Abdur-Raheem McCarthy – The Life And Times Of Umar Ibn Abdul-Aziz 03

Abdur-Raheem McCarthy
AI: Summary © The interviewer of Omar Omar was thought to be the most successful man in Islam's history. The interviewer used his language to make people feel like he was the most successful man and the most unique and successful. Omaruggib used his language to convince people to change and not just try to convince them to change. The importance of learning about Islam and working hard to strengthen one's mind and body is emphasized. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a video about staying true to Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salam ala rasulillah salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Wa, if I could just ask if everybody could take it see and remain silent. And if you want to talk, you can just do through those doors in Sharla and Toka size in the lobby area.

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So I just asked everyone to quiet down a bit, please and Shannon.

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We're going to start the third session now inshallah and it's going to last till about 915 and then we'll have another 15 minute break. The whole program today will we're going to aim to finish at about 1030 inshallah.

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And just before I start, just for those who have just come in for HSN, I'm staying now

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if you're parked in the mustard carpark then and you're blocking anyone in a double path and just move your car to the I think you can park and Morrison's and that's got a three hour time limit you can park there for also if everyone could turn their phones on silent. And if I just asked two brothers again one more time if they can all just quiet down a bit inshallah

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because at the back if you just quiet on the bench ah

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okay, and also Can I ask everybody to please move as close as you can to the stage

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and fill in all the gaps inshallah.

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Okay, we'll pass over to the Chef

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smilla hamdulillah Salatu, salam, ala rasulillah, wa wila, alihi, wa sahbihi Omen, whatever.

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So as we mentioned in the beginning of the first session,

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and the the Sierra, the biography, the life of Omar Abdulaziz knows a very short life. It's so deep, and there's so many things to benefit.

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It's difficult to choose what to mention and what to leave out. It's absolutely amazing. And this any reminds us

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that we should go back and read his car ourselves and read it in our houses. The book is rather big as we mentioned, 733 pages. But if you were just to divide it five pages a day, and we may read with your family and read his Cyril, you're going to find so much benefit, that we're going to mention what we can tonight and show all the time. And what we want to focus on in this session. More than just you know, telling the stories of what happened his life is what made him so unique. And what were the characteristics he had. They made him successful as an individual and then we'll look into

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what made his reformed. As we know from the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as we mentioned, the whole book that Allah sends every 100 years

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an individual to this religion, who revived the religion for the oma and no doubt is the consensus of the scholars that this was not the disease during his time. So what what what made him so unique, and what made his reform so successful? And then perhaps in the last session, inshallah, we will look at one of his key contributions to the oma that we don't tend to focus on too much other than the students of knowledge will mention that in General Townsend will mentioned the last days of his life, and what we gained from that and shuttle Tada. So one of the key things that made him so unique and so special, is what his wife,

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who was his wife, we always talk about was the name.

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But the moment of the medic, she said about her husband, that he was not accurate nurse Salatin while actor home CMN he wasn't the move from the people who prayed the most, or fasted the most. But she said well law he I've never seen anybody who has

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More fear of a law in his heart than our model.

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So what made him so unique was his fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the great scholar McCool, he said that I've never seen anybody who had more Zoot or fear of a law than Omar Abdullah Aziz.

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And this fear of Allah subhanho wa Taala is one of the things that made him so successful. Because he realized the reality of everything you do in this dunya you're going to be held accountable for it, no matter how big or how small for me, yeah, melmoth, cotton,

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Clara era, when a young man with cotton shirt right there, whoever does an Adam's weight of good, he's going to see it, whoever it was an Adam's weight of evil, who's going to see it that small, we're going to see your milk gamma, all of us memorize these verses, but how many of us reflected on it in his actions? How many of us put this into action? We actually think so. panela you know, what, is that I like this, this this pen, I'm going to take it home with me. It's from the masjid when they think about what Allah is going to ask me about this pin in my family, something small. But this, this was something that small, he will be asked about, we told you the story about the

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lantern, and how he wouldn't use the lantern, when he was doing his own personal things. He would sit with his card in

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there, him and he his servant. And he would they would sit in the dark when they're talking about their personal affairs because he didn't want to use the money of the Muslim state. This reality of yomo fiama of standing in front of a loss of powder wattana to be held accountable is one of the key things that made him so unique and so successful. Realizing the reality because as a as a leader Now, every step he takes everything he says everything he does, every ruling he passes, he knows he's gonna be held accountable for it. Also, one of the things that made him so successful with his was his zoo, in the dunya, not being attached to the worldly affairs and being able to leave the

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worldly affairs.

