Mohammed Hijab – Mini Seerah – Introduction to Prophet Mohammed

Mohammed Hijab
AI: Summary © The speaker describes a spiritual experience that is "out of body experience" and describes it as a " pest upon experience," with a "will" of Islam highlighted as a "will" of the world and "will" of Islam. The "will" is described as a " pest upon experience" and is highlighted as a " pest upon experience." The speakers emphasize the importance of acceptance and change in the coming days.
AI: Transcript ©
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salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. And welcome to this mini Sierra. What is the purpose of the ministry or the purpose of the ministry right is to give you a chance to be acquainted with some of the main events in the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam without having to watch voluminous kind of series of online or reads encyclopedic, zero books, for example. So this is a brief. This is a brief kind of episode for a beginner an introduction to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And of course, in the time that I'm going to dedicate to this, I will not be doing justice to the life of the of the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam. However, if

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someone wants an introduction, maybe this video will give them pointers in certain directions and give them a flavor of something of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So let's start by asking a question which arises in the field of apologetics, which is usually the question that Michael Cooke and others have put forward in the 70s and 80s. Is the revisionist question, the historical question, did Muhammad Allah Islam even exist in the first place? And they say that what we overlying, you know, on Arabic sources and Muslim sources, and therefore, the question of whether this man hammer to realize exists in the first place, is something which needs to be answered. The straight answer is, we have a plethora of evidence in the Arabic as they know, the Quran being one of the strongest evidence is by the way, which mentions Muhammad by name four or

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five times and which is dated to the time where he is meant to have existed. And of course, the Sahaba and the turbine, the companions and those who came after them, etc, are also a testament to this because they literally witnessed his existence. But the colonial and racist or Imperial orientalist historian might not be necessarily satisfied with that, because they don't trust for some reason or another. The Arabic sources, there has to be something from the west. Well, there's no shortage of that either. second century geographer told me, we got to be with as many ptolemies in the historical record, we're talking about the second century geographer, he actually mentions

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your three bar, which we will know is yathrib and macabre, or maccha. He mentioned this in the second century. So the site's the holy sites of Mecca. And the airstrip, which would then become Medina, was something that was referred to well before the existence of the Prophet Mohammed eliassen.

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And it's not just that, for example, john fenech, who is a seventh century historian, actually mentioned Muhammad Sallallahu, wasallam, by name, and he is writing in the Greek language. And he mentions him by name. Not only that, but he mentioned that he is an instructor and the guide for the people. And so these are just some examples of histories, histories from other than the Arabs. But this is just a taste, quite frankly, because in many of the wars, like a mortar and token others there are actually Roman accounts of those particular wars, which took place between the Arab people whose leader was obviously Mohammed, Salah Salem, and the Romans, for example. So this really is a

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pathetic interrogation. But it's important for us as Muslims to be able to, to defend ourselves from it. And for those non Muslims to be convinced of the evidence is not just from our perspective, but from a triangulated perspective, historical perspective, using the historical critical method, the H c, m.

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Now, having said that, now let's talk about what context was the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century, many of us will know the story of a feel the story of the the elephant, where before the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam was born. In fact, there was a delegation from Abyssinia at the time who attempted to go into Mecca, and to destroy the Kaaba, which is the black box for those who don't know what that is where Muslims pray towards. At that time, obviously, we're surrounded by 360 idols. And when they went and tried to do that Allah subhanho wa Taala. God Almighty, this obviously is a sacred history.

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But a recorded sacred history at that, to be fair, he sent down hedorah he sent down these pelting stones from the birds that literally dropped them and the elephant that came from the from the Amazonian

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from Abyssinia at that time, had to disperse fleetingly.

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But this is something of the context. We should know something about the culture, not just the political events, as this probably would be considered one. What is it? What was the culture of the hour

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At that time, well, as you guys know, while at least maybe you should know that in the seventh century, the there were two major powers, you have the sassanid Empire, which is the Persian Empire, and you have the Roman Empire as well. And those two empires were the two major empires, as many of you definitely would have known that.

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And the Arabia, the Arabian Peninsula was actually lodged in the middle of those two places. It didn't have, at least not at that time, no one had discovered natural resources, yet oil or something like this, it was a hot desert climate, just as it is. Now, if you go to Saudi Arabia, especially in the summertime, or anywhere in the Arabian Peninsula, you will feel the heat, you will feel the heat. And so it was a very hot place, humid, hot.

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It was a tribal society. So there wasn't necessarily like government, or federal system or some kind of top down system like this. Unlike obviously, the rigorous kind of organizational structure that existed in both assassinated and the Roman Empire.

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And you had, you had a warrior culture, quite frankly, because obviously, if your tribes, the thing that you're going to need to do a lot of is fight and fight with other tribes. And in fact, interestingly enough, there are some things called the Molokai actually, there's very famous poetry's that existed before the time of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam

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lived, and these are called Mandala cards literally means the hanged ones, because it was said that they were hanged on the cabin that like they literally hanged on the black box, the cabinet. And obviously, I don't know if it was black, then maybe they put another color on it. But now we know as black obviously, if you look at the pictures, but the point is, it was said to be the case. But some historians differ with this, this naming of this coinage that is in fact that it should be called the mandala card or anything like that, as some refer to them as they have yet because it was written in Golden inco. And this is something which we don't need to go too deeply into. But what I

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want to give you a taster of is something that one of the poet's the warrior poets, called the antarabangsa dead he was an Ethiopian man who came from a slave lineage who was a warrior and I want to give you a flavor of the kind of thing that he would

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write poems about so listen to this very interesting he says this

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is hack Kim su for coffee Republic.

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What are you then SL Tabby dad in a B daddy do Lin for Holly. were either bullied tab you will mean convey Halima? Sorry, what is that bullied Tabby volume in khumba. Convey Halima, we're either lucky that I will Johanna Latif, actually, he says, Let your source judge in the face of the enemy.

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Let your source judge in the face of the enemy. And he says and when you enter upon a land disgraced, then leave that land. In other words, don't don't face and accept humiliation. You can see now what kind of culture This is a war a proud culture, a warrior culture.

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And when you see an oppressor he says we're either bullied tabula or lemon if you are tested with an oppressor Listen to this. Khun Voluma be more of an oppressor. What are their luppi tell Johanna Latif, actually, and you see the one, an ignorant one.

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If you see an ignorant one, if you see

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someone who wants to get rude to basically want to put it in street language, want to get rude, then get rude more, be more ignorant with them. And you can see, you know, you can see Subhanallah the warrior, the spirit, the fight, the pride, the bravery, the courage, the gallant pneus of those people. This particular actually anthropology dead I mentioning him because just to give you a taste of the culture that existed before he actually had a love of his life. Her name was Abdullah. In fact, one of his most famous poetry's was yet that I've let her build Java, he can let me he's speaking to the in the house of Abla. Now because of his race, and this shows you what Islam did in

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terms of transformative effect, because he was black and abloh was an Arab. Okay, he couldn't be with Abdullah so she was like the Forbidden Love. You see what I mean? She was like the Forbidden Love. So look, if you imagine this this guy, he's a he's a soldier. He's a warrior. He's going out this way. He's gonna he's fighting everyone. The swords this. People want to see him they just flee because they they know when this guy throws the bow. At sorry, the arrow when they just see his bow, they want to run away because they know he's got that. He's got that precision. And he's got that sword strength.

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But even him, he's outside of the Battle of the house of Abla.

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Who He will he will he want to be with? And he's saying yeah, that letter. He said oh hi. Speak into the house. Look at that. So

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Navigation shows you the imagery and the personification and the richness of, of language that these guys had at that time.

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Oh, House of Abla. Yeah, he says, he's speaking to it, speak back to me basically saying to him, and that he says something,

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and wake up in the morning, of, of, of Abla. And come to me. And so basically, he's talking to the house, because it's sentimental because I blazed the live demo, it couldn't be viable. Now, obviously, we're not going to get there yet. But just bear that in mind that we this was a racist society, someone like antarabangsa dead, couldn't get married to his black, he could not get married. Yeah, to someone who has another race. But all of that changes as we know, Bill, ignorable he became the more evident he became the higher level

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color to prayer. Yeah, for the Muslims. And not only that, but he also got married to an Arab was helping to have for your information. So that shows you a transformative effect of the Islamic kind of morality on the Arab society already was a racist society, it was an unequal society. And in terms of sexuality, it was loose.

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In terms of sexuality is very loose. Some people think that, okay, we live in a very sexually loose society. Now, it's true. But then before Islam was quite loose, as well, because you had these built these, these kind of prostitute houses, okay? brothels, call them that if you want

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brothels, and the woman will be obviously having * with lots of men. She'd be having * with this man and this way, and when she gets pregnant, because obviously at that time they have contraception, or maybe they did understand quarters interrupters, but not always will it work. she'll bring all the men that she had * with. And she'll say your father, whoever she likes the most your point MC, you're the file.

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And obviously, when Islam came, in addition to destroying racist elements, it also destroyed this idea of not knowing where your lineage is, in fact, one of the five things that Islam came to protect was lineage. So this kind of practice was put to an end and people talk about polygamy. But there was an unrestricted polygamy at that time, you know, and women were doing it as well, like everyone was everyone was wild.

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And so that just gives you a kind of like understanding. I kind of alluded, alluded to this already, but the fact that was 160 to 360 idols around the Kaaba, so it was a paganistic culture.

