Abu Usamah At-Thahabi – Black History Month & Racism

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi
AI: Summary ©
The history and use of black language in various fields, including warfare, religion, and writing, is discussed. The cultural differences between Africa and the United States are also discussed, including the importance of diversity in various ways and the use of colorful dress codes during Easter holidays. The conversation concludes with a brief advertisement for coffee and a drink.
AI: Transcript ©
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photoshot Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al hamdu lillahi lak Meadowhall when a stain or when it's the Pharaoh when are ruled to be now human surely and fusina woman cvrt Are Molina May the local Philomel de la la who may include the little fella Hajela Why should one lie either Halal Allah wa the hula actually Cara? Why should you know Mohammed Abdullah who were Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he Amma Bao

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Shan SHA, Allah azza wa jal, we're gonna suspend our normal class today. But for those of you who are taking notes, Inshallah, I still would request desire, hope that you can to take some notes, we're going to deal with the issue of this being black history month, a month that I don't know where it comes from.

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He says if they want to reduce all of the contributions of Black or African civilization into one month, which is one, are you going to fit that into one month.

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But at least here in the UK, they chose the month of October, which has 3031 days, 31 days. In America, they gave us the month of February, and it only has 28 days. So they gave us the shortest month in America to acknowledge this issue, at least here. They gave you 31 days, which I believe is part of the systemic racism that we have in America anyway.

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I want to make something clear in regards to this issue they want to talk about and remind you all of that is the issue of the danger of racism.

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And the vast majority of us are racist in some shape form of fashion.

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If you took the time out to really look at what people are thinking and seeing how they fill in about other people of different colors, and nationalities, you'll find 98 99% of the people from the Muslims are racist. So we want to make it 10 D and a tiff care about the Torah of this issue, the danger of it, and how evil it is, and how ignorant it is. But before that, I want to make something very clear about Black History Month.

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We're not talking about this in celebration of Black History Month because I've always told you people in this masjid, my Dawa is it's not permissible for us to celebrate any of the holidays of the non Muslims, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, all of that stuff is haram. And the fact that in America, for example, you get a halal turkey or Halal chicken for Christmas, Easter Thanksgiving doesn't make the celebration of that month halau. Snap permissible. And this is from the Kitab of

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Allah and also from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In surah, Al Furqan, Allahu Taala mentioned his servants ye by the right man in the veniam Shuna, I don't own

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the servants of Allah arrived, man. They walk on the earth with humility. They're not arrogant. And then Allah when to mention some other characteristics of the MOOC that came from the Muslim mean. And one of the things he mentioned in Surah Furqan is

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what are your shadowing Zoar.

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The true believers of Allah, they don't bear false witness, shahada to Zorg that actually means literally, when you go to a court of law, and you have to be a witness for someone, and you'll lie in, and you're supposed to be a witness, your friend brings you and says to you, you're going to witness for me and you're lying. You're seeing the opposite of what you know happened. And that's from the major sins in Islam. Because we have to stand out as witnesses for Allah over ourselves,

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and over our family, fathers, mothers, tribes, all of that. So that's the meaning of shahada to Zul to bear false witness. But it can mean other things. It can mean a person passing gas in an assembly of people. And he does it in a way when it starts to smell he wants to make other people think that someone else did it. That shahada to Zoo.

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But the great scholar of Al Islam from the tambourine His name is Mujahid. He took the Quran from nebula bass, and he said, I went through the Quran with him not bad so many times, not 12345 More than 10 times the whole Quran. He said, I stopped him on every ayat and I said What does this mean? What does this mean? What does this mean? So when he came to the explanation of this, they

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don't bear false witness Mujahid said the meaning of this idea is they don't celebrate the celebrations of the kuffaar. They don't celebrate the celebrations of the kuffaar. So use that either of the Quran to prove Easter is not permissible for you to celebrate Christmas, even if you don't believe in it, you can't celebrate it, because it is bearing false witness to the birth of his epic memorial to the death of the seven Americans, Kevin, for people in America celebrating

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Thanksgiving is Kevin, and volu. And for June and fiscal, how are we going to celebrate what happened to the Native Americans after these people from England went there and stole their land and decimated those people. And we're going to celebrate that. That's the world can't do that. As an African American, I would be highly upset at people who celebrate what happened to my people when we were taken from West Africa, brought to America as slaves. I'd be upset, offended if someone

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celebrated that because to this day, my people are still suffering from the remnants of that situation. So when we talk about black history month, I don't believe it's permissible in this Deen to celebrate any of the Ayad of the Mushrikeen

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the man came and say God, also Allah, I made an oath another which is from Islam to take an oath will lie here if this happens, I'm going to give 1000 pounds on sadaqa that's another I took an oath jasola that I'm going to slaughter a camel at a place called bawana should I do my oath? Should I fulfill it? The Prophet said that please. bawana Is it a place where they have a snom they have idols that the non Muslims worship? He said no.

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He said is that a place where the non Muslims celebrate their celebrations? They are yeah. He said no. He said even ofI be never acting go ahead fulfill your oath. So we understand if they had idols there don't fulfill your oath should call for is there. We understand if it was a place they did celebrations he would have said don't celebrate there. Then number of a dealer Now's not the time to get all in today. I just want to make it clear. When I say we're acknowledging Black History Month,

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we're not celebrating this prophet Muhammad King to Medina sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he saw that the non Muslims were celebrating things and he said to his companions, what is it that they're doing? They say auto solo. This is something we used to do in January, our forefathers. He told them something Allah when he was salam in Allah Abdelhak Mao who hired men who read l fitter were either up Ha, he said, Allah has given you people with celebration better than what these non Muslims are

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doing. Although they're from your people in Medina, he gave you the celebration of and eat the celebration of

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the Aloha and Adel feta. We have the weekly celebration which is Juma. You have a baby celebrate the Akihiko your son memorize the Quran, Jews Amma Abdullah now bass when he memorized to Bukhara he slaughtered the camel and told the people come on.

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Your child graduates from university gets accepted into Cambridge and he's going to hold on to his D celebrate. You're going to have a party we're going to have party time.

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You've been unemployed every since Corona Kane. Now you got that job. You wasn't sure you're gonna get you got that job is party time. What party time, music and all that no celebration having a good time. As for Easter, Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's Day Valentine's Halloween, not permissible haram.

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This is Black History Month. I'm not celebrating this. I don't need people to give me a month to acknowledge the contributions of African people, black people, not only to Islam, but to civilization. But we take advantage of these opportunities to give lectures to raise the awareness like Christmas comes. We have a Christmas conference not out of celebration. It's because we out of school we also work the holidays. So not the Christmas that we're doing. We're taking advantage of

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the day Easter conference, for example. So I want to make that clear. Second thing before we get into this issue of racism is the issue of black lives matter.

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Black lives matter. I want to make that clear. But when I say black lives matter, I do not mean the ethos, E T. H O 's the people who made up that organization

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and they support LBGT and homosexuality and they have another agenda. I don't support any of that. That's not what I mean, when I say black lives matter. That's not what I'm talking about, when I'm talking about is the way the police, police, African Americans in America is different from the way they police white people. So George Floyd that was killed, and other African American men and women that were killed. I want to ask you people, did any of you just one? Did you ever see the news where

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they killed a white kid or white woman? Any of you see that? No, it's just my people. So Black Lives Matter. That's what I mean. And I bite my tongue for no one about that. As for that other stuff, I got nothing to do with that. I have nothing to do with that.

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And I want my brother's one because Darwin and robotica to stop worrying about other people's problems before they worry about us. The most important problems that we should concern ourselves with are the problems facing our Ummah, all of the members of our ummah. But then after that I'm an African American. I'm not Somali, I'm not su Danny, I'm not from Cameroon, you get the picture. What I look like giving Dawa addressing the issues of Cameroon and I'm right here, and I'm in America in

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the UK. And I'm talking about the upcoming elections in Nigeria.

