Aspects of the Days of Ignorance #04 – Masa-il-ul-Jahiliyyah

Abu Usamah At-Thahabi


Channel: Abu Usamah At-Thahabi


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The segment discusses the issue of the majority versus the majority in the Senate, as well as the influence of the Prophet's actions and their negative consequences on society. The segment emphasizes the importance of following rules and avoiding confusion, while also highlighting the need for people to not fall into shoes and not be a minority. The segment also touches on the use of sugar and alcohol, the success of the-the-hardened movement, and the implementation of Islam laws. The segment ends with a brief advertisement for a book and a message to stop the segment.

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim

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Al hamdu lillahi Meadowhall when a star in a when a stock Pharaoh

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when our Rubina Himanshu Rudy phocoena Women say Dr. Dr. Molina

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May the level of alarm of the mellow home and you'll develop fella had

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what I shall do en la ilaha illa Allah who are to who luxury Cara?

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Well I shall do and number hum Medina do who are rasuluh Salawat Allah He was set mo y de Sleeman Kathira Amma bottle

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come to the masala number five today.

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And what we're going to try to do Inshallah, throughout the duration of explaining the book is we try to do at least two, three and sometimes four of the Messiah

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so that we can get through and get finished with the book.

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But today, Inshallah, we're only going to do one issue because of the importance of the particular issue that we're dealing with. Especially in light of the fact that last week, we did number six. Number six is the fact that the non Muslims, they used to rely upon the actions of the ancestors as evidence for the things that they had did. And I said last week, that a tech lead an ARMA blind following is just like number six. So we're going to do five, and we already this six in sha Allah.

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So the must add the number five of the Messiah 11 J Leah that the non Muslims of Quraysh al Kitab, they used to do before the Prophet came sallallahu alayhi wa salam and the other NBN the Rasul is that,

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as the sheriff said, from the greatest principles that they used to believe in in the US to work by was that they were deceived by following the majority, the UK farrier, using that as a proof

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using that as a proof against the correct correctness of a matter. And they also used as evidence for declaring the falsehood of something.

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The fact that it was strange that it at Haaretz were few that people followed it were few. So Allah azza wa jal prescribed the opposite of that. And he clarified this in many places of the Quran.

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So again, this point is talking about how the people in the past when the Prophet King to them sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they will look at how many people were following the Prophet or the rustle. And then based upon that, they will reject the dollar and the call of a towhee. Because

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only a few people with the prophets and the messengers, so that was a deal to them, where they said, We're not going to follow because you on the minority. If it was correct, everyone will be doing it. The reason why we're going to deal with this issue and this issue alone today in sha Allah is especially for our Chabad

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because the Shabaab we have this thing when we're young, where many of us are followers, we're not trendsetters, we follow what people are doing. So if you come and you say to someone who's doing evil, he's doing bad, hey, don't do that. Don't do this, and don't do that you should abandon it. The response will be, but everybody's doing it.

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So you say to the girl, for an example, don't go out, sigh without having hijab on she says, but all of my friends are going out without hijab.

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Don't cut your beard, as a girl, but everybody is doing that.

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And then is used as a deal and is not permissible in the religion of Islam, to look at the majority, and based upon the majority you believe and you think this is the right thing. So before explaining this, I just want to give an example of something that just happened yesterday. I don't think anyone who has his eyes, his ears and his intellect are in any doubt as to the type of person Donald Trump is.

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So in the Senate in America, he was impeached by the Democratic Party. They're the minority. They brought their proofs. They didn't allow the situation to go to court with evidences and this is not a political statement. It's a point than a proof. But because the Democrats are more than because the Republicans are more seats, they have more seats in the Senate than the Democrats. They said we're not going to impeach him. The majority said, not guilty. And the minute

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already said, guilty. So the ruling came out as not guilty because of the majority. Is that a proof that it didn't happen? It's not a proof. The majority is not a proof that something is the HAC.

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Nor is the minority a proof that something is Balton and it's not okay. Now this is really important and why you have to understand this.

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This point has a lot of proofs a lot examples in the Quran, where Allah azza wa jal criticizes the majority. So you have to beware about following the majority, you have to be weird. Don't let your response be everyone's doing. Some of them. That's okay. But it's not okay all the time. So let me make this point in this principle in LSM. The principle in Islam is that the truth is not determined by the majority, nor is it determined by the minority. The truth in Al Islam is determined by is it

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in accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah.

