Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – The Life And Times Of Umar Ibn Abdul-Aziz 02

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss Omar Saruman's political and political positions, including his appointment as the head of the military, political history, and struggles with blackmail. They emphasize the importance of knowing the context of Islam and educating people about their rights and responsibilities. They share personal experiences with Islam and encourage listeners to practice it as a values in their lives. They also discuss the importance of learning to be ahead of their peers and being mindful of their ways of thinking.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala rasulillah Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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if I can just ask everybody to quiet down inshallah and if you want to talk to some, you can go into the lobby area and talk to

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dessert, and dessert moolah. Hi, everyone, for joining us again in session two. So inshallah we're going to carry on now for about an hour. And if I just remind everybody, if you could please switch off your mobile phones on silent and also we just have maglevs so people will be leaving. So if you if you are parked in the carpark and you're

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blocking anyone in then please mute your calls.

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And also I'm just going to remind you by this if you could fulfill the sin of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and move as close for to the stage as possible and fill in all the gaps so all the buddies in the back in soco back problem then move away from the woods and come forward as close as you can. And try to benefit as much as you can from the knowledge.

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So everybody move us forward as you can.

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Okay, so this is gonna carry on until about a short time on that, then we will have a break. So let's shift

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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam, ala rasulillah Allah, Allah, he was sought be woman, whatever. But

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before we continue mentioning some of the characteristics of Omar Abdullah law, and they made him so successful that I mentioned some of his story that led up in general Tata to the CFO. And obviously the main things we're talking about, in his upbringing, they had a huge impact on him, the family life, and the Koran, and the society. And the fact that he was

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the Toby he was given was from the scholars of Islam, he set with the major scholars from the Sahaba. And as he said, they shoe the ones he studied from, there were 33 of them. Eight of them were from the Sahaba and 25, from the tebay. So you see what made him who he was out of the 33 scholars who taught him.

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Eight of them were from the Sahaba and 25 of them were from the Tibetan, and from the ones that he took from from the Sahaba. Who were they

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were mentioned one of the ways to have

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as a medic, we mentioned yesterday, what did the medic say about him?

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But he said, Mara, I too, had an ash Bobby summit Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam and

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he said I didn't see anybody who is solid resembles this a lot of the prophets I said are more than that young man

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and also his uncle, who focused on his topia from a young age who was it? I believe in the Allahu anhu Omar also he took from Abdullah bin Java even a bit polyp was seven years he was ahead of himself is a from the scholars of the Sahaba and Salim case and from the tiberian, who was one of the main ones who taught him and also obey the law. Even Abdullah even rockvale even was rude, who was from the major scholars of Medina from the fukasawa from the seven famous for kochava Medina and he was the Mufti of the Medina during his time and I bought an armored Abdulaziz Rahim Allah He used to say about obey the lab. He said that the mejlis of allameh meaning the sitting are the lessons of

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the blind chef Abdullah even Abdullah bin irked by Massoud, he said I have been eliminated

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You know, it's more beloved to me than 1000 dinars. I would ask somebody who's sitting with the scholars and you have 1000 pounds which one would you prefer a lump sum. But he said in 1000 dinar is much more than 1000 pounds he said it's more beloved to me the sitting with this great scholar also from the scholars that he'd been in from was say that had been who was known as from the top and the best of the tambourine Who was he

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is lockup is what they used to call him and see the tab at many he was from the best of the tab eight

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sided Musa Rahim Allah tala. Also Omar took for him from him and say the Messiah he refused to interact with the rulers. He refused into their houses he refused interact with them, except for Omar Abdulaziz for he saw from him, and many of the scholars are gonna see in shadow, they started to work with him because, obviously what they saw from his methodology and his approach being that as soon as for many of them, they work with him because of this. When you look at the status of Omar Abdulaziz, he reached at a very young age as being from the major scholars. He wasn't just somebody who was a student and benefited from the scholars, but he was somebody who himself was a major

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scholar. Even when you look into the major books are from the methods of the forums, you'll see that

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they mentioned the upworthy statements of Omar Abdulaziz in their books, and the year of 87. In the digital Armada bin Abdulaziz was appointed as the governor of Almudena

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u 87. And hinged on he was made the governor of Medina by and rallied Abdul Malik, who was the halifa during that time 87 of the hijra. How old was he at the time he became the governor then?

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What do you what

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he was wearing? What year when we mentioned the beginning?

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61 Yeah, let's do the math.

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2626 years old, he became the governor, the head of El Medina.

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So he started his political life at a very young age at the age of 26. But obviously, he had reached a very high level at that time.

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As he was the governor of Medina for many years, one of the first things he did was that he made the register shorter around him who matches the shorter meaning the group that he will go back to as advisories for him, he made them from the scholars, the one he would sit around, they were from the sleight of hand from the pious people from the scholars, so he could he could benefit from them and they would be able to show him what was right and what's wrong. That was one of his conditions, and being the governor and the year 92 of the digital

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and hijas. Even Yousuf was appointed as the Emir of hatch valve elite.

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Even Abdul Malik was the creeper.

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This was something very disturbing for Omar bin Abdulaziz because him as most of the Muslims during that time, had a very strong hatred towards el * bin use of a third coffee because of the volume and the oppression that he did upon the earth.