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No, I care about what's going to happen in that election as it relates to Nigerians but that's not the most important issue to me. The most important issue to me is what happens to my people in America. So my first people are al Islam and the Muslims like me no no caffeine at all. Yattaman dueling meaning with the believers and what our Bara but the prophets in the messengers came Salawat to Allah He was salam alaikum and Jermaine and he used to give down they say, yeah, cool me and Boo

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Boo la mala cumin Ilan later, oh, my people, worship Allah. I remember when I became a Muslim, and I met some brothers from Jamaat to bleed, and African American brothers were with them. And they had been with them a long time, I was a new Muslim. And I was looking at my African American brothers who were older than me 40 5060s And we would go to the message and I will meet these brothers. And they were talking to me, and broken English, African Americans like me, and they would speak English

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like Pakistani Asian people, my brother, my brother, and he used to do that bobblehead as well. I said what do you what is this

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when I become a Muslim I don't have to dress like an Arab with a good trend. I don't have to wear a tie wheeze the Somalis? They were that longing mirror what is it call my wheeze I'm a walking around in my wheeze

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and America all those Pakistani pointy shoes. You know that hot Pakistani people? I'm gonna walk around with that. Now if you want to do that, because that floats your boat. No problem. No problem. But that's not Islam. In order to be a Muslim after speak broken Arabic like a foreigner like a brother from Arabia who came here? New off the plane. So that's what I mean by Black Lives Matter. Anyone who doesn't agree and he thinks that I'm on the wrong path and not on the Serato stopping

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while law he my doors open brother. Come and talk to me. I want to listen to you. Perhaps you'll understand me? I'll understand you. But I am a black nationalist, and I'm a black. A Pan Africanist. That's what I am. But what does that mean? That black people are first Black is no, I have filters. I have filters.

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Allah will tie this prophet told us Allah Allah what He was salam, Al Islam Ooyala Willa Eulalie Ellis lamb is uppermost. And nothing goes over his lap. Nothing.

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After that, want to talk about this issue of racism and I want to repeat, the vast majority of us are racist.

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Even people of color are racist. You saw what happened in Rwanda, with the two seas and the two tools, you know, whatever it was two tribes where, look wherever we come from, we are racist.

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So Al Islam dealt with this, and this is one of the main reasons why I became a Muslim. I didn't become a Muslim because I had an epiphany. And suddenly I realized the importance of a Tawheed No, I became a Muslim because I saw that Al Islam dealt with the race issue unequivocally, categorically made it clear. Christianity doesn't do that Christianity is a racist religion

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because of

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According to them a seminal Marine, his wife, the Son of God is white.

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Judaism they say that they are the shot blood matar, they are Allah's chosen group. So this is my house. This is my land. I'm living in this land for centuries. But he believes God promised him and his forefathers, the land of my forefathers, and he comes and takes my land and kills me in the process. And the Zionist Jew believes that that's okay. Not all Jews, but the Zionist. They think they're better than everybody.

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Sufism, Hinduism, and it is systemic, institutionalized racism, Islam, we have racist, the vast majority of us are racist. But Islam doesn't condone it. Islam doesn't endorse it. Someone may sit there and say, Oh, you became a Muslim, because of color. Yeah, that's the environment I came from. We did not get caught, and their neighborhood, and they better not get caught in our neighborhood. That's what we grew up on. And that's why I find it amazing that as Muslims are always on the

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defensive, when these people start talking about democracy, and you guys are backwards, and this lamb is terrorism, but you're talking about

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what are you talking about?

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Point is racism is a problem.

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It is a problem. But I will deem a lesson and dealt with it clearly. All I want to do here today is from the book of Allah, talk to you brothers about how the Quran that said

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we're not even going to deal with the Sunnah. We're not even going to deal with the Prophet sallallahu it was setting him in the minima Wopat, the many examples of how he dealt with racism, leaving no doubt.

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So much you can talk about this Black History Month in the UK, every single Friday can be about this issue and how you can deal with it Islamically so I repeat before we begin, number one, today we're talking about how al Islam how the Quran dealt with racism, anyone only going to deal with a fraction of that. That's all we're going to deal with how the Quran not the Sunnah not Prophet Mohammed Salah sent him in his mama, but the more I Elijah of the Quran, how the Quran dealt with

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first iron,

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Fe and I want to remind you of something that statement of Allah, a fella yet the Brunel Quran, M Allah Kulu been Lubin UK follow her? Do they not consider and contemplate the Quran? Or do they have locks on their hearts? If you brothers, all of us, we're learning this Quran, memorization touch we touch seer. As Babel knows all these things that are going on in the world we'll be able to deal with it better. But we're detached and disconnected from the Quran. I said the majority of us are

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racists except the one that Allah gave him Esma Rama and I say as well. The majority of us are negligent as it relates to the Quran.

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If you said when is the last time you read the Quran, he doesn't know. He has to think about it. Because that's the average situation I'm not putting you down. Prophet Muhammad said in authentic hadith SallAllahu I didn't send him to his companions in a coma Leone feeds a man cave here. Is Khalil who Tibet he men Taraka Rocha, ma O'Meara be He? How

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was he yet? He's a man kefir Jota II Khalil Relena II. Many stamps a cabbie Oshima O'Meara Bihi Niger.

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He said Abu Bakar my man it you companions you people are living in a time there are lot of aroma memorize this hadith the Companions you are living in a time there are a lot of Allah MA and Rasul Allah is the Imam of the AMA sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Robbie Allah.

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I will book as a scholar If man is Allah. I'm not as a scholar, or Ismail Ali, Abdullah Abdullah bass, even Omar, I Isha. They are scholars. You don't know your religion, you go to any one of them. You guys, you people living in a time many are not and only a few people talking about a team. He said anybody who abandons a 10th of his religion at that time, you're gonna go astray during the time of the companions, he said but there's going to come a time when there's going to be many

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people speaking. Everybody has something to say comments. Everybody has a point of view, everybody Corona haram halau it everybody got something to say now, everybody

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Men, women, children, white, black, Catholic, educated, not educated, they can't even read and write.

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If the letter B, the letter B hit him on his head doesn't know that's the letter B, because you can't read it, but he's out there talking about Corona is not real.

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You're going to come a time many people speaking, and there are going to be only a few scholars, he said, Anyone who holds on to a 10th of his religion at that time will be guided. So if you do a little bit at this time, a little we ain't we're not reading the Quran. During that time, it was really blameworthy. During this time. That's the nature of the situation. So we have to take it easy with people. We have to take it easy with each other. I don't want to sit here and come off and

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condemn you and be condescending. None of you. None of us do in the Quran. No, I don't mean it that way. I mean, in a way to encourage you do more, connect yourself to the book.

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Connect yourself to the Quran. reading the Quran memorizing the Quran. Did you guys hear the Imam reading said after the chat tonight? You heard him? How was his recitation? His recitation like that brother said was Masha Allah. You stand behind him you say man, I don't know what he's saying. But that Quran is beautiful. I'm happy to be a Muslim and a joker start crying. He doesn't even know what he's saying. But that's the canal of Allah. So some of those can some of those non Muslims of

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Quraysh I said I became a Muslim because of racism was dealt with in the Quran. Someone says what it wasn't because of Allah towhee No, it wasn't. The man came to the prophets of Allah what He said He said, I made that I'm about to ask you a question. I'm gonna be tough with you. So forgive me, just be tough. Be patient. He said Ah Allah Who America be handled well know that Allah order you and command you to do this will do this in your religion before you pray and all that stuff. Rasul Allah

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says, Allah Houma, na Yes, Allah told me to do that. The man accepted Islam.