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Even after Aziz when he looked into the Koran, and reflected on the Quran and reflected on the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. And he reflected on the reality of this life. What is the reality of this life?

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What are we in this dunya? What are the promises lm teaches? COVID dunya Nick, variable, oh abbulu severe to be in this life as a stranger or somebody who's just passing through

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with the promises that I'm told us if the dunya was equal to the, the the wing of a mosquito? What did he say? That Allah subhanho wa Taala wouldn't have given if it meant anything to a loss of panels or this dunya that even the weight of this of the, the wing of the of the biota of the mosquito that Allah subhana wa tada wouldn't have given the disbeliever a little bit of water. And here we see the reality that his duty means nothing to Allah subhana wa Tada. And it meant nothing to the prophets that Allahu Allah he was sent him in his actions. Therefore, you see the same thing and the actions of Omar Abdulaziz Mr. Malik him dinar he said that people say Malik Eman dinar has

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suit. But he said the true one who has the hood is Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz.

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Why would he be the true one? One who truly has Omar Abdulaziz, why would this be? Why was this so unique?

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I have to think about it.

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Very good. He's from the royal family. He's rich. He has the union in front of him and he left it now like some of us were poor. And we say you know what, let's have to hit in the dunya. We don't have anything anyways. It's easy for us, because you're miskeen you don't have anything right. But I want him to have disease. He has everything in front of me has all the riches, he can have anything he wants from the dunya but yet, he leaves it.

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And this would lead him to one of his other main qualities, which is that of a well thought of being simple. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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said about being humbled having told that whoever has the tomato for law, Rafa hola de la superato raised him and his status and we see this and implementation in the end the life of the disease that he made himself very humble. have very simple and very simple and Allah subhana wa tada racist status.

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We're here in Birmingham,

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1300 years after his death reflecting on we benefit from his story, Allah subhana wa tada raised his status because of how humble and how simple he was almost of the law one he used to forbid the people from standing up for him.

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He would come and he's the creeper

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stand up right away the Clippers coming in. Want to give him a sellout? He is the forbidden people from this

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He said, we only stand for our last panel what's on.

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People be simple, don't he because he doesn't want that to have an impact on him on his knees. When people come in people have respect for me, when I've come in, and this is something we need to reflect on the story. And even us as a shoe, we need to reflect on this as students of knowledge. As somebody who has a position at your job, sometimes your position is the most people respect you, you have to have this type of toolbox. And we we want to benefit from these stories to be able to implement ourselves. Also, when we see even our times, she has a lot of money, Rahim Allah tala, he was from the ones who always focused on this. So it's not from the sooner. He said, Don't stand up

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for people. Don't stand up for me. Don't give me any type of thing that we don't deserve by praising us too much. Also, one of the stories that one time, there was a problem with the lantern. He got up, and he fixed it himself. Here's the halifa. He didn't call the worker, come, go fix the fix the lantern. He got up and he fixed it himself. And they said, Yeah, I mean, I mean, if you had just told one of us, we would have got up already got somebody to come and fix it for you. He said, I got up. And I was Omar, I wouldn't have fixed it. I was Oh, man. I said back then I was like,

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No, no, no difference. I didn't change who I was. That's how simple he was. He used to even when it came to being humble in his column, and how he used to speak, because he was very fussy. He was very eloquent how he spoke. And he was written his language was very, very, very eloquent. Therefore, if he spoke, you'll be very impressive. So he used to refrain from speaking, as he said, so he said, I wouldn't show off. He said, we are free if I start to speak, you know, like the one who has the Queen's English, he can speak very good. He's always this guy knows his stuff, right? It looks good, or somebody has very good classic Arabic. From that he said he didn't want to come and show off with

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it. So therefore he would even refrain from speaking.

