Abu Bakr Zoud – Understanding Taqwah – Piety

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the challenges of marriage and society, including the difficulty of finding a right partner and finding a right partner. They emphasize the importance of verifying Islam and being a woman to be strong and secure, as well as the importance of praying for others and finding a right partner. The importance of Hand-to-Service learning and having a strong relationship with partners is emphasized, along with the importance of avoiding harm and achieving the true Taqwa.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while Lee also be ash Marian, All Praise and thanks belongs to Allah subhanho wa taala. And may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon His servant and final messenger Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, first and foremost to ask Allah subhanahu wa taala to accept our gathering to forgive our sins and our shortcomings. And then secondly, I would like to extend, extend my gratitude to the organization of the budget. And above the list, a chef Arman Haluk Giselle along for entertaining us and inviting us and looking after us as his guests, and to everyone else that was involved in planning this

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event, ask Allah subhanaw taala, to accept from them and to reward them immensely, and to reward you all for your attendance. For indeed, the greatest gatherings or the gatherings in which we come together to remember Allah azza wa jal. These are the greatest gatherings on Earth. And among on a night like this, there are 1000s and 1000s of people that have chosen to be heedless, and to indulge entertainment and in play and in other activities and in sports and whatever it is they do. Allah subhanho wa Taala has chosen you from among mankind to attend a masjid of is to listen to something that Insha Allah, Allah will benefit you in your relationship with Allah azza wa jal. So we ask

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Allah azza wa jal to make us all sincere and accept promisor. Brothers and Sisters in Islam, as you all heard, and you all know that Tonight's topic is about understanding a Taqwa. Loosely translated piety, but I'll explain this concept to you a lot more Bismillah heeta Allah

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and of course, it's a beautiful topic. For the name also that was chosen for this masjid and for the school Masjid the taqwa and Taqwa college. So it's very important for everyone that comes to the masjid to understand what a tapa is. So that's it. Let's begin and say that you all know that we are living in extremely tough and difficult times. filth and corruption surrounds us all. injustice and oppression is taking place as we speak right now.

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Sins and shamelessness, immorality and vulgarity is widespread and it's rampant in every corner of the world.

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And Fitton related to wealth and sexuality and leadership. It is in every corner of the globe as well. Wouldn't it be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he described the end of times, he said, up to Bella till Fifth Avenue, Keeper i Lady movement,

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yet bow

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well, to SHABOOM minute Ooh, that these are the words of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his time. We are now 1400 years later, this is what he said. He said that the Phaeton the Phaeton are the matters that distract you from the Path of Allah that's what the feta now, anything that distracts you from Allah and keeps you away from guidance is known as a fitna. Nearly some Allahu Allah you alayhi wa sallam said that the Phaeton have arrived and they are like the darkest part of the night. You know, the darkest part of the night. You can tell what a green color is from a red color. Everything becomes confusing. If you see two headlights in front of you. In the darkest part

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of the night, you don't know if that's two motorcycles next to each other or it's a car or it's a truck you don't know. Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam said that the fifth and have arrived and they are like the darkest part of the night, meaning matters become confusing for the believers. They won't be able to differentiate between the truth and the falsehood. You cannot see the right from the wrong when there is sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said they will be coming consecutively, one after the other. And he added to this insert the latest fitna that arrives would be worse than the one before it. And isn't this true? My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, you look in today's world in

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today's society, and we always wake up to a new fitna that is much much worse and severe and intense than the one that was with us five years ago, or 10 years ago or 20 years ago. Those who have lived at least 30

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40s of their lives know, that Phaeton of 10 years ago, I'm not likely to fit on off today.

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The challenges of the youth today, I'm not like those on our time 1020 years ago. So this is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this hadith on its own proves the authenticity of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and indeed he is a prophet of Allah, and He only speaks that which Allah azza wa jal revealed steam.

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So today, it is getting more and more difficult to get married.

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Today, it's becoming more and more difficult to uphold the marriage. People get married. Weeks later, they're divorced a month later, they are divorced. It is getting more and more difficult to earn a halal income. It is getting more and more difficult to raise a righteous pious family.

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It is getting so more difficult to control the eyes and to lower the gaze for both genders, with social media and everyone having access to that

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and it is getting much more difficult. Just to live as a righteous slave of Allah, just that I don't want anything to do with anyone. I just want to be an obedient righteous sleeve of Allah even that is becoming extremely difficult with all these fittings that are around us. When the the sallallahu alayhi wa sallam acknowledged this difficulty, he is Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, yet the other nurse is a man.

