Abdullah Hakim Quick – Pivotal Moments in Islamic History – Class #7 The Boycott in Early Islam

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the importance of history and history in finding proof of the fight against evil events. The transcript also discusses the importance of history and the importance of the balance between the Muslims and polytheists. The transcript also discusses the impact of protests and boycotts on the state of South Africa and the need for patience and patience in taking action.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim hamdulillah hero below the mean for Saudi Well, salam ala sailed over Lima afeeling Nabina Muhammad and Allah Allah He was happy. We're back with salah. All praises due to Allah, Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, the master of the first and the last, and his family, his companions and all those called his way and established his sunnah to the Day of Judgment. As to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters. I begin with the greeting words of the righteous As Salam aleikum, wa Rahmatullah

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Alhamdulillah. This is another opportunity for us to reflect upon the mercy and guidance of Allah subhanaw taala that comes to the believers at different times in their lives. And this is the beauty about the last revelation

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that it is the final revelation sent not just to Semitic people, not just to Arabs, not just to Benny Israel. But it is said to all of humanity, in a form of Arabic, that can be used by people anywhere in the world, at any point in time.

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And Allah subhanaw taala is so merciful, in sending this message, not only in a form of a revelation, but also bringing a messenger, Muhammad ibn Abdullah, peace and blessings be upon him to live the message. So we not only have a revelation, but we also have a living example of the message itself. And through that living example, we are able to

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understand, in a more practical way, how to implement the message. And this is the key essence of our sessions that we're having is to look at pivotal points within Islamic history, to see those lessons to learn those great lessons that will help us today. Because history is human experience. And the more human experiences we have is, the more we are able to handle the different issues that come into our lives. And as we move toward the Day of Resurrection, the changes that we're going through the situations we find ourselves in are becoming stranger and stranger, by the day.

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We find ourselves in this year of 2023 in a very strange

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situation, because the circumstances are not like what many of us have fully understood.

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And that is that a small group of Muslims with good Islamic character with courage are being surrounded by the enemies of Allah. And they find themselves in a position of weakness physically, but yet spiritually, they are strong.

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And this has been something that has happened in the Muslim world before. But we have not been privy of this we did not have the ability to collect information or even to reflect upon information.

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And with this situation that is happening in Palestine, in Nova

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People are being slaughtered in front of the mass media. And yet at the same time, many countries, especially Western countries, are celebrating democracy, they are celebrating freedom. And recently, a series of celebrations happened just last weekend, that is called in many European countries and in America Armistice Day. And so this is a type of celebration, a remembrance, for those veterans who fought in the great wars, to defend, you know, our countries, here in North America and in Europe.

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At the same time, there are 1000s of people who are under the gun, there are 1000s of children who are dying.

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And so this is happening simultaneously. And so it is strange for people who are really looking at a genocide happening, to be able to reflect upon something that's happened hundreds of years ago,

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and feel that they are relevant to what is happening on the ground. This is not the first time in 1945.

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The French was celebrating their independence from Nazi Germany. So this was the end of World War Two. And it was a it's an important day in French history, and they were celebrating this day. And it was a remembrance, you know, type of day. At the same time, the Muslims of Algeria, were struggling for the independence. They had suffered under the settler settler colonialism of the French for a period of time, and they were throwing it off. So right around the time of the armistice, or the remembrance day in 1945 30,000, Algerians were killed. Now, think about these numbers. Now. We don't have pictures. We don't have videos. But think about this 30,000 people are

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at the same time, when a Remembrance Day is happening. And the strange thing about this Remembrance Day is that many of the people who died in France itself fighting the Nazis were Muslims.

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They were people from Morocco, Algeria, from Senegal, and West Africa, who saw themselves as part of the Francophone nations, and they joined the fight against the Nazis. But at the same time, the contradiction is there and their own people are dying at this time.

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And so with the knowledge of history,

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we have we can, we can feel the experience of the people who came before us and the Algerian people continue to struggle. They took their stand, and it was the first country within the so called third world to gain its independence from colonialism. And over a million people gave their lives were slotted under the guns and the poisons of the French.

