Abdulbary Yahya – The Virtues Of Praying In Congregation Umdatul Ahkam

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss various opinion groups and their implementation, highlighting their own groups and their own rules. They also discuss the importance of following certain aspects of the community, such as praying and not sitting in a certain situation. The importance of praying for spiritual well-being and finding one's mind to be the only one who wants to pray is emphasized. The speakers also touch on the benefits of praying during quarantine and the importance of affirmations and affirmations in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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It's allocation of establishing,

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that means it's obligatory on the community, not individually. Remember the other one. So that means that if nobody's paying them, ah, then everybody's sinning.

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But if there are some people who are praying and you have the opportunity, you set it up the Imam and so forth and for those who want to go, they can go those who don't go, you know, as long as you still have that, then the whole community is not sinning. So, we in other words, it is sunnah for the majority of the people for as long as there are people who are doing it. So the second so that's the third opinion. The fourth opinion is is called suna, aka so networker, so no Martinez, what Santa Monica is a very stressed sadhana. So number aka according to ima this is the Madhava Imam Abu Hanifa. This is the mother of Imam Abu Hanifa.

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And so, but even though he called it so number Akka with sunnah Moroccan, a very stressed son, but Al Imam, Abu Hanifa. He says, Anyone who leaves a sunnah more Akela you is singing, which means what?

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Even though he calls it and terminology in term in terms of what it is pseudonym, aka, in terms of practicality, is the same as the third opinion. Right in terms of its, you know, in essence, he says, Okay, it's called Santa Monica. But if you leave Santa Monica you sinning. So what does that mean? That means is what is fun for nine, what mandatory? Right? It's mandatory upon you, you have to pray. So it's the same, is the same as the second, same as the first the same as those who say it's obligatory, but each individual, because you know, it's certainly more accurate, and you still leave it when you're sending. And so that's why those who say it's for buying, and those who say

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pseudonym, aka in the Hanafi, madhhab, that it's the same thing. So the strange thing is that, that even the 100 in the Hanafi madhhab. It's, you know, it's mandatory, right, you have to go.

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But of course, you know, like, with every, you know, every community, you have nowadays, people, they say that they follow the madhhab.

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But when it comes to really following it, it's, you know, certain aspects that Ruffalo really strongly, right. But then certain aspects of it, maybe, hey, it's Sunday night, you're sitting if you don't do it, but people don't stress it that much, maybe because

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a lot of people just need a lot of reminders. You know, in some communities you have Hamdulillah you have better, better than other communities. hamdulillah one of the things you notice going around the US and this roughly in the community, it's a little bit better than some of the other communities and some communities it's worse. You massages are open but hardly anyone.

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And so even you know, even though you know even though they might be free, but people are abandoning this, even though the scholars have spoken so severely about praying and congregation.

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This is something that's not just not to to be taken lightly. Why? Because the in during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the Companions would always come to pray in the masjid, who are the only ones that don't come?

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While Munna feel alone, and not only when I went to Almora people that aluminum

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that means everybody knew that this is a hypocrite. Like those are like the sound that even the hypocrites came. They hypocrites came during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And the prophets of Allah even mentioned that the most difficult prayer for the hypocrite

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is the budget in Asia is the most difficult prayer for the hypocrites. What is his most difficult prayer with hypocrites? Because they still come

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the hypocrites during the time of the Prophet sallallahu he has no would come to pray every prayer in the masjid. The only time the only people who didn't come were the ones who are well known

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or well known. Like this is a hypocrite, like Well, no, he's a hypocrite. If people didn't have an excuse, they weren't sick, they weren't traveling they would come. The second or fifth opinion is that it is sunnah. It is sunnah Leia thermal insanity Turkey that means if a person abandons it, he is not sinning. And so, some of the scholars have these are the these are the opinions, opinions of the scholars and Chaga will mention some of the different opinions. Who Who Who are the people who have

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Have these particular opinions and some of the proofs in a bit inshallah. So, of course, according to the handling madhhab, it is considered mandatory and considered obligatory, which means over the phone line, if you're able to come and you don't come, then you have to, then you're sinning. So if you have an excuse, like you're unable to come because of another reason, one reason or another, then you're It's okay. You're not sinning. So sometimes a person,

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maybe it's busy in terms of like, whatever he's doing. It's taking his time, and he's trying to get hit, he would go and, and, you know, go crazy on MMA, but because he's stuck in traffic, or because you know, of because he's sick.

