Abdullah Hakeem – Lecture – Time Management

Abdullah Hakeem
AI: Summary © The importance of time in Islam is discussed, including the need for time management and the importance of spending time with family. The speaker emphasizes the need for time management and praying to prioritize time for one's busy day. The importance of understanding the Prophet's teachings and using them to manage time is emphasized, as it is crucial for important events and events such as graduations and graduation deadlines. The importance of learning from the experience and measuring progress is also emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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also bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam at a Sleeman Kathira rubbish rally Saudi Arabia Siddeley Emery wa Hello Look, that's a Melissa and you have coho coli and bad. Again, my dear brothers are Salam alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatu.

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We firstly begin by praising Allah subhanho wa taala. We praise Him, we seek His help, and we ask for his forgiveness, we should praise and thank Allah to Allah for keeping us alive in this beautiful, blessed month of Ramadan. You know, the blessings that are in this month Subhanallah it's unimaginable. So we praise and thank Allah to Allah that he's kept us alive for this Ramadan. And we ask Allah to Allah to give us the blessings, the Rama, the month euro in this month of Ramadan. And also, I would like to thank the organizers once again, subhanAllah it was, again, we're talking about time, it was like it was yesterday, I was here, you know, one year has passed Subhanallah and

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we've been doing this on a yearly basis, it's great to see that. And that is how fast life is going. And before you know it Subhanallah you know, we're going to be in our graves, and then others who are alive, we'll be thinking about that brother who was sitting here last year, you know, subhanAllah, just this morning, actually, I, I received a phone call from Malaysia, where I studied.

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When I was there, there was a family who took care of us when we were there. While we were studying Alhamdulillah beautiful family, young family. The couple of there were there were a couple and they had six, six children, young family as well. And when we were there studying, the wife passed away very young, she was in her late 30s or early 40s She passed away while we were studying, and then just today I received a phone phone call that the brother passed away. Subhanallah so it's, you know, you think about those moments that we were just there, you know, they were helping us out, they would even just give us the car to drive around like who would do that Subhanallah but, you

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know, time passes and people pass away and you get the reality check as as life goes on. So that is why this topic is so important. And Allah to Allah has given us this time on Earth, and we only live on this earth once. And we have to make the most of it. We have to make the most of it. If we fail this test of life, then our accurate doesn't look great. And if we pass this test of life, then I'll ask it looks positive. And this is the ultimate test. Allah subhanahu wa taala created us for that purpose. While McCulloch told Gina will insert in Delhi Abu Dune, Allah Allah says I have not created the gene nor the man for any other purpose except to worship me to worship Allah subhanho wa

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taala. So this life this time that we have in this life, that is the test. And we can see from the Quran, the importance of time, many, many, many places. You know when Allah Tala speaks to us in the Quran, Allah Tala uses a lot of language techniques in the Quran, amazing. It's like in English, if you look at different essays, different pieces of writing and how it attracts the audience, how it attracts the readers, there is language techniques that are used. There is

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a lot of different ways in which the writer tries to grab the attention. So very similar to that. Allah subhanho wa Taala uses a lot of Arabic techniques. In order to grab the attention of the speakers. One of the technique that Allah uses is Allah Tala takes an oath of certain creations of Allah. And you'll notice this, see as human beings, whenever we are speaking, and we want others to believe what we say, not for everything, of course, for certain important matters, we are told to swear by Allah subhanahu wa taala. We don't swear by anything else. We don't take an oath on anything else. So for example, when people say I swear my mom's life, that's actually not allowed.