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But Alhamdulillah they found their freedom from this colonial experiment. And so what is happening in front of us is another example of this and when we understand Islamic history, then we can find more proof as to how we should struggle today. And this is the important thing about Islamic history and the pivotal moments that we find ourselves in. In the sixth year after the Hijrah. The Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem and his companions had gone through a series of attacks. They were attacked in better in or hurt in the trench city was surrounded 10,000 of the Mushrikeen came to destroy them completely. But Allah azza wa jal enabled them to hold. And at a time when people did not expect it,

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Allah subhanaw taala manifested His power. And Muslims use their intelligence and use their cunning in order to get a victory, and to not allow too much of the king to destroy Medina. And so after this great victory,

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there are a number of skirmishes, but it was a type of peace had settled. Things had calmed down.

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And it was after this time in the sixth year after the Hijra that the Prophet SAW Selim had a dream. And in this dream he saw himself in Mecca.

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going around the Kaaba with his companions. And they were thanking Allah Subhana. They were making umbra. And that was something that nobody thought could possibly happen, because of the hatred and the wickedness that was being displayed by the Mr. Team.

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And so, with this dream, which is a type of Bushra, it is, it is a glad tidings. The Prophet peace be upon him then announced the making of Roma. And that was really important news for the Muslim, especially the Mahajan. Because the MaHA Julene had come from Mecca. And they were, were yearning to go home to their land. To go back, you can imagine Palestinian people who are yearning to go back to their land, being thrown out into the world from way back in 1948. And so that yearning to go back to your home, to to reestablish yourself in the place where your generations had lived. This was an opportunity. So the Prophet SAW Salem, with 1500 men

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set out and they say those 70 cows and other animals, they they left for Mecca, to make this Oba. This was a dangerous operation, because hostility was still there. There was still people attacking the Muslims on the roads, the Quraysh still had its animosity against the believers. But they set out on the road, they did not take their fighting weapons, but they took the small swords, because you have to have something to defend yourself. And they took their light armor and weapons. And they set out to make this this armor, which is the lesser pilgrimage, and they came to the outskirts of Mecca, and they went into a state of Iran. And when they camped there, Mr. Keane had found out about

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this. And so they blocked they try to block the road coming down. And so the Muslims are moving into this area, and they are camped and about to make their prayers. And the Mushrikeen den sent their greatest general kala Dibben Walid who later became a Muslim. But at that time, he was the leader of the Calvary, of the polytheists. They sent him

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to make a surprise attack. And they knew that the Muslims prayed in Jamar that the Muslims would line up and Rose, and they would all pray together at the same time. And so they waited for the time when they will be making their prayers. And then they would attack because they figured that there would be no defense for this. And they were about to move. But Allah subhanaw taala revealed verses in the Quran, which showed the believers that when you are in a dangerous situation, that led a group of you make your prayers, and another group stand watch.

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And when that group is finished, then the the ones who hadn't prayed can pray.

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This is a lot of health, the select when you are under fear or intimidation. And so they perform that when they wish to be keen, scouts came expecting to find defenseless people, they were muslims ready for them.

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And so they returned to Quraysh and inform them as to what actually was happening. And so the believers camped at a place called Allahu de BIA.

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they began to make negotiations with the Kurdish. So the Quraysh would send in individuals and groups in sections and messengers, it was an ongoing negotiation that was happening. And the believers then the province of Salem would then listen to them and see what they had to say and try to give them the best answers and the Quraysh

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they wanted somebody from their rec somebody from their families to negotiate with. But the Prophet peace be upon him was sending the answers of Medina, other people who are not from Kurdish. Finally, he decided to send Earth man, even a fan radio along with an Earth man, as you recall, was part of Ben omega. So he was not

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Hashimi he was not of the family of the Prophet SAW Salem of Hashem. But he was from the side of omega.

