Abdullah Hakim Quick – True Islamic Leadership

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of leadership and transformation in the Muslim world. They emphasize the need for flexibility and change in leadership, while also acknowledging the importance of sharing the message of peace and love in leadership. The speakers also touch on the challenges of sharing the message and the need for change in leadership.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala Seder walima Arkadin Nabina, Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi aumenta Aveda with e la yo Mateen, about

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all praise the due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad,

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the master of the first and the last of humanity, and upon his companions, his followers, his family, and all those who establishes sooner, to the Day of Judgment. By beloved brothers and sisters, I begin with the greeting words of the righteous. Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Alhamdulillah is great privilege, again, to be with you here in the month of Ramadan. And this month, comes at a very critical point in the history of the Muslims, not only here in North America, but all around the world.

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Muslims today have reached what you could call a crossroads in one direction, there is imminent destruction.

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There is a well orchestrated plan

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to put out the light of Islam.

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There is a highly financed

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movement to take away the light of Allah from the hearts of people and to give the wrong image and impression of what Muslims actually stand for.

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The other road is one of light and hope.

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And this one, to a great extent, as the prophets of Salaam has described, that the path to Paradise is is surrounded by mchattie by things which are hateful difficulties.

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But it is a path of light.

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And so on one hand as the province of Selim described, this one road surrounded by desires, right leads to Hellfire, another one surrounded by hateful things, but it's actually leading to paradise.

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And that is so

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that is so meaningful to us, as we go into the month of Ramadan, here in the northern countries above the equator, when this is considered to be the summer solstice. And for people living in the northern countries, this is the time when the days are the longest. So this year, you could consider to be the longest possible fest

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that Muslims could have on this calendar on the solar calendar.

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And that might seem very

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dangerous or very difficult. But amongst the companions of the Prophet Sal Sal them, their concepts were completely different. And one of the great companions are Leah, but I'll be taller rhodiola one, when he was asked, What do you love the most? And this is a question that many people may be asked like, what do you love the most people usually talk about material things. But when they asked him, he said, I love fasting on a hot day.

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That was he loved the most, think about this now, because it is understanding

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of what fasting is doing it for Allah subhanaw taala

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he are on a hot, long day, you would get more reward, you come closer to Allah subhanaw taala.

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And so, this is this is an understanding

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that we need to try to come close to

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as we go through this month. And as we go to the physical changes that we are going through,

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people are fasting for many different reasons.

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sack is a concept

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that transcends religion,

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m sack meaning abstinence, staying away from things is done for many reasons. There are some people who do m sack for medical reasons.

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And they stay away from things and there's the well known physical condition of what they call allergies. And that is the person is allergic to certain substances. And so if the person for instance is allergic to nuts, then they will search the ingredients of every product to make sure there are no nuts inside of it. Because when they eat the nut, the body reacts. So

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They do em sack.

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They stay away from them. Other people stay away from

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houses that have dogs and cats. There are many reasons why people abstain. In other words, you stay away from things, you specially protect yourself so that you don't engage in that particular issue.

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Right, this is the concept of M sec.

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There are other people who do m sack for political reasons.

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And they have what is called today in the world, a hunger strike.

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And the hunger strike is usually done for political reasons. We have people who are suffering in prisons unjustly, and they want to get their message out to the world, then they will abstain from eating and drinking, we recently saw this happening in Guantanamo Bay.

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So people will now literally say, I will not eat, I will not drink, I will take nothing.

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Okay. And then in some forms of hunger strike, they allow liquids, if you say you want to do a hunger strike, then they will literally have somebody who will come to you, and explain to you the rules of a hunger strike. Because there are certain rules and certain things you can do. And certain things you shouldn't do. Because the idea is that the strike should go for as long as possible. So if you start exercising and whatnot and sweating, your hunger strike would probably be shorter than somebody else who conserve their energy. So they got to tell you how to do the hunger strike. So they literally abstain for political reasons.