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No matter how many people are on that thing, or how few people are on that thing. So the majority is not inherently evil. This is not what this chapter is saying, because I've heard people who explain this chapter and people who said, the majority of bat, no, the majority is not necessarily bad. It's not necessarily bad. It's not necessarily bad, as you're going to see in Charlottesville just

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to prove the point. We have many Ademola we're not going to get into all of them. Just to clarify the issue Allah Tala mentioned in the Quran. Yeah, he will live in Imanol. Atilla wa T. Rasool will all remain confer internal desire to officiating fruit do who and Allah he will resume and continue to be known to be life, income, income to me mean that it can ask, whether you believe, obey Allah and obey His messenger. And if you have any differences amongst yourselves, refer it back to the

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messenger Salallahu Salam refer it back to Allah and His messenger. If you are truly believers, this is better. This is the best situation so this ayat clearly shows a lot didn't say refer it back to the majority or refer it back to the minority. We refer back to the keytab and we refer it back to the Sunnah many i et failure the Livigno highly funa Anna Marie, and to SIBO whom finetune Oh, you'll see boom adapalene let everybody who goes against any poses opposes what the Prophet said his

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situation is religion, that every person who is opposition to him, let him be where and let him be afraid that he may be punished with a fitna or grievious punishment from Allahu Subhana wa taala. So if you oppose the NABI SallAllahu wasallam. That's the problem. You can oppose the majority or you can oppose the minority that's not necessarily wrong.

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But the criterion is the me Zan is the furqan is, don't always oppose Allah, and don't oppose his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning meaning i As for the Sunnah, the same thing, from what the Prophet told the people salAllahu alayhi wa salam, Allah in the truck to feed come che ain Len toodaloo MA in Temasek to be Hema Kitab Allah He was Suniti I have left you people with two sources, you will never go astray as long as you hold on to these two sources, the book of Allah and my

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sunnah he didn't say I have left you with the majority I have left you with the minority. So sometimes in our religion, the minority is good.

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And there are many examples of that just to give a few and there are many the minority a prophet sets of Allah who it was setting them about our time in Islam better arriba was a rule the guy riba come I better for tuba little war about Al Islam began strange as a stranger and is going to return strange. So Jana is for the strangers. The companion CRO sola who are the waterbar who are the strangers? He says Allah Allahu alayhi wa sallam. Whoniverse Solly whole Khalil. Fiona's Sutan que

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fear that strangers are those people who are righteous and they're only a few, but they'll be living and surrounded by

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I people were many and those people are evil. And Laura, but

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one of the great scholars of Islam. He mentioned that this hadith is not saying that Ellis lamb is going to whole heartedly disappear all the religion, but the people of the Sunnah are going to disappear until you only find one person from the Sunnah in a masjid or in a village or in the city. So he's the stranger, that individual so I find it weird, disturbing. It's amazing that people claim a connection to the Sunnah some of us so allow brothers and we see people on the Sunnah nonself

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here, and they're trying and everybody makes mistakes. Even then, everybody an Imam Al Hassan bursary said to his students, oh Allah sunnah. Be gentle and easy with the people of the Sunnah for Wehrli you are the minority. And then we have people along with the sheiks dalawa er whom come in and divided Allah sunnah who are already in the minority. That's because then the standing of a selfie of those people along with the sheiks is corrupt. So this hadith goes to show that in this

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case, the minority is a good thing. So everybody has to make it his responsibility to try to be with the people the Sunnah. And this particular issue, so that goes to show that the few in the minority here is something that is positive. And there are many examples many examples abdulai minima screwed the companion of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam may Allah be pleased with him. He said, concerning the Jamaat, we have maybe 115 people or whatever we have a lot of people hear from these

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people that in this Masjid right now, we are a Jamar from the mini jump out in the masajid, that just prayed said artillery shell, Abdullah Bemis old as it relates to what is the Jamaat, that is the truth, that's the half. He said Al Juma.

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He and my wife up and Huck will pick the Jamaat. The correct group, is what is in

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harmony with the truth. Even if you're by yourself, even if you're by yourself, you are the Jamaat. So those scholars used to say that, after the Prophet die sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he sent the army of Osama bin Jose, may Allah be pleased with him to go and to fight. And the army left Medina and the Prophet die Salatu was Salam. And it seemed as if Medina was exposed to the enemies who may have wanted to attack Medina after the army left.