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And the Romanians were the leading leading tribe at the time, Abu Sufian, or the leader of Mecca was made. And so with a tribal mentality, they, they could deal with with men, because he was one of them, and spoke their language. And they thought that they could get, you know, better negotiations done with him. And he informed them that the Muslim intention was not to fight, they did not bring their weapons, they want to make Umrah, sacrifice, and then they would return that was not enough for the Kurdish and they held him up in this negotiation, trying to get some way that they would have an advantage. And this time, when I say that Earth man was held up,

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it caused the Muslims to be afraid that was man was going to be assassinated. And so they were ready to fight. And they took a pledge with the Prophet SAW Salem under a tree. Better Ridwan is called, and this is a special pledge they took because they came for umbra. But they pledged that they would fight to the death.

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Where if with men, you know, had been attacked. And if they were being blocked, they were ready to fight to the death Alhamdulillah it turned out that was man returned, and

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negotiations began. And so a treaty was being drawn up.

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On one side, was the Prophet SAW Selim and his companions the other side, that was Quraysh. And so the scribes came together to write the treaty.

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And this is where prophetic wisdom comes in, not emotion, because we're all caught up in our emotions.

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Ali ibn Abi Tada ready Allah one who was one of the best of those who wrote because remember, it was an oral culture. But he was literate, or he was lettered at the time. And so he wrote on the top Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim.

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The Name of Allah, most Gracious, most Merciful. When the Kure saw this, they said no, erase that.

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Think about this arrogance. They said, We don't know a rat man who is ramen.

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We know the name Allah, but we don't know. Rahman Rahim, what is this?

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And so they said you should write Bismillah Allahumma.

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That was an insult. And Ali didn't want to write. But the Prophet SAW Salem told him you need to write, we need to have patience. Then it began saying the treaty between Muhammad Rasul Allah Azza wa sallam and the Quran they said, No, we don't know him as the messenger of Allah. So erase that.

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And you can say, Mohammed ibn Abdullah. Okay, you can say that, but we're not going to allow you

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to say that he is the messenger.

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Okay, so just think about this.

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If he didn't want to write, he was ready to fight. But the Prophet SAW Selim with great wisdom said it's alright. That's right. And so they finally agreed upon a treaty sort of, and in this treaty between the Muslims and the Missouri King.

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It was decided that the Muslims would return to Medina, they would not make rumba. Not that was a difficult one, because they had come. They had made pledge under the tree. They were insulted, threatened. But the treaty said you want to have a treaty with us, you go back, but

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you could come back after a year. So after a year's time, you can make Omura and you can stay for three days. And we will give you an open

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space inside of Mecca to do what you need to do.

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That sounded strange but the provinces seller said let's continue. The next was that you can't take heavy swords, no armor, you can have light armor and weapons because you have to defend yourself in the desert region.

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Then, the war would stop between Mecca and Medina for 10 years.

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out, this would give peace in the land. And for a great visionary like the prophets I seldom guided by Allah, this was a chance to do Dawa. Because you can't spread the message, when there's war when you're fighting and dying, so with peace, then Islam could be established, but accommodation wanted their advantage. So they said that any refugees who leave Mecca and run to Medina or anywhere they run to Medina, they have to be returned. Think about this.

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But anybody who leaves Medina, and becomes a desert or an apostate and goes to the Quraysh, because a Mecca, they can stay. That sounds like something totally lopsided. And off for the Prophet SAW Selim accepted it. Okay, following that, they agreed that if a treaty anybody wants to make a treaty, somebody from either side wants to make a treaty of the tribes or whatever, then we will allow treaties to happen. So this would be a state of peace in a sense, but there were conditions. And it appeared to be a loss for the Muslims. Now, when this came back to the believers, it was difficult to swallow. And people like Omar, Abdullah, one known for his strength, and known for his

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resilience, he did not want to accept this, he could not realize he could not understand how we could be humiliated like this. And the prophets also lived calmed him down. He had to calm him down.

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And remind him again, that this is revelation.

