Abdulbary Yahya – Delaying Isha Prayer

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The importance of praying for the upcoming Easter weekend is emphasized, especially during the Easter weekend, as it is mandatory to allow others to pray. The Sharia principle is discussed, and the use of raka for men and women is emphasized. Prayer for the Prophet is emphasized, and the importance of compassion and love is emphasized. The Sharia principle is also emphasized, and the use of hand sanitizer and meal delivery services is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to pray for the upcoming return of the fall, and for people to pray for the Easter month.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Ramadan is starting on a stump fuel

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when Rose will be led maturity and fusina was a year Dr. Medina

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My dear Hello fellow Melinda Lahoma, youthful fellow Hadera shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah who actively la sharika wash had to under Muhammad Abdul rasool Allah. We are still speaking about the prayer times

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in the book of under the lockdown, Hadith of the Lord now but Surah de la,

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paz atom atom and visa La La Familia Tisha

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for Hollinger Omar for pilot so that we also Allah.

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rapa Denisa was Serbian

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for Harada we're also who you have to go to Allah and Ashok paella who Mati Oh, Elena's the Amara to him behind his father had these

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the body is from Dilip na Basara de la and he said, that terminally sallallahu alayhi wa sallam it means to delay or to be late.

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Latin moments do be late until it becomes very very dark. So Adaminaby Salah Alexandre Isha. So the prophets of Allah Allah I think have some delayed their Isha Prayer until was very very late into the night

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for hydrogen Omar, no matter Omar Radulov and he said, came out and he said a Salah to ya Rasul Allah, a solid, ya rasool Allah Majan. Now the time is very, very late. There are there are people in the masjid, who have been waiting for a very, very long time.

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We're not talking about waiting here. Maybe for us three minutes. Everyone's like,

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already fidgeting already because just a few minutes, a short time. People have come.

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And they've been waiting in the masjid and waiting and waiting and waiting until Omar Mahato Radi Allahu Anhu realizes it's so late. He says, a salon we have a sort of long prayer time or messenger of Allah. And why does he say this? And where is the prophets of Allah I think

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the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is still in his house.

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And remember the house of the prophets of Allah, and some are rooms that are connected to the masjid. And in the old days, you don't have roofs like this. So if you were to speak up, you could hear it from the other side, because it is just leaves that were put on to keep the sun away. And sometimes it's not covered all the way. It's not covered all the way because if it's covered all the way, sometimes it becomes too hot. So you want the air, but sometimes the houses you cover half of the house with clay, and the other half you covered with leave fibers, right? And so the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the rooms of the messenger of allah sallallahu so was next

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to the masjid. It was like here is the masjid. And on the other side is the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and because it's so late that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam delayed it so much that he didn't come out and so many people are waiting for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Omar, Barbara de la and he said a Salah to hear Rasulullah raka Nisa wasabia Hannah

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raka Denisa was CBN the women and the children have already gone to sleep. What does that mean? When he says the woman and the children have already gotten asleep? The men are in the masjid. Waiting for the prayer. And of course the woman and the children don't come to the masjid just some of them do come. But the majority majority of them are praying at home. And of course they've already slept. And so he said raka Nisa, Allah cbrt the woman and the children have already gone to bed for her Raja Bharat Soho. Yeah, Portoro Jaco Allah Allah and Ashoka Allah Almighty. Oh Allah, an alumnus, the Amara to whom we had the Salah, had Isa, the prophets of Allah Allah who have some came out

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came out to the masjid and we're also yet to and his hair his hair his head was dripping with water was dripping with water you know when you make will do or you may also you may well do your hair is dripping. Right if you've just made will do and so his hair was dripping. And he said Lola and Ashoka Allah Almighty. If it wasn't so difficult for my own map, our island NAS and another narration our learners or if it wasn't so difficult for the people that matter to him behind the salah. I would have ordered them to pray this

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Prayer, which is the issue of prayer. Have you saw at this particular time? Like that means you would the time that you have to pray would be this time? And what time was that? That would be at the end of the Asia time and the end of Asia is midnight, not Fajr because then you'd save the order. So the end is midnight. So Tama at

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the Messenger of Allah Salam delayed a hora Hatter Salah hifi la Timothy Latimer as I remember itema in the Arabic language means it is

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it is very very dark during dark time and that's why there's a

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some some people before used to call it selective atta and they were forbidden from doing so to call the night prayer because it's like, you know, it's associated with darkness. It is associated with darkness and you say you prayed for pray the darkness prayer now. When you play, of course it gives you light and so it's just the association and Allah Subhana Allah knows best and he also had a solid to a Serato here you know, he said a solid, a solid.

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Sometimes you know when you say an Arabic language of prayer, prayer, and solitude or sometimes a salata either a solitude prayer time or a solid,

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depending what you want. You want to say, if you mentioned a Salah to by saying in the Arabic language, you have the subject and the predicate. So if you of course he just says a Salah prayer. What does that mean though? Prayer prayer, a Salah 200 million prayer, it could be the subject, so it could be a solitude. However, it is time to pray. Or a salata as salata, which means alcumus salah, it's time to pray, like established a prayer or messenger of Allah. Come on, let's get praying. Let's start praying. So rapid, so rapid, so nice. Nisa was Serbian, the word raka Raka. And Nisa, who was Serbian rapa here means they have already, you know, rocker their record means to, to

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lay down, they've already laid down to go to sleep, already laid down to go to sleep. So the women and the children have already laid down to go to sleep. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam during this time, what does that also mean? Why did Omar say this? And why is everybody in the masjid because the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a solid and work the whole time he delayed the prayer,

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he delayed the prayer more than it was usual, which means that normally, the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam would not be praying at this time they you know, on a normal day, they would pray earlier than this. They will pray earlier than this. And so this delay is not something that was normal. This delay was not something that was casual. In fact, it was one of the one of the times that the prophets delayed it.

