Abdulbary Yahya – Quranic Reflections

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The importance of praise in the context of Prophet's teachings and the need for everyone to be mindful of their needs is emphasized. The holy Bible provides guidance for individual actions and movement in praying for success and helping others. Pr Extension is encouraged and words like "hamdu Lilliter" and "soak," as it is crucial for achieving a joyful experience. The importance of understanding everything in Arabic language and learning about R Rahman R spoke of is emphasized.
AI: Transcript ©
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and Wattana we praise Allah subhanho wa Taala

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you know when you're praising other people, sometimes they are not deserving of that praise

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because who should you praise because in the end no matter what you

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who gave them that

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so every praise that you praise others with

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the source of it is the one and only God.

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So you say Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen because there's not a single thing that you can praise except that Allah subhanho wa Taala gave it to them, that Allah subhana wa Taala provided it for them, that Allah Subhana Allah created them that way. It is Allah subhanho wa Taala who is deserving of all praise. And that's why the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, when asked when US US Maha I mean NVC Arabic,

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more often V Bedini in the whole OTA Yoni Vika anima hazeh to load dunya he has a theory.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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Whoever wakes up in the morning

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peace having having security in his house

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and healthy in his body, like he's, he's healthy. And he has enough food for that day. Then it's as if he has had then SSF he has the whole world

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that you have everything that you need in this world, that you have everything. So some of us we don't, we don't think about it.

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You know, like, there are so many things that we have, but we never were not thankful for what we have. I want you to think about some of our brothers and sisters who are in Gaza right now.

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If they have

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if they

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do they have? Do they wake up in the morning feeling safe in their houses?

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Do they have? Do they wake up in the morning feeling safe in their houses? And asking? No, no, no. Do you wake up in the morning?

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Like many of them are injured?

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Some of them are sick.

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And do they wake up in the morning? saying like, you know, do they have enough food for today?

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And if they have safety

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they have food for the day and they're not injured or they're not sick? Do you know what they say?

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Man we have the world have all that we need Alhamdulillah that's all we want them they're making dua for that. You know they're making dua for things we take for granted every day. Water food, like we have imagine electricity going on in our houses. Yeah, Allah. The kids go crazy. Well, no more internet. Yeah.

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No, no internet. Right. Or

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I can't take a shower. Really? no hot water. Yeah.

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They're looking for water to drink.

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That's why when you really think about this world, if you as the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam said,

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If you wake up in the morning, feeling safe in your house,

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and you're healthy, and you have the food just for that day,

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then you have the whole world. You have everything that you need in this world. There's nothing else that you really need

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nothing else. Because when you pass away,

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if you pass away, what do you take with you?

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Nothing. You just want that for the day for the day. So what is the most important thing? What's the greatest thing that you have? So your dean La ilaha illallah, Muhammad Rasool Allah, if you don't have that, then you don't have anything.

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And so

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when you say Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah Allah Allah mean

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Allah subhanho wa Taala

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Allah subhanho wa Taala gave us the greatest blessing and that's guidance and work in that guidance be found

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in the Quran,

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our deen our faith to learn our deen revelation from Allah, the greatest blessing that Allah has given us Islam in giving us the Quran.

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And that's why when you start reciting the Quran, what do you start saying? What's the first thing you recite?

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen so what are you also praising Allah for remember, for that Quran?

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The blessing that miracle that Allah subhanho wa Taala made for us to start with Alhamdulillah Hara Bella Alameen, one of the things that we're also praising is the Quran.

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And you know what we should also say, oh, Allah, make us amongst the people of the Quran.

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Make us amongst the people of the Quran.

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And so when we say Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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he is the only one

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He's the only one who created it. So his, the fact that the who we are, he is the one that created us. He is the one that gave us all of our needs. Every single thing that we need for

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to be successful in this life and the hereafter. Yet, at the same time,

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everybody and everything is in need of Allah subhanho wa taala. And everyone and everybody is in need of what's the thing that we need the most?

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When you say Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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how do we enter Jannah?

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How do we intergender

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by Allah's mercy, right?

