Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Hadith 31 The Callers Trail

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of giving leaders advice and avoiding giving the wrong information. They emphasize the need for boundaries and avoiding mistakes. The class is on Monday and will be shorter than the previous class. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding giving the wrong information and bringing written questions to leaders.
AI: Transcript ©
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And then hamdulillah Hamdeen CAP theorem will give them Mubarak and fie. WaterShed one lie Eva in LA to la sharika

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why shadow Allah Mohamed Abu rasuluh Salawat Allah He was sent ama YT to Sleeman Kathira Amma bobble we come to Hadith number 31 of the book 40 Hadith of the call and the caller.

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So we have inshallah as

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two more classes to go and we'll be done with the second book we already did the first 140 Hadith. This is the second one, the a hadith that are concerning the person who's

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the person who's giving Dawa and what his call is, and as we mentioned, all of us to some degree of giving Dawa in Allah. So today's issues a really important issue will come to us from the companion Apple an hour as soon as me May Allah be pleased with him.

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A Prophet mentioned and this is a fitna a test a trial and tribulation for people who give Dawa

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especially the people give Dawa with organizations with masajid for example, green lane, there's a masjid somewhere and you're working with them or cooperating with them the organization.

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Today's Hadith his advice in that regard.

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Then it'd be he mentioned some of the love why they were it was sending them IAQ a bible so fun for us via saben her Botha

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he told the people will give in Dawa beware of the doors of people who have leadership.

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Stay away from the doors, stay away from people who have leadership, from the presidents to Prime Ministers. Stay away from the governance from the mares. You find yourself where we come from some of the countries that come from villages in Africa, Pakistan, wherever you come from, you're giving down you're educating the people in your city in your town.

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Then stay away from the people who have money, stay away from the people who call the shots. The President, the Vice President, stay away from all of them to the best of your ability. As a prophetic message. Prophet says Allah Allahu it was salam er como Eduardo, so upon stay away from the door of the people who have power.

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They no Aspersa her buta. He said because if you do that, it's going to be problematic. You're going to create problems for yourself. And not only that, you're going to degrade yourself as well. You're going to put yourself down.

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There's a tremendous Hadith of the prophets of Allah what He was selling them for the subject matter that he's dealing with, but it also speaks to another issue. And that is, we know that Islam is the religion that came to us from Allah azza wa jal in deen and ally, Miss slam. Woman, your daddy Rachel Islami Deena for Elaine Bella men who were who are here at Minnehaha city, this religion comes from Allah.

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And it came down it was pure, and it was perfect. And it wasn't a need of anything. But Muslims and non Muslims came and he added into this religion. So now we have the Molad of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. We have all kinds of celebrations. We have all kinds of rebag that that have nothing to do with anything.

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Till so as it relates to our OMA people introduce it into the religion from the different groups like the one was the mean, the Sufi people, the Shiite people, all of these groups amounted to Bliss. I'm not here to put people down. So fact,

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from the time I became a Muslim to now all of those groups have introduced in this religion.

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And one of the biggest problems with the introduction is to introduce to the Muslims I'm only going to love you, if you're from the st. Giamatti is means big fitna innovation. So the Muslims can't get along because of these groups. Your Hanafy your visual that to believe he Sufi, whiny, you, whatever, whatever. You can't get along with the other Muslims and people on that stuff. And we're going to say that's from what Allah sent. Well, like that's not what Allah sent. That's his beer,

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and when

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we've seen how these groups introduce in the religion, but the real weird and strange thing now and 2022 the new Gregorian calendar is how people

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will claim a connection to the sun that also have introduced into the religion.

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So we don't find these strange from one angle but from other angles is strange. It's strange that a person can claim I'm on the Kitab and the Sunnah cornerstone of the standing of the set of this Oma. And yet he's introducing things that he can't reference back to the Kitab of the Sunnah.

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Prophet told the companions and he told us of Lola Who are they he was it was setting them. So your corner fee Murthy NAS, you had the funeral come be my limb test tomorrow and tune weather

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for ER comm we're Iyar home. He said during the last part of my ummah, close to your new piano, there gonna be some people from this ummah, who are going to talk to you and tell you things you never heard of, and your religion. You never heard of him, nor did your father's ever hear of that. It's not something that Muslims were doing before during your birthday for an example, but put the birthday aside, closing and licensing who will who will will allow love, love love. That's not from

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our religion,

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turning the lights off doing that. And then if someone comes say, yeah, what are you doing, they get mad at you.

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I'll never forget my don't do Hagins long as I'm alive, I won't forget, I won't forget inshallah was in Medina went to a group of people. They were having this meeting, we just went for the fold. But we didn't know they were from people. But the so we're from a Sudan, may Allah bless the people of Sudan.

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And that's where they were from. And then they started doing the advocate of near me and the brother, we were looking around what was going on, and then they all stood up, and we didn't stand up. And the man got mad at us because women stand up and really was aggressive and angry and told us to get out. Why, why? Why do you want me to stand up? He said, Because Prophet Muhammad just came into the room.

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I'm supposed to stand up for that, man.

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I never read that in the Quran. And the sooner you get mad at me for

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it's not our religion. So the Prophet told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, people are going to come, they're going to tell you things about this religion that you don't know about what they're talking about. What are you talking about? You can just kill the bow up someone and kill someone and retribution for what non Muslims did to Muslims in Palestine or Kashmir. So I can just walk up to someone on an London Bridge and kill allow Muslim? And that's jihad. Are you serious?

