Abdullah Hakim Quick – Fiqh Of Seerah 03

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of language in Prophet's teachings and the use of language in his teachings is emphasized, as the loss of his father is a significant event. The speakers emphasize the need for parents to spend time experiencing nature and experiences the different ways people speak in different cultures. The conversation also touches on the negative impact of over drinking alcohol and the lack of women’s sports participation in the pandemic, as well as the need for women to be aware of the negative impact of alcoholism on health.
AI: Transcript ©
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Patience, you conveyed the noble message rod a slide

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please be upon my bill

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala carte, via your more saline, the Vienna Muhammad, Allah Allah He was happy for baddeck was Allah

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My beloved brothers and sisters Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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as we continue in our understanding of Sera,

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the understanding of the biography and life of the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salah. We recognize that this life, and what surrounds it sets the stage for not only the history of the Arabian Peninsula, but it sets the stage for many parts of the world.

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And I would dare to say that even the knowledge of the theater and especially what we are about to cover tonight has extreme importance for those who are studying the political situation in the Middle East in the Muslim world,

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which of course is affecting the whole of the planet today. And the basis of this comes from the concept of Jamelia.

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Now we saw that Johnny Leia, in the time of the Prophet peace be upon him, the Arabian Peninsula, there were good parts of it and there were negative parts. The good parts were the fact that the house of Allah subhanaw taala, the Kaaba had been set up in Mecca by the Prophet Ibrahim alayhi salam. So therefore, no matter what changes the people went through, in Arabia, they did have a fundamental understanding of the creator of Allah, as the Supreme Being, above all other forces in the universe.

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They also were blessed in a sense, with generosity, and with character. And with loyalty, they were very loyal to their families and to the tribes. And if a guest would come, even if the guests was their enemy, they would even be loyal to the person because that person was a guest. And these type of qualities are very rare in other parts of the world.

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Arabian society also

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was famous for its eloquence and language, they did not have much in terms of physical culture, but in terms of their understanding of their language, and their oral traditions passed on from generation to generation. They were masters. And this set the stage for the coming of the last revelation, I'll call an whose greatest aspect is its linguistic, uniqueness, and the challenges that come through the revelation. And that is basically in the beginning,

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a challenge of language. And so all of these aspects, set the stage for the coming of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him.

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Within Jahangir as well, on the negative side, there was tribalism. It was a tribal society, based upon the law of the jungle, the strong will survive. And it was the unions of the families that came together to make the tribes that literally formed the political landscape in the Arabian Peninsula. And so

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Jaya Leia was not ignorance in the sense that person, people do not have knowledge. But it was ignorance in the sense that they had left the revelation. And they had sunken themselves in idol worship, having over 360 idols in the Kaaba itself. But there's another part of Jehovah that I want to discuss with you. And it's very important concept

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that I want you to pay a lot of attention to, because for those students of Islamic history, you'll see that this comes back and it explains certain aspects of Islamic history. And that is that the society itself the relationship of the tribes, form a type of mentality. So in other words, if you are living in a place where there are people on a mountainside and people by the river, and they struggle for power over the agricultural area, that that makes up their mentality.

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If it's an area where there's a big Savanna, and you have nomadic people, and you have agricultural people, that makes up how they look at each other and look at the world. And that's a type of Johnny Lee, and all of us carry this within us. Whether you come from a country that's got north and south, or as they say, in the Caribbean, you have big islands and small islands.

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You have big countries and small countries. This is a type of mentality.

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And it's good in a sense of identity. But when the tribalism goes further than that, it can cause major divisions and people and it is only through Islam, that this tribalism can be wiped out.

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The danger is that human beings, if we are not practicing Islam, if we are not constantly purifying ourselves, we can slip back into our previous way of thinking and start looking at each other. That No, you are the people from the south, you are the people from that drive, you are the people of a certain color. You are the people of a certain language. That's in a sense, ignorance. It's a type of Jamelia. And we will be going back to this as we go further on in Islamic history. So

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the rate the Arabian Peninsula at that time, as we learned,

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the focal point of it was the cover itself in Mecca, because this was the greatest cultural heritage that the Arabs could actually feel proud about. And not only that, it was in a central position

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in the hijas area, which is the western side of the Arabian Peninsula, and the leading tribes in that area, were actually an amalgamation of people. This is another point that you won't get in normal history books. And that is the fact that Ibrahim alayhis salam,

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who built the Kaaba, the main patriarch of the Kaaba, was originally from Iraq. He was not of the original Arabs, they had a type of Semitic tongue, they were speaking there. So when he traveled through Palestine and Egypt in the area, he is able to adjust his language, but he was not from what we knew as an audible Audible, the original pure Arabs. Secondly, his wife hajah, may Allah be pleased with her, was an Egyptian and she came from the Nile Valley. So in today's discussion, she was an African. So this is literally the Tigris and Euphrates region, which marries the Nile Valley.

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And the sun is is my Isla de soleil is my old Mary's from the tribe of Judah home,

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which is from audible Audible, from the pure original Arabs. So the children of Israel coming in this lineage, they are a combination of the of the Nile Valley, Tigris and Euphrates Valley, the pure Arabian people, and from this comes the kodesh. And they are the leading tribe. And so,

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this amount amalgamation of power centers in the Middle East brings forward a type of nobility, which eventually spread throughout the world, and which people from different power sources in the world could actually look toward and see themselves inside of it, they could actually respect this group, because it is not one particular area, it's actually a combination. So, the lineage of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him

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is very important, his family tree, what happens in the family tree and we want to go through this

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slowly, so we can try to understand what happened in Arabia, because this will have impact on the formation of dynasties. After the time of the Prophet peace be upon him, think about the different time periods, right those students of history, you have the prophetic period, and then you have the whole of our Russia gene. Then you have the Omega dynasty. And then you have the ambassade dynasty. These are the leading dynasties in the Muslim world for over 1000 years.

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And so, in looking at the lineage of the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him.

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There are different

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ways that the historians look at it.

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One version of the lineage

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traces back his family tree to his upper grandparents, whose name is Adnan.

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And that is the most authenticated and easier to follow lineage of autobiographies. And genealogists.

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The second version,

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this traces his lineage back to Ibrahim alayhis salaam.

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But there is some doubt, and divisions in terms of the actual names themselves, who they actually we're, although everybody agrees, all the historians agree that the lineage does go back through Ismail to Ibrahim alayhis salam. But if you get into the details of history, you'll see that there's some disagreement in terms of some of the grandparents way up along the top. The third form of it is that which is traced all the way back to Adam Elisa. And in some of the history books, they traced it back with 18 people.