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Yet the other nurse is a man of sabe roofie him and a DD can call Bibiana Jamal and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, There will come a time upon mankind

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that the one who is patient upon his religion is upholding his religion is like a person holding on a hot coal. You know a jumble of the coal. If you heat it up, it becomes really hot. And if you were to hold it, automatically, you will remove your hand from it due to the intense heat it's producing.

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Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that times will come in where the patient person upon your Salah, upon his Asia upon Ramadan, upon upholding the commands of Allah and keeping away from the Haram will be like a person holding on to a hot coal. You know how difficult it is to just close your eyes and say I'm going to bear the pain and hold this coal and I don't care what happens. The one who holds on to his Dean is going to feel immense pain and immense pressure. Just like a person who's holding a real oh, what we're this is the words of a Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And how true is this? In a time like this time to the people like completing from everything? How do I get

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up for Salatin? How do I get married? How to raise my children upon a taco Emmanuel Islam? How do I and how do I add things in questions that never existed before? You know, for example, we're going to be in the light and ask Allah azza wa jal to give us life to live until the Ramadan and after Ramadan, but you know, after Ramadan, what are the main topics that the lectures and the speakers talk about? What are the main topics after Ramadan? Anyone know? Can anyone just give make a guess?

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He's mashallah brothers looking forward to the start of them all.

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Theories theories, the main topic that is always advertised after Ramadan, how to remain steadfast after Ramadan? Do you know this question didn't exist among the companions. It did not exist. Because obviously the lord of Ramadan is the same Lord as all the other monks, we worship Allah who don't worship from Allah. See, I tell you, the times have become difficult. The discussions are different. You know, I sat in a masjid once and I gave him a lecture about the importance of Salah trying to convince those who don't pray to pray. I said to them at the beginning of the lecture, I said well, Allah He brothers, I feel very hurt. I feel very sad. I feel very sad. The man given the

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vehcile Allahu alayhi wa sallam entered among us. And He said to us, what are you speaking to them about? And I tell him you know sooner Allah I'm convincing the number of hours 1400 yeas are still death that they pray

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what is he going to say? He's gonna say are you still up to that? We would have fought by this time would have conquered the law bullies Thurman spread all over.

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And at the same time, this topic is very important. The

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because many of you, and I consider the greatest problem among the youth is that they don't pray. The vast majority of them do not pray. And so this becomes a difficult topic and very important topic to discuss.

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When there is some Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Here also said In another Hadith interview Allah eco a Yama subtle, he said these companions, he said to them in the future, there are going to come days, and those these are described and known as the days of patience.

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The time that we're going to live in, it's called the year of patience, the time of patients. Then he said to the Companions, Lil mo Temasek, if he him Naomi, even living whatever sic fi him they all might even be non tamale here should have seen I mean come. He said, for those that live during that time, if they uphold they be in a metal coin Islam and Eman in their prayers and everything they know that Allah if they uphold it, they will earn the reward of 50 companions. They said they are also Allah, they will earn the reward of 50 of them, or 50 of us, and the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam said 50 of you people have the Companions so congratulations to everyone who upholds his Deen

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even though it is difficult and it's a struggle for every time and every moment they uphold your Deen in this difficult training time, your reward is equal to 50 companions. And even then that doesn't make you better than the companions. The companions will always have a virtue above us, oh Allah. So we ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us reward and to administer phi our reward.

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Brothers and Sisters in Islam, amidst all this carnage, all this chaos and all this difficulty I'm struggling Phaeton that I told you about.

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There is one method.

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Very few are to uphold that and you will adhere to it and give it great concern and importance. Be vanilla, you will be saved from all these trials around you and all the sins around you. And all these distractions there's just one man you need to master. Understand that, uphold it and live your life according to this Mata and be Milla you will be safe from everything of corruption that is around you, no matter where you live,

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and that the Brothers and Sisters in Islam is Takoma he SubhanaHu wa ala the Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal, which briefly translating means

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to protect yourself from the fire by doing what Allah commanded, and keeping away from what Allah forbid, cos there is a Taqwa In brief,

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will explain more.

