Ali Albarghouthi – From the Lives of the Righteous #3

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of being both a chef and an individual, as well as finding friendships to blame for mistakes. They also emphasize the need for privacy and socializing to avoid bad behavior. The importance of reading and practicing learning in a way that makes one more appealing to one's parents is emphasized. Additionally, the speakers provide advice on protecting oneself from bad behavior and avoiding small talk.
AI: Transcript ©
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A week talking about a chef Avraham, Allah. And the focus, as you can see here is not about that life of a chef here. When we, when we concentrate or examine these personalities, we're not really talking about their whole life, where they were born, where they died, how did they learn? We didn't really do this. But what we're talking about an extraction from their life, some of the things that they have said some of the things that they have done in what even when Josie Rahim Allah has included in civil to software, so it's not everything about them, but some lessons and some wisdom and benefits from their lives. And one of the last things that we've said before move to something

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new just to connect what we said last two today mantella Berryessa for Rotman, who so he said, Rahim, Allah, the One who seeks leadership, meaning generally power, the one who runs after it, it runs away from him. Why? Because his intention is not pure money if a law student wants the best for that person, right? If not, then Allah will leave him to his choices. But if Allah wants the best for that person, and his intention is I want power for the sake of what power,

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then the best thing for that person is not to get it. Right. It's not to get it not to become powerful, not to become a leader, and not to be known or famous, if he wants fame for the sake of fame. Fame, for the sake of fame is very dangerous and very corrupting. If a person wants to become famous, let's say or a leader, because they want to do something good with it, and through it. Yeah.

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But then they don't really want fame. Fame becomes what a vehicle.

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So doesn't matter. It could happen some other way. But fame in itself is not the goal. Or power itself is not the goal, they become a vehicle for you to do something good. So if Allah doesn't give it, it's fine. You don't need it, because you could reach your goal some other way, like a decide or destiny that you could reach your goals with some other way. But if you want leadership for the sake of leadership and power, and to be above people, is the best thing for you is for that to run away from you. Right? And then he says in connection to that also Darren Hadith, fatherhood, anyone k theory says if a young man or young woman assumes leadership assumes the center of a halaqa, okay,

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then he says a lot of knowledge will escape him because now he doesn't have time for it, he doesn't have time to learn. So if he becomes a teacher, before being qualified to be a teacher, of course, he's going to make a lot of mistakes. And of course, right he is not going to have a time to learn what he's supposed to learn and he doesn't have the wisdom yet and the experience he has to lead. So what happens to him is that a lot of knowledge will escape him, a lot of wisdom will escape him, a lot of what he needs to learn is not going to be available to him anymore. The next saying no, this is new. What we just mentioned wasn't, but this is new, and a bit lengthy. But this is what a chef

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mo law says to you and ignore Abdullah Allah, he's advising him in how to treat a friend. And if there is a miscommunication between you and your friend or you hear something you dislike about him, how you're supposed to behave and why you should behave in this way. So he says, Yeah, Eunice. He says either Bulava. Answer D Linda Kamata, Corrado Federica intubated ob La La La Jolla. He says if you hear something about your friend, that you hate you dislike, like what they said something about you that you hate an insult.

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called you a name, accused you of something you hear that about him, not from him. You hear that about him. It says Don't rush and become an enemy and several your friendship with him just based on hearsay.

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But the cool new outfit Hakuna women as La Aquino will be shocked. So you'll be like a person who had

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demolished certainty with doubt. Because the certain part is that he's your friend. If you if it's hearsay that he said or did that's not certain. So that's doubt. So he says if you're going to destroy certainty with doubt, then you're going to destroy something valuable and islamically you're not allowed to do this anyway. Right? islamically they are pain needs another European certainty is only removed by another certainty. But doubt does not remove certainty. And that's an Islamic principle. You know, like what, what's the what's an application of that Islamic principle? So for instance, if you have old