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It's actually to the level of shirk, minor shift, as many of the scholars they say, because the prophets are Salam and Allah to Allah in the Quran are very clearly that when you take an oath, you take an oath, with the name of Allah. But obviously not for everything like a lot of youngsters to do these days. But when it comes to Allah to Allah, Allah to Allah takes an oath for really important creations of Allah. And when he takes an oath of the important creations of Allah, then afterwards, there is an important message

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Do you know how when we say Wallahi such and such happened Wallahi I'm telling you, this is what I saw and this is the outcome. When you say Wallahi it makes the listeners believe you number one, and number two, it shows the importance of what you're saying. So when Allah Allah says while laughing, while Lhasa in, in Santa Fe hospital, when he says, By the time or I take an oath by the time in in Santa Fe hostel, that verily human beings are at loss. So this shows Allah to Allah taking an oath by time, what is the show number one importance of time. And number two, what he's told us after that relates to the time interval in Santa Fe Hosur that very human beings are at loss while we at

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loss, because we don't take care of the time.

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We don't worry about the importance of time, and that's where we are in loss. And then Allah Allah says, except for those in the Latina ama know why middle Sol had whatever so we'll help whatever solver solver except for those who believe and do good deeds, and encourage others towards the truth and encourage others towards patience, right? And all of that belief in Allah doing good deeds, encouraging others, these require time. All of those actions require quality time. You've got other verses of the Quran as well while fragile, while a URL in Azure. Allah Tala specifically takes an oath of a specific time. When lazily evaluate OSHA, again, Allah Tala specifically takes an oath on

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a specific time during the day, showing the importance of it. So we can see Allah putting importance of time already by taking an oath. If Allah is taking an oath on certain times of the day, or time in general, time is important. It shows us that time is very, very important. And then there is a very important Hadith also, which has been reported by even our best or the Allah one, where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, it will turn him Hamsun. Pablo Hamsun take care of five matters before other five matters happen. What are they? Shebaa better public Meramec was the heartache a couple of SOCOMEC wealthy NACA Kabbalah Zakharik, while Surah, vaca parabola sugar lake

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or higher tech Coppola motoric, five matters we need to take care of he said, your youth before you become old, your health before you become ill. Your wealth before you become poor, your free time before you become busy. And take care of your life before you pass away. So you see how all of those things revolve around what time everything revolves around time. And that is why we can see how important time is. It's very unfortunate. And it's sad that us Muslims are the most guilty when it comes to time management.

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Right? If I was to have an appointment with someone, let's say a business appointment, or a wedding, to attend classy example, a wedding to attend. And we tell a time to someone. Like for example, I remember one brother invited us to a wedding. And without going into the background of the family and what country they're from, leave that aside. But we were invited. And I got a call from a brother being from the Australian Ozzie background on Caucasian background. And he told me he's asking me he's like, where are you guys?

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Where are you guys? And I'm like, What are you talking about? He goes with? Am I in the right place? I'm like, Are you at the venue already? And he's like, Well, yeah, I got an invitation at 630. Um, he goes, I thought I was late. I came exactly at 630. And there's nobody here. Even the organizers, not here. You know, and it makes you think SubhanAllah. And the wedding actually started approximately an hour and a half later. All right. So it just shows that we are the most guilty one any meetings we have.

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Sorry, it's still early. That's right. When I was still early Subhanallah any meetings that we have we organize a meeting with someone right? We tell them a certain time. Sometimes that person comes late, or sometimes you're not there.

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All right, so we are the most guilty. And then here we are the ones promoting to people the importance of time management in Islam. But then you've got non Muslims who are better at keeping time

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So it all goes back to the Quran and the Hadith. When we look at the Quran and the Hadith, how important time management is, and that's why we are talking about this today. Another thing that we need to understand when it comes to time, when Allah Tala has given us time, we always think All right, I need to worship Allah to Allah. Of course, I've got this certain times I need to worship Allah. So I need to spend a lot of time worshiping Allah, I've got time for this. I've got I've got time for that. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he explains to us and encourages us, when it comes to spending time. Follow the middle path. Don't go to extremes in your time, in whatever

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you do, don't go into two extremes. How do we know this? There is a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, where I showed her the Allahu Anhu. She reports that one day three men came to visit the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his house. But the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wasn't there. So they met with Aisha Radi Allahu Anhu. And they asked, Aisha, we want to learn about the life of the prophet and how he spends his day. Right? We want to learn how the Prophet spends his day. So they're talking about time, and how the Prophet spends his time during the day. So I showed the Allahu Allah explained the other day, or the typical day of the Prophet said, Allah, Allah