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Here I'm calling to the establishment of the field alpha. And I love the feedback. We all want to feel Alpha. But let's establish a free life in our homes. First, let us establish a pilaf in our marriages. First, let's establish the Khilafah in your relationship between you and your mother and your father. We want to establish a keen eye for everything is keep African Team Alpha. And the dude doesn't know the basis of the religion. They will tell you about stuff you've never heard of that

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stuff. You know that your father's er, er home, beware, beware, beware of going astray. Listen to those people, and let them be wary as well. So one of the things that has been introduced and I gotta take this time they mentioned this there's some people on a set of fear which is the truth no doubt about that. Set a fee and meaning take in this religion the way the Quran and Sunnah those companions That's it. No chef is over you.

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No country is over you. You don't have to get the biagini body you just the Muslim and you find out what did I boubakeur a mouth man it and the rest of those companions do and everything that they did, that's all and you treat the Muslims accordingly. So even for Muslims not understanding that you're gonna have Rama with him because you understand and the Quran the Sunnah, the way that companions did Inshallah, and they were gentle. You're going to be gentle with the gentle places

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serious tougher, the serious stuff places. But anyway, we have a group of our brothers who have introduced a lot into our religion and will Llahi I'm buddy from that from them they are shakes and stuff. And I think Allah think Allah after guiding me to a slam, saving me from these jump I this stuff, never drinking that Kool Aid of madness.

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So we have this new understanding today that's been introduced and that is connected this hadith and that is that being a person on the Sunnah and an Hadith and Sunnah, Salafi being a person who's trying to practice Quran and the Sunnah correctly, then that means we just love all of the who can. And no matter what the Hohokam does, it's okay. He can do anything and we go overboard and the way we defend the Hohokam, and that's not our really

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Imagine that's not our religion.

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Last Friday, we gave a quote by the Friday before that about Al Willa, Willa Barra, Al will our bra is one thing, freeing yourself from covering shipping industry king in the correct way. That's one thing. And don't get it confused with having good wine with people on fire. So there are two different things. And similar to those two different things, not making whole Rouge against the whole can. We do not make Hooroo revolt with our tongues or with the sword? Nor do we agitate the

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community against our rulers, no matter how irreligious they are. Because that's what Abu Bakar remember when it was on. Now, obviously, some people don't ever accept that because they remember the thing take fear in Jihad Golu. When that we're not talking about that. We're talking about people of the Sunnah, who understand we don't make kotoge but not making Kuru, just one thing and that's legislated. But actinides, no matter what the rule is do is okay, now, the Muslim is the one

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who hates for Allah. Ne loves to Allah loves Allah hates for Allah. It gives for Allah and he doesn't get for Allah. He loves what Allah loves, hate what Allah hates. So Allah doesn't love sins, whether they are done by Muslims, whether they're done by the only app, whether they're done by COFA, whether they done by women, the rich, the poor, those can read and write Allah doesn't love sins.

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So if a leader is doing the same, Allah doesn't love that.

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So don't get it twisted in line, you don't get it mixed up. We don't make tech feed of the can just like that these people want the motions. Well, he's judging by other than what Allah revealed. So he's a cafe. What about you, my brother, you're judging by other than what Allah revealed, we can sit down and show you how you're judging by other than what Allah revealed. That thing you're saying is a judgment. By with other knowledge, it's not knowledge base. People don't go outside of this

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religion, based upon desires like that. They go outside of the religion with a keen with clarity, with principles with BillyOh conditions, and so forth and so on. So we don't make horloge we don't encourage people to make a court ruled against them, none of that, but the mistakes that they make. We hate those mistakes.

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And I want you to understand that it's not that complicated.

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No Muslim should like any sin, no matter who it came from.

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So if a person makes a sin, and He mistakenly wasn't intending to do that, he didn't know he just made a mistake. We still say that sin is messed up. But we're not going to crucify the person who didn't know he made a mistake. He thought it was that way but it wasn't that way.

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So this hadith of today is a clear Hadith that

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was said if you still avoid the leaders, they used to avoid the king and the princess. They used to avoid it was their religion. And this hadith is a clear Hadith that the Prophet warned against it SallAllahu it was setting up another issue there are many that have been introduced by people of the Sunnah. You're going to see those people talk to you. You're not going to never heard what they're going to tell you know that your father's ever as new stuff. This new thing came up now. Whatever

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the chef says whatever he says whoever he is agreement with, whoever he's not an agreement if you don't agree, people will expel you from the Sunnah. Because you went against what the chef said. The chef didn't know what he was talking about in that issue. What are you talking about? He made a mistake. The man came and he asked me ma'am admin, tremendous down Islam. Yeah, Al Imam admin, key them and the Sunnah is that there is a man who says, I will book it is the best. And then Irma was

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the best and then Earth man is the best. There is another man, Imam Ahmed. He said Abu Bakar is the best and Omar was the best and he was quiet about this man. You didn't say anything Earth man. It was quiet. It's EAS on the Sunnah.

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Clearly that's wrong. Abu Bakar my rough man now he clearly

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when I leave, I'm at MIT heard that he said

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Raju Raju min Asuna. Che did they take a man off of the Sunnah out of the Sunnis serious?