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There are other people who abstain from things for social reasons. Today in the world,

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the fashions are forcing many people to wear very tight clothes, some of the clothing now you can literally peel it on and peel it off the body. But the human body is not made to wear clothes like this. And so some people when they wear these clothes,

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they don't look good, and their attention is to look good. And so they fast. They literally starve themselves in order to lose weight to wear the clothes, and the even developed a type of disease. Are they isolated anorexia,

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were especially young females would literally eat food and they would vomit the food up because they want it to be thin. Because then was the image or is the image so they literally throw the food up.

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And so this is a form of M sec.

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It's social reasons.

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In some religions, people when they fast

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or when they do em sack, their intention is to punish themselves is to do a form of penance.

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So you have many different forms of insect but Allah subhanaw taala has told us in the second chapter of the Quran and verse 183, similar matter of him, yeah, are you Hi Latina, amanu quotevalet camassia kamakoti by Allah Allah Dena Min publikum la la contacta con are you who believe fasting has been prescribed upon you, as it has been prescribed on those who came before you. In order that you would gain taqwa, you would have the consciousness of Allah. So the reason why Muslims are fasting is not a physical thing. It is not a political statement. But it is to gain closeness to Allah subhanaw taala it is to gain what you could call a type of consciousness.

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It's a spiritual thing.

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And that understanding if people have this understanding, this will give you a completely different fast because it's not just a physical struggle. There's something else that is going on.

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And that concept of changing the self,

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of purifying the self coming closer to Allah subhanaw taala gaining this spiritual protection

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and the ultimate look at top wise are helpful Raja. It is like a combination of fear and hope that you feel the punishment of Allah, but at the same time you hope in the mercy of Allah. And this develops a type of conscience. It's an inner strength and inner quality based upon the connection to Allah subhanaw taala

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and this is what we are striving for when we go through this experience.

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fasting and in this part of the world, if we have the right understanding, that inshallah we can gain a great reward in this, and hopefully inshallah some change can come about

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change is so important to the Muslim world today, transformation.

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And we look at our oma

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and we find Muslims all over the world, larger numbers,

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countries in strategic positions, we find great mineral wealth amazing substances below the surface of our country's young people, over 60% of Muslims in many parts of the world are under 25 years old,

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amazing potential, but at the same time, we're not getting a result.

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So the wealth is there. But at the same time we have tremendous poverty.

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The strategic position is there, the large numbers are there.

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But yet we feel a type of frustration, things going on inside of our countries are completely

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driving people to do things that you would never, we would never consider to do.

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People pouring out of the Muslim world, throwing themselves into the Mediterranean Sea in order to go to the lands of people who are not Muslims, right running away from countries traditionally known to be the Dar Al Islam, or the dar salam, the abode of peace, but because it has been changed into an abode of war, or an abode of of fitten problems, then people justifiably want to leave.

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They justifiably want to leave. But the question is, what happened to the Muslims in the Muslim world

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change is critical. transformation is critical. And in order to transform,

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we need to now follow certain well trodden paths, so not to lie.

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We cry for political change. There are some who cry for an Islamic State.

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And they went to one of the North African scholars and they said they wanted to have an Islamic State.

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And he told them, when he looked at them and analyze them, he basically answered and he said, Yakubu, no fat Dune assurity

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they are seeking the victory

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without fulfilling the conditions of the victory.

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So they want Medina they want an Islamic State. They want to have this ideal society without fulfilling the conditions of Medina, which is Mecca, and as the hegira.

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So in other words, before Medina came, even in the revealing of the Quran itself, before the verses have come, before the laws and the rules of Islam were revealed.

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The Muslims went through the meccan period. And that was a period of suffering, sacrifice, their tawheed was strengthened the oneness of God.

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Their characters were literally molded, molded by the by the strange conditions, the difficulties that they found themselves in in the meccan period, concept of the ACA was strengthened. And they were not even able to resist when people thought they couldn't fight back. So they literally went through this suffering for 13 years,

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migrated leaving all the material things reached Medina, Allah gave them authority in the land. And when the authority of the land was established, then the rules the verses of the camp, were actually revealed.

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So the so the scholar was saying to the people you want Medina but you didn't do Mecca yet.

