Abdullah Hakim Quick – The Blessings Of Becoming A Muslim

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The upcoming holiday in Australia is a depleted environment and a collapse in society, including the use of drugs and alcohol, the collapse of the world, and the extinction of humanity. The importance of belief in one God and bringing out the message of love to society is emphasized, as it is essential for practicing love to avoid future crises. The need for practitioners to teach the people to love each other and not hate each other is also emphasized, and the importance of finding a way to live in a clean and clean environment is also emphasized. The speaker discusses the importance of men in protecting their bodies and taking responsibility for their own security, and the need for women to be more aware of the negative consequences of their actions and to take initiative.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa sallam otakon while are at one Illallah Bali mi Rashad one La ilaha illallah wa Taala Shadi Kala eyeshadow anna Muhammadan Abdo who was so low, so La la la la la la la he was happy women da da da with the he was standing up so knotty la Yama Dean was seldom Sleeman kathira about

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my beloved brothers and sisters, to our friends and our guests. I begin with the greeting words of peace. A salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah

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surely all praises to to Allah, Lord of the worlds.

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And surely the best reward in the next life is for those who have Taqwa, who have the consciousness of God.

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Surely there is no animosity except for the oppressor.

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And I bear witness that Allah is one and has no partners. And that Mohammed, the son of Abdullah is a servant, and His Messenger, may Allah always and constantly send peace and blessings to Mohammed, and to his family and his companions, and all those who call to his way, and establish his sooner to the Day of Judgment, as to what follows, I want to begin also by giving you the slums, the word of peace, from your brothers and sisters, and from people who are living in North America.

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And also, I want to bring a special greeting from the people of South Africa. So you hear in Australia, not only to the Muslim community, but I want to begin formally by bringing a word of peace and solidarity to the Aboriginal people.

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And I say this, for personal reasons. That is because we are in a changing time.

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We are in a time, where the earth now is going through crisis. And many of the in Justices of the past are now coming into collision with society.

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And so people throughout this world are beginning to understand the importance of returning to the natural way to the roots, to the foundations of society.

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And so it is an important action.

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For myself personally,

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who basically coming from the United States, and having lived in Canada, my family would be classified as African American. However, my grandmother was a mohawk of the red Indians. And, and so it is our customary way to ask permission from the Aboriginal people here in this land.

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And if the representatives are not here tonight, tonight, it's my duty to somehow see somebody from them and to ask permission to be here.

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And to give them our respect, and our love and our solidarity.

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I come tonight with a sense of joy for being in Australia, because it's a long time before I went down under, as they say,

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but the joy that I have within myself is also touched with a sense of urgency.

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And that urgency has really come to fruit within my life, as a North American, have been living in South Africa, because South Africa today is one of the most important countries in terms of exposing the ills of the world, and also giving possible solutions to the ills and to the problems in the area that I am living in, in the cape flats.

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We have the second highest murder rate on Earth, outside of wartime situations, in a peacetime situation, in our area in the cape flats, only Bogota, Colombia has a higher murder rate than in our area. And the other night for those South Africans who may be here. I was going home into my house in Syria states, in Cape Town, and I heard something that sounded like fireworks. And I said, well, it's not the national holiday. And then I realized it was coming from a section called men and Berg in Cape Town and itself, it was automatic gunfire. And it sounds like the Vietnam War, or the Gulf War or something like that. And it was only about three blocks away from my house. But by the will

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of Allah subhanaw taala. Although there is a hot war going on, in that side of the town, just three blocks away, people are living in a state of peace.

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We don't have any violence in our area. And it's like another planet. And I reflect it to myself, Could it be because of the apartheid system, apartheid separates people, it puts you into a space into a block based upon your color, or based upon your religion. But apartheid on paper is gone.

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So what is the difference now what is going on the apartheid system is gone. There are no police in the street. But there's something separating the two sections of the town.

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I reflected on this. And I realized that

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in our area, it's 90% Muslim.

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And so the people who are living in this area, have a different lifestyle.

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And so the lifestyle has something to do with the environment around you with the actual the atmosphere that is around you. And I reflected upon this, as a person who has made a number of very serious changes in my own life, I reflected upon the mercy of being Muslim at that point. Because if I wasn't Muslim, I may be caught in this hot war that was going on only about three blocks away from my home.

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In South Africa, also,

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we have probably the highest rate of HIV infection on Earth.

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It is said that one out of every four people in South Africa is HIV positive.

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This is an epidemic. This is a crisis. And I don't necessarily except I am one of those people. If there are any doctors or scientists here, I don't accept all of the of the facts that are coming in the press about what AIDS is and what HIV is. Because we know that a person who is who has tuberculosis or who had malaria, or had hepatitis, who took the HIV test would also come HIV positive, but whether it is the de virus, whether it is that virus, or whether it is tuberculosis, or malaria or hepatitis, or

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vitamin deficiency

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or lack of proper eating, whatever it is, we are in crisis in terms of our lifestyle.

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And I reflected because in terms of proportions, you will find the difference between Muslims and non Muslims is a drastic amount almost sometimes 500% difference 500% less people who are Muslims are HIV positive than non Muslims. And what is this it's not an apartheid

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statistic. What could make the difference I realized again, lifestyle, lifestyle, because in order to to, to conquer or to defeat

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sexually transmitted disease, then the best way is abstinence. The best way is to know who you're marrying. She knows you, she knows you, you know her. You each know the families, you're trying to live a clean life, you don't take drugs and alcohol, and you're basically moving in the same direction. And then your chances of getting this virus have lessened

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to address tech degree.