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Because he knew that the widow of Islam was different than what Croatian Arabs were doing. And it appealed to him, he became a Muslim. So people become Muslims for different reasons. She married her husband,

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as a Christian as a Jew, and she saw the goodness from him. So she became a Muslim.

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He is a non Muslim, and he wants to marry the girl, not like we find in many countries like in West Africa, I don't want to name countries. People are born and raised in Islam. And the Muslim girl gets married to a non Muslim, she's she remains a Muslim. And he's remained in the non Muslim not that stuff. It's a calf here man is attracted to a woman he wants that woman because of her her a lot because of her the way she is. She says, Okay, I'll marry you nice guy. But you have to say let

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you die you Alon practices religion. Nothing wrong with that.

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Nothing is wrong with that. As for hooking up with the girl hooking up with the girl, and you just being a player tripping not, you're not helping her to become a Muslim, you helping her to hate Islam and Muslims.

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Out there the Quran, deal with racism, many issues. Number one, there's a verse of the Quran. And this is important I start with this for my African American brothers. So as well as some people here who go overboard with his Afro centrism to the point where they listen to these people from the Hebrews. You know, those Hebrews, you know, I'm talking about those Hebrews. They're in New York, they're in Speaker's Corner, and we listen people listen to them and try to get knowledge from these

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Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran in a rational manner to Allah sama why it will erode the will G bail for a baby man. Yeah, man now was fucking Amina Mohammed Al Insana, no Cana, the looming Joe hula. Verily, Allah presented the Amana to the heavens and the earth and the mountains to carry the responsibility of the man. But the heavens and the earth in the mountains was afraid they were afraid of carrying the manner. So they said, No. Allah said and then mankind took responsibility for

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the Atlanta Wehrli mankind is very impressive and very ignorant. We're going to come back to that in sha Allah. The meaning of the Amana is Allah offered the opportunity to the heavens and the earth in the mountains to be responsible for a Tawheed maintaining it, protecting it, spreading it

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for the religion, but they say this heavy responsibility not we don't want to do that. Mankind took it.

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Now what's the point here?

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Black people at one time in history were on the top.

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Black people were on top. They were great civilizations of black people right? In Egypt for owning all those people, Hammurabi, all those people, they won the top. And instead of taking care of the Amana of spreading Tawheed, and spreading the religion, they may shift and they encourage shift and they will press people for now on the press, Benissa eel

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and now the cycle has changed. And now white people are on top. They've been on top since we've been alive. We've come in this era, and we think everything right is white. No black people on top there was a civilization of black people on top, black people lost the ball. And now their children and descendants are on the bottom and it went the other way. And I'm here to say white people as well have dropped the ball.

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So as a black person don't think

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you've always been at the bottom of the totem pole. No, we Amana was dropped the amount of Tawheed

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so that ayat of the Quran is a clear indication that it is a clear indication that as Allah Tala has established in the Quran, His Prophet sallallahu was sending an authentic sunnah command to Deen to Dan, I don't see that as a hadith. So weak Hadith, but it's true, as you do is going to be done to you. As you do, if you will press your turn is coming around, you will press something on somebody right now your wife, your turn is coming around, your daughter is going to marry somebody who's

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going to press up. And Allah knows best come out to Dean to Dan Septate, if you want rejected if you want, that's the dean.

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So black people dropped the ball. So this stuff about black people are inherently special and good. I don't accept that. Black people were the first civilization because we found the oldest bones in Ethiopia, therefore were the best. Our melanin you can't get white. You can get black from white you want to get what I don't accept none of that. None of it.

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The second ayat of the Quran dealing with racism. And this is important, as from Surah Al gerat. Listen, when you got to go back and try to work on sort of who Gerard if you're a person who can memorize as for the new Muslims, and you're just dealing with and you're dealing with Jews, I'm not saying there, keep struggling do your thing. But if you can memorize, we have to go back memorize Jews rememorize Surah Al gerat. And if you can't memorize, still study it.

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It's an ayat that talks about governing ourselves in society how to be with each other, the rights of the Muslims, and I'm telling you this surah on a daily basis, we compromise this on a daily basis. So Allah revealed this surah is the surah and it has a lot of do's and don'ts as it relates to the community how to treat each other. Now, let's say who gerat is called an o gerat. Because there was a small apartments that Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam his wives used to live in those

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apartments and they were connected to the masjid very small. Al gerat Allah called it now let's say how does al Islam the Quran deal with racism? Solothurn gerat How circle are Gerard has 18 verses in it? They say today's the first

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few verses not the first five but I'm gonna bring this to your attention. There are five verses that come the first verse says yeah, you are levena Imanol not to cut d mu Boehner yet de la he was truly he was top law. Oh you believe Yeah. Are you a Latina? Am I no.

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Oh you who believe? Don't put yourselves before Allah and His messenger. Allah said do this don't say no, I'm not going to do that. Allah said don't do innovation problem. Ahmed said don't do innovation say no. I'm gonna do innovation the moment I'm gonna do it. I don't care what you say.

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Don't put yourselves before Allah and His messenger.

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The next isa Yeah, you have levena Amman, Latifah who are swatter. comfo assaulting Nebby Oh, you who believe Oh, you believe? Don't raise your voices above the voice of the nebi salah. Why do you

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respect him? So the Companions used to lower the voice in his presence out of respect. Now, you and I are supposed to do that with our mothers and our fathers, too.

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talk to your mother and your father with a loud voice. Don't talk to the professor, your teacher with a loud voice. The teacher, the chef, the man who teaches you don't talk to him in a disrespectful way. Older people you see walking in the street, Muslim, non Muslim, white, black. Don't talk to them loud and crazy.

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Don't raise your voice that people, my daughter wants to get married. Don't raise your voice to your husband strong with you.

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That doesn't mean I support or pressuring or you don't have something to say. That's not to say your parents want to force you to marry, you have nothing to say. I will Sommerset keep my voice down. I didn't tell you that.

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You don't want to marry the one that forced you to marry let them know. But with respect, like Ibrahim was giving Dawa to his father. And he kept seeing ya EBITDA. Oh, my beloved father. Oh my respect the father and his father was tripping. Giving them a hard time. That's the second eye. Third Eye it is not in sequential order. But the eye is said Yeah, are you Halina Avenue in a concise a convener bear in for W. O you who believe. If an evil person comes to you with some news

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about whatever, ascertain as to his reality? Don't just believe everything everybody see said to you about somebody, especially when it's negative. Oh, he stole something. Oh, he's this. Oh, she's that. Oh, he did that. Oh, he's an innovator. Oh, he's a Catholic. No.

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The fourth iron.

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And then that I told you is not 1234 the fourth ayat, Allah will try to mention Yeah, you want to live in a

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lie. Yes, her coma will come as saying your Kulu hi in a melon. Oh, you will believe Let not a group of you ridicule another group.

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And don't let the women ridicule another group of women. It may be that the group as being ridiculed is better than the one that's doing the ridiculing. So we have that in our culture. Someone comes and he's from a different ethnic group or she is not you know, she's not plugged into the group. So she comes in She's like an outsider. And people don't treat her well. She's the divorced wife of a man who his new wife is down with the group and her relatives. So now the ex wife comes to their eat

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or whatever. And people are laughing at her making faces pulling faces and ridiculing her that's what this is says don't do that to people.

