Abdulbary Yahya – Allah Love That Which Is Pure – Al-Nawawi’s Forty Hadith 10, 40

Abdulbary Yahya
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the acceptance and rejection of deeds and the importance of honoring Prophet's statement in one's actions. They emphasize the importance of remembering the Prophet's actions during prayer, reciting sermons, and not avoiding things that may happen. The speakers also emphasize the importance of avoiding vegetarianism and thanking people for their blessings. They stress the importance of thanking someone for their actions as a means of pride and appreciation, and encourage people to not complain about waste of money or doing small small things.
AI: Transcript ©
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Eat itself has to be peer, the action has to be peer. And so the item also has to be peer when someone gives for the sake of Allah, that which they give in southern pa has to be from that which is hella that not only from that because Hala otter from that way has come to us or has you have

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through means that are also Hala. And so otherwise not considered here. It's not considerably. It's not considered here and Allah subhanaw taala will reject it. Another thing that we extract and we can learn from this hadith is that deeds are divided into two parts to two types of deeds, that which is accepted, and that which is not accepted. So some deeds are accepted, that every deed is accepted, some deeds are accepted and some deeds are rejected. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu sallam said Les aquello Illa Heba he does not accept except for that, which is Pierre, which means that he does not accept what does that mean when it ALLAH SubhanA wa that said, he did not accept or

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that he accepts. The acceptance of a deed means the the affirmation and the confirmation, the affirmation or confirmation of reward, meaning Allah subhana thought were accepted, and it will give you a reward for it, he will reward you for it. If a person does something that is not accepted, not only is it not accepted, but if it's sinful, then he is also deserving of punishment. If he does not ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala for forgiveness, then he's deserving of punishment. So we know that two types of deeds, one is accepted, one is not accepted. And sometimes because it's also done wrong. So it's not accepted because it's done incorrectly. Not only is it of course, if it's insincere, it's

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not accepted. It was haram, it's not accepted. If the act is haram, it's not accepted. If the I mean, the actual

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item is haram than tempted. But also, if a deed is done incorrectly, he gives the cat to the wrong person, then it's also not accepted even if you're sincere. There's a cat does not count for example. And so another example of acceptance the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, he said, lyac Well Allah, so let Heidi come either

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had a at the workbook,

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Layer, Layer Caballo ALLAH, ALLAH SubhanA wa I will not accept. So that had equaled the prayer of one of you either, if he has already lost his although many of his broken is will do, or is in a state that's not here. He's not in a state of purity at the hara, he will not the deed will not be accepted, had they at our bar until he makes will do so if you want to stand up and pray. You can pray as many prayers you want. If you don't have although your prayers not accepted, you can be sincere, as sincere as you want. In your prayer. If you don't make wudu before your prayer, your prayer is not accepted. So you have to so the acceptance of a deep is that which is pure and done

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correctly, sincerely and also done correctly for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and if it's not, then it will be rejected because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Miami lamb and Alicia Allah He am Runa for whom

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whosoever does a deed that's not upon our affair, meaning it's not correct than accordance to the Quran and the Sunnah, then it will be rejected. Why? Because when when we say it's rejected, which means what? I suppose you're not gonna get any reward for and when you're doing a bad act of worship, you want to do something that you want to please Allah so that you can earn the reward from Allah subhanaw taala. So a deed is either accepted or rejected. So that's another benefit that we get from this hadith in Nova given Leia Caballo il for Heba. And another benefit that we extract from this particular hadith is that Allah subhanho wa Taala and also Allahi wa salatu salam, Yama,

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Roma Yun, however, the prophets and messengers of Allah subhanho wa Taala they're ordered also they are ordered to do things and they are also they are also prevented from doing things they're prohibited from doing certain things also and from where do we get this? The prophets of Allah Allah has some said in Allah Amara meaning Allah has ordered the believers be my Amma Ravi has more serene for with that which Allah has ordered that the messengers so Allah subhanho wa Taala ordered the messengers and they are the ones who follow the orders of Allah subhanho wa Taala in the most complete way, and they are the ones who worship Allah subhana wa Arpin