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Abu Bakar he said, I'm going to send the army because the prophet sent it as if he tied the knot. The companion said, don't do that Abu Bakar don't do that call the army back. It's a critical time right now. He said, I will never untie a knot that the Prophet tide. And when that army went, and the Arabs in the desert saw the large number of the Army, the large number so now large numbers benefited. When they saw the large number of the army they said after the death of Mohammed, if they

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can send an army this large, then they must have the ability to protect themselves and then Medina. The scholar said Abu Bakar was the Jamar and that day because he was the only one who had that opinion.

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When the Arabs of the Arabian Peninsula apostate it after the prophets death sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Abu Bakar said I'm gonna wage war against all of them. Everybody who used to give zakat to the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and now they refuse to give me zakat because the Arabs doesn't said, We believe in La Ilaha illa Allah we believe in the Salah. We believe in Psalm we believe in hajj, but we're not giving any more of our money after Prophet Muhammad died. Abu Bakar said I'm

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waging war against all of you. Mrs. Man it all of a companion said how are you going to fight and kill a group of people c'est la ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah. He said, If they used to give Rasul Allah the money, and they held back just a small portion and waging war against them. And then he gave those companions that deal of why he said that Abu Bakar was the GEMA. And that day because he was by himself, he was by himself. So in one situation, many soldiers are going so because of

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those many people, it benefited, but at the same time, the one who sent them stood by himself at first. So the Jamaat was with him, an imam admin similar to that, during the time of Imam acmin When the Hadith of the Muslims was affected by the deviation in the deviance of the Tesla, they started saying that the book of Allah that we just heard being recited is created

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And it's the kalam of Allah. They came with a statement in innovation that is disbelief call from Billahi.

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And they started beating people if you didn't say what they said, when they came to an Imam, I mean, as you all know, an imam atman said, No, the Quran is the kalam of Allah Allah has not created. So they beat him and persecuted in prison him and a few other people with him, Mohammed bin no Nora and other people they want to feel they were the Jamaat, because the Huck was with them. So this is an example of how and when the Jamaat is not a lot. There's not a lot. The truth is with them. As for

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the example of when the majority, the majority benefit is a benefit. The majority is not inherently evil. But people of the Sunni used to say to the people of innovation, bein in our Boehner comb Yeoman, Jeanette is between us and you was the day of the janazah when we bury our debt. You watch Halloween, you see the rhythm of the Sunnah, how many people come out to see and to witness and to participate in his janazah. 1 million people came and pray behind the Imam Achmed, 1 million.

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Not 10,000 15,000 to 1 million Muslims. And then Baghdad came out the pray behind them. Whereas those who were his enemies who fought against them and got them in prison, they used to get three, they used to get four. So it was an example of Aetna Cigna, so as I said many times and the city of Birmingham on the day of their Eid, when green Masjid is organizing their Eid, and we have 70,000 80,000 100,000 people in small Heath Park, and we have helicopters in the sky. And we have

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all of the streets cordoned off, there is a positive mud artifact of a snap. And it is not okay for people to criticize that and say, everybody from those 80,000 A lot senati. So what they're not Salafi, we wish they were, we wish they understood. But at this particular moment, and on this day, is letting the people of this country in this city know, we're here. And we're not going anywhere. Like him like him hated who hated. And we have some people who have this really weird, crazy concept

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of Ellis lamb. The fact they can fit a few 100 and a tennis court and say we are the people of the truth. We say no, on the day of the Eid is the day that we have to come together. And the hotbar should be a hotbed of the Sunnah. Hotbird that is appropriate for the day and for the crowd shouldn't be covered. Sure, horrified his beer. It should be down to the hub. The point is about the numbers. Look what happened during the time of Irma wrote the yellow line. And this is important. I

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want you guys to really pay attention to this. Because this is a famous incident that you should know about. And you should remember, as opposed to the many weak Hadith that are narrated about Omar, he buried his daughter alive is a lie. It's a lie. The lady said something and Erma said something else and the lady was right. And Irma said the lady is more knowledgeable than Irma, not authentic many, many statements of our own mind not authentic, and they go against his status in the

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religion. Well this issue in Sahih Bukhari and Muslim and it is important when Irma was the Khalifa Radi Allahu Anhu there was an epidemic, you know this Corona virus. This Corona virus paled in comparison. At this time. We don't know what that Corona virus is going to end up with Allah protect us from the Coronavirus Allah protect us. But as it is right now, there was a an epidemic during the time of Irma where people were dying 1000s at a time and it happened to be in a sham and not to

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travel to a sham when he got there with the companions and the people were with him, he stopped when they realize the places not too far away. They didn't go in