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Okay, he's making the mistake not to mention Earth man, but I don't know why he's not doing it. For me. They just come and say, yeah, he's off the Sunnah. He said, That's serious. You don't do that to people.

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pool. You don't make tech field and say to a Muslim you're careful because you saw him doing something wrong or you fought or you heard. It's not like that. A man is on the Sunnis known to be honest, you make some mistake. What Skyler didn't make a mistake. Your chef made mistakes all a tie to talking about. So these are the new things introduced into the deen. But back to the point here we had this authentic hadith the hadith of Abu our the NABI says stay away from the doors of the

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leaders. In addition to that, and another authentic hadith, he says Allah Allah who it was said NEMA min Etta at Weibel, Sultan of two Tina, anyone who comes to the door of the leader, the president, prime minister, anyone who comes to his door, the mayor, the governor, senator, anyone who comes to his door is going to be put to trials and tribulations, so you should avoid it. So those companions many companions added their voice to these two Hadith there are other Hadith most of which are

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derived. These two are authentic.

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For an example who Veva Radi Allahu Allahu tremendous companion told the people that he was teaching in Tacoma, Washington and fit and stay away from the places of fit and they said Abdullah, who they for what is the place of fitna, he said, I believe so THON, the doors of the leaders don't go to those doors, you're gonna get in trouble.

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I leave in diabetology same thing a couple of wobble so pawn, Ally, same thing. Stay away from the doors of these leaders stay away.

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That was the companions of the Prophet sallallahu was sending him the companion Abdullah ibn Abdullah Dyneema Spruell. Listen to this.

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He said when you go and you sit with those leaders, and they give you money, and they cause you to compromise your religion, your beliefs, you know the truth, but you just stand making money you will scholar for dollars. You won't say something that's haram out of fear. You're gonna lose your money, you lose your position.

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The companion I bleiben was Thoreau said to the people he was with no for surety. Whenever you go to those leaders and you sit with them, and you trade and you get your dunya increase. He said Well, Allah He however much you take from the dunya is going to be comparable to how much you lose from your deen. You're going to compromise your deen. So those scholars, many of them what totally absolutely against meeting with these leaders. So the leaders today, they would meet with them if

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they could avoid it. The leader have to go looking for him ask him for him.

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That's what they were upon. Robbie, Allah I knew him from the companions in the tabbing and backstabbing. And some of the scholars who we really, really love. One of the great scholars in Islam is Ramadi, even Abdulaziz who himself was a leaf and a leader. He himself, but he knew they were bad people. You know, he was of the opinion that it is not permissible. Even if you want to teach the leader even if you want to make a model for negative monka. He was of the opinion you

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can't sit with them at all. Avoid them, not even to give them the hack. Because it's going to jam you are avoided. Don't you be the one who do it, let someone else do it. That's how shady they were on that thing. Those scholars Islam, and the Imam Abdullah Abdullah Mubarak and Imam Abu Hanifa. Imam Abu Hanifa was tough in this regard

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was tough. It took a lot from him to become the judge for the people because he wanted to avoid those rules.

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So all you have to do Yeah, he is read about what the said if we're concerning this particular issue. And we have too many clear proofs where they avoided this remind me by Roger, the great Hanbury scholar and the book Jamel beyond he brings a lot of the statements of those Ernesto who took this position I you but the Eileen Gray, Scotland slam these people, these men of knowledge they had nothing to do with the leaders. So if anyone comes and tries to make it appear, other than

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that you're not being fair. And not being fair.

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Those Imams they were predisposed to avoiding that stuff for the a religion, not because they said we just don't like the whole time. No. But it's like people have money. The more money you have, the more problems you have, the more clout you have

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have more power you have the more followers you have the more power problems. The Prophet told the people in Malmo calm verily Annamma calm is an APA, there is a steep hill lie yet to jive with her and move below. Those of you who have a lot of things that you own, you won't get over that very easily. So the more property you have, you have two cars, three cars, got a lot of clothes, you have your furniture, you have this you have that the more stuff that you have, you got to answer for that

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in front of Allah, you'll mukaiyama So he said in front of you is a steep hill. So if you have on your back, a lot of stuff you walking up the steep hill is gonna pull you back, unless Allah azza wa jal give you

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you got whatever you got with halal, and you pay zakat on it. And you gave some of that away, and you made sure of Allah, and you're on top of salatu Fajr. And you do all those things that Allah told you to do, and you are shacket then you get over. So the shade is, the more you have, the more problems is true. More money, more problems. So those leaders, they're in charge. And as a result of being in charge, it's a problem. They steal the money. I'm not saying any leader specifically. But

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it's easy to steal the money. It's easy to give the money to your relative. And a lot of us we look at these leaders, where we come from in in the Muslim lands and Pakistanis have, and we see how corrupt the Muslim leaders are. African leaders are corrupt, leaders are corrupt. And we are easy to judge look at and look at and look at what you should say Alhamdulillah Allah and put me in that position.

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Because just as they do, most of the people will behave the same way. So saying Hamdulillah, Allah didn't put me in that position. And you know, when you get in that position, as the Prophet says, Some Allah he was setting them. He said that the Amara to be an Emir. He said, It is terrible. It is a terrible breast, people get it and a suck on it in the dunya. They get all the benefit of it. But yomo Qiyamah comes and a person is responsible for things he didn't even know he didn't even think

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about. So when we come from an Africa for an example, where we come from abject poverty, they're still in all the money. And the roles are money. We don't have running water. We can't get we can't get injections, basic things, none of that.