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and you're certain that you have will do then you suspect okay suspect did die invalidated or not. Now, would that suspicion is your window invalid? No. Why? Because when we said that's the principle suspicion does not remove

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certainty, only certainty removes certainty. So if you're certain that you will do not become invalid, then you don't have anymore. So you say, I doubt I may have done this, I may have touched that I may, it says, if it's only ima and you just doubt and you're not sure you will do is still valid. Okay? So here, if you know you have a friend, and you have some suspicion that he ma said this or that he said, islamically, that suspicion is not allowed and should not allow to grow to remove that certainty of his friendship. Well, that can ilkka He says, but beat him and tell him such and such has reached me about you. And he says, but don't name the person who conveyed that to

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you. So he said, what now said rather than let this suspicion fester, confront, and not confront to chastise and condemn no to find what the truth is. So it says, I've heard this and that, but don't tell him Who told you, because that is going to create more problems. He says, I've heard this and that. It says for in encara delich. He says, if he denies it, tell him and us the whole about he says you are more honest, and more trustworthy.

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I mean, you are to me more pious and more honest meaning if he if he asked him, did you say this or do that? And he says no. If he is your friend, believe him and let that be the end of it. And don't listen to any suspicion or gossip.

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However, that is eternity that he says don't don't say anything else. Other than that, just believe him and then move on. Okay, wait, I thought it'd be that it says if he confesses. Holla Holla Holla Holla Jim Rosen Bellman? He says if he confesses, yes, I did this or Yes. I said that. It says if you can think within yourself for it for an excuse for him. Why he said this? Or did that? Accept that excuse within you? and move on to it tells you I did this. I said that. This is okay. And you said maybe there is an excuse for him. And this is the excuse and you can accept it within you. Okay, accept it and move on. Don't ask him for anything else.

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While offending them Tara Derek?

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For cola Whoa. He says if you can find an excuse within you to look for ask him. Why did you do this holiday in the Corolla of laka mela, who was one minute odd Taco Bell man, he says. So if you ask him, why did you say this after searching within yourself for an excuse? Finding none is asking for an excuse. Why did you do this? And he says if he offers an excuse, and it's convincing, accepted.

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And he says if you cannot, even after he offers it cannot find a reason for him to do this. And it's really his fault. He left us with Allah He say yeah, then consider it to be a mistake that he has done a sin that he has done that he says then you have a choice. If you want to you can punish him in a way equal to what he has done. And if you want you can forgive him. And forgiveness is closer to to her.

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She says now since it's a sin,

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punish them if you wish, or forgive them if you wish, and forgiveness is better. And it's closer to generosity. And then Allah zildjian says, What is that? Oh, say I didn't say to me through I says the punishment for a sin is a sin equal to it. But the one who forgives and rectifies His recumbents His compensation is with Allah zodion. Do you understand what this is telling you? That is is telling you if you want to punish for something bad that had happened to punish, but if you forgive and you rectify with that forgiveness, then who is going to reward you who's gonna compensate you? Allah xojo it says Don't worry about you missing out. Don't worry about you not getting your right

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no forgive. And then whatever you need is with Allah as well as if Allah is telling you what, forgive and I'll take care of you. Right? And you can assume when Allah tells you I'll take care of you how much he will give. And this tells you how much Allah loves forgiveness, forgive and I will take care of you forgive and I will give you so rather than you taking your own right, which is what limited

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and it's soon ends like somebody hits you you hit him back, it's over. But Allah says no, don't hit back and forgive and says I will give you will that will last the giving of a lot less but if you take your right with your own hand, that is not going to last and generally doesn't lead to

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good results. holophane has that kind of suka. McAfee says well if afterwards you still want to punish them even even after this a and after understanding all of this. First kuruma FEMA FEMA Saba Kala hula de camellia sang for Oda is if you want to punish him for this one Singh thing is one sin that he has done. Remember all the good things that he had done previously and count them for mug the low SN and be happy say yeah, then instead of you know, punishing him, you give him something

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Good in return for that bad thing that he has done in route because of all the good things that he had done previously, you see what he's doing is if he has done something bad,

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and you know that it is bad, don't stop and think about this one bad thing that he has done. But try to remember all the other good things that he has done so that your judgment is balanced. This is not just about friends, this is about relationships in general, about your wife, about your husband, about your kids, about your parents, about your relatives, don't just remember this last bad thing that they have done and forget all the good things that they have done throughout your relationship with them.