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Did delayed it greatly. So for Harada were single Yep. And so when he went out and the Messenger of Allah Sam's head was

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was dripping. Normally when you make will do

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normally when you make will do your hair does not have too much water. Right. So the majority of the scholars have mentioned here some of the scholars they say what razza Yocto means he was looked at ceiling neocon amateurs he used to he wasn't he had he made Wilson he and Mabel that wasn't because when a person makes will do

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do you wash your head when you make will do only

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you don't write when several bureaus, review bureaus. Now you wipe your head right and so when you wipe your hair is not dripping, your hair is not dripping. So if the hair is water is dripping.

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And this particular hadith of course is from Abdullah Abdullah ambassador, he's narrating this. He says his hair was dripping with water and so this is an indication that he was he probably was making

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more likely making blossom. And he then he says Lola and Ashoka Allah Almighty. Oh Elena's the Martone behind the salah. These are in this particular hadith is evidence if you haven't had easily Lunala annual Alpha fee so that arratia who are here

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in this particular deed, it's an

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dictation that to delay the prayer, that a short prayer, it is better, meaning better than what better than the reward is, is better. And

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and it's also like it's permissible for the Imam to be late if he has a reason for it if he has a reason for it, because the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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is late but at the same time. One thing also that we see from this hadith is that it is permissible also to when the Imam was very very late to call the EMA to call the EMA. So here he's calling the EMA and I say He's late. So Omar photogra de la.

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He called the prophets of Allah, Allah says, Even the Prophet saw myself great high status. So there are two things here. The people waited in Omar calling the Imam calling the prophets of love and he got some, hey, you know, it's time to pray, maybe you should come out. And if this was forbidden, that the Prophet Salam would have said, Hey, Omar, you know what, don't call me if I'm not gonna come up. You don't call me. Right. But even though the Prophet Solomon is who he was, in terms of his status, all motor photogra Delana still called him, and this is an indication that it is

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permissible. Okay, so we know that it's better to delay the prayer. Is it permissible to delay past midnight?

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Past midnight? No, it's not. It's not permissible to delay that he shot past midnight, without any reason or without any excuse. And so, but you have to understand also remember, the Prophet sallallahu did this. He didn't do this all the time. It is mandatory, it is mandatory upon the Imam to make sure that he also takes care of the congregation meaning pigna be make sure that

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he is concerned and compassionate, and takes makes it easy for the for the congregation, and not to make it difficult for the congregation, even though it is better to delay the prayer. But when you did a prayer that there are a lot of people at the end of the day, they're very sleepy. They've come back from work, they're very tired. They want to pray. And so this also indicates that the majority of the men are in the masjid during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, because the majority of the men are praying in the masjid. And they're waiting for the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam and the only people who don't come are the ammonia coupon Maluma Neva, the hypocrites that

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were known for the hypocrisy, like everybody knew that these these were hypocrites. So there were some hypocrites that even came because they were the secretive type, hypocrites that everybody knew. So even the hypocrites and so much so that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said,

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No, yeah, let me I'm gonna feel good, if they're

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hypocrites. Ma V. Murphy,

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Sajid, they new

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and selected for the reward of Fajr and Alicia. Then they would have lotto Houma wallow hubba

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that a woman will have habla if the hypocrites knew the reward of the fajr prayer in a short prayer in congregation, Vijay Kumar, they would have come to an even if they had to crawl.

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We're not talking about regular people, the hypocrites, and this is an indication of the great reward of coming to pray in the masjid for the fajr prayer and for the Isha prayer. And so,

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during this particular during, of course, this particular this particular day,

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the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam delayed it, and it's not normal. And so in the hadith of Javea, it is an indication and another Hadith of Javea and then there is a lightning setup, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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If you select Alicia here, and then you're agile, we learned that really I think we've previously we said sometimes the prophets on for a chapter he would pray early work. Yeah. And then you and sometimes the Messenger of Allah would delay. And when does he do that? Either album each demo.

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If he saw that the majority of them were they're already here early. Then he would pray quickly what either Sherpa Fat Duck

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WHAT in another way either a huddle.

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In a week when he saw them that he they were delaying that he was delayed the prayer also. But

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if it is, you know if it

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If, if it's not difficult for the people, right, then it's better to delay it. But if it's difficult for the people, then it's better to pray early. So in this masjid, for example, we're living in Seattle, what do you think is the best thing to do?

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The best thing to do is in the summer, when a shark comes prey, right?

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Because it's really late already, right? In the winter, when we pray really early, a shark comes in early early, maybe we can delay it a little bit. We can delay it a little bit, especially sometimes, you know, people will come in from work. And it's so early a shout sometimes comes in like six o'clock last minute, last last month, right? Before seven. So maybe you can delay that also. And if we delay a little bit, then it doesn't really harm much, because

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six 637 3830 People are still it's still early enough. You can delay. So if, if if, if it's better to delay, then it's if it's okay, and there's no hardship, in delay, then it's better for us to delay. But if there's hardship and difficulty and delay in, like in the summers, then maybe it's better to pray as soon as the time comes. And

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then of course

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if What if you're living in a place?

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What if you're in a place that there is no Masjid? You know, sometimes you are? Some some people will live in an area, there's no, there's no Muslim community, where they just moved to an area and there's no Muslim community. So what is it? Is it better for you to delay? Well, it's up to you, it's better for you to delay if you can, then you delay it. Because that's by yourself. It's better for you to delay. And if there is a masjid. Of course, then you check. You see the situation and circumstances of the people because the prophets of their lives are here.

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He the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will always choose that which is best.

