Abu Bakr Zoud – Why Was Praying 2 Rakaat At Masjid Quba Equal To The Reward Of Ummrah

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses the historical context of Islam and the historical precedent of ummrah, which was replaced by umbringing believers to the brand of Islam. The historical precedent of umbrmental means earning a reward for bringing the umbrmental to their home, even if they were unable to do so. The speaker also references the historical precedent of being conquered by Islamists and eventually being able to earn the reward of umbrmental, which was replaced by umbrmental.
AI: Transcript ©
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Brothers and sisters in Islam, behind me is

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Masjid Quba. The prophet said,

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the one who makes wubu in his home,

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that's in your hotel room, and then comes

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to Masjid Quba and prays 2 raka'at, this

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is for both men and women, then Allah

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will grant him the reward of a umrah,

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And the reward of a umrah is a

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complete forgiveness of sins.

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Why is that the case as opposed to

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any other masjid you visit? That is because

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when the companions

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first lived in Makkah, they were able to

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perform our Umrah very easily.

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worshiping Allah in Makkah became difficult,

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commanded the believers alongside the

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Nabi to migrate from Makkah to Al Madinah.

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So when they left Makkah and they left

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their homes and their properties, and their belongings,

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and their wealth, and they came to Al

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they were very sad and hurt that they

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weren't able to do our ummrah anymore.

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So Allah

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replaced this for them and comforted their hearts

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and taught us, if you come here and

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pray 2

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rakayat, you earn the reward of our ummrah.

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And so later on, many years later, when

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Mecca was conquered

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and the believers went back there, they were

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able to do a ummrah, but the reward

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of bringing the 2 rakatia, earning a ummrah

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because Allah is generous. And if he establishes

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a reward for a specific deed,

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he keeps it. We ask Allah to grant

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us acceptance, Allahu

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