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There were remnants probably of Christianity and Judaism, Judaism, more Medina when we get there. But Christianity, there were some people that kind of understood what Christianity was, and, but really, the Arabs were pagan. They were pagan, okay, and they believed in idols and they worship their idols. And in fact, it was their source of income. Which is why when the Prophet came with to hate the idea of monotheism, they saw it as such a threat because it wasn't just a theological threat, it was an economic threat as well.

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So we spoke about that we spoken about poetry. We spoke about some of the context that does the environment,

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and how marriage was and stuff like that.

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We're gonna be talking now about a prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam himself. So look, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. He was from a particular tribe called Banu Hashim, which was a sub tribe of crush, okay, so he was from, which was a very prestigious, if not the most prestigious tribe. And of course, the lineage of that goes back to his mind. His male Ishmael, who is obviously one of the two, two sons that we know of, of Abraham, or that I mentioned in the scriptures of Abraham Ibrahim alayhis salaam.

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And so the lineage goes back to Abraham, as if you don't know already, okay? The Jews and the Arabs are actually cousins from that perspective, especially what we see now with Palestine, Israel. It's a bit ironic when you think about it like that, right? And it's usually the narcissism of small difference when people are closer together. Sometimes the conflict becomes even more pronounced. But he was from that lineage. He was a he was from the lineage of Abraham. And he was from the lineage in particular of Ishmael.

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what happened was when he was born, in fact, the sacred history tells us that his mother Amina,

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she basically had light emanate from her, from her when she went when he when he was born. And this is a miracle, one of many different miracles that took place at the time of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam when he was younger, his heart was taken out and washed. Literally, he hasn't angelic open heart surgery that was spiritualize and to cleanse and purify his heart, the center of spiritual revelation for what would happen next to him and the kids saw that and that's written on our spiritual or sacred histories when he got a bit older. He started obviously working now. And he was a man with a meditative temperament. Okay, he was he was known in the community sallallahu

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wasallam as a sonicwall. I mean, he was known as somebody who was trustworthy, true.

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For untrustworthy, that's why some people would go to him. So basically, they would leave their stuff with him. Like, for example, they're going somewhere, they want to leave some like a safety deposit box, they'd go to his house and say, can you take care of this? And he was known for that. Okay. And this shows you already the trust that he had in the community, by the way, someone may object from an apologetics perspective and say, well, that's just you saying that, obviously, you will say that you're a Muslim and you're biased. But what we will say in response to that is being polemical here, what actually this was used as one of the arguments in the Quran and the Sunnah. And

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had it held no currency, it wouldn't have been used, or at least it would have been refuted. In other words, the things that the opponents of the Prophet Mohammed Salim say, like he's a magician, Sir, have carrion that he is Majnoon and he's insane, that he is possessed by the devil, that all those things that they make about him all the fabrications that they make about him, not one of them is not that he's not trustworthy, he's a liar. Bear in mind that no one actually made that and we have, by the way, so many reports, which fulfill the principle of embarrassment, meaning that even some of the orientalist admit these reports show us that the history is actually authentic. It's one

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of the principles of history, the principle of embarrassment, probably chief most of which is the Satanic Verses. The fact that that made the into the the the Hadeeth literature in the first place, shows that the one really and we'll talk about this, by the way, in its own, we'll give it its own treatment when we do sapient thoughts on sapient Institute website, YouTube page. But the point is, is that

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things were just recorded, things were just recorded. And that's why even things which are weak or inauthentic or fabricated, make it into the tradition. And that's why there is a process of cleaning up the tradition that has taken place through animal ritual, or the idea of Jehovah deal, looking at who said what, and seeing if they have a bias or not. And this was a critical method employed by the first people in Islam.

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But that's another lecture for another time. Let's continue now and talk about a prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam. So the Prophet Muhammad says, as we said, he was known as cyclical, I mean, he was known as the truthful and the trustworthy one, people would leave this stuff in his house, there were many incidents that he showed superior wisdom. Like, for example, the Kaaba had been destroyed at one time, and they were reassembling it. And the last brick they wanted to put back in place in order to reassemble it. And every tribe wanted to put the brick and they were saying, Let me put the brick and whatever. So then they said, Let the next man that comes through here he be the arbitrator

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of our disputes. And it was none other than a prophet Mohammed Salim obviously, at that time, we had not received revelation. He said, Look, I've got an idea. So what's the idea, he said, Look, put the brick in the middle here. Everyone lifted, lifted,

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like so all of you get the honor of lifting the brick, and putting it back in its place. And I'm gonna push it in its place. So look at that it's an extremely wise kind of solution to the problem that they had. So he was known for that kind of thing. And he was a trader. In fact, he was also shepherd. You know, the Prophet Muhammad SAW salam, as was the custom in Arabian times he was sent to the desert, basically, because it helps with articulation, you get tough, you get strong. And by the way, this is a lesson for us because we are too luxurious here in the West, like, especially if we're from a certain country, whether it's, you know, a Middle Eastern country and African country,

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an Asian country ever, we should go back and kind of see the roughness in that country, because we get too complacent and ungrateful. So the Arabs knew that very well. And they used to put their kids in this space in the desert, to be raised with these people. And they would pick up the language in a better way, they would have a better kind of connection with nature, and they will come up rougher and tougher. In other words, they had the warrior spirit, the prophet SAW, some of you went through that as well. And he became a shepherd at one point. And what's really interesting about all the prophets, there's a hadith that says that all the prophets were practically all of them are

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practically shepherds. And if you think about the idea of a shepherd, the shepherd actually guides the flock. And that's what a prophet does. So this is a kind of

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time heat, if you like, or it's a kind of preparation for all of the prophets to the guidance to the enterprise of guiding the people. What's really interesting is if you find

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goats and stuff like that their eyes are actually by the side of their face, not in front of their face. So they can't really see in front that well, so they need a shepherd in order to show them the straight path.

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And so it's physically a very appropriate thing to have a shepherd that would literally show them the straight path and obviously the puppet master salam, and what would come would show the people the spiritual straight path, and let them know and guide them and instruct them. So after being a shepherd, he started working as a trader, which basically shows as well that you need to get out there and do work because the Prophet Mohammed Salim was not on at home doing Jobseeker's allowance, or the he wasn't on the dole. He wasn't dependent on other people to maintain him like that. He was out there working hard and in fact his his boss was Khadija

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A woman who was shrewd,

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extremely intelligent woman, you know, extremely noble woman who had kids before from her previous marriage, you know, she had been married before and so on. And she had been a woman, that the Prophet Muhammad wa sallam really admired. So obviously he packed things that go into the caravan, they do things. And she looked, and she said, This man is amazing. This man is amazing, he's trustworthy.

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You know, he's, he's always doing exactly what is expected of him, he does more, he gets the business done, he's proficient his, if you want to put it in a contemporary language, he is professional, he is a professional, which shows us already look at work, we need to be professional.

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You know, is that is not even

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people say, let's do that with our actions. That is a sufficient but not necessary requirement. So necessary, but not sufficient. Data is done by cooling pieces of heat, but you need, at the base level, show a level of professionalism at work with your colleagues, with your friends, because that's where it all starts with your personal reputation. And the Prophet had the best reputation. He had the best reputation.

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And no one really no one said anything about him being honest, trustworthy, all of those things. And so his wife Khadija was always there for him.

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She would become his wife, obviously, at this time, she wasn't his wife yet. So this woman had deja, who was who was his boss at this time. She went to one of her kind of workers, and she's an ifisa. She said she you know, do you think that profit? Or do you think that Mohammed, at that time, he wasn't the Prophet, right? And she said, would you think that he would be interested in someone like me?

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She didn't believe that like, and then the fucile went today to Mohammed sallallahu sallam, and she said, Do you think that you'd be interested? And he was like, the same as like, you know? I don't think so. You know, why humble? Like, Mashallah, you know,

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and then he went to basically uncle and long story short, they got married, and he was 25. And some reports say that she was 28 or 29, sort of reports, they said she was 40. She was older than him full stop, okay, she was ordering full stop. And she, they still did business together, they still worked. You know, it was still a very functional marriage. And he always retreated now to get to the cave. And this is called the vault Hara. And if you go to Saudi Arabia, you can, you can see this place. It's like a small, nice, enclave like a small cave, you have to go up, it's actually quite a long thing to get up there.

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And he would just sit there thinking about God.

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And he would think about, like purpose of life. He had that, as we said, a meditative temperament.

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Which shows you really the power of seclusion, just being by yourself sometimes, like, the age that we live in is too much hustle and bustle in the Cosmopolitan world that we live in, to retreat sometimes by yourself, even if you're in a car driving or something, just by yourself and think to yourself, you know,

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this is why I need to get done. Clear thoughts have clarity of mind, that's what he was trying to achieve. And he wanted to worship God. So he do this regularly. He'd go to the cave, you know, his wife was very supportive.

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His wife was very, like, extremely supportive. And he went to the cave one day.

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And he was doing the same routine that he's used to, which shows you the power of routine.

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And all of a sudden, he was crapped. He was great. He was something held on to him and seized him. And he was shocked by it and it's and wherever I think was said a clock said read recite.

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He said no, because I can't read something I can do because he was illiterate. So liars Allah

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because it was the society actually most people in that society couldn't read or write was an oral culture. So most poetry was done orally rather than through the pen

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and a bit quieter

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clap one more time read recite, because clap means read, but it also means recite.