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he wanted to find out what should we do when the news came to him? There's an epidemic epidemic will kill you might have said to Abdullah bass Go and tell them oh hygiene to come. So the hygiene came and I said I want to ask you what do you think we should do? Should we continue our journey or should we go back? Half of them will hygiene said continue the journey we left we're way over here let's just go a tilicho Lalala the other half said no Ameerul Momineen with us are the people from

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the tabby mean you

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And with us are many of the companions. Let's not go let's turn around and go back. He said, okay, okay, go go go. Do lamina bass called the unsolved the unsolved cane, he put the same scenario on the same question. Same thing happened half of them said Go, we came this far we might as well go and deal with it. Whatever happens happens the other half said no, no, you have the companions of the Prophet with you somebody will set it up and you have the people don't do it a mirror when we

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let's go back. He's okay okay, go go, go go.

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He said Bring me the shoe you have Quraysh those people accepted Islam later. And they may Hijra after the fifth time the conquest of Mecca. The Maha Janina better than these people. The unsought are better than these people. They're still good because they're from the Companions, but they accepted Islam much later. Some of them fought against Islam, and they accept Islam. When it was clear Islam is going to conquer everything. So they are not on the level of the moon hygiene,

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minimal sun, nonetheless, we say about all of them. Radi Allahu Anhu Jemaine, he said to the Sheoak of Quraysh, what do you have to say? What do you think we should do? They should yoke of Quraysh said, all of them. Don't go Amuro meaning don't go. You have the companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the people let's turn around and love the Allahu Anhu said we're turning around, we turn it around. He made an announcement everybody prepared returning around one of the

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leaders who was from his Shan Abu Zubaydah, even when Jura he came, when the Tim promised Jana, he said God middle Momineen Omar, are you running from the color of Allah as if to say we should go? Nothing's gonna happen except what ALLAH wrote for us and against us to cover. Are you running and trying to escape from the color of Allah? He said, Yes. And running from the color of Allah to the color of Allah. Everybody. Let's go back. And then another one of the 10 people promised Jana

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one of the rich companions in Mecca came and said, a middle mumineen I know of a delille about this situation. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if you go to a place and there is a plague in that place, if you're inside of the place, don't leave because your carry the germ, stay there. And this is why they put people in quarantine. They tell Chinese people you can't travel. May Allah help our brothers who are in China? May Allah help them. They can't travel. He said and if there's a

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plague in the place, and you're outside of the place, don't go don't go in. Whenever Matt heard that he praised Allah, that the decision that he took was in accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah before he even knew it.

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after is inside of Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, an Imam, even hedger, who explained all of the Hadith unsalable Hottie he explained this. He said, one of the benefits of this situation that happened with our model is, it goes to show, whenever you have the majority, whenever there is a majority, the majority can determine what decision you're going to make. Because the mohajir mean, half of them said, Go, half of them said, Don't go, the InSAR, half of them said Go, half of them said don't

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go that she you have Quraysh all of them said Don't go. So the majority is with who

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the majority is, who was vote with hope. Don't go, sorry, I might have chose their position. And they are the majority. So the meaning of that, and you can work with this in your own life. There is an issue that is hard for you to figure out. Should I do this? And should I or should I do that? The hadith over here authentic, and the Hadith over your authentic or the position of the people where he is strong? And the position of the of the people was strong? Is the niqab why'd you but not

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Whadjuk? Should I move my fingers? Should I not move my finger in the shellcode? If you touch your private part A comma Kamala, does it break your window? Or does it not break your window? Some say yes, some say no. And you find it difficult to figure out which one which one? One of the ways you can determine is to say the majority of the scholars are on which side? Which side is the Jim Haoran they are on that side. So you take that position, is it your team knows not yet pin. But if you had

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to make a decision, one or the other. That's one of the ways of making the decision. After the death of or the assassination of Earth man, or the death of Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when the Prophet died, everybody went to Abu Bakar and they

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gave Abu Bakr the beyond all of the Muslims. There were a few people who didn't give them the Muslim given the day. I like it even any toilet. On Ebola, the toilet was washing the body of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for whatever reason, he didn't get the bath.