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are in the most complete way. And so the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to when Allah subhanho wa Taala orders them. Yeah, you had a Muslim woman, Leila Illa kalila he would stand up in prayer. And he prayed until his feet were swollen. And He prayed to His feet were swollen. Even though Allah subhanho wa Taala when he was said to him, that he has already forgiven his past and future since the prophets of Allah Allah Allah has some said If Allah Kunal Abdon shibaura, should I not be a servant of Allah that is thankful. And that's why one of the greatest one of the most encompassing dua we can make, is I do either it's taught to us that by by the prophets of Allah

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and so to say every prayer at the end of the prayer, before you give your salons, Allah whom eneolithic rica will show Kritika we're hosting a bad attic. Oh, Allah helped me to remember you, and to be thankful to you. And to perfect my worship of you. When you when you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala your EMA and your faith rises and goes up because you're conscious of Allah, when you're thankful for Allah subhana wa has blessing that he has given to you. You're in a state of app and a state of worship, you're generous, and, and then of course, you perfect your worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. That means you've done all of these things are leading to you, leading you to the

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perfection of the worship of Allah. And that's why these things are connected. Allah subhanho wa Taala orders us to remember him. And when we remember him, we when we're praying when we remember him, that's part of our excellence, yes, and in our acts of worship, and then when we're thankful we increase our worship of Him. And so the perfection of the acts of worship, is applying all of these things. So that Allah subhanho wa Taala will accept our deeds. And that's why we say aloha man. In the allopathic Rica, we're sure Kritika will host me Reba Detrick. Because when you are, when you have who show and your prayer, that's when you reward that's when you're getting the reward. And

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then when you're thankful to Allah, that's when you increase your acts of worship. And when you perfect your worship of Allah subhanho wa taala. By doing it correctly, by doing it sincerely, then Allah subhanho wa Taala except your deeds. And so the prophets of Allah, Allah Himself himself, we learn. Of course, we know that he even though Allah has already forgiven him, he stands up and he prays, he prays at no time to the point where he used to recite as

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the sahabi sahabi, Algerian right have no Yemen or not the Allahu Anhu. He said, he said he stood up and he prayed with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam one night for ora Surah Al Baqarah. He recited Surah Al Baqarah. This is a one for 111 raka for all to hear in Delia. I said, after he finishes 100 He'll make repo from our hat had to acmella and he continued to pray until he finished the whole Surah until he finished football to your cap. And I said you know he's going to stop here right because as soon as it's finished, he's getting ready to make Rico know the Messenger of Allah Allah Allah Who atom did not for sure IFP Surah Nisa that he completely read he recited Surah Nisa

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for Camilla, and he completed the whole surah and then he thought, Okay, this is it. So Masha Rafi Surah Ali Imran, for our Camilla and then he

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finished solarium Ron, and he completed it. And you know, how old are they familiar man was during this time, he was just a teenager. He was a youngster. And he's praying behind the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Messenger of Allah so Allah Allah has some is, is reading three Surah another thing that we benefit from this hadith is that if you were to recite a surah even if you recite it out of order, that is permissible. Why because he recited Surah Al Baqarah. And then what comes after Surah Baqarah Ali Imran, but he didn't wish I was told Alima he recite Surah An Nisa so and then he went back and he recited Surah Al Imran so that's why if you like some

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brothers like a lot like when they play well, I was a bit of Ben Affleck. Oh yeah, Allah, where do I do?

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What do I recite? That's the end. Now you can go back and recite any Surah it doesn't have to be in a particular it doesn't have to be the order of the surah that's in the Quran when you're reciting in prayer so even

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Have your cycle or with NASA to last for you finish. There's nothing else left after it. So you can go back and recite any of the sorrows before that if you like because the Messenger of Allah in one Rucker, he didn't even recite it in an order. So that's why it's permissible to do so. And another, another youngster, Abdullah Namba, Surah de la Juan Houma. He stood up with the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Messenger of Allah recited the same thing. And Abdullah numbers. And he added, he said, he made ROCOR. And his ROPO was similar to the time he was standing. Yeah, Allah.