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And that man is stealing the money. And he got even thinking about that. Y'all know, PM, he's responsible for all of that responsible for the lady who couldn't get to the hospital responsible for all of this stuff. And he doesn't think about it. So don't look at those people and say, I wish, I wish, if anything, say if I had that money. I wish I had the money like so and so has so I could do like he's doing in terms of spending. So this is a new phenomenon, the self of this ummah, they

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were opposed to dealing with these people. They used to say for an example, that an alma mater off and a Nana munkar as it relates to the leader, Ahmed motto is don't go don't sit with him.

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Don't sit with him, avoid him.

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Now here in the UK, we don't really have the Muslim leader over but the hadith is still the same. You're giving Dawa. You're about to graduate from Medina or something you're giving Dawa. Then you have to be careful about being in the messages where they want to control your tongue.

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You can't call people to toe heed. You can't call a spade a spade. Now don't get me wrong. We always have to have hikma. We should avoid calling people by their names. Because when you do that is fit. Now, if you don't have to mention this one must have the means to bleep didn't Don't mention that. But I've been doing it so long, and asking people bring that stuff. We'll talk about that stuff. So we have to have hikma no doubt about that. I have hikma no doubt about it. But sometimes things need

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to be said, especially in 2020.

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The Muslims are politically correct to a point where it's moon is not nice. So you may work with people around people. They don't want you to see the truth. You get in trouble. This hadith is applicable. I was in a community I was in a community, a rich person from that community. And my first Wallah, he when I first got in that community came and offered me money. I didn't know him. I'm saying when you offered me the money for I didn't really mean I say no. Turns out as time went

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on, it was the support of the hocus pocus muslims so I had to take positions against that

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stuff he was on as time went on, and I remember distinctively the boxer came to our Masjid

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con can Karim Khan, Aamir Khan. It came to fight in the city and he came to the masjid and he came early. Now he came like right before the Imam and they came in the door and him and his entourage his took the first row. And then a lot of the people was getting up taking selfies right before Juma.

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Right before Juma. This is the time where the prophets Allah Salam told us, you just keep praying to our gods. You read the Quran, you make the ticket. It's not the time to be intimate. You can't even have a dance on Friday. So law prohibit the Halaqaat on Friday, no lessons before Joomla why is that the time for lesson it's a time for vicar time of saying so Lola what he was sending them time for Renan Soto to gas so that talk that they gave in English real quick and then the Arab that talks

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should be abandoned.

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When you doing no talks before the German Rasul Allah prohibited it all together. So Khan came in Aamir Khan, and they started taking pictures. So when we came in and we saw what was happening, we had to deal with that.

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The one who offered the money was really upset, because kindness from his people, and he was feeling I was putting his people down. Had I taken that money, that guy would have hired me by the neck.

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Don't take money from people like that. Don't take it, avoid it. Another issue? Well, you're not there with their Hohokam, the leaders, we don't have any leaders, but we have this other phenomenon where you have to follow the crowd. So everybody says he's a deviant. Everybody says he's a deviant. And you say it because everybody else says it. And if someone were to say, Why is he a deviant? What ISIL from the assault of the Sunnah. Did he compromise and go out? Why is he a deviant? Why?

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Well, he follows He follows Apple Hudson and Model B. How many of you know Apple Hasson and Nairobi put your hand up if you ever heard that name? It's kind of law. Can you just put your hand up? Hi. If you ever heard that name, Apple Heisler Larrabee one person all of these people, and then the shake is going to be ordering people when you go back to the west warn against Abu Hassan Mata B. I say No, chef, you on an end hit off. This is not our religion. It's not the Sunnah. And if you're

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doing that, what do you think about these other people expelling people from the Sunova some nonsense, I will be lagging.

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So in regards to this issue of 20 Don't take positions for and against people because you don't want to be the odd man out. That's like coming to the door of the Sultan. The Prophet mentioned SallAllahu it was selling them like Yumna Rajan. Hey bud. Nice. And your cooler behalf either I Lima who will shade the who Oh, Samia. Don't let any man be afraid of the people. The leader, your mother, your father, the administration the popo, don't let anybody be any man from this. Be afraid

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of seeing the truth. Don't let people's Eva havens like when you're afraid of someone

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Hey, but don't let that stop you from telling the truth. So you know that brava

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you can't say yes he's this because everybody else said it.

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You afraid of the people.

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So in regards to this issue, want to share with you very quickly aquariums pretty self explanatory. Why did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa and it was setting them. One of the people about going into the door of the soul con was someone who you're dealing with from your relative someone, he has money and you have to be careful about you want to be careful because you're trying to win the people over you're trying to put your Dow across and you want to have hikma so maybe I should just

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be treat him real good. And Islam does tell us treat people nice, especially people who have position or Marina and Nunez Zilla nurse, Zillow that's what our mother I issue said say Muslim. We've been ordered put people in the right place. That man is an older man you're gonna treat him a particular way. This brother over he's a rich person gotta TV him particular way not we're gonna make Halal haram haram halau but he helps to community we're gonna we're gonna appreciate what he

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That one is that is the is the leader of his tribe. That one we're not going to treat everybody the same. And you got to learn that your mother is not your sister. Your mother is not your kid. Your father is not your brother. Your father is not

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Got your son, your Muslim brothers not a calf here. That's Oh man, the older brother, he not a younger than younger than you.