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So that's the fourth one the fifth one

00:32:49 --> 00:33:26

Allah Azza just said the fifth one yeah are you live in the Amman which tourney boo cathedra minivan in Nevada van Ethem hey you believe us Oh you who believe avoid speculating because a lot of some of that speculation is a sin. If you don't know for sure don't say this that because you're gonna be wrong most of the time. Those five I'd say get a you are living the Amazon. The next is said that talked about where we've come from race and color. Yeah, a you Hannah has in

00:33:27 --> 00:33:28


00:33:30 --> 00:33:58

With your another commercial Ruben Wakaba either not Chroma coming Billahi at barkham Oh, mankind. Not Yeah, you're the nominee. Oh mankind. We created you from a single man and from a single woman. And we made you nations and tribes so that you can get to know each other. Not to despise each other. The best of you is the one who has the most Taqwa.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:35

So when it came to issues of how we deal with each other, yeah. Are you living the Amande? When it came to the issue of what's the source? Where did we come from? The ISA. Yeah, you were nice. What is yeah, you're nice. The Quran is saying, hey, Muslim, hey, Jew, Hey, Christian, Sikh, Hindu, white, black, tall, short, rich, poor. All of you your sources the same. Adam and his wife. However, the best of you is not the one in the color. It's not that not the one with the money. Not that. Not

00:34:35 --> 00:34:52

the one from that. Not that. The best of you is determined by a man. A Taqwa. I'm not gonna say as a Muslim, I'm equal. We're equal. We gotta walk around nah, not equal. We're not equal. La slam yalla when are you? Slam is uppermost.

00:34:54 --> 00:34:59

So what makes people better than other people in the den? What makes them better as the Eman

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Taqwa good deeds. So the Prophet told the people some Allah what He was sending Allah Allah young guru in Saudi Kumala era and why they come when I can Allah Yom voto era polu become where Illa Ahmadi come, Allah doesn't look at your colors. He doesn't look at how much money you have. Allah looks at your hearts, what was your intent? What were you trying to do was your intent good or not? And he looks at your actions. That's what determines who's good and who's bad.

00:35:32 --> 00:36:08

That's what determines who's good, and who's bad. So in this is this surah. When it came to this, it shows people are equal in terms of their color. Now listen, what's the meaning of that? Effectively, we can say a lot, but we got to move on. Part of the meaning of that honey is the Jew, the Christian, the Muslim, the Jew, the Christian, the sick, the handle the agnostic, the atheists, we are living in society. Everybody has a right, everybody to live in a good community. In America,

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African Americans, there is systemic, there is something going on to keep us down.

00:36:17 --> 00:36:32

You can't buy a house, it's difficult to get a house, whether it's by alone, or other than that. So you have generational poverty like they have in the UK. Asians, where we come from your education, our education is the worse

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because of the demographics of where we come from.

00:36:38 --> 00:37:03

No, it's not supposed to be like that. When we go to court, all of us Muslim, Christian Jew, we're supposed to be equal in front of the law. And America they have and most courthouses, they have a statue outside with a lady sitting and she's holding the scale and she has a blindfold over her eye. She's supposed to be justice, and justice is supposed to be blind. That's Kevin.

00:37:05 --> 00:37:26

Why the African Americans clap and support OJ when they found him not guilty. Oh, Jay Simpson has nothing to do with us. Nothing. Michael Jordan has nothing to do with us. The people were saying Michael Jordan, come on man, use your use your your your your celebrity to help us to help our politicians who are going to help African he said, Look,

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white people are Democrats and Republicans too. I just want my sneakers man, just buy my sneakers. He doesn't care whose foot he doesn't use why money.

00:37:38 --> 00:37:55

Those people with celebrity are not like Colin Kaepernick, who gave up a lot, gave up money to stand up for something. And even better than him. They're not like Muhammad Ali, a Muslim who gave up stuff.

00:37:56 --> 00:38:20

That doesn't mean I couldn't don't box him and all that. The point is, the man gave up stuff. So now you go to the courthouse. And I always tell you this, as soon as I walk in the door, they see my color one strike against me. You guys know baseball, you know, baseball. Three strikes, you're out. You heard that before? If you miss that ball three times you out.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:24

I go in there, my color one strike.

00:38:25 --> 00:38:30

What's your name? You have a Muslim name. I'm gonna do.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:43

I'm gonna do whatever. Naveen, whatever Muslim name two strikes. Now if you have a Muslim laying like Oussama, I will stop. You got three strikes already. You out you done.

00:38:44 --> 00:38:54

And then the judge comes in. And then the person in the court says all rise out of respect for the judge. everybody stands up out of respect for the judge.

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But one of our youngsters says I'm not raising the seat right here. The josei Why are you not why you didn't rise? Well, Judge, you didn't call him Your Honor. Well, Judge, the Companions loved Prophet Muhammad so much. So the lady was telling them that they said, We love to more than everybody and when he used to come in, we didn't stand up for him. I'm not standing up for you judge.

00:39:20 --> 00:39:33

No, you can give downward like that. The judge? You're not calling me Your Honor. Why you're not calling me Your Honor. Our Prophet Muhammad said our religion if you say to him when I fit the guys say you, you destroy the religion.

00:39:35 --> 00:39:50

So when the judge he has all of that he's going to say and you're only there because you have a ticket or driving ticket. That's what you in court for. The judge is going to say after all of that. Give them 350 years under the court, under the jail.

00:39:52 --> 00:39:57

Under the jail, you guys are laughing man, it's reality. Wow come from

00:40:00 --> 00:40:35

So the point here and 20 in the showerhead here is the I yeah are you a nice hey you people, you non Muslims who want to look into Islam you want to judge our religion, the Israel of racism as been dealt with you not Muslims are just like us when it comes to justice when it comes to where you live when it comes to your quality of life. Now I want to ask you again. Is there justice my daughter in America Hafsa 22 years old, 21 out 22 years old, getting her degree PhD in America, she drives Hafsa

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has a broken taillight. Hafsa accidentally makes a right turn on red. She's not supposed to do it on this day or this street. My daughter hops it in totally stop at the stop sign. She went through the red light trying to get it before it turned red. The police pull her over. My daughter Hafsa is prone to getting shot in her face right then in there.

00:40:59 --> 00:41:37

When the police man comes to deal with her, he has a mentality that she's subhuman, that she's lesser than him. And he's a paramilitary soldier to blast my daughter. My daughter doesn't have you know, golden had two tattoos that she doesn't have that she's a respectable looking girl with he died. But because of her color. He goes up to her with a different understanding that he'll go up to white people. And it's not fear, or all cops like that or Popo like that. But it's like that in

00:41:37 --> 00:41:44

America. And that's why you guys have not seen not a single situation where white kid was killed like we have killed

00:41:47 --> 00:41:59

so that's the second is another ayat. How did the Quran deal with racism and gotta pay attention? Shalamov finishes real soon I'm coming back and ask you questions. In sha Allah.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:03

You're going to be first because I haven't seen you in a long time mashallah Welcome back.

00:42:04 --> 00:42:06

No take that off. I want you to get nervous and

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00:42:10 --> 00:42:45

hooked but to hijack hooked but to hijack you know, on Friday in Al Hamdulillah. Madhu when studying when Rasul Allah used to say that every Friday Salah What do you say to them every Friday before the quarter, when he marry you married he will say who to hire for the Red Hook but will hijack. He sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if something happened, he will say but I'll make the event. It's not Salaat time make the event make the people come that people come with a guy that in Alhamdulillah he

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do hospital hygiene lesson

00:42:47 --> 00:43:04

and hospital Hajah there are three I direct. The first ayat is yeah, you have levena am an otaku? Allah ha ha koutou katoa he will to move to La Ilaha en Tong Muslim on

00:43:05 --> 00:43:23

Yeah. Are you living in Armenia? The second is that yeah, you have a nice a taco Rob buku levy halacha coming Neff same why he didn't. What color come in? Huzzah. Jaha. We're Bethlehem in Houma, regering kefir, and when he said,

00:43:24 --> 00:43:50

the second ayat is talking about where we come from. And what does it say? Oh, mankind, Jew, Muslim, Jew, Christian. Yeah. Are you a nice Fear your Lord, feel your Lord who created you from a single soul Adam, and created from that soul, his mate how, and spread out from these to countless men and women, countless men and women.