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So what is best, the best thing is to do is to delay. But if by delaying it causes hardship, then he takes that which is easiest for the people. And he takes that which is easiest for the people, as long as it's not something that's haram or something that is this like, are not good. So if

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How about a woman? Well, I set a little Mara, the beta halala, and to demonstrate how to Alcatra is it better for her to pray early? Or to pray late? If that's the case, we say if it's a woman, she's at home, she's not praying in the masjid. When do you pray? We say that she should prayer, the Isha prayer.

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The delaying delay the prayer if she wants to, it's best to do so. I mean, it's better for her we're not saying that. She should it's okay to pray early or it's also permissible to pray late because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa said in Nivola worked in the hole up to it No, they work to her. This is the time I mean, this is the best time Lola and an Allah Allah and Ashoka Allah Almighty, if it wasn't so difficult for my Oma. And so in this hadith, it shows that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam loss of compassionate towards the OMA compassionate towards the OMA because he could have chose the more difficult and he would see could have said, Okay, this isn't the best

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time. Everyone should be praying this time.

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Everyone should be praying this time. Everyone should be praying at the end of the time. So like right now, for example, a short prayer we have three three times, three sets of times, right? One time, is praying early. The second time is praying at midnight. And then the third time is praying after midnight. Praying after midnight. For is not permissible. Unless you have a reason excuse because the time passed already. But it's still it's called luck, Laura. It's not like the time has already passed. The time. It's not it's this is this like to do so meaning you should not leave it on purpose. But let's say you are busy. You didn't pray you pray you pray Maghrib. And then

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something happens. And then you something happens and you're unable to pray until almost Fudger

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so is your prayer still on time?

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Did you just did you still pray on time? Before if I did, yes, you still prayed on time. Here is you still pray on time. But this is not the time that you are allowed to pray on a normal basis on a regular basis. It's like It's like every single day.

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same time every single day. It's always best to pay the beginning of the time and you should never wait until the right before the sun

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sunsets right some people that's the time in the monarchy open the hypocrites pray. The time you were the hypocrites. They always delay until almost Sun reset and then they and they'll pray but if let's say that emergency, let's say you slept after also because you were so tired and you woke up if you played right before sunrise or sunset, right before sunset, are you still considered to upgrade on time? Yes, because of you if you prayed one raka in time before sunset, then you have to you are considered to upgrade on time.

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You have to continue consider to upgrade on time. So when somebody prays after midnight if they have a reason for you know, you shouldn't that's why the Prophet something he said he used to dislike sleeping before

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sleeping before Aisha and speaking afterwards we need to sit down and converse with other people who are wasting your time after Isha you should have sleep immediately. But the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't like to, he is dislike. So what does it mean by dislike, dislike. So because you may have sometimes you sleep, you're so tired, and you might sleep all the way until and you delay Eurasia until it's very, very late. To the point where it's past midnight. Right? Because somebody is you're tired, or maybe you wake up almost find your time already. Almost find your time ready. Or maybe you might not even wake up on time if you're very, very tired. So it shows

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also here that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he had the compassion of the Messenger of Allah sort of lonely or someone he said Lola initial Pilar Almighty, if it wasn't so difficult for my own Lola and a Sherpa if it wasn't something that was difficult, and making it difficult if I'm not making it difficult for my OMA, if I didn't if this wasn't difficult, but I did not make this so that means the Prophet himself. Also, he did not want to make it difficult. And so that's why we have a PA ADA. We have a principal in Islam and it's called this principle states that as my Sherpa to deliberate tayseer as my Sherpa difficulties will incur ease. If there's a difficult if there's

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some difficulty involved in the deen, there's always a way part of the Sharia always. Part of it always brings ease. There's always ease with difficulty. Anytime there's difficulty. There's also in other words, the Sharia the built into the Sharia, there's eased in it. In other words, there's any any type of hardship any type of difficulty. And of course, this particular

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this particular

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principle applies in many issues. In fact, also for for example,

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if a person

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if a person needs to combine prayers, normally you're not allowed to combine prayers. By default, each prayer should be prayed on time. It knows salata can Atala meaning Kitab and Makuta. prayers have been established for the believers

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at specific times, at specific times, but if it's needed, if it's necessary due to difficulties, Jen is then there's ease based built into the Sharia. So the ease itself is not something that you make that you make up, okay. The ease is built into the Sharia. That means there's ease in it and so you can't transgress that even. So, like some people when they say, oh, Aisha so late, I can't let me pray before he comes in. Because that's difficult. It's difficult for me.

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Is that permissible? No, that's not permissible because Aisha hasn't come in yet. Just because you say you say it's difficult, but there's no reason for it. If there's a specific reason for that, in the Sharia itself, like for example, when a person is allowed, when is it a person allowed to play the hood and also together, when a person is sick?

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When someone is sick, I will suffer or Alexa will ever person is praying, oh is is traveling is traveling. And so if you're when you're sick, when you're traveling,

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it's difficult to pray. And as a result of the the, the difficulty that is the result of some

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external variable like sickness or travel, then we say you're allowed to combine your prayers. Why? Because by not combining causes difficult difficulties for you. It causes a default of difficulties for you. And that's what

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why we have a hadith of Abdul Wahab now Basara de la and then he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Jeremiah Phil Madeira de Boehner Laurie will also Robaina and Valerie will Aisha mean lady, how often well I'm up on it. One time the prophets of Allah Allahu wa sallam, the Lagna bass, he said, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam combined prayer in Medina. He wasn't traveling. He was in Medina, so he combined answers on Zoho and the combined motive in Russia. Meanwhile, at home, I mean, Lady half there was no health no fear, there is no war, no battle. Nothing extreme that's happening. So if there's any something that sums extreme situations, like for example, maybe

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there's May Allah Subhan protect us if there's an earthquake tornado, or some natural disaster that makes it difficult, because you're dealing with so many things, then there's hope that's considered health, fear,

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because of calamity, because of different situations, because of war, and so forth. Then you can combine you can combine, motivating COVID But here in Medina, one day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did so without any, any of that situation while Amata and also there was no rain. While Amata there was no rain, and so rain causes difficulties for people. So it's extreme. If it's extreme, and it causes difficulties, then if it doesn't cause difficulty, so the actual rain itself is not the reason why you combine it is the difficulty that's caused by the rain.