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But this is actually incorrect, and it doesn't have sound sources. Because if you look at generations, that does not go back to the presence of Homo sapiens sapiens, on this earth when you know, last month Allah breathed the spirit into Adam alayhis. Salaam, you're talking a long period of time, it's not 18 parents to go back to Adam. And in any event, the sources are actually weak. So it cannot be authenticated. In terms of the sources, and logically, it doesn't make sense. Although everybody goes back to Adam alayhis salam. So, it is correct to say that they are descendants of Adam, because all human beings are descendants of Adam and Hawa.

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So, his lineage and this is the way many of the

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many of the books actually begin. And this information will be coming to the students who have access to the books which are on the way

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but his lineage basically and this is how many of the Sierra books begin. So literally see the books begin like this. They don't usually give you a background

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and it begins

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with the reading of adnet and so it goes he is Mohammed course in Arabic who are Mohammed bin Abdullah Ibn Abdul muttalib calibre, say in English. So he is Mohammed bin Abdullah.

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Ibn Abdul Mutallab, Ebony, Hashem, even abdomen f even to say,

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even keylab even more raw, even carb, even Louis, even the Khalid Ibn

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Eben Malik. Eman ebenen, nada, even kina even Jose Emma Gibbon, modelica ilias. Eben moeder, Ebenezer, Eben Muhammad Gibbon adnet.

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So this is the most authentic lineage from urbanization. And that's the basic source book that we are using. And if you go backward said invalid Ebon fish. This is up in his grandparents. His nickname was kodesh.

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So that's where the name kodesh comes from. It's fair, it's one of the grandparents that's higher up there on the list. But the crucial person now that we need to study is that when we go from Mohammed Abdullah Ibn Abdul Mutallab Eben Hashem ibn Abdullah, Neff, Eben crusades.

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Now this grandparent is very important.

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Because per se, and this is the fifth century, he was born about four ad,

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ad or C. And he distinguishes himself

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he consolidated power. So he took Mecca from being a loose confederation of Bedouins and city people together, respecting the family of kodesh because of the Kaaba, he took it from that to form a government.

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And so this literally changed the course of history. And he did this by establishing some key ministries and these ministries that he established.

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The first of the ministries

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is the one called hijab.

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And the hijab was the guardianship of the keys of the Kaaba.

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Now, this is

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might sound strange to you, but it's very important because Ibrahim al Islam built a house.

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The Kaaba was originally a house and the door to get into the Kaaba, and that main idols are inside there. So the keys of the Kaaba are very important. And literally, there's a ministry, surrounding them to his piano. And the piano was the leadership of the army. And that include the liwa. Right. And so this is literally your Minister of Defense. This is your defense ministry.

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The next is najwa. And the najwa was the chairmanship of the meetings. This is like your your ministries, like your prime minister, in a sense, who was leading all the ministers, in their meetings, the nada itself

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was a type of

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meeting place, a council

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chamber, in a sense, not buildings like we know them. But it was an area that they set aside, especially for the council meetings of the elders of kodesh. And the other tribes, who were in the leading positions there at the time. The next of the main ministries was called sakarya. And the sakarya, was the provision of water, especially for the travelers and for the pilgrims. And this for people living in Canada, doesn't really make too much sense. But in the desert, this is essential, because water is life. So the one who provides the water, who takes care of the water is one of the most important individuals in the government and one of the most beloved

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to the people because water is the essential of life, especially in the desert area. And the last was the father. And the father was the provision of food.

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So this is literally the one who is in charge of the crops, and storage, and the imports and exports. So this is a very important ministry, as well. And so per se, in a sense, was a type of a king. So it's not just a respected family. But he's literally a power force within the the basic government of Mecca at the time. And he established the network. He made this network not only a place for the council, but he allowed weddings to be held in the najwa elders to come and meet. So they had elder meetings, because they had great respect for the elders. The poet's would also come to recite, for them, foreign dignitaries, who came on caravans passing through would also meet in

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the najwa. So he's developing now his parliament, his prime minister, his Ministry of Defence, his main key ministries, someone whose sense,

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he develops a government and because he is the leading person in Pradesh, that he was above all of the ministries. So he was in a sense, like the king of Mecca at that time. And because the kodesh had a special position, and because they did have economic power, he made them pay a special tax to the sakarya and the father, to make sure that those ministries are supported, he tax the Quraysh for this very wise move, because this is a way that revenue is coming in to the to life giving forces within the society itself. Now when you say became old, and feeble, he met with his three sons. And

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he, his main three sons was abdomen F. Abdullah za and Abu Dhabi. Of course, this these names are strange to us now because we use we usually say Abdullah, Abdul Hakim, the names of Allah, but you see Abdullah Azhar right? modaf these are, this means the slave of idols, named modaf. Right?

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A slave an idol named Rosa.

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So these are literally idol worshipping,

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type names. And so kosei needed to divide up power amongst his, his elderly, his children.

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he made the intention

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and carried it out where he delegated the five responsibilities to Abu Dhabi.

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Now, why he did that? We don't know from history, why he made that move.

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Many of the sources do say that abdomen F in terms of his personality, he was the most respected of the sons by the people of Mecca.

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There is something in abdomen F and his children. It's the type of charisma

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that they had a type of gift with words, and a gift with dealing with people. But up to down more than likely was an individual who could actually exude power.

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And so per se wanted this kingdom in a sense to continue. And so he gave all the five responsibilities to have to die

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and abdomen F. Now who later comes along?

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his sons, the main three sons of abdomen, f

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is Hashem abduction, shrimps and nofal.

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Okay, so these are the main

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sons of abdomen F. And they formed a type of Alliance. And this alliance was called Hill Hill for the Moto G beam. It was the pact, or the Treaty of those who dipped their hands in perfume.

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It was a symbolic act that they did.

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And they literally dipped their hands together. And I guess was better than dipping it in blood. Right. But they dipped it into some nice Moscow, Jasmine, and put their hands together and they made an alliance. Okay between the brothers. Okay, so this formed a power group within Mecca itself, the sons of Abu Dhabi,

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and they had power, they found another Alliance, helpful, a laugh. So this was the alliance of those who are allied. And so these became two power forces in Mecca itself, Abdullah on the other side of the Muslim, he wasn't seeking power at all. And his his side of the family wasn't so strong. But these two forces now become the rival

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tribes or the rival sub tribes within kodesh. Okay, try to understand this now, because it sets it sets the stage for the future.

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And literally,

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the two tribes or the two sub tribes, were about to go to war.