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He goes, man, I'll be quiet. I can't read. So what's this like, you know,

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shock, a feeling of shock.

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And you can imagine now just him in the cave feeling like that and feeling constrained, feeling constrained straitjacketed by this experience.

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And shocked because this is not This is no joke of an experience right now.

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And then finally, if this merabh Baker, Lady Halak, read in the name of your Lord who created holla call insert, I mean, Allah created the human being from a clot. Yeah.

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Well, I bukal Akram, and read and your Lord is the Most Generous alethea Lemma we'll call him, the one who taught with the pen. He is the one who taught with the pen.

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Shocked and then

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He he was it was released that feeling that straight jacketed,

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you can finally exhale now he could finally exhale. Now this was a shocking experience. And he looked up into the horizon. And he saw something, an angelic creature with huge wings.

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Like, imagine seeing a huge tree in front of you, that blocks the entire

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your entire vision, it shades, everything that's in front of it.

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He went back home.

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And he said to his wife, he said, semitones me, he said, just cover me up, cover me up.

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Look out. Look how honest this report is.

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Look how human this report is.

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Look how it reveals that the very normal unnatural insecurities of human being

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of vulnerability

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of vulnerability to things which are unpredictable to things which create anxiousness.

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This is reported paces and milonas. Cover me up.

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And then, hi, deja Walla, when you hear this stuff that she says in reaffirming words.

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You know why she's the best. She's the best wife that the Prophet Muhammad said. I said, I've had

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no doubt about it.

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No doubt about it.

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She was like, No, Allah wouldn't punish you. And she mentioned some of his good traits that he feeds the poor cherry that he does, is good. Too often the Prophet himself was an orphan. Don't forget that. He was an orphan. And when you remember, when we say that the Prophet Muhammad was an orphan.

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You think to yourself when these people talk about him in the negative way? Do they even know that he was an orphan that he lived this underprivileged socio economic upbringing.

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He was an orphan. And Khadija had gone back to the point was was convincing him look.

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Don't worry, Allah is not punished, not punishment.

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And the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he was still shivering, shocked being in.

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So what Heidi just said she had a cousin. No food and water. What sorry, what happened? No fun. Yeah, he was a Christian. And that was one of the few Christians that lived in Mecca. So they went to him. And they said, they said some, like what's going on right now. So he basically because obviously has access to the New Testament or biblical information, or whatever you want to call it, Christianity had access to the Christian tradition, to some extent, whatever form it took in Arabia at that time. And bear in mind the, the Bible was not translated in Arabic at that time. It was not translated the Old Testament or the New Testament, but he this was no watercolor, watercolor, no

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fruit. And he said, Look, this is this is, you know, the angel that comes to all of the prophets. And he started giving warnings to the permanent house and saying, look, you are going to face persecution, basically, to put it in a long story short, and I'm paraphrasing, he said basically, because this this kind of thing that happened to anybody, except that they faced persecution and resistance.

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And that's exactly what he faced. Just a quick correction. I when I was mentioning to pronounce his mom's name, it was not Amina, it's me. Now, by the way, just a quick correction. Now we're at the point in the Sierra, where the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salam had that first revelation and how intense how intense was that first revelation? Imagine once again, just imagine with me that you are seized and feel like you're being straitjacketed by some force that you can't even see.

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And you're told to read and recite and you can't read recite. You don't know what's going on. You go back to your wife.

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As he's shaking, cover me up. I don't know what's happening.

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I don't know what's going on right now.

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She takes him to water, even though because of Khadija Raja lawanna. And he's telling him he's telling her this what's going to happen is going to be there's going to be resistance, there's going to be persecution, there's going to be whatever.

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And so Subhanallah what happens after that is she's obviously reaffirming it for him and saying that look, you're good man. Trust me. This is not a punishment from God, but he feels secure. It feels like and this is the this is the mark of a sincere person where they always feel like that. There's something wrong with them, even if, even if they're perfect. Even if they're sinless. They always feel like there's more to be done. They're always yearning for perfection. They're always blaming themselves. There was finding a reason to improve.

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a mark of a successful person is someone who finds a reason to improve.

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And so the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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he was

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By myself, and for months and months now he was he was not getting that revolution. And as, as worrying and scary and traumatic as it was, he missed it.

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He felt like maybe God Almighty is upset with something that I did something I fought something I

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I started getting really bad anxiety, like extremely bad anxiety, acute anxiety.

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months would go by and there's a famous report and behind it, which says that, oh, he has suicidal thoughts. By the way, that report is moderate. It's not something that profits are seldom ever said himself. It means you have so hurry. he narrates this had these in bajada. He does his commentary of it. So he had very, very, very deep level, deep seated anxieties. There's no evidence to suggest I had the suicidal thoughts, however.

00:31:00 --> 00:31:14

But it shows you the length, or I mean, the extent of his he doesn't have his sadness and sorrow. And just interestingly, nowadays, a lot of people suffer from mental health disorders, like depression,

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chronic depression, anxiety, and so on.

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And they think, by the way, a lot of people think that going through stages of your life where you feeling anxious and depressed, that

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diminishes your status as a Muslim person, as false as false as absolutely false. It doesn't diminish your status as a Muslim person. In fact, we have things in the Quran of Mary Maria Maria Salaam, when she was saying, I wish I was dead basically. Well, I wish I was forgotten even I was when she was giving birth, the pain that and the embarrassment that she felt when she was giving birth to Jesus.

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And we have also in the CO in the Quran, Jacob in sort of use of chapter 12 of the Quran, where he literally had so much he wasn't like deep seated anxiety, because he lost his son that he went blind. Like, let me ask you a question. And just think about this for a second. Now, what if you went to a psychiatrist or a psychologist or someone who was trained in the field? And he explained, or someone say, it's just that and they explained that they have gone blind because of their anxiety.

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I'm sure they would prescribe antidepressants and say, Look, you have a high level, you know, you've got high level anxiety and depression and these kinds of things. But he said, For suborn, Jameel beautiful patients

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for before, so that we don't offer and I'm being very straightforward here. What Muslims don't offer

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is that you're not going to have anxiety in your life. You're not gonna have depression you're not gonna have to let you're not gonna have tests.

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Allah subhanaw taala says in the Koran, for Hasib ins a youth Rocco a akula emin warm lay afternoon. Do people think that they were just going to be left like that and see that we believe and they will not going to be tested?

00:33:12 --> 00:33:23

Well, according for tender loving me, acaba de la la man, the Lola the inner circle, or the LM in the Caribbean, that we have certainly tested those who have come before them. So Allah will know.

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In other words, distinguish between those who are truthful and sincere and those ones who are liars in other words insincere.

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Allah subhanaw taala. Who mentioned in the Quran, well in evolution, there can be a male hope you will do. Well not assuming that M well you will unfussy with thammarat that Allah He will certainly try you. And this came as people were becoming Muslim. This both by the way, with something of Lux mineral deficiencies and hope you'll be more scared, anxiousness, juice, hunger,

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deficiencies and wealth etc. These are tests. What Islam offers the people is not a magic pill to depression and anxiety. Such a magic pill does not exist.

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Let me just be very clear about that. Such that even the Prophet is not immune from anxiety. And not him just not just him. other prophets that came before him.

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He's not immune from anxiety.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:35

This is one of many different times in the life of the Prophet we're gonna find that he went through at least what would be referred to in the psychological literature as

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transitory sadness. Because I think that they differentiate between transitory sadness and depression through the Chronicle. nature of the of the episode or lack thereof. They some of them say six months if it's more than six months, interestingly enough, this is six months, right? It was more than six months of holidays. It was more than six months. It's not chronic depression. They call it transitory sadness, but six months

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To now, in a useful segue, the prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he, he got revealed the next surah of the Quran or the next area to the Quran and chapter 74. Yeah, you hit them with death hongfa and there are a Becca captor with the back of a book here.

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These verses in chapter number 74 Oh yoohoo is wrapped in garments with death, comfort, and they'll get up and warn the people are back after cat bear.

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And go ahead and glorify your Lord.

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Now imagine, you know, like, let me tell you something, and maybe we can make this work for you a little bit. You might have, you might have a love life interest in your life, you might have something you like, someone you love. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a spouse, it doesn't necessarily have to be

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apart nice stuff, or like any of your non Muslim watching this. But you know, there are no Muslims watching this a partner, right? a girlfriend or a boyfriend, hopefully you come to the truth and you don't have to live like that anymore. But let's just say you have that. You see, when your phone gets like starts vibrating or like it starts flashing or something like that, thinking, who is it and you you know, you're anxious, you want to know who it is you want to know if it's that person could even be it can even be someone that's not romantic in a romantic setting. It can be a platonic relationship, like your mom or your dad, like someone that you love, and that you want to see if

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they're okay or your son or your daughter. love interest in your life when they call you or

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especially when there has been a hiatus and there's been a lack of interactivity between you and that person. You feel like very, very, like even more enthused, when it comes to retrieving the information that they have. We have this we have this kind of experience. Now imagine the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam now, after six months of hiatus is no revenue, the regulatory hiatus, he gets this phone call if you want to call it that angelic phone call.

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But Who's calling?