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We have to put people in their proper place.

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So in regards to this in regards to this issue, we'll put people in their proper places, but, hikma is one thing, and trying to please people all the time is another issue. You'll never be able to please the people. So what's the reason? Clearly, look what Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran, and the Lisanne of

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the queen of Saba, the queen of Saba, they call a bill peace, Allah knows best Scarlett, she said, and then Mulk either De Luca yet and have said to Ha, that's in the Quran. She said, If kings kings MLOK if they come into a city, they make if sad, they make problems. That's a general ayat of the Quran telling us the mentality and the reality of kings. They don't come in to make a slight they don't come in to help situation they come in and they make problems. So avoid the door. Why would

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Allah mentioned that and that is your that is connected to the whole story about Sudan and the queen of seat of Saba, where it was mentioned. Kings, when they come into a town, they mess it up.

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So when Sulaiman heard from the who told the bird, that this lady was controlling the people, and she had a great army, and they were making shit with Allah azza wa jal

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saw a man went to deal with her. She heard about suit a man was coming. That's it to what she did. She said any mortal sailor to resell it now I'm gonna send them any morcilla to eBay be hideous. She said I must send so a man some gifts. A bribe. I'm gonna send him a bribe, so he doesn't come and destroy us. Let's see what he's really about. Can we win them over with money, so she sent them a bribe. So the man is in control of the Jin is a control of the animals, he can understand the

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language of the reptile of the insects, the wind is in his control.

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The Book of Psalms is in the Bible called the Book of Psalms, and there's a book that don't have a call. This is a book Psalms, when the old and essentially man used to make the vicar of Allah, the birds the when all this stuff was making a thicket of Allah with them.

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She sent him a worldly dunya bride.

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suit a man said to the ladies Pinilla, you people send me a Brian, you're gonna give me a bribe. I didn't do any, you give me a by b Mailand. For my tiny Hola, my taco bell and Toby had the Yeti come from you, people want to see me they brought this money. What Allah gave me is better than what he gave you. This idea this bribe is for you. Let them know I'm going to come with them with a host that they can stop. So the point here is, was soon a man had in the way of knowledge of the

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religion, knowledge of the Book, connection with Allah towhee. That's better than any amount of money that any king can bring to the table to help you with the bride, whatever it is. Now, if the king is paying you your salary, then that's a different issue. That's your job. He's giving you money. Nothing wrong with that. You work in a Muslim country. And in that Muslim country, there's a hospital, you're the imam in the hospital, you don't have anything to do with the general public.

00:34:03 --> 00:34:09

You just sit in that mess, you do the Juma there you help people that sick, you get a salary, nothing wrong with that.

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Those Imams of the past he had that kind of job nothing wrong with that. The problem here is going to people to get paid and to make a come up is going to compromise the truth that you're supposed to say you won't be able to save the truth anytime and every time you won't be able to do it. And liquidity all you got to do is look at the famous do it today some of the stuff and I don't mean to throw anybody under the bus but it's the lessons for us famous brother, like the brother Percy I

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think is dollar was okay, until he did the thing where he pulled the stuff out like Batian with the kuffar be LGBT and all of them. And he pulled out the water for the dead spirits and they all were praying together and a brother couldn't just come and say hi this haram should get into it.

00:34:59 --> 00:34:59

You can't just

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to know, because you got too many views too many. No, you have to say that they asked another one from our brothers travel with them have love for that brother, the friend that I brother, hey, wants to chill the one year Sufism so he didn't want to answer the question because if you answer the question directly, they will people won't like what you're saying, Nah, man, you gotta say the truth right now as you see it.

00:35:24 --> 00:35:35

Even if you forget to shave your hair who will be there even if you thought Iran Iraq was you gotta say this what you believe, but you can't say it because people get mad at you.

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The dollar can't be like that. Now granted, sometimes you have to be quiet. And you shouldn't say things because that happened with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he couldn't do anything about the thing. So he let it happen. So sometimes that happens, but there's a difference between that and between the individual who is always trying to keep friends and as a result of that he won't say the truth, then that'd be sad way Mala Hilo and the faulty meta bent Mohammedan

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circuit, like attacked a faulty mother daughter of Muhammad stole something, I'll cut her hand off.

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And she was the most beloved person to him. You gotta look at that hadith in the context, especially if you have a daughter, a baby girl. Fatima was his baby daughter,

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the youngest out of all of his children. So you can imagine the love that he had. And they said that she resembled him a lot. He resembled him the way he walked away she was

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when he would come to her house. He would she would get up and bring him and sit him down. When she came to his house. He would bring them sit down they said they resembled each other a lot. And yet he told me he swore by Allah. He didn't say well Allah He Kola he Billahi he said a Wallahi to get their attention way mo Allah He, I swear by Allah, if this my daughter is still I'm going to cut her hand. What about everybody else? That's the justice of the Nabil SNAM SallAllahu Sena the Muslims

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says the truth for himself or against himself. So find the reasons why this is not permissible and the fact hypocrisy when you go to the leaders and people like that when you hang out with them you know, instead of Buhari they said to Abdullah now bass, de la mina bass, you know, we've had been

00:37:27 --> 00:37:27


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amongst ourselves, we talk bad about the leader, we don't like him we talk bad about him. But when we go and we're in his presence, we change our speech. What's the ruling of that? Abdullah in a bad said, we used to consider that in the follow up during the time of the Prophet sallallahu it was sending mass hypocrisy go to pray man with Vu which aim over here you got one face over yet another face? And that's how many of the people are so don't go to the leader because you got two phases.