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And this was a very serious situation. And fortunately,

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these two groups,

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if they had gone to war, it would have destabilized Mecca completely. But they made a compromise. And this is called helpful for dual. Now, early Sierra does not have much information about this compromise. But it was a very wise move that was made. And so within this helful, for dual, the descendants of Abu Dhabi,

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they would be in charge of Pierre de nada, and he Jabba. Okay, so they maintained

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power, right, they have the, they have the army, they have the keys to the Kaaba, they have the political power of the ministry, right. And the descendants of abdomen F,

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they would be in charge of the Father and sakarya

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watering for the pilgrims, and providing food. So it's a power sharing type of situation. But people's tendency

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is to love to have more love for the ones who are feeding them and taking care of them than the ones who have the political power. And you see this in many parts of the world. There are those who have the gun, and they have the badge. And they are the strong people. But then you have other people who have a charisma about them, and they take care of you and they love you. So this is how it's set up now. Okay, so this is a struggle going on. And again, this is forming a type of mentality

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in the minds of the people. And

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or Hashem the son of abdomen F.

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He became the leader for amongst the sons of abdomen F. His original name was Ahmed, but they called him Hashem, because when a drought hit Mecca, he literally crushed seeds and grains and he made soup

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for the people, so they gave him the name Hashem, but his actual name is Ahmed

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gave him his nickname.

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And he's a very important person. very charismatic. You see that? That look that

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charisma coming from abdomen f Hashim feel was probably you know, like the greatest version of this charisma not only in Mecca itself, but he went north

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to Gaza along the coastline, which is now Philistine where Hamza is, and he made a treaty with the Romans.

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And the treaty was that there would be summer caravans that would go north, and that there would be winter caravans that would go south. And so what he literally did did was set up economic trade movement

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through the hedges, and this is so important that Allah subhanaw taala even mentioned inserts or kadesh. We know Lee Laffy kodesh He laughed at him with a lotta schita he was safe. Okay, that these are the Rio De De De De Quraysh kodesh, the movement of the pradesh

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they have journeys in the summer, and journeys in the winter.

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Okay, so literally, it's mentioned

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that they should fall yahuda rubber hadn't baked, that they should

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worship the Lord of this house. Hallelujah. Adama home enjoy Amano home and cough.

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And the sort of ends that it is Allah subhanaw taala

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that took care of their hunger, and also gave them peace and security. So this is actually for Hashem

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that this verse, so we can see that even in our code itself, you understand more about the book of Allah, if you understand the history,

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and you can see the background that comes out of that history.

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And so, the power struggle,

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eventually, because of the moves that were being made by Hashem the respect of the people of the society actually moved to the hashemites. And they literally, that the power of the doubt, literally waned down, they had the key itself, they supposedly had the ministry, but the real power in the city was with Hashem and his descendants. And it is here that another type of struggle comes in.

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And again, this is the mentality of human beings.

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But another type of struggle comes in and this is between Hashem and his nephew, whose name was omega. Now, I want to,

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to, to to show you this here now,

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to try to understand something here again, this is this will help us to understand something about Islamic history.

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If we look here, at abdomen F, it will Qusay right? And then the sons of abdomen F, okay? And on this side, of course under manifest Hashem

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Okay, and then Abdulmutallab, right and then his children, right from this as Abdullah, and then comes the Prophet, Mohammed Salah. You see, you can see how that lineage goes there. On this side here,

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you have up the shrimps, and from him comes omega.

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So the struggle that was going on,

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between the hashemites and up to dar he's not in this picture. That one subsided, but the struggle now began within the descendants of Hashem. And it wasn't up to chimps himself, but it was his nephew,

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whose name was omega, he was a power seeker.

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So omega started to seek power within Mecca itself in order to gain power for the Romanians,

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okay, so, this is their giant Leanna it became the hashemites versus omega.

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This was the power source in Mecca. Now for those students VISTA this want to give you a little

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look into the future.

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Omega, look at omega under omega harab.

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Abu sufian

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here is the Omega dynasty. Remember hashemites remains right. Who takes over afterwards who millions

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right on this side.

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There is the uncle. There is a cost Abu Talib and then there is Ali.

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Okay, Ali carries. This is where the charisma is now, Ali carries the charisma and it continues on to his family but on

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His uncle one of the uncles of the Prophet, Allah bass, he's Hashemite, from him comes abbesses.

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So these are your dynasties. So literally

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the dynasties of Mecca.

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For the dynasties ruling the Muslim world

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had something to do with the understanding of the Pradesh

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and the people in their Jamelia. Okay, it's something about the desert influence in this. And as we go further on in history,

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you'll begin to understand this more and more. Fortunately, when the prophet SAW Selim now brings Islam, it overcomes all this. But after he leaves, the mentality starts to slip back. And people start to identify, yes, our Muslim however.

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And that is the reason why, when this man Ebony our fan, remember omiya I will ask a fan with men.

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When he took over as the Khalifa, that was the first time he was an immediate

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and the no maids got a lot from with Matt. He was an easygoing person he used to say yes to everything. So they literally got a lot out of this man. And when he was finally assassinated, this side wanted revenge. But when Ali Ibn Abi taalib was chosen as the Khalifa,

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it meant it went back to the Hashemite site

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and see,

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so this partly influenced the way people look at things. This is a human weakness, it is a reality or identity is there, we have to constantly struggle with our identity.

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Is it just my name? Is it just my family? It is just where I come from? Or does it make me better than the other people? Or does it make me the one who actually deserves power over the other people

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and we'll be going back to this as we go on further inshallah, in Islamic history, but this sets the stage for you

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for what had actually gone on

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Getting back to

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Hashem, again, was going north, to Gaza.

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He established the treaty with the Romans, and one of his journeys north. He married a woman from the tribe of huzar. Lodge, the house and the house Raj. These were the main tribes in Medina, at that time known as yathrib. They originally came from Yemen, they will have double Atiba. And they were living in yesterday, but the time so he married a clergy woman named Selma.

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And unfortunately, when he went north to hersa,

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he passed away. So he literally died. Hashem is buried in Gaza.

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Okay, and but from that marriage and the time that he spent with his wife, came a child.

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And that child's name was shava

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shava. Okay. And shaybah literally was living in in Mecca itself. When the uncles when the families, the brothers of Hashem heard about his death, and his family, Alma Talib, who was one of the brothers went north, in order to straighten out the affairs of Hashem.

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He found the Sun shaybah.

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And so he literally brought the sun back to Mecca.

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And the people of Mecca didn't know about shaper, because he's part cosmology. Right from your trip. As they were entering into Mecca.

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They saw the boy

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moving with Elmo tollip taking care of things and given him respect. So then people said, well, who is this? And they said, well, it must be a slave. So they called him Abdulmutallab.

00:34:21 --> 00:34:24

The slave of Allah tala, you say this,

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but his name was shaybah.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:30

That's actually his name.