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In South Africa, also, there are drugs pouring into our city. And because Cape Town is right on the waterfront, it is the western coasts in South Africa, and it faces South America, and then is easily to come from West Africa, North America from Europe, it is probably the key drug entry point for the whole of Southern Africa. Maybe even at this point, the whole of Africa today, it's coming through Cape Town. And so there is a sense of urgency because all of these drugs are pouring into our communities with exotic names. And the young people are taking drugs like ecstasy, and as though they are going into a state of ecstasy, and all these exotic lovely names are being put on

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substances that can have you addicted for the rest of your life. And so therefore,

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in this land, people are questioning their existence. People are asking why, why am I here? And where am I going?

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Because there is a strong possibility that you can die. Now we know that death is something which is written for all human beings. No matter where you live, no matter what your economic standard is, we all must taste it. But those who are facing death,

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I guess think about it more, because the possibility of it happening is greater.

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And so lifestyle, and being a Muslim,

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and I questioned myself about this, I questioned the countries that Muslims lived in.

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And I questioned the reality of Islam today.

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When you look at the root term, and this is very important for those non Muslims who may be here tonight, when you look at the root term, or the root of the word, Islam, you find selama, which actually comes from peace. And so it is a form of Islam. It is a surrender or submission. And in that surrender, the person is actually seeking peace. Now, that's contrary to what we've learned in the mass media today. Because the the mass media, especially Hollywood, has a tendency to give stereotypes to groups of people. And for some reason, an economic reason or political reason, after the fall of the Soviet Union.

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And the the end of the war between the capitalist countries and the communist countries. For some reason, Muslims have now been designated as the enemy. And so Hollywood is after us. And our young people are bombarded with this when I was growing up in America, the bad guys were usually Japanese, Germans and Russians.

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Today now the bad guys are usually Spanish drug cartels,

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Afro American gangs, but the most sinister character you can bring to the screen is a terrorist. He seizes his hostages, and he won't release them until you release his comrades from the jails. And then the heroes of society go into motion. You probably know some of them. One, his name is Chuck Norris.

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Arnold swats nigga, the guy with the big muscles are Steven Seagal, with the little ponytail. And so they go into motion to read the world of the new terror.

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This is a form of stereotyping and propaganda. Because the reality that I found out is that Muslims are living in every part of the planet. And that the majority of Muslims actually do not come from the Middle East. I have the opportunity to travel around to Muslim countries and to travel around the earth. And we realize and you are living here in Southeast Asia, and we realize the size of the population in Indonesia, and then going up into China. This is not known by people who are living in North America. You may not be aware of the fact that Islam right now is the second largest religion in North America. It's the second largest religion in the UK and much of Europe, and it is growing

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in leaps and bounds

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If you take the prison population in the United States, right now, it was reported to me that last year, over 300,000, people embraced Islam. And so it is growing in large numbers. And people are saying, why is this thing growing? I mean, if the if Muslims are a little terrorist group, and they want to blow everything up in sight, and either they're killed, or they're killing somebody, then why would all these people in the United States and UK, in Norway, in Sweden, in Germany, in all parts of the world, why would they be accepting this face? The reality is something far different.

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That the word Islam is actually a qualitative term.

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This is very important points, that being Muslim does not connect you with any particular race, or any particular nationality, or any particular linguistic group. Actually, when we speak about Islam, we are talking about fitrah, we are talking about the natural state, being in sync or being in tune with the environment. And so with that definition, the sun, which is moving in its own orbit, the moon, moving in its own orbit, all of the planets are Muslims, the insect world

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moving with instinct, they are Muslims. Anything that submits to the natural order within the universe is in a state of Islam. That is the root definition of the term, before we bring our politics and our economics and our stereotyping and our racism before that comes in. That is actually what the word Muslim means. And one of the key elements within Islam or I should say, the key element within Islam is La Ilaha, Illa, Allah, there is nothing worthy of worship but Allah, or the Creator of the heavens in the earth. And this is a concept that was shared by people. throughout time,

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profits came to China, profits came to India, profits came to Australia, profits came to Europe, to Africa to the Americas, a lot tells us in the in the Quran, welaka bafna, equally oma Rasulullah

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Ania, boo de la ha watch Telly but toggled, we have sent to every nation, a messenger, that they would worship Allah, and stay away from false gods. And so every oma every nation, has at one point in time received a messenger,

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I've had the opportunity to investigate into the folk cultures of people throughout the planet. And you will find in most of the cultures that preserve their history in an oral form, or in a written form, you will find some sort of discussion of an individual who came to them at one point in time, and told them, don't worship yourself. Don't worship the created things. don't worship the sun, but you should worship the creator of all created things go past the material things in life, and go to the one who is not masculine, who is not feminine, who initiated life, who's whose creation is between Kappa noon who said couldn't fire Khun B, and it is and creation began.

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And so with that root definition, you will find amongst the Aboriginal people in Australia, in the Americas, in Africa, all throughout the planet, as well as you will find people in nations in Europe, in Africa and Asia, you will find this discussion of the belief in one God. And so the concept of La ilaha illAllah. tauheed is a type of unity. It is unifying things, bringing things together. In the religious sense, it gives us the concept of one God, but in a physical sense, in a social sense. It also tells us that all of humanity is one.

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And we are actually cousins. We're all part of the same family.

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And in an educational sense. tawheed is a type of inclusion. And you will find that the followers of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him who came over 1400 years ago, who we see as the finality of a long line of prophets and messengers who came from the beginning of time that when he sent his followers out, they base they had a thirst for knowledge

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and they

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Realize that hikma ballots are not meant that this wisdom, knowledge is the last property of a believer. Search for knowledge, secret secret siru, fill out, travel into the earth. And so you will find in most of the parts of the world, written information, you'll find some of the oldest maps. And the oldest information in most of the countries of the world are in Arabic. And I was surprised to know that the oldest map of Australia is what was written in Arabic. Allah, what is me? Who did this map, it is the oldest preserved map of Australia on written record. We also found in America, in 1956, LMS, Rudy did a map of America and he did a map of the world. And he drew America and he

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said, out of moduler, unknown territory, it is the oldest preserved map. And so the Muslims then traveled throughout the earth. And then going to different countries, they actually took in the knowledge of the ancient ones, they took in the knowledge of the ancient Egyptians, the knowledge of the Chinese, the knowledge of India, the knowledge of the Middle East, the knowledge of the Greeks of the Romans, and put it in a towheaded type of form.