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So there's certain changes that we have to go through and a loss about Allah clearly told us in Surah two route verse 11, in Allah Allah you Rama be comin, what are you very Roma be unforeseen. Allah will not change the conditions of a people until they change that which is in themselves.

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So the internal change, transformation

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at the transform which

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As a movement, we need to have

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a goal. What are we transforming to? What will we become Rasulullah saw seldom is the best example was what one Hassan, of what we want to become. But also, the example of his companions is an example of transformation. It is an example of goals that we can reach as believers. And the prophets of Salaam said, Hey, don't nest colony. Don't mela Dena, your Luna home to Medina, Luna, the best of people are my generation, then the generation that follows them. And then the generation that follows.

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So the prophet SAW Selim described that the best of people is my generation. And that requires patience even with the young people as well. But the best generation, it's my generation,

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and then the ones that follow them, and then the ones that follow them. So in that first generation, there is examples for us. And this year, inshallah, and this month, we want to look at certain aspects of Islam in order to extract qualities that we could try to develop in ourselves. And we could emphasize in our younger people, in order to bring about transformation,

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because transformation is the key. One of the key issues today, we're in crisis now. literal crisis, look at our countries, look at what is going on.

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So some change has to come about, and a lot told us, it's inside of us.

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It's in our hearts, it's in our in our tensions. It's in our character. It's not necessarily on the outside, because we have a lot of things on the outside. And one of the crucial areas that always arises in terms of Muslim families, Muslim communities, Muslim nations, is leadership.

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The leadership is a crucial issue. I visited many cut many cities

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in the Western world. And I visit Muslims and many times the Muslims say, brother Abdullah, we need a leader.

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We need direction.

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Like we have a lot of good followers.

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We have jamaats, we have people more saline.

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But the leaders, which direction are we going to go in if the leaders are going to be fighting each other?

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Or splitting hairs as we say in the West, in other words, they make a big issue out of small things.

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If there are reasons inside of themselves, why they make decisions and not based upon the book of Allah, or the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim.

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Then the whole Jamaat, in a sense goes astray, because it is the leaders and the Prophet seldom said, The thing I fear for you the most

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is imitable delete, it is leaders who will take you astray.

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And so in the area of leadership,

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one of the great companions of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salaam,

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and this is a companion that you may know his name, you may be familiar with his name, but you may not be aware of some of his exploits of some of the things that he has, was able to achieve. And I believe that in this individual as in many other companions of the prophets of Salaam, there is a sterling example of the type of leadership we need today.

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And that leader,

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his name was Amir ibn Abdullah Ibn Al Jazeera rhodiola one and he was known as Abu Zubaydah, epital Java, this is a name that you have probably heard before, but the depths of this individual this individual needs to be understood, because he has certain qualities that we are in crucial need of today.

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When you describe our beta protocol law, when he was a slim build person, tall, a sparsely grown beard,

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he was a pleasant person to look at.

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And he was very polite

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and very courteous type of person. And, but he was also described as a very as a strong person.

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And this is

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An amazing quality right away, you'll start to see about Abu Zubaydah that this person is.

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He is humble.

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And he is modest, and they describe him as

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Cathedral hyah. He had higher, he had modesty.

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And modesty is a very important quality for Muslims, to the point where the Prophet sallallahu even said, in that higher Amina, amen, that that higher modesty shame, knowing the limits is part of your faith.

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And this is a crucial quality in the Western countries, many times higher is connected with our weakness, like if a person is shy, and they can't look you in the face, when they're humble.

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That is connected with a weak person. And even today, when people in the business sector, they go to get a job in Canada.

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And they come in and they say, Okay, give this person an interview. And they look at you and they want you to look the person in the eye and be bold and talk a lot.

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Right? Whereas in many of the Muslim countries, people, when you come around leaders, you're more reserved, the native people who populated this part of the world for 1000s of years,

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also had this quality when they come to elders, or they come to leaders, they are they humble, they respect the wisdom of that person. But here is the opposite in the sense that they want you to like look, the person in the eye and you know, bold and whatnot, and, you know, so if you're humble, they say that person's weak. Don't give them the job.