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And because of this, he asked the elite if he would not allow

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a judge to enter into Medina and only granted him this permission. But this made a judge very upset. And Hajin. In general, he had a problem with Omar Abdulaziz because the people used to run away from the judge, they would run were to to Medina. So the ones he wants to get in and off and he wants to execute or imprison or whatever, they will run away and they will run to Medina, anybody who came to Medina, or whatever disease would give them a safe haven and he wouldn't judge trust them. Therefore, this became a problem for law judge after this. It was a bit of an he looked at as a humiliation, the fact that he wasn't allowed to enter into Medina because of Omar Abdulaziz. So he

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decided to take revenge. And what did he do take revenge, he convinced elite about the importance of having a strong suit to having a strong government and that they he wouldn't be able to implement the law implement the Sharia if they were not strict. Therefore, he said the people who are running away they're running to Omar Abdullah is easy to find a safe haven and this is a danger for the khilafah. Therefore, he convinced him to remove all Mohammed Abdul Aziz, as the governor of Medina. As he was leaving he left decide to leave Medina to go to Damascus or towards them as he was leaving he went out with his servant Ms. And he broke down into tears. Rahim Allah tala. Obviously the most

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of his upbringing is in Medina. He's attached to Medina and he reached a place on the way out

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Call the leader. And he had a house and a form there. And he stayed there for some time reflecting and seeing what his next move should be.

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And what do you think now somebody of this status, he's from the royal family himself. During that time, he's somebody who's a scholar has a very high position, high status between the people. What?

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What do you what do you think, on what do you what should be his next move?

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If I get some advice, when in the future, we have a lecture going on, for the brothers who are praying and make up the salon, if there's another room, it's better for them and better for all of us. Because even though it's difficult for them to concentrate when they're talking, so maybe the brothers didn't, maybe they started before us, I didn't pay attention. But if that was the case, we apologize, but obviously, we have a program. So it's better if you come late, you can pray in the other room, because it's better for your concentration, as well, as if the speaker is going to be talking. It's distracting for the people listening. It's distracting also for the people who are

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praying. So I believe there is another place over here, if I'm not mistaken, where they could pray probably have more peace in general.

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Just maybe I'll call on what you the next movie, what do you think?

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Back to education.

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But is this going to have the the huge impact on Omar or if he maybe tries to stay in politics somehow? Is that going to have a stronger impact

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than politics? Okay, how do we stay in. And this is very important to what I want to focus on this because what we're going to see now from that even Abdulaziz

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is the correct methodology, and how to fix the political problems from within how to solve some of the problems. Now, he was a governor of one of the most important cities in the Islamic lab, which is in Medina, and even in the year 91. Also a bife came under his thing. So all of the ages, he became the governor. Okay, yes. So at a very high status. Now this is taken away from him. So he's just gonna go back, hit the books again.

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And benefit more from that as possible. But obviously, he's looking deeper into how he can benefit the oma. So he decided to move to Damascus, where the Corrado was during that time to be close to elite so he could advise him and be close to him, and hopefully fix some of the corruption and some of the problems that were happening during the oma. And here we see not getting on the member talking about literally knocking on member talking about a judge, but go into them directly and advising them in private to try to fix the the affairs of the oma. He went and he moved to Damascus. And he started to advise it would eat now, Hamilton, really they weren't on the best of terms,

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because it will lead looked at the end. That's why you say why was that Hajaj there? Why are you such a an oppressor and such an evil person? Why was he there and will lead and others they looked at the having a strong government and being forceful as the way of keeping things in order, law and order will be with the stick. And with the sword if necessary. Omar Abdulaziz his opinion was that if we were to establish Adam, justice, that every that was all the other problems we saw, we implement Islam purely for Iran sooner, we have the whole of Russia Dean, we have the Sahaba and implement justice upon earth, and that's gonna solve all the problems. And we didn't agree with this

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approach. So they weren't on the best of terms. But nonetheless, he still respected him. Obviously, he's the one who appointed him as the governor of Medina. And I will suggest later, so there was a type of respect, even though there was some tension between the two,

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or more broadly, a loved one. And one of the things he focused on the beginning, was one of the things that became widespread was the execution of people who followed killing people. And he explained to the elite, the danger of this, he said, after the Chautauqua, the loss of power, what's the most dangerous sins, is spilling the blood of an innocent individual. Therefore, he said, You need to put into law that none of your governors anywhere in the Islamic State are allowed to execute any prisoners, or anybody found guilty until they get the permission from you directly. And you see, what is the what is the case, and then you pass the ruling. And this is going to make it

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What? Calm down. And it worked on him down for some time, but obviously, who judge a judge, he wanted to what's

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continuing what he was doing with implementing with the iron fist and with the sword. So he came up with a way to overturn this new law. And that was he brought in an individual from the huria, which was a group of the coverage. And he said, These are the people who are rebelling against you because of this law passed by the you work that you passed, because of what Omar Abdullah as he said, so he brought him in front of him and he started to ask him about the different calibers. He said, What do you say about Malia and he said he's a volume is an impressive one.

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Do you say about your z? You know, he said negative things about him. I've done a medic, the father of elite. What do you say about him? He said he was a presser. And then he came, what do you say about the elite himself. And he's listening all this and he said that he's the worst of them the worst of the worse, you know. So he's he's he slandering and cursing and all of the holdover of Benny omiya, in front of elite slowly became very angry and ordered that he won't be executed, because he went against, obviously, the rulers and went out of the bar, therefore, and he just said, You see what I'm saying. And he was able to try here to overturn the law put, by or there was put by

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lead after being convinced by Omar Abdulaziz. With this, he continued to advise, until towards the end of the time, and when he decided to change the Crown Prince, or the one who was going to be the cliff after him, which was supposed to be his brother's Sulayman. And he wanted to change it to be his son, Abdulaziz elite. And Omar Abdulaziz became very angry with this. And he stood a very strong stance in the face of elite and he told him this is not acceptable. And that's the kitchen in the right way towards Suleyman. And then it really became very angry with him. And he locked him up in his house and ordered that they build in the on the front door, they come with mud, which is the

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there's cement during the day that they write, and they would close the door up so he couldn't exit his house. So basically put him on an on house arrest. And he stayed like that for a couple of days, about three days, until Albany in who is his sister, and he she was married to elite convinced her husband that he had to remove it. So he after three days, he removed this, but nonetheless, the tension remains after this, but he was convinced that what I was saying was correct. And he left his brother Suleyman to be the halifa after him. So after the death of that, really,

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Solomon, he will have the medic, he became the believer of the muslimeen. And here is where the opportunity to go an opportunity for change came with oma and it's very important that you focus on this, because as the scholars mentioned, when you look at what Omar accomplished, and the short time as the clever, the foundation was actually built here he was building it during the time of the lead, but really strong foundation was built during the time of Solomon. And right away, Suleiman made him one of his was one of his ministers that was with him at all times, whether he was present in Damascus or he was traveling almost even Abdul Aziz was with him at all times. And Omar him Why

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did Suleiman choose Omar as he was much different from his brother, his brother.