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But the nicknames sometimes overcome

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the normal names like the great upper hood era, the father of kittens, he used to give milk to kittens and literally 4050 kittens would chase him into the masjid. So he was the father of the small cats, the small kittens. His His name is Abdul Rahman urban soccer or the long run, but I bow data over game in terms of that nickname that he had. So literally

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We find that

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following this becomes the leader of Mecca.

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the parents Pass, pass away when Hashem had passed away, Al muttalib passed away that Abdulmutallab

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who was carrying that charisma, he had that same charisma. And that respect that natural respect of the Hashemite group, he took over as the leader of Mecca itself. And, of course, he focused on the duties of satalia and Rwanda. So these are the, again, the two main duties that were that were within the Hashemite family. And in order to deal with the people, especially the watering of the people, their water was literally had run out. And he had a dream.

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And in this dream,

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saw himself digging in between two of the idols that are outside of the Kaaba itself and not Allah. And so literally, he dreamt that this was filled with dirt by the Judah home tribe, and so they they literally dug in this area in between these idols and water came out.

00:36:28 --> 00:36:50

This is the well of Zamzam, which had been originally are flowing from the time of Ibrahim al Islam. But after a period of time, it had stopped. And so he literally now brings force to water. And they found some ancient artifacts as well under the ground, which added to his notoriety and

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he consolidated power.

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And, but he said that now in order for me to really do this properly, I need science. So one of the ways enjoy Hollywood some Muslims do up until today, he made an oath to Allah. He said, Oh Allah, if you give me 10 sons,

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right? Then I will literally sacrifice one of them to the gods. Okay, and he was talking to all the gods actually.

00:37:20 --> 00:37:51

So he literally said, you know, to the gods allow the supreme god lat or zamana, whatever. If I get the 10 sons, one of them will be a sacrifice. Like some people say today, or law, if I pass my examination, I will give you I'll give so much money in South Africa. Right? And then if he fails, he's angry with a lot. Right? This is Johnny Lee. That's ignorance right? And so it was a type of ignorant oath that he made, but by the will of Allah 10 sons were born.

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And so with the 10 sons being born,

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he prepared himself for sacrifice now these are the 10 sons. You don't normally find this in history books as well. Okay. And these are the 10 for those who want to get the extra names it's not in your notes. So these are the extra names of d'amato there is Abdullah

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there is Hamza

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Abu lahab whose name is Abdullah Hosea

00:38:28 --> 00:38:29

as Zubair

00:38:31 --> 00:38:32


00:38:34 --> 00:38:35

Elmo, Wim

00:38:37 --> 00:38:38

Dada, dar,

00:38:39 --> 00:38:43

Al Hadith, Allah bass,

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

and Abu Talib.

00:38:46 --> 00:39:05

Now, there are a few of course who are the most famous, the ones on the top Abdullah and Abu Talib, of course, then Hamza, then our bass, right. And then Abu lahab. The other ones are not really so famous, but you'd get them if you went deep into some history books. These are the ones agreed upon by

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Isaak to even even his sham.

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Some other books mentioned more, but these are the ones more authenticated, who

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did the work to authenticate the names of the actual and so he made this oath to sacrifice one of the sons that he was going to carry it out, because it's Jaya Liana

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and they went to

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a magician, a fortune teller.

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So they asked a fortune teller.

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What should we do? This is their way out of things. And the fortune teller said throw lots, draw lots.

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draw lots. So if you draw lots,

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and then you can decide which one

00:39:56 --> 00:39:59

Okay, so every time he drew the lot and it said Abdullah

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And everybody was really upset because Abdullah carry the charisma. Remember that? That look? Right? He had that charisma from an F, abdomen f hash Hashem, and right on down. And so he continued to draw lots of every time it's Abdullah Abdullah Abdullah, Abdullah Abdullah 10 times. And finally it was said that

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what he can do is that if he sacrifices the diviner said, If you sacrifice 10 camels for each slot that you drew, then you will be absorbed. So he literally sacrificed 100 camels, it's a lot of money in those days. He sacrificed 100 camels. And you know, that was over. And that was Abdulmutallab, and his family. And this is literally setting the stage for the birth of the Prophet so subtle, and this is right around the time of animal field, the year of the elephants, and this is the time of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW Salaam and abraha was attacking from the south.

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So literally, at this time, was a traumatic time for the people in Mecca. And Abdo motala was the one who spoke with abraha outside of Mecca

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and told him, I have no power over the city. This Kaaba, this house has got a Lord, I am the Lord of my camels. That's all but the Kaaba has a load, and the load this load will protect the house.

00:41:34 --> 00:41:41

So the hashemites and the all the people up to Darren is so called army, they all ran up into the hills.

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And they waited. And Allah subhanaw taala sent the birds and defeated abraha at that time,

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the political setting

00:41:52 --> 00:42:01

at the time of the birth of the Prophet Mohammed zone seldom sets the stage for the revelation. But it also has some future

00:42:02 --> 00:42:07

implications. And that basically is that the battle Hashem

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tribe itself is loved by the people of Mecca. They are the people who deal with refosco and sakarya. They feed and they water the people and they have the charisma.

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And they are the ones that have what you could call the natural leadership.

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But at the same time, the political power, the military power was in the hands of Beto Hobbs.

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And so

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in the background, they were in the background with the official political power. But the real struggle eventually left banner up to dar. And it was between Ben Hashem and Ben omega.

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And even though they were within the same family, Hashem was actually the uncle of omega.

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And it was the struggle that went on between the two and the factions that set the stage of hostility before the time of the province on Sunday.

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And it said that it reached the point where,

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because of the pressure that the people applied to omega, he was actually exiled from Mecca for 12 years. So he was literally exiled. And so this set the stage because a type of jealousy, a type of desire for power,

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festered inside of the bedroom omiya.

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And it is only later on that we see it arise, again, with a type of hostility that you'll see between

00:43:51 --> 00:44:04

Wow, we are an alley and no, you can't, at the outset, understand how there could be a rivalry like this or hostility, but if you go to the backgrounds, then we can see that there is a natural rivalry

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between these two camps, so to speak. And so this was the year of the elephants. It was the year when the army of abraha who had come from Abyssinia, were defeated by Allah subhanaw taala. Using birds carrying baked clay.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:38

It was a traumatic experience, literally, that the people of Mecca went through, and it reverberated all over the Arabian Peninsula. And it was during that time that the province of Saddam was actually born.

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right at that point, at his at his birth

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is mother again who was the wife of Abdullah

00:44:55 --> 00:44:59

and it was if we back up a little bit, Abdulmutallab who actually

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chose Amina

00:45:01 --> 00:45:27

for Abdullah his son when he reached 24 years old. And Amina herself was bent Wahab, a descendant of abdomen F. So she was also from the kodesh as well, and a very independent woman, very intelligent woman at the time, shortly after the armel field had gone on, Abdullah actually left

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for Gaza. Again, these are the journeys that the Kurdish the hashemites of the pradesh were taking

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north to south. And so it was due for somebody to go north on the journey. And literally these journeys sustained economically sustained Mecca at the time. And Amina reports that, you know, her the hand of her marriage, you know, had not even been erased from her hands, as yet, and then her husband left, so she was really sad because of this.