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Because he's modest and shy.

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Especially a man now who now lowers his gaze a woman, you they cover themselves up in modesty, you're not exposing your body brazenly. They say well, there's something wrong with that person.

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Okay? And that's the opposite of what Abu Zubaydah was an Abu Zubaydah brings this quality, which is a type of Jamia quality, in that he was shy and modest, but yet he was very courageous. And they described him as the sharp side of the sword.

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In other words, he's a very humble person. But when difficult situation comes, he becomes like the sharp side of the sword, he cuts right through it.

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In other words, when danger comes, he becomes a lion.

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So this is the quality that we're looking for. A person who is polite, who is humble, who is modest and shy and knows the limits, but when danger comes, that person is resolute. This is Abu Zubaydah rhodiola.

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We don't want leaders who terrify everybody. They scare you by some wrong concept amongst Muslims. Many you think if I scare them half to death. If I terrorize them, then they'll they'll listen to me. That's the wrong concept.

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That's the wrong concept. It is the prophet SAW Selim was described. They said his image. His reputation was so great that when a person came to Medina and they went to the masjid and saw the believers, they would be like a little afraid to meet the prophet SAW Selim. But when they met him, they were so comfortable, they didn't want to leave him.

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It was opposite of what they expected. This great leader, but yet he is he treats you like an average person. This is a humble person at the same time. So you see this quality now? It's extremely important to see how is a balance right. Not one extreme or another extreme. Abdullah bin Omar Abdullah Juan Houma. He said there were three people in Polish. They were the most prominent people. They were the best and character

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and they were extremely modest. They were the best of kadesh

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Abubakar acidic or ceman, Ebony, our fan and Abu Zubaydah, Al Jazeera rhodiola.

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These three people in Polish, okay, they are most prominent. And then up July, he also said he said about these people a very important thing.

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He said these three people, when they speak to you, they tell you the truth.

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And when you speak to them, they do not accuse you of lying. They don't suspect you sooner than

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okay. They're very straightforward, very clear.

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Right, and they don't have what they call prejudice, pre judgment. You see the person

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and you judge them

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Many places I used to go to places that a Muslim would come and say Salaam Alaikum. Brother, Which country do you come from?

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Because he wants to know which country you come from. He's looking at your clothes, and then he's gonna judge you right? He's gonna put you in a box. Right? That's prejudice right?

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These people do not have sewer that

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is extremely important for leadership.

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Not to be judging people, not suspecting people. Suspicion is a terrible thing. And it can lead to a lot of confusion. In the whole of the

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Saba obey the rhodiola one, and amongst these three, he is hyah. He was known for his modesty.

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And surprisingly enough, Abu Zubaydah was one of the sabich hoon, one of the early companions. He actually accepted Islam one day after Abu Bakar.

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Now we know about Abu Bakr, Siddiq rhodiola, the first adult male, it was eligible to be taller for the loan the first male

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but the first adult male to accept us on his aboubaker.

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A lot of people don't realize Abu Zubaydah accepted Islam the next day.

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So this is of the early companions. And there were just a few people who actually embraced Islam at that early, early period. And this is a time when it was extremely dangerous to be Muslim.

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If you did not have a serious tribe in back of you, you're in trouble.

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People would be tortured, they would suffer.

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They would go through all kinds of changes there in that early Mexican period, Abu Zubaydah rather law one, he suffered through this to the point where the prophets Allah allowed him to make the migration to Allah Bhatia to Ethiopia, Abyssinia and so he was one of the early companions who made this hegira

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and came back and went back and finally he makes the major hero to Medina. And

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Abu Zubaydah rhodiola, on all along is like a pillar of strength.

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He's a pillar of strength. he's a he's a very

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kind, courteous person. So people who are embracing Islam is soft and kind to them, situation gets difficult, he becomes a strong column of the truth. So this is the quality that he had. And he makes the migration to Medina. And now he reaches in Medina, and the Muslims now have a home. But now they hear that the kodesh had gone around and stolen their goods from their homes, because they had to leave just about everything. Abu sufian gathers the goods and takes it on a caravan to Syria.