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He would sit with the people on the ground. In another thing, just like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Arab, they would come from outside from the from to visit him from outside of Medina, or from the desert, or from different delegations to come visit the profit center, and they will look around.

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And they wouldn't know who was the Prophet civili Center. He wasn't standing out, obviously the member and things like that later for the people to be able to see and to be able to benefit. But if he's sitting in a regular city, he sits with his companions. Whenever Book of the Law and the Prophets I send them came into Medina. Do they know who the Prophet sallallaahu Selim was? They couldn't tell. Is it okay? Is it Mohammed says they didn't know who was who, because that's how simple the Prophet symbolism was, and said, I will look at all the Aloha and started to what shade the Prophet so I said in one of his garments, they knew that this was the prophets that alojado

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center. So this was the implementation that Omar Abdulaziz had in his life as well, he would forbid them from giving him any type of special ride, having a horse that look unique from what the people had, or to have different type of food or clothes or drink from anybody else, he would do the same thing that everyone else did, the water that he had, which is a stay away from any type of shubo Hut, or things that could perhaps lead to how dumb he wouldn't wouldn't accept any gifts from his workers, or from the non Muslims or anything, because he was afraid it would have an impact and be like a bribe to him. And in fact, some of his rulings. Also, we made the story several times about

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the issue of the lantern and how he would use that he wouldn't use it from

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during his personal time, even though islamically now and this is what I mean, because islamically if I am

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a ruler and I'm getting paid for this, it's okay if I use the electricity, okay, if I'm the Imam of the masjid here, and I come to do some personal work, it's fine that I use electricity here, because it's part of, of my job of being here and things like that. They wouldn't be looked at as being haraam right like that because of the water. He wouldn't use

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the property of the Muslims and this type is something that is a very high status that he had. Rahim Allah tala to where does this come from this type of water? How did he reach that level? Obviously, from his strength in his Eman And knowing the responsibility he had as being the ruler of the oma. And then thinking about the reality of being held accountable for everything he does. You'll notice from his characteristics for him a low tolerance number five, if you're paying attention,

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his lineage and his mercy and forgiveness of the people. We mentioned the story of the one who hid his son in the first session from the slave where his son and he came in, crying his son and learned that he had been hidden by this man had hit him and Omar, forgive him for that and let him go because he was truthful in many examples throughout his biography, which you can see he was very lenient with the people and forgiving for the people, even if they wronged him

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or talk negative

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about him, Rahim Allah tala. Also from the things that the brothers mentioned it everybody mentioned we did the first.

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Before you guys many of you came the first session, we did some group work. Here's what the sisters did. And the brothers have their papers with them. Almost everybody mentioned the importance of teaching because if we want to have a successful leader in the future, we have

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to raise our children properly, we have to teach them the issue of the suffering of the patients. And no doubt Omar,

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Allah who was full of patients, his his biography is full of patients. Look what he went through. At the time with a judge when he had to leave Medina had to leave in the governor Medina

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one time, some of the closest people to him died. His Son, Abdul Malik, who he used to love so much that at the age of 17, he himself was coming up to be a scholar like his father, and somebody who used to cry in the prayer very, very similar to Omar. And even one time when he came in, advised his father to implement Islam and to do this, Omar, he kissed him on his head out of respect for him and said, Alhamdulillah the Lord blessed me with the sunlight you someone who understands the deen he died at a very young age also his servant Musa him also died during that time as well. And his brothers had also died three people very close to him. All of them died at the very same time. And

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he had a lot of sub in that position or in that stance, Rahim Allah tala. Also he was somebody who was very firm and very serious. When it came to implementing the deen. He was lenient, and this is the and as the scholars say, What is their hikma and hikma? untouch Allah Schaffer moderator put the thing in its proper place. So he would be lenient when you need to be lenient, but he will be serious, we need to be serious, especially at this time in Oman, when he came to reform where the ruling family, his own family had gotten a bit extravagant, and their expenses and the way they were living, and some injustice was happening with the likes of a judge and those who were following him

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and how they were implementing the law. So here there was a problem with