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You understand? That has to be understood. It is the difficulty that's caused by the rain. So if there's difficulty as a result of the rain, then it's permissible to combine the prayer to combine prayer Palu mother Arada so when they went up the Lucknow bus Radi Allahu Anhu mentioned this they said what is he what why does he did why did he do that all around Allah, your region or Mata rather Allah you to read your own mother, he did not want the old man to have to make he did not want to make it difficult for the old man. So in other words,

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if they didn't combine, if there's never a time, you're never allowed to combine. If you're never allowed to combine, then it will be difficulty so difficult. So let's say there's some some situation, it's an emergency. That's an emergency, it's not something that's every day. Right? Like sometimes you get into sometimes may Allah protect the song sometimes you get to a car accident

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in a car accident and you're like, you know, you're in the middle. And there's a lot of problem a lot of things to take care of right now. Right and you're in a car accident and there's so so many things going on. Maybe you're like in the emergency room, maybe you're a parent and so, in certain times when which there is difficulties, the difficulty itself in and Masha Katagiri potential, the difficulty itself brings forth a time in which you it brings brings forth the ease so anytime you have extreme difficulty which means what that means that it doesn't mean that you know some people they say oh, you know I don't get off work until this time Can I pray ASA McCullough combined my

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thoughts man, and Aisha my daughter, Simon Asia, the Lord and and also prayer, we say no, because this is not something that is happening. This is not something that is you know, a difficulty that's, that's that's,

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you know, the the time that it's an emergency or anything like that, this is your daily life, you have a choice to have take that job or not. And you have a choice also to ask for time for a break time and so forth. And you can do that. But if you don't do so, that means maybe if you're unable to do that, fulfill your obligations on a daily basis. Then in this case, we say maybe if you can and try to find a new job if you're unable to pray on time, because this is not something of an emergency this is your daily life. Right and so,

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from this from this Hadith also we learn also

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we from this particular Hadith another

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another thing that we learned from this hadith

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is young girl inside either me laminin but Ulam Allah here are you under la mala.

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So here, we learn from something we learned that if you do something,

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if you do something and people are like

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objecting to it,

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then you should give a reason for it also,

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you give

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The reason for why because Oman Qatar hora de la rival.

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When he says, you know he's telling, he's calling for the prophets of Allah, Allah Salam, the messenger, you know what he's calling the messenger of allah sallallahu herself. He mentioned the reason for, right? He doesn't just mention that he says Ramadan is our Serbia, when he says oh messenger of Allah. Right now he's calling him. So he's saying why? Why is he calling him to pray, to to pray right now is the reason he says raka Denisa was Surya and the children and the woman and the children are already have already gone to sleep. Which means what there are some people of course, nearly in the old days.

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Do you know what what time they usually ate?

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What was the main anybody know what the main meal is?

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What's the main meal in America?

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The main meal in America has dinner, right? What is the main meal in the world?

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Maybe other world is lunch, dinner is usually very, very, very light.

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Very, very light. Right dinners usually very light. And sometimes breakfast is light. Some people have heavy breakfast, right, depending on usually it's very quick breakfast, like you work in midday. And that's what you should do the main but here in America, people are at work. And so the main meal, which is not very healthy, right to eat a lot, it's not very healthy. So usually during the time of the profits of a lot and and generally most of the world, they used to just have supper or something light when they would go to sleep when they would go to sleep. And so the women and the children have already gone to sleep. And

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so here also

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another thing that we learned from this hadith is the fact that the prophets of alarm came out and he was wet, wet from making muscle. And it shows that

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it is permissible for one to come out. Even if you're dripping and you're wet. You're dripping your head dripping. And you're wet because you have 100 Yeah, we're absolutely up to and of course he was making muscle you will hear just come up from making muscle. So it's permissible for one to come out. And even if you haven't used your towel, because most of the time use your towel. So here the Prophet saw a lot as if he had used the towel to wipe himself until his hair is dry, then you wouldn't have so much. So it's an indication he took make Muslim came out quickly. And his hair the water was still dripping. And there's nothing wrong with that at all whatsoever. So here of course

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that's what we extract from that hadith. Another thing that we extract from this hadith is that we

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also and then the visa Lola honeymoon can Allah Who shot

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your TEFL, Allah Rossi. We also learned that the prophets have had long hair.

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Right? When you have long hair, if you have short hair, you have water dripping from your hair.

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What's once luckily, we have very, very short hair, most of us would not have any water dripping from your hair, right. And so this is another indication based on this hadith we're not simple yet thorough. And so if it is hair, water dripping from his hair, this means that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did have enough his hair was long enough, where there's, you know where it wouldn't, especially when you make also your hair is the last thing that actually dries up. Right and so that's why the sisters have long hair, it's very difficult for them every single time to dry themselves up because of long hair. So if you have longer hair, your hair stays wet longer. And so

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this is an indication that the profit salons hair was long. So you might say well how long was the profit some of Monday or some hair? Well, the Messenger of Allah Allah Allah Allah, some slight here sometimes will reach to his shoulders sometimes would reach to his shoulders and so do we say that? Is it so nice to have your hairline? Like?

00:34:23 --> 00:34:29

No, we don't say it's so nice to do so because it's something that is it's it's part of the

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world, the worldly affairs, worldly issues. If it's part of world if there's no specific, there's no specific reward for it. Then we can't say it sooner. But if you do have long hair, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said McConnell who shot for you crimbo whosoever has hair meaning of course most people have but meaning whoever has long hair, right? Well, whoever has long hair when you have if you have

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The hair, of course, short hair with you, there's nothing to do. You don't even need to go, you come out and that's it. When your hair is short, you don't need to do anything. But if you have long hair but you claim who means let let him take care of it.

