Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Emergence – Ten Tenets of Islamic Revival

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of Islam's messages and the need for a clear discussion and implementation process. They stress the importance of returning to authentic sources of information and developing healthy family members. The speakers also emphasize the importance of learning classical language and practicing it in order to develop a strong Christian faith. The speakers emphasize the importance of unity and cooperation in addressing challenges, real problems, and taking responsibility for one's actions to fulfill the mission of Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala seydel or walima occurring, the Bina Mohammed, while alihi wa sahbihi wa bellicose Allah, our praise are due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Mohammed, the master of the first and the last, and upon his family, his companions, and all those who call to his way, today of judgment,

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to my beloved brothers and sisters, those in the viewing audience as salaam wa Alaykum warahmatullahi wa barakaatuh.

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The end of the year 2020. And the beginning of 2021, is taking us into unknown territory.

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It's taking us into an unprecedented time, we're human beings have developed amazing technology. But at the same time the environment is turning against us. The economy is falling apart. Our nations are in crisis, and ethnicities of the world are in extreme tension.

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And so it's critical for us to have clear discussion, straightforward information, ways to come from darkness into light to go from survival as Muslims and human beings to reviving something else. We want to revive our humanity. Muslims want to revive Islam because we know that is the best way for humanity to reach its needed goals. And so survival to Revival is a thought that has been with me over the past 40 years in the field. And after traveling to 63 countries, living with the Muslims experiencing the nation's 10 critical points came out in terms of taking us through this transition.

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And I shared these points on four different continents

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this year has added a special significance to these points. We need to have something as a basis for our change. We are crying for change. And Allah subhanaw taala has told us in Surrattsville rad in the law Hola, UK, you might be comin, what are you here you might be unfussy him, Allah will not change the condition of a people to they change that which is in themselves.

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And so the internal change something which is driving our bodies, driving our vehicles, our societies, our type of fuel coming from the inside

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10 critical areas, point number one zyada taqwa

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and that is that we increase the consciousness of Allah.

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Because the bottom line behind everything that we do, is our relationship with the Creator of the heavens.

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It is that consciousness that informs us through hoping in Allah subhanaw taala. Yet fearing the consequences of doing wrong, it is a shield. It is a Wikipedia that can protect us spiritually, and in all aspects of our life. And so we need to focus on this, we need to develop a beautiful relationship with the Creator of the heavens and the earth, in everything that we do, in every place that we go.

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Point number two, a return to authentic sources after being in Muslim communities throughout the world. And this especially is important for Western society. Although we have become a global village. One of the greatest problems behind our challenges is Islam versus culture. That muslims for the most part, take their Islam from their culture. That's what my father used to do. That's what the people in my village used to do. That's what people in our continent do. People who speak our language, the culture is something that develops over time in a particular environment. But it is not the principles of Islam. The principles of Islamic lifestyle, as cut has come to us through

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the court and, and through the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed Salah sallam, this stands the test of time.

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And so returning to those principles with authenticity means that we need to learn classical Arabic language. And we need to learn how to go to also how to go back to the foundations of our faith of our beliefs.

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of our practical applications.

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Point number three.

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And that is a focus on Islamic character.

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For centuries we have focused on a bad debt

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and a bad debt or your, your rituals, how you pray, how you fast, how you make will do. This is central and critical to the foundation of our Islamic lifestyle. But it is not an end unto itself.

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There is a reason why you pray. There is a reason why you fast. And we have learned in the month of Ramadan, that it is taqwa fasting is for taqwa. It is not a punishment of the body.

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And so not just focusing on the ritual, but focusing on character. It's the character that comes out of the ritual. It is the spirit of the salaat, the spirit of the fasting, the spirit of Zakat, the spirit of Hutch, and it's so important for our young people. Because young people will ask you, when you tell them to pray, they might say, Why should I pray? Have you thought about why. And that is critical for us in our change that we are going through, so we get the full benefit of the actions that we are doing. Point number three, wisdom and balance, extremism is destroying our communities. And we need more of what our alumni would call fickle Walker. And that is the understanding of

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reality on the ground, how to develop a balanced way to approach fic our understanding of Islamic lifestyle in its application.

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And so, balance, wisdom, not going to one extreme, or the other extreme, or point number five, that is healthy, empowered families. And this issue has taken on great significance in the year 2020.

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Because for a long time, we recognized that a healthy empowered family is the building block of Islamic Society. You can have the greatest leader in the world. But if your family is broken up, you're going nowhere.

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You can have the strongest liquor law.

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But if you're separated from your wife, if your children are going astray, then you miss the point.

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And so, healthy empowered families in this year of 2020. We understand this more than anything else. vaccine is not necessarily the answer. vaccine is part of our Islamic cure for viruses and disease, but it is proactive medicine. It is the healthy family. The prophet SAW Selim told us about the blackseed that it will cure everything except death that your immune system he told us about honey.

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Our scientists have shown us the need for sunlight, vitamin D, vitamin C, living a healthy and healthy lifestyle, drinking fresh water, exercising, eating fresh food.

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And so develop young people who have healthy habits. empower the children empower the women. And it is crucial that the women of Islam are empowered through education. They are empowered to involvement in all levels within Islamic Society. Point number six Shura mutual consultation. And this is something which should constantly go throughout everything that we do shorter in our families, shorter in our communities, speaking to each other, the mom the leader speaking to the community, the Presidents the Prime Minister speaking to the masses, the father and the mother speaking to each other parents, communicating constantly with children, shorter is a crucial concept

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and needs to be defined and understood.