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the ones who were ruling. Also there was a problem against DOMA they were facing that time with the people who are going against were going against the khilafah the likes of the Juarez or what have you, and Hamza, he took the approach with them of being lenient of debating with them or trying to bring them back to the truth. But when they stepped out of line, he made it very clear that he would take them out and he fought them when he had to, to bring them back to the house as well. And then obviously one of the key elements that we know from his life rahimullah Katana is that of what have I done? When you think about Omar Abdulaziz Rahim Allah, you think about the justice that he

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established, Rahim Allah tada in dealing with people and implementing Islam, and Islam is the religion of other original justice. And then obviously from his characteristics as well how he will turn to Allah subhanaw. taala is a brother and his daughter, seeking the assistance from and also kind of Masada. One of the things that we need to focus on benefiting from Omar Abdulaziz is how he used to deal with the people. First of all dealing with his family and the therapy of his children. We talked in the first session about the importance of this tibia, and some of the things that had an impact on him. He continued as well to raise his children a very similar way. And when he sent

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his children are the people who were who are taking the shifts who were teaching his children. He made the curriculum for his children, they will be studying himself, and he supervised on his children himself. He didn't just send them to mowlana serve in the masjid and didn't know what was happening. He didn't just say, go listen to this, or do that, or will memorize this. He actually supervised himself on everything that was happening with his children. So he designed a program for them. The first thing they were doing the morning was what? What do you think? How would they start their morning?

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Coffee? Yeah.

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Obviously the prayer after the prayer,

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the Quran, they will start there. First thing they start with, was with the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala, memorizing it, understanding it, seeing how to implement it in their lives. After that, they will go on to the next session, which will be learning other other sciences of the deen other than other learning other subjects, about the deen and about other affairs if they have to study as well.

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After that, they would have a session of

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learning how to shoot and different military training and what have you to make them strong and their bodies as well. Even he ordered the one who was in charge and he said when they go from their studies to where they're going to be training, he said make sure they walk barefoot.

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These are the children of the halifa now make them walk barefoot Why?

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And if you read this one if you go back to the book and you read his advice when he's about everything he tells him to do, he said because of this because

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He explains the reason why. The reason why is to make them tough. Because if they need to be tough at the time, they need to be tough. They need to make sure their bodies are ready and that they're ready. They know how to defend themselves. They know how to fight, they know do all of these things. And now they're the children of the cleaver, they'll never be involved, you never know. So he trained them properly. And also, he told them to stay away from the things that will harm them, especially the issue of music. He focused on the dangers of music and how it corrupts the mind how it corrupts the hearts. And he said, keep them away from these things that will distract them. Also,

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he told the teachers to be firm with them. Exactly. And not to be friend them. He said, because if you become their friend, they're not going to take you seriously. So make sure that you are firm with them. And he told them as well, that at the end, give them something, give them the rest time, which is not a Lula. So they make sure they take their nap and they take the rest, they take the rest. So if you look at his methodology and how he raised his children, it was focused on

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the mind, the body and the soul. All of the key elements, he made sure that they focused on strengthening their Eman. Having strong Eman, having strong worship, obviously, focusing on the prayer just like they used to focus with him when he was young. And then also learning their Deen strengthen their mind strengthen their mind at the same time. And then also the physical aspect of being strong in their bodies and also having some free time off. And because now if you look is that, as a scholar said, if you look at how he did it, they'd be studying the morning. And they're going to go out and have fun, they're going to be shooting and training and stuff like that. So

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they're going to be looking forward to that. And then they have some time after that to rest so it's not just you know, full time working they also have their time off and the time to relax. And to enjoy as well at the end of the day or during the the door time shuttle time.

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So this is what it This is how he used to raise his children Rahim Allah tala, and when it came to dealing with the people, and that doesn't how it used to deal with the people.

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There's many beautiful stories. We don't have much time. But I'm sure we can mention, perhaps some of them and tada, and how he, when he was how he used to deal with the people that came along with Tata.

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And from the stories, when you see the justice of Omar Abdulaziz, and how he used to implement Islam and care about all of the members, we mentioned some stories

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in the whole book, who can remind me of some of the stories mentioned the whole book, it shows how he cared about all of the members of the society, no matter what their status was.

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Remember, some of them

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are very good. The VIPs the VIP brothers, by the way, here,

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the VIPs they used to have a special place for them in the front. So it became a custom during his time. And he was

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when he saw the people who were the lower class of the you know, the not the richer ones. He told what come to the fight join us because we're all one excellent. What was another story?