00:43:51 --> 00:44:15

And then the third is that yeah, you have levena am an otaku. Allah will Kulu colons de da, oh you believe say the word right to the point be straight, say the word. And Allah forgive you and so forth. So on. So the point here is, again, when it's mentioned about where we come from, yeah, you and NAS now listen to this.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:50

Rasul Allah Allah Mecca sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he arrived in Medina. He starts giving the hookah every single year for 10 years, every single week. Nobody every single week on Friday, people start what they're doing they can't wait to join to hear what he has to say. Every Friday he says this hood Patil hijo over and over and over and over and over and over. Look at these young brothers that grow up in the masjid and they hear that in a set if you masjid for an example, the Imam sticks

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with that tenaciously. Something that I love about a chef ideal Hedeby

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

you see the majority of his lessons whatever is caught

00:45:00 --> 00:45:05

But then hija asked him Yeah, shit while you do that, he said, We got to spread this amongst the people.

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So the kid grows up the companion, hearing that over and over and over 10 years, every Friday, all his life. And then there's the people. And then there's the walima. And then there's the mica, and then on and on, then there's election.

00:45:22 --> 00:45:33

And the companions had knowledge. So when it came to this, they mentioned it over and over, and you know to crawl that's repetition. Tuck Ra means repetition.

00:45:34 --> 00:45:46

Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim is the iron from every Surah except al Bara. So that's a Toba? How many is in Allah and a coalition Kadir over and over the same thing over and over.

00:45:47 --> 00:45:52

To show emphasis is important. Don't forget it. Don't sleep on it.

00:45:53 --> 00:45:58

Again, I say a fella get the Brunel Quran I'm

00:45:59 --> 00:46:01

Cuban UK follow ha.

00:46:02 --> 00:46:05

And I'm telling you a whiny if we had

00:46:07 --> 00:46:08

put the time in.

00:46:09 --> 00:46:24

And we have someone who was good at Tafseer of the Quran as students of knowledge, there will be no time to be wasted in with this can emphatic that, you know we here and many of us, most of us, most of us are put into the can emphatic.

00:46:26 --> 00:46:57

So the fact that the Prophet said this over and over, is the Quran dealing with racism. Yeah, you a nice Muslim Jew, all of you people come from the same source. And that's Adam. And that's his wife, how Salawat Allah He was sin mo Ania. Now concerning this is really important. As I mentioned, when you go to the court, when you go to the Court, Justice should be blind. Look at what happened with the Prophet and many examples, I just give you one and their meaning is one, because we want to just

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focus on the Quran. You go to the court as an African American, I should be equal man to the white guy, the one who has money, the one whose father is a minister that we should be, you go to Africa, you go to Pakistan, you know, you can kill someone, you can kill someone in Africa. You can kill someone and take their life in Pakistan. And if you have chatter, you pay and you get off.

00:47:27 --> 00:47:28

Base the justice in that.

00:47:29 --> 00:48:03

Because he has money and you don't, because he comes from this tribe, and you're from the other tribe. And I'm not putting Pakistan down or Africa. That's how it is right here. It's the same way, right here. Trump, elect so many criminals off as the President gave him presidential pardons criminals. And then the young African American who killed someone at the age of 1213. He's young, dumb, inexperienced, got caught out here got caught up, got caught out gun, him and his crew, where

00:48:03 --> 00:48:09

we come from bad ghetto back, this deck is this the deck is stacked against him.

00:48:10 --> 00:48:18

He's going to jail because the deck is stacked against them. So how many of us have been in a prison cell? How many?

00:48:19 --> 00:48:35

How many ages Somalis have been in prison cells? Because the deck is stacked against us. That doesn't mean we lean on this crutch. The system this system, the white doctor and I'm not saying that.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:53

We owe some of the responsibility and as problem permeates throughout Europe is in France, the Algerians in France, Africans in France, same thing. France is a racist country. If you didn't know. Now, you know,

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00:48:57 --> 00:49:29

it's not the same. Look at what happened with Prophet Muhammad there was a rich lady or lady from a tribe of Quraysh Benny Masoom. She had power tried, she stole something. They say now we can't have her hand get cut off no way that reflect negatively on us. If our tribes woman got a hand cut off, they said someone gotta go talk to the Prophet, intercede on behalf. Yada Sula, don't cut a hand off, don't cut her head off. So I became angry, called the people. He said to the people in my head,

00:49:29 --> 00:49:34

a common kind of publikum canu is a senator FEMA Sharif Turku

00:49:36 --> 00:49:45

with a senator FEMA dive accom while he had way more Hilo NFL team atta Bynum, her maiden circuit, the Qatar two years.

00:49:48 --> 00:49:59

He said the people came before you I know they went straight, they would destroy they left the religion. Why? Because when it came to ruling and judging

00:50:00 --> 00:50:04

If a rich powerful person stole, they will let him go.

00:50:05 --> 00:50:30

But if a poor miskeen when stole, they would cut his hand off, or put the lawn, put the book on him. throw the book at him. He said, I swear by Allah, a Fatima, my daughter, a Fatima stole something. I'll cut a hand off. And what does it mean? I could have hand off? You know, I'll disfigure her to get your hand cut off your disfigured.

00:50:31 --> 00:51:03

Yes after she'd have al Islam in this Allah Asha Deedle ECOMP. Allah stern and punishment. And I don't mean this by law does that I'm saying turn. So this person stole something at the nerve and the audacity to take someone else's property is Muslim brothers property this something, Mr. propio, okay, we're going to disfigure you for what you did. But it has to be a certain amount and silver not if you take a piece of paper. He said, I would do that to my own daughter. You think he's gonna

00:51:03 --> 00:51:06

hesitate doing that to you? You will you are me.

00:51:08 --> 00:51:37

And why did he say his daughter Fatima? Because she was the youngest. And I don't know a man who is not extraordinarily connected to his bent. We love our sons. My man shave is my dude shave his demand if you didn't know now, you know, but the love and the affection I have for my daughters is different men. My daughter's anybody got daughters here. Anybody have daughters? You know what I'm talking about? Right? You feel what I'm talking about? Right?

00:51:39 --> 00:51:45

So that is the justice of Ellis lamb. Let's go to the next one. We almost done a lot.

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The next one is the issue of a bliss, a bliss

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concerning the issue of a bliss and I have to take this back a little bit because no I'm not gonna we're gonna sit leave it. You know, in our religion we have been commanded not to be like a bliss. Don't be like you please. If something has been described in the Quran and Sunnah as something that he bleeds does, for you to do it is a major sin. It's one way you know something is a major sin. That a bliss does that thing.

00:52:26 --> 00:52:55

We've been prohibited from resembling kofod mentorship by becoming for minimum, anybody who resembles a people you're from them, so you can't resemble non Muslims and things that they're picual the procurement we known for. You can't be like animals don't pray like the dog. Don't pray like the chicken. The word sound is the sound of the as the donkey the brain of the as so many is Hadith Don't be like the animals. Don't be like a bliss.

00:52:57 --> 00:52:58

Don't be like you please.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:09

One of the is of the Quran the story is the story of the bliss he was the first racist a bliss was the first races and his story comes to us.