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And so the Prophet peace be a part of then said to his companions, you need to now come out of your Iran. You need to shave your your hair, slaughter your animals, do the things that they were being taught to do, in terms of Umrah

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and this is okay, you can do these things. And we'll come back again next year. Nobody moved. Think about this. The Prophet SAW Salem is telling them come out of your haram

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shave. We're going Nobody moved.

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And the Prophet was frustrated. So he went into his tent. And I'm Salma, radula one. This is his wife, who was considered to be his chief adviser. This would be like your Secretary of State. Today, your main advisor, she's watching this situation.

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And she saw the frustration on the face of her husband. And she said to him this simple, straightforward, but great wisdom. And she said to him, I see that they will not listen to your words, they are frozen.

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You said yes. So she said, the best thing to do is you go out there, you do the shaving, you do the sacrifice, just do it.

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Because they're so used to following sunnah. There's so used to following you, then they will naturally break up this this umbra, and they will follow any went out Alhamdulillah they did it. And so they were able to break camp and then go back to Medina. And again, this shows that the wisdom of consultation and the consultation of Muslim sisters, which is so vital, in critical situations, that we are facing today on the ground.

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the time is now going by again it was still hard for a woman able to accept this very difficult.

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And but then Allah subhanaw taala

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revealed certain aspects in a chapter called surah. to vet this was revealed because if you think about this, think about what happened, major war was averted.

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Also in the treaty itself, the Muslims and then we should have keen we're equals that's the first time

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because before that, the most of the keen would never accept them, you know as a valid group.

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Also, it enabled peace to be in the land Islam could be spread. So this is a great victory for the Muslims and then the Umbra would be carried out.

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And Allah azza wa jal revealed in his book in Fontana, laka Fett time Rubina.

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Sir, it'll fit that we have given you a great victory.

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When Omar saw this being revealed that he was joyous, and his eyes started to open up as to what actually happened, because the Prophet SAW Selim and his companions, the following year, they returned to Mecca, the Quraysh, left them alone, and they made the ombre,

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they were able to go to their their families, it was a major victory for the believers, it was something that started to really change the conditions. So this is the first part we're talking about, of the pivotal moments. So this is a pivotal change, that is now happening with the balance between the Muslims and the polytheists. And

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this is very critical. But there is something deep inside of it. And I want to discuss another part of the pivot, which many people will not be aware of. But it is a very important part of our history. And I believe it is something which is of vital importance to us today. And that is that in that same time, six, ah, the Prophet SAW Salem, he began sending out letters. So he sent letters out to the rulers in Arabia. And he would send it to the major leaders, inviting them to Islam. And that would be in Yemen. That would be in central and edge Central Arabia. That's way over to our man to eastern side al Hasa. And so all the regions, you know, in Arabia is sending out to the major

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leaders. And one of the leaders that he sent a letter to, his name was to mama Ibn Rizal, of Benu Hanifa.

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And this is a place called Al yamamah. And what is important to understand about bento, Hanifa and the Yamama. What is now nudged the central area is that

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despite what the map looks like, that generally you think of a desert, and you think the worst part is when you go away from the ocean.

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But that's different, how Arabia is set up. Because the heavy desert is right after the ocean, right after you leave the ocean.

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This heavy desert that's come in Mecca, and Medina and these areas heavy dense, but when you go toward the center, there are underground lakes.

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And it is literally one of the most fertile parts of the Arabian Peninsula. And in those days, that area of Yamama and now called nudged. It was one of the bread baskets of the Arabian Peninsula. We have heard already about Yemen, because when you go south, in Arabia, you start going up, you go to ta F, and then you go up towards Yemen. You think you're going south, but you're actually going up into the mountains, because Yemen is a very mountainous country. And they have a lot of rain. Even if you ever go to Saudi Arabia to talk if the city of taught if is a good place to go in the summer, because it's cooler in the summer, and it rains and whatnot. So so this was part of the bread, but

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in the center of Arabia,

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there were more crops growing the wheat, the dates, the barley, the animals, so many things were plentiful in the center of Arabia. And so to mama was one of the main leaders of the Arab tribes in Yamama area.