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Was that

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very good. The lady who was she was a like a former slave, and somebody who didn't have much status in the society. She sent a letter to the Khalifa. What was the letter about?

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No, no, not this one. The other one, there's another one.

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none of the disabled. So it was a different one.

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The wall the wall with a juggler. She had a small wall. And now so Pamela, imagine I mean, just imagine now, not being the Khalifa imagine being the head of Greenland mosque.

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You're the president. And a sister sends you a letter that she has a problem with a wall at home. how seriously would you take that?

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It's not my problem, right? I have bigger things to worry about in the administration here. But Obama is nice because he was on another level. He replied to her. And he sent him a letter to one of his ministers to what to fix her wall for because he cared that much about the woman and obviously the one who had the five disabled children and how he took care of her many of the beautiful stories. One of the beautiful stories is how he dealt when it came to freeing the Muslim prisoners, the ones who were

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were taken as prisoners of war. And one story

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he sent to some of them a letter who had been captured by the Romans. And he told them that

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you are not prisoners. You're the ones who have been.

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You're the ones who are in the path of Allah subhanaw taala you've been stopped in the path of a law so it's temporary stuff. He said that I'm sending each one you $5 an hour he said if I was afraid that

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wouldn't steal it, I would have sent you more. And he said, Don't worry, I'm taking care of your family for you. They're in the best of conditions. And we're sending somebody now to make sure all of you are free no matter what status you are. So what level you are all of you in China will be free. So we focus on freeing the, the prisoners of war. Also, he heard one time one of his ministers came and told him a story.

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He heard a man who was he saw and he was traveling in the in the land of the non Muslims. He heard a

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he heard a man remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala. So he said, A Salaam Alaikum. And he said, Who says Salaam Alaikum? And he says, he's blind. The brother He said, Who says I'm on a communist land, where there's no believers. So when it comes to law, Mr. Thompson so what is your story? He said, I was captured as a prisoner of war. And they tried to force me to become a Christian. And they said, If you do not become a Christian, that we're going to get out your gouge Your eyes will take out your eyes. So he refused. They took out his eyes until he became blind. hearing this story. Omar Ibn Abdul Aziz Rahim, Allah tala, he started to cry, hearing the situation of this Muslim who was

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trapped in a non Muslim land as a prisoner, and had his eyes removed because he refused to go back on his faith. He sent a letter to the ruler of that country. And he said to him, that if you do not free this man and send him back to me, he said that I will send a huge army to you he said, the end of it will be with that prisoner is and the beginning of it will be where you are. And this was a surprise

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to the ruler because Omar will be a local and he his his style wasn't like that wasn't if you look at it was it wasn't very aggressive like that. He did fight, but he was any.

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His approach was much more softer, and then how he dealt with the things and he is very wise and how he did things.

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Rahim Allah tala. So he knew he was serious, the man who was sent with the letter that he was delayed and delayed and delayed. And he didn't realize why he wasn't sending it. Then he came to the rule. He said, obviously, you're not going to send them in with you. And with me, so he said, if you could let me go. And he said, it's not that but he said, the pious man has died.

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The pious man has died, meaning almost died, he realized he had died. And he said was that what was what he said, I was reluctant, should I send him with you or not after heard of his death, but he said, since I agreed to do it before his death, I'll send him after his death. And he sent the man in your freedom and hamdulillah. So they just some of the stories it's full of if you go back to his biography, full of amazing stories.

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But one of the things you want to benefit is how, what are the elements that he used? It made him so successful in the change because he was the Majid.

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At the at the top of every 100 years ago, send somebody to revive this oma, what are the things that he used to revive? Do we want to revive the ammonia, one?

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gelatin, we want to revive the oma. So let's see, what are the things that he used, we know for his personal things, we know we know what was his personal characteristics, what are the traits that he had or the characteristics that he had, that made him so successful in the change that he made?

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One of the key things was that he was a role model.