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But 99% 98 97% of the companions gave the BR, we're not going to look at the fact that it didn't give the bayaud and say that the Jamaat was I don't even call it I'm not gonna say that. We're going to say, it doesn't require everybody to give the bear. If the main people, the majority of the main people, what is called a little help, will act. Those people if they gave the bat, then it includes everybody else. So this issue is why we're bringing this to your attention so that you can

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understand that the truth is not determined by the majority, nor is it determined by the minority. The majority is not inherently

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correct or incorrect. And same thing holds true for the other thing, but during the time that we're living in, you have to be careful, you have to be aware of the majority. You have to keep your eyes open and really pay attention to, hey, if I'm going to do something, you really have to look at the worth in the level of the majority. What is the situation because we live in in the times of haisa baisa, the great scholar who had I met happened Imam Al Ozark II, he told the people his students

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Beware of following the way of what is falsehood? Even if many, many, many people you see are following it. Don't be fooled by that.

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Beware of that. But you have to take the way of the truth of guidance, even if only a few people are upon that truth. So for you young people who are in school 14 1516 You will find when it's time for voice over time, maybe the majority of your schoolmates don't pray, a majority of your schoolmates are not doing what they should be doing, whether it's hijab, or whatever. Don't look at that as an example of vaster truth. Never respond to people. When your parents asked you, they pull you into

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the office, the head teacher, why did you do that? Don't let your answer be everybody else was doing it. On the day of Joomla, when we're performing the Joomla, the majority of the Muslims are going to be doing this and doing that and doing this and doing that on this day. And at that time, that's the hop. That's the hook. Because that's how that's how the hedge is on the day of the hedge. Everybody's going around the Kaaba. Everybody is out of it. Everybody is in moves daddy for every

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that's the that's the hump. Right now we have all these people, all of these people, someone comes in he thinks the majority are the problem in this Masjid that people sit in here are the majority look all these numbers here Mashallah. Look at these numbers. Someone says, you know, the majority if you look at the Quran, and the Sunnah, from majority is a problem. So everybody who's sitting for the Donald has a problem. So two or three of them get up and they start kicking a football saying

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we're the minority. You the majority, something no, what are you talking about? You got to sit down like everybody else. And don't be a person who's falling to shaloo and shad. A shad?

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shaloo. There is, Allah created men as men. Within there's one who says, I know I'm a man, but I want to dress like a woman

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like that, and I would deem not like that. And I would be, don't fall into shoes. I just want to be different. I want to be different. You can be different. And what is praiseworthy, be the one who gets up for camera leave because most people aren't doing that. Be the one who's different than that you fast on Monday and Thursday, be the one who is trying to memorize the Quran be the one hoe so forth and so on. So as it relates to this particular point, I don't want anybody to get up and miss

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understand that what the Sheikh is saying is that the majority is always a problem. No, I love brought and sit down many is some of which we'll read right now showing you that the majority are problem meaning when a prophet came some Allah who it was sending them, Abu Lahab, Abu Abu Jahan, who may able to collect those Imams of Cofer kuffaar Quraysh they said, We're not going to follow you because you're the minority. The rest of the people in Mecca, the society they're not following

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you. So that's a delille that what you're doing is wrong. So we're going to read to you some

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Are these if and they are many I just took a few. Just a few dealing with Cofer disbelief about the majority of the people keeping in mind that the Vitola sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for every 1000 People that Allah created 999 Go to the Hellfire

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forever every 1000 People 999 Go to the hellfire. May Allah azza wa jal caused us all to go into the Jannah without any other without any he said, from those statements as a statement of Allahu Taala were my arm and allow INLA Khalil and there was none that believed with him except a few. When Musa came to find own, and with him was Benyus, Rai eel. For now say you just a few people.

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Look at us. We built these pyramids. Look what we have. Look at our money. We bury our flowers with all of this gold. You don't even have money. You're the minority. So that's a delille Musa you Elia. I will do Billa your Dow is not true. The book that you have is not true. That's when I about Cofer. Most of them didn't believe with him. Elijah mentioned another ayat. When I act thoroughness will O'Hara's meaning. Allah said the Prophet Muhammad Salah Salem and to everybody here. And most of the

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people will not believe in Allah, no matter how hard you try to get them to believe. You try to give them down with Allah. You're giving Dawa to the Muslims in the city center, your relatives that people wherever in the university, most of them in the four years you go to that university and you come out most of them are not going to believe that's just how it is. Most of the people in the city are not going to believe

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Allah mentioned another I in number three for Abba act federal last a lack of fora and most of the people they refused they refuse anything except disbelief. Most of the people never iron. What occurred Huckle Cole accetti him, for whom now you may know the truth, the statement has come forth, and it's been established upon most of them, the majority of them that they're not going to believe will my your Federal Home belay level homes should recall. Most of them will not be leaving a lot