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This is why the Taqwa of Allah has solution was the greatest advice from Allah subhanho wa taala. To every nation that came on earth. Did you know this? You saw what the Nissa Allah azza wa jal, he said, one of God was Selena Latina who told Kitab I mean Kubla Khan, what year come and duck Allah, Allah azza wa jal, he says, Indeed we commanded and instructed those nations that came much before you. And we instructed you also, that you must uphold Taqwa of Allah in your life and it's tough Allah. Allah azza wa jal, he says, addressing us believers, yeah, you have Lavina duckula have a two party one atom tuna in our anti Muslim moon and I are we here every Friday when the Imam is

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delivering the hope but Oh you who believe it duck Allah, Hakka Takata he have Taqwa of Allah. In the manner Allah azza wa jal deserves it from you. And don't you dare die except upon a state of submission to Allah azza wa jal.

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Even Allah azza wa jal would command specifically and the Beast Allahu alayhi wa salam. You'll see with the Lhasa of Allah azza wa jal, you said and the first day

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you are Naveen. You

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can imagine Allah azza wa jal telling him Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who's guaranteed the paradise. He is the best of the creation of Allah even then, Allah who would say to him

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Oh messenger Oh prophet of Allah, it tequila.

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Uphold the Power of Allah in your life.

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Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will never forget the Taqwa of Allah. Yet even then prophets have to be reminded of a Taqwa. So what does that leave with you and I as a chance we need to be reminding ourselves of a taco every minute.

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And this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, he will continuously command the companions to have a Taqwa. In many Hadith, in the resolve Allahu alayhi wa sallam would say Allah you couldn't be Taqwa Allah. Commit to the Taqwa of Allah. He would say it that Allah to certain companions, he would say in the plural sense if duck Allah all of you have the power of Allah.

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Above. And while in general Radi Allahu Anhu. Murthy narrated and they said that the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam advised them and said to them, it that Allah hyphema couldn't uphold the Taqwa of Allah. Do the commands keep away from the prohibitions, how you feel good, wherever you are. Why? Why wherever you are, because wherever you are, Allah azza wa jal can see you. So have the Taqwa of Allah in your house, in the school, in an masjid, in the bus, on the train, in your car, wherever you may be on the land of Allah azza wa jal, whether you're a traveler or a resident on the plane, wherever you are, have the Taqwa of Allah azza wa jal with you in order to attain Allah's

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pleasure and to receive from the corruption and the Phaeton that are around you, brothers and sisters in Islam, and we are supposed to remind each other frequently about having a Taqwa Surah Clouseau Allah azza wa jal, he says, while also even though in Santa Fe horsell, all of mankind is in loss, all of them

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Illa see the word Allah it gives hope, except Alladhina Manoir middle saw they had what also will have keyword they'll also be sober, except those who had faith in Allah assertion and did righteous deeds and again they were also the one so meaning they advise then instructed one another upon the truth, what is the truth and help estoppel Allah has solution and help is there Ilaha illa Allah Taqwa is the truth

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and solid and also it is a sunnah of the companions, that as we depart, we are supposed to read it to each other. Did you notice and this is an authentic hadith

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as we finish and we depart, it is good. It is recommended that you read to your brother Surah colossal and then you walk away as the Companions would do. And within it is the advice that we give one another to adhere to Takala assertion.

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And when a man says to Omar Robley Allahu Allahu Allah imaginaires there was a man that said to Omar Robbie, Allah one it does Allah. You know what he said in response? He said, laughter your feet come either laptop guru ha, what a failure of Feanor LM knucklehead. He said, There is absolutely no goodness in us. If we do not advise one another upon a Taqwa. And there is no goodness within us. If we don't accept this advice from one another. Today, what is the state of people? When you say the brother sister tequila?

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He feels insulted.

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Why do you call me a tequila level?

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He feels insulted and slandered as like he calls him

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why he told me tequila.

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This is the response of a Buddha filk the monastic Allah set it out in the Quran, what either tequila

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Allah azza wa jal described

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the hypocrite and how he responds to the advice of Taqwa Allah.

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If the monastic was told, have Taqwa of Allah, it took Allah you know what happens to him? Allah said ahava tonight, he becomes arrogant.

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And this arrogance of his it takes him away beneath him.

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Meaning it opens the doors of more and more siblings. So when you tell him a tequila, he continues to disobey Allah further and further driven by his arrogance.

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The golfer if a disbeliever was told it tequila, you know how

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Have you response? Allah azza wa jal, he says, What is the leukeran Allah Who are the WHO Shma as guru will Levine allow me

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when the disbeliever he is the word of Allah and Allah be mentioned alone as the single Lord worthy of worship.