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And this is one of the most important blessings of being Muslim. And some of us don't even realize

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it is a toe hermetic understanding, to be able to look at another culture and say, in every culture, there is truth.

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And if there is truth in that culture, if there is science, if there is knowledge, I want to share in that. And if I have something to give to the people, especially this towheaded concept of one God, then it is my duty to give that to the people so that they will be able to at least enjoy that privilege of that understanding of worshiping one God. And so with this towheaded understanding Muslims then developed

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a great society. You know, we talk about the Millennium today, we say this is the millennium, and you were in an area where a lot of people want it to be in right in the Pacific, you know, for the start of the millennium.

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In the first millennium 1000 ad, the largest city in the world was Cordova, Cordova, we would say

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there were over a million people living in the city. This is when there was no New York City. There was no Los Angeles, there was no Dallas, Texas,

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London, and Paris, were only small villages. The great capitals of the world actually had to look toward the Muslim world. This is where the towheaded understanding came into play, bringing in the knowledge of all the peoples of the world. And so it was a common thing at that time, in Cordoba, and Granada and Toledo and Seville, and the great cap capitals, but especially there, it was common for a Muslim to be able to read and speak Arabic, also to read Latin,

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also to speak a dialect of Spanish. And then because people were coming in from Germany, and they were coming from different parts of the world, they were able to pick up many different languages, and then translate the knowledge of the Ancient Ones, and put it in this new form. And so the present day modern system owes its basis to Muslims. This might be a shock to you. Because if Muslims are only trying to blow up the world, how can they do anything positive?

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Zero is an Arabic letters a cipher, the concept of zero, which was probably first used in ancient Egypt, I had the chance to go to Egypt, to miss up to Saqqara, the temple of Saqqara, and underneath the temple of Saqqara, there are hieroglyphic writings on there, that was zero and decimal numbers. This is like 3000 BC.

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They had zero and decimal numbers. They were doing complicated brain surgery, they knew the nervous system, and they knew the skeletal system.

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In ancient India, they were also using zero

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for a long time. So the Muslims took this, this knowledge, brought it together and gave us the present system that we have. And so 12345 is the Arabic numeral system. you're counting in Arabic. The computer, the binary numbers, is Arabic. So the basis of the computer age actually came out of what we would call the

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The Golden Age of Islam, where Muslims developed our understandings like algebra, from Java. Also our calculus, trigonometry, all of these were expanded and developed by Muslims, the scientific method. The basis of alchemy is alchimia.

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Chemistry, the scientific method, also even the historical method, and when we read, even Khaldoon is mocha Dima, we see the basis of the historical method. Some even say that history comes from a store as aterial Oberlin. It is the stories of those who came before us. And so the basis of the science that we have today, the basis of city states, the basis of civil society, civil are organized, structured society, came in its modern sense, out of Muslim capitals, because the Roman Empire had fallen. And China was landlocked, it wasn't affecting the rest of the world. And so it was the Muslims who took this knowledge, and then made it available to the world in a towheaded

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form. Now, one of the important things that was done in that time, is that the environment was seen to be

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the creation of a law. And so therefore, if you were a scientist, and you were doing a scientific experiment, you wanted to bring water into the city. And it is said in Cordoba, and Granada, the water was flowing in every home had running water, the streets were lit for 20 kilometres in any direction. This was a time when the great capitals of Europe were in darkness.

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At that point, this towheaded understanding. So how do they bring the water in, they don't fight against nature. They don't see nature as the enemy. They understand the principles of nature, and then use gravity building aqueducts, building canals, and by using the power that Allah subhanaw taala, the creator put into the earth of gravity, then the water comes naturally down from the mountain, and it flows into everybody's home. So you don't have to dam anything up. You don't have to destroy anything, but you flow with nature. You see, that's what Islam really means. It's the fitrah it says move with the gravity, don't fight gravity, but flow along with the gravity, and then

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use that power in order to benefit yourself and benefit humanity. What is happening today, we are living in a world that is about to explode, or implode to destroy itself. Recently in South Africa, a group of the leading scientists on earth came together. And they studied the environment. They studied archaeology. They studied the movement of people the movement of living things, and they came to the conclusion that we are on the verge of what is called the sixth extinction.

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From their findings, they will find great extinctions, and you have to go back hundreds and 1000s of years. And you will see because of what possibly could have been asteroid impact. Carbon Dioxide

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changes massive carbon dioxide poisoning our continental drift.

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You'll find that forms of life were destroyed. At this point in time.

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There were five extinctions. We are living in the sixth extinction. And in this extinction, it is said that the victims would be plantlife mammal, it would be mammals, okay, mainly it would be mammals and birds. plantlife was before reptiles was before this time, the victims would be mammals and birds. And we have killed over 50% of mammal life on this earth.

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You will be shocked to know that half of the rivers and water and fresh water bodies on Earth are now polluted. In Canada, we live under acid rain, which means because the pollution coming out of our factories that sometimes when it rains out, the rain is poison.

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So the rain that was supposed to be aurasma a mercy from Allah is adab it's a punishment from Allah subhanaw taala coming down upon our heads, and so it is turned around. Only 40% of the anxious rain forests are left

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We have destroyed 60% of the trees on disperse.

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Fish are dying.

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All types of animals are dying. diseases are coming amongst us that we never knew before.

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Muslims have the key to this problem. And sorta room loss apart Allah tells us to huddle. pasado Phil Barbary well Baja, Pema casaba ins legal De Pere home bartoletti amilo, la la homi, Algerian corruption has appeared on the land and the sea, because of what people's hands have done, and we will make them taste something of what they have earned, in order that they would return to the path. And so we see corruption alpha sad, is on the bottom and Baja.

