Abdullah Hakim Quick – Pivotal Moments in Islamic History #04

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The history of Islam is highlighted, including the shift from the "the heartland of Islam" to the western side of Islam, the success of Islam in various countries, cultural and political settings, political parties, and cultural groups. The movement has seen a rise and fall in profit, and has caused cultural and political changes in various countries. The importance of the French city's history and its cultural significance is emphasized, along with its role as the capital of the French-speaking nation. The segment provides insight into the rise and fall of Islamic civilization, including the transition from the Morabito period to the final period of Islam, and provides resources for learning about Islam and understanding the topic.
AI: Transcript ©
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Go ahead and Chautala

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa SallAllahu Taala Alessandra mousseline while he was happy he was adequate Salah I'll praise the due to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and peace and blessings be always and constantly showered upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad, his family, his companions, and all those who call to his way to the Day of Judgment,

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my beloved brothers and sisters, to our friends, to our viewers and listeners, Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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The history of Islam really is the history of humanity. Because when we look at the word Islam, or is this lamb, we're talking about submission to the Creator of the heavens and the earth, in the concept of Tawheed, of the oneness. And that concept of monotheism has been shared by people of every nation, every tribe,

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all throughout the planet.

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And Prophet Muhammad SAW seldom

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showed us that over 124,000, prophets and messengers came to every nation every tribe, and after his time, because he was the last prophet, cotton and Anbiya will more Salim.

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He was the seal of the prophets and messengers, saw the final message Al Quran had to continue and is continuing until the day of resurrection.

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And so the history after his time, is different than the history of the Tawheed, before his time,

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because before the time of the Prophet peace be upon them, the messengers and prophets were sent to their tribes, their nations, but afterwards, it's to all nations.

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So therefore, after the time of the Prophet SAW, Selim, there's an international flavor to this, there is a time based flavor to this. There is a situation based flavor to this. And so

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Islamic history is vast, but there are certain key pivotal moments which carved the destiny of Muslims and the people of the earth for hundreds of years. And we're looking at some of these pivotal moments. These are historical experiences of great significance. And Allah tells us in Surah, Yusuf, the chapter of Joseph in the Quran,

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in their sinus, there are lessons

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for those who would reflect

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and within these stories, there is Ibra there is

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deep thinking, and you could say that there was pivots, look at canopy constancy have embarked on the old LDAP. So within these classes, is special points. And one of the aspects of speciality is this pivot cont, the pivot concept, and that is a shift,

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a sort of like turning the page, some say it's like a fork of the road. It is a crucial

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event or series of events that have an impact for a long period of time.

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And so we have been looking at, in the last few sessions, the western side of Islam, because the heartland of Islam in Arabia and Iraq and Syria, and these surrounding areas and Turkey, and this is known by the vast majority of Muslims, but the western side of Islam, and that is North Africa, West Africa.

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That is an Andalus, which is now Portugal and Spain is not so well known to the Muslims around the world, and surprisingly enough, it is almost completely unknown to the western people. And it's shocking to find out that the people of Portugal and the people of Spain have the least amount of information or

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But what actually happened because it was systematically routed out of the education system.

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And so this information is really

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a brilliant look, it is it is shining information, not just for Muslims,

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but for all the people who want to know the true history of the earth. And when we look at Al Andalus, and we recognize the fact that up there, Amanda Dakhil, the great sucker Quraysh, the great Khalifa, or the great emir, the Sultan, he was really the key pivot linchpin that really enabled the Muslims who had come across the Bering Straits, they had entered Gibraltar.

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And they defeated the Visigoths, who were torturing and punishing the people the name of Trinitarianism.

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That updraft man,

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the first of July, man, soccer, soccer Quraysh,

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he was able to bring it together to consolidate it. And at the same time, he was able to add impetus and new direction to the Muslim community. They're in Al Andalus. And again, Al Andalus stands for and de Lucia, which is van de Lucia, which is the land of the vandals. And that is the land that we now know as Spain, and also Portugal, because they will not divide it up in the way that we divided up today. And so with this, beginning with this pace that was set, by Abdrabbuh, the darken that first great leader from the roommates, he gave direction, he pushed forward, he set models of the way that a leader should govern. He also had inclusion, that he included people of different

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nationalities, and different religions, upward mobility was there for everybody reading, writing, math, it was there for all children, regardless of whether you were Muslim, Christian or a Jew.

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And so that set a very heavy pace. And his predecessors were able to continue to a great extent, what their great great grandfather had begun, and the greatest of all of the successes of their men. And oh, well the first adatto was Abdurrahman, or nos le Dini Allah. So this was the third of the Rockman.