00:37:04 --> 00:37:23

Allah subhana wa Tada. He's the one who's calling. Imagine the happiness. Imagine the euphoria. Use this word. Not Honestly, this, especially if someone has had like a spell of anxiousness and maybe depression. Let's use the word depression. He's had that at least transitory sadness, deep seated sadness.

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And then a loss of power to Alice, like, rings your phone, and then start speaking to that same voice that you heard the angel Gabriel, the same angel that came to all the prophets that came before him. Well, this is a different story now. It's a different story.

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And it's given him instructions.

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Now tell me how much more motivated with the profit have been because of this hiatus because he's blaming himself this whole time feeling insecure, to do the things that are mentioned even though they could put his life at risk. And this is a very important point. This is extremely important for anyone who wants to doubt the messenger, Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah. Why would a man who's living as a minority with a seemingly new religion, especially in the cultural kind of environment, at that time, put himself in a position where he's not going to be boycotted, his people are going to be persecuted etc. In fact, when

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this, these verses came down, other verses came down like when they are shirataki, la carabin. And warn your close family The ashira comes from the arbequina. Ashleigh, literally meaning 10 or those extended family members Go on, go on. Go on warn your extended family members. And the first Muslims were people like, obviously, hi deja La Jolla, Juana. She believed him straight away. She knows his track record. She's live with the map. She married him because he was a sonicwall. I mean,

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the truthful and trustworthy one, she believed. Olive, Debbie polyp, he believed.

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He believed

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Abacus siddik and he was named acidic because of how much he believes.

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bless others. There were many people that became Muslim.

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And they were at the lower echelons of society at that time.

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And because of it, they were boycotted. They were attacked. They were physically injured.

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You know, very famously, Bilal was they put boulders on him. They killed sumaiya.

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A woman who her son was a martyr. Even Yes.

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He had to see his mom, they they were they killed her like this was serious stuff.

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If you if you don't even have any strength. You're living in Mecca, and you're seeing all this happen. It takes all your sincere person a liar. I cannot imagine that someone will be doing this in their instance. How could you think about that for a second? Just try and let that settle.

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Fill in your brain left for men in your mind. Why would someone who is insincere endure years of persecution, boycott? Pain, disaster, years of that, seeing people, his his his close people being killed. Then it was an economic boycott. These guys were getting so hungry that they were eating leaves. They get hungry. It's not if it was for worldly reasons they actually offered him they offered him all the worldly pursuits and he refused it. They tried to compromise with him so many times that the Quran actually had verses revealed on the matter.

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kuliah you healthcare furon Abu Mehta boon, oh, say, Oh, you believe this belief is I'm not going to believe what you believe. And you're not going to believe what I believe, and yoga and so on. You have your religion and I have mine. What dulo to the Hindu for you, the Hindu, they wish that you can compromise so that you can compromise with them, and they would compromise with you. But when I said that in chapter 67, verse three, or four,

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so So the point of the matter is, they want to compromise, but the Prophet had no compromise of towhead. That's why this is the pure and respectable monotheism, the tauheed the believer in in worshipping the Creator God, that created the universe. Without partners or associates, we don't believe God is a man or human being. We don't believe God is that statue or is in his in a statue.

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We don't believe something can supervene on the nature of God. We believe in the Creator God, the Wise, the old, powerful, the Most Merciful, the creator of the universe, the Sustainer of the universe. Yes. And that is the one God that we worship. And that was, that was the uncompromising message for 13 years. You know, when I say 13 years, when I say 13 years, you guys might think, Okay, what, 13 years, 13 years, that is a considerable chunk out of someone's adult life. 13 years is no joke with all due respect for someone to be enduring all of that we trivialize it. So you know, 13 years now, 13 years going through boycott persecution, the prophet got went to prostrate,

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and some people they put in the bowels of the animal on him and his daughter had to watch that like this is living a difficult, difficult, difficult life.

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for for Allah subhanaw taala is not he was definitely not going to compromise with this. One that

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and the message of the Quran remained resilient.

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And the Prophetic Mission remained resilient as well. What happened was, he had an uncle called I will polyp.

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And this uncle was not a Muslim, but he was very much you could say, sympathetic to the Prophet muscles. And because he had that connection, it basically prevented them from killing him.

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And what happened was when there was there was a year where his uncle and his wife both died. Like imagine this love of his life had IJA who was there for him, like, you know, he came back from the heart. She was definitely in before that. She was supporting him with her money. Like she was a businesswoman. He was there working.

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And now this person who was at his side and he had daughters of her In fact, all of his daughters were from with her all of his daughters, including Fatima well we've had deja and now she dies

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and Abu Talib the man he actually he loved here the connection with him

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and so much so that he wanted he wanted them to become Muslim Allah revealed in their color to attack demon Baba, like in the Lucha de Masha. You're not gonna you're not gonna guys who you want, but Allah guides whom He wills.

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And both of them died in the same year.

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And this was this was the year that was referred to as I am a husband, the year of grief.

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Once again, going back to mental health, it shows you, it shows you that we are all human and we are susceptible to these things. The extraneous variables in our life and our humanly existence will have an effect on our mood, whether you like it or not.

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And it had an effect on if it had an effect on Mohammed Salah salams mood. Do you not think you will not have any effect on your mood? Do you not think you should be or you're entitled to be immune from this. You're not entitled to be immune from anxiety or your life. The purpose of life is not for you to feel completely happy all the time. The purpose of life is to worship Allah despite what you think we feel.

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That's the purpose of life. So what happened is from Amazon, I'm starting to gain support. And people started to become Muslim in small pockets. And so he started speaking to people from this town called the airstrip.

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And there were two main tribes in the house in the hostage

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Those two major tribes.

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Basically, he did doubted them, he brought them he told them It's like he didn't have any monetary thing to offer them by the way. And this is extremely important point because it's gonna signal the, how the Prophet became a leader. in Medina, he became a leader in what would become named Medina, not through demolition or violence. He became a leader through popular opinion.

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Think about that for a second.

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He didn't become a leader because there was someone before him. And this differentiates him from all of the others. By the way, the kings of the Roman Empire the No, these guys were inherit mold for the most part, they inherited a monarchy right. The Prophet became a leader by pop backed by popular opinion, he did not have anything monetary to offer these people at all. When he left after the hijra. He left with a vaca Siddiq, obviously, his companion and stuff, and they had they had a warrant for his arrest and his death.

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Okay. And

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when they had a warrant for his arrest, they

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tried to kill him. In fact, there's a there's a famous story of sokoban Malik, of a man who tried to catch him Popham homosassa. lamp. And as he approached the legs of this horse of this guy, it sank into the, into the sand, and the Prophet, he came to the Prophet nowhere now he's a prophet, because how could this happen? And he became Muslim, this surah Malik, and this hadith is in body and you will find that actually, he even predicted that he will be wearing the bracelets of kisara of the assassinate King. And at the time of Amara just to skip a beat. You know, he actually this prophecy was, in fact actualized. But the point is, they made it they made a break for it. And they went,

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they went to from Mecca to Medina, before that, obviously, I'm skipping a lot of stuff here, for example, the emigration of a lot of the Muslims to Abyssinia. Okay, and we could talk about that, and there were two such occasions. But the reason why I'm not mentioning it directly is because it was the scope, and it will make this too long, right. But there was another when the prophets I saw him he sent a lot of the people that have been persecuted to Abyssinia because there was a just King deckled and the gesture or negus, as they call him, right. But before that now they had moved towards Medina. And the Austin has he had already accepted the problem as asylum and his terms on

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Bay as La Cava. And there are two such a as pledge of allegiance, they will come to him when he came.

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And he came there and it was it was kind of like a celebratory experience. And now we mark and with 13 years, we just rush through it maybe an hour or whatever it's been. We're 13 years by and we have seen the whole meccan period. come to a close.

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Now panela the question of Alyssa Maharaj. When does it take place so the scholars have different, so I'm not going to tell you the difference of opinion. But there was also an incident where the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, where he went from, from and this is why Jerusalem is very, very important to us Muslims, he went from and this is we believe a miracle. He went from Medina, all the way to Jerusalem, on this animal called Ebola.

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Now some I've seen some new atheists and others, they make a mockery of this and say, What are you talking about? How can you say that the Prophet, animals just wonder what kind of animals Just wait a minute? Why is this impossible to believe? on? What basis is this very difficult to believe? That he went from Mecca to Medina, with this animal now we have planes that do the job. We have rockets that go up as well. You think you as a human being can create these technological things. And that Allah subhanaw taala cannot make an animal that can do something better than your machines. This is the delusion and the self arrogation of the new atheists. And in fact, if you if you take some of

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their arguments, I actually had one conversation just on the point of they slept with Manoj

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and one conversation with an atheist one so he believes in the multiverse. I said, you know if you believe in the multiverse, and he said infinite amount of universes, if you believe in a multiverse of infinite amount of universes, that means that all possibilities will actualize

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including there's a man called Muhammad going on the book, because that is a possibility. It might not be. He didn't realize this line of argumentation. And it kind of stunned him. And the point is that even on other worldviews This is not inconceivable, so long as as a god out there that can do all the things which are possible. This is a possible thing. It's not an impossible thing. It's not like a square circle. And so we say that the problem is our salon was taken from Medina, to Jerusalem, and he prayed there, and he led the profits in prayer. And then he went up to the heavens, all seven of them

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and he spoke to Allah subhanaw taala and that is when the five prayers were revealed in this spiritual voyage and adventure

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So now when we pray, we have an out of body experience, we have a spiritual experience where we're literally ascending. Maybe not physically as the Prophet there, but definitely spiritually. And that's why when we start praying, we say Allahu Akbar. And we literally mean that Allah is greater than because that's what the translation of that word is. Anything else we may be doing. We are transcending the worldly existence and moving into a spiritual domain, which is

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completely above and beyond our menial activities that we do on a daily basis, the prayer is never a waste of time. And it's the center of the Islamic experience, five times a day anchors, our belief system, and it gives us a sense of stability and tranquility and serenity, and spiritual guidance that cannot be afforded in any other exercise that anyone can do the prayer

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and that is when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had this amazing and miraculous interaction with some of the previous prophets. Chief most of which probably to be remembered is Moses, who reduced the size of the prayer from 50 to five, after a kind of transactional discussion or interaction between the Prophet Muhammad, Allah, and Allah, himself, the creator of the universe, and yes, of course, Allah can facilitate such interaction.