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Now, it's interesting to note and you will find in tafsir, aliquoted, Tabby, you will find that the Sahaba actually the companions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them, they spoke about this ayah some of their discussions was the fact that, that this facade filberg, it would be hot, didn't listen about that the droughts would come and that vegetation would decrease. And that the Baraka, they have the Baraka that the Baraka is leaving, and most of the countries of the world.

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You will see that life 20 years ago was different than life now.

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It was slower,

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and that things were more natural. And the foods are starting to change. Now with the DDD modernization, with the misuse of technology, and life is starting to speed up most of us looking at our watch most of the time, we don't even have time for our own families. We don't have time anymore for our own self, the burqa is gone, the blessings are gone.

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They also spoke about alpha sad film

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in PETA, say the law that the the fish in the sea would be cut off, they would decrease. This is an amazing toughs here, because this Tafseer shows us the environmental problem that we have having.

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Because of what we did with our hands, we had the technology and we misused it, we were more interested in making money

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than we were in preserving life and looking to the natural society. And this is where in the Aboriginal societies, you will see that people lived in a natural way.

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And now in Africa, there are scientists who are coming to different people in Africa and going back and trying to find out how do these people live? How can these people live along with with with the environment itself? I was in East Africa once on the island of llama. llama was in Kenya. So on the island of Lhamo, the Swedish scientists were there. And the Swedes were looking to the Swahili culture to try to find out how did they live with the environment, they were Muslims. Now, one of the interesting things is that

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in this in the Swahili culture, they are eating, they use the coconut. The coconut is a key part of the diet. Also they are eating fish. And sometimes when they serve the food, they serve it on the leaf of the banana tree. That's your plate. Well, they use wood natural products. And so after you finish eating your food, then you throw away the waste and it goes naturally into the environment. And it is able to mix with the environment. And then came Coca Cola

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when Coca Cola hits and Pepsi Cola came after you finished drinking your Coke, and you throw away your can, oh, you throw away your plastic, where does it go? It doesn't mix with the soils. It festers. And it becomes poisonous after a while. And so even though we are able to drink Coca Cola on the top of the Himalayan mountains, or in the middle of the desert, we can drink a coke.

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Even though we're able to do that, we are destroying the environment all over the earth. And so the Muslims have the key

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and that is living in a natural way with your environment. Use your science with respect for life before you develop something. Before you develop a piece of technology. You have to ask yourself what will be the impact the environmental impact upon my society today. And in America, the native people look three generations

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before they move into an area before they build a house, they say what will be the impact for three generations before we make this move. And that is how people have to think about the environment now, before it turns against us completely, and the sixth extinction is completed.

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In the area of racism,

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it is stocking the land. And people of different colors, and different ethnic groups are starting to look at each other as enemies. Sometimes for reasons that don't make sense at all.

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for political reasons, ego, for sometimes just fighting over a little piece of land. You find ethnic groups fighting against each other. When Islam came, it said there is no fuddle there is no preference for the Arab over the non Arab or the non Arabs over the Arabs. There is no preference of white over black or black over white in love with taqwa It is only with piety and right action

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in your consciousness of God. This is what separates people.

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And that type of thinking, needs to be re instituted into society itself.

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On the spiritual level,

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we recently went through a big change in the Easter season. And I know that Easter is also a very big celebration here. Now what happens? What's happening to many young people, and I went through this crisis myself as being a Christian from a Christian family. I went through this crisis, because in trying to worship God, I was very much into the Lord's Prayer. And it's a worshiping one God. And then when Easter came, and I used to study history a lot. And they said, it's Easter season, and suddenly I saw eggs, bunny rabbits, chickens. I said, Wait a minute, man. What did this egg have to do with Jesus? He saw Islam. What does a bunny rabbits have to do with Jesus? in studying the

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history, we found out that there were actually nature base coats in Europe in many parts of the world, and you have what is called the spring solstice.

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And when the winter season goes, and when the spring came in, the people who worship the sun and who worship they worship is based upon natural changes. They had a goddess whose name was Australian, or Australian. That's where the word Easter comes from. And they said she used to wave her wand at everything that was dead would then come back to life. Okay, so that's Easter. So when the Christians came now, the followers of Isa Islam, they came into Greece, and they were spreading the teachings in in Greece and in Rome, and they came into these events, Easter and Christmas, the winter solstice. According to our historians, and many of the Christian historians, Jesus, easily

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Islam was probably born in the warm weather.

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And it shows you because when that when the taxes were being collected, it is because the harvest also the shepherds have their flocks outside. You can't have your flops outside and Philistine at nighttime in the wintertime. So most of your your records will will will point to the fact he was born in the warm weather. Why then, is his birthday celebrate on December 25? Why do you have a Christmas tree? Why do you have a mistletoe? Why do you have Holly? Why do you have Santa Claus and Santa Claus has now become more important than Jesus? I don't know how important Santa Claus is. and Australia is a year

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it's pretty far away from the North Pole. Where I come from, you know, this is North Pole country man Santa he just goes a little way to get to us. Why now is Santa Claus so important? Because December 25 was a day called Saturn Aliya.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:59

For Saturn, the God of the sun. Bacchanalia for Bacchus, the Greek god of wine and sport and play. December 25. Was the birthday of Misra or mistress. Look it up in the encyclopedia. look up the word Christmas in the encyclopedia. look up the word Easter. And you will find it is a nature based cult that has been combined with the teachings of Isa de Salaam. And when the Romans were torturing people in their coliseums and the Roman Emperor, he wants to have a good time. So he says, feed these Christians to the lions. feed these Christians to hyena. Today we go to the Coliseum and we watch rugby. We watch football and they fight each other

00:40:00 --> 00:40:14

But in those days, they had, they would feed the Christians. So somebody amongst the early Christian missionaries, some place, they said, you know, there's an old saying, if you can't beat them, join them.