00:38:02 --> 00:38:35

When you're not there, you're making Heba them you make them Tang and lion you're spreading things about him you're telling people about his mistakes is you and then when you in his face and this can this thing you're smiling and skinning and grinning like everything is okay. And he fop stay away from the adores also the issue of kid demand of knowledge. Hiding the knowledge from the biggest sins in Islam from the back end is hiding the knowledge. Brother Muhammad mentioned in authentic

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hadith SallAllahu it was setting them in su Isla and forget mo l Gemma hula Huhtala be the jam and not you'll know PM. Anyone who was asked a question about this Dean and he intentionally hides it. He intentionally hides it. Allow a cause him to wear a harness like the horse the camel made out of fire yomo Kiama burned his mouth because he didn't say the truth. That's the deliverance a major sin. And then livina your Moon Man Zina mineral beginner it will embody my bunion now who denies

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hola Alana hula, we are, you know, those people who conceal and hide the knowledge from the baby night and the guidance after it became clear to the people. Anybody who does that they're going to be from those people that Allah curse and everyone who has the ability to curse will curse them. So as I told the brothers I remember in that last hook by about this Gregorian calendar, when they went to these Pope's in these priests and they asked him, Look, this is what the poly fee is do. This is

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what the pagans do. Christmas Easter, that first January 1, this is what they do. This is all from cofiring show

00:40:00 --> 00:40:18

Did they tell him that, you know, it has nothing to do with the religion. But if we do these things will make money. If we do these things, perhaps per chance, these people won't have a problem with embracing Christianity, because it's similar to what they are already doing. The Pope said, Okay.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:25

And look at the religion of the Christians today. It's not where he said no money important.

00:40:27 --> 00:41:00

Nowhere near he said, No, Marian was from the yo hold, was an African American, like my mother, his dad was into my mother. But because of those real ama of this not telling the truth, their religion became what it is right now. Right now, the Christians religion just didn't come like this overnight. One of the reasons that helped it to get like that the leaders were quiet. They head and that's why this is talking about them. People, same thing that happened to them happens to us. So

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the man has asked, can we practice Christmas? Yes, no problem. Can we say Merry Christmas? Yes, you can say Merry Christmas, no problem. Can we blow out the candles in the birthday is simple, your knee? It doesn't no problem. Everything, no problem, no problem. Now look at the religion that we have.

00:41:18 --> 00:41:20

Look at the religion as we know it.

00:41:21 --> 00:41:22

As we know it.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

With our relatives and what its name is today.

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It changed the complexion change from caveman. And so don't go to those rulers. Because when you go to those rulers, you may be in a position where you have to hide the truth. You don't want to say the truth. Why? Because that guy chop your head off, put you in prison, take your money away, get you in trouble from that as well. And there are many issues from that as well. As rule real dangerous horror, we mentioned this in our previous Heidi, if one of those classes or orders when

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you become really impressed with yourself, you know, if you take time out here, and you really spend time with rich people, and you really spend quality time that you went one day, and we were hanging out with Sadio Manny for two hours. No, I'm talking about you with the person every day, and he has a lot of money.

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You know, the Hadith said that the person is on the religion of his friend. So what the Prophet says SallAllahu was sending them and mother will either delete Allah Deen add you on a religion of your friend, birds of a feather flock together, you hang out with people who have a lot of money, you will become one of those people who like right now, when we get our food, we don't throw food away, especially those of us who have children and those of us who grew up poor, when throwing a fool

00:42:43 --> 00:42:53

away, we're going to eat the rest of that tomorrow for lunch, or we're going to eat it for dinner. Unless it's no good. We're not throwing food away. But when you're with rich people,

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everything is thrown away because they don't have time to pay attention to all of that, and they have money like that. And that becomes a part of what it is to be rich, they don't worry about that stuff.

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So stay away from the doors of the leader, the rich people, because when you go by the doors, it's easy for you to start to look down at people. So all of these problems come so as a result of that the seller if they were against it, but I will make this very clear when they will make it very clear, very clear.

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Although we mentioned some great scholars who said you can't go at all, not even to teach not even to encourage them, you can't go although some took that hardcore position. Others didn't take that positions. Others took the middle position. So like everything, there are three positions. One position is no, don't do it no matter what. That's tough. Because if you don't go, who's going to advise him?

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If you don't go, who's going to advise him. So that's tough. The other extreme is, let's go and everything is open, whatever you want to do. Now that's extreme tool. But in the middle,

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maybe I don't have to go because he took my position. And I thank him for that. But I'm going to work with my brother, because we're all together for the height of a slab. So two of them, two of them went and they saved the other five of us. We didn't have to go and we were cooperating. And the two that went. They were like Ilima admin and those people we used to advise the leaders and the man I used to sit with those leaders. He didn't go to the door knocking on the door saying give me

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money. But when they submit to me went and he wanted to talk to him about different aspects of what those people were coming up with. And he would talk to the leader with respect and he will argue with those people in front of the leader

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and it will give Darwin advice to the leader. And when his followers saw that the leader wasn't listening, they say yeah, Imam man, just give us the Go ahead. We'll break you out of prison and will revolt will revolt will kill people. And remember, I may say that demand demand

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at Dima Dima, the blood, the blood,

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the blood of the Muslims Yaffe

00:45:27 --> 00:45:29

the blood of the Muslims.

