Abdullah Hakim Quick – Living Islam #03

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of protecting one's Islam during a pandemic is emphasized, along with the need for practical advice on mental health and seeking help for mental and spiritual struggles. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding depression and caution, as well as the use of technology to stay connected with others. The importance of hyper taxation in society is also emphasized, and caution is given to individuals who know what they want to avoid. The host provides practical advice and guidance on protecting one's Islam, avoiding harms, and being a witness to the spiritual journey.
AI: Transcript ©
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wonderful show here live now Shall we can begin.

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Okay, so I'm not going to law here about a cattle, brothers and sisters, those who are viewing in the beginning, I wanted to mention that it's important for us to get full attention and full cooperation from everybody so that if you're on YouTube, you could subscribe to the YouTube channel. And if you're on Facebook, on Instagram, you know you can like it, you can share it.

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Share the fear, you know, share the goodness, so that we can spread the message.

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The smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa sallam Allah says Halima Arkadin. Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi baddeck was on our praise the due to Allah Lord of the worlds and peace and blessings be upon the last messenger Muhammad, the master of the first and the last, and of his family, his companions and all those who call to his way and establish his Sunnah to the day of judgment as to what follows my beloved brothers and sisters as salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa better cat Alhamdulillah we thank Allah azza wa jal for another opportunity to reflect upon His mercy in revealing the last message of the call end, and sending the final and

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greatest of the messengers, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi Salaam to humanity

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and in the world that we are living in today, with the great crises that we are facing, this is becoming more and more a clear blessing for believers who are hanging on to the rock.

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And it's important today that we become as practical as we possibly can.

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Because in the times we are living in, there is war, there is death. There is now a pandemic. People are worried about how long they will live or if they will live.

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People are worried about what's going to happen tomorrow. And so in dealing with the pandemic, the doctors will prescribe specific treatments. The doctors will teach people, not just how to cure yourself with a vaccine if it really comes to fruition.

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But the intelligent doctors will teach how to protect yourself as being proactive. And they will tell you to wear a mask to clean your hands, too. To do social distancing.

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Other doctors the more naturalistic doctors will tell you strengthen your immune system.

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Get a lot of vitamin C, vitamin D

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if you're Muslim, they will say if they have good evidence take the black seat because Prophet Muhammad Sal Solomon's told us Aleykum we have been to soda for in the harder why and min colada, he'll not take the black seat, it will protect you from every disease except death.

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And we know now that the black seed This builds the immune system. So it's the immunity. And so the enlightened doctors will tell you change your lifestyle builds your immune system.

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Take your precautions. So these suggestions are practical. And that's what people want to know today. But there's not only a physical pandemic, there is a mental pandemic.

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And there is a spiritual pandemic.

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And the mental pandemic is one that we can see in a sense that our alcohol or our brain is connected directly to some of the things that we are doing.

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The spiritual one is not that clear.

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But this is where we need to be able to approach the writings of the great Obama

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the lessons from the cold air and and from profit moments on seller in a practical way to try to get tips as to how to protect ourselves and to protect our Islam. In that statement, which is the title of our session, our group of classes that we are having is the practical guide and preserving our Islam.

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The time of crisis. What is our Islam there's three levels. We need practical suggestions and how to preserve our tawheed, the oneness of God and the reseller. We need practical suggestions and how to protect our prayers,

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and our fasting, and as a cat,

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practical suggestions in the possibility of Hajin, oma.

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And these things are changing. So we need to know what to do,

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in order to continue to be consistent in his practices. We also need practical suggestions in terms of our E man. That is our belief in Allah, and his angels and his books and his messengers. And the last day, how the will of Allah the good and the bad, there have practical suggestions, this is how our Islam is layered. And the third layer is Sn. So we need practical suggestions in the area of Sn. And that is a more of a spiritual area. That is as the Prophet Salim said to worship Allah as though you see him or he sees you. So it's more like your,

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your conscience, your inner being

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that higher status.

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And so we're looking at practical suggestions. And we want to go from the mundane worldly parts of practicality to the spiritual part as well. And in last class, we looked at depression. And we know of all of the challenges that are facing the younger generation. And our community. One of the most dangerous is depression, especially now in the northern countries, when we are ending in January, and going into February, they'll tell you about February, that is the least amount of sun

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in any month of the year.