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But a beautiful story of Ayman Baraka was an Ethiopian Abyssinian woman who was a servant in the household of Abdullah and Amina

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that she comforted Amina at that point. And although the Arabs went to the mountains around Mecca, she refused to leave the house. So when the threat of the elephant's had come outside of Mecca, she refused to leave. So she and Amun

00:46:34 --> 00:46:42

were actually there, right down in the area of the cover itself, but by the power of Allah subhanaw taala.

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The army of abraha was defeated.

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What added to her sorrow

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was that when Abdullah went north to Gaza,

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he passed away.

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So this happened another tragedy into the family of boo Hashem.

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But the child

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was about she realized she was pregnant.

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And it wasn't a normal pregnancy. With the nausea and bad feeling that a woman gets in early stages, she actually felt strong. And it was reported. Even sad reports that Amina said when the child was born, there was a light that issue out of my womb and lit up the palaces of Basra, which is in Syria, and a voice said to her, name him Mohammed.

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It is also reported that the preceding night just before the birth, 14 galleries of kissless Palace in Persia cracked and tumbled to the ground,

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the sacred fire of the Medusa, the Zoroastrians, the fire went out,

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and they said, there were people who had they would charge to keep it lit, but the night before the fire went out. Also, some of the churches on Lake sua sank down and collapsed. At that time, a number of things were happening all over the world, you know, at the coming of this beloved person, peace and blessings be upon him. Hassan Eben dabit, Lady became a Muslim, he reported I was well grown. I was a well grown boy of seven or eight, understanding all that I heard when I heard a Jewish man calling out at the top of his voice from the top of a foot in yathrib. Remember, yathrib is in the north, and the Jewish tribes had migrated to yesterday. Because within their traditions,

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they were taught that somebody from the descendants of Ibrahima Acela would come to a valley, which is on two sides. It has lava, dried lava, it has a lot of water and trees in the south. So they identified yesterday as displace, and they move they're waiting for a prophet to come. And they used to say to the Arabs, whenever they got into a fight with the sun coverage, when the Prophet comes, we will kill you with him.

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So they expected him to come, but they did not expect that he would come from Ibrahim on the side of hajus.

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They thought it was Sarah, on that side coming from Isaac. And so this man now called up he said, Oh company of Jews.

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The gathered together.

00:49:37 --> 00:49:59

They said What is the matter? He answered tonight, the star under which Ahmed is to be born has arisen. The star is there. So the so that all types of signs were actually happening around the actual date of his birth. And this again is a big controversy today and but we want to look at history for what it is

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Not be emotional and say, well my people do this and you know, my Masjid, or whatever reality is, when you go into the history books, you find that some people say he was born on the fifth of Arabella. Well, some say he was born on the ninth.

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Some say was born on the 19th.

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of course, the majority agreed on Monday the 12th.

00:50:27 --> 00:50:34

Reveal, oh, well, 570 ad. But you'll see in history books literally,

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that they have the fifth, the ninth or the 19th. So it is not agreed upon. And it was not of such importance to the people at that time, what specific day they were born on. And that is the reason why you find that, you know, his birthday was never actually taken as a celebration during his life, nor in the life of his companions, nor the Tabby No, tabea, tabin, three generations after him, it wasn't until about 1000 years after his death, that in Egypt, and in Syria, they started to celebrate his birthday. And they chose the 12th because that is the majority position, in terms of which day it actually is, they chose that and they made a celebration there. Some say the intention

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was because people had

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gotten weak in terms of giving sadaqa giving charity. So they wanted to remind them of the profits of Solomon that time and give charity. Also, of course, other other prophets and saints and other people have birthdays. So they said, Well, if they have a birthdate, and we need a birthday, there's a number of reasons. And there's arguments and counter arguments to go back and forth. But from a historical perspective, it is very clear

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there's no agree, total agreement on the actual date, the importance is that he was born. And that with this is a major change in history. I want to open up the floor for any questions that anybody may have and feedback from what has come before or especially now, in this last part. Yes.

00:52:29 --> 00:52:44

So the question is, how was it that Ibrahim alayhis salaam, started in Iraq, and then went to Palestine, Egypt and ended up in Mecca? Of course we believe that he was guided by Allah subhanaw taala. So he was literally following a type of revelation

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to go to the different places. And so he was literally led to these places through inspiration

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by Allah subhanaw taala And He found you know, the ruins of the house

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that some say was built, actually from the beginning of time in Mecca. itself. floor is open for any other questions or anybody else? Yeah, go ahead.

00:53:09 --> 00:53:14

Hashem is the one who like crushes up seeds and grains and make soup.

00:53:16 --> 00:53:43

Yeah, because there was a drought in Mecca at the time. And Ahmad himself LED, feeding other people remember my father and sakaya right? The main things of the Banu Hashim was to feed the people and to give them the drink. So he dealt with this drug was a famine and he literally with his own hands was literally involved in the feeding of the people at that time, so he got that name of being Hashem

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floors open for any questions anybody has

00:53:54 --> 00:53:55

the most important

00:53:56 --> 00:54:09

they don't really give weight to which one is but more than likely it is because water You know, when somebody comes out to desert The first thing you have to give them is water. He doesn't care about food.

00:54:10 --> 00:54:30

And we know those of us who have lived in the desert know especially if you fast in Ramadan, I can recall being in Medina with no air conditioner in the middle of the summer, you know as a poor student, you know and then when the fast comes, you know, all you can think of is water, food has no relevance.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:38

Right so so the water is the most important thing. As a loss it made every living thing from water.

00:54:40 --> 00:54:43

floors open for any other questions anybody has concerning

00:54:49 --> 00:54:50

destroyed and

00:54:55 --> 00:54:57

the incident about the army of abrar

00:55:02 --> 00:55:08

In terms of the things surrounding the birth of the protozoa, they are reported in a sock.

00:55:09 --> 00:55:16

So this is not doesn't have the same weight as a authentic hadith. But it does come within the text of

00:55:17 --> 00:55:23

a sock or even a sham, Sham, abbreviated and corrected him at a sock. So it isn't even his show.

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00:55:32 --> 00:55:38

Yeah, so many people quote these things, and it gives a general background on the time.

00:55:39 --> 00:55:43

Any other questions? Anybody has? Yeah, go ahead. So the

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00:55:47 --> 00:55:51

were he was a, he was in commerce that he traded was that?

