, your house is dead next minute is gone. But don't travel too far. Don't go to Palestine, don't go to Iraq, don't go to Syria right here in Birmingham, right here in Birmingham. Some people don't have security and that she's married to a husband, who has the mentality of a pit bull, a bull dog. He beats her up. He's rough, he's tough. The mother the father, they're beaten down the the the husband's wife is being bullied and beat up by her husband's relatives. So every

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time my husband goes to work, she's in the living *.

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She doesn't have safety, she doesn't have security. There are people being bullied, I'm sure you guys know. And I would advise you to do this, to say to your case, anybody bully you today. We have to do that today. Sit down with your kids and say to them, anybody touch you inappropriately today. They put this prevent on us prevent prevent. We have to always be on the defensive, afraid afraid, you better start asking your kids. Did that teach a bully you today? How did they deal with you not

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looking for trouble. But just taking care of the musalia the responsibility that we talked about a long time ago we responsible. So people were being bullied to the point where the child the child committed suicide, committed suicide, because going to school is an experience that makes the child mortified, petrified, terrified to go to school because they don't feel anything they're going to be picked on. Like what happened to our little cerium brother a few days ago, week or two ago that

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brother like he shouldn't have to deal with that. He's right here in the UK, going to school get educated, and his person is under threat.

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And the second part of the Hadith said that the person has good health, safe and secure good health, and he had enough to eat. That means for you young brothers, and you're building your careers right now. Let's kill these excuses about the white man, the white man. They don't like black people. That is racism. Yep, all of that is there.

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But if you have security and safety and you have enough to eat and you have good health, get out there and make something of yourself and stop relying on these. These so many excuses, a lot of excuses. Some of them are real, some of them are fake. They're not real.

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But even those that are real. We have examples in our book, that Quran, where we saw people were facing what appeared to be an insurmountable obstacles and challenges. But when Allah is on your side,

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if Allah is on your side, nobody can defeat you. You will take a fall here you take a full bed, like the Prophet lost some wars sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the prophet lost some teeth sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Prophet was wounded and lost some blood and he lost companions who died that happy.

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Life is not a walk in the park Jihad

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It's a struggle. My point is listen to this buddy, anybody who wakes up in the morning, and Allah gave him safety and security. And Allah gave him good health. And he had enough to eat it as this is as if he's been given the rains of the dunya. So I may be suffering right now, from marital issues. My wife, I'm separated from my wife, and it's affected me and it's tough. We have some serious challenges.

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But you have these three things. And those three things should help you to put all that other stuff in perspective. As long as you're not on the other side of this earth, you have a chance as a relates to the other issue. 20 And a lot could be said about the city. A lot. Lot. Azul koderma Abdon Yamaki, Amity Marondera B, US and Aruba. The slave, his feet are not going to move your will Kiama from in front of Allah, he's going to be standing there and Allah is there judging him.

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His feet won't move until Alaska about four things and from what he will be asked about is his life, his youth, how he spent his life what did he do with his time? He's going to have to be active. I look at Imam Shafi from the self. Al Imam Shafi from the self was what they used to call a Hakeem. And that was the doctor that Habib and he used to talk about health all the time, it will pay him Rama to later on, he wrote his book at tip and nibble we the prophetic medicines, he wrote that book

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to educate the community about how to maintain good health,

00:36:49 --> 00:36:59

how to maintain good health, I was reading the Hadith the other day where the prophet told us SallAllahu Sallam eat from the GM or the,

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the milk of the cow because cow eats from every single plant. So those plants are going to benefit that cow which will benefit you normally normally. Now the pasteurized milk and all of what they do with the milk is a problem. But then they'd be told us so many things about different fruit, different vegetables, different meats. Don't eat a lot of cow meat used to tell the people in it is poison. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he used to like to shoulder in that shoulder some benefit of

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the animal for some reason he liked that shoulder. And as Allah described him with my young people, and then how and who are you ha. He doesn't speak based upon just his desires. He speaks based upon revelation that came to him. Now granted, he did some things just because as a human being, he just did those things. He liked the color. It's like a pumpkin. You like the pumpkin. You liked that? It was his favorite meal. I'm loving my school used to eat the pumpkins. I really don't like the

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pumpkin myself. But the proceeds to eat the pumpkin and he liked this. So I eat it.