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When the girlfriend hears this issue as

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the heart becomes frustrated and distracted, you see the word. Have you heard this word? It's an even, it's even difficult to see it on the tongue Schmerzen Kulu. See the heaviness and the difficulty in the woods. As because that's his reaction. It's a nasty, difficult reaction, he pushes it away.

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And the believer, if he's pulled it tequila, his heart softens to the remembrance of Allah.

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And he thanked you. And he first says, May Allah reward you brother, for reminding me of the Taqwa of Allah has solution.

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So if you see someone doing something wrong, or someone not doing a commandment that Allah commanded, then say to him, my brother, in tequila, and you my brother, when you hear this from your brother, say to him, Jazak, Allahu Allah. This is the best advice I could ever, ever, ever get in my life. That's the attitude of a true believer. This is indeed someone who loves Allah and loves the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's the first thing.

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Correct your attitude. When you hear the word, tequila, fear Allah and uphold the Taqwa of Allah assertion in your life. And there are many ayat and a hadith that discuss the virtue of Taqwa and the effect it would have in your life. If you were to practice it correctly, on an ummah level on an ummah level, Allah azza wa jal, he says, what interests do what the taboo layerable rochen que Doom che,

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Allah azza wa jal, he says, If you believe is remain patient and steadfast, and you uphold the Taqwa of Allah, you do what Allah commanded without question, and you keep away from what He prohibited without question. Samira, no Aparna, you keep away, Allah azza wa jal promises that the evil plan and the evil agenda of the enemy of Allah will not harm you in any way. Lay your boo rukon que do whom share at all zero, they will not harm you one bit Subhanallah and I see this area in today's day and age.

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I see it's practical understanding and implementation. Among our brothers and sisters in occupied Palestine. Allahu Akbar, Allah azza wa jal said, if you were to remain patient, and uphold a Taqwa they evil plan, an evil agenda will not harm you one bit. You might be sitting here now and having a confusion, you're seeing that they will never harm us. But almost 30,000 have been martyred. Now May Allah accept them as shahada and many others are injured, and many have lost their homes. They've been driven out of their land.

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And you just told us that if they have taqwa, um, sort of, they will not be harmed. But all we can see is that they are being harmed. So does that mean they don't have several Antiqua let me explain to you.

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The greatest evil agenda of the disbelievers is what it's not that they kill you and harm you and so on. That's not the evil agenda at the end of the day, we're all gonna die. Right? That data does that. Tell us verbal what not to do? Right? The reasons of people's death differs from person to person in the end, we're all gonna die. What is the greatest agenda who can tell me?

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Maha Akbar, Allah azza wa jal, he said in the Quran.

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What did he say? He said, well as Rudy, you call it, Luna Kim had to do command the nickel Minister bar.

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I didn't want to put it this way because it hurts.

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It presses here so difficult. We'll be patient. We're speaking about patients.

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Allah azza wa jal, he said their greatest greatest agenda is he said what is known, they will continuously fine to attack you

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in order for them

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And to make you apostate from your religion to leave your deen.

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If we left our deen and this belief in Allah, we ask Allah to protect us. That's when they have succeeded. If they kill your body, that's not success, they failed. If they kill your email before your body they have succeeded.

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Therefore, when we see words of faith and patience and strength coming out from that Holy Land,

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it shows us Allahu Akbar that this is absolutely true. What intertwine into smooth water Taku. The brothers and the sisters over there have remained patient, they have become an icon and a symbol of what patients and Taqwa looks like. Look, the things that we read in the books and that they have shown us an example of how taqwa and southern looks like and Allah's promises come true. Allah said they will not harm you one bit. Have they have their faith? No. Instead, that small part of Earth has become aligned to the rest of the world. How many have accepted Islam and considered Islam because of the taqwa and Masada that is coming out from that bliss that lead That's the promise of

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Allah when the taboo or interest below what the taboo liable ruku K do whom shall be very, very careful and understand, no matter what they do to the body itself. rip it in half. Remove limbs and fingers and blood and flesh doesn't matter. The thing that matters is an E man being removed from the heart. All the injuries that are on the body, this is a bonus. This for a person it's purification, elevation in the sight of Allah azza wa jal, a lot of good deeds. There's a lot of goodness in that. But in Eman, going away,

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how did your body benefit if you remain in good shape and in good health and you have the wolf of the world? What's that going to do for you? What's it going to benefit you if a man doesn't exist in the heart, and Taqwa doesn't reside in that heart? So ask Allah Xhosa to keep us patient upon the TBWA

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and the benefits of a Taqwa on a personal level. Allah azza wa jal he says Romania tequila Yasha Allahu Minh Emery he used for anyone who upholds the Taqwa of Allah.