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And he's known as a nasally. Dini law, he is the one who give victory to the religion of Allah,

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and have the right man, this will turn actually declared caliphate. And that was a very important move. And he had to bring some sort of proof of his power. You don't just stand up and say, I'm the Khalifa. This is what MAD PEOPLE DO. Well, this is what people who are, you know, brought in as agent provocateurs have done historically. But the real Khalifa is one who has solta, who has real authority in the land, who is God fearing, who is respected by the people. And that is the one who stands in the place of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so he worked on and developed Medina to Zara, and this was one of the wonders of the world. And again, if you look at this

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picture, you will see as the green this is an archaeological site in Spain in Cordoba, which was the capital that was established by updraft men. And you will see as the line goes out, and you see the green and then you see the patch of, of brown, and then the light green, and their right and back of that is a road. So they say that this is probably the extent of this Medina to Zara, the rest of its under the ground.

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And with archaeology and with science.

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You people were able to excavate

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this amazing ruins and they're still finding more. And there's more actually, as you go on down the road. This was one of the wonders of the world. And it was something that the leaders and religious people from different parts of Europe would make a type of pilgrimage to this place they would pay obedience

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to the Khalifa

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I have this place. And that's very interesting because they're not visiting the Khalifa going east. See, normally we think of Islam and Muslims are east of Europe. But in this case, in the case of France, Germany,

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other major states in Europe, it's east, sometimes it's like Southeast, sometimes it's directly east. But no, but it's actually West. Okay, so this is it, the Western philosophy

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his authority over the lands of the Malkia, one of the great schools of thought North Africa and West Africa. And the influence that the roommates had made this a valid fill effort, because the ambassadors were dying. At this point, they were going down, they had no authority, they only had symbolic authority. The Shia, the Smiley's called the Fatimids, they announced their own SCI, Fi Laffitte, in Tunisia, and then in Egypt. But this was only accepted by a minority of the Muslims. And so the vast majority were looking either to Baghdad to the ambassador, or they were looking to Cordoba

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to the maid, Khalifa. And so this was an amazing achievement. And the successes are out there, man, they continued with his work. And again, that that symbol, which now, you know, we see, we've been refined and many of the buildings are what's left to the buildings there in Al Andalus, while our valley by Allah Allah, there is nothing that can conquer you, except Allah. And so it reached a point where Medina, Cordoba, Cordoba, it was one of the largest cities, if not the largest on Earth, at the time.

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200,000 houses 600 masjids 900 public baths, 50 hospitals, this is an amazing achievement, that the Muslims were able to do something which really astounded people who would actually go they couldn't believe that this is actually the planet Earth, because lights are there are running water, you could even go like 10 miles, and the streets are lit. And people are living together in harmony, Jews, Christians, Muslims, for the most part. And it is it is the most industrious part of Europe. Actually, you could say that the renaissance of Europe happened in this area. And that Renaissance, as we know, because of the colonial period impacted the whole world.

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And so

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it's amazing. And you could even say, when you look at

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the the objective facts that Cordoba it was far ahead of even London and Paris, the two great cities of Europe 700 years, it took them to reach this level, in terms of the plumbing, in terms of the science, the the hygiene, in terms of the industriousness, the justice 700 years, and even some of the plate, things that they reach could never be reached in Europe, up until today. That is a great achievement. So it is rose to a great height and updraft man, a nasiha and you can see him looking, he's in the west and he's looking east, right. So this is how his profit actually set in the world.

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And following the rules of a few of his predecessors, his Wazir, Muhammad Ibrahim, Samia was known as elements. So, he took over the authority because there was some discord that started to come in. And we have to recognize that you know, after 100 years, you will start to see even Calderon's theory coming in of the cyclical nature of political rule. And so there was some differences between the Omega dynasty the Yemenis, the Amazon or the Berber people, African people,

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the non Arabs versus the Arabs, these tribal isms and human weakness started to come in. So almanzora took over and he strengthened the rule within the society. But he was harsh in a way he was harsh. And he made or he built Medina desira. So this is now

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Zara, and this is to rival Medina to Zara so now you

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can see some weakness starting to come in. And this is where material things start to impact and most human beings can't handle too much materials. And so it was there and then to lose because they reached really the pinnacle in civilization.

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They were so wealthy, they were not like people from other parts of the world. They had high culture, they were like making culture for Europe and for other parts of the Muslim world. At the same time, they started to get weak.