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So do something good to him because of the good that he had done in the past, and don't discredit him, or disregard all the good that he has done because of this one bad thing, because this is injustice. Then he says at the end, he says Eunice if you have a friend, hold on to him, because finding a friend is difficult. And breaking up that friendship is easy.

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Any breaking up a marriage is easy.

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This is Judy say to your wife, I divorce you it's done, right. Or the wife says I want to be divorced. And then she asked for it and the husband gives it it's done. But building a marriage takes years and years. You can break it in a second, you can break in a day. So this is same similarly, right? We complain today that we don't have friends.

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Right? Like it's rare to have a good friend today. So Sheffield, from the time he's telling you Yes, it is hard to have a good friend, a friend that will bring you closer to a lot that is rare. So if you find one like that, don't give them up so easily. don't sacrifice them so easily. Hold on to him. And try to find excuses to him. And try to forgive and try to rectify so that you keep him as a friend. And he keeps you as a friend. Because everybody makes a mistake.

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And if you aren't gonna be a person who is going to be count every mistake that so and so does, you're not going to have friends. In fact, you're not going to have anyone who is going to like you. If every but every time somebody does a mistake, you catch him. And you say remember that mistake that you have done. Remember that slip, remember that he doesn't want to get he's not going to want to be around you. But if you're the kind of person who recognizes people for who they are, and that they sometimes slip in, sometimes they make mistake, but in your final judgment, you wait everything justly and you find the good things compared to the bad things. And you're allowed, allow people to

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make mistakes, but also make amends for them, then you'll keep people around you. So though it is long, but it progressively tells you what to do. In the beginning. Don't believe gossip, don't believe hearsay. And if you can dismiss it, dismiss it. If you can't, then the best thing to do is to go and ask him not in a confrontational way. But I heard this and that and I want my heart to be clear towards you. Is that true? And if he says no, it says I believe you. If he says yes. We'll say to yourself, I can think of an excuse for him. Okay, fine. We don't have to talk about it. And you let it go. It's still it's bugging you. You asked him why did you say this? He offers a good excuse.

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You accept it. He doesn't offer a good excuse, consider it to be a sin. And then chef he says we want to punish, punish, but be just in your punishment. But if you want to forgive, that's even better.

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That is how you're supposed to treat people. And as Allah just says, Well my will aka Illa Dino sobre. Only those who are lucky enough to be patient will be given that wisdom. Okay.

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He says Rahim Allah.

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He says a nuclear algo Allah Nassim accepted to Neela Dawa. He says if you isolate yourself from people, even you, you foster hostility with them by says, What in bizarre to LA Himeji level to the foreigner. So he says but you over socialize, you will earn bad friends and that company for con Bane al montavilla. He will be in the middle between someone who's either isolated himself and someone or over socializes. So he says if you over socialize, you get what bad friends and bad company you slip into sin. You slip into the harem, and you don't need that much. Okay? If you not discriminate in terms of who am I sitting with? Who am I talking to? Who am I texting who's texting

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me? What group have I joined? You do not discriminate about any of that. It says okay, that is going to hurt you.

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And his body if you go to the extreme and you isolate yourself completely

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No one is going to care about you.

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And he says some of them may actually feel alienated. I call him he doesn't call. I asked, he doesn't ask. I don't want his friendship. I don't want to answer his phone calls. I don't want to be around him. So this is not this and not that But seek a middle path. not to get too extreme here and not to go to an extreme there, but socialize as much as it benefits you. And it benefits other people and when it once it crosses into wasting time or hurting you or hurting others, you've got to stop. And again, you need allies though just to help you there that is, whenever you're confused about where do I stop? Ask Allah zoji Yeah, give me the best and allow me to escape from bad company

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protect me from it.