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Woody was more impressed with himself and he thought highly of himself, where Solomon didn't have that and his personality, also cinema he was convinced and the way of Omar bin Abdulaziz and also because of the stance that Omar Abdulaziz had in support of Suleiman. That's why he, he made him very close to him. It wasn't just

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Omar Omar Aziz also had many other scholars around him during that time. So Superman, he was doing a very good job. And he started to change many of the things. And from the main things that they accomplished with the advice of Omar Abdulaziz, first of all, that they were able to remove all of the

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the governor's that were from the followers of a judge, a judge, he had died before that, but it all the people who are on his way, and implementing the things that he did, all of them were removed during this time. Also the issue of the salaat because it will lead he used to delay a lot of law and also for some reason he saw as a benefit. So they removed the move the Select back to the correct times to the beginning times when they pray the door at the beginning, and the answer at the beginning. So these are some of the things that were accomplished. Omar Abdulaziz continue to advise him and he would make income when he saw something that was wrong. And it's very important to see

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because some people say now, where are the lemma? Why are the scholars not speaking out? Why is the Riba and the Muslim countries? Why is that this where the scholars Why are they speaking out? So we have to go on YouTube and speak out against the rulers to be on the hub? Or we can do like Omar Ahmed Abdul Aziz and advise privately Well, I have to tell you, because we know the scholars personally the major scholars all advise the rulers

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but is it can they make the ruler Listen,

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he can advise he that's his job is to advise, not in all cases, they have the ability to physically remove them. It's happened in some cases, even in modern history, where the scholars have removed peacefully Alhamdulillah some of the rulers but any in most cases, all you have the authority to do as a scholar as a student is to advise them and to show them. So here, he advised them for example, when they went to Medina one time, Suleiman, he spent big money on giving the people of Medina

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giving them soda cuts. He and he was very proud of what he did about giving all this money, all this charity to the people. So he asked Omar, what do you

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Think about what I did.

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What do you think? And he said, I don't see that you did anything special except making the rich people richer. And you didn't solve the issue of the poor people, because the people who around him were the people who already had money. And he just gave them more money. Him not realizing or not looking at like that he looked at as I'm giving charity, it's a good thing. But Omar was saying that it's more important to give the people who are more needy also are advised about something else, which is rather than avoid him, which is to return the things that were unlawfully taken, because many of the things and when I see this, and this Yeah, so the politics of Omar he focused on

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returning everything to the rightful owners are returning to the the money of the Muslims because some of the rulers of Benny Romania, some of the princes and rulers, they, they did take advantage a bit of the authority they had, but it's important to point out because a lot of the enemies of Islam

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they focus and they try to slander Benny omega like they were an evil government, whereas they had a lot of good demand. Even Kathy Rahim, Allah when he talked about manual mayor, he talked about them positively. He said they had a lot of good, they, they had a they fought in the path of Allah subhanho wa Taala. they conquered many of the lands during their time for the for the for them for the Muslim nation. At the same time, they implemented an AMA model for the quarter that was good name for beta, which is evil, they support it, the AMA, the scholars, they supported the spread of knowledge. So there was a lot of good, but just like similar if you look at some Muslim countries

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today, when there is a lot of good but at the same time, sometimes having the authority and having that type of money in your hands. Sometimes people might take advantage of that. So one of the things that Omar Abdulaziz he focused on was returning all of that to the, to the to the to the Muslim estate, and at the same time,

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he started to build the foundation now obviously wasn't done 100% during the time of Superman, but the idea started during that time. And we'll mention that more time when he comes into the Philippines. altona.

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One day during Hutch

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they were standing and there was Suliman was very happy to see on the day of out of the amount of Muslims who had come for Hajj with them. He was impressed by the numbers. And he said, look at all of the Muslims here today.

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He's happy to see the amount of oma but Omar Abdulaziz took this as a lesson

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for Tobia for himself and for

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emphasis a man. He said today the euro area that you're responsible for them today, and they're under your command today. But tomorrow, they will be your adversary. There'll be hostile opium opium they're going to come against you know, pm if you didn't mean if you didn't fulfill your rights as the halifa against them. You're going to be held accountable. You'll know Fiamma and hearing this Suleyman

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Rahim Allah broke down into tears and he said belaya stain I seek the assistance of a law

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during this time,

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sorry, man one day as he was going for Juma. He looked into the mirror and he had a very fancy

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type of garment, green garment on as he was going on. And it looked he was impressed with himself. And he looked in the mirror, he said, and disheveled Melaka, you're the youth who is the king, the ruler, he knows at a very young age and is very powerful. And you do not have good after he gave the hood. But they said he felt he felt very ill. And the scars mentioned that perhaps he

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gave a line to himself and pay attention for

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giving the evil eye.

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You can give it to yourself. This is very possible. This is the story here. What happened with him?