00:40:15 --> 00:40:21

You can't beat them join them. So we need to make this religion interesting or fear seeming

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to those who have the winter solstice, and the summer solstice. And so the mixture then came, and suddenly it came about with a new way of life. And that is the reason why a Christian can look at a Jew today and say, I'm not a Jew.

00:40:39 --> 00:40:47

Actually, the followers of Jesus Peace be part of all of them were Jewish. And he came very clearly, not to destroy the law of Moses.

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Not to break it up, but to fulfill the law to keep the Sabbath. But the Sabbath is disrespected. The last of Moses is disrespected. So it's a different way of life. And a confusion then comes in, we are not sure which holiday you're celebrating.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:20

You give your friend a nice easter egg. Even some Muslims who don't understand this history, one of the Muslims they came, it was Mohammed Ahmed, or something like that. And they brought me an Easter egg and they said mojarra Mubarak.

00:41:22 --> 00:41:39

So they had without pain. They have two bidders, one from Muharram. And they also have the easter egg without a modern Mubarak on an Easter egg. Okay. And so the confusion comes in and Muslims have the solution.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:51

That is the straight belief in one God iaca nabooda. Er can Stein, you alone allowed we worship, and to you alone, we seek our help.

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On the economic level,

00:41:57 --> 00:41:59

we are living in a state of confusion.

00:42:00 --> 00:42:02

And as I left from South Africa,

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and I'm coming into Australia,

00:42:06 --> 00:42:45

and we're trying to figure out prices. So you say okay, the RAND, the Australian dollar, the American dollar, the Canadian dollar, this one is up and that one is down, and this one is in the middle. And we're always in a state of confusion, because the money is going up and is going down in South America, right spent a lot of time in Mexico and the peso and other things. I mean, this money is useless, you want to buy anything, and you need to bring in a wheelbarrow full of money. If you want to buy just you know, something to drink. So why is it going up and down? Because the bills that we have are false promissory notes.

00:42:47 --> 00:43:06

The bill was originally set up in order to give you a promise to say that if you have one Australian dollar, then the bank has an equivalent of gold. And so now you're gold, you have a promissory note. And the amount of your gold is being preserved by the bank.

00:43:07 --> 00:43:47

But with a system of interest, where people were lending the money and making money without having the gold. Now, there are so many promissory notes, and there's no goal to back it up. So therefore the American dollar is the strongest dollar in the world. You come to Australia, you say and people look at you. I have a US dollar. Everybody borrows to the US dollar. Right? This is the new sister. Right to the to the heart, the one I on top of the pyramid. In the dollar bill. Everybody's making frustration. Why are you prostrating to the US dollar? The Americans have the largest debt on earth? They owe something like $400 billion.

00:43:48 --> 00:43:59

They're in debt, more than any country in the world. Why is the currency the most powerful? Because you're living in a system that is not real. It's an illusion.

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It's an illusion, the same way your bond or your mortgage, it's an illusion.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:14

And you go to the bank in South Africa, we have people are driving BMWs. in Cape Town, there's more BMW than in Germany.

00:44:16 --> 00:44:37

That drive and BMW for when you look at the people, nine out of 10 people don't even own the vehicle. The bank owns it. But he says it's my car, and I look good. He's driving his BMW. It's an illusion, is what we used to call in America. You know, you have biology, psychology, it's called trick knology.

00:44:39 --> 00:45:00

Trick knology understand that trick knology. It's an illusion that has been made and put in front of our eyes. And so it is a great blessing to be a Muslim. To have a way of life that has a complete clear belief in one God to have a way of life. That does not mean

00:45:00 --> 00:45:23

Make a white man superior to a black man, to have a way of life, where white and black and black and white learn to love each other, not to hate each other, to have a way of life that has a science that can take us out of the environmental crisis, to have a way of life that has an interest free economies,

00:45:24 --> 00:45:37

to have a way of life, who will be governed by a Khalifa and not by a president or a king, or Prime Minister, or any false construct, but to be ruled by a Khalifa

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that is part of the blessing of being a Muslim. But I want to say in conclusion to the Muslims, who are here tonight, that Islam needs practitioners.

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In order for Islam, to come alive in the land, somebody has to be Muslim.

00:45:58 --> 00:46:00

It can't just be in the books.

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There are no more profits to come.

00:46:04 --> 00:46:06

There, no more messengers to come.

00:46:07 --> 00:46:47

And so I leave a message to you, from your brothers and sisters in North America and Cape Town. That there are three ways of the many ways that we can have a positive impact on this society right now. And I know and I believe in Sharla, that you already have begun the work. The first is toe heat, that we need to get to every home. In Australia, the concept of tau heat, that everybody has a chance to learn that there is a way of life that has a scientific system, a political system, and economic system, a social system, at the basis of this way of life is the belief in God.

00:46:51 --> 00:47:14

So he also makes us brothers and sisters in humanity. It also respects knowledge wherever it comes from. And so we need to get this message out to society. Secondly, taharah purity. First, the harder to add to cart, the purity of belief that Muslims number one needs to go back to the lines of their faith

00:47:15 --> 00:47:45

and to purify their faith, to take out any false teachings that have come inside this faith all along the way. And take us back to the first three generations, the first generation of the sell off of those who came and got the message directly from us loss of the seller, or the ones who took it from them, we need to be able to go back to that fresh water and drink the fresh water and make it alive in the land. I don't mean just drinking the water and then stay at home.

00:47:47 --> 00:47:50

Because the second part of the message is to take it out to people

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to harlots is better than

00:47:54 --> 00:47:55

purity of the body.

00:47:57 --> 00:47:59

teaching the proper cleanliness, hygiene,

00:48:00 --> 00:48:13

also taharah in relationships between people, that people have to realize the condom is not the solution to AIDS, the condom only increases AIDS.