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He said somebody while Sheffield it was sitting to not pass on Mohammed yBnL hesson. So Mohammed bin Hassan, he is a student of Abu hanifa. For him Allah is a alum. So someone while with a Shafi he criticized Mohammed even when Hassan while a chef, he was present. And a chef your Mohammed Hassan sometimes had debates between each other filthy debates, and also the debates.

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So chef, he said Ma, he said stop la parte de la mata bimota Ratan Tata mela phivolcs. Iran, he says, Stop, you are chewing something that honorable, never true. He's telling him what is that? You chewing something? What is he chewing the meat of his brother

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is a you chewing something? The real noble people never true.

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So he says you eating his meat behind his back. That is backbiting. And that's not an honorable thing to do. So even sometimes, and they were not enemies, God forbid, a chef. Yeah, and Mohammed who hasn't. But even sometimes when you have a debate with someone, and when you have a debate with someone, you tend to want people to put them down. Right? Because they're your opponents.

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So imagine yourself having an argument with so and so.

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And he isn't on opposite sides. And you still feel a bit bitter about that argument. And then someone in your presence criticizes them.

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You tend to what feels good about it. Because why? Because I already, you know, feel bad because he tried to defeat me. And I tried to defeat him. So somebody else had put him down, which is exactly what I feel so good. So you let it go. And you may smile, or at least if not internally, you're happy with it. Because now I'm higher. Somebody else agrees with me. I feel I'm better. And somebody now has agrees with me. But he says no. And that's your subpanel law firm is justice. And from his sensitivity in his stuck way. He says no, this is something that the honorable, never true. never mentioned never talked about. So you don't criticize somebody else behind his back. And that's, you

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know, if you want something to motivate you to say this, or at least to stop a person, or not to associate with such a person is to believe that if someone like that is going to criticize someone behind his back, and your presence in your absence, he may do the same to you when he's angry with you. So, if I like you, and you like me, I'm not gonna say anything bad about you. But if we dislike a third person in common, yeah, we may talk about him. But if I don't have within myself a barrier to stop me from backbiting, if I find with you later, and you're not around, I'll criticize you, like I criticized. So when you back by to showing what your habit

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that you have a habit and you have a tendency. And if you don't want that, to turn on you, you got to stop that person and tell him that he needs to, or you're the next target. You're the next target.

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Or at least it's part of Allah's justice that as you accepted backbiting somebody else is going to do it to you because you've accepted it.

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So stop a person when he backed bites, perhaps when that happens to you and you're not there Allah will send somebody to stop it. So as you defend the believers, Allah will what defending as you defend the believers Allah will defend you. So defend the believers defines

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those who are wrong and the law will defend you when you are wrong as well.

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He says also Rahim Allah He started speaking to Robbie as a student he says he Arabi here is a nasty Elia to LA to the rock he says pleasing people is an impossibility. falaka be my use little careful Jim who fell in hola sobre la raza home. He says then consider what benefits you what is good for you and hold on to it because you cannot make them happy.

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That's kind of like this eternal wisdom that tells you if you try to make people happy, you're gonna fail. Because no one, okay is going to be happy with you all the time. So if I'm going to try to make all of you here happy, or you look at people around you in your life, and you're going to try to try to make everybody with you happy at the same time, it says you won't be able to, because there will always be people who will be displeased with something that you've said and something that you have done. If you please those people, you're going to upset those. And if you have pleased those, you can upset those. So it doesn't happen, says what should you do? He says, then consider

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what benefits you know what pleases people what benefits you and hold on to that. That's your real compass, not pleasing people.

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Because if I listened to them, what should I do those people tell me do a But wait, but those people are telling me to do B Who should I please? Where would I go? Who comes first? You can't. Okay, do this? No, this is hella no do this. This is haram. Oh, no, this this is right. Oh, no, this is wrong. Who do I listen to? It says you can't you can't let people decide.