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Or he has to take care of

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excuse, having a guest isn't an excuse?

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How many guests? Is it? First of all? Well, if a person has a guest, of course, it's mandatory upon you to take care of those guests, guests, the guests also. So when you have two mandatory actions that contradict each other, right, if it's like you have to do let's say, for example, you, your mother needs you, and you're helping her, that's something that's mandatory, and it's mandatory to go also. So in this case, you know, if you have if you have something that's mandatory and taking care of guests, something that's mandatory, it's not sadhna, it's mandatory to do so. So if something that's mandatory, then that's excused, so because why is it and why isn't it? Why is it an

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excuse? I mean, this is according to those who say, it's mandatory, of course, because you have to fulfill these obligations also. So but you, you have an excuse, that means your prayer still valid. And you're not sitting, according to the majority, according to, you know, the opinion of those who say it's mandatory. So if you do have a guest, sometimes, if you're able to bring your guests in the message, you can, sometimes you're not able to. And so if that's the case, then

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you know, that's, that's something else. Also, also, if you, let's say for example, if a person wants to come to the masjid, and they say, Oh, I'm going to be late. If you believe that it's mandatory.

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You might be if you think you can catch the prayer, then you still go even if you catch a little bit then you have to go even though you're alone, I'm going to be late anyways know, you're late, go anyways. But if you don't go that means you're purposely abandoning any. So this is the these are the this is the opinion of those who say that it is mandatory or not. So the prophets of love Anakin sallam said, so that was Giamatti.

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So like I said, What is selected Jamar selected Gemma is congregational prayer. So if a person has is it permissible, let's say you have guests, you know, like, Okay, it's time to pray and you pray with them, then that would be your that would be your mandatory, right? That will be congregational prayer. So what do we mean by the congregational prayer? The congregational prayer is the congregational prayer that is in the masjid Masjid congregational prayer, but if you miss it, of course, you know it's better than praying by yourself also because the prophets of Allah and he was Samson so that to Gemma it Toffolo to Allah solitude for

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praying, Gemma is better than praying a thorn by them praying by yourself. For means one beside anyway hidden Adonijah so when the Prophet sallallahu said, one that means anything more than that is permissible. So that means what? If you're in a community and you sometimes you have small towns, we have a small town, then you still have to have a place? You know, I remember we were

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when we used to live in the course in Seattle, there weren't too many Muslims in the 80s. Very few Muslim, this was the first masjid and then after that it was North gay. And then my, my parents, we moved to Oregon. And in Oregon, we had like, and just maybe three to three or two families, usually families. And that's the whole this is an Eastern Oregon. And so we had we had Juma and Jamar in the basement of one of the brothers house. That's and the only person was the only people who would come to pray. Like maybe four people had four people or five people in total for Joomla. And that was just in his basement. And we have Joomla and congregating regular prayer there because that's all

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the Muslims you have for free.

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work for people and then time of course and work, everybody's at work, where are you just put in, you know, when on Joomla, you just one person becomes the one person's the mom, one person's the one, right. And then the other person, of course, sitting down and it was me like four people, I remember four people, my father was there. And then we were that's all we had the whole fat whole, the whole Pacific, as all the Muslims we are. And here in Seattle, there are only like, I remember in the beginning, there are only five families to start with.

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And so this place here was a garage, right here. This, this is a, this area was separate from that one. When that was, I think that was storage. And this is the garage, there was a storage and they connected, it's pretty big storage.

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And then of course, there used to be a school here that was taken down. And all around this area was the airport was like, far away, everyone would come to you live in Seattle airport as far away.

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And everybody was everybody was complaining that this was very far away.

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This was very, very far for to come. And that's why when they built the North Gate, Masjid, like hardly anyone came here because, you know, they wouldn't fall for Joomla there was no Joomla for a while here. Because we had didn't have that many people anyways, to start with. Right. So this was the first Masjid. But doesn't matter how few you have, you have to come together. And the only reason why, you know the people who first build this the first Muslims in the in Seattle were Muslims. who married

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homemade, you know, can't revert sisters.