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And many places is a lot of rain, or if it's cold as a lot of snow. And so it is depressing to wake up and not to see the sun.

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This depression can go from being a normal mental depression into a clinical depression, where it actually starts to physically harmless. And so of the many cures, we looked at not only theoretical cures, but action cures. And I want to just look at these last points again, especially for those who were not in the class last week.

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The action cure for depression, one, reach out and stay connected. We're locked in our homes, we're not able to move around. So we need to reach out to people stay connected online. Allah blessed us one blessing out of the internet. Although there's a lot of fitna and tribulation and trials. But one of the blessings is to be connected with other people, too. And that is to do things that make you feel good, and stop being selfish. But you may have a habit, you may have a hobby, which was a good one. And if that makes you feel good, if by making things and if by reading certain passages, whatever it is that makes you feel good talking to somebody, then then do that because it's it's

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important for us to struggle with positivity to fight the negativity three, get moving, even though it's cold outside, for those of us who live in in Canada, or the United States, in Europe, it's cold. If you're living in South Africa, or in Brazil, it's actually one.

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But in the north, many people go into hibernation. We know that many of the animals who cannot fly south, they go into hibernation, they burrow into the ground, or they burrow into a tree. And Allah has blessed them with this ability to go to sleep and their blood slows down their their temperature changes. They're in a sleep like state until the coal goes away. And many of us want to do the same thing. We want to bury ourselves in our bedroom, bury ourselves in our laptop and forget about the world. That's not the solution. We have to move. Even if you're inside the house, find ways to move but go outside sometimes breed them some fresh air. Move around, get into action as much action as

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you possibly can. Now before eat a healthy depression fighting diet, as you see on the screen, the citrus fruits, the vegetables, stay away real wisdom. Don't drink

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Alcohol, but stay away from sugary, sugary things, lower the carbs to starches down

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and get things that are light on your body, which will lighten up your mind.

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Number five was to get a daily dose of sun. That's difficult here. So get some vitamin D, and take that vitamin D regularly. And seven and six was challenged negative thinking.

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Now this is interesting because these are doctors who lay down these points psychiatrist and challenged negative thinking. And this is something where we're now going into the mental and the spiritual part. Challenging negative thinking. Because we want change, we want something to happen. Allah told us in Allah, Allah you hero, Bobby, Robbie Coleman had tell you how you do Bobby unforeseen. Allah will not change the condition of a people to they change that which is in themself.

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So whatever negative things are going on inside of us, we have to struggle against it. We can't submit to the negativity. That means that if you get negativity all the time, when you turn on the television, turn on the news, slow down.

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Use it for other means that just sitting there and just watching it, because we need to change ourselves desperately.

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Because we're in need of Allah subhanaw taala in this crisis that we're going.

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And so this slide, I want to present to you some very important teachings from an amazing scholar who lived in fez in the 15th century. And this is cd 100 zavok. And CD is the American way of saying, say God, which is like the master, Ahmed's Iraq. And his name was Abba Father. She has a Dean harborlab bass, I've met him and Ahmed bin Mohammed, even Isa alafasy, alborz. Lucy, known as Azhar rock.

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So that that's a long name.

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And he became really famous. And it's interesting, because when he talks about his biography, his life, he said, I was born on Thursday, at sunrise, on the 28th of will Harlem.

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And that was 846 years after the hedger, which is 1426

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ad or see 15th century. Look at his life, his mother died. My mother died, he said on the following Saturday, and my father died on the following Tuesday. So he was a complete orphan.

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My grandmother on Albanian and fatty her

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a female scholar, she took care of me to my 10th here. So the first 10 years of this scholar, considered to be one of the greatest Maliki's scholars in history. It began with his grandmother. Think about that now, that's how important your your female parents are. His grandmother had fick.

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She helped him to memorize his Quran, to get as Arabic language together to get the basis of Islamic Studies, and then attend she gave him to the orlimar.

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And the scholars loved this boy right from the beginning. He increased the knowledge at an amazing rate, to the time when he was a young person coming up,

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around 20 years old, or so he was, he was already a chef.