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How long did it take to resize to Rebekah his report was similar to that. And his sujood was similar to that. Yeah, Allah. So how perfect were the acts of worship of the Prophet sallallahu herself. So the loss of handler orders the messengers, to do things, and who are the ones who, and they are the ones who do it in the most complete way possible. The best way possible. When Allah orders the messages, they are examples for us. And then we compare ourselves to the messengers are acts of worship, and don't even come close. But we just know we tried to imitate we do as much as we can. Right? We try to imitate, and we do as much as we can. Like, during Ramadan, we're only imitating

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it's like, we're not even we're not even coming close to the way that the Companions used to pray. Why? Because when we pray, we pray eight Raka. Right, we pray a rocket, how long does it take us to pray eight, we started the lab 12 o'clock, or 11 on your list this year, for example, we start at 1030 or 10, do we end

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1130 right around the right cluster, we're already home at 1130. Before 12 o'clock, right, we're already finished. And we're like my shot. We did good.

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During the time of the companions, they used to pray. And they used to continue praying, you come to the masjid at any time. There are people who are praying, and you can continue. And so sometimes, sometimes the Companions would come and then they'd have they call it thoroughly because they would take a break. And then they would continue again, because they would continue the whole time. One rock I was very, very long, one of the records probably equivalent to our whole per hotel away priority.

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Right. And so we're really trying to imitate them in terms of aid. But in terms of like, yeah, numbers of inequality, we're very far from it. And that's why we have so much more to go. And so sometimes there's the horror that comes to us, we think we did really well. Now ask Allah to accept because we're only trying to imitate this, like how sometimes your children try to pretend to do things that you that you do on a normal basis that you go to your work right here, when we go to work. Sometimes you do whatever it is that you're working, your job is sometimes your children, your kid, especially the young kids, they try to pretend Oh, I'm I'm Daddy, I'm gonna pretend to do this,

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whatever, whatever is it that you do for us in terms of our worship, it's like play compared to the worship of the people before. But Allah subhanaw taala is, you know, we just hope that a lot of hammers merciful towards us, and accepts from us, we try our very best. But in terms of the companions, when they're ordered to do something, they do it perfectly. And we try to achieve as much as we can try to, to try to imitate and follow in their examples and follow in what they have ordered what they have set for us in terms of the examples. And so

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another thing that we benefit, of course, is that the prophets, the Prophets and Messengers were ordered. The believers are also ordered the same things, the same type of things, when hola Amara, meaning Robbie Hill mercerie. So Allah subhanho wa Taala orders the believers to follow the examples of the messengers of the messengers of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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You know, when when a person

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tries to follow their example

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will use the example to try to motivate us. So sometimes it's a lot there's a lot of we need motivation to do deeds right. So we try to read the we try to follow the examples of the companions and follow the examples of the messenger prophets and messengers of Allah. And if you will feel like your Eman is weak. Try to read about the acts of worship of the people before and inshallah push you in terms of their horseshoe in terms of how they used to pray. And sometimes it's difficult for at the beginning, it's like there's no comparison. But if you make the effort, Allah will make things easy for you

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And then at the end inshallah you will start to love to worship Allah subhanho wa Taala and have those desires also. And so another thing that we benefit here is that Allah subhanho wa Taala Amara will actually mean it for you but a little more meaning one mursaleen Allah subhanho wa Taala orders the believers, and the messengers to eat from that which is fear. Allah subhanaw taala has ordered the believers to eat from that which is pure. And so the so piety and righteousness is not in avoiding things that we think are not good meaning without any evidence and the proofs like for example, you know, the, the, the questions and the Buddhists, what are some of the things that they

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don't eat? They fast, you know, they say they fast? What are they fast from? The Buddhist? They fast from eating? Animal products? Are they eating anything? And so the only plants, right and so you have, you have the Buddhists for example, if you go to a Buddhist country, like if you go in Vietnam, there's it's a Buddhist country, we go to Vietnam, if you want to find halal, halal food, the best place to find halal food is you look for a temple, you look for a temple, next to the temple, there's always a vegetarian restaurant. And they make very good vegetarian food. It's all vegetarian, there's no nothing, not even milk. Nothing, no eggs, nothing. Oh, vegetarian, but they