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So I can't say in everything he ate, there was some benefit. There was just the fruit of his people. But there were things where he gave divine instructions. Eat this, eat that drink this, drink that and so forth, so on when people were sick, he said Don't force your sick people to eat or to drink. Don't force them to do what they don't want to do. Because part of their convalescence is mental. You have to make them comfortable mentally so we can't go to them and visit them. 2535 people

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everybody wants to go visit shape Haitham and her dad we 50 people at the same time and we're going to stay there for two hours no you make it a person more sicker.

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So our religion taught us everything that we need to know what Allah He everything that we need to know everything as relates to the Israel, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam as Abu Huraira mentioned. He said read the Allah I knew that he heard the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in our Luma in Oh ALLAH ma use Allahu Anhu yomo Qiyamah to abdomen and marry him and new call alum Musa halacha just maca. When noodle we're coming in mild buried.

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The very first thing that Allah is going to ask the people yomo Qiyamah as a release to the 19

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Because there's a hadith that says the first thing that Allah is going to ask you about is what salah? That's the first question, but as it relates to the name what you've been given the name, he said the very first thing the person will be asked you'll know Kiama about the name is going to be said to him, then I give you good health and did not give you cold water to drink.

00:39:56 --> 00:40:00

And you have to answer that. Yes, not only

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Did you give me good health and you gave me cold water to drink? You also gave me children and you gave me a job and you gave me this. You gave me a slam you gave me you gave me you gave me you gave me you gave me again. You have to be accountable for all of that cold water to drink. How is it that the Muslim eats without saying Bismillah finishes eating and didn't learn the DUA? Yeah, and even if he doesn't know the DUA just said hamdulillah hamdulillah

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Al Hamdulillah Well, that's how it is Highness ours we ask Allah azza wa jal to give us the ability and the wherewithal to be the vacuity, Milan vacuolar. Those people remember Allah, He gives us the toe FIP just to be people who are doing the basics. And we pray to a lot of protect us from having gone through or being fooled by what we're doing. And we actually think we're doing a lot because we compare ourselves with other people, maybe we look at other people and then doing this and then not

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doing that and then not doing this man not doing that. No, everybody has to be worried on his for his own. So as it relates to the time as it relates to time. I recall the statement of an imam Shafi, who said sahab to

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let the soy wolf he said I was with the people of Sufism. I went with them, I spent some time with them. He said the only benefit that I ever got from them is the statement. The time is like a sword. If you don't cut it, it's going to cut you and what a safe time time. Like right now we pray that was nine o'clock these seconds will never come back.

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So you have to spend the time where it's going to come back for you and benefit you. Like we're doing in sha Allah. He said those Sufi people never benefited me. The only benefit I got. They said some hikma time is like a sword. If you don't cut it, it's gonna cut you. Meaning if you don't take advantage of it, you're gonna have a problem. And that's why as it relates to time, Allah azza wa jal in the Surah that everybody memorize surah Allah Azza everybody memorize that. He swore by the

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acid time itself time, all of mankind are in a state of loss, all of them by time, all of them, except those who believe in do righteous deeds, and they mutually encourage other Be patient. They mutually encourage other each other stay on the hack. They mutually say is superior. It's only the first week then then they'd be tell us when the problem happens. The masiva some big thing happens. He said in

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Cebu and the sigma tool all the time to be patient is when the thing first happened slow down. Don't have a knee jerk reaction and respond to the thing. Take it easy. Get your wits about yourself, let the dust settle, and then you'll be in a position to see things for their reality.