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And he traveled and he taught and see the admin was given a title that no other scholar before him or after him was ever given. Now this is more tested by Allah will only

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he was the evaluator or the quality controller of the scholars and the Sophie's. Okay, why was that? And how he describes himself, he would compel the scholars to be more spiritual, and to improve their sincerity to Allah.

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So many times you find scholars, they talk about aqeedah. They talk about the fic. But their spirituality is lacking. They like dry.

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They don't seem sincere when they're teaching you. And so he would he would compel them, he would show them the way he was their quality control manager, because he was the highest level of fic in the Malik effect.

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And that's rare when you find a puppy like this is also considered to be on the highest level of solf.

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But what he did

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With the Sophie's is that he would bring them back into the limits of Sharia. If somebody who claimed to be teaching sn, they claimed claimed to be dealing with spirituality. So you say you have a problem not with how to make the prayer. But you can concentrate in press,

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you have a problem with your relationship with your husband or your wife.

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You have a problem with dealing with people dealing with society. These are things that are not necessarily tangible things. And you need the SSN level. And so there are people historically, who specialized in this, they had many different napes. The most famous is the Sophie's have to saw off, he would bring them back into shadia. He was their quality control manager. So if they start making declare Lord floating off into heaven, He would bring them down.

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He would make sure that they would stay within the Sunnah.

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So this is an amazing person. And that's the kind of teachings that we need today. Not one side or another side, but all of our scholars and enlightened people. And so

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near the end of his life, he had a large following. He had gone to Mecca and Medina and everywhere he went, you know, people would flock to him for his teachings. He spent a lot of time in Cairo. And at that time, Cairo was

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the center, if not the highest level for Islamic scholarship in the Muslim world, but that had been destroyed. There was still confusion in the Muslim world. So Cairo was the center. And in Cairo itself, CDR bizarre rock was on a pinnacle, in terms of scholarship. But he ended up going back to North Africa, to misurata, which is presently in Libya, although he was born in fez, and he continued to teach. And at one point near the end of his life, he felt that his followers that the Muslim students and the people were in danger. They were a danger of their Islam.

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And so we wanted to give them some foundations, strong foundations, which would help them spiritually, something that would

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solidify their belief that they could hold on too tightly. When the fitna comes, trials and tribulations come into the world, and look at the situation that we are in today, but the trials and the tribulations that are facing us, and so we laid down five foundations of the spiritual path.

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And I want to look at these five foundations, along with other practical issues as we go along within our teachings. And because we need to preserve our Deen

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and our Islam is definitely in danger now. Our faith, our practices are in danger. Look at what is happening with our masjids our prayers. Ramadan is going to be at home. Most of the time, the Hajj and Umrah are slowed down almost to a halt. And so we are in need now. Look at our email and our beliefs are shaking.

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Sad, five foundations of the spiritual bath had the first of that was tequila facility. Well, hello Ania it was mindfulness, the consciousness of Allah, privately and publicly.

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The second was adherence to the Sunnah at the bar, so not in word and deed.

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The third was indifference to the acceptance or rejection of others. So you're not doing your Islam for people, whether they accept you or reject you, you continue on for

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satisfaction with Allah, in hardship, and in ease.

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And number five, turning to Allah in prosperity, and adversity.

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So we want to look at these five foundations, had to discuss them, and also bring some practical issues. At the same time. This is how we're going to go through the course. So we're getting practical things and

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at the same time, building a strong foundation for the spiritual side, which is our base. And you see the doctors we even said get rid of negative thinking right?

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They're going inside now that's not your diet. That's not your exercise. Right? That's thinking your thinking your very being the negativity inside of you. And so this is where these teachings are so critical at this point in time. Had the first one Tukwila facility. Well, Alinea

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taqwa is is our quality that we discuss constantly. In the corpus of Juma we're hearing about taqwa. In many different teachings and courses that we take. We hear about Taka Allah azza wa jal. And we know that some people translated as fear. But it's not just fear. Some people saying, guarding your faith is not just that the all of us say it's unhelpful Raja that it is fear and hope. So combination of the two, so there's a lot of meanings for it. And one beautiful concept of taqwa is like a type of hyper vigilance, that we're really cautious and alert