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make it very, very nice. So if you go to some Buddhist, if you're like, on vacation, and you're going to some Buddhist country, always, even in Thailand, you look for the temples, next to the temple, you have restaurants, and that's where all the vegetarian restaurants are. Why? Because all the monks they eat vegetarian only. And people who are, you know, they, for example, they commit sin, they've done something very bad. And usually it's not because they did something very bad. It's usually because something bad happens in their life, then I like stuff that a lot. So they shave their head. And that's the repentance, right? The Buddhists, they shave their heads. And then they

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said, you know, I'm not going to do that again. That's why I lost my house. That's why I lost my car. That's why this thing happened. That happened. So they okay, I'm not gonna eat any more animals. And they think that's piety and righteousness. And Islam, we don't have that. Allah subhanaw taala orders us to eat from that, which is pure for you, but and so those who are saying, like, there are some people who say, you know, I don't want to eat, I want to be a vegetarian and Muslim vegetarian.

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It's not something that's praiseworthy. Like, why do you want to be mostly vegetarian? If it's because of, let's say, the doctor says, No, you should not be eating so much meat because of, because you have gout or something, you know, like, certain types of certain types of sicknesses. And that you may have that as a result of eating certain types of food, you're going to, it's going to affect you. And, and so you eat because of, you know, because of the of those reasons, that's okay, it's permissible. And so you know, I'm not going to eat red meat, I'm going to stay away from red meat, but to say, Okay, I'm gonna stay away from red meat because, you know, I'm trying to be

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pious, I'm trying to do good. I'm trying to try to, you know, to save the planet,

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trying to save the planet, because, you know, we, if we too many cows, you know, they they released methane or whatever it is, that will destroy the ozone or

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whatever it is, you know, like, if you're trying to be thinking you're thinking certain acts or certain foods that's halal, and you avoid it because you think it's praiseworthy. You think it's something praiseworthy? That's not something that's praiseworthy? Because Allah subhanho wa Taala has ordered us and He's given us the, he's, he's giving us the Hadiya a gift to eat, go ahead, eat and some people might say, well, but you know, that's cruelty towards animals, you're slaughtering the animals, No, Allah subhana wa Tada created all of this for you. Allah gave you this and this is what Allah subhanho wa Taala raised your status hamdulillah the animals are not slaughtering us.

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Allah raise your status. And Allah subhana wa says this is for you, as long as you slavery and you eat that which is halal. It's something that Allah has gifted us with, that Allah Subhana Allah, Allah and when he gifts us, and He gives you that as a gift, then accepting it is something that's praiseworthy, and that's why the prophets and messengers are allowed to accept gifts because the acceptance of gift of gifts

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is a praise worthy character. And when when somebody gives you a gift, when you don't accept a gift, that's something that is not praiseworthy. And somebody, you know, he, somebody loves you, somebody wants to do something good for you. And they're giving you a gift that you accept it. Because the prophets and messengers are the most noble of people, and they used to accept gifts, even if it's just a small amount, even if it's just something small, something tiny, like a piece of candy. If somebody gives you as a gift, then you take it because it's something that's praiseworthy, if you reject a gift, then that's not something that's praiseworthy, that's a sign of sort of like, a

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little bit of arrogance. But in terms of Sadaqa, charity, the Prophets and Messengers did not accept territory, they don't accept charity, and the family of the prophets of Allah, Allah have some do not accept charity, because there's a difference between sadaqa when you see someone in need, and you're giving to them, then when you see someone whom you love, and you're praying, you want to honor them. When somebody wants to honor you, you allow them to do so. And so that's why you have some, some people you like, you know, the extreme Sufi, sometimes, they, they go to the, they go to a point where they, you know, where people praise them, and they raise them to the status where

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they're like, almost saints and so forth, like, and they get people to, like kiss their feet and things like that. That's, that's extreme, that's extreme. But if someone who's a teacher and you're honoring your teacher, it's okay to for the teacher to accept, you know, in terms of, you know, like, somebody wants to help him when you see somebody in a, you know, who, who is respectful, and you want to help them or you want to give them a gift, that's something that's something that is something that's praiseworthy, or you give you, your parents or your family members, your friends and family, the acceptance if if you want to do nine, you want to be nice to them and you're going

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to give to the donor, I don't I don't need it, I don't need it. That's not something that's praiseworthy. So when Allah gives us the opportunity, and he's giving us he says, this is the year these are pure things, eat eat of it.