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So the prophet SAW Selim gathered together about 313, of the Sahaba, to meet them to take back their goods. I was very I was very wise person, knowing the world worldly, and he escaped.

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And he alerted the kodesh. And when the prophet SAW Selim and his companions turned around, there was an army of over 1000, warriors 300 horsemen, they would not come for this. But they were confronted with it. And this was your mo for

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this was the day that a lot separated truth from falsehood.

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And in this struggle that went on Abu Zubaydah read the law, and he played a tremendous role in this, of course, his strength, he is so courageous on the battlefield, but it is reported in some of the texts, that he was confronted by this individual. And this individual came straight at him. And contrary to his general character, in warfare, he retreated from this person. And he went to another position. Then the person went to meet him there and then he sort of retreats, another position, then the person meets him there and corners him

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and attacks him and he has nothing to do and he strikes the person the blow, and the person dies.

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After the battle, he was very thoughtful and pensive. And they came to him and they said, Who was that person? Who was that one? And he said, It was my father.

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Think about this, he said as my father.

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So Abu Zubaydah by this move,

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cut all ties, with tribalism, all ties and this is a crucial issue today because the issue of trust

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tribalism, the issue of family. Race is one of the most

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qualities that is arising amongst the Muslims.

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tribalism in amongst the Arabs. In that time, tribalism was a way of life. And the ABS would say unser Akaka. Voluma. Omid Luma. Help your brother, whether he's oppressor oppressed, as long as your brother, as we say, in America, Blood is thicker than water.

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You help your brother. tribalism was a way of life. And your father represents the generations that you come from. you cherish your blood, you cherish it. In some countries, they even took it to the point of what they call ancestor worship, where you literally worship through your ancestors. And this is a phenomenon all around the world, Abu Zubaydah cut

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cut ties completely.

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Yes, you are my blood, but my family is the family of Islam.

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And this issue is one of the key issues after toe hidden shark itself.

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One of the key issues that Muslims have to overcome

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it's tribalism. I am an Arab.

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I am Turkish I am Persian, I am African. I am American. I am Canadian.

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I'm taller than you. I'm light skinned your dark skin. I speak this language. These are all petty divisions

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that are put there in front of us. It's not the real individuals.

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The real individual as the province so seldom said that there is no preference of Arab over non Arab or vice versa. or black over white or vice versa. Elaborate taqwa. Except for the consciousness of Allah. That's taqwa again.

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That's what separates into individuals. So Abu Zubaydah rhodiola. One,

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he was clear in his position.

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Another great quality The following year, a confrontation, another confrontation or hurt.

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When the police now came with a larger army, to destroy the Muslims and Abu Zubaydah rhodiola, one finds himself in this situation, the Muslims have to defend the city. There's a large army now the Mount Hood is in their back.

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And there's there's a small amount on the side and arches are placed there. And you know, it's a difficult situation the profits are seldom described or heard. He said, it was the most awkward situation in my life was this one,

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the most awkward situation?

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Because the Muslims took a stand.

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And they and they moved against the kodesh. defending themselves, the kadesh retreated.

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And they were literally running away. And then the arches was supposed to protect the backs of the Muslims lost control of themselves and ran with the so called victorious believers, leaving the back exposed.

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And causative and Waleed, who later becomes a Muslim rhodiola. One, he takes the Calvary and he comes in back. So the correlation turned, saw Khalid in the back. And then the Muslims were in a sandwich from two sides. They were now being attacked. And it was a state of confusion.

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People were running to the right to the left. They even said I one of them said I killed Muhammad. They said I killed them.

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So this was a crisis. And some people will actually report it. Some of them even gave up. They were going to like go back to Medina.

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They didn't know what was going to happen. The correlation then, you know, came forward the promise of Solomon his companions, you know, took

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their a shield with the mountain and move back towards the kadesh came in on them wanting to take his life.

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And it is reported that there were 10 people

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who shielded the prophet SAW Selim 10 individuals and a few others, but 10 in particular, who shielded him with their bodies.