00:55:53 --> 00:56:23

Yes, because the corporation at the time, their main business was trade, the main business of Mecca was trade. So it was like everybody, pretty much all of the males or father figures at some point involved in caravans, right, especially since the agreement that Hashem made with the Byzantine Romans. So literally, they would agree upon a time, and the Roman boats would come to us, which is on the coast, the Mediterranean coast, and they would come up from the south.

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And, of course, they were bringing from the south, they got frankincense, from our men, and also

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coffee from Ethiopia, and Yemen, mocha, and myrrh, and all types of things. Spices were coming, and they carry these products that could last in the desert. And so they brought them north and India, they got different supplies, because the Romans naturally had metal, you know, weapons, you know, tools, you know, leather, other things. They traded, you know, for these valuable things, and is really a brisk trade. And if you think about that,

00:57:03 --> 00:57:08

that's the reason why Mecca was, you know, very powerful at the time, because the Romans were

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the most powerful people in the whole of the Mediterranean at that time, so Mecca was a well, you know, place is actually on the map.

00:57:19 --> 00:57:25

In terms of the Arabian Peninsula. Yeah, it's very interesting thing, especially when you think about kazaa today,

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you know, may Allah liberated, but you see that,

00:57:30 --> 00:57:35

because I was a very important position, very strategic place on the coastline there.

00:57:37 --> 00:58:05

Because of how it's always been a port, you know, in that area where, you know, the boats have come, and also profits pass through there. You go into the Sinai Peninsula, you know, so it's, it's always been a very strategic link between Palestine, Syria and Egypt. So it's a key link going right across, then, is very important place up until today, the other general questions that anybody has.

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So the birth of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him.

00:58:11 --> 00:58:13

This was an event

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that had

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reverberations around the world.

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And after his father died, in the north,

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he was his his sponsorship or guardianship was taken over by his grandfather, Abdulmutallab. And Abdulmutallab used to

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really take care of him, he would even sit him on his on his lap as a young boy, and really give him personal attention, because,

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you know, he had lost his father. And then, you know, shortly after that, you know, he had another major loss in his life, his mother, but it isn't this early time now, when he is very young with his mother,

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that another important

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incident happens or another aspect of his life happens. And that is that the meccan leadership at the time,

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they used to send their children out to the desert to the bad year. And they would send them out there for a number of very important reasons. Because the life in the desert actually,

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you know, is is a free open type of atmosphere, whereas in the city, although it's not cluttered like our cities, but still when you're in the desert region, it's open and the you know, the air is clean, and, you know, the environment is clean, and in a sense, it doesn't have a lot of contact with foreign elements. So even people who are coming on caravans with they will carry disease with them, viruses.

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There's a lot of things that come up.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:05

Long, you know, in meeting people from other places, but outside in the bad year itself.

01:00:06 --> 01:00:10

It's a place where people naturally are physically fit.

01:00:12 --> 01:00:20

At the time, they knew how to access the wealth, and whatnot. So in a sense, it is a type of

01:00:21 --> 01:01:03

training camp that they literally would send their children to, to be in the desert in their early years. Also out in that area, the people who lived in the Bedouin tribes, they maintained the classical Arabic, the people who lived in the city, they would come in contact with other people speak in other languages. And naturally as business people, up until today, the Mexican people, if you go to hogenom, brother, they can look at you and read you for you know, your American or, you know, your European or your Chinese, they see you walk and they start talking your language. Okay, so they can at least do business in about 20 different languages. So their natural business people

01:01:03 --> 01:01:18

because of the trade, that has always gone through them, but the people in the desert don't come in contact, they don't have to learn 20 different dialects. And so they maintain, in a sense, the purity of language. And the purity of language

01:01:19 --> 01:01:21

is an important

01:01:22 --> 01:01:52

aspect of the prophethood in the sense that it is the Quran itself, which is the highest form of Arabic, that came through the prophet Muhammad SAW Salah, and has also said that when he would speak, he would speak in a very high, very classical way. So even scholars who are checking hadiths, they will listen, they will see certain Hadith being read. And part of the criticism of Hadeeth is that it's weakened language.

01:01:53 --> 01:02:24

So they'll know that's not his talk. Like he doesn't talk patois, like we do that to our new media. You know, he's speaking a high dialect of the Qureshi Arabic. So immediately, they tend to do the muhaddith can tell if somebody has invented the Hadith, not just because of the chain, but because of the metadata of the body of the Hadith itself. Okay, not only does it contradict the core and contradict Islamic values, but the literally the language within the

01:02:25 --> 01:02:53

body of the Hadith itself. So the first wetness of the Prophet peace be upon him was the labor. And the labor was the servant of his uncle, Abu lahab sobre la wasn't so bad in those days. So that was his sermon, she was the first wetness mean the one who suckled the child and then he was taken out to Halima bent out of the bedroom side, and she was on the horizon,

01:02:54 --> 01:03:40

the horizon tribe, a very big tribe. And, you know, it's so happened at that time, that they had, they were suffering from famines, and, you know, they had difficulty and she was even having some problems with their own child, or whatnot. And so they, they, what they would do is literally come in, and they would hire themselves out to to suckle a child, and to take care of the child. And because of the trust that they have, with the people of the other body, again, this is the good part of the ajaya that they trusted each other, and the tribal system as well. They could actually give their child away for a few years. And that's something which is difficult for us to do today.

01:03:41 --> 01:03:59

Even in some of the boarding schools, and residential schools, unfortunately, many terrible things happen sometimes in these boarding schools. And so people really think twice about sending their children away. But so it was that the prophet SAW Selim,

01:04:00 --> 01:04:04

was sent to Halima and

01:04:06 --> 01:04:13

the animals were suffering in the drought and she herself, but once she took over the child,

01:04:15 --> 01:04:27

the prophet SAW solemn, there was a Buttercup with him, there was a blessing. And Allah subhanaw taala had blessed him right from the early phases. So when she took the child,

01:04:28 --> 01:04:50

you know, she felt strength coming in her body, and literally, her * were filled with milk. And then the animals literally, there others with milk was overflowed. And this was strange for them, because it didn't rain out. So it's changed. It's like Buttercup, that was coming

01:04:51 --> 01:04:55

out of the child and their animals actually multiplied.

01:04:56 --> 01:04:59

And they recognize that this child was

01:05:00 --> 01:05:15

great blessing. And she wanted to return him. Really round two years old, Amina refused. And he has said that he stayed with Halima, until he's somewhere between four and five years old. So he stayed some period of time.