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Let him take care of it. You know, if you have long hair, don't go out and like be shuffled, comb your hair and put oil and make yourself look nice because in Allah Hi Jim Elan herbal Gemma, Allah subhanho wa Taala is beautiful and he loves beauty. So it's if if you have long hair, which means that is it permissible to have long hair? Yes, up to wear up to your shoulders. And so how about past that? Scholars have mentioned if it's past the shoulders, then it's more similar. It's more of a resemblance to women. So the woman there at the time of the Prophet said, Well, hey, what's up, they used to have long hair to pass their shoulders, and the men would have hair up to their

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shoulders. And so we say well by society has changed. Now, you have a lot of men with long hair. Right? Well, we say you have a lot of men with long hair. There are a lot of men who don't even know that they're men.

00:36:11 --> 00:36:12

They have the

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right. They don't even know what they are. They're confused like 70 Something pronouns. What is it right now? That nobody I live in?

00:36:21 --> 00:37:05

Yeah. Like, it doesn't matter anymore. You know, what kind of hair you have nobody know that you can't say that this is female and male anymore. You know, as you can't even say that, Oh, women or girls are supposed to like pink? No, no, they're not supposed to like pink anymore. Right? What's going on? There's no, there's nothing feminine or masculine anymore, everything's meshed together. And this is something that is not a part of Islam, Islam, had there are certain characteristics that ALLAH SubhanA built, created in humanity in humans that are naturally more feminine, masculine, male and female and so forth are different, or different in the way that you know, a man can never give

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birth to a woman. Or okay we have to anyone, you haven't a tiny baby or anything like that, right? No matter what you do, you can't change. You can't change the way Allah created you the words the gender that Allah has chosen for you. You can't choose that. That's something that Allah Subhana Allah biologically, has chosen for you. And wherever ALLAH SubhanA wa has chosen for you, Allah knows best what's for you. And so we, you know, we surrender to the will of Allah Subhana Allah that we appreciate the blessings of Allah Subhana Allah so when a person has long hair, long hair during the time of the Prophet sallallahu ever was associated with women. So in that case, if there is in

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society, right now, if society if there is a people don't know, what is feminine, what is masculine, what is what hair, would this a woman's hair or men's hair, when people are confused now, what do you go back to? What's the standard, you go back to the time of the best generation,

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the generation, the of the Sahaba, during the time of Revelation, during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so we say that if you have long hair, that's associated with more feminine, so you should have your hair up to your you can have it long. Make sure you keep it well, nice, nicely comb oil, make it look nice, but don't let it grow to the point where it's almost like women like where it's for, it's longer. And the opposite is also for a woman, right? Opposite is also for a woman, she should keep her hair long, because that's something that's considered feminine. And Allah Subhana Allah,

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Allah somehow knows best. So another one,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Lola and Ashok kala Umatilla Amar, to whom if it wasn't so, difficult mind for my own, I would have ordered them what does that mean? That means if he would have ordered what it would have become, what would have been most what would what would the ruling be?

00:39:10 --> 00:39:29

It will be four or wajib it will be mandatory, right. So Mr. Lawson fill Mr. l would do that means if there is an order, then it is an indication that that is something that is obligatory, that is something that is obligatory why? Because

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if it wasn't, you know, because first of all, if it's something that's obligatory,

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it doesn't matter if it's difficult. If it's obligatory, then you have to do it. You have to do it. But if it's not, if it's permissible to, to, to, you know, to if it's still sunnah, then then you don't have to order because once you order Once the order is given by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Then it becomes mandatory. And

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of course

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some of the scholars have mentioned here, you know, when it comes to philosophy

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if there's an order, what is the ruling? The majority of the some of the scholars have said that if there's an order then the that the arson is as mandatory unless you have something that is that can that can signify that is not signify that's not like for example,

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when the devil, the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he ordered us to, he said by the novelist in shock

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value of eliciting chama Elana Kunis Hi bilevel Felicity insha Allah Hakuna sai when you make wudu, and you rent your nose and your mouth, you should you should exaggerate in it. Unless you are fasting.

00:41:03 --> 00:41:10

Unless you are fasting. Yeah, because when you're fasting you don't want to exaggerate it. So is this an order?

00:41:11 --> 00:41:20

Is this an order? Yes, it is an order by level for listing. That means if it's an if you're not fasting, then you have to. So this order is it mandatory.

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It's not mandatory because we have another Hadith that signifies that is not mandatory. The hadith of Arabi. The hadith Arabi is what Hadith of the Bedouin when the Bedouin came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, you also look a fatwa. How do I make wudu and the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Allah come, Amara, Allah make will do just like Allah subhana wa de ordered you to make will make will do just like Allah order intermingle. So how did Allah make orders to meet?

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The Quran and in surah, and made when ALLAH SubhanA, Allah mentions the steps I will do is isn't sharp mentioned there. It's not mentioned there, right? So this companion is going to make will do without, if he just follows that I in the verse, the verse in Surah, tyramide, he would not, he would not rinse his nose. But here we have in order to rinse the nose. So the scholars have said, Okay, there's an order here. But this order does not mean it's mandatory, because we have another Hadith

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we have another Hadith that will take the order or lower that will lower the the order to the point where it's met, it's recommended, highly recommended. But it's not there's not invalidated level. It's not does not invalidate, you will do. And

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some scholars have said it's the opposite. No, when there's an order that is right, it's recommended. Unless you have a hadith that mentions it's mandatory, and a loss of Hannah knows best. It really depends.

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It really depends on each should situation each issue. And Allah knows best. Of course.