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He practiced what he preached from the beginning, he practiced what he preached. And this was also the way of who

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the prophets of the law is in everything from the Sunnah. And from the way this is how they practice what they preach. So, when he came in, he implement what he was talking about, it had a huge impact on on his success. Secondly, is that he was able to do things gradually and use Hickman how he did things. So he started to change when you have one who remembers from the second session, when did the chain store

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you see

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from the days of Suleyman, Rahim Allah, Suleiman trusted him made him minister he started to advise him, he started to make the change from that time. And then when he came to Khalifa, he already made some of the foundation. And this is the important thing, we understand that upon us. We're always waiting.

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You know, for someone else to do something to change the situation of the Muslims of the of the oma. But what did Omar do? And this is a key lesson that if we go if we just go home with this tonight, it's enough.

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He built the foundation for himself. He built the foundation for change. Then when he got the opportunity, he was able to take advantage of it. But what if he hadn't built that foundation for himself?

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He didn't have that emotion and that knowledge and the strength that he had,

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and he hadn't started planting the seeds before.

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What he had been able to accomplish what he accomplished in 30 months, impossible, but he had the foundations who's ready to go

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So now we say if we were to have if if what was the what if there Bismillah by the time I put you in the position to do this for the oma, would you be able to do it? Because you haven't built the foundation?

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Would I be able to do it if I don't have the foundation? I wouldn't be able to do it. So it's important that we build the foundation from now that we become true Muslim strong Muslims. We have knowledge of a religion. We have EMA and we we see how can we help the oma Omar

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Rahim Allah tala is the brother of one of the brothers said after he was removed from being the mayor of the Medina.

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The brother said he should go back to and go back to knowledge, that would have been a possibility. And he wouldn't thought about he didn't make a rational decision. He went to his farm and he chilled out for some time and thought about it. And then he realized that the best thing to do was to go live with the halifa in Damascus, in order to what to advise him closely because he realized having impact on the CSO on the politics from inside is going to have a good effect on the future. So he realized that he could help the oma more by doing this than just going and being a teacher or being a scholar who reminds the people and teaches the people.

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All of them have an important role. But he realized he could benefit the room like this. So each one of us need to see how can we as individuals as well benefit the oma and now one never look at your role as not being important.

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Pay attention no one never look at your role as not being important.

00:31:32 --> 00:31:36

Who is the best football player in the world today?

00:31:37 --> 00:31:39

Let's change the subject up now. It's getting late.

00:31:40 --> 00:31:42

Who was was one of the best

00:31:45 --> 00:31:45


00:31:47 --> 00:31:49

was you know, now that also vehicles out there?

00:31:50 --> 00:31:55

Anyways, Ronaldo or Messi or whoever you say? isn't one of those. Okay, they're one of the best.

00:31:56 --> 00:31:58

Can they do everything by themselves?

00:32:00 --> 00:32:02

Everything. Okay, we'll use

00:32:03 --> 00:32:22

Barcelona, if you don't like Barcelona, I apologize to you. I don't watch football anyway. So I have no clue what I'm talking about. I'm just giving an example, from sports. Everybody for that for that club to be successful. It's not just that superstar. It's the other 10 players around him. It's the other What do you call them the

00:32:24 --> 00:32:25


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bad English, the backup or whatever the ones who come in, if somebody gets hurt, I forget the name in English, forgive me.

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And then you have as well.

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You have the coaching staff, you have the medical staff, even the waterboy. He's important, because we need the water and you're playing he has to be there to give you the water, right. So this everybody has a rule, everybody, if somebody doesn't do his role, they're not gonna be successful. Also us as an omen. As Muslim, all of us have a role. All of us have to represent Islam in a proper way, we have to implement them in a proper way, we have to help with anything we can to build a better than woman channel. So Omar, the second thing he did was, he gradually made change. And also, he focused in this with implementing sooner and removing began implementing sooner and removing

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data. Because as the scholar said, that no big data is spread, except for as soon the dice every time a bit gets spread as soon as dies. And this new approach of many of the arts

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where they're very lenient with issues of beta and the people of Buddha, he were all Muslims, no big deal, let's come together. Yeah, we have to come together on common ground. That's true. But when you look at the issues of bit of innovation, like it's no big deal, this is what kills the sooner. So we have to revive the Sooners are moderate, they're low and, and to make sure that we work that we read the oma of the bid and innovations that have been spread. Also, he understood the

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reality of the people and the knifes and how the people feel and how they think. And he focused on that by giving them reminders, by remind him of the danger of being attached to the dunya of turning away from the book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the importance of establishing justice.