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Like almost all the time before the beginning, the first people were here. The why were they here? Right? They're working here. Most of them work in Boeing, you know, like engineers and so forth with Boeing, some of the brothers and so that was an Al Hamdulillah. Also Hanworth Allah, you has increased our numbers, where you can go anywhere, you will see Muslims at any store before you see a Muslim

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brother like you know, and for Ramadan, you get together, everyone gets together different houses, you know, your your house today, next house, everyone's house tomorrow and you switch, switch around. I remember my even my, my father in law had a story. When we first came here, of course, there are a few, you know, Arabs and few air brothers who were here. And when they found that we were missing the, you know, my father in law was Muslim. He was when were when was friends also. And they said

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they thought that they wanted to accept Islam. Right. So they brought him through like it was if thought, oh, come, come, come, come Come with us. And so, so he came in, of course, they don't speak English. They don't speak English that well then speaking because they just came to the US, right? They didn't speak English that well. So some of them, you know, they couldn't communicate very well. Right. So one of the brothers was sitting down he goes, Okay, repeat after me. Shadow.

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Allah, Allah. Hola. And then And then, you know, my father said, and we just repeat it. I shall do Hola. Hola. Hola. Hola. And then we looked at each other. With this kind of thing. We're not Muslim.

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Of course, we're born Muslim.

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Where you couldn't communicate. And so they thought maybe, you know, they didn't understand. So they're like, this guy just made us take shahada again, didn't think were Muslim or what? But they couldn't understand each other and they couldn't understand. So he made him take shahada, and then they had the they had Iftar and that was the first time they brought them and you know, mashallah, now I have a lot of a lot of Muslims here.

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But anytime you have even a small group of people in certain cities, you have to establish a jamaa. You have to establish congregational prayer, even if it's just the basement of somebody. So the messenger of Allah Allah isms, so we were gonna mention now the second Hadith, in this Bab Hadith number 64. From the legend Omar Abdullah and human This is Abdullah Hypno Omar Abdullah the son of Omar Abdullah and human

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under Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam called

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that will Gemma it

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congregational prayer of Lalo Minh salah, tell feldy It is better than

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than praying individually be served in my friend, Dr. Raja.

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More it's more virtuous than praying alone by 27 by 27 fold 27 Daraja 27 fold. So in this hadith

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This particular hadith is the Hadith in which those who say it's not obligatory which is the Maduro and you know the the Maliki and the shadow scholars are of the opinion that it is not mandatory.

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It is not mandatory. So of course we say that the Abu Hanifa says is not married he's a pseudonym AKA, but so number aka to the Shafi to the handbook the Hanafis is if it's like it's mandatory, they just call it sunnah market. So actually, it's not really sunnah. So the only two madhhab that are of the opinion it is sunnah is the Maliki madhhab and the shaft that they met that it is so now what do we what do I what do they mean by sadhana and the proof is from this hadith that the Prophet said a lot essence so that's a Gemma it. Alfredo min Salah

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congregational prayer is better than

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when you say something is better than something that means that which it is better than is also acceptable. Right? So if I if I said, If I said to you, you know, it's better for you. It's better for you to

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it's better for you to come today.

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Right? It's better for you to come today.

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Or it's better for you to it's better for you to go to work. Right? So some that means what? What's the what's the, the understanding?

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It's still okay. But

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yes, but you get less, but it's better for you to come to work today. But if you don't come to work, it's okay. But those who say it's mandatory, they say that? No, just because you say it's better than does not necessarily mean, you have an option here.

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Why? Because let's say you have to go to work. If somebody says to you, it's better for you to work today.

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It's better for you to go to work every day.

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Do they really mean? Do you have to go to work every day?

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But do you still have to go to work though?

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If you miss too many times what happens?

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shouldn't go to work. Yeah, no, but if somebody says let's say, it's better for you to go, it's still better. But just because it's better does not mean you have an option.

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Do you? Can is it still better? Like if I told you you have to go to everybody who goes to work has a job, right? So if you have a job, I say it's better for you to go to work. Is it better for you to work? Yes, it's better than getting fired.

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But does that mean Can I stay home?

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Do you want to go ahead, but eventually you're gonna get fired. You do too many times. Right? Eventually, which means what this is you have to go to work. So just because you say something is better than does not mean you always have an option.

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It's just stressing, but technically, you know, linguistically. Yes. Yes, but those who say it's mandatory and said Not necessarily. Just like I said your job, I can say that it's better. Is it better? Am I telling you? Is it better? Yes, it's better than getting fired.