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Some of the scholars have mentioned if it's an iba, that, if the order is in acts of worship, the acts that are mandatory in Dubai that then it is considered. It's considered wajib math because Allah says woman Almirall ileap God, Allah wham o mutal, it larly Allah, they have not been ordered except to worship Allah. So if it is related to worship, and it's an order based on this idea, then that order becomes mandatory. If it's connected to the worship of Allah subhana Tana, and Allah says, well, math, I love to Jinnah will insert Ilya balloon I have not created mankind and the jinn except for my worship. So in acts of worship, if the order comes in an act of worship, then that

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becomes mandatory because Allah has ordered us to, to worship Him. And while I'm motivated by that guy, that actually will short will the bass ashba for a slow fee list.

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But some of the scholars have mentioned this is what the scholars have mentioned, if it is not related to acts of worship,

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acts of ritual worship, that's what I mean, ritual worship, ritual worship is like prayer, Hajj, and so forth, different acts and there's an order in relation to that. Then it's considered Matt it's considered recommended and not mandatory like for example in when it comes to eating and drinking and wearing your clothes.

00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

Because it is considered a dumb and it's if there's an order

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It's recommended, but it's not mandatory. And

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it's really, you know, some of the scholars have mentioned this, but

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they are different. So opinion in terms of what's mandatory and what's not mandatory, because there are certain actions that are ordered for us, you know, that we have to do. But there's, there are orders that are specific, right, that are specific, and it's related to eating. But you really can't say that, okay, because it's a connected to eating, then is not mandatory. So for example, the Prophet sallallahu suddenly said, let that Kulu Mishima initiate on Yahoo, Luba chemin, do not eat with your left hand, because the shaytaan each with his left hand, so if someone had is able to eat with their right hand, because there are some people who, whose hands are, who they, you know, they

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can't use their right hand, they can only use their left hand, sometimes they have, they've had a stroke, sometimes they, some people are born with have a right hand, right. And in this case, of course, this only hand they're able to use their left hand, you can't tell them don't eat with your left hand. Otherwise, there'll be eating like, really good animal, right? We don't want that, use your left hand, we say use your left hand, these are exceptions for you. But by normal in normal situations, he says, let that call Mishima. So some scholars have mentioned because this is considered eating and drinking only. That is not mandatory. But other scholars have said no, it is.

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It is mandatory, it is mandatory. And so it is mandatory. So some scholars have mentioned noval. There's a hadith in which the prophets of Allah, I'm told, he said, he told a person he saw He saw a young boy eating he said, he said, Oh,

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he said, also, and so he was the right hand, either your right hand, and he said, I can't, I can't, I need the Preface. And if you can't, then you won't be able to. And from that point on, he was not able to lift his right here.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, The only reason why he did he because of because of arrogance, because of his arrogance. So what is it? Is it mandatory? The mandatory aspect here is do you have to use the right hand scholars? I said, Yes, this is an order. And this indication, this is an indication that it's mandatory, even as related to to eating and drinking others and said, No, the thing that he did wrong was he was arrogant.

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His arrogance is what his disobedience of the Prophet salaam recommending telling him, because there are certain situations that by default, it's not mandatory. But when you are being ordered to do so then it becomes mandatory. So like, for example, your mother, if your mother tells you to do something, whatever your father tells you to do something, and that particular action is not mandatory. But if your mother tells you to do it, the obedience of the mother becomes obligatory. So even if by default, it's not mandatory, for example, do you have to vacuum your house? Well, eventually you're gonna have to write

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or clean your house, if you're the only one doing it. Right. But if your mother says go back home and set aside go back in your house, they'll vacuum the house. Right, that vacuuming becomes mandatory because it's mandatory to be obedient to your mother. Right? And so it's the obedience right here. That's mandatory, not the actual eating itself. If someone were to eat they said that well, it's not haram it because it's connected to adapt. And well Oh, Adam, I think it really depends on specific situations and circumstances. And Allah knows best

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related to

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yes, it's rough of course haram but the thing is, you what, what kind of what what is meant by it set off you don't understand.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:37

There are so there are certain Kulu Astra wala 234 as rough means to waste, eat and drink and don't be wasteful. Yes. being wasteful is haram. being wasteful, is haram. But also there are certain situations that you can't you know, the you there are certain situations and circumstances sometimes if you're let's say you fall already eat and drink. Yes. And don't be wasteful. Right. So here when Allah Subhan says eat and drink so do you have to eat?

00:49:39 --> 00:49:42

Is it mandatory this summer? You have to eat

00:49:45 --> 00:49:53

you're gonna die anyways, if you don't eat you die. You're going to be eating. But does that mean you have to eat all the time? Is it mandatory it

00:49:54 --> 00:49:59

it just depends, you know, like you're going to have to eat anyways, Allah orders you to eat

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Yeah, right, yeah, eat, eat and you're gonna have to eat anyways, whether Allah orders you or not, you have to eat, but you have to eat that which is halal.

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But when you eat when Allah also don't eat, don't be wasteful. So don't be wasteful be wasteful, It's haram. But at the same time also, there are also situations. So don't be quick to judge that sometimes, if a person is already full, okay, you're already for your stuff.

00:50:26 --> 00:50:31

Should you eat more so that you don't waste?

00:50:32 --> 00:50:45

No, don't eat more than what you need. So sometimes you put in a situation you can't you're in a situation. Okay, what do I do now? And your your, you know, because there's some restaurants, they don't let you take home.

00:50:46 --> 00:51:03

They don't let you take home. Because I've been to restaurants like that. I ordered something. And then there's, I'll say, I'll eat it. And then the rest. And you know what I did? I said, Can I take this home? You know, can you take this home? Can I you know, can you? You know, they said, sorry? We don't we don't provide that service?

00:51:06 --> 00:51:25

No, no, there's not an America is okay. In Europe. Europe. Yeah. In Europe? No, no, they don't. They don't, it's considered a shame. It's like, what's very, very bad. If you eat at a restaurant, and you take home food from home, and there's like, No, it's not acceptable. And I was like, a shock. Because like, what?