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Then eat of it in sha Allah and be thankful to Allah subhana wa Tada for rejecting it is not something that is praiseworthy. But whatever, it's something like yeah, sometimes I'm certain types of food, certain types of food that you don't, you don't like, right? Because sometimes, you know, you go to your brother's house when you go to somebody's house, and they give you certain types of food, but the food that they are giving you is not something you're used to, like you're not used to eating and sometimes certain foods like I know some of the brothers mashallah, like I when I was a student at Islamic University of Medina, some of the brothers I don't I think the, you know, the

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from, I think from Nigeria, and when they cook, my eyes tear up just walking by it. It is so hot, spicy. Literally, they tear up. Like how am I supposed to eat that? Like, if I'm already crying, I didn't even eat yet. I'm just walking by that food and all the crap.

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So how can I eat that? But that for them? Mashallah. That's really good. And for us, you know, for people in Southeast Asia, we have this dried fish. And we when we cook it, we still have my house. That smells so good. Some of the air brothers that walk by they throw up. No, I'm not talking about like, they lived they, they they pretend No, no, literally, they smell it. And brother came in, he ran to the balcony, and he threw up just smelling the food. And then he came, but you know, he'll haven't really had very good character. He came back to he said, How do you guys eat that? You know, he didn't complain or anything like that. He says, but we and we said, You know what, for us when we

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were getting together, we said, Man, that's really good food, we miss home. And he walks by and he can't stand it. Like he literally throws up just smelling the food. You know, this is like this dry fish that you try and you can see there's a certain smell to it. That's for people who are used to it, they like it, right? And so that's why there's some fruits, even if you go to Asia, Southeast Asia, you go to Malaysia, you go to Singapore, there are signs. You're not allowed to bring Dorian to the house to the hotel. Right and then the people they're like, you know the Eat mashallah they love it, and it smells to them smells good. They like the smell so good. But people from the West,

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they're not used to that smell. They, when they smell it, they just want to throw up and that's why they don't allow you even to bring it into the bus.

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Public transportation, they have actually signs because so many people, they can't stand the smell of that.

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Fruit, right? And so but the people that are used to it, so you don't reject, you know, when when it comes to saying that, if it's if it's not your food, it's okay to not eat it. But to say don't I don't eat meat in general, you know, or to say that I don't eat chicken, or I don't eat lamb because, you know, like, it's something that's pretty nice if you don't like it, it's okay. It's not, you know, it's not the food of your people. Like for example there I know. Mashallah. Some of the brothers from East Africa, you know, when it comes to camel meat, and yet good, good meat, right? camel meat, like some people like

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especially goat meat, goat meat and lamb. If you go to Southeast Asia, I will say over 50% of the woman they can't eat goat meat or lamb. They can't stand the smell of it. So when you slaughter goat meat or lamb, they come to you and you slaughter that they won't eat anything of it. They say Oh, so you have chicken? Yeah, fish. Anything else? They won't be they won't eat it. So if you go

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see, you bring goat meat to the championship? I would say 70% The woman won't eat it.

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Yeah, they won't eat it.

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They did they just look that's why when they have gold, me and lamb.

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The they all they always make chicken with it. Because so many people don't eat that don't eat and you're like how do you know any Somalia says I don't eat goat meat.

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You know what?

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Like doesn't make sense to me. That's like, you know, eat food?