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And this weakness came, three key issues start to come in and the these are important to understand the history of Islam and Al Andalus. And you could apply these to other parts of the Muslim world as well. Number one, hieratic Nia these are material things the Prophet SAW seldom said and authentic hadith in the liquidly, OMA fitna, or fitna to Almighty Ellmau. Every nation has a trial and a test and the trial and test of my nation, his wealth. Okay, so it's usually too much or too little. It's a fitna, and with an Andalus. Tribute was pouring in from all over the world. Secondly, we find divisions, argumentation starting to come in, where people start to argue with each other. They

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split here is they start breaking into ethnic groups. And the danger really comes when these divisions reach the point of treachery, and complete disunity. So when that disunity comes in, to break up the one line of Islam, then the forces of evil start to come in. And again, this happens from not externally first, it's coming inside. So it's really inside out the way many history books would write it. That's it like in Spain, they say, the Moors and Moses from morals, meaning people of color in Latin that was invaded Spain, took over and ruled for a little while. And then the Reconquista reconquest, the Catholic kings and queens reunited themselves. And they took over in

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Spain and Portugal. This is how they how they would say it. Reality is we're talking about a rule of 781 years plus. So this is a big part of European history of world history and Islamic history.

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And what is so important about an Andalus is that you can see the changes come about, you can see the rise and the fall.

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You can see the pivots that actually happened to enable to rise back up, then corruption sets and they fall, pivot, rise back up.

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And so

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this major move that we made made, and then Ellman saw, started to deteriorate. And the worst thing that could happen is when one emir of a section

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turns against his brother,

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then the Trinitarians, with the Red Cross, waiting, and they had taken over as a northern section of Spain called Leone, especially in the high mountains of this province. And this craggy area when the Muslims first took over Al Andalus. And what was left of the forces of Roderick

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took shelter in this high mountains. It was so craggy, and the weather was so terrible. They just left it alone, because it's like it doesn't exist. But historians say if they had known what would come out of that mountains, they should have gone over there, and they should finish the conquest.

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So it is from Leon from the north, also from France,

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that the RE keister that the unity of the Christian Trinitarian forces starts to come back. And it starts to move in. And it starts to take its toll section by section. And so what would happen is that one Amir now be treacherous to his brother. He makes an alliance with

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The Christians against another Muslim. But think about this, the Christian then Trinitarian comes in and defeats the other Muslim, and then the first one to go

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and look at the Muslim world today.

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And you can see the relevance of this. You see what happens when treachery comes in when we don't respect differences amongst ourself. And we start turning on each other, this starts to bring decline.

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And so around 1031.

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And this is an approximation of what had happened with the Muslims losing their land, okay, in the pink color there, that is the Christian kingdoms. And the green is the lands of Islam. And so you can see there's a big chunk of what they had ruled before he was lost. And this Moluccas life, this target for kingdoms, as many would put it,

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they start to develop. And this is where you can see the different places.

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Each one has got an Amir, and that Amir thinks he's Amir and what we need, so he thinks he's the ruler, because there's no strong central force, really to unite all of the lands, things have gotten weakened. And it starts to go down in this type of a force. And so this now led to the entrance of Alfonso the sixth, and Alfonso the sixth succeeds in uniting the Christian forces. And he took over Lyon, that northern area, of course, and then he moved into Portugal. So he moved to the coastal region. And he was he was able to conquer Portugal, out of the birther pile. And then he gathered his forces, and he conquered Toledo. Tala Tala. And the conquest of Toledo, according to the Muslim

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historians, in Al Andalus. It was like yo piano, he was like Yama, because this was the original capital of Allah, an en de Lucia.

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It was probably the most

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fortified area. And if you get a chance to go to Toledo, when you visit Spain,

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you can still see the fortifications because it's like a part of it's on a hill. And so you literally have to rise this hill that is a huge set of walls that is above this hill going down. And so it is naturally fortified by these huge walls. And these natural protections. It also has water, it has supplies. And so when they took Toledo

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this was a tremendous loss for the Muslims. And he considered himself to be

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the Emperor

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of all the Christian lands in Spain. And he threatened the city of Seville.

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And you can see that that's considerably south of Toledo. So he's going deep down into the land, you see sort of side skirts, Cordoba, because Cordoba is still well fortified and the armies are there. He wants a side skirts that he's got forces coming out of Portugal, which is close to Seville and then he lays siege to Seville. Okay. And

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this was a terrible situation.

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B, this siege lasted for a period of time.