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he got the letter.

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He was a stubborn type of strong minded person, and he flew into a rage when he read this letter, how dare you invite me to your religion? Who are you?

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How dare you do this? The shaytaan came to him. Well, yeah, the biller and so he said, I'm gonna kill this man. I'm gonna end this message now. And I'm gonna take the life of the prophet.

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Okay, this is how wicked and evil he was.

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He wasn't able to carry it out because Medina by that time was well fortified. So he wasn't able to carry it out. But what he did do is that when people are coming from Medina, Muslims who are doing business remember, this is the breadbasket of Central Arabia. So they're doing business with that pot. He found out about a caravan with Muslims in it, and he sent this piece

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But and they killed Muslims who are on the curve. When this got back to the Prophet SAW Salem, he said this man is an enemy of Allah.

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And he is what we would call today Wanted Dead or Alive. And this became famous in America, especially in Texas, where they say, you know, they put up the post of your Wanted Dead or Alive. So to mama was actually wanted dead or alive.

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That didn't stop him he was arrogant, and he decided that he would make a type of ombre it wasn't the aroma that we know. But it was a visit to Mecca to visit idols. So people around Arabian peninsula would come to Mecca not only for business, but also to visit their idols because the idols were there 360 were housed there in the Kaaba. And so they would come for their lust for their pilgrimages, okay to the idols, he was on his way.

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And the route has to go a little bit north and then down. Because to go straight from where he was in the middle of Arabia, there, it was very, very hot and difficult. So he had to go a little north, which would veer him towards Medina.

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And as he came toward Medina, there were Muslim scouts. There were Muslims who were there patrolling the areas, because remember, they had just suffered under a number of attacks, and they needed security. And when they saw this small caravan, you know, there, they they captured the people. And they brought Tamama back to Medina. They could tell he was some kind of important person, by the way he carried himself and how people dealt with him. So they took him inside the Masjid. That was simple structure, right? They tied him

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to a stump to a tree, because literally like trees, you know, and timber holding up, attached roof, they tied him there.

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And the province of South London looked in and said to his father, do you know who you captured? Do you know that? They said no. And he told them this is to mama, Ibn Rizal,

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you did a really good job. Because this is one of the kings of Arabia, who is there? And so he immediately the premises Allah remember that you got to remember his level of thinking. It's not just emotional. Because if he if he was emotional, then he would say, okay, kill this man. Take him right outside and chop his head off.

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No, he didn't do that.

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He said, feed the animal up to mama, and send him food.

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And he allowed him to stay tied up watching what's happening in the mosque. And the believers are they're coming in for their prayers. Talim is there they're teaching and learning. They're taking care of the poor and the needy. The people are accepting Islam listening to Islam. And so this man, highly intelligent person is watching all this. And then the Prophet SAW seldom came to him and said to Mama, I'm saying this in our words, you know?

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Where do you stand? So the mama said in words, that if you want revenge,

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then you can kill me. Because I'm a noble person.

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Okay, but the second point is, is that if you want to forgive me,

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I will be thankful to you for forgiving me.

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And if you want compensation, I'll give you anything you want. He's negotiating for his life, right? So the province has seldom just smiled, and left him.

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Second day went by he's watching all the Muslims, what they're doing. The Prophet came to him, he said the same thing.

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The third day

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Tamama said the same thing again. And finally, the Prophet SAW Salem den said to his followers,

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free this man, that

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now that sounds like a compromised like a very weak thing to do, right? That's what it seemed like at that point. But the Prophet SAW Selim is not just fighting for revenge. He has a greater understanding of things and that's important for us today. When we are dealing with the emotions surrounding our community, especially with this genocide that is being carried out

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And so the Prophet SAW Allah allowed him to go. And

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our Syrah book showed us that to mama then took his animal and he went out to a place a garden, which is now Alba PA, and that is the cemetery. If you go to Medina, you'll see the cemetery on the left side of the masjid, in the front, Alba clear it is now covered with a wall. But before it was a garden, and then they started to use it as a cemetery. And he went there and he washed himself and he looked back at the masjid and something came over here. Allah subhanaw taala was opening up his heart. He couldn't leave, because he had never seen anything like this before. And so he came back to the masjid.