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Salam. Now, these three men became really motivated, when they heard that they were moved. And then they said, one of them, he said, he said, By Allah, I swear, I am going to pray the entire night. The whole night, I'll be in a bed, and I will not sleep. I'll sleep during the day. But my concern, but I know the importance of the night, and I'm going to be in the worship because when you heard the Prophet used to pray at night, he said, That's it. I'm going to pray the entire night. The other one, he said, When he heard about the Prophet SAW Selim fasting and how much he loved fasting, he said, By Allah, from today, I'm going to fast every single day and not break my fast, obviously

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breaking the fast at night, but every day he'll be fasting. And the third one, he said, When he heard about the Prophet in prayer going in the masjid, and then he thought, You know what, if I get married, it will be a big distraction. So by Allah, I'm not going to get married to women. I'm not going to get married, because marriage is a distraction. I want to be in constant worship with Allah. When the Prophet SAW Selim heard about this, he summoned those three men, and he was upset with them. He said, Are you the three men's Who said such and such? They said, Yes, he had also learned they thought they were very happy. They thought they were doing something great. The Prophet

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sallallahu Sallam told them that I pray at night, and I also sleep at night to the next one. I fast some days, and I don't fast Sundays. And to the third one, I marry women. And he said, This is my sunnah. And whoever does not follow my sunnah is not for me.

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So he is teaching us the middle path of spending your time don't go into two extremes of a Buddha and don't go into two extremes of not doing any either.

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Another example,

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a man, he came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he said yeah, rasool Allah. Whenever I'm with you my Eman increases. And whenever I go back to my family, my Eman decreases. You have a similar I want to be with you. The prophets of Allah who are alayhi wa sallam told him that that is what a man is. A man goes up, a man goes down, and your family has a right over you. You need to spend time with your family. So he said this is how life is. It's normal. And there are so many examples out there. Omar Abdullah one once he walked into the masjid, and this was during the day. This is before the hallway before the hall. He walked in during he walked in the masjid. And he saw

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young men. I think the regeneration says there were three young men in the masjid worshipping Allah.

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And Almighty Allah one, he waited after this until they finish he said, What are you three men doing here? And they were quite happy. They said, Well, we are in the midst of worshiping Allah to Allah. He said You are strong young men. Go and work. Go and work is during the day. What are you doing in the masjid at this time? It's not salah, go and work earn a living. So he is teaching what is he teaching time management. Everything in your life has its time. And that is what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching avoid the extremes of time.

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There is also a myth about time.

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A lot of people say the phrase I don't have time. We hear this a lot.

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I don't have time. It's true to a certain degree.

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But to a majority of us it's not true.

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It's because it's not the fact that you don't have time. It's the fact that we don't prioritize our time. We haven't managed our time. That's why we say we don't have time. That's the problem that we are facing today. Let's have a look at the Prophet SAW Selim himself. The Sahaba is life, the pious predecessors, how they spent their life and how much they accomplished. Just some examples. How, how long did the prophesy certainly for? How many years? 63 years? Right. What's the average lifespan in Australia?

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For men, there's different men and women. For men, they say about 80 to 81 years, for women, sorry, 80 to 83 years for women above 85, so about 85 to 87 years. So according to the average lifespan in Australia, did the Prophet live until then or less, less. And we know the average lifespan in the whole world is between 60 to 70. Right? That's the lifespan. And the prophesy. Salam said that in a hadith, that my ummah will live between 60 to 70. Obviously, he's talking about the average. There are some who live more, some who will live less, but look at how much the Prophet accomplished. Look at how much he did, how long did the ye come? How many years 3323 years. 23 years was the

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revelation. Right? And within that 23 years, only 10 years he spent in Medina. Within the 10 years he spent spent in Medina, the world changed

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the world change. Islam got recognition, Muslims got recognition, the battles after battles. Not only that the spread of Islam throughout the world, people started hearing about Muslim about the Prophet SAW Salem, in the other side of the world, people would come to visit the prophet to see who this man was. And just like the surah that was just recited, we remember the surah by the way, what Surah Did, did we hear it without without asking him what Sora was?