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and vigilant. So this is like a consciousness that comes around us. And it's this vigilance. And you will see that people who are playing sports, for instance, when they're playing on the sports field, their eyesight develops, they can look to the right, they can look to the left, the ball is moving around. If you're playing football or soccer, the ball is moving around, you got to be vigilant of where the ball is, if you're playing American football, then you need to be vigilant because if you have the ball, one of these giants can come flying out of the air and knock you down. So a type of vigilance is developed. So this is a spiritual vigilance that we are aware of what is going on

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around us. And taqwa,

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again, is a powerful foundation. It is probably the most important pillar or foundation of these five in the spiritual path. And that is the consciousness of Allah. And there's so much to talk about about tapa. It is something that can really give us that foundation that we need to withstand the tornado, literally spiritual tornado coming. Look at the world today. They're trying to take people out of the masjids and keep us home literally. And we have to be vigilant that once the pandemic relieves that we call back to the masjid because some people may have lost their feeling for the house of Allah, their feeling for fasting, making the Torah we have prayers, or they are

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feeling to make Hajj and Umrah so we have to be vigilant for this and this is where the taqwa

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gives us a strong foundation. And taqwa has got many benefits. I want to share with you from the many benefits of taqwa. There's five benefits that we can gain right away from taqwa. And this is our foundations now, and these things will help us now how because we're in trouble, right? People are dying every day, you go online, and somebody else has died. My friends in Cape Town, South Africa, as you know, has got a variant of the COVID-19. And it's spreading rapidly. And I have family, you know, in Cape Town, my son's married to tour capetonian, Cape Malay. And so we're in touch with Cape Town, the orlimar that I've spent time with hand. Recently I spoke with people from

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South Africa and Cape Town, they said, you know, it is spreading so rapidly amongst the scholars, almost one out of every two other scholars is COVID, 90, positive and some are dying. So, we're in trouble now. And taqwa can really help us. Number one

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of the five benefits there's so many. But if you adopt this taqwa, you increase it and you try to increase your taqwa, you can gain an ease in affairs, your affairs will literally lightened up once you have that connection to Allah subhanaw taala and have that understanding of the greater picture of things and insert to Tilak verse for Allah tells us, we're mainly a tequila yahoomail Omri, USA, and whoever has the consciousness of Allah, then Allah will make their their matters easy for them.

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Your straw will come.

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Number two

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you will also

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lead to a way out of things. And in the same verses inserter talaq, Allah tells us we may attack Allahu Allahu Maharaja, that whoever has the consciousness of Allah is hyper vigilant of Allah subhanaw taala the interaction,

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then Allah will make a Maharaj away out of things that are going wrong. And we definitely need some ways out was this pandemic is still spreading, especially in play in the United States, just south of the Canadian border, how it is spreading and not slowing down.

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But the constants of Allah, this is the internal part

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that we need along with dealing with the external

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number three,

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and that is for those who are afraid, they're losing their employment, what's going to happen in the future. Once you have that consciousness of Allah, you are increasing it, then Allah will bring to you sustenance from where you know where you are. zoku when Heitler doesn't allow will provide for him from where he knows not, that's inserted, so talaq two.

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the fourth point,

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and that is the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood. And that's so important today because the false news that's going on the confusion every time you turn on the media, you're not sure what people are actually saying. Or they're saying one thing you think everything's got to be cured, and suddenly you see people getting sick again.

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What is the truth?

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What is the false what

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Allah tells us

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Surah till on file first 29 Yeah, are you hella data Manu in tuck taco La Jolla come for Karna are you who believe if you have the consciousness of Allah, He will make a criterion for you. And a for con is that which separates truth from falsehood. And the Motor Show canny rahimullah even said this for con is the battle club. This for con is is a way of DDD, consolidation of the hearts while cool water Messiah.

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He said this also will strengthen your sight. In other words, insight. So we can have insight as to what is really happening around us in this world today.

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it will make us our feet strong in the earth. And so the ability to to separate through from fossil for corn. That's an amazing quality that we need. It's one of the blessings that comes out of the taqwa.

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And finally, when you kafir and consejo de como yo feiyr.com Well, Lord, Father, Adi, the rest of the verse says, that Allah will release you of your sins and forgive you.

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And Allah is the Lord of great bounty.

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And so forgiveness and release from since look at this foundation.

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You have a strong foundation like this.