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And the the the historians who are writing about

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the siege of Seville

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a REIT and you can even see this in books like Ibn katheer and other Islamic sources. That Alfonso the sixth. He writes a demeaning, insulting letter

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to the leader of Seville Elmore Tabet. Biller,

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and he writes to him in words, and he says, the most dangerous thing the most annoying thing for me during the siege is your flies. There's too many flies. You see the insult, right?

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Your soldiers you're not annoying, but it's the flies that are getting to us. And so, the even cathedra writes that I'll more timid

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took the letter and he wrote one sentence on the back. This is after a long seach years. He writes one sentence on the back. Where on whatever it says Wallahi

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in limitada if you do not return, last row we Hannah laka, the marijuana, middle morality, he said by Allah.

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If you do not return,

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break the seach. I will fan you with a fan of the Morabito.

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Let's see how it goes. This is sarcasm coming back. You're afraid of flies. I'll send you a fan. But that fan will be elmora be tune.

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The historians write that when Alfonso saw this one sentence, he shouted to his generals, lift the siege retreat.

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And they retreated.

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And the question is, what is in this sentence that would make the so called emperor of Spain,

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Emperor of Portugal, who has a big army he surrounding the place, what would make him lift the siege with one sentence?

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It happened and we'll explore that later on Morabito.

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So this gave some breathing space to the Muslims. And so they immediately called a council of the 22 Amir's. Now think about

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the rabbit title Alamut Islami, the world Muslim League, and now Organization of Islamic conference. So you think about the United Nations of the Muslims. So in this particular area, they call this council.

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And in the council came the political leaders, the Amir's many of them didn't even like each other. But there is approximately 22, there's different opinions about the numbers, but approximately 22, there was also the leader of more temperate himself of Seville, who called the conference and the weather Allah,

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to Allah ma, that the scholars they said, resist,

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we have to resist the advance of the Trinitarians. And if we cannot resist, then we should make Hijra. We should migrate, migrate salt, go to other lands, but do not surrender.

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The Amir's in the diplomatic fashion, which is similar to today. The Emir said, well, everybody has got a price. So let's buy them out. If this baksheesh if we if we wish. So if we pay them off, give them enough gold, dancing girls, whatever they want, they will keep them satisfied. And that should be okay.

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I'll mark timid. He didn't like this. And he threatened to bring in two rabbits.

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And the impact that this group had had on Alfonso was amazing.

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As more timid, taught within himself, it's probably a good idea.

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But a big argument, and they said, No, because this group is not from our envelopes. And these are Bedouin people. This is not the right group to bring here.

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Because this siege is still lurking, because they're losing the lands. This is your pivotal moment.

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If they did not have a solution, Alfonso would return, the other forces would return. They would take over if they try to bribe the bribe would only last for so long. Because that's the way bribes are. He wouldn't last. So there had to be a decisive move, a decisive set of events that stops the halt of the Christians, reinvigorates the Muslim ummah and has this lasting impact. So this is our pivotal moment. That is here. And you know, the basis of this moment is a statement made by Elmore tempered biller

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where he said in 1086 It is better to be a camel driver than a swine herd.

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I want you to think about that within yourself. What do you think he meant by that?

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It is better to be a camel driver than a swine swine herd. If you know

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Well the answer, put it into the notes. So we can go back and see if anybody gets this right.

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Okay, and so this was a very famous statement. He said, I call this conference. And I am the emir, you know, of the O'Meara and I would rather be a camel driver

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than a swine herd.

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What he meant was,

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I'm going to bring in the Morabito.

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So this is the decisive, pivotal moment. But the question is, who are the Morabito?

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Why would they put so much fear into the hearts of Alfonso de sexed the emperor of Portugal and Spain? Who is this group that will do that? It's not the Khalifa in Baghdad, it's not the Shiite flatmates. We have to go back 40 years to 1048.

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To understand what is happening now, you remember North Africa, the principal inhabitants were amazi.

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They were the purpose. And there were the major tribes of LG dalla and, and the lamp tuna. So these are two tribes under a big umbrella called Sun Hajah.

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Okay, so the sun had your purpose. They are the ones who, for the most part, were controlling the areas they take you across the desert. And that was very important, because as we have learned, south of the desert was the Niger River and one of the greatest gold deposits in the world. And so whoever control this trade, was actually controlling a fabulous amount of riches. And so it was the sun Hajah it was dama zyk. They are the ones who will take you across. And so the Amazon because they Bedouin types, and the Bedouins when they're active and involved, they can be a fighting force, but because of this activity,

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they they can make trouble too, because they're active and they're not tied down. Like the working class or like the bourgeois class. You look at classes, no, they move back and forth, and they're really into materials, but then they can leave all the materials as well. So corruption start to set in into the lamp tuna and the Judah and one of the leaders of the Judah Allah Yeah, Ibrahim, as you dolly Rahim Allah.