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Okay? Because that's going to make you miserable, confused, but also miserable. But rather consider what is good for you. And who tells you what's good for you.

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Allah is

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really one who tells you it's good to use Allah, consider what's good for you and hold on to it. That's the best thing. He says, Well, I'm a normal level or an agenda for your unit Narcissus know that the one who learns the Koran would gain respect in people's eyes. If he learns it, meaning memorizes it understands it. He'll gain respect in people's eyes. Well, my limit had etha. Tojo and the one who learns Hadith. His argument or the ability or the proofs he can introduce into his arguments will be stronger.

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So we'll be better. I want to say debater but if he debates or argues he'll be a better

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debater woman lemma heap and he says if you learn grammar, people will respect you. Okay, because of the level of knowledge that you will have almost a lemon or a beer or a taco and the one who learns Arabic meaning the eloquence of the Arabic language, he'll gain softness of nature.

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Because the Arabic language if you learn it, if you learn its eloquence, it will pass through poetry and pros That in itself are gentle. So he says you'll acquire some of that gentleness was a panel on learning language can do also that to you, woman limit herself and if you learn math, your opinion will be more accurate or you will be more succinct or precise. Well, multilevel Fina Bula hydro you will become noble when you learn fifth woman the mo senesce Hola, me and fellow Elmo, he says, and the one who does not protect himself.

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His knowledge is not going to help him.

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Meaning Yes, yeah, you're going to learn all of this. But ultimately, what are you supposed to do with all of that, to protect yourself with it. So this is if you're not protecting yourself that knowledge is not beneficial, when we talked about that before, if you remember, the knowledge is supposed to move you into a and b and c is not supposed to be something you just know and do nothing with. So this is if you do not protect yourself from harassment from sin, then what is this knowledge for? So on the one hand, he's giving you the benefit of knowledge and what is going to give to you

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learning Koran gives you this learning Hadith gives you this lease learning filter learning grammar, learning the Arabic language learning math, it gives you this and Subhanallah here's something any deep insight from him that is every knowledge that you learn. And now you can even add more and more to it physics, chemistry, right, whatever is learned it will give you something learn it will give you something will change you. So every field has the its foundations, and you know, tools of research and tools of inquiry and looking at the world and expressions of what you know. So when you study it, you really study it, the more it molds you and you become slightly a different person or

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significantly a different person based on what you study.

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You see, like sometimes the lawyers talk differently, right? And the engineers think differently. And mathematicians look at the world differently is the same thing. So knowledge gives you branches of knowledge, they shape you and mold you differently. So it's telling you get from his vantage point which is absolutely accurate. He says if you do this, review this, it'll give you that do that it will give you something different. He says but then after you learn it, you're supposed to protect yourself with what you have learned otherwise, what is it for

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me luck with Annika kulu Taka okay and the thing that is comprehensively brings all this together is dakhla if you have dakhla then this knowledge has benefited you

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He says also Rahim Allah, Allah, Allah, He wants to teach you who is wise, who is wise and intelligent.

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He says, who will fall to the noodle Buddha Ruffin, the one who is footing alert. But MacArthur overlooks mistakes.

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Because motiva fell or hoffler, right? Lovely is to be unaware. And some person could have left law naturally, meaning that he's naive. Things happen around him. He doesn't know. People say things, but he's not quick to catch it. They imply but he's not sharp to know what they want. That's naive. And it's not bad all the time, right? Sometimes it's good to be created naive, that's fine. They say who's really wise? The one who's alert, meaning that he knows what you're saying? He catches it, right? He's very intelligent, but he chooses to overlook.