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That's what we need today.

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And that's what we need to really culture in our lives in this very critical situation that we are in today in this world. And so Tukwila

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facility will Alinea. The first of the foundation's is to have the consciousness of Allah,

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in public and in private.

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So you see you having the consciousness of Allah, you know, people go publicly, especially if you go to the masjid or you're around other individuals who you respect. And it's easy to show

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your Islam.

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People find themselves pious, whether in crowds, they make a long salaat they can do all types of things. I remember there was a story of this

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person, and he was in the masjid. And this happened to me, you know, the story came out of Cape Town, and there's a big master and people are coming in, you know, at Jaguar. And so just after the Juma

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People are on the sides. Some are making extra prayers after Juma others are meeting with each other had a group a delegation came in and they locked in it was one of the brothers here just about starting his prayers. And he looked and he saw these people coming and they were looking at him.

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So now he made his salaat and he made it beautiful.

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He was crying he went down and record he was in sujood long. He came back up and the people are in the background. So pod Allah. Look at this pious Muslim.

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And then the brother comes up and it gives us Salaam salaam aleikum, wa rahmatullah salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah. And I'm fasting to.

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So he said to the people, I'm also fasting. You see, you see what happened to him. He turned from somebody was praying to Allah,

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to a person who was praying to the people

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that has what is called react.

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You see, so

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we have to realize

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how serious our fears are, and how we can actually change up in a moment. Now I want to talk about something deeper in taqwa. Because I know many of you have heard about things in taqwa before. But I want to look at from the writings of Ibn Jews al Maliki.

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And he took it a step further now.

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So this is not your normal talk about taqwa fear and hoping. No, this is not the normal talk. This is taken a little bit deeper. Because we said remember, taqwa is caution. It's being alert. hyper vigilant.

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Right. So that's taqwa. So when the person has taqwa, as described by the companions, is like as this this turns on the ground, heel is so so you don't want your clothes to be

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cotton or towards your you want. So you lift up your clothes, and you walk very gently, and you look down because you're very aware of these dangers. And so in this case, hyper vigilance, spiritually What is going on? How does this manifest itself, the first degree of taqwa

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is a caution, of falling into disbelief. So the person is now hyper vigilant, has to follow your disbelief. So they are looking at one of those things that is Cofer, what is the things that shirk and they will say, I'm going to stay out of this, I'm not going to fall into this, they are hyper vigilant of this. And you know, they want to stay on the path. And this is described by Ibn Josie, where he will live as this type of submission. This is teslin. So this is where the person submit to Allah subhanaw taala. And this is your the basic form of taqwa. It's a degree now, because remember, you have those who are in karate, you have yellow belt, orange belt, blue belt, brown belt, and then

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Black Belt. And the black belt is supposed to be the highest level, it's not this black belt, black belt. First dad, they would say a Japanese, meaning your first level of black belt, second and third death, fourth, and fifth, until they give you master.

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So it's not just a black belt. There are higher levels of taqwa also, has got higher levels. This first one is a hyper vigilance of falling into disbelief to

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its caution, of falling into sin, and evil. So the person may have committed a lot of sense. And so the person is hypervigilant, not to follow any sense. Many times you see a Muslim born in a Muslim family, but they're not actually practicing Islam, and then they suddenly get their day. And so at 25, now he's praying, now he's fasting now, she's covering up. And so you'll find in many cases, they'll go to a higher degree, because they want to stay out of their sin. And they're hyper vigilant. They're more touchy for this. And that macom or that station, is the station of tober. It's repentance. So that within the taqwa is a station of repentance. So the person of taqwa is now

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hyper vigilant of evil things are

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Random. And that's again, that's usually somebody who knows what evil is.

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The person may be a new Muslim, who lived part of their life, you know, a rock surrounded by evil or a revitalized Muslim, or just a Muslim who lives in this world and the dunya and those are evilness, that's the second stage stage number three

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that is the caution being hyper vigilant of doubtful things. So, there are things which are not clear and the Prophet peace be upon him said you know that which is halaal is clear and that which is haram is clear. And in it there are doubtful things

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okay, these motor shabby these doubtful things, the prozone them said and one Hadith da you rebook Illa Ma, luxury book, stay away from that, which gives you doubt, to the things which gives you no doubt. And so that is this,

00:36:06 --> 00:36:30

this this vigilance, or this caution, in staying away from doubtful things, that's another stage, and even just a called it the state of carefulness. So this person is really careful. And before they eat something, if they see doubt inside of things, they hope they hold.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:46

Right, they they're aware of what's going on around them. These are protections for us, we want to know how to preserve our Islam. These are the protections in the same way that a fighter learns how to preserve his life.