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Also even for your own children, is it possible to have your own family evil I

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I met a brother,

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his son became very ill as well. Our family and son was very, very successful in his studies. And everything he did. He became very ill. They took him to all of the doctors all around the world they traveled, they were in a Muslim country traveled in here to the UK to other places in Europe, couldn't find anything wrong with him. They took him different shifts to have him read in this to him. They realize he was affected by the evil eye. And then who was it from his own father, who was so impressed with him and didn't say a lot about it when he used to see the status and what his son has accomplished. So it's very important always when we see something we like we say Allah Mubarak,

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even if it's from ourselves, or from those close to us, as he became ill and he knew he was about to die, there was a scholar who was very close to Him,

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who he looked for his advice. And

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he once again, we see the importance of having

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the people who are going to advise you at the time of need, the ones who are going to and his name is Raja, even Hayward, Al Kindi, and he asked him

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Should I make the route after me? Should it be my brother? Should it be this? And he's and his son was obviously too young at the time.

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And he had the idea, Raja, that the river after him should be more than Abdelaziz. And he knew what this would happen to accomplish the oma if Omar were to become the halifa.

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So he didn't answer them. He said, maybe there's something better. Maybe they so he kept kind of delaying it, and tried to tell him indirectly, he didn't want to tell him or monopolize he wanted to come from him.

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So he said to him,

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you know, think about it. Maybe there's somebody who's better than than your brother, somebody who's better than this. So he said to him,

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at the end, he said, Surely, man, he said that.

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I was thinking, but he said, you know what my brothers wouldn't accept our family wouldn't accept it. What if I put on Mohammed Abdul Aziz? And he said, that's the best opinion he's announcing that he's came from his own mouth. rajasah Yeah, that's it. So you need to choose.

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And anyways, they sat down, they talked about he said, all you have to do is put one of your brothers one of the family members after Omar no accepted.

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So as they did this, he had it. He had him write it down, and his will see it and he said, I will read it to the people after you die. And when he died, he left the people and he didn't tell him right away that he had died. And then he gathered all of the close family members and told him now

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Suleiman has passed away they said, and then he left he went, and he said, I will take the bait

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the allegiance from each one of you individually,

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to the one that he left behind as the Khalifa.

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Pay attention. Now look at look at the wisdom of the scholars. He didn't come and say, okay, it's Omar. He said, I'm gonna take the allegiance from you first, before I read to you.

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The will see or they will he left behind.

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So they all gave the mayor the allegiance to the one that suited my left behind as the Khalifa. And then he started to read the letter from Suleyman until he came to Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz,

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as he said this,

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as he said, this is one of them was a sham, one of the members of the family, he said, we'll never give him our allegiance, you'll never be our leader. What was the motive of Raja even Heywhat, the scholar, he said, sit down, I will chop your head off.

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He's the scholar speaking to one of the princes. He says not an option. This is this is a this is a allegiance to the to the ruler. We don't say it's against Islam to go against the ruler. Here's the believer. He said, this is gonna be the cliff after him. He said, we won't give more allegiance after heard was Omar, he said, sit down, I will chop your head off.

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He sat down, and he gave his allegiance. And everybody else agreed with him that he would be the ruler. Before this Omar, he kind of he was very intelligent, he understood that it was going to be left for him. So he kept asking him Did he put my name on it? Because if he did, he said, let me go to him. Now I still alive to have everyone because he didn't want to be the Khalifa his responsibility now.

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So he said if he let me know, but Raja, he wouldn't let anybody know. Everybody kept asking him and some of the other brothers who is it? And he said, I stopped my I'm not entitled to tell you. I have written down I'll keep it with me until he dies and he passes away.

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As it was he was known that he was the Khalifa almost immediately changed and many things. And he got up and he gave a whole bunch of it to the people. We focused on his methodology in the Philippines. The first thing he said is that choose a different Khalifa. I don't want to be overly focus. He wants to give them their own choice. You guys choose the Khalifa. I don't want to be the Khalifa. So it wasn't something that he wanted, because why would he want it? What do you think?

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Why would you want me to hurry because he wants to make the change. You can see he moved to Damascus to be with elite. He was the Minister of Suleyman. So he wants to make the change. He knows making the change through politics even as a scholar is important.

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So why would he not want to be the halifa?

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Was that?

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Okay, that's that's a good point. You want to see the reaction of the people to see if they want really wanted him or not? That could be a possibility. That's a good point. But why else wouldn't he want to be the 30 for

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the big fitness and a big What?

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responsibility? You're no longer an advisor or minister. You're the ones in charge of all of the Muslim states around the world, the whole Muslim Empire you're in charged.

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That's it. That's a big responsibility.

00:29:39 --> 00:29:51

And we know we're going to be held accountable that you'll know what the AMA is. The man was very strong. What's going to happen when he stands in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. He didn't want to have that type of responsibility on his shoulders. But when the people cried out, no, no, we only want you as our Khalifa.

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Then he knew that he had no choice but to stay at the river. So he gave them a ceremony. The whole bunch handled his first call, but we're not going to read

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The whole buzz word for word but when I mentioned a shout out some of the things that he mentioned in the scope of the show how he was going to rule the country. What do you guys think? What are the most important things he needs to focus on?

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Now when established Bismillah

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ever want to establish the hereafter? What are the key things for this craft to be successful? Any

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other justice very good, what else?

00:30:27 --> 00:30:30

What needs to be our constitution? What needs to be the foundation?

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knowledge? What else?

00:30:34 --> 00:30:35

Quran and Sunnah.

00:30:37 --> 00:30:37

What else?

00:30:41 --> 00:30:45

honesty, or hate or jealousy for the dean.

00:30:46 --> 00:30:48

What else needed we needed to be successful.