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And I don't know who it was who started this is probably the condom making factories that actually start pushing this thing, because it didn't even work for venereal disease, calling to the good and forbidding evil. This is another great mission of the Muslims.

00:48:31 --> 00:49:10

This can be done in a very positive way, working with civil society, and showing the people in the society that there are those who will stand up against drug dealers who will stand up against crime, when it's happening in society. Stand up against racism, stand up against anything that will destroy the society, destroy the environment and ruin our planets. This is an important mission of the Muslims. And we have been commanded by Allah subhanaw taala to take this out to the people and to let every home hear this message. And so I leave you with these words. And I echo

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the words that came in the beginning in the Australian way of boomerang. As we heard in the beginning, women accidental colon, men men died a lot umami lasagna, we'll call it in the middle muslimeen and who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah and does righteous deeds? And he says surely I am from the Muslims. Apollo holy Heather was thoughtful lolly welcome. I said what I have said, and I asked a lot of mercy upon me and you were Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

00:49:48 --> 00:50:00

came in its modern sense out of Muslim capitals. Because the Roman Empire had fallen. And China was landlocked. It wasn't affecting the rest of the world.

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And so it was the Muslims who took this knowledge and then made it available to the world in a towheaded form. Now one of the important things that was done in that time is that the environment was seen to be

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the creation of Allah. And so therefore, if you are a scientist, and you were doing a scientific experiment, you wanted to bring water into the city. And it is said in Cordoba, and Granada, the water was flowing in every home had running water, the streets were lit for 20 kilometres in any direction. This was a time when the great capitals of Europe were in darkness.

00:50:45 --> 00:51:31

At that point, this towheaded understanding. So how do they bring the water in, they don't fight against nature. They don't see nature as the enemy. They understand the principles of nature, and then use gravity building aqueducts, building canals, and by using the power that Allah subhanaw taala, the creator put into the earth of gravity, then the water comes naturally down from the mountain, and it flows into everybody's home. So you don't have to dam anything up. You don't have to destroy anything, but you flow with nature. You see, that's what Islam really means. It's the fitrah it says move with the gravity, don't fight gravity, but flow along with the gravity, and then

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use that power in order to benefit yourself and benefit humanity. What is happening today, we are living in a world that is about to explode, or implode to destroy itself. Recently in South Africa, a group of the leading scientists on earth came together. And they studied the environment. They studied archaeology. They studied the movement of people the movement of living things, and they came to the conclusion that we are on the verge of what is called the sixth extinction.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:25

From their findings, they will find great extinctions and you have to go back hundreds and 1000s of years. And you will see because of what possibly could have been asteroid impact. Carbon Dioxide

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changes massive carbon dioxide poisoning, continental drift,

00:52:32 --> 00:52:38

you'll find that forms of life were destroyed. At this point in time

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there were five extinctions we are living in the sixth extinction. And in this extinction, it is said that the victims would be plant life mammal, it will be mammals. Okay, mainly it would be mammals and birds. plant life was before reptiles was before this time, the victims would be mammals and birds. And we have killed over 50% of mammal life on this earth. You will be shocked to know that half of the rivers and water and freshwater bodies on Earth are now polluted.

00:53:23 --> 00:53:33

In Canada we live under acid rain, which means because the pollution coming out of our factories that sometimes when it rains out, the rain is poison.

00:53:34 --> 00:53:56

So the rain that was supposed to be aurasma a mercy from Allah is adab it's a punishment from Allah subhanaw taala coming down upon our heads and so it is turned around. Only 40% of the ancient rain forests are left we have destroyed 60% of the trees on disperse.

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Fish are dying.

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All types of animals are dying.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:06

diseases are coming amongst us that we never knew before.

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Muslims have the key to this problem. And so to Rome, loss of power part Allah tells us to huddle for Sal to fill battery well baja Pima cassava INS liyu, deeper home basil that the amilo the Allah homi Algerian corruption has appeared on the land and the sea because of what people's hands have done. And we will make them taste something of what they have earned, in order that they would return to the path. And so we see corruption alpha sad is on the bottom and Baja.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:59

Now it's interesting to note and you will find in tafsir alkota Tabby, you will find that the Sahaba actually the companions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon them. They spoke about this ayah

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Some of the discussions was the fact that, that this facade filberg, it would be hard to listen about, that the droughts would come, and that vegetation would decrease. And that the Baraka, the herbal, Baraka, Baraka is leaving. And in most of the countries of the world,

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you will see that life 20 years ago was different than life now,

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it was slower,

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and that things were more natural, and the foods are starting to change. Now, with the DDT modernization, with the misuse of technology, and life is starting to speed up most of us looking at our watch most of the time, we don't even have time for our own families. We don't have time anymore for our own self, the Buttercup is gone, the blessings are gone. They also spoke about LFSR Silva in PETA, say that,

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that the the fish in the sea would be cut off, they would decrease. This is an amazing toughs here, because this tab here shows us the environmental problem that we are having.

00:56:15 --> 00:56:24

Because of what we did with our hands, we had the technology, and we misused it, we were more interested in making money

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than we were in preserving life. And looking to the natural society. And this is where in the Aboriginal societies, you will see that people lived in a natural way.

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And now in Africa, there are scientists who are coming to different people in Africa, and going back and trying to find out how do these people live? How can these people live along with with with the environment itself? I was in East Africa once on the island of llama, llama was in Kenya. So on the island of La Mo, the Swedish scientists were there. And the Swedes were looking to the Swahili culture to try to find out how did they live with the environment, they were Muslims. Now, one of the interesting things is that

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in the in the Swahili culture, they are eating, they use the coconut, the coconut is a key part of the diet. Also, they are eating fish. And sometimes when they serve the food, they serve it on the leaf of the of the banana tree. That's your plate. Well, they use wood natural products. And so after you finish eating your food, then you throw away the waste, and it goes naturally into the environment. And it is able to mix with the environment. And then came Coca Cola

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when Coca Cola hits, and Pepsi Cola came after you finished drinking your Coke, and you throw away your can, oh, you throw away your plastic, where does it go? It doesn't mix with the soils. It festers. And it becomes poisonous after a while. And so even though we are able to drink Coca Cola on the top of the Himalayan mountains, or in the middle of the desert, we can drink a coke.