00:53:11 --> 00:53:13

So you can't be like a bliss

00:53:14 --> 00:53:19

take with your left give with your left eat with your left drink with your left e bliss.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:33

He said in the Quran Subhana wa Taala in the green candle one Shayateen those who waste are the brothers of the devil a bliss

00:53:35 --> 00:53:37

can you take shaytaan Asia brava

00:53:38 --> 00:53:53

so the man gets into the shower and he's taken a shower for an hour and two hours I was talking about our daughters you know women they have a nature with them beautify themselves you know that mirror thing you know they always make you late

00:53:55 --> 00:54:03

I don't want to be stereotypical man but I just want to take a census here how many of you your wives always make you late? How many of you that's the case

00:54:05 --> 00:54:17

some people just scared man it got to the wives got them shook and it can't even see the situation my daughter's make me late family make us late

00:54:18 --> 00:54:23

is something like that not all the time not all the time can't be stereotypical like that.

00:54:24 --> 00:54:26

He bliss

00:54:27 --> 00:54:42

Eliza John mentioning that I had many many I will call it a breeze call it a bliss mom and I can test you to be my curl up to be a day Yeah. A bliss. What prevented you from bowing down to the one I created with my two hands?

00:54:43 --> 00:54:59

Two hands. Allah has two hands and both of his hands are right hands. Don't put your hand up and say right hands and a lot too right hands like this. No, Allah has to write hands that Be Fit His Majesty is not for you with me to try to figure it out. The eye

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He said, What prevented you from bowing down to the one I created with my own two hands. And another part of the I added the Quran He bleeds sad, calm, collected even not what? To maintain, and in bow down to him because you created me from fire. And you created him from dirt. I'm better than him. And

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I'm better than him. I'm better than him because I'm white.

00:55:27 --> 00:55:54

And I'm telling you guys listen to what I'm telling you, I hope I don't come across as, as a racist like that. I'm just saying how it is. But I want to come down because I don't want my words to get lost in translation. And people say, Oh, he's passionate. He's a racist. And America in America in the 60s 50s, they did not allow black people, my people to jump into the pools with them, because they thought dirt would come off of us.

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They wouldn't allow us to drink from the same water fountain, they were separated. You can't ride on the same bus, we have to go on the back of the bus. And the courtroom. Justice is blind. We had to go up on the rafters while they sat down there. And they have fans and all that and we up around the rafters. They used to believe that my people had tails, tails.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:30

We come from monkeys. Even to this day, they call us You monkey. These caravans these caravans, they'll stop you if you African American and slap you some of them

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get into something and slap you. And that's why it's crazy that some of our brothers from Africa, they come here and Africans have problems with Jamaicans and Jamaicans have problems African, South African comes here, not all of them, not all of them, and he thinks he's better than the Afro Caribbean person.

00:56:52 --> 00:57:07

And then something happens to him and he slapped into reality. You also inward to many of the people and then they get shocked into reality. It's crazy. Jamaicans having problems with Somalis. What you

00:57:08 --> 00:57:15

while you're here is not like our hair, your skin we talking about? We're very close to each other.

00:57:17 --> 00:57:29

So as it relates to a bliss, Allahu Taala has prohibited us from being like him, who in his right mind wants to be like the devil who, as soon as we hear that we don't want to be like the devil.

00:57:31 --> 00:57:50

So Allah azza wa jal told Adam, or commanded a bliss, to bow down to add them. Why, as we mentioned before, from the hikma that, Allah created for things with his own two hands only for things he created, nor to Dean What did Allah create with his own two hands?

00:57:51 --> 00:57:53

He created Adam.

00:57:54 --> 00:58:04

He created the arch the arch or rock man who had a lot of shoes stoah Allah was over the Arash in a way that befits His Majesty. And what else

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he created the pin, the pen that read that wrote everything part of your Eman and the color, the color is and everything is written, and everything is in a book. So I've already written so in the Sahrawi Mirage when the Prophet was taken from Mecca, so nobody was sent him to bake the luctus you pray with all the prophets in the messengers, and then he went up to the first heaven seven area all the way up to the seventh heaven. He said, When I got to the Sydenham Taha, when I got way up there,

00:58:36 --> 00:58:43

he Jabril let me go by myself. He said I can't go beyond this point. He said when I went, I can hear the pin

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00:58:48 --> 00:58:49

what's the fourth thing?

00:58:51 --> 00:59:12

Yes, Allah created the Jana four things. Allah created the art of shoot with his own two hands. Allah created Jana with his own two hands. Allah created the pen with his own two hands. A lot created Adam Salawat the light was cinammon windy with his own two hands. Everything else he said come

00:59:13 --> 00:59:22

for your Khun B and it came into existence. So when Allah told you please bow down to Adam. It's not about what you created from what he created from

00:59:24 --> 00:59:41

I'm white I'm better than you. I'm from this tribe. You're from that tribe. And we all have this stuff no matter where you come from. All of us had this stuff. Everybody we had this second thing about this issue we move on to the last point be the law listen whiny

00:59:42 --> 00:59:48

Rasul Allah told the racists as it relates to all of this call us of Allah what He was sending them in Allah

00:59:50 --> 01:00:00

Calaca Adam min cup that him cover the Harmon Jamil URL for Jaya Ben who Adam and Catherine out for men who

01:00:00 --> 01:00:25

And when us what we're bringing Nevada women home and husband was Sal we're being Nevada women who marry beef what for you we're being a Vatika listen, you three in a corner call you guys three to Heartway we should name son. So Haber and you have man you you two are brothers

01:00:29 --> 01:00:30

this hadith Listen,

01:00:31 --> 01:00:37

Allah created Adam from all of the dirt in the earth.

01:00:38 --> 01:01:02

Every kind of dirt, every texture every color of dirt in the earth, white sand, yellow sand, red sand, brown sand, black sand, and all the shades between that the Hadid said I love create an add them from a cup. A cup the is like this. I'm not saying Allah cup, I'm showing what a cup there is. A cup days when you take something like this.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:15

So Allah created Adam, a cup from all of the different textures and colors of dirt in the earth. So Adams children came out

01:01:16 --> 01:01:20

in a sweat. Armor here doesn't mean red.

01:01:21 --> 01:01:32

Murder here means white. That's why the prophet has to call Isha sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who may raw because she was white light is not read here.

01:01:34 --> 01:01:49

And there is even some historians in Ellis lamb who have argued very seriously that most of the companions will have dark complexion anyway, but we're not going to get into that. No time for that discussion.

01:01:51 --> 01:01:56

Allah created Adam from one cup down from all of the different

01:01:57 --> 01:02:31

types of Earth and that's why Adams children some of them come out white and some come out black and every color between that that represents them. This Brother Guy this color is not exactly like his you it's not like his different different different. So when I see a person from Senegal, when I see a person from the Gambia and they are extra, extra crispy and black, you know what I say? Mashallah, black is beautiful, baby. That's what I say. But I can say that because I'm African American. I

01:02:31 --> 01:02:38

don't have a problem with black. You know, James Brown used to say that say it now. You guys know the rest.

01:02:39 --> 01:02:47

You don't know the rest of England. That's why I feel like I'm a fish out of water some time. They don't even know James Brown. And what he said, is that right?

01:02:48 --> 01:02:50

Adams children Hmm.

01:02:51 --> 01:02:53

Say a lot. I'm black and I'm proud.

01:02:55 --> 01:02:56

Are you serious?

01:02:57 --> 01:02:59

I'm in the UK man. What can I say?

01:03:03 --> 01:03:11

Any way, white and black and everything in between? There are some people who despise very dark people.

01:03:13 --> 01:03:24

And look, an Afro Caribbean culture, African American culture, Pakistani culture. Do you know skin bleaching is a billion dollar industry

01:03:25 --> 01:03:37

that people pay money to bleach their skins. Where I come from the lighter you are, the more attractive you are. A man tries to marry a girl nice hair. Too Black. He's too dark.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:40

Allah created Adam between that.

01:03:42 --> 01:03:49

And he went on to say and some of his children come out easy to get along with and difficult to get along with.