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Yes, but then oh, in Asia, they can't eat it. Yeah, I slaughtered when you know, when my son was born and I made thick, you know, and actually I made you know, alcohol and Manal that people deliver it used to it, but before

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you give it to them. No, I can't know why. And they're hungry. They have no meat. But give them go eat, they can eat go away. They so it's okay, if you're not used if it's not your food. Even the profits are low value or someone above the lizard was brought to him, the Messenger of Allah Allah and did not touch it. But there's a difference. He didn't really he didn't complain about the food.

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I but also the law he saw a lot as environment is as to how

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the Messenger of Allah never complained about food. If he liked it, he ate it. If he did it, he just stayed away from it. So you know, when you're cooking, when people cook, they're proud of their food. Or they're very proud. And that's why if your wife cooks something don't ever say it's no good.

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Not salty, or too salty or anything like that, unless she asked you like, honestly, like, hey, we have guests. And you know, is this enough salt, or something like that. But to complain, people take very, very pride they had they take pride in their food. And that's why we go to a restaurant, that the cook is very good there. Sometimes the cook will come out and say How do you like the food? Right? How do you like the food? If the cook sees you putting a lot of stuff on it. Right? You know, a lot of lot of like hot sauce and things like that with it. He's like,

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he's not going to be happy. Why? Because he tried to make it good already, and you're trying to mess it up.

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So if you go to like a fine restaurant,

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the cook comes out don't put anything on the food unless it's made for it. Unless you're supposed to if you're trying to add anything for him that they're like they're looking at it. You just messed up my food I spent so much time to try to perfect it. Right the amount of salt and sweetness and sourness on it and now you like messed everything up.

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Like tasting first, before you do anything, right? If you don't like taste at least taste it because some people like No, I like salt they put salt by the way they don't have any tasted the food yet. So anyways, when Allah subhanaw taala gives you something you know, like a Rojas. Then you take it, you take it because it's an honor to you know, it's it's, it's something that's for you.

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It's good, good character to accept something that somebody tries to help tries to make easy for you. So when Allah subhanaw taala allows you to pray to rock when you're traveling, and you pray for it is more rewarding to pray to than to pray for.

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Why? Because it's a Rasul Allah subhanho wa Taala loves it. And you're thorough. Hassan totaro HRSA, Allah Subhana Allah loves that you take His rasa, then you take his concessions. And so Allah Subhana Allah has given to us at the bath, eat of the meat, whatever you whatever it is that you like

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Because of that, which ALLAH SubhanA has given to you. And if you stay if you don't like a certain thing don't complain about if some other people like it, because there are some people, you know, if if they think that something is good, they think everybody else should think it's something that's good. Awesome. I know that some people, like, you know, there was like, a you don't you don't like that I don't understand. How can you not like it? How can you not like this? How can you not like that? Like, that's just not the food of my people. It's not the food of my people just like, you know, when a lot of you know a lot of people who from different countries, like if you go to a good

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if you go to, you know, a Somali restaurant handle everybody knows what kind of food the Somali food is very, very well known. Right? East African very, very well known. And then you bring Japanese food. Right and Japanese food like there's fish. And you look at the session is pink. Like, has this been cooked? There's no There's no cooked, like, How can you eat something that's not cooked? Right? How can you eat something is not cooked. But that's the thing and sometimes you don't know how to eat. You just eat it just like that. And like, well, that's not good. That's because there's other sauces you have to put with it. That's why I'm Charla

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I have a story one of the when whenever the Maitreya he came to me, or he came to we were at a conference together in Vancouver. And of course Vancouver is like similar to Seattle. One thing they have that's really good as seafood and you know, like sushi and things like that, right? And that's on the west coast. So he's, you know, he's, he's actually, he's not used to eating this, this type of food. Right? He's from the same from the UK. And so I brought him to a sushi restaurant. And I told them, I said, don't touch the UI or everything for you. And I know what kind of food that they you know, like, that they're so used to. So I ordered the things that are closest, the closest to

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the taste

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what he's used to, right, even though it's sushi, even though it's Japanese, but you order certain things that are closest, and you don't go too extreme, because he's not maybe he's not ready for that. You take it one step at a time. So he came to me hamdullah we ate and he said, I told her, here's how you eat. You put this sauce on here like this. And he ate it makes it much harder. That was amazing. Really good food. I never had sushi in my life. But that was really good. That was really good. So he went back to the UK. He went back to the UK and he said, Wow, this is really good food. So he's looking for a sushi place.