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The prophets of Allah Allahu wa sallam.

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He said,

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Not a single person will enter Jannah

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except by the mercy of Allah, it's not about your deeds.

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It's by it's through the mercy of Allah.

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And the Companions, they said, O Messenger of Allah, even you, like it's not only your deeds, nobody will enter the agenda because of their deeds.

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unless Allah

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Allah envelops that person with his mercy. And that's how you enter agenda. And he said, even your messenger of Allah thinking how much good deeds he's done. He says, yes, even me. unless ALLAH involves me with his mercy, none will intergender and so when we say Al hamdu, Lillahi Rabbil Alameen. Allah subhanho wa Taala is so merciful. He reminds us he is a Rahman Rahim

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was the most important thing. And also when you're like, imagine right now you're like, Allahu Akbar. You're praying. Our deen is so hopeful. There's so much hope that Allah gives us in our deen our brothers and sisters again, in our minds in our hearts right now are going through difficulties. When they say hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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they praise Allah for everything that they have that he's the Lord of the universe at rub of the every other worlds. And then the first name of Allah they mentioned after that is what our man are Rahim, the Most Beneficent AR Rahman AR Rahim, Allah Akbar. Allah is the One who was most merciful to

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You're hopeful no matter what your situation is. He is the one who is who has mercy. He's the most merciful. He's more merciful towards us than we are towards ourselves and we and he's the source of mercy. And so after we finished prayer we what do we say also?

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We say Allah Mantis Salam will make a Salam

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Tabarka Yaga July when a crop, he is the peace and he's the source of peace. Allah Mantis Allah will make in from us at peace.

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Allah Hola, Mantis, Hola, amigos, Salam Tabata theologia what the Quran.

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And so we say Al Hamdulillah when we're praying and we start our prayers with that, then at the end when we finish knowing that our life this is this is everything that starts with praising Allah. And then in the end,

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we realize that he is the source of peace, the source of tranquillity, source of happiness, the source of of our contentment, all of that is from Allah subhana wa Tada.

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And so

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we also, really when we say Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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we also realize that you know, the whole world

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if we want Allah subhanaw taala if we want success, then we also have to praise Allah subhanho wa taala. With what? When you're reciting, what do you read with, read with our mouths and our throats?

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And we also read with what what should we be doing?

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Our hearts also and so that's why when you praise Allah Subhana Allah. And it's a lesson for us that when you praise Allah, can I just go alone?

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Can I pray and just read in my mind only would that be considered reading?

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No, no, it's not. Is it enough for me just allow a quote and then like,

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read, why are you not reading? Like I am? I am. And that's why if someone reads a book, do you have to read everything out loud?

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For when you're praying, and you're reading and recitation, your recitation, it has to be recited

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to let us know that it's not just our faith in our Eman

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isn't just in our hearts.

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And when we recite what do we do?

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Also, well, how do we what do we accompany with all of that recitation?

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With movements our body and that's what faith is EMA Eman is in the heart. And it's uttered with the tongue

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and is accompanied by all of our actions. Every single movements movement that we make also,

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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.

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when we recite the Quran and even when you're reciting you recite it out loud.

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So that also goes against those who say, the man is here only Eman is here only? Well, my prayer be accepted. If I just said, I'm praying for you right now. Leave me alone.

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Like how are you praying? In my heart? Is that accepted? You

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know, can I just read not make any movements? Will that be accepted me? No. Can I just make movements only I'm like, Okay, I don't want to read anything. I'm just I'm just gonna make those movements. Well, that prayer be accepted? I'm I

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know, it won't. It has to be accompanied by

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intention of the heart. Even if you prayed with the wrong intention. If it's the heart's not there. You were wrong intention. Your prayers, not accept it. It has to it has to match. And it has to all of those things have to combine Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil Alameen Rahmani Raheem, Maliki only did I mean, and then you go down, and then you go back up, and then you recite again hamdu, lillahi, rabbil, Alameen, all of that. That's

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the worship of Allah, the faith and the belief in Allah encompasses all of that.