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He chooses to overlook, somebody says something bad to him. And if he wants, he could he could reply, he says, I've heard you say this, and I know exactly what you mean. And this is the reply I want to give to you. There are some people who are very alert, they catch it very quickly. But he says, one who's really wise, he lets things go. They're not every time your wife or your husband says something, you need to comment on it, I caught you say something wrong, and I need to punish you for it. Not every time. Sometimes you just need to like what? Let it go. If you let it go, you suppress evil. If you let it go, it's not a fight. If you let it go, that person may be on their

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own. they'll realize what did I say this stupid thing. Good thing, they didn't hear that good thing they didn't see this. And so they can fix their own cells. But if you get a hold one person responsible for every small thing of yours that they're saying, because you're smart and alert, you'll be fighting with everybody. So at the half Fold to act as if you are naive to act as if you didn't see a notice is actually Noble. And humble, consider it to be nine tenths of good manners.

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nine tenths of good manners meaning consider yourself above

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the trivial so I'm not going to sink to this level turn away from it. I can turn away from slight insults, flight you know,

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miscommunications, slight

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actions, you know that wrong actions that are you know, advanced towards it says, rise above it that often and allow people to fix those mistakes and notice the bad things that they have done, but don't catch them with everything that they've done and decided to punish them or embarrassed them because of it.

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He says here, Rahim Allah, he's talking about in

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Moodle in these next two sayings, and Moodle is nobility moral is for a person to be fully human comes from Mark to be a person

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like a gentleman. Think about it as being gentlemen. But rather than being a noble, non noble because if you're if you're from a noble descent coming from royalty, you know noble because you're noble, noble because you're you're above the frivolous and the trivial. Noble because you're Muslim who was a slave of Allah azza wa jal, so you do not demean yourself and you always aim to be better and better so he says that hey, mala no I named to an unmet and buried you'll see some in Moodle he measured to is if I know that cold water will take away from my inability and respect that I have for myself and the perspective that people have for me this is what Moodle is will take away from my

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nobility. I would never drink it.

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No, it doesn't, right? It doesn't. But it says if cold water right, which is you know, on a hot day, that's the only thing you want is if I know that this thing is something ignoble

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it takes away from my demeans me.

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I would never drink it. And that is from his strength and honor Rahim Allah is they will never do something to dishonor me. Even if it is something I want. I will never do it.

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And this is how he considered himself Rahim Allah and in fact, every Muslim is supposed to consider himself like that. If there's anything dishonorable I will not do it. I'm not talking about haram Haram is dishonorable. But there are things that in the eyes of people, they could be dishonorable, he says if they are dishonorable in the eyes of people, and again, we're talking about a category above how different

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it says if it is

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Honorable I'm not going to do it. Okay. Yeah. And if for instance, you know, they consider it at 1.1 point, eating in the

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marketplace eating in the marketplace, they consider it to be dishonorable. Not today, right? But if you're in a society that considers it to be dishonorable to eat in the marketplace, he won't. Not telling you Haram. But people look down on person who does that. It says you do not demean yourself.

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Okay, if you literally throw garbage in the street, is it dishonorable or not? If a person sees it

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dishonorable he says, if there's anything dishonorable for what it's going to take away from the respect that people should have for me, demeans me in my own eyes and then in the eyes of people, I'll never do it. This is if it's something Hannah, and I like it and I love it, but it's going to dishonor me I'm not going to do it. So he says something else here.

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He says lay seminar model it and you should be able to Roger looby Sydney, he said a lot of judo magic and Anthony Farley acapella and he says, it is not from nobility that a person reveals his age. Probably the first time you've heard this, okay? So it says it's not a vulnerability that our preussen would reveal his age. Someone someone asked Malik once Malik is his teacher medical illness as Malik wants, how old are you? He says Akbar Allah shinnick. He says, concern yourself with your own affairs.

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All right.