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Surah Nasser, yes, Surah So Nasser, right, what did he say? Either Niger and as Rula he will fetch What are eight and NASA colonna feeding Allah He a forger. First a bit behind the Rebecca was still fit in Canada, the meaning of it? What's the meaning of it? Either adjure and US Rula he will fit when the victory of Allah comes and his conquest. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was able to conquer Mecca.

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Afterwards 10 years or within the 10 years of ruling in Medina. That's how much it changed. Before that 10 years before that, no way. Anyone would have thought Makkah can be taken over by Muslims. But just look at how he built the OMA within a period of 10 years. That's how he spent his life. Wasn't he the busiest man? How many wives did he have? By the way?

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How many? eight eight wives and the other guests 99. At the same time? Yes.

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He had a total of 11 wives.

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We can't handle one.

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Right? We can't handle one. And we say you know, time we're going to spend so much time here and there. It's true. We do have to spend time with our family. But the prophet had 11 wives

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SubhanAllah. He had seven children.

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Right? We can't handle one or two. He had seven children. He raised them. Yes, majority of them died before the Prophet SAW Selim did. But he raised them he raised his grandchildren. He had a family of his own and he was controlling the OMA.

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Can we now say we don't have enough time. That's the Prophet SAW Salem. Look at the Sahabas look at Abu Bakr what he achieved. Look at ALMA what he achieved. How long did they live for? Just over 60 years old, and they passed away. Imam unknowing, famous imam in Norway. Who knows what he produced.

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40 Hadith women I know what else? We may read it every day, but we don't know who wrote it.

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But he also Salehi

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the Rio de Sala Hain that we read was produced by him. I know we

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do you know how long he lived for

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46 years old. That's it. He accomplished so much that today when we hit him and no, we we give him respect. We have his books.

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Even Tamia. Rahima hula, another famous nother famous man. He wrote a book, believe it or not. It's called ketover to hate. And you learn as you go to certain universities. It takes you a semester to study this one book. You

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You know how long it took him to write that book? Between Lahore to answer.

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He wrote that book between vor to AUSA. And universities used that book to teach out either and he takes one semester to study you.

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This is time that they used for the service of Islam for the service of Allah subhanho wa taala. Again, the question, can we say we don't have enough time. It's the prioritizing of the time that we are lacking in and that's something that we need to we need to work on.

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So there's four points I want to mention that we ended off with the four points number one,

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give time to Allah, Allah who will give baraka in your time.

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give time to Allah, and Allah to Allah will place Baraka in your life in your time, very important. We are very busy, let's be honest, we are quite busy life is busy, right? But because our life is busy, we don't give that quality time to Allah subhanahu wa taala how do we pray the Hadith today?

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We don't even pray sunnah anymore because the clock I need to go back to work. We don't prioritize our time. I know some workplaces you can't do much about that. But we come home and we don't even complete the Sunnah as well. We leave it to that we rush hour Salah you know we've only got two minutes left I do pray also really quickly. Pray also really quickly know who short no devotion that's how that's the time we're giving Allah. So do you really think we're gonna have Baraka in our time? Generally, no, we're not

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make salah the pivot of your day.

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Everything else should revolve around the salah. And again, we Muslims are guilty.

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We set meetings, we set things that we need to accomplish during the day, but we never consider Salah we don't put Salah we make our day then we fit Salah in our day.

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Well, we should think is we make our day with Salah fit everything else around it. We have to reverse that. That's so important. When is the last time after God prayer, you actually sat down and you did the spear? When was the last time you sat down? And you made the thicket and you make dua to Allah. There's Baraka even after sitting in pray after pray finishes, you sit down for a moment or what have you long used to stop people when he was Khalifa. You know people would get up and go he was a hold on.

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Isn't there anything you want to ask Allah? You know, see if you do something, do some dua very important time. These are quality times that we don't give Allah subhanahu wa taala. The Shaitan traps us and there's so many Hadith on this. Let's give an example of Elijah.