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One of them was a woman by the way, and inshallah we're going to study about her

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10 people who shielded the Prophet Sal Salah,

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in this critical, this critical thing that the Prophet peace, peace be upon him has said it is the most awkward situation in my life. Why

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kadesh knocked him in a ditch, smashed his helmet into his face.

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And he's saying, How were the people? Why would the people do this to their profit? Like why?

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He couldn't. Why are they doing this and then moving on him.

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Finally, by the mercy of Allah subhanaw taala, the believers around him, the kodesh started to retreat. When they looked at the prophet SAW Selim, they found blood

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pouring down his body. They found the rings of the helmet was smashed into his face.

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And in order to help him out of this, you had to extract these rings, you had to extract this metal from his face.

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And they went to take it out with their hands, Abu Zubaydah said no. And he took his front teeth, and he lodged it into

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the ring and pulled it out losing his teeth.

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Every time he did it, he would be losing his front teeth.

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This is mahabhava This is love. He didn't care about himself. He only cared about the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. This is true marhaba that's the love that our leaders need to have. Not that they love the prophets, peace be a part of so much. They will come to a gathering and sit there for a couple of minutes and then run away into their palaces. No, this is true love that Abu Zubaydah read the last one half of the prophet SAW Sunday.

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At the same time,

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Abu Zubaydah, he is

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he is totally committed. He follows commands and he continued this

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and it is reported and again this selflessness of Abu Zubaydah rhodiola one, it is reported that

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another caravan was going along the coast and so the province of Southern said Abu Zubaydah and the companions, a small group in order to meet this caravan, but their supplies ran out.

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They were down by gender

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on the coast, and this but they had to wait for this caravan to come.

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It ran, it came to the point where each companion had one date, your supplies for the days was one date.

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And you better hope it is module dates, you know the module dates. That's a big one, one date for the whole day.

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Then the dates ran out.

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And they started to eat from the thorn tree. This habit so they called j shell habit that they literally ate from the thorn tree like that was their food.

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But they held their position.

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This is Abu Zubaydah. This is how the he's developing now as a leader,

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a completely committed leader

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that you would call militarism.

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Will chasm person committed, fully committed to the deen

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but you know, this quality of Aveda, the balance that our leaders need so much.

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Later on in the Medina period, the prophets of Salaam are sending out letters. He was entertaining groups will food, animal food. So there are groups coming in to Medina to accept Islam. Our group came from a place called Iran and Iran in southern Arabia now just you know, above Yemen, and the people of Iran were Christians, there was an ancient Christian society. Remember that Christianity and Judaism? were actually in the Arabian Peninsula in early times. Remember this? And remember even that the army of abraha the Ethiopians who actually conquered Yemen, and they built cathedrals there and you know what not so there were Christian remnants there. So these people came to Medina

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and they were seeking

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audience with the province of Southern they came out in their beautiful clothes. The process of them said change your clothes. We This is not arrogance here.

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And they said we were Muslim before you look how arrogant they were.

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So the Prophet Salim engage them in a debate.

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It's an interesting debate. At the end.

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It reached the point where they were so arrogant the prophets of Salaam den on with guidance from Allah subhanaw taala. You know, said we will now seek the curse of Allah. Whoever is right, then get your children, your families. Get Everybody

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And we will call on to law on the one who was wrong. Okay, that's if you believe that you're right now, let's let's take it to the furthest extreme. They said we give up.

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Okay, so we accept you. But we're not going to accept Islam.

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We're going to live under the Muslims. So the prompt sanlam then said you can pay gija.

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And gija is a tax that is paid by non Muslims in a in a Muslim state. It's wrongly being defined today as a terrible poll tax. Actually, jizya is more than zakat.

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But everybody pays taxes we pay tax here in Canada, because your infrastructure how your streets going to be cleaned, and your your water running and whatever you pay tax. So literally, someone who's not a Muslim can live in with Muslims, but you and they don't pay zakat. They don't have sadaqa, like us, so therefore, they give the ginger. So the people of Iran and this is the showerhead here. This is the witness. They came to the prophets of Salaam and they said, We have an economic problem. Our books are confused. So can you send somebody that you love and Allah loves? Who can help us sort out our affairs. So the provinces are looked at as companions because Omar

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wanted to be the one. But the prophet looked at Abu Zubaydah and said go with the natural ease.