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difficult matters will become easy for him. Yeah, sure Allah Who mean Amory, Allah azza wa jal will make his difficult matters, your financial difficulty, your relationship difficulty, and the difficulties that you experienced in life, Allah who will make them easy, mean family you saw you saw, you see, ah, I love him in Emery, you saw you see the world, it's very easy to read, and your matters and your affairs in life will become easy. The calamity will be there. But the pain of that calamity will be removed and reduced. There's many examples for this, right? Look at the people of the cave. They were in extreme intense calamity. They have to run away from the city they ended up

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in a cave. But Allah azza wa jal made their math easy. He put them to sleep 300 e's plus, and he'd moved them to their science and the sun would come and give them summaries and then this the rays of the sun as it gets to the mouth of the cave, it would bend and it would go away miracles law solution will make your affair easy, but they still living a calamity. Right? Look at Heriot Watt the Allahu anha she's living an intense calamity Ibrahim alayhis salam, her husband left her in an uncultivated Valley. There's no food, there's no drink. There's no nothing is a difficulty. She's got a newborn. They'll die from thirst and die from hunger. But Allah azza wa jal keeps her in her

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calamity. But he makes it easy. When he provides for them. The water of zamzam la Akbar calamities there but it's become a lot easier now because the Mercy of Allah is involved in it and so on many examples,

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Allah azza wa jal He says, When the tequila you can reduce the year it just the mere fact of doing what Allah commanded with no question and keeping away from what Allah prohibited is no question. Allah promises a great virtue. He says, I will wipe away his sins you can run and Musa Yachty and he will intensify and magnify his reward when you have the luxury of Allah Subhan Allah. Did you know we said part of a decoy is to keep away from the prohibitions. Did you know that the mere fact of just keeping away from the major sins

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removes sins from you. It purifies you from sins. Allah azza wa jal he said internationally Boca Raton Hold on Who kept farang calm so yeah.

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Just the fact that you live in a society around you all Zilla and alcohol and river, all the Haram surrounds you. But you choose to say I don't want to practice any of these major sins for the sake of Allah and upholding taqwa, just that decision alone and keeping away. It's purifying your heart and it's cleansing you from the sins, Brothers and Sisters in Islam. keeping away from the Haram is a worship.

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You don't think oh Muslim is not supposed to engage in reverse are going to keep away from it. If you intend on keeping away from the Haram because Allah made It's haram, you're being rewarded for every moment, you're keeping away from that hour, and your heart is being purified. You can run with the Yeti. And one of the biggest punishments you can ever receive while you are alive, is to have a hard, tough heart due to the sins and the heedlessness that has accumulated upon it. This is one of the most difficult punishments you can ever experience while you're still alive. A hard tough heart

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and so keeping away from the Haram upholding the taqwa purifies the heart, and it softens the heart to the remembrance of Allah assertion.

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Now Subhan Allah, Allah azza wa jal, he said, uomini Attila Yasha Allahumma Hajah anyone who upholds the Taqwa of Allah does the commandments keeps away from the hub Allah, Allah azza wa jal will make a Maharaj for him will make a way out.

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Because in a calamity, they would seem there is no way out. Every path and every avenue is blocked. The one who upholds a Taqwa Allah who will make a way out for him he will open the door. Allah said way of Zuko min height, Allah the CBO provide for him from ways you never expected. Heck, it'll just come. I'll give you an example from the choir, she can understand this error because you always hear it right? You don't Musa alayhis salam, watch this. He is standing in front of the sea. Behind him is about 2 million soldiers from the army of fit around, left and right. He can't escape and go anyway.

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The army is getting really close. Musa alayhis salam and Bani Israel in approximately a 600,000 among them is the men, the woman, the young boys, the older men and women. And they're not even equipped. They're not even soldiers.

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Allah azza wa jal, and in that moment, you all know right, he commands Musa alayhis salam to do what?

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To take the stuff that was in his hand and do strike the sea with it. Is that a commandment of Allah or not? To command? Does it make sense? Imagine now I set to go to the sea, take your staff and hit it on the ocean.

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Why how's that going to solve my problem? Musa alayhis salam is in a be calamity at this moment. They are facing death.

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And all the people of various la isla singing Jnana mudra cool, never lost hope. They're screaming and we're gone and we're finished.