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He wanted to save His people.

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And a visionary leader. He wanted to take shorter sort, of course that the greatest sure you can take or consultation is to go to the blessing cities of Mecca and Medina. So he made his pilgrimage at that time. And when he returned, he returned to the city of Badewanne. Now remember the importance of Erawan that's in present day Tunisia. That was the Western capital of Islam. That is where Sahar noon put together the dough. Well, Cobra is the writings of Imam Malik. So the Maliki mishap really got consolidated. And, and so he took the advice of the Allama and Abu Hassan Al Farsi,

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probably the greatest of the Folk AHA at the time living there and Badewanne he said, I will send you to a person

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who will give you the inspiration

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and will help your people and that is CD, Abdullah ibn Yasin.

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Now, these are very important names and people who do not live in North Africa, or West Africa, Al Andalus, you might not be aware of these names. But these are really, really important names. And so Abdullah bin Yacine was a great activist scholar. He was a revivalist. And he was living in the Seuss region of present day Morocco.

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he took on the challenge to go amongst the Judah people. And again, this is your map showing North Africa and you can see the green on the top. Okay, so this is your lands that were conquered early. Then you have the great Sahara Desert. This is where the trade goes across that desert. And so I'm delighted when you're seen. Then

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he went to the lamb tuna. He went to the Judah, and he taught them and he stayed for a period of time. But in that negative nature of the Bedouins, they didn't want to be

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restricted by Sharia.

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Okay, so they fought against Abdullah he, to the point where, yeah, I had to tell him leave, if you don't leave these people are going to take your life but of the life and you are seen is a revivalist. And he heard that there were people below the desert who were interested in Islam. There were some who embraced Islam. There were great empires there. And within this empires, there was this possibility it's spreading now. So he went south.

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And he went south, is by himself, just a few of his followers. And he set up a camp.

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And they call this camp robot.

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And so this robot

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was where they would teach the Quran and the Sunnah. They also teach methods of Dawa

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and ways of defending yourself, you can say that, like Muslim Samurais, who are involved in Dawa

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and so his group began to expand. And some of the people came south from the lamp tuna, and the Judah Allah. They were also African people from Senegal, and what is now Gambia and Mali and these regions there.

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They started to go with him as well. And so a small group of just 510 followers, and if just a few tenths actually turned into about 12,000

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And so this is where the name Morabito come from robot. So the robot is your

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your your encampment,

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right it is it is how you tie up things. Right, it is your base of operations. So the lobby to other people of the robot. So the people who came out of these Islamic and cabinets, they were people of Tower, calling to the good and forbidding evil. This is the basis of the Morabito

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and they started to spread Islam and call to the good and forbidding evil. And unfortunately after a period of time, Abdullah he was murdered he became Shaheed

00:37:20 --> 00:37:41

but that would be tune, we're now expanding. And they chose as their leader, CD Abu Bakr given Omar Rahim Allah, this is another name, which is not so well known, but it should be written in the annals of Islamic history. Everybody should be studying this person as a leader,

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tireless leader, and you can see by the drawings that came of him, he's dark skinned person as well what you would call an African today in terms of features.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:07

He's one of the Berbers because there are, you know, Berber African Berbers there are middle range, there are white looking versus different nations within the Amazon people. So we're back here but Omar,

00:38:09 --> 00:38:30

he bases himself in Marrakech and, and that really was the basis of Morocco itself. And it was the seat of the Morabito and the famous could be a minaret that is there, if you get a chance to go to Morocco, don't miss Marrakech, you have to go there because it has probably the best history.

00:38:31 --> 00:38:41

And culture fairs, of course, is up there as well. But I love Morocco Shah, because there's so much life that is there. Now, what is important about Abu Bakr and Omar

00:38:42 --> 00:39:29

is that he, he hears about the people in the South who are accepting Islam remember what I believe in your sin and found and so he said, I'm going to dedicate my life to Dawa and I will give the leadership over to see the use of Ibn Tashfeen Rahim Allah. This is around 1061. So this is another very important person whose name should go down in the annals of history. If you find Morocco, where West Africa, North Africa, then you'll know about use of Ibn Tashfeen how but other parts of the world people may not be so familiar with him. Extremely important person, tireless leader, they say it in his 70s You know, he could easily run and jump on top of his horse or his camel.