00:30:50 --> 00:30:52

For the heart to have a strong military,

00:30:55 --> 00:31:27

ministry, trust of the oma. All of these things are important. Here. He said. First of all, he said the main thing was to adhere to the Koran into the center, there's the first thing and that he was not prepared to listen to any disputes on issues of Islamic law. He said because the religion the ground, he said it's very clear. And this is how we have to we have to implement the deen through the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah. And what a law made lawful and prohibited is something that is clear. There's no need for disputes and that which is clear about the deen

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understanding one, and then we can debate different things. We can research different things we have to do that obviously. But the foundation of the deen is very clear the premises and I'm setting the Hadith. And we mentioned last night we talked about his creed that everything that Omar disease says and does. It's taken directly from either the Quran and the Sunnah, or the Coronavirus, God, never you'll find anything he said I did except it's right there. The professor said him he said in the Hara vein, when al-harbi that the halaal is clear, and the alarm is clear. So he made that very, very clear from the beginning. He said, and he made it very clear that he will reject any forms of

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data or fabricated opinions and the pure Quran and Sunnah, on the way of the early generations of the Muslim, he also made it clear that those who are going to be connected with him, and those were going to work with them, that they have to have five qualities, the criteria for them is five things. First of all, he needs to be able to raise to the halifa the needs of the people or the people can't raise to himself. He wants, what are the people need, he wants to know, what are the people need. And those people have the ability to know and to bring it to him, those are the people he wants around him. Also, he wants those that will help help him to do good through his efforts,

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and to help him implement and obviously stay away from that which is evil. And also he wants the ones who want to advise him for the good of the oma. And he wants the ones who are gonna forbid anyone who wants to get close to him with the aim of cheating or deceiving him. And also, he wants the ones to be closer to his associates to be the ones who will not interfere with the government matters. And that which does not concern them. So these are some of the criteria he put for those who wanted around them, the ones who were going to be giving him advice and giving advice for the woman to help him and to help the oma. And this shows you very clearly one of the strategies he put

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from the beginning about the issue of the short and shallow which we'll talk about a bit later in Sultana

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he also warned one time about the dangers of getting trapped and following the worldly affairs. And he appealed to them the importance of bettering their inner selves. And he warned that it's important to return to Allah subhana wa tada before it's too late. So these are some of the things that also he said he made a vow that

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anyone who was untrue when he would not withhold that will do

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anything from anything that wasn't true. And that the only time that it's our job upon the people to obey Him is that when he obeys the law, so he made the vow to them, to not give to anything that is untrue, and to not withhold from anyone, anything that which is true, and that they must obey Him and that which is obedience to Allah subhanaw taala is also taken from the teachings of who

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the only obey and that was the obedience to a law.

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Put he learned this from

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Masuda La la la la, la la mahalo fimasartan colic, there's no obedience to the creation and the disobedience of the Creator upon wattana.

00:34:34 --> 00:34:45

The only obey the creation that which is obedience to Allah. He made it very clear to the people this is what he was upon. From the first time he got upon the member. He made some drastic changes right away.

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Now the brothers was kept saying something over here in the beginning we did the group work in the beginning, about being a shepherd.

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And had all the prophets were shepherds is true, but not as easy

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He wasn't a shepherd.

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One of the things you know what he was was somebody who was very spoiled. He was brought up from the ruling family. He was a prince. He was a he was a he was a leader. And he didn't take advantage of the early things. But he had certain things that became customary. When there was a nice ride, having a night very nice though.

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The perfumes which they have from all around the world, the mosque and what have you. Even they said that the people want to wash their clothes, with the clothes of Omar Abdulaziz because of the fragrance that will come from his clothes to their clothes just being washed in the same place. So he was somebody who was well taken care of we know from the story in the beginning, when he missed this a lot, because he was getting his hair done. And carries it. That's how they were. So he had the blessings in front of them. But he realized right away that these type of things, were going to distract him from his objectives, and also could harm his what

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is Nia if he's too attached to these worldly things. So he immediately from the first day, left all of these things, he changed his style of dress, he became rough and how he dressed, he immediately rejected to ride a nicer horse or nicer ride. And he said, leave me with my buckle with my mule that I have. And they said that the scholar Raja even haywire when he when he heard him refused to take this, you know, the the best type of horse, the fancy type of horse or whatever, or the expensive tape, and just stay with his meal, he knew that he had made a good choice and making that disease, and then focus on him being the next Khalifa because he wasn't gonna be someone who was distracted

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by the dunya. When they said, Here's your new house, the presidential palace or the Palace of the halifa. He rejected it. And he said, I'm going to stay in a small mud house, which is in the general neighborhood with the general Muslim general population.

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He went to his house the first night. And he went to his wife Fatima,

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the daughter of who

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Abdulmalik the Father, the daughter of the believer, the wife of the new halifa, the sister of the other whoever,

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the granddaughter of one of the believers, she said, this is a royal, * royal family, you can't get more than that. Here she is.

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And she has, obviously Jews, gold and this type of thing given to her from her father,

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Omar, he said, the Jews that you have been given, he said, You have an option, you can keep your Jews.

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But I have to leave you.

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You make a choice, either me or the Jews, because I can't stay in the same house with all of this, all this type of wealth. So you can return it to beta Malmsteen and return to the money of the Muslims. Or

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he said I have to separate myself from it. She said I won't choose anything other than uyama. Because herself even though she was very rich, and very sport as well. During that time, she was also somebody who was very, very pious.

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As Omar became the creeper and started, one of the main things that he started with right away

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was the importance of

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the ones who around him, having the scholars around him having the knowledge be spread, focusing on the dour and focusing on random animal volume, returning everything that was rightfully belongs to somebody else, or might have been taken advantage of because of the position that people were in. And what were the what is the best way for him to start doing this?

00:38:39 --> 00:38:42

What's the best way for him to start implementing this new law?