00:51:27 --> 00:51:27

Like, I'd love it.

00:51:30 --> 00:51:36

I wanted to take it to the hotel, they said, Sorry, we don't provide that service. What am I gonna do? I'm gonna carry my pocket.

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They're not going to give me anything. They're not going to give me I don't have anything. And I'm already for. I've already. So in this case, what you're not really wasteful. But at the same time, you know, I didn't know about it. Right? I didn't know that. This is what this is the restaurants. And this is not a non Muslim as a as a Muslim restaurant.

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And so what they do is they'll say, Can you give me in the UK? They say that's why. I don't know. Maybe Maybe right now it's okay. You know, before you know this, in some restaurants, especially the fancy restaurants. Say Can you give me a doggie bag?

00:52:15 --> 00:52:26

Do you know what the why they call it a doggie bag? Because that food for dogs? The leftover food? I'm not taking it for me. No. I'm taking for my dog.

00:52:27 --> 00:52:29

Yeah, can you give me a doggie bag?

00:52:30 --> 00:52:34

Yeah, so they'll give you like a bag that you can't really eat from?

00:52:35 --> 00:52:40

Because it's meant for your dog. That's only some restaurants. And some restaurants won't give it to you.

00:52:42 --> 00:52:47

They won't give it to you. So different cultures and yeah, and their cultures if you ask for

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what are you doing eat at a restaurant, you have money in a restaurant and you're like that you're that cheap. That's what they consider you.

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but also their portions are a lot smaller anyways, but generally you should first time you know I went to I went to the one of these fancy restaurants and one of the European countries and the food came I looked at

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the I looked at the menu the order child's meal

00:53:16 --> 00:53:26

Yeah, portions are a lot smarter children's meal like what did they watch? Which Which movie which cuz he's not in America, you have a child section. They order from that?

00:53:27 --> 00:53:32

Where did it come from? But well i in America, that's why Europeans when they come to America, like

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big, huge portions. They think every portion is humongous. And everything's bigger than America. Everything's more. But

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you know. So when being wasteful really should, of course, it's haram to be wasteful.

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And if you can do something about it, then you should.

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In other words, don't you know if you can take it home or you can eat eat later or don't order it, you know, don't worry too much, and so forth. So here another thing that we learned from this hadith is Chef opportunities of Allah Allah, Allah Allah Almighty. We said that the compassion of the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam for his OMA because he says Lola and Chaka

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and of course Allah subhanho wa Taala mentioned Lola and Ashoka if only

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Lola and Ashok by the Prophet Solomon did not want to make a difficulty did not do make it difficult for us. And in the Quran, Allah subhanho wa Taala says as he's another human I need to hurry sonalika Bill McMann in a row for Rahim Allah subhana wa Tada describes the prophets of Allah Allah He was salam said as he used another human I need to as he is an ally he meant I need to any difficulty you feel any difficulty that the OMA feels any difficulty that you have. It's very difficult for him also. It's difficult. The province doesn't want us to go through hardships, any hardship that you feel he feels it also, as easily

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hey man I need to hurry as soon as they come and he's always he desires goodness for you. Bill Momineen towards the believers are over Rahim he's compassionate and merciful compassionate and merciful and loving you and the word Rahim itself. The word Rahim Raha the word Rahim in the Arabic language also means love, love and compassion, love and compassion. So the translation a lot of people they translate Rahim just to be merciful, what is merciful? In English, merciful. If you can harm somebody hurt someone and then you don't hurt them

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right? Like some of you you have the authority you can either you can capture him, please have mercy on me Have mercy on me. Right Is there is that this is that love? No. Like the person, the person, the person wants to

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kill you or he wants to hurt you and they say Have mercy on me. Right? Or you say love me please love me. I don't need the love. I just need you to have mercy on me. Right? So the word mercy in English does not have a cut, it does not have a facet of love.

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does not have a facet of love. But in the Arabic language. It's love and compassion, how do we know because the Prophet sallallahu mentions that indeed, Allah subhanho wa Taala has sat down he has, you know, he has he has sat down, he has 99

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portions of mercy of Rama and he sat down one and because of that one, a mother has Rama upon all the animals have Rama towards their children and a mother or the mothers have Rama towards their offsprings. So a mother having Rama towards the offspring as wept

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is love, compassion, love and compassion. It's not like the mothers are like,

00:57:12 --> 00:57:14

Yeah, I'm merciful. I'm not gonna hurt you.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:30

Is the compassion and love. Also not just mercy like mercy have mercy on me, right? Mercy only has its associated with strength. And you're not applying that strength and authority.

00:57:31 --> 00:58:31

Is, is mercy when you ask for someone's mercy in English. So that's why when you translate Rama, it's love, compassion and mercy, love, compassion, and mercy. That's what Rama is not just mercy, not just mercy, right? So you look at the usage of the word Rama, in the Quran, in the Hadith, in the, you know, in the Quran, and the Hadith, and in the Arabic language itself. There are situations where there's compassion and love is compassion, and love and mercy also at the same time, so encompasses all of that. Mercy. So growth is compassionate. Roof is compassionate, you know, compassionate Rahim. love, and compassion and mercy, love, compassion and mercy all together. And so

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that's the word Rama and Allah knows best.

00:58:34 --> 00:58:42

So, in sha Allah, let me just try to finish two more benefits. Take two more benefits and then we'll stop there Sheldon. We'll go to the next Heidi next week in Sharla.

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Another benefit

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the domestic the here we have the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. When he says Lola and Ashok Allahu Murthy let Amara to whom Lola and Ashok paella LA Marathon may if it wasn't for it wasn't so difficult for my own, I would have ordered

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here. So what does that mean?