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What was the other the other one may not be acceptable? May not be accepted as better than yes. But it also may not be acceptable. Not always that which is better than is acceptable. Right? So like I like I said, it's better for you to go. Okay, if I you have to go at eight o'clock. Okay, but you always go 830 And I like you better, it's better, but it's better for you to go at eight o'clock. Okay. And you always come at 830 you continue to come at 830 You're gonna get fired eventually. So the same when somebody says it's better than praying at home?

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Yes, if you have an excuse, okay. Let's say you're sick.

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You're sick. If you're sick, you can't go to work. Is that okay? Yeah, it's okay. You can just call in, but you can't call in sick every day.

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Right? You can't call in sick every day. It's only once in a while thing. Wherever the really busy. Something happens. Can you say, you know, can I take this day off? You know, because I can't go to work today.

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Yeah, you can. But you don't do that every day. Right? So the scholars who said who have said that? Better than here does not necessarily mean you still have an option. It means okay, it's better than if you have an excuse. You can pray if you have excuses. It's

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But if you don't have an excuse, you should still come but the like the Hanbali and the Shafee. And the Maliki scholars have said it's better than that means that which is better than is also acceptable. And that's why when you're praying when you're making the Athan

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when do you make the other

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when do you say a Salah to fire Amina? No.

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But you know when you say it,

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for fat did but failure has to advance the sadhana is there to advance some to some scholars say a Salah to find a minimum should be set in the second edition not the first. The stronger opinion is that it is in the first other because when the Prophet said Allah ism ordered Bilal to make the other and every time when you see who is ordered to say a Salah to Vitamina No. It was Bilal and what did we learn like he used to make the first other who made the second Iran

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Abdullah Al Maktoum.

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And so when that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, when Abdullah Al Maktoum was told it's morning, it's morning that he makes the Athan so don't stop eating when belie likes data. But stop eating when you hear Abdullah Elon Musk to make the other. So Hubei who said Salah to fire them in a no. It was Bilal Why did he say Billa? Why did he say a Salah to Hyrule meaning no. Prayer is better than sleep.

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Pray is better than sleep.

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Because if I'm really tired, I can still sleep. It's not fun to hear. Right because he makes the alarm before Fajr

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for those who want to wake up for tahajjud knew the last few minutes or for those who want to get ready because they need to take a shower. They need to prepare they wake up or those who are fasting they wake up and they always almost fajita let me eat. So Belaz Adan doesn't indicate its budget yet. So he used to say Salado Hiram Mina now prayer is better than sleep which means you can do what I like to do. I'm really sleepy today somebody says you know like I mean just sleep a little bit more you know I'll wait for the other and Abdullah

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can he do that? Yeah when he hears that I've done I've done him a mock Tony Are you now do you it's just a lot to find him in an unknown there.

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No, it's not me to know it's not better than sleep you better wake up sleep is no longer an option.

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Sleep is no longer an option. That's why you don't say hey la sala Hi lol fella Come to Prayer Come to success. Sleep is not an option anymore. That's why it's not set in the second

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and so when in this hadith salata Gemma alpha, better than me better the min Salah alpha b sub n were issued in Adonijah b sub n machine Adonijah. That means if you were to pray at home, what do you get? You still get $1 a day and you get less, but it's still valid. Are you sending

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you're not sending based on the opinion of the hammer Shafi and the Maliki the Shafi scholars and the Maliki scholars are of the opinion that it's not you're not saying it's still permissible, but you still should go pray. I mean, it's sunnah waka and pseudonym Keleti them is very stressed sadhana but it's not watching. It's not something that's mandatory. And so, so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says so that will Gemma have done min Salah till faith Alfred is Mumford that means one and Salado Gemma. Here if you

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when when a person

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mentioned that it is better than it's not just one, but 27 Daraja now, what is this mean? You see if you read the scholars about what 27 127 What for what why, why is it 27? Because there's another narration that mentioned 25. So what's the difference between both of them are in authentic hadith, some of the mentioned 27 This particular Hadith here mentions 27 This one's 25 Some scholars have said

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you know if a person

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if a person prays, of course, every prayer is already different. There is no single prayer that a person really gets the same reward. Why

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do you always get the same reward for every prayer?

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If you don't, you get different rewards, will because the reward that a person receives is only the time in which you have control. And her loyal column that means you are aware, if you're not conscious of you're not, you don't have control, then your prayer is valid, but you're not getting reward, you're not getting reward. So that means he's not that. So most, we have to really reflect upon it carefully. Imagine, if you go to work,

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if you go to work,

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you only get paid, right? Your clock, you know, you go to where you are for eight hours, you don't get paid, oh, eight hours now.