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And stay away from that, although it was his own oppression, and how that helps the individual and, and their emotional states. So we understood the emotional state of the people we're talking to and how to deal with them. Also, from the things that he understood was knowing what is more important. And you'd be able to see what is more important at this stage and what is more important at that stage. And this is a common mistake that many, many of the people, especially the youth, people immediately want to change everything. But they don't want to start from the foundation down. So he said that we have to do this first. Do

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That's second and graduate work when you see this all throughout his his his his his biography, we focus on an only yet for on the things that are more important and graduate working up. And this is important about understanding what is it to have the knowledge of the dean. And many of the mistakes that are made now by the youth and certain groups that we talked about earlier. The mistake that they're made is that they're in a hurry to implement Islam, and that's why they implement Islam in a wrong way. Because they don't have the knowledge of what Islam I don't understand what needs to be done first. Look at the prophets that Allahu Allah he was telling me how he built the foundation.

00:35:35 --> 00:35:38

When did the Muslim state becomes strong during his time?

00:35:40 --> 00:35:41

How many years did it take?

00:35:46 --> 00:35:53

But roughly 13 years, 14 years in the first few years in Medina, and you have the 13 years in Mecca

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until they became a force and they became strong. Did they have the ability to fight right away?

00:36:02 --> 00:36:08

They could have several examples during the time in Mecca. Pay attention. The thing is we the Sierra,

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it's more like a thing of Baraka and information. But it's actually if we go back to the car,

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it explains how we should live our life. Even in the days we live in.

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At the time, when the chainsaw

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came and gave birth

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to the Prophet service, and they give allegiance one of the things they said, if you want us now here, you meant to come out with our swords into fight, we're ready to go Just give us the command. There's only about 70 of the one that mentioned they were ready to go. The process of them told them no, it wasn't time for that is the more important things, establishing the oma focusing on the knowledge focusing on the man

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having the knowing what is more important for the home at that time. And knowing that is what keeps the people from falling away from that which is mistakes and that which is pointing to that which is danger. Also he had a clear vision of what needed to be done. He made it very clear from the beginning, that when it comes to the ruler, that

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he gave the people the choice, he said I don't want to be the Khalifa. He was stood against him. So he understood they wanted to be the Khalifa. I mean, he told him that the only way to be obeyed is how if I were available soprano autonomy, but the leader is not to be obeyed if he disobeyed the law soprano Matata.

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So you see these type of things, he had a clear vision of what it is he wanted to do. He started focusing on the knowledge and spread the knowledge. And many things which we're not going to be able to get into tonight is his reform when it comes to issues of the economics and all sorts of other things where he was also very, very successful. And that read him a long time. And the last thing we mentioned the sixth thing is the fact that he every step he took was in accordance to what the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and that's what made him inshallah so successful in that many times we see the problems we're having amongst ourselves as an Omar as a

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community even in like a small community here in the UK, we differ and we can't come together. Why? Because

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we refuse to answer the command of Allah subhana wa tada ventanas atom Vichy. If you differ about something, what are we supposed to do?

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Return it to my ship or your ship. Because my ship is better than your ship is the reality of the Muslims. The Muslims are like cheerleaders who will cheerlead for their work for their ship.

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But if we return it to a line His messengers follow do it alone. Very clear I returned to a lot is messenger, we the tabs on the Quran and the Sunnah, and the way of the Sahaba and understand the Sahaba that will solve all the problems with I want to take a quick break here. If one of you guys will stay to the end. We're going to not going to take another hour to the end. We're just going to mention one of the key things that we need to focus on that one of the key achievements during the time of Omar Abdulaziz and they're going to mention inshallah his last days and what happened at the end of his life, Rahim Allah Tada. So want to take a breather brothers at a 15 minute break. not

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mistaken or maybe 10 minutes in general time is enough. I believe there's some water and things out there as you guys can have in general tonight. And we'll continue in shallow in about 10 minutes and show exactly

This talk was delivered at the Green Lane Masjid on March 25, 2017.

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