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So when he came back, some people actually couldn't believe this, because empiricism was strong, even then, right. And so people couldn't believe this. They went to a blockbuster deck. And he said,

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in Colorado, very famously said, that if he said it, that this happened, they said to him, you believe that he actually went to Jerusalem and they went up to this guy wherever Abu Bakr, and this is the reason why he was referred to as a Siddiq. He said, If he said it, then it happened. And this is the attitude of a true believer. When you see a Quranic verse, or you see a Hadith, which is authentic, you say, if this is the verse, that I believe it, if someone brings out Hadees, that you don't know, and is maybe inauthentic, or you don't know if it's authentic or not, and you want to be safe and protect yourself, say, if it's authentic, I accept it.

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But nowadays, it's a matter of interpretation. But the point being is this, that incident

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took place. The Muslims now had a policy. And this was the policy of Medina. And, obviously, the policies, those pagan Arabs that had been, the perpetuate is, or the perpetrators, I should say, the perpetrators of the boycott and of the persecution, this riled them up and aggravated them, and get them.

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And so they wanted to fight the Muslims in what would become probably the most famous battle of all the battles that the Prophet Mohammed Salah took part in. And let me just say something about the prophets battles that he took part in all of them he shared the risk with his fellow comrades, isn't it just a loosely say to his people go and fight and I'll sit here my white house, smoking a pipe somewhere, he went out with the people that fought with him. He was a man, even though he was in his 50s, he would go out and fight as well in the front line with the sword.

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And some people use this against the Prophet as if it is an argument against Islam. If anything, this is an argument for Islam. Why would a man risk his own life fighting on the battlefield on the front line? If he is indeed,

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insincere to his cause? Knowing full well that the risk is death? Think about it. Yeah, I mean, you're a lot of these people. They're putting the postmaster as if he was some kind of materialistic man. So 13 years of boycott, and when he goes to Medina, his battle after battle after battle, and he has to protect himself and defend his people. So I don't see how it works. And at this time, by the way, obviously, Khadija had died, he married a woman called solamente. sama, who was another elderly woman, people don't realize she was older than him. And she had her own kids. And the Prophet married as if he was a womanizer. This is another thing that comes to mind. Why is he

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marrying people that are older than him with kids? Why is he was doing that.

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The third wife he had was a Chanel Jolla one. She was the one famously in the Hadeeth, where she had a young age and so on the hadith of nine years old and whatever. And at that time, it was not something that the people had any issues with people getting married at the time, all along. And we have another videos on this can put my name on YouTube, and the marriage of Irish and stuff like that, if you want more information about why that age, and so on. But the point is, his marriage started to happen. And a lot of the marriages started to become political in nature, in a sense that he would get married to women because he wanted to create a polity, which was, which was unified.

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And we'll come to examples of that in what follows, but actually, it was the daughter of Abu Bakr, Siddiq, so he was creating stronger bonds between himself and the companions. And at this time, so he's now in Medina, creating his policy and the Battle of whether it takes place where there's only 313 of these Muslims and they overpower and defeat in an amazing show of military

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Strength and wit, those pagan Arabs and it was seen as something which really established him as a force in that area. It totally established him as a force in that area.

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And in fact, this was predicted in the Quran

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where Allah subhanaw taala says, so you resemble Gemma, where you are Luna dooba. There, they're actually going to be defeated, and they're gonna run away. That verse came before, but that took place, and it was a prediction of them running away, and they did run away, and they lost. And this is another example of when the Quran makes predictions, and it comes out to be true.

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And so now after this, the polity of Islam has been established after this particular war, but

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for those who say that the sacred history sounds too good to be true, there was what some refer to as a defeat and a setback with Oxford, where the Prophet almost died himself, his teeth came out he was injured. And this shows you that he was sharing that risk that military risk.

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And after and after, there was another war, there was war after war. There was war after war. And I'm skipping a lot here, but let's say as up so we're going to talk about before we do so I think it's extremely important to realize that when the Prophet Mohammed Salam came to Medina, obviously it was called the Arab and then the name changed to Medina, which literally means in Arabic, the city and Medina is nebby, when Medina, Medina to nabee, or the city of the prophet in dishonor, and it reveals the format would be just the city of Medina. That's what it's called, Medina now.

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When he got there, he actually drafted a, what you would call a constitution. In fact, this book here, which I think is a good read, for someone who wants to have an introduction, you know, in the English language to the Sierra gives us a bit of a kind of elaboration of what kind of thing existed in this. And he mentions obviously, in the treaty, he mentioned even he shares the reference, but we also know that given Shahab Azadi had the Khattab called Khattab mahasi, which is also referenced as well. But this is an important treaty because it shows that the intention was not

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to try and eradicate all the pluralism that existed in Medina, or that the intention was a uniformity, to try and bring everyone force everyone to become a Muslim. This is indeed an insidious, and it is a malignant, and it is a deceptive it is a crooked lie, a monstrous falsehood that has been held against the Islamic tradition and something which has no basis in any of the primary source material. Let's take a look at this treaty just to give you a taster of what existed in the treaty. The Jews of Benioff are one community with the believers it says, the Jews who profess their religion and the Muslims deaths because the Koran even mentioned this I mean, dementia

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or dementia affiliate middlemen share affiliate for whoever wants to come believe, and whoever wants to come this believe in chapter 18, lakum do you know qualia? Do you have your religion we have our as we've already stated this, in the in the events that took place before

00:58:01 --> 00:58:41

the Quran mentions in letter of intent, there's no compulsion in religion. And here you have it now enshrined in a document in a treaty in a constitution which you could say existed that facilitated the atmosphere for people that were not Muslim. The second point is Jews shall be responsible for their expenditure. And the Muslims for this seems very fair, doesn't seem like there's any kind of * going on here some kind of oppression. No, it says if attacks by third party each shall come to the help of the other seems like it's a civil society being formed here and this new policy of Medina, for each party shall hold counsel with the other mutual relations shall be founded on

00:58:41 --> 00:58:54

righteousness, sin is totally excluded. So once again, is setting the expectation the moral bar is set. This is a moral society, we're not going to try and transgress one against one another in sin.

00:58:56 --> 00:59:07

And listen to this, neither shall commit sins to the prejudice of the other. Very straightforward, the Jews shall contribute to the cost of war so long as they are to fight along the believers.

00:59:09 --> 00:59:12

Some people say well look at the Jews, yet the discriminatory attacks.

00:59:13 --> 00:59:38

The Jews jizzy, according to the earliest authorities was less than a cat. It was less than as a cat. Why is it discriminatory tax? Who is it discriminatory towards the Muslims? Because there's a cat is 2.5% of the male and the fifth one is, why is this? Why is the jizya so discriminatory? When it's less when it is less in terms of an expenditure for the for the population of non Muslims? Is just because as a different name,

00:59:39 --> 00:59:47

of course, has a different name because there's a cat has the functionality, the spiritual functionality of teskey, which is purification.

00:59:48 --> 00:59:52

So there's, we don't have to have the same name. With all due respect.

00:59:53 --> 00:59:59

No, we're not trying to force in fact, and we're skipping obviously here, but alma bukata made it very clear when

01:00:00 --> 01:00:13

He was in charge, that Jews were going to have the pension, they're going to have all the luxuries that Muslims have the elderly Jews were going to be respected, that they have their own institutions, that there will be a pluralistic society that they would have their own.

01:00:14 --> 01:00:52

They would have their own laws being implemented in their jurisdictions. This is more than what we have here as Muslims, we don't have courts that can Islamic Sharia courts, which actually have implementation power. These are just fatawa that these Musharraf give they're not actually implementable from a law perspective. As for the Quran, and Islam allows the Jews and the Christians in particular to have such jurisdiction. So these kinds of things which are held against us, these monstrous falsehoods by people who are intoxicated by false opinion, these things are actually contrary to the facts that literally contrary to the facts, look at number six, the wrong party

01:00:52 --> 01:00:57

shall be aided doesn't matter who they are, yeah, the wrong pipe could be a Muslim, against the Jews, and they shall be aided.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:06

The Jews shall contribute to the cost of war, so long as they are fighting long the believers Medina shall remain sacred and inviolable, for those who join in this treaty.