00:43:09 --> 00:43:28

So Allah swore by time, everybody is in a state of loss. He also subhanho wa Taala mentioned in our religion in the Sunnah, the importance of tiny whiny as Muslims is shouldn't be something Muslims are negligent about. Our religion is about the MOA, Pete,

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the mullah Keith and the toolkit, the Tolki tack, you know, time being punctual doing things at the proper times. In the salata, kanatal meaning and Kitab in Makuta. The salons had been prescribed that specific times. You have to get up to make budget at this time for us. And Margaret really shot that's Muslim. The four other kinds of Islam that you do actions Salah Xikar, so Hajj it's all about a madrasa of time appreciating time, so I don't know I don't know what it is other than our culture.

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African Americans black people Africans Arabs, Asians, just how we are not only us we don't have a monopoly on some white people like that as well. I don't like to be of those people always put us down in them up. I don't suffer from inferiority complexes and nor do I suffer from that superiority complex as well. I'm better than everybody not got to be in the middle. But what is it about Muslims where cleanliness is a part of our deen? He says Allah wa salam, a total utter * to Eman

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cleanliness is half of Eman, half I gave a lecture. I gave a lecture the other day at a university when I went to university they brought me to the room just to hang out when I was in the room.

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And I was seeing how they Shabaab will live in I didn't make mentioned I felt sorry for them as Shafique I felt sorry but at the same time I'll

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Though when you were home, your mother did everything, cook clean everything for you, there's a certain level of cleanliness that you all have to have. You have to clean yourself, you have to clean your clothes. You can't have a pillow that's black with soot and dirt. At some point, your fitter has to say, Lala.

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Cleanliness is from our religion.

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And being on time is from our religion. But before we start the lecture, we got to give everybody 15 extra minutes. Because we are going to come in late.

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I say no, I'm starting right now. So that we can teach the people that said, No, that's not going to teach to people, because that's just the culture. That's just the coach and I had to accept that that's just the culture. Plus we want more people to benefit so we had to wait but what is it about us we're not people who are really sticklers for be on time to the best of your ability. The zakat gotta pay you as a car at a particular time you can't wait for three years to pay the god gotta you

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have to pay the cat every year. If you have the right amount of money to stay with you for me you gotta pay you

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can pay one year in Ramadan love again. Another year in Harlan Allah as you want Thai.

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The Ramadan, the time we fast now when it comes to Ramadan. Now, when it's Maga time and it's time to break the fast, everybody is on time, then

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everybody is in on time for the most part. But due to ignorance, even at that time, there are some people who are not on time because some people want to engage and making dua, and everyone is making the event. And the Prophet said no hurry up and break your fast as soon as the thing is done. Break your fast right away. The point here at 20 is our religion is telling us time is critical and crucial in our lives, the homage you have to be an artifact from one point to another point, if you

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miss out.

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And you didn't get there, and the people left after maghrib for most deadly for you missed it. You you done. You missed your hutch, you jammed up your program.

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So as it relates to the Hadith, time being free, we have to take advantage of the time that Allah has given us and the opportunities is given us and this is what this hadith of the Prophet was saying. And the last Hadith that I want to share with you is a tremendous Hadith to show you the importance of taking advantage of your time. He says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam ever comment to Sai to a few yet the decom vasila failure race ha.

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If yomo Kiama starts right now, the horn is blown and stuff start happening. He said and one of you has in your hand, a seed vasila something you can plant and it grows. apple, orange, okra, whatever it is, if it's your MO piano and you happen to have a C that can grow after being planted. He said if it's in your hand, hurry up and plant it.

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Hurry up and do good for yourself, no matter how insignificant or irrelevant it may appear. To the naked eye is one benefit from the benefit of this hadith take advantage of the time. Take advantage of the time. And that's why we had the self of this ummah, when they were dying, when they were dying, they will tell the eldest son, their brother, the one who was the most respected in the assembly, they will tell them get so and so out of here. Get him out of here. I'm dying I want the

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last thing I'm saying is the last thing that comes out of my mouth, La ilaha illa.