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And so Alhamdulillah fills the scale. One word, or one phrase fills the scale on the Day of Judgment. Do you see why I feel the scale or their judgment? Just we're just covering just a little bit. It's such an amazing phrase.

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When you say hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen

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And so Surah Fatiha

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is based

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is is the basis of our worship.

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What I mean like our worship is based off of sort of the fact that sort of fatty is such an amazing Surah

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because it encompasses what? Worship what is worship.

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Whereas worship of Allah subhana wa Tada

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worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala has to encompass three things.

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And we know what these things are when you worship on the worship of Allah encompasses three things.

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And it's found in Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen.

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Anybody know when we say Al Hamd I mentioned that ready

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number one,

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praise but what is praise has to accompany by Alhambra doesn't just mean praise. It means praise accompanied by what? love and reverence of Allah. So Allah hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen is the love of Allah subhanho wa taala. So most people, like most people think that you never think about the love of Allah when you say Alhamdulillah that's because we don't know the word hubbed

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we're just translating from a lamb then we translate it.

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Praise, what have we lost in translation? You know, they say you lose so much in translation, whenever we lost. Now that you know, Al Hamd is a poor or we don't even we know like a little bit of 100 Now, what have you lost when you just translated that?

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We've lost so much. It's like we've only taken a small piece. When we say All Praise be to Allah. It's like what what are you thinking? All praises be to Allah?

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What you're thinking alone is not enough. In English. A lamp means more than that. It means love and reverence and you say a Rahmani Raheem. What does that give you?

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What does that give you?

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Remember, we said, no matter what you're going through whatever is happening to you, what do you need?

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You need Allah but you need the Mercy of Allah.

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You need the Mercy of Allah. So alhamdulillah Hera, Bill Alameen are Rahmani Raheem is full of hope.

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worship of Allah accompanies accompanied by love, hope, and then we say Maliki oh me Dean.

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so let me just finish this point in sha Allah so that we can finish the first verse of healthy

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and then we can go on to the next verse inshallah next week, as fatty how we said, encompasses

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the worship of Allah entails the love of Allah Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen

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and until it's also hope Rahmani Raheem, Maliki Oh Medina's fear, hope and fear. And that's why there's no haYom. He said, the love of Allah is like a bird.

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The head is his love.

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And the two wings of a believer.

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For a believer, it's like a bird, the two wings of a believer. And the two wings of a bird are the two wings of a believer hope and fear. That's how you move forward. That's how you worship Allah. In life. You're like a bird in order for you to fly, without a bird without a head. Is it a bird? Will it ever be able to fly without a head?

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That nothing will move without it? That's the love of us.

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And if a bird if a bird happens to break one of his wings, was wings, one of his wings injured? Can a bird fly with one wing?

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Have you seen a bird fly with one wing?

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I have not seen a bird fly with one way. A bird needs two things. The believer needs two things. And one of those two things, hope and fear. And that's why there are two types of people. There's some people who speak about hope only just like the NESARA the Christians, they always speak about hope. Just do whatever you need to do, you know, whatever. And then as long as you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, or Jesus is your savior, then you saved your Go ahead. Party on Fridays and Saturdays, you believe that Jesus is your Savior? Yeah, that's it. Right? That's it, there'll be saved.

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Yeah, and so like, people are hopeful, but there's no fear at all. And then there's some it's just like, fear only, like, you know, if you ask people, you know, if you do this again, you're going to enter the home fire and, and if you start speaking about just the Hellfire only, then people are going to lose hope. So you need hope. And fear, love, hope and fear. Because if you hope, you know when you feeling lazy, what should you do? You should think about Jana and the rewards of Jana, and the rewards that you get for doing certain deeds. If you're afraid of committing sins. If you're then then think about the hellfire, the consequences of your actions. When you reflect and think

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about the hellfire. fear keeps you away, it prevents you from doing that which is haram. Hope motivates you to do that, which is good.

