Abdullah Oduro – Ramadan 2024 – Invocations of God #07 Sins – The Key to Mercy

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The speaker discusses the third portion of the DUA, which involves forgiveness and seeking forgiveness from Allah. The speaker describes various feelings that occur during this period, including regret, bravery, and desire for forgiveness. The speaker also mentions a book called Han genetic light and the importance of forgiveness in bringing out the world.
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So I've been okay M goes on to move on to the third portion of the DUA that he gave in the introduction.
When he goes on and he speaks about the third portion where either as never settle for and if he or she was to commit a sin they seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho Medina. He says our hammer Allah to Allah for either it either out Allahu BrdU, higher unfetter Hala Huberman abueva Toba, he said, So if Allah subhanho wa Taala wants good for his servant, He opens the door from the doors of repentance. It shows us moving on to the third portion here before we talked about suburbs, and Matoran. In what in what emanates from that. Then he goes on to different types of feelings, emotional, spiritual,
feelings that take place inside of the servants of Allah. He says, When Netherwood and Kisara with Zulu will lift your car well, it's the identity but he was certainly legit, ie where the woman salary would do, I would talk about LA Habima uncon men and has an act. So then he goes on, he says, he just gives examples of the feelings that would cause one to seek forgiveness and the ways of seeking forgiveness. If you notice the fifth window came so he mentioned
as he says, if Allah wants good for his servant, He opens for him the door of repentance. And he says regret and brokenness. And key * is something that is broken. So you feel broken inside, from the sin that you've committed with the nd basement to lower yourself. Well, if Tikar and you feel that you are deprived, it's the honor to be here and seeking help from him. You notice I've been a fan he is it is as though he's mentioning the process of forgiveness. Because firstly, you feel regret, but regrets leads to your heart being broken. Like when you feel bad about something the more you think about it, the more your heart is broken. And then you think of your status with
Allah that I'm so low in front of Allah How could I have done this with Allah subhanho Medina he is Akbar he is a foreigner Rahim. I am depraved without him and if Tikar Well, it's the honor to be therefore, when I feel depraved without him deprived without him. I seek helping him Oh Allah make my heart firmness religion, Oh ALLAH forgive me, oh Allah.
Assist me and asking forgiveness from you. I need that strength even though how Allah Allah Quwata illa biLlah was such a luxury Li and being truthfulness in your allegiance in your retreating towards him Alou linguistically even means someone that seeks asylum alleged as someone that seeks asylum was sick, allegedly illegally, meaning that I am truthful and honest and sincere in this retreating to you or running towards you or seeking your assistance and help what though I'm a total relay he and consistently begging and beseeching him and then he mentions and coming closer to him from what is given what's a quarter of a mile I'm coming across the net. And then he mentions
another type of seeking forgiveness and this is from the fifth of him, okay. And as we mentioned all these feelings in the heart and the way of doing things that seek forgiveness from Allah then he says,
and doing whatever he or she is able to from the hacer net from the good deeds, meta Kuhn will Tilka C A to B sub rahmati. And this is important,
he says, and coming closer to him from what he or she is able to do from the good deeds. Meta como se Yeah, what the evil deed will be served as a means for His mercy.
Being that that evil deed pushed you to have these previous feelings that we talked about regret, beseeching him seeking help from him, that evil deed, cause the debt. And because of that, it serves as a means the sin serve as a means for His mercy. Then he goes on to say, for him, Allah had to all I do will lie he began late and he talked to while I'm okay.
He says, a limo get home, until the slept until the enemy of Allah will say, I wish that I would have just left him and not put him in that sin not cause him to do the sin. And this is very, very important because it is Han Allah, hope for all of us as sinners. You know, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Kulu Benny Adam Hapa.
He said that all the Vini Adam are people that make mistakes, and the best of those that make mistakes are the repentance, we think of okay, the one that makes the ones who repent to Allah, this is the golden Hadith with Subhan Allah. He's even saying here, the one that commits a sin can look at it as an opportunity to do a good deed not pushing you to do this and not saying Oh,
Hamdulillah he said that I committed a mercy law. It is when you commit the sin, how does it make you feel? And what is it cause you to do? Therefore the sins can be your way to Mercy. If the sin and pondering over it and thinking about it and having these feelings in the heart of regret and debasement and and brokenness inside from that particular sin, Satan will not want to mess with you, Satan will not want to come around you because he knows if he caused you to commit that sin, you're going to be very much awake of the reality of it and seek forgiveness from Allah subhanaw taala so this is the first part of it okay is upon law speaking about the beauty of, you know, the
relationship of forgiveness or the process of forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala May Allah subhana wa Tada, elbow forward and offer a far, forgive us for any of our shortcomings and allow that forgiveness to be manifest through a tentative attention of His greatness, and making that a means for His mercy, a cinematic camera to lie about a cat to do