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Even though we're able to do that, we are destroying the environment all over the earth. And so the Muslims have the key.

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And that is living in a natural way with your environment. Use your science with respect for life. Before you develop something. Before you develop a piece of technology. You have to ask yourself, what will be the impact the environmental impact upon my society today. And in America, the native people look three generations before they move into an area before they build a house. They say what will be the impact for three generations before we make this move.

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And that is how people have to think about the environment now before it turns against us completely. And the sixth extinction is completed.

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In the area of racism.

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It is stocking the land and people of different colors. And different ethnic groups are starting to look at each other as enemies. Sometimes for reasons that don't make sense at all.

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for political reasons, ego for some time just fighting over a little piece of land. You find ethnic groups fighting against each other when Islam came. It said there is no fuddle there is no preference for the Arab over the non Arab or the non Arabs over the Arabs. There is no preference of white over black or black over white in love with taqwa It is only with piety and right action

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in your consciousness of God. This is what separates people

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That type of thinking needs to be reinstituted into society itself.

01:00:07 --> 01:00:09

On the spiritual level,

01:00:11 --> 01:00:59

we recently went through a big change in the Easter season. And I know that Easter is also a very big celebration here. Now what happened to what's happening to many young people, and I went through this crisis myself as being a Christian from a Christian family. I went through this crisis, because in trying to worship God, I was very much into the Lord's Prayer. And it's a worshiping one God. And then when Easter came, and I used to study history a lot. And they said, it's Easter season, and suddenly I saw eggs, bunny rabbits, chickens. I said, Wait a minute, man. What did this egg have to do with Jesus? He said, Lisa, what is a bunny rabbits have to do with Jesus. In studying the

01:00:59 --> 01:01:09

history, we found out that they were actually nature base coats in Europe in many parts of the world, and you have what is called the spring solstice.

01:01:10 --> 01:01:58

And when the winter season goes, and when the spring came in, the people who worship the sun and who worship they worship is based upon natural changes. They had a goddess whose name was Australian, or Australian. That's where the word Easter comes from. And they said she used to wave her wand at everything that was dead would then come back to life. Okay, so that's Easter. So when the Christians came now, the followers of Isa Islam, they came into Greece, and they were spreading the teachings in in Greece and in Rome, and they came into these events, Easter and Christmas, the winter solstice. According to our historians, and many of the Christian historians, Jesus, Isa lay

01:01:58 --> 01:02:01

Salam was probably born in the warm weather.

01:02:02 --> 01:02:32

And it shows you because when that when the taxes were being collected, it is because the harvest also the shepherds have their flocks outside. You can't have your flocks outside and Philistine at nighttime in the wintertime. So most of your your records will will will point to the fact he was born in the warm weather. Why then, is his birthday celebrate on December 25? Why do you have a Christmas tree? Why do you have a mistletoe? Why do you have Holly?

01:02:33 --> 01:02:43

Why do you have Santa Claus and Santa Claus has now become more important than Jesus? I don't know how important Santa Claus is in Australia is here.

01:02:45 --> 01:03:02

It's pretty far away from the North Pole. Where I come from, you know, this is North Pole country man Santa. He just goes a little way to get to us. Why now is Santa Claus so important? Because December 25, was a day called Saturnalia.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:55

For Saturn, the God of the sun, Bacchanalia for Bacchus, the Greek god of wine and sport and play. December 25, was the birthday of Misra or mithras, look it up in the encyclopedia, look up the word Christmas in the encyclopedia, look up the word Easter. And you will find it is a nature base coat that has been combined with the teachings of Esau a salon. And when the Romans were torturing people in their coliseums and the Roman Emperor, he wants to have a good time. So he says, feed these Christians to the lions, feed these Christians to hyena. Today we go to the Coliseum and we watch rugby, we watch football and they fight each other. But in those days, they had they would feed the

01:03:55 --> 01:04:06

Christians. So somebody amongst the early Christian missionaries, some place they said, you know there's an old saying, if you can't beat them, join them.

01:04:07 --> 01:04:13

You can't beat them join them. So we need to make this religion interesting or fair seeming

01:04:14 --> 01:04:29

to those who have the winter solstice and the summer solstice. And so the mixture then came and suddenly it came about with a new way of life. And that is the reason why a Christian can look at a Jew today and say I'm not a Jew.

01:04:30 --> 01:04:39

Actually, the followers of Jesus Peace be part of all of them were Jewish. And he came very clearly not to destroy the law of Moses.

01:04:40 --> 01:04:58

Not to break it up but to fulfill the law to keep the Sabbath. But the Sabbath has disrespected. The laws of Moses is disrespected. So it's a different way of life and a confusion then comes in. We are not sure which holiday you're celebrating.

01:04:59 --> 01:05:00

You give your

01:05:00 --> 01:05:12

Friend that nice easter egg. Even some Muslims who don't understand this history, one of the Muslims they came, it was Mohammed Ahmed or something like that. And they brought me an Easter egg and they said mojarra Mubarak.

01:05:14 --> 01:05:31

So they had without pain. They have two bidders, one for Muharram. And they also have the easter egg without a modern robotic on an Easter egg. Okay. And so the confusion comes in and Muslims have the solution.

01:05:32 --> 01:05:43

That is the straight belief in one God iaca nabooda iaca Stein, you alone a lot do we worship and to you alone, we seek our help.