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Right that a person who is hiking on a trail survival training, they learn how to survive in the jungle, or learn how to survive in the snow in the Canadian winter.

00:37:02 --> 00:37:25

And so these are the degrees of taqwa the fourth degree of taqwa is being cautious of the permissible, this is deep. This is what is called water. And water is a higher degree of taqwa in that the person will give up what is permissible

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to not fall into what is haram? What is prohibited, for instance,

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say that Abu Bakar Sadiq rhodiola, when he was considered to have a lot of water, and on one occasion, he ate this food and somebody said that they're not sure about this food. So he actually made himself vomit the food up.

00:37:48 --> 00:38:33

Okay, now that's, that's a that's a serious person didn't he didn't have to do that. Because it was permissible had already went down his throat. He made a mistake. But what are is a higher level now. So there's certain things that are permissible. And you stay away. I want to give the example of that brother, who prayed in the masjid after Juma and ended up showing off to the people. You know what I would be, he's about to make the salaat had a group of people come in and they're watching him. And he knows that his knifes is got to be pulled towards react towards showing off. And so he says, I'm not going to pray. So he just

00:38:34 --> 00:38:41

walks away. He didn't have to make it at Sunday anyway, right? You can make it in the masjid. Or you can make it at home.

00:38:42 --> 00:38:55

The water in this case, gave him that understanding not to make that prayer. Why it's permissible, but he might be falling into sin.

00:38:56 --> 00:38:57

That's another degree

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and the highest degree, which very few of us will probably reach and that is being cautious of letting anything into the heart. Save Allah subhanaw taala

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nothing else in your heart, except for Allah. That is the macom that's the position of witness. That is a witness. And that's a very high level that will be very difficult for us to reach Allah will choose people to reach that level. But that's a really serious level and people usually go through a lot of suffering and torment and you know, they go through a lot of changes to reach this level, where nothing but Allah is in their hearts.

00:39:44 --> 00:39:48

And so these are the degrees of taqwa

00:39:50 --> 00:39:59

talk while the facility will Alinea one of the foundations given by CD Amazon rock, rahimullah foundations, five foundations

00:40:00 --> 00:40:09

The spiritual path. This is what he said to his followers, he was afraid that they were going to lose their faith. And he prescribed

00:40:11 --> 00:40:15

foundations for them to hold up the building of their Islam

00:40:17 --> 00:40:36

had, we are in trouble now. And so we need to look at this spiritual advice. And be practical about it. Apply it to our situation today. So that we can be saved from the massive fitna that is out there in the world. And so I want to end at this point.

00:40:38 --> 00:40:40

And open up the floor.

00:40:41 --> 00:40:47

If there are any questions that anybody has, if there's anything you'd like to put into the chat room,

00:40:48 --> 00:40:55

I want to open up the floor for any questions that anybody has. The floor is open.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:05

Again, I want to remind you

00:41:07 --> 00:41:16

to if you're on YouTube, that you should subscribe to it. If you're on Facebook, you should share it, you should like it.

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And feel free to ask questions concerning this.

00:41:24 --> 00:41:28

There's no problem there's interaction here, you can put something in the chat room.

00:41:30 --> 00:41:32

If you have any questions, floor is open.

00:41:48 --> 00:41:51

So inshallah, we will be continuing on

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next week, inshallah,

00:41:55 --> 00:41:57

to go to other foundations

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of the spiritual path.

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We need practical, read a practical guide,

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at the great alumni have given us guides to help us in the spiritual darkness that we are living in today.

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And so, we pray that Allah azza wa jal would enable us to maintain our faith in this deep struggle that we are involved in. Especially

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help our job. Yes, there's a question. There's a couple of questions. Yes. So there is

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the attendees in the classroom that says please explain the witness part.