00:48:54 --> 00:49:05

But he's talking about Liverpool 110 The other day, and that was in the executive suite and it was really nice. How was that? Yesterday at the time that talk about that? Man is dying.

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And I've seen that with my own eyes. I've seen it at the graveyard when we're about to bury that people, people on their mobiles talking people are giggling making jokes fun we asked him as, as as if it's a time to play the ISS Hola, como Kathal had dazzled Tamil Nocardia

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at the cathode means trying to accumulate wealth.

00:49:35 --> 00:49:59

The process of trying to make money has made you people negligent until death comes to you. One way of understanding that is that is when death comes to you. You realize the reality of trying to accumulate money that's one meaning when the other meaning is gathering wealth the dunya playing around it has caused you to be negligent even at the time of death at the grave

00:50:00 --> 00:50:31

Even at that time, you're still playing around joking around messing about in a serious situation and honey, I mean, just gotta be balanced, we have to be balanced. We have to know how to be people who are going to be in this dunya as people were having herbal DS servitude to Allah. But while having served a tool, we know how to have recreation and enjoy and hang out. But we haven't been placed here to mess about so take care of what you have in terms of free free time and good health

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make jihad and those issues like the self of this ummah, there's a che, he wrote a book called Kima to the man came up to Zimmerman in the self, how important the time was to the self and he brought all of these narrations that's a PDF book, you can get it. Abdul Fatah, Abu. I don't support the mass Aikido.

00:50:55 --> 00:50:56

Abdul Fatah.

00:50:58 --> 00:50:59

He was one of the real

00:51:02 --> 00:51:32

Yeah, animosity with Chef Albanian people with the Sunnah and things like that. But you can't take away from him. He was a scholar of Hadith, no doubt about that. And no doubt and he died. Rahmatullahi Tala Ali. And that book is a beneficial book. Everybody says I'm not gonna get that book because he was 100 female to us up and come on, we took him out. I told you guys, there is good. Some good in everything does that means we go and sit with innovators and try to learn from

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innovators? Does that mean you're gonna marry a lady who's not a Muslim or misbehave? Muslim girl. Now there's a context. So let's avoid the glue the Holo, we're only going to take from two or three shares. We're only going to take from the shapes of Saudi Arabia that said, Get out of here with that nonsense. That's nonsense. You're going to put everybody in a cup like that. We say no, that's not our religion. So just stay balanced. The cell refuse to say like Al Imam is shabby. One of the

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tremendous scholars of Islam. When the people used to want to come on, come on, hang out with us. We're just going to hang out. We're going to drink some coffee and some tea and socialize. You said Come hang out. He said, Okay, I'll hang out with you. But can you guys stop the sun from moving?

00:52:23 --> 00:52:54

You can stop the son for moving up, come and sit with you. Meaning I don't have the time to hang out with the likes of you people that time. You people are time wasters. You waste time, and you're wasting time with what Kayla will call. He says she said Kevin stuff that's not beneficial. No, I have to be people we have to be people to take care of these two things. So when if you guys have any questions concerning this issue, that the Muslim is the one The chef said about this hadith in

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the book and Muslim laugh Varada endo la ferrata level, the Muslim doesn't have any free time, meaning he's busy, the setup of this ummah, they were busy at times like this learning and teaching. When they were together, they will make move back. They were going back over that stuff and discussing between themselves. When they were eating, they were doing this

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probably one of the few times that they can do and Medaka and knowledge and things like that was they went into the toilet, a chroma Kamala, whereas the Americans in the Westerners, they put books in Italy, they put newspapers in there, they will put their Bible in it. It's not okay, Muslim comes from America comes from the west. That was our culture. And when you go into the toilet, in my mother's house, there are all kinds of magazines ebony, anybody know Ebony Magazine in here? Nobody?