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And he said, to the believers, Prophet SAW Salem, I bear witness, there's no God but Allah, and I bear witness that you are Rasul Allah.

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He took his shahada, and he became Muslim. This is a shock, because this is one of the kings of Arabia, who is accepting Islam.

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And he then said to the Prophet SAW Salem, I've accepted your religion, I don't feel good.

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I've killed some of the believers, I made major mistakes, and I am under your mercy, whatever you want, I'm under. And the Prophet SAW Selim showed him Al Islam, your job uma Kubla, that Islam wipes away previous sins. So when a person takes shahada, even if that person was a murderer before, then

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the sin of it is wiped away. Now there's compensations to now we know within Islamic law, there's still compensations rather than Madala. So there would be a way of blood money and you know what not, but in terms of that sin, taking shahada sincerely wipes it away.

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Tamama said, I'm still

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not feeling good. What can I do? I was about to make, you know, a pagan own route to Mecca. The province of Salem then said to him continue, you will make your own MRA for Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now remember, this is six, six, ah, this is before

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the the the return of the believers there. Right, it's in between. And Tamama then learns about how to make a camera. And he heads then

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for backup.

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And so he came, you know, as a prisoner, and he left as a free man.

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And when he came to the area of backup,

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now think about this. The Quraysh had suffered defeat. They were angry. They wanted revenge. And suddenly on the outskirts of Mecca, this man starts moving in and shouting at the top of his voice, love bake Allah Humala bake, love Baker last shot ICA Licola bake in Alhambra, one near Amata laka. Wall Mulk la Cherie Kolak This is the TLB Alright, so this is what you're saying, Here I am. Hola. Here I am.

01:03:38 --> 01:03:52

There is no God, but you have no partners. You have no rivals. I am here. Last Cherie collect no partners with you. He's saying out loud. The Kobe Stan said. They were they were in shock Who is this?

01:03:53 --> 01:03:56

And the young people were ready to take his life.

01:03:58 --> 01:04:03

But when it came clear who he was, the eldest said, leave him alone.

01:04:05 --> 01:04:06

This is to mama.

01:04:07 --> 01:04:10

This is to mama, the leader of bento Hanifa.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:12

You can't touch this man.

01:04:14 --> 01:04:14

Leave them alone.

01:04:15 --> 01:04:38

And as he was coming in, they tried to talk to him, What are you doing? Are you giving up your religion and he showed them I have accepted the true religion. And he went down to the Kaaba and he made his toe off. This is the first time the Muslims before the other believers in a group were able to make that rumor. He made it alone.

01:04:40 --> 01:04:41

And he made his Tobia

01:04:42 --> 01:05:00

and he performed his Umbra and then he moved towards to leave Mecca. Nobody would touch it. That is the power of Central Arabia. It is not just military power that we got to think now. It was economic

01:05:00 --> 01:05:00


01:05:01 --> 01:05:11

And because of that economic power, and people sometimes are more affected by economic power than they are by military power.

01:05:12 --> 01:05:16

And so on leaving, he announced

01:05:17 --> 01:05:35

that he because he had said to the Prophet, I pledge myself to you, my sword, my people, I pledge everything to you. And then he announced micarta he announced there would be a boycott, there will be sanctions that would be put on Mecca.

01:05:36 --> 01:05:41

And so he went back to to the next area to bento Hanifa area.