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So look at this now, Abu Zubaydah is completely dedicated to Islam, Malteser, but yet he sent amongst Christians who have not accepted Islam.

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And he's going to help them sort out their affairs with an Islamic mind, right? So they can have enough money to pay the vision.

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So in other words, you're going to work with non Muslims, you're a highly committed person, but you're going to work with non Muslims to help them straighten their own lives out. Give them the example of Islam. Look at that quality.

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Many cases today, if a person is committed, it's either my way or the highway. He doesn't want to hear anybody else. My Jamaat my share. That's it? No, we're talking about the type of leadership that is committed to the deen, but they can go amongst people who are not Muslims. And they can work with these people.

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They can bring out the best in these people. That is one of the greatest forms of Dawa today.

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So Abu Zubaydah read the last one.

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He continued, in his amazing relationship with the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. Allah subhanaw taala manifesting through his life and his character. And after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him.

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The answers of Medina went to a garden. They went to this suceava berusaha. And they went to the garden and they went to choose somebody from amongst themselves to be the leader. They figured what were the people of Medina. So we're going to choose a leader because it's Medina.

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Okay. And they were choosing now the leader and then the Mahajan came people of Mecca. And they said no, this job has to come from us.

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And so many reports talk about Omar hottub, looking at Abu Bakar ibaka Sadiq but there are reports that show that Omar first looked at Abu Zubaydah

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and he quoted the prophets of Salaam you know who is saying in the liquidly oma Amina, we're in the I mean, how the * oma Abu Zubaydah. Omar said the process of them said every nation has a custodian, a truthful trustworthy person. And the custodian, the amine of this oma is Abu Zubaydah.

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So he stretched Abu Zubaydah, Abu Zubaydah. Now, look what's happened, you can be the Khalifa right? You can be the leader.

00:44:08 --> 00:44:23

What is Abu Zubaydah say? He said, How can I accept the lead leadership in words, isn't how can I accept when there is one who made the hegira with the promise of solemn who led us in salaat all the time when the Prophet was sick.

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And he stretched his hand to Abu Bakr

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and Omar and everybody gave the pledge to Abu Bakar as a deep rhodiola. What the Shah had here is leadership. He didn't want to be the leader.

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He didn't want to be the leader.

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This is a sickness amongst us.

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You give a person a little bit of leadership and they go to the ends of the earth. You know, when you're traveling on the road,

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and you need to have an Amir right. They say let one be the Amir so we can decide what are we going to stop at Tim?

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hortence are we going to continue on?

00:45:03 --> 00:45:07

Right so we needed them here right? So now they say brother as aide you're the EMEA

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the shaytan comes to me, he turns around, he's a mirror what we need.

00:45:13 --> 00:45:27

So now is the Khalifa because we got a mirror minions all around the place now, right? So now you made this brother Amir just to decide about Tim Hortons, and he's not ameerul momineen. Right? You're not giving bail for the khilafah.

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Right? So he didn't. He didn't desire the leadership at this point. He didn't desire it. But he, if he had to be the leader, he would be

00:45:43 --> 00:45:56

following this a terrible plague broke out when the Muslims now were attacked by the Romans in the north, in balada, Sham in Syria, greater Syria. And they responded to the Romans.

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A terrible tar on this terrible plague broke out. It's like you call today, Ebola or something really bad broke out. People are dying, right. And so Omar, who had made a boo abeyta, the leader of the forces, he then wrote Abu Zubaydah. And he said, if you get this letter in the morning, then by by the afternoon leave, if you get it off the mothership leave at after fudger.

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So I will be the wrote back to Omar and said,

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I know that you can concern for me, but I am in an army of believers. And what happens to them happens to me,

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relieve me, please relieve me of this request. When Omar read this, he cried. And they said is Abu Zubaydah dead? He said no but death is near. It's near him.