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does start with himself. And that's exactly what he did. Anything that he owned, whether it was land and belongings, he mainly sold them and return the money to the to the Muslim state right away any anything that he had didn't leave himself with anything because he didn't want it to be. And he want to be the Roma, the example when it comes to his cousins and his uncles and all these people to get them to return the things. He starts with himself to be the role model for the people, obviously, how do you think that

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his family who were very rich and very well off, and they had all these pleasures of the dunya? How do you think

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they took to his new strategy of taking the things away from them and making them normal? They had their certain pay they would get but it was nothing special. It will get them by all the things they had from wealthy started to take it from them returning to

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to the Muslim state.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:53

How do you think they felt about it?

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

If they were happy to now be a normal

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To lose their wealth,

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they were very upset. And it became a big problem for them. Because they're used to a certain lifestyle, all the sudden, it's taken from them.

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And here

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and he this was a difficult task that he did. And then something was not easy to do. And even his son of the medic, who was very strong, and is he any man, he came to his father at a very young age. And he told him, You have to do it. Now you have to return everything now. And he told me, so I have to do it slowly. Because he said, I think if I take it all at once, he said, they will leave everything from Islam all at once, even though what he did was a very drastic change. But it says son, he wants to do it to do everything at once. So he tried to use Hickman doing it gradually, and obviously, by starting with himself, and then started with his wife, to show the example to them. So

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now his family started to sit together. And they have a problem with him, they want to try to fix the problem by

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advising him. So the first thing they did, they wrote him a letter, which if you read the letter, it has a bit of a threat in it to him, you know, be careful, watch yourself. You messed up everything. So it was a message sent to him. It didn't affect him at all. After that, the next step was they went to try to work to convince him anyway, in a nice way, one of the cousins visited him and advised him. And Omar told him basically the same thing. This is a matter of trust the last part with us, we have to continue down this path. After this, he went, they bought one of his aunts who everybody respected in the family, and nobody would reject any of any of her requests. And even from

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the moment that Aziz when he was in charge, anything she would ask for he would give to her. So she came to him and started to advise him about the problems they were facing and what was happening because of his his new approach, and how this was dangerous for him. And she was trying to get him to go back on some of his rulings. And then he became angry and said, I'm never gonna go back from what Allah Subhana Allah has commanded me to do. She said to him, I'm afraid that they will go against you, they will vote against you one day. And he said, to be honest, he said, I feel that day. But he said, I fear the day. They said, he said, but I won't feel that day when I stand in

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front of Allah subhanaw taala.

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He said, I fear the day that they will rebel against me. But he said, I won't fear it when I stand up for the loss of power without a why because I do what I'm supposed to do. And there's a lesson for all of us. Is that the importance of fulfilling our role

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as Muslims many times what can we do for the moment is to fulfill your role as a Muslim. What is your role as a Muslim? All the time we're looking for what other people can do now he's he's in charge now. So it's something different, but what can we do here now?

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What can we do for the oma?

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Follow Quran Sunnah. Excellent. What else can we do?

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education, educate ourselves, educate others.

00:43:11 --> 00:43:14

Give our excellent what are some other things we can do?

00:43:18 --> 00:43:19

Give us a cut.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:26

Well, we have to realize that when all of us have a role, and this is something we don't realize, we're always waiting for somebody else to do something.

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Waiting for the leader is waiting for the masjid waiting for those in the allameh waiting for somebody else and we don't do it. We're sitting back and kind of watching what the brother mentioned in the beginning. If all of us will return to Allah subhanaw taala and implement the deen as the key thing. If all of us come back and return to a loss of power wattana and act upon Islam

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is that simple. We want to help the ummah. Allah subhana wa tada made it clear to us and Oprah. Yeah, let me know in tonzura law.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:09

Oh, you will believe if you support a law allow support you will return to almost a panel with all of us fulfilling our role by being true Muslims as the key thing and shadow. It's all tied to our success.

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Omar, Omar Abdullah Aziz Rahim Allah he focused from the beginning, we said on the importance of establishing justice and adult especially when himself when his family and then he focused on the importance of implementing the poor and the sooner acting upon it and spreading knowledge. Teaching people he looked at this as being one of the the key objectives and the key responsibilities as the Khalifa is to teach the people their Deen and that is the role of all of us as Muslims as a father to teach your children their Deen. One of the key responsibilities for us to spread the deen to other people. We sit in the hope but the other day, but what happened in London and hamdulillah.

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Now, most of the non Muslims they realize that this is something doesn't represent Islam. Nonetheless, it's now upon us on

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The time that we have to apologize for what some nutcase does, who was who was a Muslim. Obviously, this doesn't represent us. It doesn't represent our Deen. But we we need to be taking advantage of this sometimes to what show people what true Islam is our neighbors, our colleagues at work. It can be a Dhow opportunity for us to show them not always be on defense. We're sorry. But why are we sorry, what somebody else did, because we don't we don't like it, we don't have to go apologize for his mistake. Because something that harms us. And we say more than it actually harms even non Muslims, because we're the one who gets the backlash.

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So it's something that's harmful for us as well. Something that goes against us and something if it's done in the name of a religion, especially, what's important is that we take the opportunity to show me what Islam really is, we're here in this country, we need to show people what true Islam is. So we focused on spreading the deen on spreading the knowledge and having people understand what true Islam is. And this is very important, he also focused on utilizing the scholars, not just as scholars who sit around as molana sub teaching people and getting fed to us, he used them for some of the most strategic things in the government. He used them to be

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governors, many of the scholars became governors in different parts. He used them to be in charge of beta the men of the the treasure of the country, you find them, many of them were the scholars, the ones who around him, the advisors, they were the scholars, he sent them different places to teach the people he certain certain scholars to the blue, to the ones who are living in a desert that teach them about what Islam really is, and what happens with knowledge. And you look in the sphere of overlap, as we said, we don't want to just bring mathematics information, what do we gain? And we benefit from this is Oh, well, when he looked at this as now, somebody who's a scholar, but he's

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also a politician. He's involved in politics. How do we have in Islam he was a any we have what they call a CSS Sharia Islamic politics we have a it's a fourth thing in Islam. So from the politics now is he's looking at how the impact of this knowledge is going to have on the oma. First of all, it's going to what helped them and the

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and in the country, being safe and being established. how's it gonna keep the country safe? When you have knowledge?