00:53:52 --> 00:54:07

Anybody? No jet magazine in here? Nobody? Yeah, yeah, all of those magazines are in the house sports illustrated in the bathroom in the toilet. Why? Because why they're in there, they're doing that LS line showed us.

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When you go into that place, you have to say somebody's going in your gin in there. Male and female, they go home, they get hurt you get in me and get out, get me and get out. You could do this. And then you can't do that can't pray in a kingdom. You have to Washington, the Jassa the Muslim is always going to be on top of these things. Because as I mentioned, Islam governs every part of our lives. So we'll open up the floor one inshaAllah for any questions now. If if if you don't ask the

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question now, I gotta get out of here. Gotta roll out. Gotta get back to Liverpool. Shala. Any questions? We have a question here. About the Imam today read in Surah read in surat al Aisha surah. Al Juma

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and in this surah to Juma is the statement of Allah azza wa jal

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their new Dr. Ali Salah Timmy normal Giamatti for SAO era victory lap if the Advan is made for Juma make a salary to the vicar of Allah. So, the two questions that came from appear are from the floor.

00:55:21 --> 00:55:33

Two questions number one is it from the sunnah to read this surah tonight? And the second question is what is the meaning of the site? Does it mean to rush and hurry up to the Salado Duma?

00:55:35 --> 00:56:07

This is not the Sunnah. And the scholars of Islam, the scholars of the Sunnah, who wrote books about innovation for the innovations of Thursday night. They said from those innovations, is reinforced Latin Maghrib Sonata I'm Isha. So that refresher Surah Duma all the time because today is Joomla. The next day is Joomla. It's not haram, but if you do it all the time, it's something that shouldn't be done. Because Prophet didn't do that. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam so that's not from the Sunnah.

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If a person is Renae, because he memorized it, he wants to read it he likes the Surah no problem, but to do it all the time, it should be changed up. As for this other issue as say,

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if my memory serves me correctly, somebody noted Dean took this for me if you could find an English Quran surah to Joomla. If my memory serves me correctly, they translated this in English, even the best translation is I think, Allahu Allah. They translated it

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hasten to the vicar of Allah hasten to the Juma and that's a bad translation. That's not what this is talking about.

00:56:50 --> 00:56:54

I say what it means to be in a hurry, to hurry up.

00:56:56 --> 00:57:17

It means to be in a hurry to walk quickly. That's one of the meanings of it. But it doesn't mean that in this ayat, if the call is made to Joomla make a site Hurry up and come to the masjid get to the Juma. It's not talking about that. And we know it's not talking about that because there's a prohibition from the Prophet sallallahu Sallam about running and rushing to the masjid.

00:57:18 --> 00:57:24

He says sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either. I tell you to

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message it for that test out for that test owl. While it can be a security while we're calm, my direct tone for Salu Why am I fat to come for attimo

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if you people come to the masjid, then don't rush don't walk fast, don't run, but have Sakina and Waqar Be gentle be easy walk normally, when you get to the roll, whatever you catch, you pray it with them and whatever passed you by mistake get up and complete it.

00:58:01 --> 00:58:14

He said that when some people he heard them running in and then after the salaat he told them this don't run to the soft don't do that. Take it easy relax. So how can we I tell you hurry up hurry up

00:58:15 --> 00:58:32

the eye the eye means a sign a sign you in this ayat means first out in Kerala to the size of the Kerala the Joomla it means get serious. Get serious about the vicar close up your shop, get ready.