01:05:16 --> 01:06:03

And this is important because his language is forming. Now, when you go into the early ages, the Maharaja, maharjan, haruf, you know, how you pronounce things is forming, and the structure of your body is forming. And these early, you know, days and months are very important in the life of an individual. And so it wasn't the fourth year that while he was out in the bad year itself, that two angels came and they opened up his chest, and they removed black drops from his chest, and they cleaned it with snow. And this incident, as reported through the books of Tafseer. This is the incident called the opening of the chests in Shira. And this is, you know, in the court and itself,

01:06:03 --> 01:06:35

alumnus, ronica sadhak. Right, sort of in Shira did we not open up you know, your chest. And so it literally comes from the the the incident that happened with him as a child. So again, to understand the Quran itself, it's not all in the prophethood. It's some things before the Prophet hood. So we have to understand the circumstances surrounding the prophets of Salaam and, you know, that the Prophet would, in order to, to understand

01:06:36 --> 01:06:37


01:06:39 --> 01:06:42

when this had happened, and you know,

01:06:43 --> 01:06:49

Halima found out about this, like they were gripped with fear, they didn't know what was going on. And as reported that

01:06:50 --> 01:07:04

a group of abyssinians were actually passing through. And they, when they heard about the situation and saw the boy, they said, let us take him with us, because this boy has got a future

01:07:05 --> 01:07:06

can let us take him to Ethiopia.

01:07:08 --> 01:07:36

Okay, now remember, Ethiopia has got a large army, it's got technology. And remember that the gap between Arabia and Ethiopia is not the Pacific Ocean, right? It's only the Red Sea in Djibouti, and on the coast, on a clear day, you can see Yemen, you can see it. That's how close it is. So the cultures of the people are also very close. So they recognize that this, you know, could be a great child. But of course, they refused

01:07:38 --> 01:07:57

to give up the child, and eventually, she returned the child to the mother. And she went off to see, but scholars like Eben hajah even when they're a banal Josie and others, they say that she actually embraced Islam, with her husband and Mecca. So they record her as

01:07:58 --> 01:08:02

Sahaba Sahaba she embraced Islam. Okay, later on.

01:08:03 --> 01:08:12

And the prophet SAW, Selim used to say, I am the most eloquent of you, as I belong to kodesh. And my accent, is that of Ben Assad.

01:08:14 --> 01:08:16

Okay, so she, he literally

01:08:17 --> 01:08:39

related to Ben Mossad in terms of his accent. Okay, so so this is a great fuddle or a great preference, you know, for the band who sod, the tribe of sod. So their language is actually very important. So there are there are some great lessons in this for us. It's very important lessons. Can anybody think of any of the lessons that you get out of this?

01:08:40 --> 01:08:44

This this phase of the life of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him?

01:08:45 --> 01:08:53

any less anything for ourself in terms of our living and, you know, what not? Can anybody think of anything?

01:08:57 --> 01:08:59

for young children, for toddlers?

01:09:05 --> 01:09:10

That's right, this is gonna be a this is a crucial thing for our children today.

01:09:11 --> 01:09:19

And you see it over and over again, when you go to people's homes and you look at the children, most of the children are handheld devices like this handheld devices,

01:09:20 --> 01:09:43

spend all their time on this. Okay, where's the physical aspect, you know, of our lives is so important, the rounded Islamic personality. And so this is a type of guidance for us. Remember, go outside the city. You see it, breathe the fresh air, drink the water,

01:09:44 --> 01:10:00

be away from the cluttered, polluted atmosphere, you know, of the city. So this is one great lesson that we get out of that and so camps, we should encourage camping, our own families, our communities, go away to camps, they should spend all

01:10:00 --> 01:10:10

Summer in cat instead of the latest Batman and Spider Man, they should spend you know the time outside with real spiders and real bats.

01:10:11 --> 01:10:13

Any other questions? Yes, one any other points?

01:10:21 --> 01:10:38

Exactly. So this is important, you know, to to go out to really feel nature. Because Allah subhanaw taala is creation is perfect. We are the ones that are imperfect, and destroy the creation. But if we go outside, and we're blessed in Canada to have a lot of,

01:10:40 --> 01:10:40

you know,

01:10:41 --> 01:10:45

outside areas and parks and whatnot, go out into nature itself.

01:10:56 --> 01:11:14

Again, now remember the different types of Arabs, there is an honorable arriba the pure Arabs and then there's Mustafa. So to start about other Arab Arab eyes, Arabs, right? That's the second and of course about either the perish Arabs are the ones that are gone.

01:11:15 --> 01:11:59

And mastaba who are the majority of Arabs now are actually people who originally did not speak Arabic. So therefore their language will be affected by their formal languages and the place where they come from so you'll hear, you know, a Lebanese person, you know, they were Phoenicians, originally the Moroccans, and Algerians were Berbers. You know, Sudanese you know, some people, some people would nubians. You know, there's different languages that people actually speak, which affects the Arabic. Like I say, on the Gulf region, you'll find many people in Abu Dhabi and Bahrain and to Bay, they speak Farsi, Persian. And if you hear the Arabic It sounds almost like Persian or

01:11:59 --> 01:12:01

something, but they're speaking Arabic.

01:12:02 --> 01:12:47

But the people who live in the desert region, and up until today, and again, I'm not an expert on this, but when I learned Arabic, in Medina, I was looking around the students to see who I could learn from. And I did not want to learn, you know, from the people who will give me all these different languages, they say, like, I would say, you know, you know, they say must mooka I say Yes, me Abdullah as classical Arabic. So they would say to you, is a schmuck. Instead of must mocha, shouldn't smoke is smoke a, you know, there are all types of way of saying it, right? So I found amongst the Yemenis, I found Yemen, Yemenis. Especially we live in the desert,

01:12:48 --> 01:12:53

or the mountains, and then parts of Arabia to the ones that are way, you know, you'll get

01:12:55 --> 01:12:58

they their their local language

01:12:59 --> 01:13:12

is very high Arabic, the only thing is that you got to slow him down. Because they talk so fast, right? You can hardly understand what they're saying they talk. But if you slow him down, he's actually speaking,

01:13:13 --> 01:13:15

a type of classical Arabic.

01:13:16 --> 01:13:40

It's probably the closest, although of course, each country will say, Well, my language is the closest everybody but you know, Allah knows best. They are audible audible. That's where it originally came from. You know, and you'll still find that amongst the people who do live out there, you'll find a, you know, clear form of other words that they're using, not so affected by the thing.

01:13:41 --> 01:14:03

One lesson can be the importance of teaching youth and maybe just ourselves, how to speak our language to the best of our ability, so to speak a high level of the language you're speaking. Yes, this is important also, in other words, to give importance to language, right? And that's why the provinces alone would say, my accent is so sad.

01:14:04 --> 01:14:18

Right? So he was proud of his form of Arabic. And similarly, we should be we should be proud of our native language. And I said, in other words, lobaton, what was the language of your mother.