00:47:31 --> 00:47:33

How can knowledge keep the country and we can benefit from this?

00:47:35 --> 00:47:37

Right here in Birmingham, right here in the UK?

00:47:38 --> 00:47:40

The same teachers are wanting to have that disease

00:47:43 --> 00:47:44

How can knowledge keep the country safe?

00:47:50 --> 00:47:53

You know, the roles and responsibilities good What else?

00:47:58 --> 00:48:09

You know the consequences, certain actions. If anybody has ABC knowledge of Islam alphabeta knows the basics. Could somebody go drive his car I run into people as a Muslim.

00:48:12 --> 00:48:17

Especially we don't know why this guy did it in London, but other people and other countries who do it suppose in the name of Islam

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to kill the Kufa

00:48:22 --> 00:48:37

with this, if anybody has any knowledge of Islam, could they do something like this? The consequences This is and what am I gonna say yom Okayama I came in I killed a bunch of innocent people. We know we know what is what is it when you kill an innocent person? What What is the consequent Islam?

00:48:39 --> 00:48:42

Kill them all. A man can teach you the Quran right away, you have knowledge

00:48:43 --> 00:48:56

cut into my button and message me as he killed all of mankind. So right away from knowledge, you know, I can't do this. Okay, but what's happening in the Muslim countries, the Muslim being oppressed, and akufo are killing the Muslims.

00:48:58 --> 00:48:58

Is this justify

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something they taught us as we were young, barcia young children the school.

00:49:06 --> 00:49:07

two wrongs

00:49:09 --> 00:49:10

don't make a right.

00:49:12 --> 00:49:13

And this is the teaching of Islam as well.

00:49:15 --> 00:49:17

From the greatest of the Mujahideen or more

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from from recent times in Libya, when they came and they complain to him about what the Italians were doing to them, and we should do the same thing and return what was his response?

00:49:31 --> 00:49:31

What was his response?

00:49:33 --> 00:49:34

They are not our teachers.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:44

Who was our teacher, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, and the Sahaba those are our teachers and our scholars.

00:49:45 --> 00:49:59

And this is what the importance of knowledge. And that is why groups that have gone astray. They focus on making people go away from knowledge, to try to focus on emotions, on building the emotion

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People they see what's happening to the oma. And let's let's get them let's get them online and get them. Let's send them overseas. Let's get them to go for jihad.

00:50:10 --> 00:50:18

True jihad is a noble thing and Islam, no doubt about that true jihad. But when it comes to what is happening now with groups like is

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one of the things they focus on what the principle is pay attention to.

00:50:23 --> 00:50:32

When you go back to their books, and you read what they say, they have a card, a principle that they came up with, which is they say, law U of T

00:50:33 --> 00:50:34

guide limo J.

00:50:37 --> 00:50:42

Now you've t car a limo j, this is from the iOS principles, they teach their followers.

00:50:43 --> 00:51:09

And if they find you online, they'll teach you this the CFO, the scholar said this about about ISS, they'll say yeah, but but the the principal says, Now you have the core element, does this mean the one who's got it who's gonna score it? The one who's sitting down, the one who's not on the frontlines in jihad, basically, he can't give a fetch what to who to the magette. The one who's not there on the frontlines can't give it to him.

00:51:10 --> 00:51:50

If you look into the implementation of this principle, and what comes from it automatically means to throw the knowledge away. There's no knowledge left. Mr. Malik, Eva, Michel, all these great scholars, they didn't go for jihad, throw the books out the door, because they weren't from the people on the front lines. They don't understand what it means. So all of you have in the books have felt about the rulings of jihad thrown out the door. What is true Jihad thrown out the door, because they're not on the front lines. The scholars who are telling people, this is not correct, what we're seeing, you can't take from their opinion, because they're not on the front line in order to Toma,

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so we know we're on the front lines, we're the ones who'll give you the facts.

00:51:54 --> 00:52:15

So look at the way, the deviation from knowledge. That's when we come in, we study the life of Omar Abdulaziz who focused on us he knew the impact of knowledge. And one of the things the dangerous that was facing the Muslim oma during that time, one of the main groups that was against was that of the college.

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The coverage who were always rebelling against, and many of them may have been returned during the time of Omar disease because he took a different policies and how he, how he dealt with them, and debating with them. And basing on knowledge.

00:52:33 --> 00:52:39

I remember when I debated with many of the big group of youth who were affected by this ideology.

00:52:41 --> 00:52:55

I sat down with them, we discussed some of their opinions, and why they thought that this group was on the help. And they were establishing the caliphate in the days we're living in. And it sounds Mashallah implementing Islam

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when we talk to them, and so while they were, it was more of an emotional thing. Because of their status in society. They were from a group in society that was looked down upon. They were from a group in society where they lived, didn't have the same rights as others. And we look down upon therefore, they thought that if Islam was established, what's going to be established Adam, like onboarding addresses, if justice is established, then they will look at us as being from this nationality will be treated fairly, which is how this used to be this is from true Islam. But nonetheless, we talked about the actions we're seeing from this group. And it's something that goes

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against the teachings of Islam, the basics of Islam, especially when it comes to killing other Muslims making take fear of other Muslims, in Sudan or even other groups. When it comes to

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al Qaeda. They look at them as being Kufa. SubhanAllah, even one of their ladies wrote in one of the modular dabiq, they wrote that she gets advice to the women of jabatan nosler, which is no card, she sent a voice to them saying

00:54:05 --> 00:54:10

that your husbands are more tech Dune, through Kufa. Therefore you have to leave them and come and join us.