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We don't first of all, we don't sleep on time. Right? We don't. Many of us, we don't sleep all the time. And it's not just the youngsters. Now the elders have the phones as well. And they you know, though they use it, you know, Facebook, new thing or Instagram now, a lot of us are on Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat and all that our elders as well. So we are on there at night. We don't sleep on time. So what happens at first,

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the shaitan is pinning you down.

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Literally pinning you down. There's a hadith on this. And they tie three knots on you. So you don't get up. Right. And as you get up your eyes are opening up straight on tells you sleep. You didn't get enough sleep. You know you're still plenty of time till the individual. All right, go back to sleep. We hear this every morning almost.

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This was was a we hear it every morning. Still plenty of time. Shaitan spinning it down. And then the profit tells us how to defeat the shaitan in the morning. When you get up from your bed and you read the DUA Alhamdulillah Hillary or Jana Bioderma Mr. Turner when you lay in the shore, you've you've untied that one knot. Then you go and make wudu you've untied the second node, then you go pray your soldier. You've untied the third not you've defeated Trayvon.

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All right. Alright, so Don's telling you you've got plenty of time sleep, no problem. We know we don't have time. We know that the time is about to end. So we need to make quality time professional. again today. How do we pray? Fudger we rush it. We don't go to the masjid even though and we were just talking about it. Literally within the five kilometer radius. We have five massages.

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We have five massages. I live in Mount Druitt I've got five massages literally. I would say in the four kilometer radius. what excuse do I have?

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And yet a lot of us don't go to the masjid. Subhan Allah. All right, so quality time given to Allah subhanho wa Taala

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the prophets of Allah Salah and this is what I'm talking about quality time. I share with you Allah

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on how she writes, she said,

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You will never find a man better than the Prophet SAW Salem as a husband. You will never find a man better than the Prophet SAW Salem as a husband, and as a father, great man. But as soon as he would hear the other man, it was as if we didn't exist.

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Right? He would be spending time with his family, playing with the with the kids or whatever it is his grandchildren. As soon as Bilello the Allah one would say Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, I Isha said that it is as if we didn't exist, because now prioritizing time, time of Salah comes. That's it, his mind is now focused on salah. That's quality time that he's giving. And that's how we should be. But today when the Athan goes, Yeah, imams gonna come in about 10 minutes. I'll go, I'll go then. All right. And then by the time we get here, one Raka is gone. Right? So we don't even give the importance to that. So how can we have Baraka in our time?

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There was a Muslim SubhanAllah. So I'll give you a quick story. Before we move on a new Muslim.

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He was asked What motivated you to embrace Islam?

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And look at his answer. He said, I was a Christian.

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And he said, I would notice when I would go to church on Sundays, the church would be half full, or even less than that, once a week. The churches were empty. The other days churches are empty. Once a week when we are supposed to go to the church, with all the Christians that are leaving around, it's not even harmful. Fine, leave that aside. He said when I saw Muslims, in Ramadan, going to the mosque to pray Taraweeh, which is not compulsory, and the mosque is packed, I could see the quality time that Muslims gave to God to Allah, and they didn't even have to.

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It wasn't compulsory. And when I saw the time they gave and the emotion of praying for long nights that attracted me. And he became a Muslim because of that, he knew the truth, of giving quality time to Allah to Allah what that meant. That is how he embraced Islam Subhanallah these are the things that should motivate us. And they, they can see it firsthand, we experience it. We are born like this, and we we take it for granted. So we need to experience it to understand inshallah. Number two. avoid wasting time in things that does not give any benefit.

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All right, avoid wasting time on things that does not give any benefit.

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I was just checking before I came here on average. How long does a person in Australia spend time on his device? A day. You can Google it now if you want. It said that an average in Australia. A person spends 5.67 hours a day on his phone

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5.67 hours on average per day on his phone. And I'm not talking about a person who's reading Quran on his phone. No other things on his device. That's a long time. Who spends 5.6 hours today in a day. I don't think any of us do that. But think about 5.67 hours a day on our devices wasting time majority of it Subhanallah

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if we look at an IRA a couple of is in the Quran.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala he says all accom lobbies don't fill out the either the Seanie call Lulu Bisnar Yo man, obado, Yeoman, first Aladdin.

