Abu Bakr Zoud – This is the most correct and complete way to fast

Abu Bakr Zoud
AI: Summary © The purpose of fasting is to increase one's wife's intelligence and knowledge, as it is crucial for achieving a fasting understanding. This includes avoiding sin and major sin, and focusing on character development. It is crucial for protecting health and knowledge, and individuals should avoid major sin and negative consequences. The use of Chreact in context is discussed, along with the importance of keeping one's fasting pure and intact.
AI: Transcript ©
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How to fast correctly

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How can you come to Ramadan and not understand how to fast correctly? The main pillar in Ramadan is to fast. Therefore it only makes sense that you learn how to fast correctly.

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You know the purpose of fasting?

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What's the purpose of fasting by fasting you avoid food and drink and sexual relations. The purpose is to nurture a Taqwa within us. That's the purpose of fasting, as Allah azza wa jal says,

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so that you may attain a Taqwa fasting is supposed to nurture a toque. What is the DACA space very simple. A DACA is for you to keep away from sins, decrease your sins and increase your husband and the DACA. DACA is to do what Allah commanded and to keep away from that which Allah prohibited. This is a Taqwa.

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And so this is what fasting is for. That's the purpose of fasting, it increases your Huseynov and it keeps you away from the Haram because the fasting person is more conscious and aware. He doesn't do whatever. He avoids the 100 Now, when you're fasting, and I put you in a room alone, no one is there and there's an apple in front of you. You won't eat it even though an apple is Halloween is that you won't eat it. Why?

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It's an apple, it's Halloween. Why wouldn't you eat it? Because you know Allah is watching Mashallah. That's the kind of attitude you're supposed to have with everything else during your life.

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He did not eat it because you knew Allah is watching the heap so now when it comes to how long matters isn't a lot watching as well. They have afterall, mobile isn't Allah watching as well? Isn't a Ramadan and fasting develops this stockpile in nurtures it and you're doing this for 30 days. So you're being nurtured and nourished with this Dakhla What am Rahim Allah He said fasting is two parts. At the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us fasting is two things. That's what you need to learn to take your first correctly. Two things. Listen. At Norte Mohamed Allah He said,

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there is the fasting of the stomach from food and drink. And there is fasting of the limbs from sin and transgression was set up for him Allah used to say that fasting the easiest type of fasting is to refrain from food, drink and sexual relation, Heather the easy fasting, and he said the real fasting is to abstain from all forms of sin and transgression. When the reason Allahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned this to us, and the reason I said and in addition to teaching us that we are to keep away from food, drink and sexual relations. He also said there are three things you're supposed to keep away from. And you know that when you keep away from these three things, and these three

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physical things you have now fasted correctly. In a hadith Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Men Lamia, da cola Zulu. When Amma Libby Well, Jan, Felisa De La Jolla, and the other Alpina who mashallah and Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says, Who ever doesn't give up alongside food, drink and sexual relations, three more other things. They are cola zoo, full speech, even swearing, and telling lies, and backbiting and gossip, and all foul language that comes from the mouth at this to food drink and sexual relations at it. That's one thing and the reason SLM says, Whoever doesn't leave these things, so you need to fast from these things. On a zoo. Zoo is a comprehensive term

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that refers to anything that is falsehood.

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an evil deeds, evil deeds, and the evil deeds. So that means the first thing of the eye. That's a deed when you look at something how long that must have, the eyes must fast with you. The hand when it does something haram, it should fast with you as well. And your hands and your feet and everything. Give it all up. A taco is supposed to be flowing in your entire body and your veins. Everything is supposed to keep away from an haram. That's the second thing. hair that is fasting limbs supposed to fast. Well, Jan, you also are supposed to refrain from Jen, what's Jen? Jen is two things. Number one is ignorance. What is ignorance? Ignorance is when you know something and you do

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not implement it. And when I know a solid is obligatory, and I don't pray that ignorance that you knew the solid and you didn't pray, when I know the fire burns and I put my hand in there, I'm ignorant. He had knowledge. Why didn't you act upon your knowledge? Isn't this a problem they added to your head. So you need to keep away from Japan. And the other meaning to Chahal is the foolish arrogant character and behavior. The bad attitude, the bad character, that's gentle as well. So if someone wants to argue with you during Ramadan, or swear at you and insult you, Don't raise your voice. Don't fight with anyone. Notice I seldom said lay us hub. Don't fight with anyone don't

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raise your voice at anyone that's what I asked her up rather than the besides tell him told us what to do. Someone is going to insult an angry and raise his voice at you. And so I say to them in near saw him in near saw him two times and walk away. I'm fasting. Yeah, what does it mean in context it means I'm fasting, and I cannot raise my voice on you, and swear back at you and insult you. Because that's another type of fasting I'm supposed to do alongside food, drink and sexual relations. If you saw him in your sign, and keep your fasting protected, purify your fasting, keep it intact and move away. Now he posts and does this. Now he has fasted correctly. Don't forget this meaning this is

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just as important as leaving food, drink and and sexual relations. Remember, at the end of the day, the purpose of Ramadan is not to starve you and to deprive you from sexual relations. The purpose of Ramadan was to the Chautauqua. What Docker is what will protect this and protect your limbs from and haram and protect you from ignorance and bad character. That's what I will do in that's the purpose.

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As for Yanni, speaking in terms of from a flicker perspective, if a person was to refrain from food, drink and sexual relations, and then yes, he back did someone, he slandered someone, he did a bad deed with his eyes.

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And he swore at others from a fucky perspective is fasting is still correct. And he doesn't have to make up that day. But he lost a lot of reward. Fasting, if it's not correct, the more you destroy your fasting, the less reward you earn. It's like a solid and maybe sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that a person finishes is solid, warm equity Bella hula are sure to throw her thumb no has to have homeswapper Obrero Hafele for the SWAT. There is I sell them says that a person might pray and he will leave he will end this solid having earned a 10th of the reward. There was an opportunity to earn one whole reward a big reward, but some people earn a 10th Some are 978 some are seven some

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sixth some they earn a fifth, some they own a quarter huh. Some earn a third or some earn half and somehow incomplete reward Allah Juana. First thing is like this, the more perfect you're fasting, the more reward there is, well, you didn't control your tongue. Your limbs weren't controlling. And it's going to reduce reduce reduce the faster the whole day and you earned at the end of it maybe a 10th. Why would you Yanni waste this opportunity upon yourself? When the be sallallahu alayhi wa sallam? He said this fact Robo saw me lay Salah home and so Mihaela Jura, perhaps that a fasting person doesn't earn anything from his fasting except hunger. What does that mean? Yeah, he doesn't

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earn any reward. The only thing he earned was that he went a day starved himself he would call me Lisa home and clear me he was sad. And perhaps it could be that a person prays the whole night doesn't earn anything, no reward, none nothing. Only tiredness

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had the human heart a better frame to sleep. For you need to understand alongside your worship your character must develop as well. Character and first and foremost your character with Allah. He says something is haram keep away from it, and then behave with the people. That's how you keep your fasting pure and intact. Now.

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And you know, Subhan Allah, people are always just focused on the physical things, keep away from food, drink sexual relations, hollows, and he thinks he's good is all right.

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And we know this from the question of the people.

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If I had a spray in my nose, does it break my fast? If accidentally a drop of water do I break my fast? If accidentally I did this. What about if I swam? See the questions are all about the physical part. No one ever asks. If I was to swear there's a break my fast. No one seeks that kind of knowledge. Even the ideas people are ignorant. This is supposed to is the purpose of this of podcasting is nurturing this a Taqwa to protect this to save it here and the limbs and the ignorance as we said

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