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Only the time that you work within those eight hours, then you get paid.

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But if you don't go to work, you get fired.

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Right? But if you go to work, and you're not doing your work, you don't get paid, what would we do?

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Of course, your boss has no way of knowing whether you're working hard or not, and so forth, right? So you get paid eight hours anyways. But if you don't do your work, and they don't see any results, of course, eventually you get fired anyways. But

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with Allah Subhana Allah, Allah knows exactly the amount of time that you're really working.

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The amount of time, F to the every second, every moment that you're conscious, you're getting reward for.

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So you get and then that reward

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is multiplied.

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Wherever it is, is multiplied. So if you were to come pray, yes, you get, you pray the math, but if you multiply zero by 27, what is it?

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27. Zero times 27 is still zero and some people come they get nothing. Even the Messenger of Allah mentions a person prays and he gets nothing from it. And the only thing he gets his he doesn't have to pray again. That's all in terms of reward. Because he's not it doesn't have any fulfilled from the beginning. Allahu Akbar until the end.

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Zero the amount of Salam Alaikum like Oh, already,

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okay. It has no idea has no idea. So if you want a reward from Allah subhanaw taala

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a person has to try it his very best to have her show her show and to make money Nina that means tranquility in Kosovo. And if you pray in the gym or you pray in the congregation, your whole show is better than your prayer at home. Awesome. It helps a lot because when you pray at home, especially the mandatory prayers, but if you pray the Sunnah, prayers, the Sunnah prayers are always more rewarding at home. So it's the opposite. You get more reward for praying the Sunnah at home and you get more reward for praying the Sunnah prayer for the obligatory prayer in the masjid. And so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Of course, when he mentioned that, the reward

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here, this is the reward in the Hereafter, and the baraka in this life also, because you have to understand the reward that a person receives. You can't compare. You cannot compare anything in this life. Any reward because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said the place that a person puts the whip on the ground in Jannah just the area where the whip touches the ground in Jana, hi Ramona dunya where mafia law Moldavia sold the Heidi Conville Jana. Just the area whether you put your the whip

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in Jana is better than the dunya and everything that's in it.

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Everything that's in it. So imagine that that's why it doesn't matter if someone gives you a million dollars. Let's say okay, brother, I'll give you a million dollars right now. If you don't, go pray, don't go pray Fudger in the masjid,

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in the Hereafter, then the million dollars that you're getting in the hereafter is worth more than anything that you can have. Unless of course you take that million dollars maybe and spend it

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in the path of Allah subhanho wa taala. Then, you know, then, then the prayer itself also in the gym, our prayer itself is worth more than anything in this world. There's nothing that compares to it even one prayer. One prayer is more than anything else.

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In this world so you think of all the rich people or all the wealthy people, there's nothing like it but Allah subhanho wa Taala says, What? Wealthy ronelle higher to dunya but you prefer this life of the this worldly life will ask you to, we'll ask you to hire whatever but the Hereafter is better and everlasting and will remain with it. And so

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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mentions 27 Like why 27?

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Well, the thing is, when, when, when the Prophet sallahu WA has mentioned a specific number, we don't know, unless the profit some of them tells us which Why 27 Why not 28 One a third, this is all this caught, okay, fear. And there are a lot of things in Islam, where Allah subhanho wa taala. Out of His wisdom, he chooses certain numbers that we do, how many times we do it when we do it. Because Allah subhanaw taala is the one who created us. And Allah subhanho wa Taala is all wise and all knowing. Some people say why do we pray? Why do you read loudly? Why do we pray to rock as a fact the time? And then why four records over NASA? Why do we read loud, nighttime, not in the daytime,

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right? And so forth? Why do we realize we don't read loud the other prayers, and so forth. But all of these are acts of worship, and acts of worship are known as total fear, meaning you don't do anything except by the except by the order of Allah subhanaw. And also that you have proof that you have proof for. So So as I mentioned, based on this particular Hadith

00:31:47 --> 00:31:48

that it is

00:31:49 --> 00:32:35

this this hadith, the majority of the scholars, which is the Maliki, and in the Shafi, they say it's not mandatory when they say it's not mandatory, it doesn't mean it's not important. It just means that you're not sinning. It's still greatly stressed, I mean, should always go pray in the masjid, if you're able to pray. There's not like anything less. But the ramifications of it are different based on the rulings based on the rulings. And so to you know, if to say that's mandatory, is something that's very, very, you know, something that's very, very, like, very, very heavy. And to say that's not mandatory also. So you have to have proof, you can't say something's mandatory,

00:32:36 --> 00:32:44

unless you have proof. So what are some of the, some of the Hadith that mentions it's mandatory or not?