00:42:36 --> 00:42:38

Yeah, the witness now

00:42:39 --> 00:42:41

you know, it's, it's, it's,

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it comes in the Quran for couldna Ma sha, Allah Deen, you know, you know, you know, help us to be of the witnesses or Shaheed, in a sense, is a witness. And, but a witness is a is a is a high level. And usually it takes a person who is a Shahid to get to this witness point.

00:43:04 --> 00:43:17

But it is a very high level of relationship with Allah subhanaw taala, because there's really nothing else left in their heart, except Allah azza wa jal. And so literally, they have they've reached another stage.

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What it is, Allahu Allah, I'm not privy to all the information. But I know this is a very high level.

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00:43:29 --> 00:43:34

Yes, Jeff, there is a question here about the story about the brother who's praying and ended up

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ended up to show the brothers, the people behind him. I think there just needs a clarification on what was wrong with what he did and not what's wrong. I think maybe the the story wasn't Okay, try to get the story now. The brother is about to pray. And then some people come and they're, you know, they, they're standing there. And so he starts to pray. And as he's praying, you know, he's feeling them and back of them, right. So, you know, you can sort of feel people there. And so, something inside of him says, you know, make your prayer beautiful, because the people are listening to you. This is what is called react. Ria is showing off with religious deeds in order to be seen by people,

00:44:18 --> 00:44:32

right. So so you, it's showing off with your bed. And so he's praying. And the people are saying, Mashallah, look at him pray. And so he makes his prayer longer than he normally would.

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He does it in a beautiful way. And then when he's finishing finished, he turns to them, he says, I'm fasting to

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get it. In other words, he's saying I'm not only a beautiful, you know, prayer person, but I'm fasting too. So he wants them to say Mashallah, that's Ria.

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That means he's showing off now, to the point where he's exposing other things.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:08

In order to get their pleasure, and that is considered to be the prophet SAW, Selim said, this is a shark of us.

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This is the minor form of shark of polytheism.

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And the Prophet Salim said it will creep into my nation, like a black ad creeps into a dark room.

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This is the minus shark. And it you know and this and circus serious, right because remember, this is polytheism when you're worshiping more than one God, so when essentially bowing down to an idol. But now, the prayer that that person was making was not just to Allah, he was praying for the people in back of, you see, so when you pray into two sources that shirk in the same way that somebody might pray to an idol, along with a god or a saint along with God. There's many forms that shark will take, but this is the minor form of shark.

00:46:02 --> 00:46:14

Any other general questions anybody has? There is a question here about the clarification of this doesn't allow us to again call himself a showerhead. And Shaheed what is the difference between those two?

00:46:16 --> 00:46:50

Yeah, I mean, the words are used in different ways when Allah uses the names of Allah. You know, like, for instance, like a Shah hit us Shaheed when they when it's the witness, like you can say, Rahim, a person is Rahim. They are merciful. But if you say our Rahim, the Merciful, that's the most merciful that Allah you see. So there are certain descriptions of Allah, which are also used as adjectives, they just describe people as well.

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So Alamin tuck him, you know, so there are some people who don't like revenge, the one who, you know who will punish us there are people who do this many of the descriptions, there are some descriptions, which is only Allah. Like you say, our rough man, that's only Allah subhanaw taala.

00:47:12 --> 00:47:22

Right, so So this, this, our produce the one who is the most holy, so we don't describe people as saying this could use your own people.

00:47:23 --> 00:47:28

So, in this case, Shahid, even when you go to court,

00:47:29 --> 00:47:31

they will say the shot, you know, when you have the car,

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then you have the child,

00:47:35 --> 00:47:36

right, you have a witness.

00:47:37 --> 00:47:50

So witnesses used in many different ways. This particular way is that the person is literally witnessing, you know, the Presence of Allah subhanaw taala in themself, you know, it's a very high level of spirituality

00:47:51 --> 00:47:52


00:47:56 --> 00:48:00

and the other general questions, anybody have all the questions we have Trisha?

00:48:02 --> 00:48:22

hamdulillah so May Allah subhanaw taala accept what we are doing. We are law protect us. So polygala hold we have deca, Chateau La La Highlander. The stock for stock photo Quran Tobu like, or aka Tawana and hamdulillah Nabila alameen wa Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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