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And if you have only one, then you're just flying in circles you're not gonna get anywhere. And that's why you have to have hope and fear. And when we Fatiha encompasses all of that, so ended with this in Java. So Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, you is praising Allah, praising the greatness of Allah, of, of all of his, his names and attributes,

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accompanied by love and reverence, and without it without praise, and without sorry, without, without love, reverence, and without glorifying Allah subhanho wa Taala and knowing the greatness of Allah, what do you call that?

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You call that praise?

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You don't call that hand.

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So if I were to ask you,

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what is Alhamdulillah humming?

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And somebody says, All praises be to Allah. Well, would you say to them, oh, you're wrong brother or your ancestor, right? It doesn't mean just praise No. Because praise Allah who would have said I'll mudhole Allah. Pray that's praise. So now we'll Illa Let's praise but Al Hamd

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is more than that.

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It encompasses love, reverence,

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and the glorification of everything that is perfect. of the characteristics and attributes and Names of Allah subhanaw taala. So that's it.

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So far, let's just you know this these are just points. This is these are just points of reflection for us to think.

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When we say Alhamdulillah head of the enemy. So, next week in sha Allah or next night next week after work next week, Muhammad Ismail insha, Allah will be giving his proceed.

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But the following week after that in sha Allah, we will cover what's next.

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What's the verse? Rahmani Raheem

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Rahmani Raheem? So don't miss out?

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Because if Alhamdulillah has that already?

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What does that mean? Does it mean? The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful? Yeah, Allah every time I says like English is like so lacking.

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I miss so much. How do you understand all of these words?

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You understand all of these words, by seeing how they're used in the Arabic language, how they're used in the Sunnah, how they're used in the Quran and other verses.

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And that's why, like this boy, just like, we're just starting and

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I have, right now, believe it or not, that's why what did I call this class?

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Just reflections. These are points of reflections, I have not gone about the fear of the verse. But even the rulings relate to Alhamdulillah not even spoken about, like, the Arabic like, you know, like, like, linguistically, like deep into it and give you examples of poetry and so forth. It's like, it's so powerful. It's a miracle in and of itself. And when you reflect upon it, there's no knowledge. That's why I chose this because there's, there's nothing more powerful than the Quran.

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And when you go through every single verse, it helps me also to reflect because we forget these things all the time, and we don't think about it, we don't reflect it, we don't learn it, and we don't teach it. And we fully forget, you know, the dunya comes and makes us forget, but now next time, you know, you say Alhamdulillah, hit me, hopefully it means a little bit more, gives you a little bit more meaning and helps you to focus a little bit more. So we say Alhamdulillah, hello, and those who say your prayers only all the time, every time you go out there, Al hamdu lillahi, rabbil, Alameen, Al hamdu, lillahi, Rabbil Alameen. And think about all of these aspects of it.

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Just some of the things that we've mentioned. So we have more, I actually have more relating to that, but we're going to be focusing as you can see, I focus on that because they're, they're connected, right, they intertwine so well, next week. Well next in our next session, we'll be focusing on R Rahman r Rahim what is R Rahman r Rahim? Why is it repeated twice also? What is our man? Because, you know, when this first was revealed a loss, they knew the Arabic Arabs they knew what it meant. But they say

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Who is this man?

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Why why did they say that?

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Who like we know Allah. In fact, they used to write this MC Allahumma when the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told Ali Vitali when he told you to, you know in the in the treaty row de BIA

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it was written Bismillah AR Rahman AR Rahim

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So, while number he said no, no, we don't know. We don't know that. Rahman or him What is this? Right what we used to know and Jahir Yeah, this mica Lahoma in your name, or Allah, that's all. So Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem

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is also something that's specific for this OMA

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that Allah gave to this OMA and that's and how powerful is our ohana, Rahim sha Allah will mentioned someone will will go on some different points of reflection from the next person Sharla and Allah subhanho wa Taala prolongs the life and we ask ALLAH SubhanA to teach us that which benefits us and benefits from that which has taught us was that Allah levena Mohammed why the Messiah said, Anyone have any questions? I don't want to just leave it if you guys have anything.

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I saw you guys very smart.

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