00:45:30 --> 00:45:41

Don't be a cause for the Muslims blood being spilled wholesale, or one person bleeding. I mean, my man, clearly just okay, yeah, get me out.

00:45:42 --> 00:46:10

But he was on the sooner like the Prophet sallallahu. I didn't send them. They said that Prophet Muhammad kanilang intercompany, Neff. See, he used to never get revenge for himself. But the hermit of Allah even to he kept, if anything was haram, if someone compromised that Prophet Muhammad will take revenge. Someone drink something, he'll deal with it. Someone stole something. He'll deal with you. You fought against the religion, he'll come and deal with you. But if you did something to him,

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grabbed them by his collar, push them. You said something disrespectful. He wouldn't take revenge for himself. He'll let you go

00:46:19 --> 00:46:42

and be mad at me being the Imam of the Sunnah. We find him like that. So once again 20 Being on the Sunnah is now a bunch of rhetoric just condemn. If we're really honest, sooner than we have his wisdom Rama, wisdom Rama for the people. Where's your respect? Even our own families like cursing so much? Why are you so mean? Why so rough? Why so tough?

00:46:43 --> 00:47:14

Why were people the Sunnah? sunnah is just not Superman, Superman. That's important. But more important than that, more important than that is your mother. Your mother is a daughter Janna feed you. But the way we're dealing with her doesn't appear with people, the Sunnah. So let me make it clear when the setup of this OMA, there were those who said, when dealing with them, leaders, were not going to be a door, because they are a delight to stop you from doing that. But some of them

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did. Some of them did. So if an individual finds himself in a position where he could save his religion, and he can be a mouthpiece to give Dawa, and advice and things like that for these people, for B, he would never for B win them if he can do that. But the general advice is like those Imam said, even even even if you want to give Dawa, don't do it, don't do it. Because it's like the job is like the job. A person will think when the job comes that he's on the level of deemed to be able

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to deal with the job. And then when he goes to deal with the job, lo and behold, that guy starts saying, that's my lord.

00:48:01 --> 00:48:16

I'm don't think anybody here, Allahu Allah. If someone came in at door and said, I am Allah. I don't think anyone he is going to believe him. We all amongst ourselves are going to try to figure out should we

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push him out the door knock him over? Should we call people come and pick them up? Because he's metronome? Or should we just leave them no one's going to give them

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two seconds. You're our Lord. We're not going to say anything. When the job comes, all kinds of things is going to be going on. Same people in this Masjid. Without any exception, may Allah protect us. He comes and says, I'm your Lord. And everybody in this masjid and everybody connected to us from the Muslim say yes, right You are our Lord.

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Tao was going to be analyzer junk, protect this OMA and protect us as individuals. Don't get the issues mixed up. Don't go to jail. The jail masala said if you hear about them go the other way. Because you think you want to love a religion. When you go, you'll say, Here's your Lord. Similar to that. Don't put yourself in a position where you have to deal with people can be above you. We're going to force you and tell you what to do, what not to do, and your dollar. So for the younger

00:49:25 --> 00:49:51

brothers who are coming up, especially those brothers who are in school you're trying to graduate, I say to you take your time before you get into the institutional the messages that you're going to choose to get into. Because you don't want to go into one of those messages where you can say the truth. You don't want to go into one of those messages where you get government hook buzz every week. They tell you give you a cookbook that they got out of a book and you start reading and we

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still see fitting in the streets of Baghdad and the Khalifa Harun Rashid is upset. We talk about how old Rashid it is 700 years

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

The goal we live in right now, but he doesn't have enough sense to change that, because the government

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and there are many government hotbars around the globe, the government says mentioned this thing. Everybody's going to mention that thing.

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We see it every day. So stay in the Middle East shadow lies which have and try to avoid it. And as it relates to our individual lives individually, don't let the Sultan of the people in trying to be in good grace in the good books with the people don't allow that to make you talk about people just to be with the crew is not nice, and it's from this bag as well. Okay, that's when if you guys have any questions, anything like that,

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from the Adela that will allow us to go to the leader is that the hadith of Dino nnessee have three times that religion is giving good advice. They say giving advice to who jasola He said giving advice to Allah to the book of Allah to the Messenger of Allah and to the leaders of the Muslims.

00:51:11 --> 00:51:47

So that allows the scholar to go to the leader. What do you mean we can't go wherever Rasul Allah said, you can go and that hadith, you have to give Naziha to the Imam Al Islam. So that's a delille also, he told the people sallallahu alayhi wa sallam must only for a lien for tune in when the whole batana time there was no leader Khalifa Nobody said while him leader, there is no leader of the Muslims who becomes a leader, except that he has two groups who advise him one group, they advise

00:51:47 --> 00:51:57

him to do good and they encourage him and another girl, they invite him to do evil and they encourage him. So if the scholars from that good group,

00:51:58 --> 00:52:14

if the scholars from that good group, this hadith supports him being there with Alina to give the leader good advice. He says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam in them in our them in jihad, que Lima to Eidolon. And

00:52:15 --> 00:52:19

so THON J, from the best jihad,

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different types of jihad, from the best jihad is one that doesn't even have any weapons. From the best jihad is for a person to see the truth in front of a leader who's oppressive. This hadith didn't say the go on a member and say something against the man in public. That's not permissible. This hadith didn't say when that leaders in his assembly you get up and you you say something, they didn't say that. No Rasul Allah told us men Arada and Gansa. That So Tom, failure holder who bat

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will yet be anybody who wants to advise the leader, take him by his hand, and seclude yourself, and advise him, if he takes it from you. You did what was on you. If he doesn't take from you, then that's his problem. So from the greatest jihad is for you to say to this leader, hey, Lila, you're doing this, you're doing that you should do that. And that leader can kill you lock you up, and you still say it.