01:01:07 --> 01:01:48

Should any disagreement arise between the signatories to this treaty than that Allah The all high of his messages shall settle the dispute. And naturally as the head of the state, and the chosen head of the state by Laos, has urged the two major tribes who actually had peace agreements with the Jews before that. The signatories to this treaty shall boycott the pledge commercially, they shall also abstain from extending any support to them is extremely important here. Because the Quraysh was an antagonistic and provocative political power now that we're trying to kill the Muslims. As we know, what we saw was better. We talked about how the 313 but this is a warring country, if you want to

01:01:48 --> 01:02:04

have a civil society, we can't have agreements with the enemy tribes. We can't have that. And those individuals that tried to kill and boycotted the Muslim for 13 years, there have to be boundaries, and those boundaries must be respected. There have to be boundaries, and those boundaries have to be respected.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:17

Each shall contribute to defending Medina in the case of a foreign attack in its respective area. And this treaty shall not hinder either party from seeking is seeking lawful revenge. And you see, this is an image of Sham, but it's also

01:02:18 --> 01:02:39

mentioned, as I've mentioned, and they've been she has Zoe's book, and mahasi. So it's there in the primary source materials, there clearly was a treaty in place and when we talk about Zapier, what it's connected to as AP is but awkward either or the expedition and the killing of those treacherous and traitors,

01:02:41 --> 01:03:19

combatant Jewish tribe called Bonaparte, either who, who are part of the zap, these individuals who are attacking the, the precincts of the holy area of Medina, because what happened was Christ tried to invade. And this was a defensive war for all intents and purposes. So much so that trenches, it was called hammock as well, they were literally they were, which means trenches. They were they were constructing trenches around the area, and the Prophet Mohammed Salah Salaam and the companions were starving of hunger So much so, so much so that the Prophet would even tie a rock around his stomach, to get to trick the body into thinking that it had food inside of it.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:45

This is the desperation that they let this is the humanitarian crisis that Medina had been plunged into, because of the attacks the constant and persistent violations by the choruses who attempted to invade Medina. So they built these trenches on the city periphery. And what happened was this, you have three tribes of Jewish tribes you have been acquired either benoquin, aka embryonal deal.

01:03:46 --> 01:04:21

And those three tribes had the same kind of agreements with the proper homosassa law. And what we what we find is that quite frankly, every single tribe, we're aggressive to the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in different ways. So by not arriva, as we've mentioned, probably the most aggressive towards him by teaming up with the enemy. And we're going to have a segment on this and sapient thoughts speaking about this incident by itself, but what they did effectively was that they teamed up with the enemy and so much as that they let them in. Remember, they'll build the building trenches around Medina and so on, but they let them in. And the Quran even has some verses regarding

01:04:21 --> 01:04:52

this. You know, if jack will come in for kikkoman s filamin come with Zaha till episode or bellava to global Hannah Jeff taveuni una bella Luna when Alico petroleum manana was with zeroes in Jalan shalida that when, you know when you when they came, and this is talking about the NACA or their professors and exigencies where they came from in front of the city and behind the city, and your eyes became was ever absorbed and you couldn't maintain your vision or bellava till

01:04:54 --> 01:04:59

and when the hearts reached a throat meaning you felt fear because these guys were facilitating a way and

01:05:00 --> 01:05:14

To opening up for women and children to be slaughtered, opening up the city for women and children to be slaughtered. The battle cry the tribe, they go against the agreements, they go against the pack, they go against the treaty, the Constitution,

01:05:15 --> 01:05:54

and they are treacherous and trade traitors. This is clear treachery and then what did I do after all of this? And we'll go into this in more detail. The combatants among them were killed. And how many of the combatants 400 500 we don't know. But what were they killed because they were Jewish. If that was the case, why is Bernal Do not kill the wife has been fatal Cardinal killed. In fact, if it was about Jewishness, why is the Prophet even getting married to a Jew, he gets married to Sophia been to hate after that time, and she is Jewish and ethnicity. Nothing to do with anti semitism is all to do with this treaties, and law and order.

01:05:55 --> 01:06:15

And we had strength at that time the Muslims, as we're not going to let somebody be treacherous and try and kill us. Fool me once, Fool me once Shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. And that is why the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said in the beautiful Hadith, which which spells out the political realistic situation.

01:06:17 --> 01:06:18

He said in the Hadith,

01:06:20 --> 01:06:53

he said the Muslim is not bitten from the same hole twice. Meaning the thing that comes out the hole, we're not going to be tricked. So in other words, we cannot allow combatants in that area to do those things. And so they were they were executed and clear surrender because it was war. That's what it was. It was war. It wasn't a civil situation just went into the village as we're seeing now unfortunately, unfolding in front of our eyes, bombing bombing civilians has that and so on. punishing children for the for the for the actions of other men.

01:06:54 --> 01:06:55

That's how they punish.

01:06:56 --> 01:07:36

Sorry that you can't compare and talk about massacres. those same people are talking about the massacre, but no Cordova are the supporters of Israel and their supporters of them by the way in their bombing in the chalet and that this disseminating the Gazan kids, they just don't like Muslims, they want to paint us in the worst light possible. They don't want to admit that the Prophet Mohammed Salim had the most military exceptional skills as a strategic. And in fact, it wasn't just a prophet, Mohammed Salah, let's be honest, it was something that Allah facilitated, so much so that in this last zap, this particular war, there was a rock. And the problem house lamp

01:07:36 --> 01:07:37

smashed at once.

01:07:38 --> 01:07:46

And he said, Allahu Akbar. And he says, The Sham has been given to me, and he smashed it again. And he said, the Yemen has been given to him, and he smashed it again.

01:07:47 --> 01:08:06

And he said, I think it was behind he has been given to me. So he was gushing, and he was making predictions about the future. In one of the most weakest moments, one of the weakest moments, in the whole time of the syrup is making predictions about the future. And obviously, these predictions came out to be true. And as

01:08:08 --> 01:08:27

Barnaby Rogers senses, the similitude, of the expansion that took place, at the time, I'm paraphrasing, there are at that time with the Arabian Peninsula, where they took over the sassanid Empire and the Persian Empire, the Roman Empire is like Eskimos taken over Russia, and America.

01:08:28 --> 01:09:04

Unbelievable thing that happened in world history. When I was reading a book called A Brief History of the World by GM rich, when I got to the chapter was talking about Prophet Mohammed Salim and the expansion that happened thereafter, he was candid, even though he's an orientalist all intents and purposes, he said, this is probably the most amazing thing that I'm going to write about this whole book. And his remit was to write about all of world history. Why? Because the truth of the matter is that he had gone on his side, these things cannot be replicated. The spread of Christianity cannot be linked to the war compared to the spread of Islam. The spread of Christianity was, you had an

01:09:04 --> 01:09:39

empire, an emperor, who was Constantine, who became a Christian, and he spread it by force, Theodosius the second spread Christianity by force. That established establishment was really there, the institution was already there. All that was required was that the Emperor changed his religion and he enforced the laws. This was different. This way, you had a bottom up approach. You had a man, the prophet Mohammed Salim, who was accepted by the tribes and then made his own policy and built everything himself and then Islam expanded in a way that nothing else can and ever will expand in the in that way. And this in fact, if these individuals think this is evidence against Islam,

01:09:39 --> 01:09:59

they're foolish because this is one of the biggest evidences for the veracity of Islam. The fact that Islam spread in this manner after the postmaster Sam's Death By the way, but this zap and battle cry for that took place after it. You cannot you cannot say that this is because of anti semitism and because these people would use that is not the the attitude

01:10:01 --> 01:10:40

That is not the attitude of the Prophet with the Jews. And even to be honest with you, fair minded orientalist and scholars, not even Muslims will agree to this people like Karen Armstrong, people like Thomas Arnold Walker, many people agree to that. So hey, after a zap, and those things took place, there's many different wars that took place. And there's mortar which took place as well, which was a war between the Muslims and the, the Roman Empire, because there were letters that were being sent out by the prophet Mohammed Salim to different emperors and he sent messengers. And one of them was to the people of the Roman Empire. And the standards were there in water. And basically

01:10:40 --> 01:11:05

what happened was that they killed the the ambassador, you know, the diplomat, the emissary, they killed him. And then the Muslims went and fought to revenge that that thing. So a lot of people think that when the Muslims went to the Roman Empire, Emperor Empire, and they fought them this was it, because they just wanted to expand. No, if you look at what as a prime case study, they started the aggression, the assailants who are a

01:11:06 --> 01:11:11

subcontracted group, who are connected to the Roman Empire.

01:11:12 --> 01:11:31

Okay, they were Christian Arabs, on the on the periphery of the Roman Empire. They indeed, okay started the assault. And so the reactionary politic of the Prophet Mohammed Salim, and the strategy that ensued, sending a battalion to that area that was in reaction to

01:11:32 --> 01:12:11

that particular event that took place. Now I want to put something to you. And it's very important that we know just as the Prophet, Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he knew how to go to war, he knew to how to arrange an army, he knew how to do all of those things, and, and he knew how to get make a civil society, and to get all the tribes to come together. He also knew how to negotiate. And he also knew how to make peace. And he also knew how to make international peace agreements. And this is of extreme importance for us in this world that we live in now. Because we're living in a post World War Two society, where we have the UN and the IMF, and you have the World Health Organization

01:12:11 --> 01:12:13

and these kind of international agencies and organs.