01:05:43 --> 01:05:49

And they established boycott. So the goods will only trickle in

01:05:50 --> 01:05:54

enough food to survive. It was cut down,

01:05:55 --> 01:06:39

in some cases stopped completely. And this had a major impact upon the Quraysh. And upon the people of Mecca. This was serious. Because Mecca and Medina, literally depended upon the wheat and the dates, and the livestock coming from Central Arabia. So when you cut that off, you are literally cutting off their lifeblood, the same way you remember there was a type of boycott that was done on the Muslims, while they were in the Meccan period. Because these are the goods they stopped the goods coming into Mecca. And so it got so bad

01:06:40 --> 01:07:32

that a Polish wrote to the Prophet and they said, stop this. According to the Treaty of who de BIA, we're under the treaty. You're not supposed to be doing something like this, we're supposed to be living in peace. And so when the Prophet SAW Selim heard about this, and heard about Obama and what he had done, he then wrote to samama and he said, lift the siege, because Islam does not. Muslims do not starve innocent people. That is not our way to deal. However, strategic, boycotting strategic sanctions are allowable, if they are able to bring a result from the oppressor, that will bring them to their knees. And so the Prophet SAW Selim, he did not scold DOMA.

01:07:33 --> 01:07:36

Many of the people in Medina were actually a admired him.

01:07:37 --> 01:07:46

But he told them, You have to stop this. And so he stopped the boycott. But many historians look at this, and realize that

01:07:48 --> 01:08:16

what had happened to the Quraysh, with the seeds that was laid upon them is that they literally became weakened. They were physically weakened. So that later on after the believers made their their own mra. And you'll see later on the opening of Mecca was called fat Tomeka. When Mecca was opened up, the Quraysh had little strength left to resist.

01:08:17 --> 01:08:32

And part of the reason why they were weakened, had history books, many of them will not mention this, but it is because of micarta is because of the sanctions that were put on them by a strong believer.

01:08:33 --> 01:08:34

And so

01:08:35 --> 01:08:40

this sets a precedent for us. And that is that

01:08:42 --> 01:09:18

we need to do something. And Muslims around the world, especially we here in the Western countries, we feel helpless. Sometimes we pray to Allah subhanaw taala. But we feel helpless, you know, to help our brothers and sisters, they're in the Gaza, in Philistine. And the Prophet SAW Salem had told us, You see evil change with your hands. If you cannot do this, then at least change it with your tongue say something. If you can't do this, then feel it in your heart. But that's the weakest form of faith. So we can do something.

01:09:20 --> 01:09:45

We're not in a position to be a big military. The Muslims who are there surrounded them, it's on them. The leaders of the Muslim countries, if they don't move, they will have to pay a price but Allah subhanaw taala for not helping those children and those innocent people who are under the bumps, but we can all do something and not feel helpless.

01:09:46 --> 01:09:58

We can at least stop eating food from companies that support this regime that is killing our children. Stop drinking your Starbucks.

01:09:59 --> 01:10:00

Stop drinking

01:10:00 --> 01:10:08

Coca Cola. I know that many Muslims love their Coca Cola and I would go to many Muslim well Leamas and because

01:10:09 --> 01:10:12

you know, and they would serve, you know the food and

01:10:13 --> 01:10:32

in South Africa, the Muslims were dropping down dead with heart attacks. And I said, How is this possible? Because Muslims really halal food. And then I went to one of the lemurs after the Nikka and the food the biryani, it was so nice, but it was greasy on your hand.

01:10:34 --> 01:10:37

So after the grease, they drank Coca Cola Classic.

01:10:38 --> 01:10:49

So if you put grease in your arteries and Coke, it's like cement. So you literally cemented your arteries, and people are dropping dead.

01:10:51 --> 01:11:03

That's just the health reason. But we should not be partaking, you know, in eating and drinking things that will kill our children. That's the least we can do.

01:11:04 --> 01:11:06

And if this continues over 2

01:11:08 --> 01:11:17

billion Muslims in the world this continues, we have strong economic power. Because one of the strongest things that Muslims do as a minority we eat,

01:11:18 --> 01:11:23

especially we love we meat eat meat. Right? We love eating our food.

01:11:25 --> 01:12:03

Okay, so stop it. That's the least that we can do. And if this continues on with our families, our communities and our nations, then inshallah it can bring the oppressor to their knees, and to help our children, you know, who are suffering in this terrible crisis. So this is a precedent that was sent set in the time of the Prophet so seldom, and is with us up until today. I want to open up the floor for any questions that anybody may have, concerning who they be. And to mama Ibn.