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It will be asked to the people on the Day of Judgment. How long did you have on earth? How long did you spend on earth? And the answer will be they will say I spent about a day or a part of the day. And because his time management was so bad. He will say speak to the angels who wrote my record speak to them. I honestly only spent an hour I only spent a day or a part of a day that's it. Ask them it wasn't my fault. I wasted time but it wasn't my fault. I didn't get enough time. That's the excuse they're going to be using Subhan Allah.

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But Allah Tala will tell us on the day that you had enough time. You had enough time to change yourself and to become a better person. I do live in Masada Rhodiola one he said. Nothing causes me more regret. Then to see the sunset. And I didn't do something to build on my akhira

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Even Mossad he said that the one thing that I regret the most is when I see the sunset, and I didn't do enough for my art hero on that day. How many of us actually think like that? We hardly think like that. But these are the giants of the Muslims. This is how they thought because they understood time management. Number three, follow the example of time management from the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam. So, I know that's a broad topic, and we can do a whole lecture on that. But just to a few points on that, number one, something we don't do sleep on time.

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When did the Prophet used to sleep?

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And we're not talking about Ramadan after Asia? When is Asia now?

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But 730 So let's say after Ramadan, in approximately 730, or even seven o'clock at that time, how many of us would seriously go to bed at eight o'clock? None of us do. None of us do. Right? Sleeping early. Why? Because our body needs the rest. Remember that our body needs the rest and then gearing up for tahajjud how many of us regularly get our foot tahajjud if we do great Mashallah. That's excellent. But to get a foot tahajjud regularly, you need to sleep early. That's how it's gonna work.

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And then, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us that Allah to Allah has placed Baraka in the mornings. But what is the best time for us to sleep after fajr

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that's the best time for us to sleep after fajr When the Prophet himself said, and again, we're not talking about Ramadan. Ramadan is very different. In other days, after fajr is where the baraka is. The Prophet SAW Selim, he said, booty Callie Almighty feeble Korea,

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Allah subhanahu wa taala has placed Baraka, buku Reha, meaning in the early part of the morning straight after surgery,

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you can ask any golfer of

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when is the best time to memorize, they will tell you after fajr. You know why? Because that's where the barakah in time is. If you ask them, How long does it take you to memorize a page? Generally speaking, they will tell you that after fajr, it might take me 1015 minutes. But if they were to memorize on another time, it might take them more than half an hour or longer. There is baraka in the mornings, your mind is fresh. So sleep early. Wake up early, pray your tahajjud if possible, if can't Okay, wake up for fetcher. But do not sleep after federal because you lose out on that Baraka. Very, very important. The Prophet SAW Salem used to meet delegates after Fajr the Prophet SAW Selim

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used to have you know, discussions with companions after fajr we all know the Hadith. after fajr, he will turn around face the companions and they will have discussions. Did you have a dream today? What was your dream? Let me interpret it. The Prophet would do that. The Prophet would ask questions, the Sahaba as the prophet would teach the Companions, their religion after fajr. That is where the baraka is, and the amount that you learn after fajr, the more you're going to remember, it doesn't work during the night or during the late hours of the day. So that is very, very important. When you have free time, do something beneficial. The Prophet SAW Selim would never waste his time.

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And how do we know this? Allah subhanahu wa taala tells us this in the Quran for either for Alta funds.

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And when you have free time, funds or what does it mean? Get up and do something beneficial. In other words, you can pray Salah don't waste the time don't just sit and do nothing for either ferrata and when you have free time, literally, he's saying ferrata when you have free time fansub get up and do something beneficial.