00:39:30 --> 00:39:37

He led his troop in a tireless way. And after a period of time of struggling

00:39:38 --> 00:39:59

he was able to amass 100,000 horsemen. Now, this is a Morabito. Now, think about this group here. Look at the picture of your Muslim you know, Mujahid that is there. Think about 100,000 of them on horseback now

00:40:00 --> 00:40:19

Now, you know what Alfonso thought when he saw in the letter that if you do not leave, I will fan you with a fan of the Morabito and it's pronounced a Marathi teen, you know, and when it's modular, it's in a sentence, but it's Alba Robbie tune, you know when it stands by itself.

00:40:20 --> 00:40:27

That's what Alfonso saw. And that's why he said immediately break the speech. It's over.

00:40:28 --> 00:40:36

So, these are the Morabito and use of him and Tashfeen. Rahimullah, he traveled throughout the land.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:52

He was able to bring people from Senegal region, you know, from the South to join, he was able to take over what is now Mali, and Morocco, Spanish Sahara,

00:40:54 --> 00:41:02

Algeria, Tunisia, all the way to the borders of Egypt. And then so that huge area was controlled by the Morabito.

00:41:04 --> 00:41:10

And what was beautiful about the Morabito is that even though they had 100,000 horsemen,

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I'm not talking about people on foot.

00:41:14 --> 00:41:21

They could put 100,000 horsemen into the field, which could probably defeat any army in the Muslim world had to at that point in time.

00:41:23 --> 00:41:40

He still said when you make the Juma that you should read the Juma football in the name of the Khalifa and Baghdad we will respect the Abbasids See, so he did not want to start another. If you laugh it he said no.

00:41:41 --> 00:41:46

I'm not a mirror meaning we will call ourselves a mirror Muslimeen

00:41:47 --> 00:41:50

see, so this is humility.

00:41:51 --> 00:42:40

This is amazing. And this is what we should remember about the Morabito CD Abu Bakr also, at one point he came back from the South to Marrakech and he found us even Tashfeen would 100,000 riders with great respect. But he's the emir, right? Remember, I will back over Omar, he's the emir, the original Emir. So now you get to amiss, although he gave authority to us, what would happen? Unfortunately, in many of our communities today, they start fighting each other. So one master becomes two and then two become four and then four become eight. Right? So you see the divisions that come in. That's why the example of the Morabito is so important to study.

00:42:42 --> 00:42:59

This is the liberal right. These are the lessons that you take, this is the moment that is happening. This is the force that is that is changing Islamic history in that region, and that we should embrace and put it into practice in our lives. Today. I'll know Robbie tune.

00:43:01 --> 00:43:12

And the beautiful thing about CD Abu Bakr when he came back and he saw the authority of of CD use of he said, take the leadership

00:43:13 --> 00:43:40

and I will return to the south. And I will give Dawa for the rest of my life. It is reported that the Morabito travelled across West Africa, all the way to Central Africa. Hundreds and 1000s of people embracing Islam on their heads, and contrary to the orientalist history who say elmora VBIED. They say the Almoravids conquered the kingdom of Ghana.

00:43:42 --> 00:43:45

Right, so that's what they say Almoravids menial mode RB tune.

00:43:46 --> 00:43:46


00:43:48 --> 00:44:01

some European historians even produce Conrad and Fisher, an article that they wrote they said it was the conquest that never was that the Morabito did not conquer Ghana because the king was still in place.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:10

What they did was, they enriched it, they empowered it, and they gave Dawa to the people and they continued on.

00:44:12 --> 00:44:17

So this is the the Morabito group. Amazing example.

00:44:19 --> 00:44:21

Getting back to the pivotal moment,

00:44:22 --> 00:44:37

the pivotal moment, Elmore, temat. Remember, he said I'd rather be a Campbell driver than a swine herd, see what he said, I would rather take care of the Warabi tunes camels,

00:44:38 --> 00:44:42

then take care of the Trinitarian Christians, pigs.

00:44:43 --> 00:44:44

You see the difference in the two.

00:44:45 --> 00:44:57

And that's what our leaders need to think about today. When they make the alliances that they make, and the treachery of the things that go on. So this moment that happens.

00:44:58 --> 00:44:59

It comes about

00:45:00 --> 00:45:31

In 1086, use of IP and Tashfeen Rahima Hola, and Warabi tune, they went north, and they defeated the Trinitarians. They pushed them back over the borders, they secure the borders of Islam. Now, the Andalusi Ian's, because they're afraid of these people now. Because their delusions are living high culture, they've got like, five course meals, you know how they start off with their nice

00:45:32 --> 00:45:36

salads and their juice the juices,

00:45:37 --> 00:45:43

you know, and then they go on to, you know their status, you have your samosas today,

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you know, then they go on to the main meal. And then they have their dessert. You see they have courses. So that's what they introduced us to Europe, Europeans didn't have this before, because Roman culture is gone.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:08

So they introduced this type of eating, that Europeans looked down on everybody, because they do it, it was Muslims who taught them how to eat, how to wash your hands.