01:12:05 --> 01:12:09

So the floor is open for any questions that anybody may have.

01:12:12 --> 01:12:14

Some people have posted where they're watching from

01:12:18 --> 01:12:19

North Carolina.

01:12:23 --> 01:12:24


01:12:30 --> 01:12:35

So the question is, how do we gain emotional intelligence? That's a deep question.

01:12:36 --> 01:12:49

You have to realize for us, you know, they say that there's intellectual intelligence, right, and emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence for us is your heart.

01:12:50 --> 01:13:17

And the Prophet SAW, Selim said that in the body, there is a lump of flesh. If it goes right, everything goes right. And if it goes wrong, everything goes wrong, and that is your heart. And the culture is not just this organ. It's it's your conscience. So this is your conscience. And even scientists have found that many of the decisions that people make today, it's not just intellectual, like your hard drive, it's your heart.

01:13:18 --> 01:14:05

And your heart is your emotions. And so, the diseases of the heart there are some diseases. And this has been spelled out I study the Great West African scholars check with man dan Fodio. And he listed a number of diseases of the heart. You'll also find Imam Al Ghazali. Rahima Hola. Sidi Ahmed Zabrak of Morocco, Rahim Allah there are certain scholars who study the internal Muslim and they have shown the diseases of the heart and that includes pride. We have to work against being proud of our color, proud of our language, our lineage, our families, it's a disease it will ruin your heart hurt sad, jealousy, it will ruin your heart

01:14:06 --> 01:14:41

cancer term heads up you know emotional anger, getting angry at things too fast. Also concede we are considered about yourself my way or the highway. I think I'm the best because I speak this language or because I come from this place. So these are you need to study diseases of the heart and to understand because it is our hearts, you know really which gives you your emotional intelligence. And it is it is a critical study to change what is inside of ourselves, you know, to to hope that Allah will change us

01:14:43 --> 01:14:46

and the other general questions anybody has floor is open

01:14:55 --> 01:14:59

Yeah, so the question is, do protests, boycotts all these things make a difference?

01:15:00 --> 01:15:01

Yes they do.

01:15:02 --> 01:15:04

To a certain degree is not the final pressure.

01:15:06 --> 01:15:38

But we can see today with the millions of people who are now coming in the streets, and also the social media, it is having an impact even on Western governments. And so it is getting stronger and stronger and stronger, even though many of our weak minded leaders are not moving. The pressure is now being applied. I lived in South Africa for 10 years. And the South African government, the apartheid regime, was was a terrible racist regime, slaughtering the African people.

01:15:39 --> 01:15:48

And they were so powerful that they actually had developed nuclear weapons, the nuclear weapons that the Israelis have came from South Africa.

01:15:50 --> 01:15:56

Also the diamond mines, the gold mines that enriched this movement, it came from South Africa.

01:15:57 --> 01:16:11

And so it was seemingly impossible for this regime to come down but people boycotted them, sanctions were applied to them. And when they saw that their economy was being destroyed,

01:16:12 --> 01:16:35

then they gave up and apartheid was taken down. So yes, it can have an impact. But it takes a lot of patience, and it will take a lot of shitheads martyrs will have to will die. And may Allah accept their martyrdom that comes with but May Allah help us enable us to stand in the right way.

01:16:37 --> 01:17:26

And so we pray that Allah azza wa jal would enable us to take the right stand at this delicate point in time. The whole Ummah is under a test and there are shaheed witnesses, children who are dying in front of us, and they will witness against us on the Day of Judgment. If we don't say something, or if we don't do something, every one of us who are able to do we can try to do something even if it is to lift iron, had to say dua or to just say army. Remember that Allah told us in Allah Allah you very Roma be Coleman, Hatha Yoga, you Roma be unforeseeable. Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change that which is in themself. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I ask

01:17:26 --> 01:17:35

Allah to have mercy on me, can you well after that webinar, and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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