Abu Bakr Zoud – An Urgent Reminder for All Muslims

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The speaker discusses the devastating consequences of the recent "Art of Islam" and the need for everyone to seek forgiveness. They also mention the importance of finding a way to stay sharp and stay focused on forgiveness. The speaker emphasizes the need for everyone to continue pursuing Islam until the end of the day.
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We must fear Allah azza wa jal, especially during these days and these times, in where if a person was to observe the amount of sins and corruption that is being committed on the face of this earth, it is something that would have been unimaginable decades and centuries ago. And I'm talking about sins among omoton Nabi SallAllahu, alayhi wa sallam. The amount of sins that are rampant upon or among omit in the recent Allahu alayhi wa sallam
is something that is unexplainable, and humbled or rubber was Zina.
I will our art that are being exposed, and the distortions of the teachings of Islam that are among us, and what we can see and observe on social media in the behavior of people, the dealing of people, the manners and so on. It is unbelievable. And so as a result, especially it is saddening and upsetting and I bring this to your attention because we are in a month that is just before Ramadan. This is a month in which in the vessel Allahu alayhi wa sallam said the other foot or unknown nurse people become heedless about people are heedless about this month.
This is a month of preparation. And the greatest preparation a person could do is purify the heart cleanse this heart. And that all begins with a listicle vol. So the two pieces of advice number one, no matter what the situation is with any one of us. A person should not give up hope and despair from the mercy of Allah subhanahu wa taala and number two, in order to come out of this heedlessness and a state of sin that we see and observe around us and to be protected from it. A person needs to continuously seek Allah subhanahu wata is forgiveness most SubhanaHu wa does door is open in the best of times, and that is the last third of the night, every last third of the night of every night
of the Allah azza wa jal and comes down to the first heaven and he said that he must have a feeling for Alfio Allah is there anyone that is seeking my forgiveness so that I may forgive him? Maha quote, this is a call from Allah azza wa jal to everyone no matter what his situation was. So if he personally serious about the forgiveness of Allah Azza vision, he'll take advantage of it at that time. So if you find yourself up at that time begging for that forgiveness is a good sign that you actually wanted. When Allah azza wa jal says for own fear Allah and I will give him on granting that forgiveness. Allah azza wa jal doesn't play games and tricks the servants wakes them up in the last
third of the night only to trick them on the Day of Judgment. I say I haven't forgotten you forgiven you. That doesn't happen. When Allah azza wa jal promises something it happens exactly how he promises. So we have Nila Azerbaijan, we take advantage of this of this reminder we ask Allah azza wa jal to grant us all forgiveness, and to keep our hearts awakened with iman and Islam until the day we meet Allah azza wa jal