00:46:11 --> 00:46:20

And they will be talking, they're serious, and they're gonna describe use of him and Tashfeen everyday, they ate oatmeal and milk and dates, that was their meal,

00:46:22 --> 00:46:32

then get a little meat, find a little bread fine. But they can survive with oatmeal, and the milk from their animals, and some date so you can carry this with you, right.

00:46:34 --> 00:46:49

And so, the Andalusi Ian's who had become corrupted and they were very high class now. They made an agreement with us of him Tashfeen if you defeat the Christians inshallah return to note that.

00:46:51 --> 00:46:55

And according to the agreement, use of returned.

00:46:56 --> 00:47:01

Okay, that's amazing, because many people would not hold to the agreement.

00:47:02 --> 00:47:07

But after a short period of time, and 1088, they call them back again.

00:47:08 --> 00:47:09

We're weak again.

00:47:11 --> 00:47:21

And see the use of went back again, center forces, they went back, they push back the Trinitarians, secure the borders of Islam. And they returned.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:27

Two years later, they call it a back again. But this time,

00:47:29 --> 00:47:31

even Tashfeen said to his generals,

00:47:33 --> 00:47:39

check the Andalusi hands out, if they cannot secure their own borders,

00:47:40 --> 00:47:41

take everything.

00:47:42 --> 00:47:44

And we're going to establish Islam ourself.

00:47:46 --> 00:47:51

And that's the way it happened. The evolutions were corrupted.

00:47:52 --> 00:48:15

And they had lost their strength their their Eman was weak. And so the middleby Tune took over the whole region there. And this became a huge powerful state. Think about how powerful they were they were controlling much of North Africa, up into Egypt, down into West Africa.

00:48:16 --> 00:48:24

Most of Al Andalus and that is the reason why in these regions there, the Maliki school of thought

00:48:25 --> 00:49:01

is predominant. You'll find that most of the places like 100% That was the Malkia had, you'll even see in the food that people eat even on some of the clothing or the you know, Jellybean type things and you know, their shoes and you know, whatnot you'll see it in the culture because it was the Morabito that really universalized this North African culture and of course the the Andalusi Ian's gave it sophistication in terms of you see now the sophisticated clothes of Morocco, right this and Lucien sia

00:49:03 --> 00:49:07

were brought in a lot of that sophisticated culture. And so

00:49:09 --> 00:49:09

they took over

00:49:11 --> 00:49:27

and now the lens looks something like this. You can see the reddish pinkish area there. That's the Christian Trinitarian lens. And Alma Robbie tune

00:49:29 --> 00:49:50

they call them Almoravids. You know, in English, the green is their area. So there's still controlling good half of the country. They still have Cordoba, Granada, Seville Valencia, and even they were able to take back Lisbon, which is a major port on the Atlantic Ocean. Mercia is there so they still have

00:49:52 --> 00:49:58

much of the bulk of of the major cities that are there in a Andalusi

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:49

So, this was the territory around 1100 there, but even how Doones understanding it came in again. And this is the cycle that can happen less this constant revival that is going on Islamic revival, unless that is happening constantly, then corruption comes in especially like third fourth generation, maybe they are born in a palace instead of riding a camel or horse. And so the corruption sets in, you know, and that that same three fitness commit, you know, that is the wealth of this world to arguing and disputing, and then the divisions to break up the divisions that lead to the breakup of the Ummah

00:50:51 --> 00:50:54

that came in, and you know, it caused

00:50:55 --> 00:51:01

another downfall. Okay, so it had reached a high point,

00:51:03 --> 00:51:43

one of the highest the highest point of Al Andalus starts around the year 1000, it started to go down. But there was a pivot, a pivotal point, with the Warabi tune, coming in 1086 use of again, Tashfeen Rahim Allah and reviving Islam, you are then this set the pace and continued on. And Muslims were able to stay in this part of Al Andalus. And then they had to go south, to the Granada section. And they stayed there for 250 years more, until they reach 1492 plus

00:51:45 --> 00:51:46

of the rule there.

00:51:47 --> 00:52:03

And I'll end the loose. You know, it's a beautiful thing to use to study, study this history, because you can see the rise and the fall. Because after the Morabito and there's another group Elmo hidden, they now have to probably to start going down, why are you doing brought it back up?