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And he wants to he wants to make his family happy.

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He wants to you know, he wants to make it a special because he of course his wife, his children to hey, we're gonna go out eat or you know, restaurant? Like what kind of sushi sushi that Yeah. So it was really, really good. Really, really good, right? So he goes and he brings the whole family to a sushi restaurant. And he doesn't know how to order because I order everything for him because I know what to order. So he just orders you know anything. So it's just pointing like randomly. So they bring the food and he's eating it. And his family's.

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This this is good food.

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Is this what you call good food? And they couldn't it couldn't eat it. They couldn't even stand it. Like they couldn't even finish. They like Okay, let's take this whole but we don't want to take it Oh, who's gonna eat it?

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And so his whole family they went it's supposed to be a special meal. So they actually went to a small industry

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and then like they spent a lot of money on sushi. And it's really you know, like expensive sushi also good chi, right? And the heated so they all went the next time went to the UK. I met him and he says, he says the body said I went to a sushi place here, but it was not good.

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I said what did you order? I don't know when I ordered I did not know. So he said hey, listen, let me Let's go. So we brought I brought him back to a sushi sushi place. Okay, I said, this is what you have to order. This is how you're supposed to eat. Yeah, this is how you're supposed to eat. You know, it's like somebody's giving you tea, right? And you get a tea and they have sugar. And then they have milk with the tea. So you don't know that you're supposed to put the sugar in the milk in the tea. So you just drink the tea like

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this is really taste right. So the sushi is the same. He's eat his they ate everything. But they didn't put anything with it. It's like oh, Katya is the same. I mean tea if you don't put sugar in milk or Somali like you, it's not tea, right? It's like very few people eat you have to have sugar and milk and at least sugar, right? Otherwise it's like, you know, that's not that's not the taste that you're used to. So the same with sushi. It has different it has different

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types of things and you have to pay you even have to learn to eat it. So they'll give you like ginger. And why do you eat the ginger is to reset your palate. So you can taste every food because you know how we when you drink something very when you eat something very, very sweet. And then that which is supposed to be sweet is not sweet because you ate something so sweet already. This like, Oh, this is not sweet. Oh yeah, because you ate something sweet. And so it's already your taste has already reached this level. And so you're not tasting the sweetness of this with a little bit of sugar and this one because you have something so much more sweeter than that. And that's why if you

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had tea with with with before eating the sweets, it's okay, your your your taste the sweetness, but we have something very sweet then you eat the teas, okay, that's not enough sweetness, right? So the same way with all the food. Every time you eat something, you have to eat this ginger to reset your palate. And then you can taste every food. So you have to know how to eat it also. So the brothers had a goal near the chef. He said go let's go let's go to Somalia to you have to bring me to into to

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a sushi restaurant and he had to teach me how to eat it. Yeah, these mad order. So I said we came we went again. You know, you went after the lecture we went. I said, Okay, this is what you ordered what you're supposed to do. And then Xi came in, I said to you guys go. I said no, my children never wanted to go again.

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I tried to get them even though now you know how to order. They were not they said no. They're like, don't we want to waste our money. We don't want to waste our time that food is just nasty. You can stand it. So anyways, sometimes, you know you when you certain types of food you might not like you might because you're not used to it's okay. But don't complain. Don't complain. So when Allah Subhana Allah gives you make something halal.

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There are some people who like certain things, right? And it's allowed for them Hamdulillah you know, let them eat it don't complain. Don't say oh, how can you like how can you like camo camo so nasty.