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And a commandment of Allah comes scene to Musa alayhis salam hit the sea. Musa alayhis salam did not question Allah's command.

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Not a single question. He headed to the ocean. And he did exactly what Allah commanded him. Brothers and Sisters in Islam what happened to sha Allah Who Maharaja Allah azza wa jal made a way out for him. Well Zuko in Haifa, Allah and Allah provided for them from a wavy never imagined, did anyone ever assume that the ocean is going to open up into 12 paths, poor paths open up and you know, you would have expected that the sea the sea floor should be money.

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But all that dried up for blue blood and body and filled by ear by sun dried up. And these two parts between them they were windows. So this tribe of Bani Surah II can see the other and they can see each other and they got to the other side and they were saved from proud moments before they were about to be killed by fear Allah. Allah save them what saved them, because Musa alayhis salam implemented the Command of Allah, which is

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striking the stuff on the ocean. And Allah save the sea what Taqaddas This is a practical explanation of whoever upholds the Taqwa of Allah, Allah who will make a way out for him. So the idea is, whenever you're faced by a calamity, the people they lose their Taqwa during that time. You know when things are good, financially or relaxed, relationships are good. While the life seems to be alright. It's very easy to pray in to do the deen of Allah azza wa jal.

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But when you hit rock bottom,

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and life becomes really, really difficult. It is at that moment that people most likely lose their Deed says, I can't pray anymore. But I need to get back on track then inshallah I'll begin to pray again.

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That's absolute loss.

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You need the Taqwa of Allah. When you are right in the middle of your calamity, that's when you most needed.

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Just remember Musa alayhis salam, he never questioned anything of Allah's command, he prayed that Allah Akbar, wa so we should open that up for them. So this is the ID.

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We know this day and age that we live in.

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From the science of the hour,

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Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the hall was the man.

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That times b time becomes really quick. That's from what from the signs of the hour. What that means is one e would feel like a month and one month, two degree, it feels like a week and one week feels like a day. You come here to select a Joomla before you know what you're backing for so Latin Joomla

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and this is very concerning an old Mr. Hammer home Allah. When they explain this hadith that time becomes really quick. They said what it means is that Baraka is removed from the time

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how do we reinstate Baraka in our time? You know how Allah azza wa jal gave us the formula the solution in the Quran? Allah azza wa jal you said well, Oh Anna, hello, Manu, taco la Fatah, la him Baraka, Minister sama you will Allah azza wa jal he said if only the people of the town Ambani believed and had the Taqwa of Allah, we would have opened up for the Obamacare the blessings of the heavens in the earth. You want Baraka in your time. You need Iman and Taqwa and Brothers and Sisters in Islam. When we mentioned Eman and Taqwa they are two different things. What does email and Taqwa mean? Whenever you hear a man and Taqwa together in the one sentence or in the one area, then email

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would mean specifically to do the commandments. Fasting, Ramadan, praying the five daily prayers adhering to the Islamic dress code, all of that would be Eban and Taqwa more specifically would mean to keep away from the sins and the prohibitions. So once again, if you do this taqwa, Allah azza wa jal opens up the doors of the heavens will be like it comes down, it fills your life, then you will feel that you have achieved so many things in one week, where people on the left and right of you are complaining that there's no time and time is gone. And once you see that, you say at Hamdulillah that Allah has granted me Baraka in my time, lok Akbar, my brothers and sisters in Islam.

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From the greatest matters of Taqwa Allah azza wa jal, he says, Allah who will lead you to clean. Allah is the friend of those who uphold the taqwa beautiful, Allah azza wa jal, he says in Allah you have boo and the team, Allah azza wa jal loves those who adhere to a Taqwa

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the you know when someone says to you Allah Hey, brother, I love you for the sake of Allah. Something hits in the heart and it feels special. Imagine in the be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says to

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I love you.

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What does that mean? What does that mean? That means the whole world now you really couldn't care less about anyone else.

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peak levels higher. Imagine Allah himself saying, I love you for your taqwa. That's the reality brothers and sisters of the one who upholds a Taqwa. He is blessed by the love of Allah subhanahu wa taala for him.

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And if Allah loves someone,

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then all the angels love him. And all the angels of the earth love him. The entire creation of Allah will love him and anyone who doesn't, then that is an enemy of Allah has solution. Maha Akbar Allah azza wa jal, he says Minaya daily Willie and Evan to who will have

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To anyone who hates you, and will have enmity towards you, then such a person has actually declared enmity towards Allah.