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except that they have people have a ship. Yeah, I didn't food and not NEMA to life and human capital now, huh? Well act federal human capital. They reject the NEMA that Allah bestowed upon them safety and security, stability, for being able to sleep, eat, get married, have children have a house, all of the damage they make in car most of the people are not grateful, thankful to that. Most of them are Kathy room, as it relates to these Netmums that Allah azza wa jal gave them. Last one, and there

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are many others as it relates to Cooper. Allah will tie that said, when the cathedra mill Alas, Billy caught robbing Catherine McCarthy at all. Most of the people as it relates to meeting their Lord, they don't believe in it. They don't believe another amazing thing I find amazing in America, and I'm trying to be political, but we have to wake up and smell the coffee. They had a religious setting today, yesterday, with yesterday with Donald Trump. And the setting was to sit with

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preachers and the people who were Christians in America. It was an official setting. They do it every time a president comes. They had this big Senate, and the preacher was reading verses from the Bible. Love your enemy, and overlook and be gentle and love your enemy and love your enemy. But where's the people of Palestine and that? Where is the people of Palestine, that you can come and make these contracts and they are excluded from the discussion. And everything in the discussion is

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womb is just color and color and color. It's just come on. And as Muslims, we can't be people of Canada. We believe in Allah. But we say Hauser nozzle, we believe in Allah. We says Rasul Allah, He has removed Hey, we believe in Allah. We don't pray. Of course, we're going to make mistakes. But in terms of the pillars of Islam, and the most important aspects of Ellis land, especially young people, how can we say we believe in Allah and you're not praying? You're 14 1516 years old. You

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went to university you don't pray?

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We can't that's their religion. They had this thing secularism, separation of church and state, become religious on Sunday and go to church singing dance, and do the chicken leg, you know, dance on a Sunday, no problem. And then Monday, Tuesday, we'll do what you want it to be an old presser. Even when you look at Mexico and those other countries

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In South America, those people are Christians. They are Christians. And the people who support Trump are the evangelical Christians of America, that racism when Trump says you can't come into this country, because you're not from America, because you're not white. Why wouldn't a Christian say No, those are our brothers in the religion, those racist people support that, because they are able to do that in the mind. In the listening, we can't do that. You can't do that. You will Muslim Brother,

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no matter what color he is, you have to stand with him. And the truth in supporting him, we have to support the Palestinians and what is right, and what happened recently is not right. My point is the hypocrisy. The hypocrisy is Walding being so clear. So with this being the case, all of these is of Cofer Allah saying most of the people disbelieved brings us to another ayat about the religion and who you following your religion. Allah mentioned in the Quran we're in today, Ark Farah landfill

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earth. You DeLuca and Sybil Allah, he said that to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam.

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You Yeah, Mohammed, if you were to follow the majority of the people in the earth, they're going to lead you astray from the Way of Allah. So don't let your religion be tech lead. Anybody is doing it. So I'm going to do it. I'm loving it. My soul told the people don't be a copycat. Don't copy the majority or the Manado minority lie to Kuno and Ma, either Asel Alas, I sent him with a satin as a sad tone. If the people do good, you do good. If the people do bad, you do bad. He said, but instead

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15 look at a situation. If the people do good, do good with them, that people do bad, then don't do bad with that.

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So don't follow people in your religion, other than what you know, actually is the truth other than what you know, is the truth. Now, there are other ideas that I just mentioned a number of ideas about the majority of the people will disbelieve the majority of the people who disbelieve

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the Allahu Anhu he was walking in the soap. He saw a man and he heard a man making a dua that do I was Allahumma age I need

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minimal Kaeleen Oh Allah make me from those people who are few make me from the minority. Am I heard that hadith he's from the cinema. The Prophet said about him Salah Lavoisier you will send them to Canon had begun by the the kind of rumor. If there was a Nabi after me it would have been on but he's not an OB.

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He said that Irma was from the Mohammed Delphine not the Mohammed de theme of Hadith Mahad. The thing with the Shuddha over the dial with a Khasra. No, the Fatah, the theme, the mud, the phone of those people was like revelation come to that. They don't get revelation, but it's like revelation comes to them. You want to marry someone and you tell your mother you tell your father. And they say to you now don't do that. Don't do that.

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They see some things that you can see. It's like revelations, that revelation. He said a lot had that. And that's why four or five very serious things were revealed because of

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like, the McCombe of Ibrahim and praying behind the Maqam Ibrahim because of the issue of the hijab that your wife wears in my life with comes from armadillos I had a few issues and Marathi or unwaxed a man where'd you get that do out from under my nose the dua of the NABI SallAllahu Sallam and why are you asking Allah to make you from the few why? The man said because Allah has said in the Quran, as it relates to this issue.