00:31:32 --> 00:32:13

Like what are you asking? Right? And that's part of actually the education that Malik Rahim Allah was giving his students can approach your teacher and just ask him these silly questions or how old are you? Where do you come from? Where are you? Is there any concern yourself with what is beneficial? I'm not here to reveal my personal life to you. How is this going to help you? Or any advanced anything right? So not every question needs to be answered. And Malik Rahim, Allah, you know, he answered it in a very direct way that if we were to do this today, so Oh, look at that. Look, look at that. Che Look at this, how harsh he is. Right? But now that is direct. He says, none

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of your business in the sense is totally none of your business. Okay, keep quiet. That's not information I need to share with you. Is another narration right? He says, and they shouldn't do it. Why it's not knowable. Clearly and know in Kennesaw Helen is the hero who in Cana Kabira Mr. hora mo is is because if he is too young, they look down on him.

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And if he's too old, they've considered to be irrelevant.

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So they asked him, How old are you? And this is why why are people asking? Because he wants to know, are you younger than me or older than me? If you're younger than me, I don't need to listen to you. If you're older than me, you're the new maybe you're ashamed then I'll listen to you. If you're too old.

00:32:56 --> 00:33:21

What do you know? You're so detached right? You're so out of it. You're so disconnected What do you know we need Young Blood so you never when you're either young or too young. And then you don't have experience you don't have knowledge you don't have this or you're too old. So it's better that you do what not tell them. Okay, you can guess if you want but you don't tell anything.

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inshallah a couple of a couple of points in Sharla and then we will start he says they say about him

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kind of just a Layla thelotter is that he had divided his night into three parts. The first third is what one he is authoring and writing. The second third is one you want to hear is praying. And the third third is when he sleeps, Rahim Allah. So this is how he has divided his night. He sits and he writes, one third of the night, that is every night.

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Ramadan is going to be an exception, of course, but every night he would write one third of the night, then praise the other third, and then he sleeps, Rahim Allah, so he gives his body what it needs, he writes and he seeks knowledge, but also he needs to do what is a beta. And so you can find him a lot that he had this very good balance and giving his body what it needs, giving his minds what it needs and Muslims what they need through writing books, but it also is sold what it needs through the worship of Allah azza wa jal this one Subhana Allah is amazing. I don't know where he found the time for it but he says he used to finish the foreigner Ramadan 60 times. Now I don't know

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that is very, very difficult and very, very tight. But maybe Allah deserted. blust is done. Now. It's not impossible to finish the haoran each day, I'm going to tell you, but I mean, it requires that you'll be doing nothing else. Right? But you can you believe me? You can, like physically actually, you can. I mean, people have done it. Right. And if you read the Quran, I think

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That I mean, I found something on YouTube with a person was reading the Koran and it was just

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fast. And it took about 15 hours, 15 hours, 16 616 hours 17 hour but it's continuous. So it's physically possible, physically possible if you know doing nothing else, right? And you have the power a lot given you this power and importantly, the concentration to be able to sit the entire day to do nothing but reading the Quran, he can finished every single day. So let's say at least he finished the Koran 30 times. That is something that is something so when Ramadan comes and maybe you know, we're on the doorsteps of Ramadan and Ramadan comes and you find that chef Subhana Allah takes it to the next level, takes it really to the next level where he knows that this Ramadan is for

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Allah is worship, and for that dedication, so he gives it all all of his time. I know we're not living in the same time, we're not the same person as a Shafi, but that should inspire us to do what more

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more so if maybe my habit and if I don't have a habit by the way of reading the Koran yet, I should take it up now. Because now you'd be getting ready insha Allah for Ramadan, so you don't want to wait till Ramadan, and then you start reading the Koran, that'd be difficult. So start right now and start with five hours a day, then it is a day one page a day. So that inshallah by the time Ramadan comes you're able to do one just easily or to just easily whatever your portion or ability is, but start try try to do it inshallah from now so it'll be easier for you in the last.