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And sure enough, Abu Zubaydah rhodiola one. He got sick with the plague. And on his deathbed, Abu Zubaydah

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gave the following words and the translation goes something like this. And this is a legacy for us as well. Listen to the words. Listen, what Allah subhanaw taala puts through his mouth to us right now.

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Abu Zubaydah said let me give you some advice, which will cause you to be on the path of goodness, always established prayer. Fast in Ramadan,

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give sadaqa

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perform hajj and umrah remain united

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and support one another. Be sincere to your leaders, and do not conceal anything from them. Don't let the world destroy you. For even if a man were to live 1000 years, he would still end up in the faith that you see me in.

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And then he said was meaning rather bingeable

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lead this a lot. And he made a Shahada gave us the lamps and he died.

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While the bingeable rhodiola one led this prayer. And this is an amazing individual who leaves such important qualities to us today. Because we need transformation. We need change. Change in ourself, in our family, in our communities, in our nations in the whole Muslim world. And leadership is crucial. What is the model for transformation?

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modesty, right, higher and strict. combine the two.

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Right? committed multi ism, but flexibility.

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you're committed to your faith, but you're flexible enough. You can speak to any audience. That's what thou really is.

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Your commitment hold you into your deen

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speak the truth when you talk to people.

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And don't suspect them of lying.

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No suspicion, the leader takes suspicion out of your heart. You're not going to judge another leader. You're not going to judge people because they come from that tribe.

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And when you speak, speak straight, don't lie to us. Or tell us half truth.

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No tribalism,

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our leadership our Jamaat should be based upon the merits of the believers and not their tribe.

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Not their nationality.

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This tribalism which can lead to racism, it's destroying us.

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It takes away the power of of you have an Alma which stretches throughout the planet.

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Over 26% of the earth's population and turns us into weak nation states

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with leaders who are like lions devouring us

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because it's not an oma, right so on my consciousness, no tribalism

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Amana trustworthiness, leaders need to be trustworthy. You when you when they say they're going to do something they're going to really do it. They're not going to say one thing today and do another thing the next day. That's your politicians here, right? When your politicians and these secular countries they run for office, they give you all of these promises and when they're in, they do the opposite of what they said. But it's too late. He's already in office right? Our leaders cannot be like this, you have to be sincere.

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And we have to fulfill

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The leader does not put himself over the followers does not hide himself in back in a palace. But the leader is a person

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who suffers and feels anything to believe his field. That is the example of Rasulullah saw Salah.

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True Merhaba true love of Rasulullah saw Salah not just a word,

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but true love that we will follow his thunder, we will stick to his way we will believe in the message that came from him. Even if everybody on earth goes astray, we will still stay inside of this message. That is the love of Rasulullah seldom which will make us It gives us this bar that we will follow him to the ends of the earth.

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no desire for leadership.

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no desire for power,

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and leadership and control of other individuals.

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right but that modesty, that true love that sincerity.

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That hyah that politeness that shyness, innocence of a child, when we deal with other believers smiling at each other loving each other. But when danger comes.

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We're Elian

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that's the quality that we need.

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And we pray that Allah subhanaw taala would bless us in this month of Ramadan. Pray that Allah azza wa jal would bless us in the moments that we spend in this heat in the long length of the day. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from us our fasting and our prayers. May Allah subhanaw taala accept the pm in the night. May Allah subhanaw taala accept everything that we are doing in this glorious month of Ramadan. May Allah azza wa jal Have mercy on the children of the oma of Muhammad SAW Allah. May Allah have mercy upon the women and protect the dignity of the women of the home of Muhammad SAW Allah. May Allah guide the men of the oma Mohammed Salah Salah May Allah raise up leadership in the

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Muslim world balanced leadership to take us from darkness into light. And may Allah subhanho wa Taala give us that feeling and understanding to help our last words to be our best words kellyville La ilaha illAllah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam akula Kali held the stock for LA Li walakum wa salaamu alaykum alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Repairing the Ummah by Reflecting on the Lives of the Sahabah

Sh. Dr. Abdullah Hakim Quick, Ramadan 1437.

Abu Huraira Center

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