01:14:19 --> 01:14:25

So if your language is originally ought to do or Swahili, or Turkish, your children should know this.

01:14:26 --> 01:14:31

As well as learning Arabic, and as well as learning, of course, English.

01:14:32 --> 01:14:51

And what some young Muslims are doing today, along with their English and Arabic, they're studying Mandarin Chinese. Because if you know those three, you'll be on top of the world in the 21st century. But at least what we have to do is to know our mother tongue, not let the children Forget it.

01:14:52 --> 01:14:59

Right. They'll learn English naturally and classical Arabic as well and give emphasis to teach.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:05

learning language was the benefit of the children of all these tribes like,

01:15:07 --> 01:15:16

the better one, they were literally paid for this. So they hired themselves out. And, of course, they are the wealthy people. So for them, it's they're literally paid.

01:15:17 --> 01:15:31

And they'll also it also could mean grazing pasture rights. And there's other rights when caravans come in, you know, so there's a lot of things when you, you know, are doing something for the kodesh. But they're literally paid.

01:15:52 --> 01:16:14

As far as like traveling outside and coming back, yes, this is having a devastating effect upon the societies that are going to, you know, different countries, not just picking up the good parts, but some of the negative parts, you know, as well. And then also some of the nannies, you mean, the nannies who are taking care of the children who do not speak the language, you know, this is having a devastating effect.

01:16:17 --> 01:16:18

That's right.

01:16:19 --> 01:16:21

Yeah, so I mean, that this is,

01:16:22 --> 01:17:05

again, it's, it's how we, you know, we have to set the stage for the younger generation. And if we place importance, upon this, the child will naturally be geared towards it. And one of the key points as well is is edip it is you know, your etiquettes This is a very important thing because the Bedouins at that time, you know, they had generosity and you know, they had higher they had, you know, shame and modesty and things like this. So they You also learned that when you're out in the bathroom, you learn you know, Adam, and this is very important because the prophets are seldom distinguished himself as that he was known for a person who had, you know, good, you know, etic

01:17:05 --> 01:17:18

etiquettes. And, you know, truthfulness and straightforwardness. These are all part of the mentality of the Bedouin people at that time. Okay, the other points

01:17:19 --> 01:17:33

to touch on like communication. Yeah, there was an article I was reading about, that people who text and communicate more aren't, especially teenagers, people in their 20s and early 30s are having a tough time

01:17:34 --> 01:18:12

with communicating verbally to other people, because they spend so much time talking to each other on, on through digital devices, that they're losing the ability to communicate effectively human to human verbally through the realm. And then also the vocabulary is dropping, because we use like lol or, you know, TTY and all that stuff. And we use shorthand to communicate now. And through digital devices as if they clocked the hours in the day that people spend communicating with one another. And for a lot of people now that's actually more time communicating through digital means some days than actual, physical person to person

01:18:13 --> 01:18:32

communicating. Yeah, maybe they even have you know, that the case of a birth or at dinnertime and then the father's turning to, you know, who said, you know, said no, are you talking to your sister on your on your cell phone, like across the dinner table, right? They won't even talk, they're like, send a you know, a message, you know, across. So now, in conclusion,

01:18:34 --> 01:18:49

when this phase of his life was over, and he became around six years old, his mother journey up into yathrib, and she wanted to go to Gaza area because to visit the grave of the Father. And when she went there and came back, she became very sick.

01:18:50 --> 01:19:07

And at a place called up WA, which is in between Medina and Mecca. She passed away. And her servant, Ayman, who later became Muslim rhodiola Juana, the mother said, Amen, be a mother to my child.

01:19:08 --> 01:19:25

And she said, from that point, I never left him, either physically or spiritually. And this is a very important point. Because the whole tribalism racism thing which is in the minds of many Muslims, she literally became his second mother.

01:19:27 --> 01:20:00

To the point where, when they reach Medina, and Amun was one of the people who had to stay back after the higit, or the province and sell them to take care of his household get everything set. When she reached Medina, the Prophet peace upon literally came out to meet her. And he greeted her, and he literally cleaned her feet and rubbed shoulders. Right, she was an elderly woman, and there was no verses of hijab that were actually revealed at that time. And she remembered, you know, he remembered

01:20:00 --> 01:20:00


01:20:01 --> 01:20:06

all the way through her life. And so this is a very important incident

01:20:07 --> 01:20:13

that took place. And she literally became his second mother. Abdulmutallab, of course,

01:20:14 --> 01:20:17

you know, was his father in a sense, and

01:20:18 --> 01:20:36

but then later after two years optimo Taleb died. He was about 82 years old. At that point in the early life of the province of Solomon Abu Talib, his uncle took over as his key point. The last part about this understanding of the political settings in Mecca

01:20:38 --> 01:20:41

is that all of the positions of power in Mecca

01:20:42 --> 01:20:46

except for sakarya went to the Romanians.

01:20:47 --> 01:21:22

Now in that list, you have hot up, who is the father of Abu sufian. Right, you have omega and hottap. And above Sofia, so hot up at that point made a strong political move the people of Abu Dhabi, they had the key to the khobar and everything but they weren't doing anything with it. They had political power, they weren't doing anything. So how to make a move, and he succeeded in taking over all of the positions. Remember the five positions except for the sakarya.

01:21:23 --> 01:21:25

The sakarya stayed

01:21:26 --> 01:21:34

with the Banu Hashim and it was his uncle of the province, Allah bass, he took control of the Zamzam

01:21:35 --> 01:22:19

area for the Banu Hashim, but the immediate clan at that point, they became the dominant political power in Mecca. Okay, and this is important as a background, you will see the role of abuse of yarn and the role of the Meccans and you know what, not in terms of the struggle for power that went on from the early days. Okay, so keep this in mind. Those of you who are students of history, who want to see why things have happened, like they've happened in Islamic history and where we are going, and it is, eventually that we are waiting for a person to come from the family of the prophet SAW Selim Hashimi His name is Mohammed. His father's name is Abdullah his mother's name is Amina.

01:22:21 --> 01:22:34

He will he has a high forehead and a very hot type of nose hybridge nose, he will fill the earth with justice when it is filled with oppression is known as the muddy

01:22:35 --> 01:22:37

and and we are expecting him to come.

01:22:38 --> 01:22:43

And again, he's Hashimi and he's got to carry some of that charisma.

01:22:44 --> 01:23:06

Okay, but remember what the qualifications are and who the person is? Right? So if a person comes in Toronto and says he's the MADI right, go run the other way, right? Because we have a lot of false muddies were there. So I leave you with these thoughts. And I asked a lot of mercy on me and you are Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

3rd Class on Fiqh of Seerah held at the Islamic Institute Of Toronto

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