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That's how much you become beloved in the sight of Allah azza wa jal that anyone who declares to harm you. It's like he has said that he wants to go with war with Allah assertion. What a status to have among people Subhan Allah.

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My Brothers and Sisters in Islam, and when we're all dying and we are resurrected, the one thing that's going to save you on the Day of Judgment is your taqwa. Allah azza wa jal he says that everyone will be walking on not set up. That is lead on Jahannam it is thinner than the hair strand and sharper than the sword. Will everyone's gonna pass by this bridge. He says what it mean Camilla well read to her everyone's gonna pass it can. Beggar Hartman, not via this is an absolute certain matter that Allah has decreed. Allah said from Minasian Lavina taco. Only those who have Taqwa in their life, we're going to save them. They'll pass my with no issue. One other volume in a fee held

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up and we're going to make the wrongdoers fall into the on the knees.

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So that means opposite to a Taqwa is a volume, a wrongdoer a volume. Pascagoula assertion to save us Subhanallah Brothers and Sisters in Islam.

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A man came to Abu Hooray Robbie Allah who sit in Abu Hurayrah what is a Taqwa? Give me Give me a definition that I can memorize that I'll never forget what is the taqwa? He said to him.

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Have you ever walked on a thorny path? Okay, have you ever walked on a path with his all forms? He said taneous. He said, How did you cross it? He said unfolded up my lower garment. He lifted the lower garment. And he said I walked across carefully step by step, looking at where my feet is stepping so that I avoid hurting myself or pricking the back the bottom of my foot with a fawn.

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He said to him, that is what a duck why is

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that what is that?

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The phones that are in the path or the prohibitions, the Haram matters. That's the phones and wherever there is no phones. That is what the commandments of Allah has solution. And amidst all this, you need to be careful. You can't walk a phony path with heedlessness and not looking left and right. You got to look down here and how to avoid here's another how to avoid in order to get safe. And if you step on the phone, what happens? You hurt yourself. You don't hurt Allah azza wa jal

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meaning if you did something Hello, you did a sin. You hurt yourself. You don't hurt Allah azza wa jal is not hump. Never Not one bit. Right? Not one bit.

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One after boo Munna who che. Allah says, you hurt yourself. You hurt yourself financially, emotionally, psychologically, physically. Every sin you do has absolutely no goodness to offer you in any aspect of life.

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Every single sin is despicable. It's disgusting. It is hard, it is danger. Every single sin.

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You might enjoy a sin for a second for a minute for two minutes. And then it has a long lasting consequence of harm and hurt and depression and all of that.

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And it holds your sin and it distances you from Allah. And it removes from your Eman and from your taqwa and it brings you closer to the hellfire. What are you doing? You see the mass the path of a seminary teacher?

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He says If you harm yourself, you harm your Eman you damage all that? Seems another word. When you understand this, you keep away from sins. If you keep away from sins, you're upholding that will Allah subhanahu wa taala my brothers and sisters in Islam Allah azza wa jal he says Minami lasagna and funnily enough, see anyone who does righteous deeds. He's actually doing it for himself.

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He's doing it for himself.

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Allah azza wa jal, he says woman, a sir Farley and anyone who does evil and bad, he's doing that upon himself. Because you're the one that's going to suffer and punished for his sins if you don't repent and seek Allah's forgiveness from them.

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So my brothers and sisters in Islam Taqwa is the foundation of our religion.

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Through Taqwa a person reaches the level of certainty, which is the highest level of Eman.

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A Taqwa is the food of our soul and the food of our heart. And it is the main reason after the Mercy of Allah azza wa jal for why Allah azza wa jal admits us into the paradise till can Jana to let the you know the film in a bed in Amman, Canada. The clear Allah azza wa jal he says this is the Paradise, which we give to those of our sleeves, who had Taqwa of Allah or solution.

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So Taqwa In brief, we said it's two parts. The first part is to adhere to the commandments of Allah azza wa jal

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and above the list when it comes to taqwa and the good deeds is our relationship with a solid. This Brothers and Sisters in Islam is the first matter in how a person upholds a Taqwa. If you don't pray, and you neglect your prayers, and you are careless in your salad,

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your taqwa is damaged and on the Day of Judgment, it will be rejected. No matter what would you did, even if you came on the day of judgment, having memorized the Quran, memorize the Sunnah.