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Point number seven cooperation and unity.

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This is a critical point.

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Because as a mass, we are like a sail we are like the sticks and the twigs on the water. But if we you unify ourselves, then we make up

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over 25% 26% of the earth's population of the young people in the world today. We make up the

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And so it is critical for us to unite and to cooperate, but that needs to have a basis. And that is where returning to authentic sources. understanding our lifestyle being balanced, comes in, at least we could have operational unity. What is operational unity?

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That is when we understand our strengths and our weaknesses. And if we see a strength and one individual, we cherish that strength. We go behind that strength. If we see a weakness, then we cover the back of our brothers and our sisters. If we look at the companions of the Prophet SAW solemn, they were not necessarily people of huge physical structure. They did not have great wealth. They did not have a major massive military presence. But Allah subhanaw taala gave them authority on the earth, because they came together as one solid SFX one solid line. And it is reported

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that college ebenen will lead rather long one to sort of Allah

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that He accepted Islam very late.

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And Khalid was not an expert in reading the quota.

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And when the Sahaba were together, it was time to make their prayers. And they saw Khalid they probably look for somebody else, because he knew the short sources.

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Maybe they look for Abdullah bin Massoud rather llama and Abdullah, he attend Yemeni men, Master of the court and would come forward and Khalid the tall six feet warrior. The great sort of Allah would stand behind Abdullah II even Masood abdulai would be his leader at that point in time.

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But when the enemies of Allah came on the scene, then people would turn and say wins call it put Khalid in the front, because then his strength shines. So we need to be able to look at each other like this. There are some of us who are excellent in Victrola. They are into the the the the essence of the heart.

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They are focusing on the higher qualities of character. There are others who are excellent students. There are some who are warriors. There are scholars who specialize in Aikido. They are specialized in our beliefs and our understanding of faith, we need to come together as one line, taking out the best of the qualities of our brothers and our sisters. Operational unity,

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cooperation and unity is followed by point number eight, which is an emphasis on the youth.

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Young people, Muslims in many parts of our planet

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are blessed with young people. In some parts of the Muslim world,

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young people, those who are under 25 years old, makeup over 50% of our population.

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Even in European countries, young Muslims are being born in the hospitals in places like France, places like Belgium and Holland, young Muslims are making up a majority in some of the major cities.

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And so emphasizing programs for the youth involvement for the youth empowerment for the youth, and not just youth programs on the side, but on the way of Prophet Mohammed so seldom involving them directly in the leadership directly in the education directly in the movement of society, so that they naturally and seamlessly take over the leadership.

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This is critical to emphasize. The point number nine is the empowerment of no Muslims at this point has again taken on great significance in the times that we are living

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throughout Islamic history.

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It was like a relay race and the Arabs and the people of Hejaz going into the African continent and harbor sharp and then moving to Medina and moving out. They had the baton first, and they gave it over

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and the people of the Persian nations of Syria,

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other parts of Africa, the amazi, the Berber people, and now Islam spreading out to different parts of Africa, different parts of Asia, different parts of the northern part.

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of Russia, down in the Swahili coast. And so it continued to spread out. And it was that new blood

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that gave life to the oma when it was falling down.

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The great Salahuddin Allah UB Rahim, Allah was a Kurdish man.

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The great sold time Mohammed Al Fattah

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Rahim Allah who opened up this temple was a Turkish man.

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And you will see that it is the non Arabs in many cases, who actually enriched Islam with their culture, and with their enthusiasm.

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This takes on a special meaning today. Because as we look at the spread of Islam, we see African Muslims, black Muslims, who have come into our community, and in many cases, have not felt the type of warmth and empowerment that Islam has set for them. And so it is critical for us to empower new Muslims, that new thinking that new life blood, that is what the oma is in need of right at this point in time. But that means everybody. And then the area's for instance, in parts of the United States, and in Mexico, Central America, that would be the Latino people who are coming into Islam empowerment. In parts of the areas where native First Nation people are coming into stuff,

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empowerment in parts of Europe and Scandinavia, Germany, where European people are coming into Islam, empowerment, every area with that new blood is coming in, we need to focus on this right now. Because the body of the Muslims is sick. And it needs to be revitalized with the teachings of Islam, and with new people who have embraced this faith.

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And following this with point number 10.

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Outreach Adama to a law that is calling to Allah through providing Islamic solutions to real problems on the ground. And we do it for Allah. That is the best way to call to Allah. And that is the way to fulfill this mission because the world is in crisis. And as we move toward the Day of Resurrection, the environmental crisis will increase.

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The sun coming closer to the earth,

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the floods, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the detention, the wars that are coming about. And so we need Islamic solutions to real problems. And Allah azza wa jal has given us through the court and itself, and the way of the Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom

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excellent advice, if we would, but know this advice and implement it and put it into practice. And so these are 10 critical points to take us from survival,

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to revival.

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And I pray that Allah subhanaw taala would revive Islam in our hearts, that Allah would revive Islam in the oma and to take us from darkness into light. And to make our last words, to be our best words, to be Kelly Malala Illallah Muhammad Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot to have mercy on me. Anu was Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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