00:32:45 --> 00:32:57

And why did why did those who say you have to, it's because the prophets Allah, Allah isn't stressed, it's so much, so much. So to the point where he what he said, the ad hominem to I did, I wanted to

00:32:58 --> 00:33:15

order one of you to lead the prayer, the the President, I would go to the houses of those who didn't come to pray, and would burn their houses out. Even if I would burn their houses down. The only thing that's preventing me from doing so is because of the woman and the children in their houses.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:24

So the Prophet sallallahu mentioned about any other actor who would burn their house and when you say somebody's burning somebody's houses down is like, how serious is that?

00:33:27 --> 00:33:35

That's very, very serious, that the prophets of Allah Hassan wanted to burn the houses of people who didn't have who did not have a reason,

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or didn't have a reason to burn somebody's house down.

00:33:40 --> 00:33:50

And of course, he would be there He is the ruler, hack, if that means the punishment for someone who doesn't pray, like I want to, I want to I wanted to do that.

00:33:51 --> 00:33:54

But the only reason why he didn't do it is because

00:33:55 --> 00:34:10

because of the woman and the children, and some of those who say no, it's not mandatory, even though yes, it looks like it's mandatory, this hadith, but then he didn't do it. But then he also said why he didn't do it because of the children and the children. The moment we're in the houses, he would go.

00:34:11 --> 00:34:52

He would end the Prophet sallallahu says, now, is he just making a joke? Is he joking? No, he's serious. It's not playing around. He's serious. And that's why the Scholars who say it's mandatory, it's obligatory. They have said it's obligatory because there, they do have evidence. They're not just saying it out of nowhere, out of nothing. And so a lot of people don't, don't realize don't take it too seriously. The prayer in the masjid. So if you're able to, then you should always come and the reward is, of course, the reward is very great. But at the same time also, this is the Sunnah of the prophets of the lysosome. And the companions, and this is what they used to do and

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they would never leave the obligatory prayer, the prayer in the masjid

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unless they were sick.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:06

If somebody someone didn't come the Messenger of Allah who would visit him them right away why?

00:35:08 --> 00:35:11

Because he knows that he's probably sick

00:35:12 --> 00:35:18

that's why he VC he doesn't see a face. He would go visit because they wouldn't come unless they were sick.

00:35:20 --> 00:35:46

Unless they were sick if they if they didn't just like stay home because they wanted to stay home No, they always would come and alive somehow knows better. So inshallah we'll end our time we'll continue next week with some other proofs of the of those who say that's mandatory and why is it mandatory based on there was what are some of the evidences inshallah so we ask Allah subhana wa Tada to prolong our life inshallah next week,

00:35:47 --> 00:35:53

we will continue on Wednesdays inshallah after maghrib again Subhanallah

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anybody have any questions before we end? Yes, sir.

00:36:06 --> 00:36:07

Like four or five

00:36:13 --> 00:36:15

if you have more than one

00:36:23 --> 00:37:00

What are you allowed to do at home? The thing is, if you're if you're unable to make it in the masjid, they should pray at home and you should still make up your mind. If you can't you at least with your family so that way you know the importance of it also, if you're unable to make it but the Gemma and it's mentioned in this hadith is Gemma and the masjid the masjid that's what intended it's not salata Gemma and like you make it yours. Okay. I'm not gonna go pray in the masjid. But there are some people, it's very difficult for them. Like some people. I know. Some people live 20 miles away, you know, so they come for Jumeirah, but it's not. They have an excuse because they live very

00:37:00 --> 00:37:10

far away. But then they still should find they should make if they have Muslims, they should make as your mind where everyone can go for every prayer.

00:37:11 --> 00:37:33

But sometimes you live in an area where there's nobody like I know some people will live in or whatever Montana like they're the only Muslim family. So what do you do if you're the only Muslim fam you make the Juma and your house. There's no other Muslim. You have your children and family that you pray together in your house. Because there's no other place. No other Muslim family. So you do so in your house. Well, lotta

00:37:34 --> 00:37:39

So yeah, if you can pray at home Yes, but But if there's a massage massage, it's that you don't have a lot

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