01:03:51 --> 01:04:00

And then he said and some of his people some of his children are a beef and some beef is filthy dirty, too crazy thing molest kids.

01:04:01 --> 01:04:02

molest kids.

01:04:03 --> 01:04:06

He gets gratification from dogs and animals.

01:04:09 --> 01:04:12

A beef steals from the masjid

01:04:17 --> 01:04:51

so similar to that hadith, incited Bukhari and Ottawa who julu mucha NEDA Mata Ara Femina telefax were Maya Tanaka, Mi Na, Terra for the souls of the people are like train soldiers when it comes together. Some souls they get along. And some souls they just clash. I just want to before we finish very quickly, do any of you have an experience where you know somebody no matter what you just always clashing with them? Do anybody you have that situation?

01:04:52 --> 01:04:58

No matter what, it's just clashing. Some of us get married to people like that.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:03

Everything is a clash. She doesn't understand me and I don't understand her.

01:05:06 --> 01:05:08

So you got to get a divorce because this ain't working.

01:05:10 --> 01:05:17

It could be her mother. It could be a father, it could be a brother, it could be your boss, it could be a co worker. It could be the bus driver.

01:05:19 --> 01:05:21

Everything about you You are problem.

01:05:22 --> 01:05:24

Or you can be the problem.

01:05:26 --> 01:05:59

Because that's how Adams children are. And then there's that person who is easy, man. And that's why you young brothers, Inshallah, take your time trying to get married, because you want to marry your soulmate your soulmate. Soon as you come to the door, and your wife sees you. She knows how to deal with that situation. She said Diego my man right there. He looks like he's in a playful mood. He doesn't look playful today. He looks tired. He looks hungry. They go my man right did he looks like

01:05:59 --> 01:06:04

he got the sword in his hand. Let me some people don't like them not like that.

01:06:06 --> 01:06:07

They not like that.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:22

So how did the Quran deal with racism, telling us the constant story of Adam many plays in the Quran, giving us more information. So listen, before we forget, before we finish Inshallah, before we finish

01:06:24 --> 01:06:29

with different colors, because the hikma of Allah, and I'm really I'm really

01:06:32 --> 01:07:09

disgusted by people of color, who between themselves have this inferiority complex. So we look at each other, as if we're better than them. But we looked at people who are white as being inferior to them. There was a person who wanted to have a young brother I'm close to the family wanted to marry into he's Afro Caribbean revert young brother ticks all the boxes. Nice, heavy, good o'clock at the intelligent Good job. Anybody would want his boy for the ISTEP for their son in law. Buy it you

01:07:09 --> 01:07:25

start like that girl. So from the culture, he has to take an elder mother father, that's the culture called can you go yeah, go come on. It's go. The girls brothers were disrespectful to him and to me. And I saw it right away.

01:07:26 --> 01:07:46

And I had to give him a piece of my mind because they were younger than me. He didn't even try to hide it. Just have lunch and you know, play it off. Like you have a chance he didn't even try to hide his contempt for us. And I told him how I felt. And the thing that really blew my mind was he was darker than us.

01:07:48 --> 01:07:53

He was an Asian background, and he was darker than us.

01:07:55 --> 01:08:01

And when you go to Saudi Arabia and you go to Kuwait and you go to Qatar, they look down on him.

01:08:04 --> 01:08:07

And now in the UK, he looks down on us.

01:08:09 --> 01:08:14

And then we look down at something's wrong. That's a bliss man. That shape on

01:08:16 --> 01:08:38

another issue is 20. Allah mentioned in surah to Rome. How did the Quran deal with this surah Tarun, Allah mentioned women it helped to summer why it will erode the delightful lady when a hot woman it helped to summer why it went out what the laugh who else was delightful al whiny, Cinetic, calm and Nephi that Nicola

01:08:39 --> 01:08:40


01:08:42 --> 01:09:10

And from the Ayat of Allah is the creation of the heavens and the earth, they prove that there is an law and from His Ayat as well, is the differences in your colors and your language. That's an ayat, not something for you to be arrogant about verbally and that is a sign for those who know with knowledge. Do you guys know that man?

01:09:13 --> 01:09:19

Wow, what's his name? That white guy he does all of those programs about animals and stuff like that. We're in bird. What's his name?

01:09:22 --> 01:09:45

David, David Attenborough. May Allah guide him to slam See, I mean, May Allah guide them into slam. I like that guy. I like his personality. And he is a person who really loves the creation and animals, climate change all that stuff. And his programs will blow your socks off.

01:09:47 --> 01:09:59

sit and watch those programs, with your children, your family, but look with all of what he's seen with the plant life with the animals, the insects he didn't accept Islam

01:10:00 --> 01:10:11

mean you read the law who be hired are you for 215 Allah didn't give him understanding Allah to guide them because If Allah doesn't guide you not gonna be guided so we make dua Allah guy, what's his name?

01:10:13 --> 01:10:15

Guy Adam burrow to this deep

01:10:17 --> 01:10:30

programs are amazing look, those shows that he came with in the ocean the fish in the ocean. Have you guys seen those programs with all the colors of those fish?

01:10:32 --> 01:10:40

Colors? You don't you can't even make those colors up. You look at those fish. And you have to say so the Muslim says Subhanallah

01:10:41 --> 01:10:45

What if all the fish look the same? Everything was the same.

01:10:47 --> 01:10:59

The stars the constellation, the stars are not the same. Some are bigger, some are small, some are burning some of this. You look at that the the diversity beautifies the constellation, what if they all were the same?

01:11:03 --> 01:11:34

That's an ayat. And from his I add is the differences in your colors. If we all look the same, and that's why I noted the my students. You want to marry a woman from Cameroon. You're gonna marry a woman from America. You're gonna marry a woman from France, European. And four because you want diversity. Nobody wants nobody wants to eat curry curry curry every day. Curry who's gonna eat curry every day?

01:11:36 --> 01:11:37

Can you eat curry every day? Brother?

01:11:39 --> 01:11:43

Um, yeah, some Asian brother. I hate lettuce man. Can you eat curry every day?

01:11:45 --> 01:11:48

Every day, diversity brava

01:11:49 --> 01:11:51

So listen, it's an iron. Let me ask you this question.

01:11:53 --> 01:12:02

And your tongues is an ayat. If we all came from Adam, and we came from Eve, why do we have all these languages? How did the languages change?

01:12:04 --> 01:12:33

Every one of us in the house that you live in you your wife, your mother, your father, your sisters, your brothers, your kids, you all speaking the same language. You don't have the two parents speaking English. One son speaking Spanish, another one speaking Urdu, another one speaking Arabic. We say what's up with that, but you learn somewhere you live somewhere. We all speak the same language in the family. But why do human beings have always like a Nigeria they have over 100

01:12:33 --> 01:12:35

languages and one country.

01:12:37 --> 01:12:39

That's an iron an iron.

01:12:41 --> 01:12:56

What happened? That's a story unto itself. When people started to migrate, and travel through the Earth, the change in the climate, the change and the elevation of the Earth, the seasons, it started to affect the language.

01:12:57 --> 01:12:59

You learn this in sociology.

01:13:00 --> 01:13:08

You learn this stuff. That's an ayat. He doesn't mean he has but the best language out of all of them is what language I repeat.

01:13:09 --> 01:13:13

But does that make Arabs better than everybody else? No.