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What Kali Roman rebag, the show called only a few of my servants give thanks to me. When Allah heard that, you say, yeah, that is right. The only few people from Allah and servants will have sugar, sugar for the children that they have sugar for after they eat some of our children ecchi when you put the food in front of them, they just dig it. And every day you have to say did you say Bismillah? Do you say Bismillah? Every day, every day?

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Every single day, did you say Bismillah and then after they finish the DUA have given Allah thinks that's just not the case with the child. That's the shocker. And most of the people are not grateful. So when Erma said that her mom started to inculcate that dua within his own area that he used to make with Allah azza wa jal Allah

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Saying, well I can act Federal Home lawyer Scotto. Most of them don't give sugar. Most of them won't believe most of them don't give sugar. What I can act Federal Home like Allah moon, most of them don't know. They don't know they're ignorant. What I can act Federal Home layout caseload, most of them they don't have any alcohol. They don't have any alcohol and a proof that they don't have any alcohol. They smoke cigarettes. Cigarettes give you cancer. Your body is telling you don't smoke

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those cigarettes, doing things that will destroy you driving crazy. And not only that, the most important reason why we use your Hakan is to accept the dean and to take the sunnah to take a listener. Somebody tells me Billahi Lake, how in the world can come up with someone coming curse aboubaker and Irma, except that as alkyl has left him

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his article is on vacation. But a lot of the Kava is on vacation in the Bahamas somewhere. Because this is the best human being after the province and the messengers and you're seeing what you're seeing. Isha Radi Allahu Anhu Ah, God also loves most beloved person to you. I Isha Isha now now we know that your wife from the men, her father, and then people come and curse, Abu Bakar nyesha That young brother the other day in London, is the story went the way they said that he came out and he

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stabbed those people and he got shot. And he had a fake bomb on him go for Allah who

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wears the actual

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What have you done for your, for yourself and your family for your religion? Well, you know what you're done. When you do stuff like that. You take this religion, and you put it backwards, you give these people ammunition to make laws and regulations that will press us. So now there may be someone who when he was young, he listened to Sheikh Faisal, May Allah guide that man and protect our Shabbat from that Cora fact and that volume, the Tao of car Eden Dinesh, ISIS. So one time, he used

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to listen to that, and now he went to prison and he learned his lesson. And he wants to come out now to regroup with his family and to get his life together. But now because you did that the other day, they're gonna make some special laws. And those special laws are saying no, after you do your time, special laws, we can keep you in here indefinitely. Now, you know, the press people will try to get themselves together. Why don't they give that same special law for the people molest kids? Why don't

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they give that law for the same people murdered people? Why is it just for people accused of terrorism? Give it to everybody across the board if you're gonna do it. You Chabad you gotta use your brains guys. You have to use your brains. If anybody comes to you, anybody. As soon as he says to you, you know I can buy a gun from you got to say what gun?

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You have to get out of town got to get out of run away from the way you run away from a lion.

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Man came to my office in Liverpool.

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came last Sunday was looking dubious to me. Not Not right now. We're gonna pray some out that awesome. He said Could I go and wait upstairs in your meet up to my office upstairs. Now you can't wait the way after I talk to you. After he wasn't there. They came back some days later. He accepted all Islam.

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I think he's sincere. I have to think that but I wasn't feeling comfortable. It could be filming me undercover mask. Undercover mass. That's what I'm thinking. I always think that when people aren't alone, undercover mask, but we are true. We say what we believe. But you got to be careful. I said, Okay, I got a documentary. I gotta document this. So this is so and so. And so he's I don't want I don't want you I don't want you to fill me.

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Why not? I'm putting on social media. Everybody's gonna be happy. You are Muslim now and I don't want you Okay. Like, keep my eyes open. That doesn't mean you should have doubt about people. I'm just saying keep your eyes open. Keep your eyes open. You should meet someone in this moss. You've never met him before. And you think because he's white? He's with the Mi five. We don't think like that. So what if he's within my five come to realize a Muslim don't have anything to worry about.