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So don't waste time on that. Follow the example of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said Allahu alayhi salam also said, now I'm gonna turn my bulan fee Hema cathedral, Mina nurse, or Suharto? Well, for all, there are two blessings that Allah to Allah has given us that we take advantage of we don't take heed. We don't realize it until it's gone. What is it? I say your health and for all when you have free time.

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Right? We take advantage of this meaning we don't really understand the quality when Allah Tala gives us this, because when we become sick, what do we remember? Our good times when we are healthy. When we become busy, what do we remember the good times when you had

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Free Time Subhan Allah. So Allah Tala is the process on selling us take advantage of them.

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And the last point

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smart planning, smart planning, smart being an acronym,

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sma RT, a lot of businessmen know this, businesses who run this schools we teach this very, very important. The S stands for be specific in what you want to accomplish. Right, be specific, and I'll give you examples.

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M meaning measurable. Whatever you want to accomplish, you need to measure, you need to measure or quantify, on ways to track your progress. A means attainable, what you want to get? Are you able to attain it from the planning that you have done?

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Are meaning relevant? Is it gonna make a positive impact that whatever you want to do? Is it relevant for you, and t time bound? Give a time limit and try to stick to that time limit. So this is what we get taught. Smart planning. So let's have a look. Islamically be specific in your team.

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Let's look at Quran

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right let's do a Quran. We all know our level of Quran reading and understanding we all know our level. So now I'm going to be specific Quran I want to read every day specific date, M meaning measurable.

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Now, how many Jews is the Quran?

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30 Jews, how many soldiers are there?

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114. Okay, so based on that information, measure how long it might take you measure the time that you might need during the day, suspend that out. Attainable, so you might think okay, there's 30 Jews, I want to read, let's say in one month, I want to read the entire Quran just giving that example for now, even though that's quite difficult, but let's say I want to read the entire Quran in one month.

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So Is it attainable? You know that answer to it? If I'm fluids in Quran, the answer is yes. If not fluids in Quran the answer is no, I might have to change that. Make it two months, make it three months. But the point is, I'm still going to read

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our is it relevant? Is Quran relevant in our life? Absolutely, yes. But also what's relevant is understanding the Quran. So put that in there as well.

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And then T is time bound, okay, my day looks like this in the morning, I do this in the evening, I do this I gotta go to work, I'm going to drop the kids to school, I got to do this, I gotta get you the groceries or all of those things. Put that time during the day schedule that in that this is the moment I'm going to spend time reading the Quran. So if I get after fajr, let's say half an hour, they're not going to measure how many pages can I read in half an hour, or the amount of pages that I'm going to read? Can I read understand the meaning as well? Do that. measure that out? Once you've got that scheduled, stick to it.

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Very important, and do not give yourself such a short amount of time doing a lot because you're not going to stick to it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, a herbal Armory in Allah azza wa jal at one Maha were in kala the best deed in the sight of Allah or the most love deed, in the sight of Allah are those that are consistent, even if they are small.

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So these points are so important. Every day

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your Salah pivot of your life, Quran every day, your vicar every day, your is still fun everyday.

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Even put charity in specific deeds put charity in there every day or every week, what am I gonna give? How much do I have? Can I measure it? Is that attainable? Is it realistic? Do I have that amount that I want to give? And time bound, regular charity, all of those deeds that you can think of put them on the table, schedule it in and stick to it inshallah make it realistic look, the art is important, make it realistic, because if you don't make it realistic, Allah does not like that, did you do it for one day two days and let it go.

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Then once you stick to it, the experts they say

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it takes 28 days.

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It takes 28 days to become used to something roughly on average, it takes about 28 days to get used to something. So give it a month and then you want to increase it, increase it slightly and see how you go from there inshallah.

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So there's a lot we can learn from time management. There's

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so much we can talk about, well, we're going to end the day in sha Allah had about 40 minutes, we will end the day in sha Allah. And I hope that we've benefited I hope that we understand

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the importance of time management. And we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala first and foremost for us to change our perspective of time for us to understand the importance of time and we ask Allah Tala to give us enough time,

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so that we can do well and all of us to attain genital for those, which is Aquila has finally become this wonderful man

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