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The last thing inshallah we will say, he says a Sheffield himolla came, and he was visiting a one of the quarters of the children of her own Rashid. So don't rush it was the halifa. And one of these quarters had his children being taught, they had special tutors, and they were teaching them they will teach them, Koran, they'll teach them how to do it. They'll teach him grammar, they'll teach them poetry and this, so special tutors for the children of the halifa. So he came into one of those quarters. And then the person who brought him in, he said so and so or these people are the tutors of the halifa can you give them an advice? Because they're teaching who could be potentially the

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future Caleb's the future Hall effect? Can you give advice to the tutors, because they are responsible for the future, possibly the future halifa he says to them, let the first thing that you do in order to reform the children of the ameerul momineen is fixing yourself because if you want to fix them as a teacher, and this is good for all teachers, including parents, is if you want to fix them, let the first thing to do when you want to fix them is fixing yourself.

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Because for instance, are you in a home to the tune bi in cases they see through your eyes? mean their eyes are linked to your eyes, which is really true. Their eyes are linked to your eyes, but has an error in the home matters that you know he says what is beautiful in their eyes is what is beautiful in yours. Right?

00:38:21 --> 00:38:42

Right. It says consider that it says like they see the world through your eyes. So what is beautiful to them is what is beautiful to you. And what is ugly to them is what is ugly to you because you're teaching them what is beautiful and what is not by your behavior. Before you speak by your behavior, beauty and ugliness they see the channel through you. Right

00:38:44 --> 00:39:04

alleman kita Bella he says teach them the book of Allah. What are to create him la femme Aloo what are the two common hufa juru he says and don't force them to learn it so that they'll hate it and don't let them abandon it so that they'll forget it. And that again is what Weiss

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is that's very wise is if you keep forcing them learn learn learn the book of Allah learn the Quran and the Quran for some period becomes like punishment. As like you know you cannot leave no, you can leave the house. No you can play no you can certainly read the Quran. The way that we want to introduce the Quran to our children is really like a chore like punishment like a burden. And we keep at it we keep added to keep at it in a way that makes them want to run away.

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This is not to curry Humala don't force them so much that they hate the Quran and they want to run away from it. Yeah, gotta find a ways to make them love it. Especially here and now where they don't understand what they're reading. They're just memorizing, just memorizing. So at least let them know and understand what what is it that they're reading? Why are they memorizing it? How is it relevant? How is it helping them? What is Allah gonna give them there should be incentives.

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But if you simply just force it on and force it on them force it, they're just gonna run away. They don't want to hold on. Don't do the opposite and abandon the Quran completely, and they'll forget it. They don't even want to. It's not part of their life, but seek a middle path between the two.

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For Mara wilhemina, Sherry, let them memorize or learn some poetry. And that is what the decent poetry woman and Heidi theory should have. And let them learn the Hadith. What are the college home, and they really mean a lady had the chemo, he says, Don't confuse them with disciplines of knowledge when you want to teach them something, let them learn it well, and then take them to the next step for in this the Hamilton emif assembly model not only for me, because when you confuse them with a lot of information before they understand it, and they digest it, is going to confuse them meaning so what he's saying is that, teach them this and this and that. But don't move on from one subject

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to the other from one unit to the other until they understand the first is if they don't understand this and you move them to the next one. They're going to confuse both.

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So that's his advice. And the most two important things things to take from his advice is that if you're a teacher and an educator,

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your students are a product of who you are.

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And if you are better, in your actions, they inshallah will be better in how they behave, because they they will behave as you behave. And especially now when reading the Koran and memorizing the Quran, find a way to make it appealing and walk this path where you're not making the haoran so repugnant to them, and you're not letting them go away with or get away with not reading at all or not understanding it at all. But seek a middle path and you know, your own limitations and limitations of your children. So teach them in a way that they will make they will make them love Islam love the Koran and love the words of Allah azza wa jal and approach it as the words of Allah

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azza wa jal and that's why it's valuable. So we'll stop here in sha Allah, there's a little bit more left from a sheffy but we'll finish that inshallah. And next week for those

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of you let me know if you have any comments or additions or questions.

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I'm here.

00:42:21 --> 00:42:26

So we'll scan the room from here. I don't see any hands. Yeah, please.

Imam al-Shafi’i الشافعي

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