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I'm just saying use your ankle and don't take it and suspending and send it on vacation to me are poor. So there are a lot of issues of quality from the keytab in the Sunnah where Allah azza wa jal clearly establishes that the majority of the people they don't do this like his statement, Mom Well I'm I would gladly accept him and then we're in with jitna UK Federal Home The Facetune we have

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not found that the majority of them take care of their contracts. Most of them don't take care of their contracts the majority. Most of the people don't take care of the contracts the act was the he has agreed to live in your property you agreed to live in his property, you have to pay him his rent the first of every month, the third of every month, you have to pay him so much money. Most of them won't take care of that. He'll give them some of the money won't give him some of the money, he

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won't pay you three, four or five months behind the rent. That's the meaning of the I didn't take care of his contract, he makes a promise most of them, they promise and they don't take care of the promise.

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So the accetti, the majority of the Quran, and mini ayat of the Quran is frowned upon. So it shouldn't be used open ended as a deal. And the second part of the eye and Allah said, we found the majority of them. They are fasci code. They're evil people, the majority of them. So all of that, again, when he is just assigning an indication, as we mentioned that the majority is not a deal. We'll never say the majority are doing this. So therefore I'm going to get with program. But you

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have to look at the situation if the majority of the people are doing it. And it's permissible, and it's not something that's harmful. It's not going to bring any harm to you. And it's permissible, it's permissible, but it's not a deal in and of itself. The second one as we mentioned, the Imam said Rahmatullahi to Allah Allah He number six, the non Muslims of Jamia Messiah, il L J. Haley Yeti, they relied upon the actions of their ancestors as evidence for their doings, as is found in

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the statement of Allah subhanho wa taala. When they said as we mentioned last week, my segment now be Hi, Fi bear in a welline within here our fathers doing this. Our fathers didn't do this whether Kybella Teddy Wilma in Salalah Carlo Bella Tebu mal finally at that dinner, when he said follow Quran, sunnah, they say Nope, we're going to follow what we follow our father's doing. Our fathers are from the Medic Unit that so they pray with their hands down like this. Our fathers they were

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from the NAF. So when the Imam says I mean, they don't say I mean so we don't say I mean because our fathers didn't do that.

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No, and this is not to knock any med hat because all of those mishaps the majority of the mishaps inshallah beneficial and majority of what those Imams of the med have left us beneficial by in it is that which conflicts and contradicts the Kitab in the Sunnah, so you can't follow what your father said to do and make it to three the armor and reject what Allah and His Messenger have brought what Allah sent down with the Prophet brought sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. It Tabby Ummah Zilla in a

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common robic Tabby woman Dooney Alia kalila Mata the Koran, follow what was revealed to you by your Lord, and don't follow the old yet. Don't follow only my mother don't follow the Imam Abu Hanifa don't solid Imam don't follow Imam Shafi.

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It is a little how little it is that you people reflect how little it is that you use your intellect. When you look at those Imams, and they used to say as Abu Hanifa said, if the hadith is authentic, then that's my method. Yeah, Abu Yusuf, I'm a human being. Don't write anything that I write, I say something today I changed my position tomorrow. And let me say, an Imam Malik said there is nobody except his words are accepted or rejected except the one who was in that grave. Who

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did he mean by the one who's in that grave? What did he mean by that statement?

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The Prophet salallahu it was setting up an imam Shafi said it is the age ma the majority, the majority in GMR. Everybody is on that thing in our religion. The Hadith of the NABI sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said learn, teach, Marathi, Allah, Allah Allah, ma OMA will not agree on something that's wrong. The whole Ummah is on something you have to be with that majority.

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It is haram for you to be against that majority. So with Iijima that Allah is One is each mob that really marvelous lamb that Al Islam that the Quran abrogated everything else is H mob the Muslims that homosexuality is not permissible. You're not going to find any scholar come in saying that in the past Hmm.

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Ah, that's the majority and the Imam Shafi said it is the age ma of this ummah, that if the Sunnah comes to a person that is authentic, that he cannot abandon that sunnah for the statement of anyone else, no matter who that other person happens to be.

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So we already dealt with that we're not going to deal with it again, inshallah. Hi, the we're going to stop here if you brothers have any questions concerning this thing about the x 30 and the majority you will put your questions forward and I want to apologize for what happened last week. I heard that you brothers got news of me not coming kind of late Shala if I don't come we're going to try to get the message to the WhatsApp group early like I said time this way you don't have to leave

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your local mass and come to make bisha here to find that we're not here any questions or whining about this particular bad this particular chapter? Linda come shake

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Okay, mashallah, that's beautiful. Don't stop me on my way out. I gotta roll out. Hi, that was Allah Allahu wa salam abiotic either no biggie. Now why