00:52:05 --> 00:52:21

You see, so this this rise and fall, but that pivotal moment that we want to look at, which I believe ranks as one of the great moments and great movements in Islamic history that all Muslims should actually be studying, especially today.

00:52:22 --> 00:52:25

And that is the entrance of the Morabito.

00:52:28 --> 00:52:37

And I want to again, leave you with some suggestions for reading. Because because that's the natural question that is asked.

00:52:38 --> 00:52:47

So Ahmed Thompson, and Muhammad Uttara. Man, they wrote a book call for Christ's sake, this is the TA publishes.

00:52:48 --> 00:53:10

Okay, you can get these online, and also a Thompson, who writes the work, Islam and endless, you should be able to get online. excellent book. And then Michael Berry. So this is a non Muslim, but excellent work, homage to Al Andalus, The Rise and Fall of Islamic Spain.

00:53:11 --> 00:53:30

So these are some there's a lot of other books that you can get, I want to give you solid sources, you know, to take out all the propaganda and the Islamophobia, you know, give you some, you know, basic understanding this is the positive and the negative, because we have to write about negative two, right, the rise and fall of Islam

00:53:31 --> 00:53:41

elgiva ad, he has a number of books, but the Golden Age and decline of Islamic civilization. You can get that online as well. Excellent book

00:53:42 --> 00:53:43

philos Alkhateeb.

00:53:45 --> 00:53:48

He has lost Islamic history.

00:53:49 --> 00:53:51

And I have an ebook.

00:53:54 --> 00:54:01

You can get it from a negative Institute. Or you can get it from if you write into me

00:54:02 --> 00:54:02


00:54:04 --> 00:54:09

either my Facebook page, or Hakeem quick.com is my website.

00:54:11 --> 00:54:18

Or you could write into islam.ca and ask for the link to the ebook behind the vault.

00:54:20 --> 00:54:22

And tonight, if you haven't already,

00:54:23 --> 00:54:50

the documentary film done by a Christian Bethany use when the Moors ruled in Europe, this is an excellent piece. Everybody should look at this. Not because it's the most authentic, but because we need this sometimes because we're so brainwashed. So this is a European woman, a journalist who was actually bringing out the truth.

00:54:51 --> 00:55:00

And that's excellently done. researched on the spot she's traveling through you get to see you

00:55:00 --> 00:55:07

Parts of Al Andalus and some amazing parts of history that is there, as well.

00:55:08 --> 00:55:23

And so I'll leave this on the screen now. And I may come back to it. And so we want to see if there are any questions that anybody had. And I'll just go

00:55:25 --> 00:55:26

to the question points.

00:55:35 --> 00:55:37

And let's see if there's any questions.

00:55:38 --> 00:55:40

I don't know if brother Moon is there.

00:55:42 --> 00:55:43

He found any questions that are there.

00:55:45 --> 00:55:45


00:55:47 --> 00:55:48

I'm not seeing any questions. Yeah.

00:55:50 --> 00:55:52

Yeah. So So,

00:55:53 --> 00:55:55

again, this is very important

00:55:56 --> 00:56:12

to understand the rise and fall of Islamic civilization, and also to understand some of the pivotal points. And we've looked at a few of the pivotal points. And if there's enough demand,

00:56:14 --> 00:56:20

we could even do a further series, looking at key pivotal points in Islamic history.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:37

I think that's, you know, it's an interesting subject. And we'll study this to see you know, what is relevant. But for those who are online, you can write in, and you can make suggestions to the Islamic Institute of [email protected].

00:56:38 --> 00:57:29

To come online, and to see, and to give us an understanding of what you'd like to see in the coming semester in sha Allah. And so this is the final point, you know, of my series, this mini series that we did, and I pray that Allah subhanaw taala would accept this work that we've done, and would any mistakes they are mind and I asked a lot of forgive me. And if you learned something that is from Allah subhanaw taala. And we pray that Allah would give us Ebro. Give us that lesson. And our Muslim leaders today or Allah give them guidance at this point in time, so they can have the same humility and Robbie tune. And we ask Allah constantly to bless our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi

00:57:29 --> 00:57:55

wa sallam Subhana Allah who will be humbucker a shadow Allah Allah lanten iStockPhoto going into Lake Bismillah Marathi Rahim on us in Berlin Sana Luffy hos Illa Allah Dena Amanu Pamela Solly had with the wall so Bill Hakata Walsall, the Saba SallAllahu taala. And I say that in Muhammad Ali, he was happy he were about a consultant. Well after that one, and Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salam Wa alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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