Abu Abdissalam – Nine-Step Guide to Getting Ready for This Special Guest

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The upcoming month ofFT is a time of joy, happiness, and thankfulness to Allah. Representatives provide practical steps for preparing, including earnest learning and reciting the Quran. Pr practicing Islam and avoiding distractions is crucial, and viewers are encouraged to share their recommendations for the month. Fates of peace and joy will be rewarded.
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It's a once a year opportunity. The doors of paradise are opened the doors of the Hellfire I locked, the devils are chained. The reward of your good deeds is magnified a night of worship that is better than worshiping for 1000 months. This is the month of mercy. This is Ramadan. But how can you prepare for this magnificent month
As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh I'm your brother Edward this Salam speaking to you from the blessed city of Mecca. Let's market cinema Koroma as we anticipate Ramadan, we should remember that it's a time of joy, happiness and thankfulness to Allah. And not just because it's a time for So Moses, Ramadan is a month of genuine reflection, turning back to Allah and fasting and prayer with true dedication and determination Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam emphasized the importance of Ramadan. As he said, Islam is built on five, the testimony that none has the right to be worshipped, but Allah, and that Muhammad is his slave and messenger SallAllahu Sallam to
establish the prayer to pay the zakah performing homage to the house, meaning the Kaaba and to fast during Ramadan. This hadith was reported by Bavarian Muslim this month is not just about abstaining from food and drink. It's a time for spiritual growth and gaining closeness to Allah subhanaw taala the arrival of Ramadan is a great blessing. Rasulullah salAllahu alayhi salam used to give bad tidings on the arrival of Ramadan. So what practical steps can we take to get ready for the Ramadan and to maximize its opportunities? Number one, repentance and supplication, begin with sincere repentance and earnest supplication. ask Allah for forgiveness and strength. Don't wait for Ramadan,
start your repentance Now, none of us has a contract with Allah subhanaw taala that guarantees that we live until Ramadan. Also it's better to start Ramadan in credit, or at least at zero rather than starting in debt with many sins that haven't yet been forgiven. Remember that our sins can simply be forgiven by making repentance to Allah at any time of the year, not just in Ramadan, Allah subhanaw taala says are to boo il Allah He Jamia and au Maroun Allah I'll come to flee. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all believers that you may be successful Avaya Ibn Yesod May Allah subhanaw taala be pleased with him narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, oh people
repent to Allah for I repent to Him 100 times a day this hadith was reported by Muslim. So imagine if the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam asks Allah for forgiveness 100 times a day or more than imagine how much we should be asking Allah subhanaw taala for forgiveness. Number two, embrace joy. Rejoice at the approach of Ramadan, recognizing it as a period of mercy and blessings. When the gates of paradise are open. Allah subhanaw taala says call before Allah he will be rough naughty he Fabi daddy Kefalonia Franco, who are hiring me manage my own, say in the bounty of Allah and in His mercy. Let them rejoice that is better than what the wealth that they amass, and that's in Surah
Yunus number three ensure that any of your outstanding obligatory fasts are completed before Ramadan begins. Abu selama Radi Allahu Anhu he said I heard I shadowed the Allahu anha say, I would Oh fasts from the previous Ramadan and I would not be able to make them up except in Shabbat, which is the month before Ramadan. Of course, this hadith is narrated by Bukhari and Muslim number four seek knowledge, learn about the rulings and virtues of fasting to better understand and practice it. Imam Buhari entitled a whole chapter in his book of authentic hadith, called the chapter of knowledge comes before statement and action in this day of Google and chat, GPT fatwas, it is ever more
important that we ensure to act upon the authentic teachings of the Quran and Sunnah of our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam number five, reduce worldly distractions. If you have important things to do, then try to complete these tasks before Ramadan if you can, so they don't distract you from worship during Ramadan, throw out the things in your house that may lead you to haram and no brothers and sisters. I'm not talking about your spouse or your siblings. Number six, reciting the Quran. Start getting into the habit of reciting the Quran, preferably with translation if you don't know Arabic, so that you can go full steam ahead. Once Ramadan begins. Don't wait until
Ramadan to warm up and start the engine it takes time to build habit.
Start today, Salama Ibn Kohane said it was said that Shabbat was the month of the Quran readers. When Shaban began Amr ibn case, he would close his shop and free his time for reciting the Quran. Number seven, practice reducing your sins we all have since don't expect that you'll be able to suddenly give everything up on the first day of Ramadan. Sometimes we can and sometimes we can't. That's why we should try to give up as many things as possible before Ramadan. So we start Ramadan with a clean slate, and then just build on that with lots of good deeds. Number eight avoid common mistakes. Beware of reducing Ramadan to mere rituals of eating and entertainment. The true essence
of Ramadan is worship, piety and devotion to Allah subhanaw taala. Not indulgence in food and distractions. Yes, enjoy your Iftar It is after all, one of the joys of a fasting person that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned number nine fasting some of the month of SHA burn in preparation for fasting in Ramadan. husana ibn Zayd Radi Allahu Anhu said, I said, O Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I do not see you fasting in any month, the way you fast in Shaban he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, that is a month meaning short but that people neglect between Rajab and Ramadan, but it is a month in which people's deeds are taken up to the Lord of the worlds
and I would like my deeds to be taken up when I am fasting. This hadith was reported in Swindon and nursery and clusters hustled by as Barney. One thing to note is that the scholars of Islam say we should not force the latter half of Shabbat unless we are already in the habit of fasting on certain specific days. For example, if you forced every other day, or every Monday and Thursday, then you can continue doing that in the second half of Shabbat. However, if that isn't the case, and it isn't your habit, then we should keep our strength for Ramadan. This is based on the Hadith, which was Narrated by Abu Huraira Radi Allahu Anhu that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, when
Chardon is half over do not fast, this hadith was reported by Timothy and authenticated by and Bernie. In conclusion, as we approach this blessed month, let us remember that Ramadan is not just a month of fasting, it is a journey towards strengthening our relationship with Allah and increasing our Imam. Let's prepare in the best way possible, so that we can make the most of this opportunity, striving from permanent transformation that lasts well beyond Ramadan. I'd love to know from you what steps will you take, or what can you recommend us to take to prepare for this blessing month? Share your thoughts in the comments, Zach and will la Hi, Ron, I'm your brother. I'm glad to sit I'm
speaking to you from the blessed city of Makkah, was Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh