Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – Quranic Reflections Shaykh Abdurraheem McCarthy #1

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary © The title "Ok succeed" in Islam is not something that is just in general, but rather a series of actions taken by individuals to achieve their goals. The importance of reading the Quran properly during the month ofFinancial is emphasized, along with learning the meaning of "medicals." The episode ends with a recap of the previous episode and a reminder to stop the timer and focus on the impact on their hearts.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah while early he was sappy woman Hala about Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh to Debow Quranic reflections.

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When we see the OMA

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Alhamdulillah we see their Inaya the focus on the Quran when it comes to the RE citation of the Quran, when it comes to the memorization of the Quran. And this is not something we see just in Ramadan. This is something we see Alhamdulillah throughout the year, the focus on

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memorizing the Quran and reciting the Quran, obviously, this increases

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in the month of Ramadan. But the question that we want to ask are two questions we want to ask.

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First of all, is this what Allah wants from us?

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And secondly,

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is this tilava and this HIV of the Quran is memorization of the Quran? Is it just entering our hearts? Or is it is it entering our hearts and showing up in our actions? Or is it just on our tongues?

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Is it just on our tongues? Or is it showing up in our hearts and our actions as well? These are the two questions we want to answer. And today's episode, and I want you to focus in detail with me with this. The first question is what Allah wants from us and you might, you know,

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be surprised by that question, of course, and this is obviously memorizing the Quran reciting the Quran properly.

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Of course, Allah wants this from us is great rewarded, and that is correct. It is something amazing if something makes you happy to see where the OMA is. But

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this is only the beginning. These three things, the head of the Quran, the tweet of the Quran, that sila the resuscitation of the Quran, these three things are only the beginning. And there are only intros to the three main objectives that Allah wants from us when it comes to his book.

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And that is the difference between us. And between the Sahaba Radi Allahu Anhu what made them so successful? That's the question we have to ask ourselves. Why were they so successful it was to the Quran. It was to adhering to the way of the Quran in the way of our beloved Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam his sunnah.

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But when we look into our situation

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we see that these three things that they had,

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were missing out on there we have the first two we mentioned we have Alhamdulillah the the RE citation we have the memorization we have people with details we are massage it are full in Ramadan obviously this this year with COVID is a special situation like last year May Allah help us and make it easy for his terrible Alameen

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we have these these three things but the three things that the Sahaba had this what were missing, and that was the big that's the big difference between us in between them. When it comes to the Sahaba you'll see the understanding of the Quran and their implementation of the Quran and their to Deb Bura their to double their contemplation their reciting upon the Quran reflecting upon the Quran. This is what made them so unique.

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And our episodes

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20 Plus or 30 episodes in shallow in this blessed month, it's going to be around

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this topic the topic of the double, everyday in shallow Tarot we're going to have a session we're going to reflect upon the book of Allah subhanaw taala. Hopefully to open the hearts, open the locks that have been put up on our hearts to the double reflecting on the Quran. I'm going to share with you an im

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verse in Surah Baqarah verse 121, when ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada said, Allah DNA Alladhina t now Hmong kita. Year to Luna who has Godzilla witty, those who have given the book

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they recite it how Godzilla witty meaning a true Tilawat a true recital.

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If you were to reflect on his verse

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What would you think the understanding is? Right away you're going to say that you read the Quran property with the proper Omaha bridge, the proper roof

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that the pronunciation is correct. And that no doubt is correct. There's one of the meanings. But the meaning of this idea

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is actually deeper than that. And that's why some of the scholars meant the mentioned and the Tafseer of this verse, that the ones who read it have got to allow it.

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They're the ones who make the dashboard, the ones who reflect on it.

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And then when you look into the eye, what comes next? What does the law say about these individuals who learn ICA you may only be these are the ones who truly believe in it, the ones who recite it properly, the ones who understand it, the ones who contemplate and reflect on it, and put it into action in their lives. They are the ones who truly believe in it, not the ones who just recite it properly. They have nice touch we they have a nice Mahato edge pronunciation of the letters, a beautiful voice, but when you look into their actions, it's something far away from Islam. This is not what Allah subhanaw taala wants from us, yes, any perfect, your citation is all from the Sunnah,

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to be able to read the Quran properly to be able to read the one of the beautiful voice. But we said it's only an introduction for what's coming.

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Which is to make the Debold to reflect, to understand, to put it into action.

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A question always comes in Ramadan, because now as we're saying this, I know the question is going to come so I'll answer it for you in general Thailand. And that is

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is it better? To recite the Quran in its entirety once or twice covered a cover to make optima? And the month of Ramadan? Or is it better for me to study the Tafseer and to make the Dubourg?

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This question has two answers.

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One of them is

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what we should do during the month of Ramadan and what we should do in general throughout the year. Ramadan has a special status. So is the enrollment Bong always I recommend that we have a mixture, you have your hotma well you read the entire Quran, cover the cover as many times as you can during the month. But at the same time you have some time for Tafseer to study the Quran, and you have some time to make the double of the Quran. So you want to combine during the month of Ramadan. But when it comes to generally speaking,

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here we say that it is better to reflect on the Quran. Even the scholars mentioned that even if it's one I am, if I were to any if I were to sit my brother any husband was with us and shalom on the broadcast, if he were to recite the entire Quran cover to cover.

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And I would just sit and reflect on just one verse of the Quran makes a double that one verse.

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He finished the Quran in 10 days. And I'm making to double just on that one I have for 10 days, who is better and what you will reward is going to be more it's going to be the one who reflected on the one verse is what the scholar said. It has more agile more benefit to make this the double and reflect on it. And that's the importance of the Quran not being in a hurry. It's not a race. The objective is that we read the Quran properly, slowly and contemplate on the meanings reflected on them. And you don't have to be a scallop Tafseer this is going to come to the question comes how can I make the double when I don't understand so we're going to explain that in general Tana And you're

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going to see that you can make the double even the English language with the basic knowledge of tafseer that we have from the English language inshallah Tada you're going to be able to see that a hamdulillah

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A man came to the great Sahabi Abdullah Massoud Radi Allahu and

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and the Hadith in Sahih Muslim he came to him and he said, and the echo and more fossil

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fee Raka. He said I read the more fossil from the Quran and one Raka and then my fossil, what does that mean? The chapters are more fossil it means that they are the ones that fossil, the fossil from the is the ones that is read from sort of cough all the way to sort of the next animal fossil in the Quran. And Mufasa is from Surratt cough all the way to sort of a nests. So these verses are these at the end. You can count how many chapters there are. He said that I read in one record so what do you think about this this man mashallah, Temecula, all of these sorrows in one regard? I think it's something amazing, right? What was the answer of the great Sahaba of the Allahu and Abdullah

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Massoud, he said,

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Ken had the Shakur had this shirt he said, you read it, like the RE citation of poetry, meaning that it's something fast. He said, I know the manner in which the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam recited he said to have the the sorrows that you're mentioning from minimal fossil to have the sorrows He said he would read them in one recap. He will read them in one rocker two sources only

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now to get to be in a hurry.

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And he just does a smaller point he has to order some some chapters

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Some examples like the hadith of who they refer, Radi Allahu, and we pray with the province and Salaam. He read the psalter, Bukhara swallowtail and he's an alumna. He already sought us. And he reading any minute in one regard some of them. So here, obviously, this is a long prayer, but how did you read it even in this? He said that when he would read it, he said, For Jaco motorists seelen that he would read it mutter rasilla Meaning what? An unhurried re citation re citation that was slow now in a hurry. Now like the people who read in taraweeh and it's a question that comes a lot how should read and tell the weird Don't be in a hurry to finish the Quran? Read it slow read it

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property, somebody you can reflect on if I'm beauty and now that

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you don't understand what's being said Subhanallah Levine

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he said he would read with Torah seelen And every citation he said it was unheard and hurried. It wasn't a rush. He that he said either ma Robbie ayat in theatres beehoon Saba, he came to an IRA salatu salam, they had a verse which glorified Allah, he would make this be Subhanallah Bill Aldini will say as he came in

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with Mr. Ravi su al in Salah. If he came to a question any do I ask for ask Allah for a supplication he would supplicate he would ask Allah subhanaw taala. So what's happening here, he's focusing on the meanings.

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And when he comes to it, he reflects on it he stops and he asked Allah subhana wa Tada. And he said, either Morabito within two hours, if he comes to a two hour then he does seek refuge in Allah.

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He will seek refuge, he's not in a hurry it so that was him. And this is what we need to focus on when it comes to reciting the Quran. To not be in a race and to be reading it slowly reflecting on the meanings, even when you read it slowly and properly, you're going to find the impact it's going to have on your heart just from the type of re citation and that's going to call you and help you inshallah to make the double to reflect on the Quran. When you look at the impact that the Quran has upon our hearts.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned in several verses in the Quran, the impact that the Quran has on upon our hearts and is it to death but I want to make with you guys

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the opposite what happens to the hearts if the hearts are corrupt? How they will not be able to make this to duckboard and to reflect on the Quran to benefit from the Quran. But inshallah we're gonna leave that so we can have a nice to double tomorrow inshallah tomorrow's episode because if we do it now we have just a little bit of time left. We're going to be in a hurry to get done and I'm gonna go against what I was teaching you is to do it slow and to focus I won't be able to reflect with you guys on it. So inshallah we'll be defeat the purpose. So inshallah Tata will continue and tomorrow's episode, Quranic reflections every day here with our brothers on Newcastle FM inshallah Matala

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during the entire month of Ramadan. barnacle, Rafi come until tomorrow, Allah knows best Allah Allah masala selama Baraka hermit, which is Kamala haidong Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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