01:12:15 --> 01:12:46

And the question is, is an Islamic State capable of making peace treaties? The answer is yes, absolutely. I'll give you how they be as an example. And I'll go read what the Treaty of how they be said. But just to give you a context, what happened was the Prophet sallallahu Sallam had the dream, okay. And I'm, I'm skipping a lot of the battles that took place I've just told you about better on his app, and then coryza but there are other battles. And the scholars say that the ones that the Prophet Mohammed Salim actually am kind of involved himself in what eight, something nine in number.

01:12:48 --> 01:12:52

Anyway, the point is, at one point in the process, our son had a dream.

01:12:54 --> 01:13:33

And the dream was that people were getting that he was getting his hair cut and trimmed, some people getting their hair cut, people get their hair trimmed. So it was interpreted that they were to go to the lesser pilgrimage. And on the way to Amara, they were confronted by this nasty group of qualities that came, including swell enamel and others, who basically tried to prevent the Prophet Mohammed Salah of doing Amara, he said, Look, I'm not interested in fighting, we're just going to do ama, to do pilgrimage. And basically, they involve themselves in a negotiation. And the negotiation was a negotiation for peace, and a fact. Okay, I'm going to read out the terms of this negotiation,

01:13:33 --> 01:13:45

there are four major terms, I'm gonna read this out, and this is from the book. Number one, the Muslims shall return this time and come back next year. So basically, they said, Look, you can't come from abroad this year, but you can come next year next year. Number two,

01:13:48 --> 01:14:14

what activities shall be suspended for 10 years during which both parties will live in full security and neither will raise swords against each other? This is of extreme importance, because one of the poisonous and malignant and cancerous and unfair, I will say this to unfair criticisms of Islam is that it's incapable of creating peace politically, and that it's only desire is one of expansion and there's no propensity for Islam

01:14:16 --> 01:14:27

to create peace, and this second clause here of the contract, which by the way, obviously the prophet SAW Selim agreed to is a damning thorn in the neck of these individuals who are promulgating such narratives.

01:14:28 --> 01:14:59

He agreed to this, that there will be a peace treaty, the fact that the province has agreed to this and this was not abrogated, this was not abrogated, that you can still make peace means to say means to say that anytime now, any Muslim government in history can create peace or have peace agreements with any non Muslim country. That becomes a possibility. And knowing that makes us realize that Islam although labeling it as a religion of peace, as if that is the only remit of Islam is not accurate.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:11

But, but labeling as a religion of violence and war is also not accurate. The true opinion is or the most balanced kind of understanding is that it has the propensity for both.

01:15:12 --> 01:15:49

It has the propensity for both. And this close to here is an ample example of that glossary, whoever By the way, this is his body. So no one can say well see or literature notice his body, you can find this interaction between the proper analysis elements relevant in body number three, whoever wishes to join Mohammed or enter into a treaty with him should have the liberty to do So likewise, whoever wishes to join kadesh went into treaty with them should should be able to do so. Number four, anyone from the Quraysh who goes over to Muhammad Rasul. Obviously, they don't run satellites, and I'm saying it myself. Without his guardians permission, referring to a fugitive shall be returned to

01:15:49 --> 01:16:00

college. However, if any of Muhammad's followers returns to the question, he will not be sent back. And they were tested with this because there was one particular guy, Abu jandal. And he was a Muslim that was with Mecca.

01:16:01 --> 01:16:26

And Abu jandal, because of the terms of agreement had to stay with the Mexican pagans, even though they were torturing him and stuff, because that is the level that you have to stick with your agreements and contracts. Let me tell you this, as someone who has researched contracts for a very long time, and not just research contracts in a multi by legalistic framework in British law, I'm talking about the Islamic framework and comparing it with a liberal contract theory and framework.

01:16:28 --> 01:16:48

I will say this, too, now. And please remember this, okay. The biggest point of intersection, and the biggest point of agreement, and the biggest point of similarity, continuity between the Islamic tradition, Islamic legal tradition, and the western liberal tradition

01:16:50 --> 01:16:51

is contracts.

01:16:52 --> 01:16:54

The Quran very candidly says, Yeah, you

01:16:55 --> 01:16:58

could, or you believe, fulfill the contracts.

01:17:00 --> 01:17:09

One of the signs of a hypocrite is that it's a word that if he fulfills a contract, he goes against one of the or conversely, one of the signs of a true believer.

01:17:11 --> 01:17:20

alladhina home, Mr. Natty, why him around those who are to that trusts and their contracts, people who take care of them. In other words,

01:17:22 --> 01:17:55

in other words, contracts form the bedrock of both, you could say the Islamic legal system and the western liberal legal system. They are extremely important. And when you know that, then you start thinking about the world and the politics and the geopolitics and a different way. We can we can offer contracts of peace of negotiation, we are capable of that as Muslims because not despite what the prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam did, but because of it. And already, you start to realize the stark differences between the Prophetic Mission

01:17:56 --> 01:17:57

and groups, our

01:17:58 --> 01:18:00

outcast groups like ISIS

01:18:01 --> 01:18:28

database believe in contracts negotiation. candidly, they did not al Qaeda does not believe in contracts in negotiation. Why not? In the Quran, and the Sunnah, this is something which is very explicit, and especially for weekend people. We can people the problem Amazon saw at that time at 1500 Muslims in the 10 year period which which didn't, wasn't the whole 10 years that elapse before this contract was broken, by the way, the people that became Muslim through that what alone?

01:18:30 --> 01:19:10

It went up to almost 10,000. How do we know that because there was about 10,000 people according to reports, which from 1500 to 10,000, is a huge number, which shows you the importance of Dawa and the importance of promulgation to Islam. But the point is, this is very important that we have the propensity and the ability and the precedent and the legal framework as Muslims traditionalists, people who stick to the Quran and Sunnah, people who stick to them, or they have a lot of people who don't want to reform and to twist the religious edicts, we still have the ability to what we have the ability to create contractual agreements, which are meaningful in Islam.

01:19:11 --> 01:19:22

And in on the liberal framework that also exists. That is, to be fair, that absolutely exists. Contract arianism. And so this is probably

01:19:23 --> 01:19:31

the biggest breakthrough, if you think about it, in the context of world peace and how to achieve it.

01:19:33 --> 01:19:33

It's very important.

01:19:35 --> 01:19:59

Dawa can be can be the main way through which and by which people convert to Islam, people will receive the message of Islam. Now, you don't necessarily it might not it's not advantageous to act in a way as we did in the medieval period, especially with American hegemony. So this gives us a framework of acceptance. And like I say, it completely destroys the narrative and I'll tell you something else that destroys the narrative.

01:20:00 --> 01:20:21

When the Prophet Mohammed Salah the clash of civilization narratives, that narrative that were barbarians and violent people, only with the propensity to be like that, the another thing which destroys that narrative is for conquest of Mecca, and will lay, or lay, this is the test this is the litmus test. Some people they make a false comparison they say, Look, when we look at the New Testament, we see that Jesus Christ was a peaceful character.

01:20:23 --> 01:20:27

Jesus Christ was a peaceful character, whereas the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, he was a man of war.

01:20:29 --> 01:20:30

And you see the difference between the two?

01:20:31 --> 01:21:02

Well, actually, Jesus Christ was always in a situation of weakness. Jesus Christ, according to the New Testament, by the way, it's not. By the way, it's false because we can look at how Jesus is portrayed in the New Testament. And that's a discussion in itself. But the point is, you're comparing apples and oranges, this is this analysis. You don't compare Jesus Christ with Medina and Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you compare Jesus Christ with Mecca, Mohammed or lions, where they were both in a situation of weakness and they were both under some other kind of rulership.

01:21:03 --> 01:21:41

Hey, now the question is how, how did Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam react? How did you react when he went into Mecca and he does in fact have mek and conquest of Mecca, that he that he kill everybody that he massacre and destroy everybody the way they would like us to believe because they were different religion, or because they were because they were against him because they killed him. They tried to kill him or they killed his uncle, Hynde, the woman who put washi the man who killed his uncle Hamza, we didn't speak about the conversion of hams and we didn't speak about the conversion of Alma but Hamza was one of the most beloved uncle's to the Prophet Muhammad Salah mucho

01:21:41 --> 01:22:16

who was killed in the Battle of whether he was killed in cold blood in the Battle of butter. And wash it is the one who killed him. But after the conquest, the prophet Mohammed Salah Sam, he forgave him and he forgave washy, the killer of his own uncle, the Forgiving Prophet, and he said, let us do the same thing as what Joseph said when he saw his brothers in the Quran and also in the Old Testament stories there. The point being here is very clear. This fat hamac carepoint it puts a spanner in the Woodworks and it puts the cat in with the pigeons. It completely disturbs the idea of a power hungry

01:22:17 --> 01:22:27

minette malevolent individual that wants to destroy everybody in this cold blood. Because he did not he forgave the people and he allowed them to embrace Islam.

01:22:28 --> 01:22:30

And those who didn't embrace Islam, they were not killed.

01:22:32 --> 01:22:39

They were not killed. There were exceptions. There were six exceptions of those individuals who continued that cantankerous and malignant and cancerous,

01:22:40 --> 01:22:43

war like war like

01:22:46 --> 01:23:02

promotion, who will not who will not forgive, forgiven, but apart from them, the people were forgiven. And you see when he came into the Kaaba, and he smashed, he destroyed the idols all 360 of them that the Arabs have become known.