00:59:11 --> 00:59:18

I would have ordered this means that the messenger of the mass messenger of Allah Himself,

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He has the authority from Allah subhanaw taala to order

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to order and if he were to order that it will be mandatory.

00:59:33 --> 00:59:38

He had the authority from Allah to order and he would have been mandatory but he has Nabil Rama

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these are compassionate. So it shows that it shows helps us to love the Prophet even more in that every time he is given an option for this Oma. He chooses the easier one for us.

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He chooses even though he was able to if he would have ordered he has the

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authority from Allah Subhana Allah Allah to make that mandatory. Otherwise he wouldn't. He wouldn't have said Lola and Ashoka alone, you understand? So even with that, but of course, sometimes the messenger will say something. But if, but Allah subhanho wa Taala can also reveal something that to make that to make that particular issue had, whether it's it's gonna remain stay or not. It's of course Allah subhanho wa Taala is the one who is the only true legislature, the one who makes the rules, but here, but in terms of the acts, the order itself, he could have ordered. Just like also if you want to pray every single day of taraweeh prayer, he didn't start over to happen.

01:00:44 --> 01:00:49

It would have been a mandatory for us to pray that our prayer, but he stopped because he was afraid that would it become obligatory.

01:00:50 --> 01:01:03

He was afraid though he was afraid that it would have become obligatory, which means what that means he ALLAH SubhanA gave him the authority. But he is so merciful towards the OMA that he always chooses that which is easy for the atma

01:01:04 --> 01:01:07

sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And also

01:01:09 --> 01:01:37

he mentioned for example, how the Assad so when he mentioned how the SAT this particular time, and of course, this particular time is what what's really late, that even though it's permissible to mention that this or that, if it's already understood, it's even if one does not clarify that no, this this particular time, that's really really late. If it's already understood, and Allah Subhana Allah knows best. Now we'll move on to the next Hadith I will just read the Hadith.

01:01:39 --> 01:01:54

Then next week, and shall we'll cover what's the Hadith. The hadith is from Aisha Radi Allahu anha. And then the result over Khalifa Salam called either attainments a Salah will have a Aisha felt that Oh, Bill Asha,

01:01:55 --> 01:02:01

either Okema to salata, when the karma has been called for prayer, I mean, it's time for prayer.

01:02:02 --> 01:02:32

Well, how about I Shah, and food dinner's brought for you ready? There has already been hollowed out that means dinner is there. Right not time for dinner. It could be time for dinner. But the food is not here. Hasn't been propped okay. There's a difference. Some people like this time for prayer. Oh, no, I'm hungry. No, no, you the food is there yet? No, you can still pray. But once the food is there, you're not going to concentrate anyways.

01:02:33 --> 01:02:54

Right So finish. So he said either Okay, Minnesota 200 Asha. So even when when prayer time comes. And it's a short prayer that I shot is dinner. Isha is prayer with the customer. Aisha food, Isha prayer, right? If you mess up one or the other.

01:02:55 --> 01:02:59

You might you might you might remain hungry. Like I want a shot.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:25

You want a shot? You will remain hungry. They won't give you any food. I shot I shot Yeah, that's give me the moment. The Fatah gave me the food. So if the food has arrived for that, Oh Bill, Aisha, start eating First eat and he can pray later if the food is already brought. And inshallah we'll discuss that next week in sha Allah.

01:03:26 --> 01:03:31

Next Next Wednesday in sha Allah when we meet again in sha Allah never have any other questions.

01:03:34 --> 01:03:36

Otherwise, inshallah prayer time is

01:03:37 --> 01:03:39

I should. Aisha is in two minutes.

01:03:41 --> 01:03:45

And then after that you guys can have your shot if you haven't had your shot yet.

01:03:47 --> 01:03:49

So shoulder Yes.

01:03:57 --> 01:04:15

Is it permissible? Is it permissible to eat while a person eating while you're standing, or drinking while the person is standing? We have a lot of we have had beef from the time of the prophets of Allah and suddenly the Messenger of Allah stood up and he drank exams and

01:04:16 --> 01:04:55

so he stood up and drank some some, some scholars said, Oh, this is permissible because the Messenger of Allah did he stood up and ingrained Lanza. And some people of course, you know, if you're if you're eating, if you're eating and walking, is that something that's haram? Is that permissible? Or is it not permissible? In some cultures? It's not it's not, you know, like if you if you live in some, I'm pretty sure like some some some Muslim countries like Somalia, right? If someone's walking around eating some some of the elders, okay, stop, sit down and eat, sit down to eat, right? So it's more in terms of permissibility it's more of a cultural thing

01:04:56 --> 01:04:59

than it is there's nothing that's prohibit don't eat while you're walking.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:29

There's nothing like that. But in terms of like, Should you respect that culture? Yes, you should. Because you know if, but should it be? Should it should it be something that is, you know so much that it would cause friction because sometimes in America, like, for example, there are certain things that are considered as in America and it's not like in some some cities or some countries, like if you're in some European countries, if you're eating and you burp,

01:05:31 --> 01:06:00

that's considered very, very rude. Right? I mean, not in America is considered very, very rude, right? In some countries, like even in some African countries, right? If you burped that's good. That's like, oh, yeah, yeah, my food is good. I think in Morocco, right. If somebody burps is okay, it's good. Yeah, it's okay. If somebody burps that's like, Hamdulillah you know, like, food is good. Hamdulillah. But in America, you burp in front of people. That's rude.

01:06:01 --> 01:06:22

Right. So it really depends on the culture. And it's not it hasn't and the respect for culture is also built into our Islam as long as it doesn't nullify conflict with anything that's haram in Islam is in principle Islamic principles. So you should respect that also. So if you're in a country that says that, you know, you shouldn't eat when you're walking around and so forth.

01:06:24 --> 01:06:31

Then just respect them. But in terms of halal or haram, it's considered at that, or more at that idea.

01:06:32 --> 01:06:32

The New Year

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