01:05:46 --> 01:05:47

On the economic level,

01:05:49 --> 01:05:51

we are living in a state of confusion.

01:05:52 --> 01:05:53

And as I left from South Africa,

01:05:55 --> 01:05:56

I'm coming into Australia.

01:05:57 --> 01:06:37

And we're trying to figure out prices. So you say okay, the RAND, the Australian dollar, the American dollar, the Canadian dollar, this one is up and that one is down and this one is in the middle. And we're always in a state of confusion, because the money is going up and is going down in South America right spent a lot of time in Mexico and the peso and other things. I mean, this money is useless, you want to buy anything, and you need to bring in a wheelbarrow full of money. If you want to buy just you know, something to drink. So why is it going up and down? Because the bills that we have are false promissory notes.

01:06:38 --> 01:06:57

The bill was originally set up in order to give you a promise to say that if you have one Australian dollar, then the bank has an equivalent of gold. And so now your gold, you have a promissory note. And the amount of your gold is being preserved by the bank.

01:06:59 --> 01:07:39

But with the system of interest, where people were lending the money and making money without having the gold. Now, there are so many promissory notes, and there's no goal to back it up. So therefore the American dollar is the strongest dollar in the world. You come to Australia, you say and people look at you. I have a US dollar. Everybody borrows to the US dollar. Right? This is the new sister, right to the to the heart, the one eye on top of the pyramid. In the dollar bill, everybody's making frustration. Why are you prostrating to the US dollar? The Americans have the largest debt on earth? They owe something like $400 billion.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:51

They're in debt, more than any country in the world. Why is the currency the most powerful? Because you're living in a system that is not real. It's an illusion.

01:07:52 --> 01:07:57

It's an illusion, the same way your bond or your mortgage, it's an illusion.

01:07:58 --> 01:08:06

And you go to the bank in South Africa, we have people are driving BMWs. in Cape Town, there's more BMW is that in Germany,

01:08:08 --> 01:08:29

that drive and BMW so when you look at the people, nine out of 10, people don't even own the vehicle, the bank owns it. But he says it's my car, and I look good. He's driving his BMW, it's an illusion, is what we used to call in America, you know, you have biology, psychology, it's called trick knology.

01:08:31 --> 01:09:15

Trick knology. Understand that trick knology. It's an illusion that has been made, and put in front of eyes. And so it is a great blessing to be a Muslim, to have a way of life that has a complete clear belief in one God, to have a way of life that does not make a white man superior to a black men, to have a way of life, where white and black and black and white, learn to love each other, not to hate each other, to have a way of life that has a science that can take us out of the environmental crisis, to have a way of life that has an interest free economies

01:09:16 --> 01:09:28

to have a way of life, who will be governed by a califa and not by a president or a king, or a prime minister, or any false construct, but to be ruled by a Khalifa

01:09:29 --> 01:09:40

that is part of the blessing of being a Muslim. But I want to say in conclusion to the Muslims, who are here tonight, that Islam needs practitioners

01:09:41 --> 01:09:47

in order for Islam, to come alive in the land. Somebody has to be Muslim.

01:09:50 --> 01:09:52

It can't just be in the books.

01:09:53 --> 01:09:54

There are no more profits to come.

01:09:56 --> 01:09:57

There no more messengers to come.

01:09:59 --> 01:09:59

And so I

01:10:00 --> 01:10:39

Leave a message to you, from your brothers and sisters in North America and Cape Town. That there are three ways of the many ways that we can have a positive impact on this society right now. And I know and I believe in Sharla, that you already have begun the work. The first is the heat that we need to get to every home. In Australia, the concept of tau heat, that everybody has a chance to learn that there is a way of life that has a scientific system, a political system, an economic system, a social system, at the basis of this way of life is the belief in God.

01:10:42 --> 01:11:06

So he also makes us brothers and sisters in humanity. It also respects knowledge wherever it comes from. And so we need to get this message out to society. Secondly, taharah purity. First, the harder to answer caught the purity of belief that Muslims number one, need to go back to the lines of their faith,

01:11:07 --> 01:11:37

and to purify their faith, to take out any false teachings that have come inside this faith all along the way. And take us back to the first three generations, the first generation of the sell off of those who came and got the message directly from us last summer, or the ones who took it from them, we need to be able to go back to that fresh water and drink the freshwater and make it alive in the land. I don't mean just drinking the water, and then stay at home.

01:11:39 --> 01:11:42

Because the second part of the message is to take it out to people

01:11:44 --> 01:11:45

to harlots is better than

01:11:46 --> 01:11:47

purity of the body.

01:11:49 --> 01:11:51

teaching the proper cleanliness, hygiene,

01:11:52 --> 01:12:05

also taharah in relationships between people, that people have to realize the condom is not the solution to AIDS, the condom only increases AIDS.

01:12:06 --> 01:12:21

And I don't know who it was who started this probably the condom making factories that actually start pushing this thing, because it didn't even work for venereal disease, calling to the good and forbidding evil. This is another great mission of the Muslims.

01:12:22 --> 01:13:02

This can be done in a very positive way, working with civil society, and showing the people in the society that there are those who will stand up against drug dealers, who will stand up against crime, when it's happening in society. Stand up against racism, stand up against anything that will destroy the society, destroy the environment and ruin our planet. This is an important mission of the Muslims. And we have been commanded by Allah subhanaw taala to take this out to the people and to let every home hear this message. And so I leave you with these words. And I echo

01:13:03 --> 01:13:37

the words that came in the beginning in the Australian way of boomerang. As we heard in the beginning, women accidental colon, men die la la huami la salida makalah in the middle muslimeen and who is better in speech than one who calls to Allah and does righteous deeds? And he says surely I am from the Muslims. Apollo holy Heather was thoughtful lolly welcome. I said what I have said, and I asked a lot of mercy upon me and you were Salaam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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