01:23:03 --> 01:23:17

For. And below the same one that the the these Arabs, by the way, they were racist to him. They used to humiliate him they used to be, they actually were racist to him, they were attacking him, physically attacking him, because he believed in one God and put the boulder on him, he went up.

01:23:18 --> 01:23:36

And the Arabs have an interesting thing to say as a result of magenta Lamin the recompenses, from the same genus as the action. And he went on top of the Kava. And when he was on top of the Kaaba, he, he done the event, he done the call to Islamic prayer. He was on it. They were talking about Obama,

01:23:37 --> 01:23:38


01:23:39 --> 01:24:09

being the first black president, as if this is some kind of achievement. No, sorry, Obama, he went to Kenya and he was telling them to follow laws that will put an ideas and ideologies in his own backyard, that belong to the white man, that guy will hold you respect. He cannot be compared to bill and others that came before him, and that he was the leader of the people. He was there, on top of the Kaaba, literally above them literally, not just physically, not just figuratively,

01:24:10 --> 01:24:13

doing that call to prayer, Islamic prayer, married to an Arab

01:24:15 --> 01:24:16

prophet accepted Him,

01:24:19 --> 01:24:20

to law law to sell them and then they

01:24:21 --> 01:24:24

they did exactly that they broke the law. And this.

01:24:28 --> 01:24:44

You see now the farewell pilgrimage. And the Prophet makes a final speech. And obviously, we're skipping a lot of things here. There were expeditions that took place when a taboo part if which we're not talking about because it will do scope, and it will make it too long.

01:24:45 --> 01:24:59

But the farewell pilgrimage of the Prophet Muhammad SAW license where he makes a speech, and in that speech, he talks about racism. in that speech, he talks about women's rights. in that speech, he says that there's no superiority over a white man or a black man or a black man over a white man.

01:25:00 --> 01:25:06

Yes, or an Arab over non Arab or non Arab over an Arab and in a crumble command the layout to

01:25:07 --> 01:25:09

the best of you are those who have almost conscious

01:25:11 --> 01:25:23

Tell me now of a person in the seventh century that was seeing that kind of thing. Tell me now that you had Winston Churchill, the guy that was just in the 60s he was you have you have a plethora of a catalogue of racist remarks that he makes.

01:25:25 --> 01:25:27

Don't Don't compare your civilization with ours.

01:25:29 --> 01:25:29

Don't compare.

01:25:31 --> 01:25:50

He said, that's a lot to sell. And he said, it's also when you say hire, be good with women, because they are prisoners with you telling us so look at this already predating all of these movements that took place and saying the right thing at the right time in the farewell speech of the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam.

01:25:51 --> 01:26:09

He outlawed Riba interest and he said all of his mold law, all of the ones that are interest now is nullified the exploitative practice that the whole Western economy is based on and not only the western economy, quite frankly the whole world economy he he outlawed that

01:26:11 --> 01:26:12

exploitative practice

01:26:16 --> 01:26:22

and just go on go and see a script. So panela of the farewell speech of the Prophet Mohammed Salah

01:26:23 --> 01:26:24

how many things he told us to do.

01:26:28 --> 01:26:38

And it was called the farewell speech, for reason because this was the last pitch you would make in this kind of capacity. 10s of 1000s if not hundreds of 1000s of people listening to this. Can you imagine the scene?

01:26:40 --> 01:26:53

Can you imagine a scene 10s of 1000s if not hundreds of 1000s of people listen to this, and the eight of the Quran Elio macromolecular convener, comrades mentor, like an amateur, all these will come in the slammer, Deena came down. The IRS says that they have perfected your religion.

01:26:54 --> 01:26:56

And we've completed your favor.

01:26:58 --> 01:27:10

And we have, we have what are the two let me Islam Medina we have made the religion of Islam as the pleasurable religion we have, we are, we are for you.

01:27:12 --> 01:27:25

So Allah is pleased with Islam as a religion, and then the same sort of losses, alas, and we come in a mess. All of those was a hit took place in Allah will protect him so that he can get to that stage where he can say the final as of the Quran,

01:27:26 --> 01:27:30

and that is a miracle in and of itself. Because had he died before these verses came down.

01:27:31 --> 01:27:36

The verse would have been disproven, but this is another proof of his miraculous prophet.

01:27:37 --> 01:27:38

And after he did this,

01:27:40 --> 01:28:04

the mission had been done. And at one particular event, you know, to show that the proper house assembles a cosmopolitan man that was with everybody, he went to a Jewish woman's house, and in fact, he ate something. And some of the scholars they say that this thing she had put poison in it, and the Companion of the Prophet was was with eight more of and he died, the postmaster solemn didn't eat as much of it today, but then he felt ill. He was poisoned.

01:28:06 --> 01:28:15

And by the way, some scholars say this is makes him a Shahid because it's monotone. The one who has been infected in their stomach is one of the categories of Shaheed the mob tone.

01:28:16 --> 01:28:26

And he was Subhanallah at the age of 6263, he was with his wife, Aisha, which we haven't spoken about and relate we should have, but she deserves a lecture in and of herself.

01:28:27 --> 01:28:27

Who was

01:28:28 --> 01:28:36

the you know, the young wife, the inquisitive one, she loved him, she loved it, she loved him, wrote the line. And

01:28:37 --> 01:28:47

she was just there with, with with Aisha, and he was basically like, kind of leaning on as you can imagine, like, you know, she was leaning on her lap,

01:28:48 --> 01:28:55

the went to the toilet, you know, felt sick, fell ill and and at that time he died.

01:28:56 --> 01:29:06

You know, and you imagine this society that he built on what he left behind. And this was the time where Allah subhanaw taala made people come into Islam and droves in swathes people were coming in

01:29:08 --> 01:29:13

he's a jackass will lie with that. Right and this, he had the whole Luna feed in a lie.

01:29:14 --> 01:29:22

The sub pm job because stuff in the whole Canada web, when you see the the open, manifest victory of Allah

01:29:24 --> 01:29:29

and the conquest, and you see people coming into Islam in droves. So then glory,

01:29:30 --> 01:29:35

send Glory to Allah subhanho wa Stouffer and be

01:29:36 --> 01:29:41

your Lord and Lucifer and because he is someone who accepts repentance.

01:29:44 --> 01:29:59

acts upon Allah, even our best who was the cousin of the Prophet Mohammed Salah is so the nephew of the Prophet. He said, This means that the Prophet is going to die soon. He knew what this meant, and people were getting upset and he did indeed die Salaam Salaam

01:30:00 --> 01:30:00


01:30:01 --> 01:30:16

the people were shocked. I want to tableaus went into panic mode. He took out his sword He said, If anyone says that he's I'm gonna kill them, a walk, they said he had to come out and be and you can see now he was the leader, the mature the calm mind that he came, I said, Whoever used to worship Mohammed,

01:30:17 --> 01:30:28

Mohammed for him in the Mohammedan pod met there certainly Muhammad died and whoever used to worship Allah that Allah is high and he Allah is Ever living and he does not die.

01:30:31 --> 01:30:34

And this was the life of the Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

01:30:35 --> 01:30:45

after this spread Islam in the most amazing way possible something which went in line with the prediction of the Prophet Muhammad SAW so as he said in the Hadees are so bad

01:30:47 --> 01:30:47


01:30:49 --> 01:31:11

Zoo really locked the earth has been projected for me for it machete haha hurry by what a normal disable omocha Mozu, a alumina that I saw that Earth and as well as Eastern western parts, and my alma, my nation will reach all of that area, what has been predicted from it. For me, this is I've skipped a lot of things here. And I'm sure

01:31:12 --> 01:31:51

people will, you know, notice that but the point is, I tried to make this an hour and a half for an introduction as an introduction to the people to know who this great man was to love while he was selling. The brave Muhammad Eliza, the courageous the merciful Muhammad alaria, Salah, the family man, the father, Muhammad, Salah, Salah, the man who, and we haven't gotten into his relationship with his children, there's lots of things that are missed out here, his relationship with his wives, how he was so forbearing with them, how he was so kind with them, how he was a strategic, politically and militarily, but he also he was a family man, he would prioritize them and how he

01:31:51 --> 01:32:00

would he was a worship, just the fact that the man was praying half the night on a regular basis, or more than half the night as the Quran mentions.

01:32:02 --> 01:32:05

Like he was a monk at night and a warrior by the morning.

01:32:06 --> 01:32:12

How can How can a mind do so much? How can a man do so much in such a small timeframe?

01:32:14 --> 01:32:22

How can a man change the world so much that we are talking about him now? What a fanatic ethic as the Quran says and we have raised your mentioning.

01:32:23 --> 01:32:24

My name is Mohammed.

01:32:25 --> 01:32:27

And that is actually

01:32:28 --> 01:32:37

a continuation or suppiler fulfillment of the fact that Allah subhanaw taala has raised the station of Allah is one of the most popular if not the most popular name in the world.

01:32:38 --> 01:32:50

Allah has raised the station of Muhammad Salah cell and people are probably seeing the word Muhammad now at any time in the world given time. someone's doing the dance someone's doing the Tisha heard someone say Mohammed was calling somebody. Most mentioned man in history.

01:32:51 --> 01:32:53

Most mentioned man in history.

01:32:55 --> 01:32:56

Most remembered man in history.

01:32:59 --> 01:33:05

And most influential man in history Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you didn't know now, you know was Santa Monica

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