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It shows courage shows to a call in sha Allah. But some people understand this hadith, it means you should just say anything to the leader, louder line. How many of you are married? How many of you married? How many of you put your hand up higher? How many of you while being married, you live at home with your wife and kids. So all of us are leaders in our homes.

00:53:52 --> 00:53:58

And the Prophet said that. He said no one shall lead the man in Salah in his own soul time.

00:53:59 --> 00:54:23

So if you go to someone's house and it's time to pray, you shouldn't step the foot. Even if you have a love of Quran. You should let him read or put you somewhere else. Because it says so tongues his house. We go to his house, and we could clearly see here's a seat here. There's a seat here. Anybody gonna sit at these two seats? Huh?

00:54:24 --> 00:54:33

No, because we know that's the head table. That's probably for the brother. That's was wife. That's what the brother that's was wife. We're gonna sit here unless the brothers say sit here.

00:54:35 --> 00:54:56

Simple. So everybody who's married here. You are the man. You're the Khalifa. You're the Soltani in your own house. And everybody here with your relationship with your wife. We have ups and downs. There are things your wife doesn't like about you. What you're doing what you're not doing, all of us.

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So now after this class, we're gonna go

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Come to my house, we're gonna go to your house, we're gonna go to your house. When we get to your house, we find the tables all set and everything like that. And lo and behold, your wife comes to the door.

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The dining room, she'll go up the door, and we're eight, nine people. And she starts to say, Hey, you guys need to do something about your friend, because your friend is doing this and this and that. And this and he's doing this, he doesn't pray Fudger and he's doing this. He's smoking and selling crack, either when he's doing it. There's not a single brother here, except we're gonna say, Hey, what are you doing? You're gonna say that to your wife.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:46

Even if what she's saying is true. You're gonna say this is not how you give Dower. This is not how you correct this problem. Because right now we got a bigger problem. If she does that.

00:55:49 --> 00:55:56

If she didn't like that, she already has a problem. The SOL pon the man you meet.

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He's not perfect.

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He's crooked. He's not perfect. So those who he's in authority over his wife, his children, they are things that he's doing. They don't like, is it okay for them to now come to his guest? Go to his neighbors. Is it okay for them to call his relatives and just start putting his stuff out in the street? No, you don't advise that man like that? Unless you want problems.

00:56:25 --> 00:56:51

What Allah He and methyl Allah as a race of the Hohokam is even bigger. Kim, you can say that to these men, to people like that. Some of these people don't have any Rama for you. So just as you won't accept your wife, giving Dawa to you like that. Embarrassing you disrespecting you putting your business out in the street. Just being crazy. No one's going to accept that.

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At the same time. We don't accept that from her. But we do accept that some of her complaints are true.

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Her problems with us vitriol. Hey, don't get up for Fajr he this he starts cursing. He did this. He did. It's true. No one's gonna argue with that. We're talking about how do we go about rectifying the thing. And this is why they even named the toilet. The man tried to put him down. He said why is it that during the time of Abu Bakar in a month

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we didn't have all this fitna that we have as soon as you became a leaf is a bunch of fitna with you just problems as if the problems are because of it. And he said the reason why Bobak and Omar didn't have the fitna is because they were the Khalifa over people like me, like I mean, I know what I'm doing. I know how to worship Allah, I know how to respect them.

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He said, whereas I'm the Khalifa over people like you, you're a troublemaker, you a problem. So now what's the point? You will marry man?

00:58:01 --> 00:58:06

You're the Imam, you I'm the man. You're the Imam.

00:58:08 --> 00:58:12

You're not going to accept your wife addressing you in any way.

00:58:13 --> 00:58:23

The Deen doesn't allow that. The religion doesn't allow that. There are many I got an A Hadith that tell the lady she has to calm down your wife.

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There are many, many, many

00:58:29 --> 00:59:03

that tell the Muslim lady and tell the kid as well. That's your father, that's your mother calm down. So we like those texts, we take those texts because it's my heart. Now I'm the leader. The we won't practice those texts. Although the texts are clear. If you want to advise the leader in Islam, take them by his hand seclude yourself and give him advice. So that's a proof that hadith is a proof that we can work for the leader and be with the leader and be in his company and you can be from his

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batana but it's better inshallah is better, that you avoid them, you avoid them. Okay, when you're going to stop inshallah you brothers have any questions, you could put your questions forward now, anytime and in the cache.

00:59:23 --> 00:59:35

Okay, so the class on Monday, no more is going to be every Sunday at this time. But they'll be shorter than this will go up to a quarter to the lat. All right. And also,

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we got a bunch of questions that came to us. Anybody who wants to bring a written question, you bring the written question, you should give the question to my man because he's always here every week I hear all right.

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