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You are so generous. If you come on the Day of Judgment, your Salah is corrupt, neglected.

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Everything you did of God is all invalid. These are the words of your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And if you upheld a Salah and you focused on your prayer, you prayed on time you gave it its time and you implemented the obligations in the Sunnah of the prayer. You looked after. Then all the other deeds you did, even if they were dodgy how how everything is accepted by the permission of Allah assertion.

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There is no way to uphold the true Taqwa without having a proper solid relationship with a solid Brothers and Sisters in Islam. A solid is an obligation and there is no way to be brought nearer to Allah.

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Except by adhering to the obligations, that's the first on top of the list.

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Forget every other deed. If your Salah is not upstream and upright, you need to pay the attention of the world to your select. How upsetting is it that in this day and age, the vast majority of the Muslims when the more I've been saying a Salah to Hiram men are known for Salah confession Where is he?

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He's gone

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he's sleeping saddle Fraser he's missed it What the * what's what's your chance in adhering to top Allah He Asociacion if you begin the day with no solid telephone how's the rest of the day get heavy and I was wants to learn if you get up late careless you couldn't kill it didn't change your attitude when you didn't seek is still for you didn't even feel bad. And you went on a rest of the days like nothing happened.

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A seller for hammer home Allah when one of their mists Allah Phil Fisher. And when we say the Miss selected Fisher we don't mean intentionally and they miss selected fish and maybe once a lifetime.

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That what they would be dark and gloomy. And they would say to their friends come and give me condolences. offer my condolences. Something has died in his life as like part of his Eman has died.

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You when You know when a person loses a child or a loved one difficult, difficult calamity. But oxen will be left Wallahi if you really had proper awareness into your Deen in your relationship with Allah, you must acknowledge that losing one solid is far worse than losing a child and a loved one.

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Losing a child and a loved one. If you're patient upon that, it could be the reason for you enter the paradise goodness in it. You lose one salad. What could that be the reason of a could be the reason of a person being punished in his grief, being punished on the day of judgment and he loses a Taqwa all together in his life.

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Brothers and Sisters in Islam, or select is above the list. Do every single change you need to do in your life to get

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proselyte and Fisher on Pine, the one who pre selected Fisher on time most likely praise the rest of the press. The one who doesn't pre selected Fisher and ignores it most likely has a very bad relationship with the rest of the press. That's why in the visa Allahu alayhi wa sallam said, the heaviest solids upon ammonia FIP is one solid fissure and solid Russia. That's the heaviest upon the moon effort. What does that mean? It means Bourassa McGraw pressure is easy for the moon. It's easy.

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But fresh, it is difficult. So if you're missing solid and Fisher regularly, you're going to be worried. You have to wake up. Your email is damaged, your taqwa is damaged, better fix it and rectify it before you die.

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No one knows when he'll die. No one knows what the he goes. Some people think and I still have a life ahead. Now Allah, we're living in a time with those that are young are dying in the same amount as those that are old in the hospital.

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This is a difference.

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We need to be careful. A solid above the list. And it's time the moment he Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar. Praying on time means praying within the time of the solid, pre within the time, the beginning of the time middle of at least, don't miss it.

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That's the first matter in your taqwa. We ask Allah azza wa jal to grant within us the love of a solid so that we pray every select on time. And if you miss or select and Fisher, wake up and start your day with October and is still for

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you start your day with don't burn any stilvoll I ask Allah to forgive you. And then you get up and you pray to Allah can

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not just Allah, you know, it's some of the normal D urandom D, make every change in life to pray your solo ad. And then we said the second part of Taqwa is to keep away from the sins and of course, the sins are plenty in this day and age of ours. And so you need to understand I have a lecture online, you can refer to it. It's called 10 ways to avoid sins. Listen to that very carefully. I share 10 ways in how a person can avoid a sin. If Nila hit Allah if you listen to them, it will give you enough practical knowledge to keep away from sins. And if you do that, then you have achieved both ends of a Taqwa doing the deeds, keeping away from the prohibitions. That is exactly what a

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Taqwa is. And at the end you ask Allah azza wa jal to accept from you, whilst Allah azza wa jal to protect us from sins and evil deeds. We asked him Subhanahu wa Taala to grant the strength and the ability to do the commandments of his ask Allah azza wa jal to forgive us all to accept from us all. We ask him Subhanahu wa Taala to admit us into the highest levels of the paradise in the holy veliko pada Riley, also Allahu wa sallam Opelika ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Germaine

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