00:54:12 --> 00:54:21

In answer this, a Muslim who comes to shadow Allah and Allah and they kill him. So obviously, this is something clear to people, it's not from the teachings of Islam. Where did this come from?

00:54:22 --> 00:54:33

Not having knowledge of Islam, that having knowledge of Islam, that's the importance of us, as centers to focus on knowledge. Obviously, what's happening to the Muslims around the world, one light doesn't make any of us happy.

00:54:34 --> 00:55:00

If you're a true believer, this has to break you down into tears and you see what's happening to the Muslims around the world and the troubles they're facing. But once again, I want something I said we learned as kids two wrongs don't make a right. As we talked about in the lesson the other day, the Machiavelli principle, one, the ends justify the means. These are the teachings of Mecca Well, we have to teach them Mohammed Salah the ends don't justify the means in Islam. Therefore there's something that's wrong. We don't accept

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We're not gonna accept what's happening to the Muslim but at the same time, we're not going to come and do something which goes against the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah and the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and the way of the Sahaba. So, Omar, he focused on the issue of n. Also he focused on the importance of the Shura, what is the meaning of Shura?

00:55:21 --> 00:55:22

What is your

00:55:23 --> 00:55:24


00:55:25 --> 00:56:06

consultation or advice, having the group that you go back to and advise and the ones he put around him, were those of the scholars and the status of the shorter and Islam Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in sort of the shorter, well loneliness, the Jabu lira be him were far more solid, who among whom should have been or whom woman marries up now whom you pay attention, desire will also pan with others is those who respond to their Lord and they establish the prayer and there are a fair as determined by the shorter between them, and they give from that which we have provided for them. Amaro the last one from the first things he did when he became the governor of Medina, he

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established he established the khilafah he established the Shura, with the scholars being around him. And obviously, when he became the, the flavor later, he continued, obviously doing that, by having the scholars be around him and being in the advisors.

00:56:25 --> 00:57:01

And this obviously, we also we saw Suleyman, when he died, what happens when you have the pious and the good people around you the ones who advise you with that which is correct, and help you out and keep you away from that, which is one. And we talked about the beginning, the brother mentioned obviously having the the good friends and the good people are the ones who are going to remind you, and that's important for us even as individuals as important for us, as in the budget, when the people who are shorter in dementia, who should they be the ones who are going to advise us and tell us that which is wrong. And and as the one of the scholars who actually who taught

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Omar Abdulaziz, one of his main scholars, he had said to one of his friends one time he said tell me that which I don't want to hear.

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We look for advice. He said, tell me that which I don't want to hear that was your dislike, because the true one who advises you is the one who tells you that what you don't want to hear. They don't come and tell you my show brother you have this from goodness. We don't have all the promises tell him he said and me know me Rafi, that the believer is the mirror of his of his brother. you advise him on modern hobbies to say Rahim Allah Imran de la up he said may Allah have mercy upon the one who gives me as a gift my faults, so we only want to improve ourselves. So this is why obviously he made sure that he had the

00:57:48 --> 00:57:58

the good people around him to advise him or him a lot on how much time we would have to issue so few minutes since I was a few months we'll take the break and saltado and we'll continue after that generation

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from the things that are more focused on as well when he established a philosopher.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:15

We mentioned some of the effects that the characteristics which made him so successful. What do you think are the characters that may almost so successful?

00:58:17 --> 00:58:24

What made him his characteristics? We said in the beginning what we would need but what do you think made him so successful as an individual as a diva

00:58:27 --> 00:58:29

sincerity excellent. What else

00:58:31 --> 00:58:32

is taqwa

00:58:33 --> 00:58:34

is knowledge.

00:58:36 --> 00:58:38

Perseverance excellent. What else?

00:58:41 --> 00:58:42


00:58:44 --> 00:58:45

what is selflessness

00:58:46 --> 00:58:49

now what? Okay about himself Okay, very good.

00:58:51 --> 00:58:52

Is that actually a word there? I was it.

00:58:55 --> 00:59:00

I increase my vocabulary tonight. I understood what it meant, but I'd never heard it as a word before actually. So let's take a look here.

00:59:10 --> 00:59:13

And I did justice. Excellent. What else

00:59:15 --> 00:59:16

to be

00:59:18 --> 00:59:18

said something.

00:59:20 --> 00:59:31

That was excellent. how humble was the Kudo? Excellent. Dakota when you when you want to implement something whenever you want to see you act first. If you're acting against obviously there's going to be have the opposite results.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:34

What else one?

00:59:36 --> 00:59:38

perseverance when the brothers mentioned

00:59:40 --> 00:59:42

something a key thing you guys are missing.

00:59:44 --> 00:59:46

Consistency all of us correct.

00:59:47 --> 00:59:48

But what I mentioned,

00:59:50 --> 00:59:51

what was the approach the worldly affairs

00:59:53 --> 00:59:59

result of being attached to the dunya and what are the key things that made him so successful? inshallah tada after the

01:00:00 --> 01:00:20

The break inshallah we'll talk about these in some detail we'll take a break now inshallah I don't know if the freshman's have arrived hopefully they have, where's the brothers who are in charge anybody here? They can see that this was to be some refreshments so inshallah you guys want to prepare yourself with the salon channel sign up and have something to drink. We'll continue inshallah in some detail about these characteristics of the salon journal article.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:06

Oh boy,

01:06:09 --> 01:06:09


01:06:20 --> 01:06:21


01:06:39 --> 01:06:40


01:06:48 --> 01:06:50

Edwin everyone

01:07:27 --> 01:07:27


This talk was delivered at the Green Lane Masjid on March 25, 2017.

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