00:58:33 --> 00:58:48

Put everything on the back burner. Put everything behind you do the necessary work in order to come and do this Juma was from the shadow of a listener. And the little of that is the statement of Allah subhanho wa Taala

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woman rather than Akira well who said well who was Salah were who

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were men rather than our Hara was Saharsa Yah ha Well, who were modeling for hula kanessa Your Home mascara.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:44

Anyone who wants to hear after anybody who wants to go to the agenda and he made the necessary side that word he did the actions and the work for the agenda. And he is a believer. Then his side his efforts is ERT his works will be much Skora Allah will be Shachar grateful thankful for what he did. So this ayat is not talking about doing quick works. Whoever wants to IRA and he made the site he was quick start talking about that as another meaning site site here means you went out to do

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something. I need some help. So one of you came with me that say what did it say?

00:59:52 --> 00:59:55

What translation is that? One of the major ones right?

00:59:56 --> 01:00:00

Here see these brought these people the later the later

01:00:00 --> 01:00:21

translations are much better. But I remember Yusuf Ali, because that was my understanding from that I had a long time ago Hastin to the members of Allah, and this is a NEMA on you brothers, young brothers, English speaking people, that now you can get a translation of the Quran, this international version and this

01:00:22 --> 01:00:23

was the other one

01:00:25 --> 01:00:54

will say the translation. Noble Quran was sent Han, they're going to put in parentheses what even Confucius said, well this one said what that one said, we didn't have that. We had Yusuf Ali's translation was all kind of drama in that book. May Allah forgive us and forgive him You try. But that was what we had at our disposal. You people have this, this this smartphone, you just go in and you say whatever you looking for, according to the Quran and the Sunnah.

01:00:55 --> 01:00:57

What are you looking for according to the Quran?

01:00:58 --> 01:01:02

That's a NEMA from Allah azza wa jal. Any more questions have one for the

01:01:05 --> 01:01:05


01:01:15 --> 01:01:17

is permissible to make will do

01:01:18 --> 01:01:55

on top of the shoe is permissible because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa ala it was sending them as the companion said Cana Yom Sahoo Allah to sapien he used to wipe on the theme and the TISA theme come a testament come from the word so 107 And that means to be hot, anything that makes your feet hot, meaning protected anything socks, wool, leather shoes, boots, whatever said that he used to wipe on that to sapien and it could be your shoe Other than that, plus in addition to that I leave

01:01:55 --> 01:02:27

in the toilet, May will do wipe on his shoes, wiped down and went to the masjid, took his shoes off and when inside of the masjid and he prayed or the alignment. A chef look Bill Rahmatullah and he has a book called A salad in the miall or something like that, and it's in English and as a PDF, and it brings all of those narrations like the command of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam highly fool your hood was Sanlu fina Alikum phenom la you Soluna in the alley him be different from the

01:02:27 --> 01:02:43

Jews and pray in your shoes because they don't pray in their shoes. Now from this hadith, you know, pray in your shoes mean you're going to make will do and you have your shoes on because who's going to pray with make will do without his shoes and then put his shoes on and then pray in his shoes who's gonna do that?

01:02:44 --> 01:02:58

So there are a number of narrations that allow us to wipe on our shoes and to spread this sunnah. But spread this soon in a nice way with people who are around us for ignorant people don't do that in front of them unless you have the ability to teach them and so forth and so on.

01:03:10 --> 01:03:13

CERN in the mess in the World War in the world war,

01:03:14 --> 01:03:16

but maybe if he had a

01:03:17 --> 01:03:28

a mama sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sometimes he will make will do when he got to the head, he will just wipe it like this. And sometimes he will pick it up like this and like this plot

01:03:29 --> 01:03:48

so it's permissible for a person to wipe on his is Imam his Imam. Not as coffee. Not as good as you know Saudi Arabian Cultra not that what not that not his hat. I saw some brothers mashallah they had these real nice, you know, like a beat you know where it comes from.