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That's what they like. And that's what you like. Everybody hear Allah Subhana Allah has answers for you. But some is pure and clean. The needed. If you don't like certain things, like say you don't like meat, you don't like certain types of meat. It's okay. It's fine. But if it's halal, don't say that, Oh, you know, I don't eat that meat because I'm better than you

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know, it was Halal hamdulillah the people eat. Don't make something that Halal haram when ALLAH SubhanA makes it for you, but it's a hadiya it's something that, that unless you have a legitimate reason to not eat something. If it's the Yep, then it's not Praiseworthy, the, to stay away from it and think that it's a sign of piety and righteousness. And also then another thing that we learn from this hadith is that it is fun, you know, and the verses that come with this particular hadith is that your it's mandatory for us to be thankful for the blessings that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us. And how do you how can we show that we're thankful? By doing righteous deeds, to show

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that you're thankful to Allah, you do righteous deeds, because ALLAH SubhanA thermoses Kulu Minetta ye that eat from that which is here, and then what we're Malou salejaw and do righteous deeds to be Thank you want to show that you're thankful for the blessings that Allah has given to you? Gulu minitool Eva II from that which is pure and clean, be thankful to Allah subhanho wa Taala and then do righteous deeds. And then Allah subhana wa says, Hello, I'm in the bathroom I was at Nakhon II from that which We have provided for you of that which is Pierre, wash curule, Allah and B. And, and also be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala. And so, in this,

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in this in these verses that are meant that are mentioned in this hadith, you know, the as part of this hadith, Allah Subhana Allah orders us to be thankful to him by doing righteous deeds in Allah hamara meaning the mama Robbie has more serene. So Allah Subhana Allah orders, order the believers what he ordered the order the messengers, and so what did he ordered them to do? I could manipulate you back eat from that, which is pir. And the second thing is what, when I'm on solid, and doing righteous deeds, so it which is good, be thankful to Allah, but also do righteous deeds and be thankful to Allah subhanaw taala for those blessings, that Allah subhanaw taala by doing righteous

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deeds, who are Melo salejaw and so thankful and being thankful to Allah is being obedient to the one who has given you those blessings.

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by being thankful to Allah, we are thankful to Allah by being obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala and by doing good, we're doing good deeds. And so Lamelo salejaw do righteous deeds, what are righteous deeds again, righteous deeds are deeds that are sincere, and they are done correctly for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah and they are done correctly. And so Allah Subhana Allah, Allah or the messengers, and Allah subhanho wa Taala also,

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in this particular Hadith we know that,

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to eat righteous, the good deeds, something that which is peer, and abstain from that which is haram abstain from that which is why because when you eat and you take from that which is haram, then Allah subhanaw taala will not accept your DUA

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will not accept your DUA because this man who is traveling, he's traveling for a very long time and he raises his hands and Allah subhanaw taala rejects his his, his dry, well my time Hara Mushara goo Hara, what would they have? been used to? Yeah Bula so how am I going to accept his do is application so one of the ways it and be thankful to Allah that means what if you're thankful to Allah in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala will also accept your DUA being thankful to Allah is Allah will accept your DUA being thankful to Allah means that you are careful what you put into your mouth, making sure that you are not doing something that is pleasing to Allah subhanaw taala and so

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this is this particular Hadith inshallah we had, there's still some more that we need to cover.

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And we covered a lot of the a lot of it already, but inshallah we will continue

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next week, with the Hadith 11 and 12, and so forth. So we're 1/4 of the way already in sha Allah. And we'll continue again so next week in sha Allah will continue with this hadith. And we'll move on to the next Hadith also. But the main lesson from this is that when Allah subhanho wa Taala gives you a blessing. Take those blessings, be thankful to him by increasing your acts of worship, by praying by giving sadaqa a by doing that which is pleasing. Allah subhanaw taala and Allah subhanho wa Taala will give you more, not only that, Allah Subhana Allah will also accept your Ripa, your your your your DUA, when you're thankful, you know, when someone is thankful to you, you continue to

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help them out and you give them more when someone's not thankful.

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Thankful to you, then you don't want to help them anymore. Right when they when I think what you don't want to help them. So when we're thankful to Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah, when we're thankful to Allah, Allah Subhana Allah will continue to give us more. When we're thankful to Allah when you want something, Allah Subhana Allah they will give it to you and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us amongst those who remember him for

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