01:13:15 --> 01:13:23

So listen is the last thing that I want to mention a whiny The very last thing about this as connected to the creation

01:13:24 --> 01:13:42

is the Hadith that we talked about the Hadith of the prophets of Allah he was setting a method or movement method or Nakhla method or movement method or Nakhla method Lu l many mi methylome and laterality Can you translate for that translate for us that

01:13:50 --> 01:13:50


01:13:53 --> 01:14:22

the example that have been set the example of the believer is like the example of the date palm tree. Everybody is like to date palm tree in many ways many ways. We're not here to explain that we talked about that before. One of the most important ways you're similar to the day palm tree is that the date palm tree is in the earth and is firmly established and it has a soul your religion has to be a religion you know what you're doing? You want to do the Molad people want you to do the Molad

01:14:22 --> 01:14:27

don't just go with the wind and do the mole it you have to say to the people where that come from

01:14:28 --> 01:14:36

you have to have a really in your religion gotta know what you're doing. Can't be all over the place everybody else doing it so I'm doing it

01:14:37 --> 01:14:38

the Shift

01:14:39 --> 01:14:40

H heavier

01:14:45 --> 01:14:54

everybody is doing our young people our young people. Why are you smoking weed everybody else smoking you're on why you smoke cigarettes my friends do it. No man

01:14:56 --> 01:14:59

can be a copycat like that. You have to have a soul

01:15:00 --> 01:15:11

Why are you doing? Why are you why are you doing Halloween for? We just do it in school? We don't do what everybody does. The young man he has to understand that you're different.

01:15:13 --> 01:15:44

So the knuckleheads like that. Another example is the date palm tree brings benefit. You're going to benefit from it. So the believer is going to benefit. He sees people in the masjid. The man is not praying, right? He doesn't put his hands right. He doesn't do this correctly. You advise him something, the Masjid is not right. You correct it, you go to the admin, you talk to them. Don't sit amongst yourselves and you talk amongst yourselves. Just amongst yourselves. Go to the admin and

01:15:44 --> 01:15:49

advise them it's a sign. You are courageous. It's a sign that you want, hey,

01:15:51 --> 01:15:57

the third one and this is the point that they palm trees and the dates. Are they all the same?

01:16:01 --> 01:16:03

No, they're not all the same. They're different.

01:16:04 --> 01:16:12

The believer is like the date palm. The date palms are different. And the believers are different.

01:16:13 --> 01:16:24

So you have those dates that come from Algeria and Morocco. You know, I'm talking about those days come from Algeria, Morocco. You have those days that you put them in the freezer.

01:16:25 --> 01:16:29

And then you eat them with that Kava. You know what I'm talking about? They call them soup curry.

01:16:30 --> 01:16:31

They haven't been the collegia lot.

01:16:32 --> 01:16:34

Who have those ajwa

01:16:35 --> 01:16:40

I just didn't anybody eat seven iJoy dates. He won't get magic put on him won't get poison.

01:16:42 --> 01:16:44

I do have familiar Medina only.

01:16:46 --> 01:16:47

So the dates are not the same.

01:16:49 --> 01:16:54

The days of Africa. I've been to Africa as some whacked out dates in Africa.

01:16:56 --> 01:17:02

Some beats his Old Navy Shriver, you can do silly things and then you get them African days you know?

01:17:03 --> 01:17:09

African days with the colon nuts man, I don't know brother. They all are not the same.

01:17:11 --> 01:17:13

Listen to what Allah said in the Quran.

01:17:15 --> 01:17:35

What are the Kaito Mata jab era tomb with Jana two min ANAB was Zara when they're feeling synth one was a little synth one used to be Matt in Whitehead, when no fog beetle Barbra and about Phil Oakley. And if you there they can lie to me call me Qilu

01:17:37 --> 01:18:07

and the earth there are, you know, there are we traveling the Earth, the land that you see. So when you travel from Medina to Mecca, and you're driving down that highway three hours, you will see in the earth it changes the landscape Kittery motor job we rot, pieces of land that are next to each other. So when you start out, it looks like this and then it changes and then it changes and then it changes and then it goes back

01:18:08 --> 01:18:15

is different. You don't get one solid, same texture of land for the whole trip.

01:18:16 --> 01:18:48

Why is one land like this one right next to it starts to change. This one has yellow flowers, this one has roses, the next one is barren and the next one. So what Allah said, he said and in those different lands or dates, Nephele dates, some of the dates that you find, they come in clusters like grapes together. And some dates are without clusters that come in at 1111 You know the string and then like that summer together like clusters like grapes and you could look great up some things

01:18:48 --> 01:19:11

like that. And some days are on that vine that string you pull one off you even like that. The believer is like that. Some believers are like this and some are like that. And Allah says Allah I and some of these dates, we make them taste better than others. Some are sweeter than others. Some of them are more some of them are

01:19:13 --> 01:19:14


01:19:16 --> 01:19:43

So the Muslim is the one who looks at these issues at whiney, and he says to himself, this person is this color this tall have this * because Allah created them like that. And it's an ayat. So yes, as we have racism, some of us have this thing where we are sexist as well. When we look down on women, our culture looks down on women. They're not to be heard and not to be seen. They just to be used cook have babies.

01:19:44 --> 01:19:54

The racist has a problem the way it looks at people and the one who's a sexist looks at women second class citizens. No, not

01:19:56 --> 01:20:00

everybody has his unique situation.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:15

And, and all of that comes from the help of Allah. And that's why he is a HELOC. a HELOC, he is alcholic and l HELOC serum Obeida. Allah is the Creator.

01:20:18 --> 01:20:28

We're going to stop here in sha Allah Who Tiana and we asked him Oh, Ty, that save us from racism and save us from all this other stuff. We'll take one question in sha Allah, if you got that question for them, anybody?

01:20:30 --> 01:20:32

Brothers here, right? Yeah, my man is here

01:20:42 --> 01:21:07

is it permissible for the Muslim to sane to feel that he's better than other people? Allahu Manam. permissible, but he shouldn't be arrogant and he shouldn't walk around with his chest puffed out. But his theology has a card is that he fills religiously he's better than other people because in Accra, McMinn de la he at Auckland, the best of you. So one has the most Taqwa. Amen. Good Works.

01:21:10 --> 01:21:43

But he doesn't walk around, I'm better than you even towards non Muslims. Prophet Muhammad wasn't like that. He treated them good. And What's strange about that, Christians say, if you don't believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross, and He died on it for you, for you to take your sins away. You go to hellfire, I'm better than you. Some of them walk bad, like they better but many of them are just regular, but they have that Jews had the same thing. So is an issue that well they can do this

01:21:43 --> 01:21:56

or we can do it. No, that's not the point. That's not the point. But as Allah mentioned, in the Quran, we look to general insert ilani Duni my odd men who MemoryStream wema od Domingo remain in Mala

01:21:58 --> 01:22:31

who are reserved for those who attend Mateen. Allah created Benny adds them to worship Him. And if people are taking others away from the worship of Allah, then they strike out on their own. They struck out, they struck themselves out by getting away from the fitrah. So we're going to say without any apologies without any apologies, theologically, our our key, the fear, theological our theology is that we're better. But what does that mean? What does it mean that you can oppress

01:22:31 --> 01:22:37

people you walk around arrogantly that's against Ellison. Allah told us and don't walk in the earth.

01:22:38 --> 01:22:45

Like you're arrogant. The earth opened up and swallowed the man who was walking in an arrogant fashion.

01:22:47 --> 01:23:09

So I'm not going to sit here and try to sugarcoat that what makes people better from the Quran at Tuck wa l Eman and your actions. We want to welcome our brother nor the Dean back. He went took a nice trip long trip I'm did I came back with a tan on top of his Cameroonian tan and hamdulillah

01:23:10 --> 01:23:21

Allah bless him. Welcome back. Noted Dean. Hi, that was a Mullah who suddenly robotic I didn't maybe you know why it was hobby of mine was sent on my camera to lot about a cattle

01:23:22 --> 01:23:26

Oh, yeah, I use comes now. My shallot

01:23:27 --> 01:23:28

Yeah, you comes now.

01:23:31 --> 01:23:32

Come on.

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