01:03:50 --> 01:04:21

If they could stand it, you know what I mean? That's if I could get my hands on one of those I get the hook but with that hat on brother. You can't wipe on that. You have to wipe on that Eman and you don't have to put the a mama on with will do like your sock. You can lose your wool wipe, put that in my mind Make will do and wipe it like that. As for the woman as for the woman that came out, she doesn't have to take him off. She could wipe on the Imam just like that she can put one on the Kima

01:04:22 --> 01:04:32

if it's easy for her to take the femur off it is easy for her. She do it for me whenever she can take it off. But if she has pins in it and all that stuff like that, she could just wipe on it

01:04:49 --> 01:04:59

we know when the time that we can pray based upon experience some people know when the sun is at its zenith some people know that

01:05:00 --> 01:05:08

I don't know. But I don't think it's like esoteric information. If the sun is at its zenith, you don't have, you don't have a

01:05:10 --> 01:05:40

you don't have a shadow, because every is directly over everything. And then as it gradually moves from that point, your body starts to throw the shadow. So you know, it's before the zenith is after the zenith. Same thing with mothering people have experienced. We don't know this, because we live it. We've lived all our lives around buildings, and lights. So we don't know this. But there are people from this ummah, Arabs, Africans, and other than that Asians because of their environment,

01:05:40 --> 01:05:59

they can do that. In this issue. We are allowed to rely on technology in this issue, we will allow to rely on the technology that's available, which is a strong argument of the people who say, then why can't we determine Ramadan based upon the technology as well? That's a strong argument.

01:06:01 --> 01:06:07

As a strong argument, I think we have to stop being those people think we have to agree about everything. You guys know Ronnie O'Sullivan.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:35

mean, do you guys know Ronnie O'Sullivan? And Daniel Sullivan was talking the other day about hey, man, I'm not gonna do all of these tournaments. It's not fair on people like me. No, I don't have to travel to China and come back, go back to China. He said, if they don't change these rules, if they don't change these rules, I'm just gonna do exhibitions. So the guy next to him, Steve Davis was like, You can't do that. And he was upset with him right down at TV. I said he didn't do he thought

01:06:35 --> 01:06:59

we were the ones who were the only ones acted like that. They did that they were arguing, hey, that's his point of view. That's your point of view, relax. And the religion Take it easy. Now again, the context doesn't mean doesn't mean everybody should be allowed this point of view. This one says homosexuality is okay. And that says this is not okay. Yesterday, I went into my first

01:07:01 --> 01:07:03

gender neutral bathroom toilet.

01:07:05 --> 01:07:30

I saw people coming out, I saw people coming out. And I saw I know that's a totally came out. And I just went in. And it was clean. It was long I went in it. When I was coming, washing my hands. It was women coming in. And I thought when they saw me, they would like freak out. They didn't freak out. I was able to sit with that. When I went out. I saw what happened. I thought I wouldn't I look and I said gender neutral first time in my life.

01:07:31 --> 01:07:37

And that's what we're going to be dealing with. With Dylan. Now. When we're done here, we're dealing with a time where

01:07:39 --> 01:07:53

a person sitting in front of you will say to you don't call me me, don't call me it. Don't call me he don't call me where you want me to call you. And I just come up with a name right now. Call me sis.

01:07:54 --> 01:08:03

What does that mean? Don't worry about it is for me to notice for you to find out. And you have to respect me. And that is the time we live in

01:08:05 --> 01:08:11

this system, we're going to do her question this last one okay, but I can't read this.

01:08:12 --> 01:08:17

Or what is the difference between what an ICER and sa

01:08:19 --> 01:08:56

walk does the time SA is an hour? It can be the time as well. But it can be an hour and it can be time. And the answer can mean I sort of time like after that time is also time also can be the whole time itself time, time itself all of time. They also said How does one be patient individually? And when I can really hit read that advice on Muslims who make or share Muslim move pages.

01:08:58 --> 01:09:10

What do you say to laymen who say that the good and leave the bad, take the good and leave the bad? We'll deal with that inshallah. You write these a little bit clearer for me next time and I'll deal with them.

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